The Book Of Revelation

George Burnside


The Study of the Books of Daniel and the Revelation

Let none think, because they cannot explain the meaning of every symbol in the Revelation, that it is useless for them to search this book in an effort to know the meaning of the truth it contains. The One who revealed these mysteries to John will give to the diligent searcher for truth a foretaste of heavenly things. Those whose hearts are open to the reception of truth will be enabled to understand its teachings, and will be granted the blessing promised to those who "hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein." In the Revelation all the books of the Bible meet and end. Here is the complement of the book of Daniel. One is a prophecy; the other a revelation. The book that was sealed is not the Revelation, but that portion of the prophecy of Daniel relating to the last days. The angel commanded, "But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end." Daniel 12:4. [Acts Apostles 585]

Unfolding The Future

Those who eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of God will bring from the books of Daniel and Revelation truth that is inspired by the Holy Spirit. They will start into action forces that cannot be repressed. The lips of children will be opened to proclaim the mysteries that have been hidden from the minds of men. Many of the prophecies are about to be fulfilled in quick succession. Every element of power is about to be set to work. Past history will be repeated; old controversies will arouse to new life, and peril will beset God's people on every side. Intensity is taking hold of the human family. It is permeating everything upon the earth. Study Revelation in connection with Daniel, for history will be repeated. We, with all our religious advantages, ought to know far more today than we do know. [Maranatha 30]

Books For Our Time

Daniel and Revelation, Great Controversy, Patriarchs and Prophets, and Desire of Ages should now go to the world. The grand instruction contained in Daniel and Revelation has been eagerly perused by many in Australia. This book has been the means of bringing many precious souls to a knowledge of the truth. Everything that can be done should be done to circulate Thoughts on Daniel and Revelation. I know of no other book that can take the place of this one. It is God's helping hand. [Publishing Ministry 356]

Time No Longer

The book that was sealed was not the book of Revelation, but that portion of the prophecy of Daniel which related to the last days. The Scripture says, "But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased" (Dan. 12:4). When the book was opened, the proclamation was made, "Time shall be no longer." (See Revelation 10:6.) The book of Daniel is now unsealed, and the revelation made by Christ to John is to come to all the inhabitants of the earth. By the increase of knowledge a people is to be prepared to stand in the latter days. [2 Selected Messages 105]

Understand The Prophecies

Ministers and people declared that the prophecies of Daniel and the Revelation were incomprehensible mysteries. But Christ directed His disciples to the words of the prophet Daniel concerning events to take place in their time, and said: "Whoso reads, let him understand." Matthew 24:15. And the assertion that the Revelation is a mystery, not to be understood, is contradicted by the very title of the book: "The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto Him, to show unto His servants things which must shortly come to pass. Blessed is he that reads, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand." Revelation 1:1-3.

Says the prophet: "Blessed is he that reads"--there are those who will not read; the blessing is not for them. "And they that hear"--there are some, also, who refuse to hear anything concerning the prophecies; the blessing is not for this class. "And keep those things which are written therein"-- many refuse to heed the warnings and instructions contained in the Revelation; none of these can claim the blessing promised. All who ridicule the subjects of the prophecy and mock at the symbols here solemnly given, all who refuse to reform their lives and to prepare for the coming of the Son of man, will be unblessed.

In view of the testimony of Inspiration, how dare men teach that the Revelation is a mystery beyond the reach of human understanding? It is a mystery revealed, a book opened. The study of the Revelation directs the mind to the prophecies of Daniel, and both present most important instruction, given of God to men, concerning events to take place at the close of this world's history. [Great Controversy 341]

Divine Illumination

God's Spirit has illuminated every page of Holy Writ, but there are those upon whom it makes little impression, because it is imperfectly understood. When the shaking comes, by the introduction of false theories, these surface readers, anchored nowhere, are like shifting sand. They slide into any position to suit the tenor of their feelings of bitterness.... Daniel and Revelation must be studied, as well as the other prophecies of the Old and New Testaments. Let there be light, yes, light, in your dwellings. For this we need to pray. The Holy Spirit, shining upon the sacred page, will open our understanding, that we may know what is truth.

There is need of a much closer study of the word of God; especially should Daniel and the Revelation have attention as never before in the history of our work. We may have less to say in some lines, in regard to the Roman power and the papacy; but we should call attention to what the prophets and apostles have written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit has so shaped matters, both in the giving of the prophecy and in the events portrayed, as to teach that the human agent is to be kept out of sight, hid in Christ, and that the Lord God of heaven and His law are to be exalted. Read the book of Daniel. Call up, point by point, the history of the kingdoms there represented. Behold statesmen, councils, powerful armies, and see how God wrought to abase the pride of men, and lay human glory in the dust.

The light that Daniel received from God was given especially for these last days. The visions he saw by the banks of the Ulai and the Hiddekel, the great rivers of Shinar, are now in process of fulfillment, and all the events foretold will soon, come to pass.

Consider the circumstances of the Jewish nation when the prophecies of Daniel were given.

Let us give more time to the study of the Bible. We do not understand the word as we should. The book of Revelation opens with an injunction to us to understand the instruction that it contains. "Blessed is he that reads, and they that hear the words of this prophecy," God declares, "and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand." When we as a people understand what this book means to us, there will be seen among us a great revival. We do not understand fully the lessons that it teaches, notwithstanding the injunction given us to search and study it.

In the past teachers have declared Daniel and the Revelation to be sealed books, and the people have turned from them. The veil whose apparent mystery has kept many from lifting it, God's own hand has withdrawn from these portions of His word. The very name "Revelation" contradicts the statement that it is a sealed book. "Revelation" means that something of importance is revealed. The truths of this book are addressed to those living in these last days. We are standing with the veil removed in the holy place of sacred things. We are not to stand without. We are to enter, not with careless, irreverent thoughts, not with impetuous footsteps, but with reverence and godly fear. We are nearing the time when the prophecies of the book of Revelation are to be fulfilled.

We have the commandments of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ, which is the spirit of prophecy. Priceless gems are to be found in the word of God. Those who search this word should keep the mind clear. Never should they indulge perverted appetite in eating or drinking.

If they do this, the brain will be confused; they will be unable to bear the strain of digging deep to find out the meaning of those things which relate to the closing scenes of this earth's history.

When the books of Daniel and Revelation are better understood, believers will have an entirely different religious experience. They will be given such glimpses of the open gates of heaven that heart and mind will be impressed with the character that all must develop in order to realize the blessedness which is to be the reward of the pure in heart.

The Lord will bless all who will seek humbly and meekly to understand that which is revealed in the Revelation. This book contains so much that is large with immortality and full of glory that all who read and search it earnestly receive the blessing to those "that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein."


One thing will certainly be understood from the study of Revelation-that the connection between God and His people is close and decided.

A wonderful connection is seen between the universe of heaven and this world. The things revealed to Daniel were afterward complemented by the revelation made to John on the, Isle of Patmos. These two books should he carefully studied. Twice Daniel inquired, How long shall it be to the end of time?

"And I heard, but I understood not: then said O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things? And He said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand. And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that makes desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. Blessed is he that waits, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days. But go thou thy way till the end be: for thou shall rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days."

It was the Lion of the tribe of Judah who unsealed the book and gave to John the revelation of what should be in these last days.

Daniel stood in his lot to bear his testimony which was sealed until the time of the end, when the first angel's message should be proclaimed to our world. These matters are of infinite importance in these last days; but while "many shall be purified, and made white, and tried," "the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand." How true this is! Sin is the transgression of the law of God; and those who will not accept the light in regard-to the law of cod will not understand the proclamation of the first, second, and third angels' messages. The book of Daniel is unsealed in the revelation to John, and carries us forward to the last scenes of this earth's history.

Will our brethren bear in mind that we are living amid the perils of the last days? Read Revelation in connection with Daniel. Teach these things.


Those who eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of God will bring from the books of Daniel and Revelation truth that is inspired by the Holy Spirit. They will start truth action forces that cannot be repressed. The lips of children will be opened to proclaim the mysteries that have been hidden from the minds of men.

We are standing on the-threshold of great and solemn events. Many of the prophecies are about to be fulfilled in quick succession. Every element of power is about to be set to work. Past history will be repeated; old controversies will arouse to new life, and peril will beset God's people on every side. Intensity is taking hold of the human family. It is permeating everything upon the earth.

Study Revelation in connection with Daniel, for history will be repeated. We, with all our religious advantages, ought to know far more today than we do know.

Angels desire to look into the truths that are revealed to the people who with contrite hearts are searching the word of God and praying for greater lengths and breadths and depths and heights of the knowledge which He alone can give.

As we near the close of this world's history, the prophecies relating to the last days especially demand our study. The last book of the New Testament Scriptures is full of truth that we need to understand. Satan has blinded the minds of many so that they have been glad of any excuse for not making the Revelation their study. But Christ through His servant John has here declared what shall be in the last days; and He says, "Blessed is he that reads, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein."

The books of Daniel and the Revelation should be bound together and published. A few explanations of certain portions might be added, but I am not sure that these would be needed.

This is the suggestion that I made to Elder Haskell which resulted in the book he published. The need is not filled by this book. It was my idea to have the two books bound together, Revelation following Daniel, as giving fuller light on the subjects dealt with in Daniel. The object is to bring these books together, showing that they both relate to the same subjects.

A message that will arouse the churches is to be proclaimed. Every effort is to be made to give the light, not only to our people, but to the world. I have been instructed that the prophecies of Daniel and the Revelation should be printed in small books, with the necessary explanations, and should be sent all over the world. Our own people need to have the light placed before them in clearer lines.

The vision that Christ presented to John, presenting the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus, is to be definitely proclaimed to all nations, people, and tongues. The churches, represented by Babylon, are represented as having fallen from their spiritual state to become a persecuting power against those who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. To John this persecuting power is represented as having horns like a lamb, but as speaking like a dragon.

As we near the close of time, there will be greater and still greater external parade of heathen power; heathen deities will manifest their signal power, and will exhibit themselves before the cities of the world; and this delineation has already begun to be fulfilled. By a variety of images the Lord Jesus represented to John the wicked character and seductive influence of those who have been distinguished for their persecution of God's people. All need wisdom carefully to search out the mystery of iniquity that figures so largely in the winding up of this earth's history. In the very time in which we live, the Lord has called His people and has given them a message to bear. He has called them to expose the wickedness of the man. of sin who has made the Sunday law a distinctive power, who has thought to change times and laws, and to oppress the people of God who stand firmly to honor Him by keeping the only true Sabbath, the Sabbath of creation, as holy unto the Lord.

The perils of the last days are upon us, and in our work we are to warn the people of the danger they are in. Let not the solemn scenes which prophecy has revealed be left untouched. If our people were half awake, if they realized the nearness of the events portrayed in the Revelation, a reformation would be wrought in our churches, and many more would believe the message. We have no time to lose; God calls, upon us to watch for souls as they that must give an account. Advance new principles, and crowd in the clear-cut truth. It will be as a sword cutting both ways. But be not too ready to take a controversial attitude. There will he times when we must stand still and see the salvation of God. Let Daniel speak, let the Revelation speak, and tell what is truth. But whatever phase of the subject is presented, uplift Jesus as the center of all hope, "the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright and morning Star."

We do not go deep enough in our search for truth. Every soul who believes present truth will be brought where he will be required to give a reason of the hope that is in him. The people of God will be called upon to stand before kings, princes, rulers, and great men of the earth, and they must know that they do know what is truth. They must be converted men and women.

God can teach you more in one moment by His Holy Spirit than you could learn from the great men of the earth. The universe is looking upon the controversy that is going on upon the earth. At an infinite cost, God has provided for every man an opportunity to know that which will make him wise unto salvation. How eagerly do angels look to see who will avail himself of this opportunity! When a message is presented to God's people, they should not rise up in opposition to it; they should go to the Bible, comparing it with the law and the testimony, and if it does not bear this test, it is not true. God wants our minds to expand. He desires to put His grace upon us. We may have a feast of good things every day, for God can open the whole treasure of heaven to us. Review and Herald, February 18, 1900. [Testimonies To Ministers, pages 112-119.]

The Shaking Comes

Revelation foretold it.

Revelation 3:16 "I will spew thee out of My mouth."

It is not the church that is spewed out. This message is to the members of God's last church. It is to the last period of the church. It is to the unfaithful in this last period.

Ezekiel 20:32 Some in the church want to "be as the heathen."

Ezekiel 20:33-38 "As I live said the Lord God, I will, purge out from among you the rebels." This is at the time of Sabbath reform.

Ezekiel 20:12,20 The Sabbath is God's "sign" or "seal." This is part of God's last message. Revelation 3:16 is to the last period of His church.

Note: The shaking comes by the introduction of false doctrines such as "You can't keep God's Commandments." "Nobody can really keep the Sabbath."

The Great Revival

This is not merely a revival but a "GREAT REVIVAL.” This comes when Revelation is understood.

Many tried but failed to revive their spiritual life. Many ministers tried but failed to revive their church. Have they followed Christ's instruction?

"Revival" - From Latin "re" – again. Coming back to life "vivere" - to live spiritually.


"When we as a people understand what this book (Revelation) means to us, there will be seen among us a great revival". Testimonies To Ministers, page 113.

"There is need of a much closer study of the word of God; especially should Daniel and the Revelation have attention as never before in the history of our work." Testimonies To Ministers, page 112

"When the books of Daniel and Revelation are better understood, believers will have an entirely different religious experience." Testimonies To Ministers, page 114."

The reason why attempts at revival often largely fail is because there is no reason presented for revival. Two ways to revive a camp fire -

  1. Stir is up. Mere pep talks are worse than useless. Emotionalism has no lasting results.
  2. Add more fuel. Add fuel from the Bible (Especially Revelation) Christ's special book.
  1. All great revivals of history are from Bible study. New truths discovered or recovered.
  2. Without "Revelation" there would be no Seventh-day Adventist church.

A "Wonderful Connection"

Another glorious result offered by our Lord from a study of His Special Book - Revelation, is a close and decided connection, or union, with Him. To the Laodicean period, to earth's "worst" and blackest period, comes our Lord's sweetest assurance.

Revelation 3:20 "Behold I stand at the door and knock."

  1. Think of the dignity of man. Man's heart is a palace. It can be bolted and barred. Even Christ, the Creator allows man to hold the keys. Christ will not force man.
  2. Think of Christ's interest in man. Christ knocks. Christ waits. For no other creature does Christ show such interest.
  3. Think of the privilege of man. If man opens, the Creator and Redeemer comes in. He is the Greatest; the Upholder of the Universe: the God of all comfort; the Giver of Grace and truth.
  4. Think of the Future of man. Our Lord sups with man. Then takes man to sup with Him, in Glory, "Forever with the Lord." This is heaven’s "close and decided connection" and it is offered to Laodiceans, who are over comers.

Christ Himself Opens The Future In Revelation

Revelation 1:1 It is "The Revelation of Jesus Christ to show unto His servants things which must shortly come to pass."

Revelation 22:16 "I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches."

Thus Revelation has Christ's own personal signature. It is Christ's road-map to guide us to the New Jerusalem.

Are you neglecting the only sure and only reliable road guide to Glory?

Revelation Has Power

It will start forces of Action that cannot be stopped. Satan hates Revelation, but he studies this Road map of "things to come."

Revelation 12:12 "The devil ... knows that he hath but a short time."

Revelation 1:8 "I am the Beginning and the Ending," Science is still vainly searching for the origin of life, man and the Earth. Science is still guessing as to how it will end.

The One "which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty" has the Answer to heathenism, and science-falsely so called.

ACTS 13:49 "The Word of the Lord was PUBLISHED throughout all the region."

"Printed in small books." This is our aim. We try to heed this Christ inspired instruction. Note this publishers text.

Parade Of Heathen Power And Heathen Deities

The Scriptures gave a similar warning.

Isaiah 2:6 "They be replenished from the east." This shall be just before the Lord "arises to shake terribly the earth." Isaiah 2:19,21.

Isaiah 2:2 "It shall come to pass in the last days."

Hari Krishna is closely linked with Buddhism and Hinduism, that has proved to be the tragedy of India. Here are a few of their heathen claims.

"Real Yoga is to search out the four-handed Super soul within one's heart." Page 129.

"Real yoga practice is to fix the mind on the person of the four-handed Narayana who dwells in everyone's heart." page 129. "

"He is also within the hearts of the cats and dogs." page 129.

“Lord Krishna appeared on earth fifty centuries ago." He "lifted a huge hill with one hand." He slew "many ferocious demons. One of them was an eight-mile long python." Plate one.

"Cow killing is the greatest sin." page 123

"Animal-eaters become tigers, wolves, cats and dogs in their next life." page 125.

"Consider the cow: we drink her milk, therefore she is our mother." page 122. "We are all spirit souls." Foreword.

"His Divine Grace Bhakitiveda...passed away from this world on November 14, 1977, but actually he is still present."

"The same soul passes into another body at death. For the soul there is never birth nor death." Plate two.

Thus Krishna, Reincarnation, Buddhism, Hinduism, Pantheism and other forms of heathenism are being "replenished from the East" and revived on the streets of Sydney. This heathenism says:

"If you want success in practical yoga, take to chanting of Hare Krishna." page 132.

These quotes are from "The Science of Self-Realization." This book was given to me recently on George Street, Sydney, by a yellow-robed, shaven crowned priest of Hinduism.

The "Man Of Sin"

This is the same power that would "think to change times and laws". It would claim to have changed the "Only true Sabbath" - The Sabbath of Creation."