The Devils Believe

George Burnside


  1. If an Adventist is one who believes in the soon coming of Christ, then the devil is an Adventist.

Revelation 12:12 “The devil knows that he hath but a short time.” He knows and studies Bible Prophecy. It worries him. It drives him to work with-fury of desperation. He knows that his time is short. He knows Christ is coming again and he knows that mighty event is drawing on apace. The devil is a believer in the Second Coming; and of that day he is in no doubt whatsoever. He is orthodox.

  1. James 2:19 “The devils believe”. They believe in “One God”. They believe in a Creator. They know the beginning and the ending of this world and its inhabitants. If I remember correctly the opening words of the “Historians History of the World” states that the beginning and the ending of the world is a mystery. The so called intellectuals of the world are uncertain as to its “beginning and its ending.” They do not know where mankind came from or where they are going. The Bible is here the only source of information. Many moderns are in doubt and uncertainty but not so the devils. They know its origin and its end.
  2. Matthew 8:28.29” Devils cried out Jesus Thou Son of God.” They are orthodox. They put to shame the liberals and modernists. They are far more fundamental than millions of so-called Christians.
  3. Matthew 8:29 “Are You come to torment us before the time?” The devils know they are headed for perdition. They know that fateful hour is coming. Christians, many doubt these things but the devils believe. They “believe and tremble” at the tremendous issues of eternity.
  4. Mark 5:7 “Jesus Thou Son of the Most High God. I adjure You, by God, that Thou torment me not.” The devil knew he was in the presence of the Conqueror, and “besought Him much.” We have a mighty foe, but ever remember we have a mightier Savior and this the devils know.
  5. Mark 1:24 “Jesus of Nazareth I know You the Holy One of God.” The devils have no doubts. To them Jesus is the promised Messiah. He is the “Holy One of God.” Theologians, scholars, and intellectuals may voice their doubts, and their criticisms but the devils do not share their so called wisdom. The devils aim to lead people to doubt; they are “doctors of doubt”. They are DD’s, but they do not share the doubts of their doubters. “I know Thee who Thou art, the Holy One of God.”
  6. Matthew 4:10 “Get thee hence, Satan for it is written, You shall worship the Lord Thy God, and Him only shall you serve!” The devils fear and dread the Word of God. Against that word they are powerless. The devil is forced to obey - “Get thee hence. Satan.”

“Then the devil left Him. A little Bible every day helps to keep the devil away.

“It is written is our anchor.” 6 Testimonies, page 116. “The whole Bible is a manifestation of Christ. It is our only source of power.” Gospel Workers, page 250. It is the weapon Jesus our example used. It is the Sword of the Spirit.

8 Luke 4:33 In the synagogue an unclean devil. A devil in church! He was a believer and he was orthodox. “I know You Jesus of Nazareth, are You come to destroy us.” The devil’s know they are doomed. They know the impending, fateful hour draws on. The hour of utter destruction of the disobedient. They know that day will eternally separate the righteous and wicked as far as the heavens are from the earth, never again to mingle.

Malachi 3:1 “Then shall You return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that obeys not.” “Only two classes will be recognized in the judgment those who violate God’s law and those who obey it.” Christ’s Object Lessons, page 283. “The devils believe”. They are believers, but they are still devils. Many talk of their faith. They profess to believe. But never are we told we will be judged by our faith.

Never once! We are judged by our works. “What cloth it profit, my brethren can faith save him?” Remember the orthodox devils, the believing devils. Believers, but lost.