The Man Christ Jesus

George Burnside


One of the clearest statements on the contrast between Roman Catholicism and the Advent Message, on the Nature of Christ is set out in the “Handbook for Bible Students.” Here it is:

IMMACULATE Conception, its significance. Who can believe that, it being in the power of God the Son to prepare a spotless holy temple wherein to dwell Incarnate for nine months, He preferred to have one which had been first profaned by the stain of original sin?


Who can imagine that God, who could become Incarnate by preparing for himself a mother Immaculate in her conception, should have preferred a mother who bad first been stained by sin and once to the power and slavery of Satan? To admit such suppositions is shocking to Christian minds. It being in the power of God to preserve Mary unstained from original sin there to every reason to believe that he did it. God is able, therefore he did it” Catholic Belief, Joseph Faa di Bruno, DD. (Roman Catholic), page 818. New York: Benziger Brothers, 1884.

God the Son, by assuming this perfect human nature, which he took from the Blessed Virgin, was born in the flesh. Id., page 208.

NOTE. The Scripture plainly teaches that Jesus was made in the likeness of sinful (Romans 8:3; Hebrews 2:14), and thus became united with man in his fallen condition. This doctrine of the Immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary separates Jesus from the human family in its present state, by giving him a perfect human nature, free from the slain of original sin and thus prepare the way for the introduction of the human mediation which is one of the prominent features of the Roman Catholic system. The very essence of Christianity being the experience. “Christ in you the hope of glory,” It thus appears that the dogma of the immaculate conception of the virgin Mary strikes at the very heart of Christianity.

The issue is clear. It is crystal clear. The two teachings are side by side. One states that Christ took a “perfect human nature.” The other quotes the Scripture that states that Christ came “in the likeness of sinful flesh.”

The first is a quotation from the book “Catholic Belief “. This gives, as the name of the book implies, the belief of Catholicism. The second statement, in the smaller type, is a statement by the Editors. This gives the Seventh-day Adventist’s teaching on this vital subject. The two teachings are Opposites. They are as far apart as the east is from the west.


Seventh-day Adventists have always opposed the dogma of Catholicism regarding the immaculate conception. For over one hundred years Adventists have consistently taught that which is found in the “Handbook”, that is, that Christ came in “the likeness of sinful flesh”.

Christ took the flesh of fallen humanity and in that flesh Christ won the battle with sin. Jesus never sinned. He was an overcomer. He won. He did this to prove that God’s commandments could be kept. He was victorious not only to redeem us but to give us an example of victory.


This great fact the devil tried to hide. Corrupt or counterfeit, we see this throughout the ages. The gods of paganism were unapproachable to mere humans. But here are the words of the pagans regarding their gods.

Daniel 2: 11 “The gods whose dwelling is not with flesh.”

This statement is especially arresting when we remember the words were spoken at the very center and hub of pagan power. Here in Babylon paganism’s wisest men were gathered. Here also is revealed the weakness of their system of religion. Their gods dwell not, nor associate, with human flesh.


Paganism originated with Satan. He passed it on to Cain and revived it again in Nimrod after the flood. Nimrod was earth’s first king. He was a mighty rebel against our Lord. At his death Nimrod was deified and worshipped. This was repeated with other heroes of paganism. They were made “lesser gods”. They were canonized or deified. Through these lesser gods, the heathen tried to communicate with the great gods. Babylon was the center of this great counterfeit and of that great city we read: “Babylon made all nations drunken ... therefore the nations are mad. “ Jeremiah 51:7.

All nations drank of Babylon’s wine - her false teachings. Babylon became a world center of false religion. It became the hold of every foul spirit. Babylon became the masterpiece of deception.

Apostate Christendom imbibed Babylon’s false doctrines. She too drank of the wine of Babylon’s false doctrines and was drunken. They became befuddled. Every truth in God’s holy Word was counterfeited. Thus “fallen” Christendom became but “baptized paganism”. It was paganism under the name of Christianity.

That is why in Revelation, the last book in the Bible, you read so much about Babylon. Both catholic and protestant writers admit that Babylon in Revelation is Rome. God so named it, because the teachings of Rome were but an echo, a continuation of the teachings of ancient Babylon.

Babylon’s god’s did not dwell with men. Their dwelling was not with flesh. The Holy Bible warned that the same fatal errors would be taught by antichrist. 2 John 1:7 “Many deceivers are entered into the world who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. It is worthy of note that the deceiver would attack and corrupt the teaching that Jesus would really come in the flesh.”

1 John 4:2,3 “Hereby know you the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God. And every spirit that confesses not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God and this is the spirit of antichrist.”

It is apparent from these Scriptures that antichrist will attack the truth of Christ coming “in the flesh.” It is also clear that antichrist’s teaching on this subject is wrong. We do well to ponder these words of truth. A martyr declared “The nearer to Rome, the farther from Christ.”

So we may declare on the authority of the words of Holy Writ. The nearer to Rome on the teaching of the kind of flesh Jesus took, when He was “manifest in the flesh” the farther we will be from the truth. The truth is not what is taught by Rome. How thankful we should be that Seventh-day Adventists have taught the Bible truth that Jesus came in the likeness of sinful flesh.” He was the Word made flesh. His dwelling was with flesh.


Revelation 17:5 “Upon her head was a name written, Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and abominations of the earth.”

Catholic writers freely admit that “Babylon” in Revelation, is Rome. Rome is called Babylon in Revelation because she was carrying on the same system of paganism that was developed in Babylon. It was but a continuation of the paganism of Babylon. With paganism God would not dwell with “flesh.” God’s truth teaches that “The Word (God) was made flesh and dwelt among us.” John 1:14.

He came “in the likeness of sinful flesh.” Romans 8:3.

The catholic teaching is that Christ took a “perfect human nature.” The daughters of Rome largely followed the teachings of Rome on this subject as they did in regard to Many other doctrines. Falsehood came down through Paganism and was adopted by the Papacy and nominal protestants. This apostasy was, according to the “Sure Word of Prophecy” to be arrested by the “Everlasting Gospel” of Revelation 14:6-16.

This restoration of truth is naturally hated by Satan - the enemy of truth. This hatred is also foretold in the same sure word of prophecy. Revelation 12:17 “And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

One of the devil’s main weapons is apostasy from the truth. He uses apostates. In this he will be especially active against Christ’s final church on earth. The church that will keep “the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.” This too is the subject of Bible prediction.

“There shall be false teachers among you, who privately shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways.” Catholicism has Christ, by the immaculate conception” “assuming this perfect human nature, which he took from the Blessed Virgin when born in the flesh.”

Thus Christ could not be our example if He lived in a different plane from us. People arrive at the same conclusion as the Catholics. They also gets very close to their teaching. Note his similar language:

They write: “The Advent of the Second Member of the Godhead as immaculate Man.”

They state: “The Spirit of God brought about a new creation, in Mary’s womb, of a human nature for Christ to take. He was a new creation in the womb of Mary! Sinful nature is a nature without the Spirit of God. That was never true of Christ at any time.” “Questions Answered”, Sawtell, N.S.W. October 1974.

This is the teaching of an immaculate conception. It should be remembered that they profess to accept the inspiration of Sister White. She wrote “He (Christ) took upon His sinless nature our sinful nature.” Review and Herald 17/07/1900, M.M. page 181.

They say of “Sinful nature that was never true of Christ at any time.” Who will you believe?

Sister White writes “He took upon Him our sinful nature.” Review and Herald, 15/12/1896. The Bible says the same: “For He hath made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin. “ They speak of “The advent of the Second Member of the God head, as immaculate Man.”

“The purpose of this paper has been to emphasize the immaculate nature of Christ’s human nature”. The Soteriological Implications of the Human Nature of Christ.

Is Des Ford turning away from truth to the popular paths of paganism, the papacy and protestants? The scripture of truth says that Christ came “in the likeness of sinful flesh.” “He was made sin for us.” And “He was made a curse for us.”

Are not they brushing aside the clearest statements of inspiration?

“But now that Jesus came in the likeness of sinful flesh.” Desire of Ages, page 116. There is no qualifying here. In fact inspiration emphasizes what they attempt to deny. Who will you believe? Will you follow the law and the testimony or the apostate voice of paganism, Catholicism and so-called protestants?

If likeness never means sameness, as they claim, then Christ only appeared as man. He did not take the same “flesh and blood” as His brethren. His appearance in “the likeness of sinful flesh” would be according to Des Ford only a make believe, a likeness but not a sameness. Was the incarnation of our Lord a make believe, a deception?

The “testimony of Jesus” on this is definite. Jesus incarnation was not deception or a make believe. Christ did not make believe take human nature; He did verily take it. He did in reality possess human nature. ‘As the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same.”(Hebrews 2:14 KJV) (Selected Messages, Book One, page 247).

“It was not a make-believe humanity that Christ took upon Himself. He took human nature and lived human nature. Christ’s life represents a perfect manhood. Just that which you may be, He was in human nature. He took our infirmities. He was not only made flesh, but He was made in the likeness of sinful flesh”. (Ellen G. White Comments, S.D.A. Bible Commentary, Volume 5, page 1124).

“But now that Jesus had come in the likeness of sinful flesh.” Desire of Ages, page 116.

“One made in the likeness of sinful flesh was to be their Redeemer. Desire of Ages, page 175. Note the repetition and emphasis by the spirit of God. Remember Des Ford claims to believe in the inspiration of Sister White. Does he merely quote what suits him?


“By sending His own Son, with a nature resembling our sinful nature.” Romans 8:3 TCNT. This translation makes it even plainer. You notice that our Lord took not merely flesh but also our sinful nature. This is the plain statement of God’s word. It is the Bible “as it reads”.

Inspiration certainly does not tone down, “in the likeness of sinful flesh”, as some do. In fact Sister White forcefully states what they try hard to deny.


The more one looks into God’s Scripture of truth, the plainer and clearer the truth.

Philippians 2:5 “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.”

Christ is our example, our pattern, our model.

Philippians 2:6 “Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:

Other translations make it even plainer.

“Though the divine nature was His. “ T. C. N. T.

“God by nature.” Phillips.

“He had the nature of God.” Mon.

Christ was God and He had the nature of God. He had a divine nature. But note what He did for us.

Philippians 2:7 “But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men.”

Both the R. V. and the A. S. V. translates it thus “but emptied Himself.

He laid it aside. Goodspeed.

He “stripped himself of all privileges”. Amplified.

He took the “nature of a slave” Nor.

“The nature of a servant.” T.C.N.T.

He was “born like other men. “ Con.

Thus Christ to redeem us, and to give us an example said: “I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done. “ He laid aside His divine power and fought the battle of sin in our armor.

He had the nature of God but He took the nature of man.

He was equal with God, became equal with man.

He who was in the likeness of God came in the likeness of man.

Man is flesh. Genesis 6:3

Jesus took the “same” flesh. Hebrews 2:14

“The word was made flesh. “ John 1:14.

Man is under the law. Romans 3:19

Jesus was made under the law. Galatians 4:4.

Man is under the curse. Zechariah 5:1-4; Galatians 3:10.

Christ was made a curse for us. Galatians 3:13.

Man was sold under sin. Romans 7:14.

The Lord laid on Him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:6.

Galatians 4:4 “When the fullness of time was come God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, MADE under the law.”

He who was not under the law or guilty was MADE under the law. He was MADE guilty. “He hath MADE him to be sin for us, who knew no sin.” 2 Corinthians 5:21.

Galatians 3:13 “Christ hath redeemed us ... being MADE a curse for us.”

The curse had no place on Christ, but He emptied Himself and was MADE a curse to redeem us. He was MADE that which those were that he came to save.

Always remember and never forget that sin and the curse were never of Christ. It was never his fault nor was it Christ’s original nature.

He TOOK upon Him the form of a servant and was MADE in the likeness of men.

In all this Christ was MADE, what originally He was not. Thus “in all things it became him to be MADE like unto his brethren.”

There is only one reason for this, that is that men may be now and forever what they were not. Ephesians 2:12. Through sin man had no hope and was without God.

Matthew 1: 23 Jesus became one with us. He was “God with us.”

Paganism’s god did not dwell in flesh, but our “God was manifest in the flesh.” 1 Timothy 4:16. The genealogies of Christ confirm this truth.


Matthew 1:1-17. This genealogy of Jesus is given to prove that Jesus was “the son of David, the son of Abraham.”

It is worthy of note that the Scripture nowhere says that Christ came in the flesh of Adam before he fell. In fact it is significant that Christ is never referred to as the son of Adam. He is called the son of Abraham, and the son of David, but never the son of Adam. Why do some add to the Scriptures to uphold falsehood? This is but the tradition of men. It savors of paganism, the papacy and nominal protestants. It is taught to give an excuse for sinning. For it reasons Christ was God, therefore He could resist sin. They say “I’m only human, so I sin”. It rejects Christ as an example. It rejects Christ as Lord. Like the Jews of old they do not

want this man to reign over them. This teaching denies the Lord that bought them. It is the reasoning of apostate Christendom and paganism. It is the reasoning of the “Man of sin” and savors of the immaculate conception.

The genealogy of Matthew chapter one shows that our Lord took our fallen flesh and in that He lived a perfect life. He came by “the great law of heredity” declares inspiration. He was “the son of David”. Was David a fallen sinner?

Christ was “the son of Abraham”. Did Abraham live before or after the fall? Christ took fallen flesh. In the line of Jesus we have Solomon (Matthew 1:6) Manasseh (v. 10) who led Israel “to do more evil than the nations. “ 2 Kings 21:9.

Ruth the Moabite and others. This genealogy reveals the kind of flesh Jesus took, when He was “manifest in the flesh”. When “the word was made flesh and dwelt among us”, when He was “made of a woman”. This the genealogy reveals, both by heredity and by the sins that were laid on Him. He took our place. He emptied Himself “of His divine nature” to do it: Faced with al I these to disadvantages Jesus won. He won where Adam failed. Jesus had no advantage that we cannot have.

“Christ did not make believe take human nature; He did verily take it. He did in reality possess human nature. ‘As the children are partakers of flesh and blood, He also Himself likewise took part of the same.’ He was the son of Mary; He was of the seed of David according to human descent.” Review and Herald, April 5, 1906.

He had plenty of disadvantages. He conquered sin in fallen flesh.

“But our Savior took humanity, with all its liabilities. He took the nature of man, with the possibility of yielding to temptation. We have nothing to bear which He has not endured.” Desire of Ages, page 117.

He condemned sin in that flesh and He did it that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us.

1 John 3:1 “ Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed, upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knows us not, because it knew him not.”

Christ was the Son of God. He became the Son of man that the sons of men might become the sons of God.

2 Peter 1:4 “Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises; that by these you might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.”

Christ was divine by nature, but he was MADE a partaker of human nature, that we of human nature might become “partakers of the divine nature.”

2 Corinthians 5:21 “For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.”

Christ who knew no sin was MADE to be sin, that we who are unrighteous might be made the righteousness of God.

He was MADE in all things like unto us, He was in all points tempted like as we are. So fully did He empty himself in His battle with sin on earth that He could say:

John 5:30 “I can of mine own self do nothing.”

He had come to the level of those He wished to save. Trusting His heavenly Father to give Him power, and in that power He won. He did it all so that with Christ and through Him we can say:

Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.” Jesus put himself among the lost.

Isaiah 53:12 “He was numbered with the transgressors”. “He was MADE sin”. From the level of the weakness of the lost Jesus trusted in His God, that He would deliver Him. He hoped in God.

Psalm 22:1 “My God, My God why has thou forsaken me?”

This is the psalm of Calvary.

Psalm 22:8 “He trusted on the Lord that He would deliver Him.” (Margin “He rolled himself on the Lord.”)


This was the Faith of Jesus. This is the faith of which Jesus is the author. It was faith in the midst of tragedy when even the sun refused to shine.

Hebrews 12:2 Jesus is the “Author” “the beginner” (Margin) of our faith. The faith that he gives to his followers is the faith that wins.

Revelation 14:12 This “Faith of Jesus” enables people to “Keep the commandments of God” in the climax of earth’s dark story of disobedience.

This is the faith that gives victory over the beast and his mark.

Revelation 15:2 Christ reveal s the people who would overcome through “the faith of Jesus”, and by His grace be overcomers over the beast and his mark.

This is the faith that enables the redeemed of earth’s final hour to sing the song of Moses and of the Lamb. It is the faith that saves.

It is the “faith of Jesus”. This is the faith that Christ demonstrated on earth.


Hebrews 4:15 Jesus has fellow “feeling”. “He was touched with the feeling of our infirmities”. If Jesus was not like us, could He be “tempted like as we are, yet without sin”?

He must have our fallen flesh to be tempted like as we are. Sinless Adam was not tempted like as we are. He had only one test, one temptation.


The true faith of Holy Writ is that when we were fallen without God and without hope, Jesus came to us. Pure and holy as He was, He “emptied himself”, and became like sinful flesh. He dwelt with us to redeem and purify us and to make us pure and holy.

The faith of Rome is that we must be pure and holy for God to dwell with us.

The “Faith of Jesus” is that Emmanuel - God with us - came to us in all our misery to make us pure and holy.

The faith of Rome is that the nature Jesus took is not human nature at all, but it was divine, - “more sublime and glorious”.

Des Ford claims of Christ “He had the sinless nature of Adam before the fall”. “That Holy Thing” by Dr. D. Ford.

This is not the “faith of Jesus”. This belief had its origin in the paganism of Babylon. It was nurtured and developed in Rome and accepted by protestants. Popular tradition echoes it and theology teaches it. The Bible however no where says that our Lord took the sinless flesh of Adam before the fall. The Scriptures teach clearly that Jesus took the “flesh and blood” of common man. May Adventists ever do likewise, and reject this pagan belief.

The gift of “the testimony of Jesus” for this final age rejects it.

“Christ bore the sins and infirmities of the race as they existed when He came to the earth to help man. In behalf of the race, with the weaknesses of fallen man upon Him, He was to stand the temptations of Satan upon all points wherewith man would be assailed. “In what contrast is the second Adam as He entered the gloomy wilderness to cope with Satan single handed! Since the Fall the race had been decreasing in size and physical strength, and sinking lower in the scale of moral worth, up to the period of Christ’s advent to the earth. And in order to elevate fallen man, Christ must reach him where he was. He took human nature, and bore the infirmities and degeneracy of the race”. (Selected Messages, Book 1, pages 267, 268,) “in taking upon Himself man’s nature in its fallen condition, Christ did not in the least participate in its sin. “ (ibid. , page 256)

“Christ reaches us where we are. He took our nature and overcame, that we through taking His nature might overcome. Made ‘in the likeness of sinful flesh, ‘ He lived a sinless life. Now by His divinity He lays hold upon the throne of heaven, while by His humanity He reaches us. He bids us by faith in Him attain to the glory of the character of God. Therefore are we to be perfect, even as our ‘Father which is in heaven is perfect.”

“He humbled Himself, and was made ‘in the likeness of sinful flesh’ that He might reach the fallen race and lift them up.” Patriarchs and Prophets, page 330.

Romans 8:3 “Sending His own Son in a form like that of our own sinful nature.” N.E.B.


He who was once “in the form of God” “emptied Himself and took” a form like that of our own sinful nature.” This grand truth shines out all through Scripture. The epistle to the Hebrews makes this stupendous truth equally plain.

Hebrews 1:8 Presents Christ as He was in the beginning. He was God. “Unto the Son He said, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever.” He was in the form of God, He was in the likeness of God. Foolish man may argue that “likeness never means sameness” but here it does. It was no make believe. In reality He was made flesh. “The word was made flesh.” The second chapter of Hebrews tells of His becoming flesh, and explains what kind of flesh Jesus took when He became man.

Hebrews 2:14 “Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil.”

Jesus “took” the “same” “flesh and blood” as those He came to redeem. That “through death” He might end death, that He might become the death of death, by destroying the cause of death and the author of death. Strange but wonderful, our Lord conquered death by dying. He “overcame” sin by His holy life. He overcame death, the wages of sin, by dying. As God He could not die, He became man “for the suffering of death”. We die because we are men. Jesus became man to die.

Hebrews 2:11 “For both he that sanctifies and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren.”

We are “brethren”. He took our “flesh and blood”, not Adam’s sinless flesh from before the fall. There was no need to sanctify that. But He took our “flesh and blood” - our “sinful flesh”.

He had our “common inheritance of flesh and blood”. Knox. He had “the same mortal nature.” Goodspeed.

Could anything be plainer? These unbiased translators make it clear. These translators have no part in the present issues. They just translate as they see the truth.

Wonder of wonders our Savior came to the level of those He wished to save.

Why do men manufacture definitions of their own to uphold ideas that originated in paganism? These ideas have no Bible support. Men invent private interpretations, so they can avoid the responsibility of obeying their Lord. They want heaven, they want Jesus as a Savior from hell, but they don’t want Him as Lord. They deny the Lord that bought them.

“BRETHREN.” So states the Scripture. Yes Jesus is not ashamed to call us “brethren”. He became our brother to redeem us.

Hebrews 2:17 “Wherefore in all things it behooved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people.”

Yes “in all things”. He was made “like unto his brethren”.


He was God. His life and death could cover all. But Jesus must be more. He must be our kinsman. The laws of redemption were clearly laid down in the “Scripture of Truth.”

Leviticus 25:47-49 “And if a sojourner or stranger wax rich by thee, and thy brother that dwells by him wax poor, and sell himself unto the stranger or sojourner by thee, or to the stock of the stranger’s family: “After that he is sold he may be redeemed again; one of his brethren may redeem him: “Either his uncle, or his uncle’s son, may redeem him, or any that is nigh of him unto him of his family may redeem him; or if he be able, he may redeem himself.”

This God given law of redemption is illustrated in the little book of Ruth.

Ruth 2:20 “The man is near of kin unto us, one of our next kinsmen.” (Margin) “One that hath right to redeem.”

Ruth 3:9 “Thou art a near kinsman.” (Margin) “One that has right to redeem.” (See also Ruth 3:12,13; 14:11-14.)

Jesus, to redeem, had to become not merely a kinsman, but our “near kinsman.” Thus “in all things it became him to be made like unto his brethren.

Adam had no brothers. Adam, in his sinless state has no parallel. Jesus is never referred to as the son of Adam, but He is repeatedly

referred to as “the son of David” and “the son of Abraham”.

The genealogies of Matthew and Luke are given to confirm that Jesus took our “flesh and blood”. If Jesus took Adam’s sinless flesh, why are the genealogies of Jesus given?

If Jesus is not of the “same flesh and blood” why does the Jesus genealogy list Jehoikim (Jeremiah 22:19) who was “buried with the burial of an ass”; Manassah, who made Judah sin “worse than the heathen”; Ahaz, who “transgressed sore against the Lord.”

Solomon, David and Bathsheba, Ruth, the Moabite and Rahab? “What a sight was this for heaven to look upon. Christ who knew not the least taint of sin or defilement took our nature in its deteriorated condition. This was humiliation greater than finite man can comprehend.

God was manifest in the flesh”. That they may be One, page 104.

He came in the great line of heredity and partook of all our weaknesses but He overcame, so we by abiding in him may likewise be overcomers.

It appears that Christians have largely failed to notice the wonderful results that have come to us through the incarnation of Jesus.

Except for one day a year the birth of Jesus is scarcely noticed.

Even this day is so commercialized that it means little and it is so corrupted by Catholicism and nominal Christendom that the true significance is lost. May the reader of these few notes on this wonderful theme whilst reading them gain the joy and presence of Christ that the writer has found in looking again into these wonders. Let us take one more passage of Holy Writ.

Romans 8:3 “For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh.”

Note “God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh.” Des Ford brushes this aside by saying “Likeness does not mean sameness”. This thread-bare cliche may sound alright, but in this case it is not true. This powerful and soul gripping Scripture cannot be so lightly brushed aside. They would have us believe the incarnation was but a make-believe. While professing faith in God’s gift of the “Spirit of Prophecy” to his remnant people he contradicts inspiration.

“Christ’s life represents perfect manhood. Just that which you may be... He was not only made flesh, but he was made in the likeness of sinful flesh.” Letter 106, 1896.

Inspiration says Jesus took not only flesh, but “the likeness of sinful flesh”. Des Ford not only tries to do away with this by the cliche “likeness never means sameness,” but would deny that Christ was in sinful flesh. Instead he claims Christ was in “sinless flesh”, just like Adam before he fell.

“Sending His own Son in a body like that of sinful human nature”. Weymouth.

This unbiased translator makes it as clear as the sunlight. Christ had a body, like “that of sinful human nature”.


This is clearly revealed in Scripture.

Romans 8:3,4 “For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh. “That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.”

Here is the reason Christ came in the likeness of sinful flesh. “That” the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us. He took, for us the “same flesh and blood”. In it Christ condemned sin in the flesh”. Sin in human flesh is condemned. It is condemned to death and destruction. Our Lord leaves no excuses for sin, in the flesh. He has shown it should not be in the flesh. It must die. It is to be cast out and kept out. All this was accomplished by the incarnation of Jesus. In our sinful flesh our Savior overcame sin. He condemned “sin in the flesh”. That is the purpose our Lord had in becoming flesh. The law was weak, in that it could not save us or enable us to keep it. This Christ accomplished. He overcame sin in our flesh, “that the law might be fulfilled in us”. Christ overcame for us, in our flesh. Now by his Spirit he overcomes sin in us. Christ accomplishes this in those who “walk after the Spirit.” Christ abides in us by his Spirit.

John 1: 12 “As many as received him, to them gave he power.” Thus receiving Christ is to receive power and righteousness.

“We receive righteousness by receiving him”. Christ Object Lessons.

Psalm 119:172 “All thy commandments are righteousness”. With such a wonderful Savior, revealed in the gospel, no wonder Paul could declare that:

Romans 1:16, 17 “I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed.”

2 Timothy 3: 1 “in the last day perilous times shall come. Those days are here.

1 Timothy 4:1 The days are perilous for “some shall depart from the faith”. From the “Faith of Jesus”, that alone can give power. They are professed Adventists but:

2 Timothy 3:5 They deny “the power”. They talk a lot of the Gospel! The Gospel! The Gospel! But they deny the power. Theirs is a powerless gospel. They claim we will keep on sinning till the end.

Matthew 1:21 Jesus and his Gospel is the power of God unto salvation. “Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sins.”

Revelation 22:11 Soon this decree will go forth. “He that is holy let him be holy still”. If as they claim none are made holy and freed from sin until the second advent, who are “the holy” of this verse?

Christ will have a holy people, on earth when probation solemn hour closes. To them the Everlasting Gospel has proved to be the power of God unto salvation.

The tragedy of a powerless gospel is found in their blunder over the “flesh” of Jesus. They would have us believe that seeing Christ is God and took Adam’s sinless flesh, He cannot be your Savior from sin. We are but human and hence will continue sinning. Thus the purpose of Christ’s coming in “the likeness of sinful flesh”, namely that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, not only reveals what kind of flesh Jesus took but reveals the secret of Christ’s victory and power.

“In order to secure the fulfillment of the law’s requirements in our lives”. Moffatt.

“Letters have been coming in to me, affirming that Christ could not have had the same nature as man, for if He had, He would have fallen under similar temptations. If He did not have man’s nature, He could not be our example. If He was not partaker of our nature, He could not have been tempted as man has been. If it were not possible for Him to yield to temptation, He could not be our helper. It was a solemn reality that Christ came to fight the battles as man, in man’s behalf. His temptation and victory tell us that humanity must copy the Pattern; man must become a partaker of the divine nature.” (Selected Messages, Book 1, page 408; for further study: ibid., pages 267, 268)


Hebrews 2:9 “Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels that He should taste death FOR EVERY MAN.”

2 Corinthians 5:21 “For He hath made Him to be sin FOR US.”

Hebrews 9: 24 “To appear in the presence of God FOR US.”

Hebrews 7:25 “He ever lives to make intercession FOR THEM.”

Galatians 2:20 “Who loved us and gave Himself FOR US.”

What a Savior!

What a Salvation!