Daniel Unfolds The Future

George Burnside




These notes on Daniel in book form were prepared by popular demand. Owing to repeated requests it was decided to conduct a series of Bible studies on Sabbath afternoons. These studies lasted for an hour and a half each Sabbath afternoon for over five years. The year 1979 was given to the study of Daniel and these are the notes that were given out week by week for each study.

Since then we have had a constant stream of requests for these printed studies. Now we have compiled them in book form. These studies were written as the questions arose, so they are not numbered.

I had planned to rewrite them in better form, but the tremendous demand for literature has made rewriting an impossibility. People are hungry for the Truth. They are impatient for it just as hungry people are always impatient for food. Therefore they are reprinted as they ere given.


The “latter days” must include the very “last day”.

Daniel 2:28 “God in Heaven makes known-what shall be in the latter days.”

Daniel 12:4 “Daniel shut up to the time of the end.”

Daniel 12:9 Daniel is closed up till the time of the end.” “When these Scripture passages are compared with Desire of Ages, page 234; 5 Testimonies, page 9, 10; Great Controversy, page 356 it becomes clear that the year AD 1798 marked the beginning of the ‘time of the end’”. 4 Bible Commentary, page 875.

Daniel 8:17 “Understand at the time of the end.”

Daniel 8:19 “Know in the last end.”

Daniel 10:14 “To make thee understand what shall befall thy people in the latter days.”

Daniel 12:1 “Thy people written in the Book.” Daniel’s prophecy reveal s to us what will happen in the mean time.

Matthew 24:15 Daniel the prophet understand. Christians in the last days are to understand the book of Daniel.

“The light that Daniel received direct from God was given especially for these last days. The visions saw are now in process of fulfillment, and all the events foretold will soon have come to pass.” Ellen G. White Letter 57, 1896.

Daniel 1:1 “In the reign of Jehoiakim, King of Judah.” The invasion of Judea was a fulfillment of prophecy.

Jeremiah 25:1 “I have spoken.”

Jeremiah 25:3 “But you have not hearkened.”

Jeremiah 25:5 “Turn you from the evil of your doings.”



2 Kings 17:13 “ALL the prophets. Turn from evil and keep my commandments.” This is a God given test of God’s true prophets.

Isaiah 8:20 “To the Law and the Testimony.”

HERE IS THE REASON WHY GOD’S TRUTH IS UNPOPULAR AND PAGANISM POPULAR. Paganism is man-made to suit natural man. It is a system of religion to suit corrupt natures. God’s Truth to give us “the Divine nature.” 2 Peter 1:4.

Romans 1:20 The evidences of God “are clearly seen.” Man is left “without excuse”. No evidence in Heathenism. i.e. Hindu - Blood Sacrifice. Why? - They do not know. No evidence.

Romans 1:21-23 Made God into an image like man, birds, beast, and creeping thing. The origin of heathenism. Note the steps: -

Low, Lower, Lowest. Begins with man and descends to creeping things: the frog, the beetle and the snake - Snake worship spread around the world:- To be seen in Egypt, 1ndia, China, Aztec, Incas, even in the Solomon Isles.

Romans 1:25 “They changed the Truth of God into a lie.” Revelation 2:25, 26 “Hold fast to the Truth of God.” Revelation 3:10, 11

Jeremiah 6:16-19 “The old paths” - “the good way” Adventists need this lesson. Hold fast. If it is new its not true. All “New Theology” is wrong “The Everlasting Gospel is our message.

Isaiah 30:8-11 “Latter day” margin. Smooth preachers “Get out of the way”

Jeremiah 25:8-11 “I will send Nebuchadnezzar my servant. Serve Babylon seventy years. Beginning 606 (Margin Collins Bible) Ending 536 BC

Jeremiah 25:12 “When seventy year end punish Babylon. Make it perpetual desolations.” Jeremiah 17:21-25 “Take heed-and this city shall remain forever.”


The Enemies of Truth always want to cut scriptures.

1. BIBLE. The Bible is a collection of fantastic legends without any scientific support. It is full of dark hints, historical mistakes and contradictions. It serves as a factor for gaining power and subjugating the nations.” New Russian Dictionary. Quoted These Times, November 1956.

2. On July 8, 1546 the English parliament passed a proclamation that “from henceforth no man, woman or person of what estate condition or decree so ever he or they be, shall, after the last August next ensuing receive, have, take or keep in his or their possession, the text of the New Testament of Tyndale’s or Coverdale’s translation in English. Think of it! A Law forbidding the possession of the Holy Scriptures! The episcopal register of Lincoln there are indictments found against Bible lovers as follows:

  1. Against John Barret “because he, John Barret, was heard in his own house, before his wife and maid there present, to recite the Epistle of St. James, which Epistle, with many other things, he had perfectly without book.”
  2. An indictment against John Newman, who was impeached because he was present in the house of John Barret at the reading of the Scriptures.
  3. An indictment against William Haliday, who was detected for having in his custody a book of the Acts of the Apostles in English.
  4. An indictment against Fredway and several others because they were heard to recite the Ten Commandments in English.

5. At the Council of Toulouse, South France in 1229 a law was passed forbidding the possessing of either the Old or New Testament.

6. Today many protestants say “We only go by the New Testament”. They cut away 3/4 of the Scriptures. Luke 24:27 Jesus used “All the Scriptures”.

  1. Jews want only the Old Testament and reject the New Testament.
  2. Some explain away Scriptures that they don’t want.
  3. Some spiritualize away the Scriptures. This is a favorite method of doing away with unwanted truth.
  4. Church Union - They don’t want doctrine so they ignore it. They cut it out.
  5. Some say “Jesus simply adopted the beliefs of his day.” The facts are Jesus went directly opposite to the prevailing opinions on such subjects as: The Samaritians, Tradition, the Messiah, the Sabbath, and Divorce. Jesus’ opposition was based on the Scriptures.

10.”Don’t quote Mrs. White” is the language of some who want to avoid or “cut out God’s message to them.

11. “Mrs. White was using the language of her day” This is today’s excuse for rejecting the plain truth regarding the “Age of the earth” etc. etc. They CUT the Message of God.

CUTTING OUT GOD’S MESSAGE DOES NOT GET RID OF GOD’ S MESSAGE. Criminals try to destroy the evidence.

John 12:10. 11 They wanted to kill Lazarus to stop his testimony.

Jeremiah 36:28 We must marvel at the patience of God. Rejecting Truth does not get rid of it. “The Scriptures cannot be broken.” The Word of God came true.

Daniel 1:1 “In the third year of the reign of Jehoiahim.” Jeremiah 22:19 “Buried as an ass.”


Nabopolassar, the father of Nebuchadnezzar was a General of Assyria. In 625 BC Media, Babylon and Egypt revolted against Assyria. Nabopolassar was sent to subdue Babylon. He was so successful, that as a reward he was made ruler of Babylon and given an honorary title of “King of Babylon”. In 612 BC Nabopolassar led the same countries in revolt against Assyria. In this revolt Ninevah was destroyed. The result was Assyria divided into three divisions. Media ruled, the north and north-east. Babylon ruled Elam and all the plains of the Euphrates and Tigris, Egypt all west of the Euphrates and North Africa. Babylon and Media formed an alliance by the Median King’s daughter’s marriage to Nebuchadnezzar

Jeremiah 46:2-6 Egypt was defeated at Carchemish. Excavations testify to a terrible battle here between Babylon on the one side and the Egyptians and Hittites on the other.

Isaiah 31:1, 3 “To Egypt for help.”

Isaiah 30:1, 2, 7-15 When Nebuchadnezzar besieged Jerusalem, it was really to overthrow Egypt’s influence. Judah was trusting Egypt rather than the Living God. No foe is more dangerous than the friend who has taken the place of God in our trust and confidence.

“We are prone to look to our fellow men for sympathy and uplifting, instead of looking to Jesus. In His mercy and faithfulness, God often permits those in whom we place confidence to fail us, in order that we may learn the folly of trusting in ma and making flesh our arm. Let us trust fully, humbly, unselfishly in God. He knows the sorrows that we feel to the depths of our being, but which we cannot express. When all things seem dark and unexplainable, remember the words of Christ. “What I do you know not now, but thou shall know hereafter.” Ministry of Healing, page 487.

Jeremiah 7:2-10 They trusted the Temple. As professed Christians trust their “standing” regardless of their “state”.

Daniel 1:2

Solomon’s temple, was the most costly and beautiful building on earth. In 1940, it was estimated by architects that it would have cost $87,000 million to reproduce it.

2 Chronicles 36:14-16, 19 “They burnt the house of God.”


Daniel went into captivity as a boy of 18. He died at 94, having served as Prime Minister, under three or four kings, in two world empires. Where is his equal in either sacred or profane history?

1. Daniel contains the greatest prophecies of the Old Testament.

  1. He gives the first line of prophecies that cover s the history of the world to its End.
  2. Daniel gives the first chronological prophecy of the coming Messiah. Thus no one can reasonably dare question the Christ.
  3. Daniel is the only book in Scripture that was ever divinely sealed and then only until a God-given time.

2 Chronicles 36:21-23 Persians were opposed to worship in a building.

Ezra 1:1,2 “Cyrus king of Persia ... The Lord God of heaven ... hath charged me to build Him an house. Cyrus, the general. Darius died two years after the fall of Babylon. Cyrus became king.

Isaiah 44:28 Daniel showed this to Cyrus.

  1. Prophecy convinced Cyrus.
  2. Prophecy led to the restoration from Babylon.

Daniel 5:31 Why does scripture-mention the age of Darius? His age is noted for a purpose. Darius was 62 in the last year of the captivity.

2 Kings 24:12-14 Captivity was in the 8th yea Darius was born in the 8th year of the captivity. In the darkest hour God was preparing a deliverer.

Exodus 12:40, 41 “The self same day it came to pass. Acts 7:17 “When the time of the promise drew near.” Acts 7:20 “In which time Moses was born.”

Acts 7:22.

Romans 5:6 In due time.” “At the right moment.” Wey. Christianity is sure! “According to time”. Margin. God’s last message also arrived on time. It is sure!


Daniel 1:4 Teach them the learn in and the tongue of Babylon.

On this point George Stephen Goodspeed says of the Babylonians:

“The heavens were mapped out, and the courses of the heavenly bodies traced to determine the bearing of their movements upon human destinies. The year of three hundred sixty-five and one-fourth days was known, though the common year was reckoned according to twelve months of thirty day each, and equated with the solar year by intercalating a month at the proper times. Tables of stars and their movements, of eclipses of moon and sun, were carefully prepared. The year began with the month Nisan (March- April1 the day with the rising of the Sun; the month was divided into weeks of seven days; the day from sunrise to sunrise into twelve double hours of sixty minutes. The clepsydra (water clock) and the sun-dial were Babylonian inventions for measuring time.” A History of the Babylonians and Assyrians, pages 93, 94.

Morey, in his Ancient Peoples, says:

“As they discovered the regular movement of the heavenly bodies, they acquired some knowledge of astronomical science. They marked out the constellations and gave names to the stars. They divided the year into months, weeks, days, hours. minute and seconds. They measured the hours of the day by the sundial, and the hours of the night by the water clock. In their mathematics they adopted the decimal notation; but they also used another system of notation, that is, a system based on the number sixty which we have inherited from them, in our division of the hour and the minute into sixty parts. Besides acquiring considerable knowledge of mathematics, the Babylonians were the first to devise a regular system of weights and measures. Pages 26, 27.

“The king did not compel the Hebrew youth to renounce their faith in favor of idolatry, but he hoped to bring this about gradually. By giving them names significant of idolatry, by bringing them daily into close association with idolatrous customs and under the influence of the seductive rites of heathen worship, he hoped to induce them to renounce the religion of their nation, and to unite with the worship of the Babylonians.” Prophets and Kings, page 481.

Daniel 1:5 They were to be fed the Food of Babylon.

In this the king thought to give them an expression of his favor and of his solicitude for their welfare. But a portion having been offered to idols, the food from the king’s table was consecrated to idolatry; and one partaking of it would be regarded as offering homage to the gods of Babylon. In such homage, loyalty to Jehovah forbade Daniel and his companions to join.

Even a mere pretense of eating the food or drinking the wine would be a denial of their faith. To do this would be to array themselves with heathenism, and to dishonor the principles of the law of God.” Prophets and Kings, Page 481.

Daniel 1:12 “Pulse is translated “vegetables” or “grains” in other translations. In Isaiah 61:11 the same word reads “things that are sown”. A Vegetarian diet consists of things that are grown. Foods offered to idols were flesh foods.

Romans 14:21 “It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine.” 1 Corinthians 8:13 “I will eat no flesh.”

Daniel 1:7 They were given Babylonian name Daniel - “God is my Judge” becomes Belteshazzar - “Bel protect my life.

Hananiah - “God is Gracious” becomes Shadrack - “Worship of the moon.”

Mishael - “God has no equal” becomes Meshack - “Devotee of the moon god.”

Azariah becomes Abednego - “Servant of Nego or Nebo.

Babylon changed their names but could not change their character.


Daniel 1:8 “Daniel purpose in His heart.”

“Among those who maintained their allegiance to God were Daniel and his three companions, - illustrious examples of what men may become who unite with the God of wisdom and power.” Prophets and Kings, page 480.

“But Daniel did not hesitate. The approval of God was dearer to him than the favor of the most powerful earthly potentate - dearer than life itself. He determined to stand firm in his integrity, let the result be what it might.” Prophets and Kings, Page 483.

Romans 8:1 “Walk after the Spirit. There are two classes of Adventists, “Wise” and “Foolish”. “Wise” Advance in light. They “Walk after the Spirit.” They have Oil.

“Foolish say “I am saved. I have faith. Romans 8:7-11.

Daniel 1:9 “God brought into favor.”

“While God was working in Daniel and his companions to will and to do of His good pleasure, they were working out their own salvation. Herein is revealed the outworking of the divine principle of cooperation, without which no true success can be attained. Human effort avails nothing without divine power; and without human endeavor, divine effort is with mankind of no avail. To make God’s grace our own, we must act our part. His grace is given to work in us to will and to do, but never as a substitute for our effort.

“As the Lord cooperated with Daniel and his fellows, so He will cooperate with all who strive to do His will.” Prophets and Kings, page 486, 487.

Daniel 1:17 “God gave them knowledge and skill.”

Chapter 1

The triumph of the diet of God over the diet of Babylon.

Chapter 2

The triumph of the foreknowledge of God over Babylon.

Chapter 3

The triumph of Worship of God.


Daniel 1:8 Daniel purposed. This is the kind of people God can use. Daniel 1:9 “God brought. into favor

Romans 1:17 “God gave them knowledge and skill.”

Reason why many “scholars” and “theologians” are wrong. They are not God-guided. They want human credit. The reason why Sister E. G. White is the best Bible Commentator, is because she is God-guided.

“The Bible with its precious gems of truth was not written for the scholar alone. On the contrary, it was designed for the common people; and the interpretation given t)y the common people, when aided by the Holy Spirit, accords best with the truth as it is in Jesus. The great truths necessary for salvation are made clear as the noonday, and none will mistake and lose their way except those who follow their own judgment instead of the plainly revealed will of God.” Testimonies Volume 5, page 331.

When a writer likes to quote “scholars”, and bases his case on them, he is most likely wrong in the things of God, theology or religion.


Daniel 2:1-3 King is troubled. If he could not remember what he dreamed, why should he be worried? It was God who troubled him.

Daniel 2.5,6 The King is dissatisfied with their evasive answer.

Daniel 2:5 “The thing is gone from me”. The dream although it greatly impressed him is forgotten.

Luke 24:16 “Their eyes were held.”

Luke 24:31 “Their eyes were opened God reveals or hides.

Daniel 2:19 “Then was the secret revealed.”

2:28 “There is a God in heaven that reveals. The truth of God was not the result of “scholars” and “theologians” but revealed to sanctified people. For instance: To Moses, To prophets, To Paul, To William Millar, Bates, James White, Uriah Smith, and E G. White. Adventists.


Daniel 2:8-10 The world’s wise men failed.

2:12 “Destroy all the wise (?) men of Babylon”. The wise men were saved because Daniel was there. “You are the salt of the earth”. Destruction did not come till Noah was in the ark; till Lot came out of Sodom; till Christians were out of Jerusalem. God’s people were ridiculed, but mockers were saved by them.

Daniel 2: 11 “The gods whose dwelling is not with flesh”.

1 Timothy 3:16 “God was manifest in the flesh.” (Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:23, Philippians 2:6-11) Daniel 2:28 To reveal the truth.

“Events occurred that revealed to an idolatrous nation the power and faithfulness of the God of Israel.” Patriarch and Prophets, page 491.

This chapter illustrates Ezekiel 1.

Ezekiel 1:1 “Among the captives”.

Ezekiel 1:3 “In the land of the Chaldeans. Ezekiel was discouraged and worried. Jerusalem was desolate.

“There were wheels within wheels, in an arrangement so complicated that at first sight they appeared to Ezekiel to be all in confusion. But when they moved, it was with. beautiful exactness, and in perfect harmony. Heavenly beings were impelling these wheels, and above all, upon the glorious sapphire throne, was the Eternal One; while round about the throne was the encircling rainbow, emblem of grace and love.” 5 Testimonies, page 751.

Ezekiel 1:4 “North was Assyria and Babylon.

Ezekiel 1:26 God’s “hand” guiding. So today, above the confusion God still rules.


Psalm 48:1, 2 Jerusalem “The mountain of His holiness. Daniel 9: 16 “Thy city Jerusalem, Thy holy mountain.”

Jerusalem is 3,200 feet above the Dead Sea. To bring the Gospel to Babylon God turned the shadow on the Sun-dial. God wanted to give them Bread, but Israel gave a stone. Finally Jerusalem, thinking as Babylon was sent into Babylon.


Genesis 11:2 They found a PLAIN in Shinar.

Genesis 10:10 “The beginning of his Kingdom was Babel - Baby] on. Genesis 11:4 Personal pronoun - 6 times. Self is the centre of Pride, Sin.

Daniel 3: 1 60 x 6 = 360

(365.25 days in Solar Year.


(354 days in Lunar Year.


Genesis 10:10 “Beginning of Babylon.

Genesis 11 Begin “Abraham”.

Genesis 12 Abraham from Babylon. Away from Plain to the mountain.


Pont = bridge Bridge builder.

Maximus = Greatest.

Genesis 11:4 “Tower, whose top went to heaven”. Self Salvation Evolution. Humanist. Babylon starts at wrong end. Bible “in the beginning God.”

John 1:51 God’s Bridge maker to Heaven.

Every blessing from Heaven comes through Christ. By becoming man Christ became the one mediator, the one bridge to Heaven.

Hebrews 10:20 “His flesh” is the “New and living way.” “I am the way.” Christ is the only way. All other ways have failed and will fail. Christ is the last way. “How shall we escape if we neglect?” There is no other way.


Daniel 2:28 There is a God in heaven that reveals secrets and makes known what shall be in the latter days”.

The Bible is a wonderful Book. It reveals “what shall be”. It can reveal the future. It can read history backwards.

Isaiah 46:9, 10 “I am God and there is none el se. “There is none like Me.” “Declaring the end from the beginning.”

John 14:29 “1 have told you before it come to pass, that when it come to pass, you might believe.”

John 13:19.

Christ is the author of prophecy. He staked His Messiah-ship on the line. If prophecy goes, the Bible goes, Christ goes, Heaven goes.


Jeremiah 17:23 Here is God’s remarkable picture of the skeptic and unbeliever. They deliberately reject evidence. “Nor receive instruction.” “I won’t read it.” They are afraid of truth.

2 Peter 3:5 “They willfully shut their eyes to the fact.” T. C. N. T. “Deliberately ignore the fact.” R. S. V.

Proverbs 1:22 “Fools hate knowledge.”

Proverbs 1:29 “They hated knowledge.” They say “I wish you had not told me. Proverbs 1:33 “But whoso harkened unto me shall dwell safely.”


  1. Among the thousands of books written by infidels, there is not one devoted to showing how the Bible prophecies have failed.
  2. Every other part of the Bible has been criticized in detail but not prophecy.
  3. 1 Thessalonians 5:20, 21 “Despise not prophesying. Prove all things.”
  4. Bible Prophecy is as fascinating as a romance, yet as terrible as a death sentence.
  5. The Reformation was based on prophecy. So is the Third Angel’s Message.
  6. Modern Christendom, by their attitude, says: “We have a very uncertain word of prophecy. We do well if we pay no attention to it.
  7. 85% of the Bible’s prophecies have been fulfilled. Of the 15% that remain, practically all relate to the Second Advent.

I don’t know what the future holds, but 1 know the One who knows the future and who holds the future.


  1. Because it gives the greatest proof of the divine origin of the Bible.
  2. The human heart craves for certainty, and we have a “sure word of prophecy”.
  3. It brightens the future.

I teach prophecy, but I don’t prophecy.

I emphasize prophecy. Because God emphasizes prophecy - a third of the Bible is prophecy.

Luke 24:25, 27. Because Jesus did. Because the Apostles did.

Acts 2:16 “This is that which was spoken.”

Acts 2:23 “By the foreknowledge of God.”

Acts 2:25 “I foresaw.”

Acts 2:31 “He seeing this before spoke.”

Acts 3:18 “God before hath showed.”

Acts 3:24 “All the prophets have likewise foretold.”

We are a prophetic movement, based on prophecy commissioned to preach prophecy, but we never have regular prophetic councils! Why?

We have Departmental committees, Financial councils, Executive committees, Sabbath School committees, Sports committees, etc., etc. - All kinds of committees and councils, except a council on prophecy! Why?


Mr. Norvell, a popular Astrologer of Hollywood writing in “LOOK” Magazine, November 21, 1939, “In a matter of months Hitler will meet a tragic fate. Death may come to him from an assassin, or by a battle wound in the throat, or heart region, or even by suicide. The spring of 1940 is a period of worst affliction in Hitler’s chart, but in any event he cannot survive the year. With the Maginot Line as an impregnable barrier, England and France will invade Germany and at last shattering her morale.”

Patrich Henry, “I know of no way ofjudging the future, but by the past.”

Voltaire, “History is a nightmare, from which 1 am glad to awaken.” (Prophecy is the only key that unlocks the mysteries of history.)

Victor Hugo, “In the twentieth century, war will be dead, the scaffold will be dead, hatred will be dead, frontier boundaries will be dead, dogmas will be dead; Man will live. He will possess something higher than all these, a great country, the whole earth, and a great hope, the whole heaven.”

Sir Joseph Ward, speaking in the Auckland Town Hall, “The League of Nations did not provide a definite assurance that there would be no more war, but it did give an assurance that there would be no more war for at least 50 or 100 years.” Auckland Herald August 6, 1919. Quoted in “Hundred Years of News”, New Zealand Herald, November 13, 1963.


For instance if one predicted that there would be more storms in Australia next year than during this year: There would be 1 in 2 chances of the prediction coming true. If it was predicted there would be more storms between January 1st and July 1st there would be 1 in 4 chances by the 1 aw of compound probability. If the storms would be worst north of Sydney the chances would be 1 in 8. If predicted that most of the victims would be over middle age the chances would be 1 in 16.

As details are added so the chances of the predictions multiply. The prophecies of Egypt, Babylon, Ninevah, and Tyre average 40 particulars each, thus the chances of these coming true is 1 in 2,000,000,000,000,000. Yet wonder of wonders every one has been fulfilled.



Revelation 21:1-4 Here is our hope and our only hope. For now and for eternity. Therefore, cast in our lot with Jesus, the Author of the prophecies – the Author and finisher of our Faith.


Jeremiah 18:7-10 “If” Conditional prophecy. Deuteronomy 28:19, 13, 15

Jonah 3:4-8 “Turn every one from his evil way.” Jonah 3:10 “God saw their works.”

It is true that time has continued longer than we expected in the early days of the message. Our Savior did not appear as soon as we hoped. But has the word of the Lord failed? Never! It should be remembered that the promises and threatening of God are alike conditional.” Manuscript 4, 1883.

2 Peter 3:8

2 Peter 3:9 God is patient and longsuffering. But what He promises will come. “Will come” is stated 24 times in the Bible.

1 Peter 3:20 “God waited”.


Revelation 14:18 “For her grapes are fully ripe.”

“Time will fast a little longer, until the inhabitants of the earth have filled up the cup of their iniquity.” Testimonies, Volume 1, page 363.

Revelation 14:14,1 “For the harvest of the earth is ripe.”

Mark 4:26-29 “But when the fruit is brought forth, immediately he puts in the sickle, because the harvest is come.”

“The wheat develops ‘first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear’. The object of the husbandman in the sowing of the seed and the culture of the growing plant is the production of grain. He desires bread for the hungry, and seed for future harvests. So the divine Husbandman looks for a harvest as the reward of His labor and sacrifice. Christ is seeking to reproduce Himself in the hearts of men; and He does this through those who believe in Him. The object of the Christian life is fruit bearing the reproduction of Christ’s character in the believer, that it may be reproduced in others.” Christ’s Object Lessons, page 67.

“When the fruit is brought forth. immediately he puts in the sickle, because the harvest is come. Christ is waiting with longing desire for the manifestation of Himself in His church. When the character of Christ shall be perfectly reproduced in His people, then He will come to claim them as His own.”

“It is the privilege of every Christian not only to look for but to hasten the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, (2Peter 3:12, margin). Were all who profess His name bearing fruit to His glory, how quickly the whole world would be sown with the seed of the gospel. Quickly the fast great harvest would be reaped.”

“We may have to remain here in this world because of insubordination many more years, but for Christ’s sake, His people should not add sin to sin by charging God with the consequences of their own wrong course of action.” Evangelism, page 696.

“It was not the will of God that the coming of Christ should be thus delayed. God did not design that His people, Israel, should wander forty years in the wilderness. He promised to lead them directly to the land of Canaan, and establish them there a holy, heal thy, happy people. But those to whom it was first preached, went not in “because of unbelief” (Hebrews 3:19). Their hearts were filled with murmuring, rebellion, and hatred, and He could not fulfill His covenant with them.” 1 Selected Messages, page 68.

“By giving the gospel to the world it is in our power to hasten our Lord’s return. We are not only to look for but to hasten the coming of the day of God. Had the church of Christ done her appointed work as the Lord ordained, the whole world would before this have been warned, and the Lord Jesus would have come to our earth in power and great glory.” Desire of Ages, pages 633-634.

For instance. “Early Corn should be ready in 68 days.” The farmer does not count days, but watches the crop. If sufficient rain, warm days and cold nights. If conditions are right.



John 15:2 “No fruit” - “Fruit” - “More fruit”. John 15:5 “Much fruit”.

John 15:10 How to abide in Christ’s love.

Matthew 25:3 The Holy Spirit “Christ’s Representative” Evangelism, page 187.

Messages to Young People, page 17.

Desire of Ages, page 277.

Revelation 3:20 Christ brings all things.

Lord engrave it on my heart,

That Thou the one thing needful art. I could from all things parted be, But never, never Lord from Thee.


Daniel 2:29 “Thy thoughts of what should come to Pass hereafter.” “You were thinking of the future.” (Moffatt’s Version).

Daniel 2:1 “Dreamed dreams.” The Babylonians attached great importance to dreams, especially when given to a king. He was Pontifex Maximus - the leading priest of the gods of Babylon.


The Babylonians had boasted that their gods were superior. Their victory over Israel had proved this. God had sent Israel to Babylon as a witness for Him.

Daniel 2: 1 “Nebuchadnezzar Troubled.” He had troubled Israel, now God troubles him.

Daniel 2:2, 3 The scholars of the University of Babylon fall. “Mediaeval magic and witchcraft were, in a large part, an unchanged inheritance from Chaldea. Myer’s General History, page 46.

Daniel 2:4 “Syriach.” “In Aramaic.” Fenton. From this verse to the end of chapter seven, Daniel wrote in Aramaic. This prophecy regarding world powers was given in the language of the world power.

2 Kings 18:26 This language was understood by the Jews.

Daniel 2:7.8 The noose tightens. The battle develops between a disillusioned king and the cunning crafty “wise men”. The scholars are caught in a web of their own devices. They were faced with the contest of Truth versus Error. The worldly wise, with their philosophy, had a religion of mere human endeavor.

Daniel 2:10-11 Their forced confession reveals the false claims. “Whose dwelling is not with flesh. Their religion ruled out divine powers and left man helpless.

Daniel 5: 11 “There is a man in whom is the Spirit. They were to hear of a God who does dwell with flesh.

Isaiah 57:15 “With him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit.”

1 Timothy 3:16 God’s dwelling is with flesh.

John 15:4, 5 “Abide in Me and I in you.”

Colossians 1:27 “Christ in you.”

Babylon’s religion is only faith in falsehood. Truth has Christ in the heart and life.

Babylon’s religion, originated with Satan, through Cain, the first sun worshipper and developed by Nimrod.

Genesis 10:8-10 Nimrod was a mighty rebel before the Lord.” Ancient Jewish Commentary. “Nimrod was mighty in sin, lying in wait to catch and overthrow men, and draw them away from the worship of the true God.” Jewish Torgum.

Nimrod, the first king, was deified at his death, and became the “father of gods” and was worshipped under many names. Nimus, Tammus, Bel, Baal, Ammon-Ra, Marduk, Nebo, Jupiter etc. He was linked with the sun and thus the chief god of all pagan times. Heroes at death became lesser gods, and were represented by the planets.

Semiramis, Nimrod’s wife, became the Moon goddess, or “Queen of heaven”, the Great Mother. She too was worshipped- under many names - Ishtar, Ashtoreth.

Acts 19-34 “Diana”, Venus. etc. Babylon built artificial mountains - “high places” and towers. Well known examples are “Tower of Babel”, and the temple of the Moon-goddess of Ur.

Daniel 2:18 Praying friends are good friends.

Daniel 2:19-21 In the darkest hours truth shines the brightest. Note the praise to God that is recorded, but not the prayer. Christ said “Where” are the nine of the ten lepers. May we be thankful.

Daniel 2:28 “There is a God in heaven that makes known. “He reveals secrets.” Our religion came by revelation, and not by man’s wisdom, it is not of scholars, theologians or this world’s wise men. The “wise men’s “ lives were saved because Daniel was there - He was the salt of the earth.”

Isaiah 47:13-15 Astrology failed and will fail. “The astrologers none shall save thee.” But God’s “revelation” was no sham or forgery.

Daniel 2:31-35 Note Daniel did not ask, but stated “Thou saw. When God reveals it is sure.


The image was like the things of the world, the farther it goes the less it’s value. Youth is golden, old age is half clay. Many have a head of gold, but feet of clay they know their duty, but do not do it. The Human body illustrates human history. The body deteriorates in value from head to foot. The head is the most valuable and important. It directs and governs all. The second section of the body contains the heart, and lungs, then lower the trunk legs and feet.

The image begins with gold, the king of metals, and ends in miry clay = mire - mud. It is a fit symbol of human history. Here is God’s answer to the popular question “is the world getting better?”

Daniel 2:36 “This is the dream.” What a breathless silence! The troubled king. The awed soldiers and wise men await in fearful silence of hope or doom. The priests of Babylon’s gods stand pale and trembling under the sentence of death. The servant of God alone is calm. Like John the Baptist before Herod, Paul before Felix, Daniel was “Un awed by the human, because he had looked upon the divine. He could stand fearless in the presence of earthly monarchs, because with trembling he had bowed before the King of kings.” 8 Testimonies, page 332.

Daniel 2:36 Here in eight short verses is the world’s history for 2500 years. In 213 words the history of nations for two and a half millenniums. The form of a man was appropriate. It represented the kingdoms of men. It covered “Man’s day.” (1 Corinthians 4:3. Margin.)

Daniel 2: 37 “The God of heaven has given them a kingdom. It was not due to his power or skill, or the favor of his gods. “King of kings” - This title was applied to Nebuchadnezzar as indicated by archaeology.

Daniel 2:38 “Thou art this head of God.” The head represents the head or chief part of man. Gold - the king of metals. Babylon was a golden kingdom in a golden age. The Scriptures refer to Babylon as “the glory of kingdoms”, “the lady of kingdoms”, “the golden city”, and “the beauty of the Chaldean’s excellence”. Babylon was impregnable. It was built to stand forever. Nebuchadnezzar had written in his tablets, now unearthed, “Babylon the city which is the delight of my eyes, and which 1 have glorified; May it last forever.” It was founded by Nimrod 1500 years before and was at its pinnacle of glory and power in the reign of Nebuchadnezzar. Babylon was the birth place and incubator of idolatry. It was the breeding place of every false and counterfeit doctrine. It took the courage and grace of God to give the truth to a proud king. The message of the true prophet is seldom smooth arid pleasing. False prophets please and flatter.

Daniel 2:39 The Rule of Babylon as a universal monarchy lasted for only 70 years. It was the shortest of any world empire. Daniel lived to see the rise, reign and the ruin of Babylon.

“Another Kingdom inferior to thee.” This was an unwelcome message. It was contrary to the kings expectations. From a human viewpoint it was impossible that Babylon would be overthrown. The breast and arms of silver was a fit symbol of the Medo-Persian Empire. The scriptures clearly state that the kingdom that followed Babylon was that of the Medes and Persians (See 2 Chronicles 36:20, Jeremiah 51:1, 11) The last king of Babylon was told that “his kingdom was given to the Medes and Persians”.

Daniel 5:28 “Silver-chest.”

Persians is the language of secular history. Scripture refers in a later prophecy to “the kings of Media and Persia”. Daniel 8:20. The Medes revolted first against the rule of Babylon. They became the aggressors in the war. They were joined later by the Persians. The combined armies were under the leadership of Cyrus, the Persian general. Cyrus was the nephew of Darius the Median king. Darius was one year older than Cyrus. They were practically joint-rulers until the death of Darius two years after the fall of Babylon. This left Cyrus the sole ruler of the new world empire.

The Medo-Persian kingdom continued for 200 years, before going down before the Greeks.


The kingdom that followed Medo-Persia is clearly stated to be Greece. (Daniel 8:20, 21; 10:20; 11:1-3) While the world praises the age of Greece, it is worthy of note that God represents it as an age of brass. “An age of glare and flare, and assigns to it only the briefest place in His holy records.” Paul spoke of the days of boasted Greek knowledge as “the times of this ignorance. “The wisdom of the world is foolishness with God.”


It is claimed that the early Greek soldiers wore brass armor and were call ed “the brazen-coated” Greeks.

Daniel 2:40 ‘The Iron Monarchy of Rome.” It is a very easy thing to show the amazing accuracy of Bible Prophecy and to use only infidel writers to show their exact fulfillment. For instance Gibbon, in his “Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire” Volume 111, chapter 38, states: “The arms of the Republic, sometimes vanquished in battle, always victorious in war, advanced with rapid strides to the Euphrates, the Danube and the Rhine and the ocean; and the images of gold or silver or brass that might serve to represent the nations and their kings were successively broken by the iron monarchy of Rome.” Like many unbelievers Gibbon uses the same imagery as Scripture. However, no one would accuse Gibbon of writing to prove the Bible true. Truly history proves the Bible true.

It has been well called “His-Story.” Prophecy bears witness, sure and certain, that the living and true God speaks in Holy Scripture.

Isaiah 48:5 “Before it came to pass 1 showed it thee: lest thou should say, mine idol hath done them.” Our merciful and loving God desires to save men, and so our Lord has piled evidence upon evidence in His Word to convince our stubborn hearts that we have a living God, who is Author of this Book, and that Jesus of the Bible is the living loving Lord and Savior of men. There is no book like this Book, and there is no other Savior than the One it reveals.

Acts 4:12 “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”


Luke 2:1 “That all the world should be taxed.” Caesar Augustus could tax at I the world, because all the world was under Rome. In the words of Gibbon “But the empire of the Romans filled the world, and when that empire fell into the hands of a single person, the world became a safe and dreary prison for his enemies. To resist was fatal, and it was impossible to fly.” Gibbon’s Roman Empire. Volume 1, chapter 3, page 133.

When the Roman armies invaded the British Isles, the Scottish chieftain Galgacus said: “These ravagers of the world, after all the earth has been too narrow for their ambition, have ransacked the sea also. If their enemy is rich, they are covetous; if poor, they are ambitious. The East cannot satiate them - no more can the West. To plunder, to murder, to rob, is their delight. Violence they call dominion: and wherever they can make a dreary solitude they call it peace.” Daniel 11:14 The Romans are called “the robbers of the people.” They conquered, robbed and crushed the world under their iron heel.

Daniel 2:41, 42 “The Kingdom shall be divided.” The nation that broke other nations in pieces, was destined to be broken. This is the unchanging rule among nations and individuals. What they sow they reap. This is not evolution. It is devolution. Beginning with gold, human history and earthly kingdoms end in “miry clay” or mud. “Muddy clay”. Moffatt.


Daniel 7:24 “The ten horns out of this kingdom, are ten kings that shall arise.” Today these kingdoms of divided Rome are the powers of Europe, some strong as iron and some weak as clay. Anglo-Saxons = British. Alemanni = Germans. Franks = French. Surgundians = Swiss. Seuvi = Portugese. Visigoths = Spanish. Lombards = Italian.


  1. How did Daniel know there would be no other world empire?
  2. Why just four?
  3. Fourth, divided into ten?

Daniel 2:43 “They shall intermarry.” Moffett. Queen Victoria of England was called The Grandmother of Europe. In 1914 King George V had 40 cousins among the crowned heads of Europe. Force was used to unite Europe by Charlemagne, Charles V, Louis XIV, Napoleon, Kaiser, and Hitler. Napoleon said after his coronation: “There will be no repose in Europe until it is under one head. In five years 1 shall be master of the world.” Taine’s “Modern Regime,” Volume 1, page 36. Napoleon left 3,000,000 slain. The snowflakes of Russia and the raindrops at Waterloo ended his days a prisoner.

Kaiser “From childhood 1 have been under the influence of five men, Alexander, Julius Caeser, Theodoric II, Frederick the Great, and Napoleon. Each of these dreamed a dream of world empire they failed. 1 am dreaming a dream of German world empire - and my mailed fist shall succeed.


In 1939 1 was in the midst of an evangelistic campaign in the heart of Launceston, Tasmania. When the German army broke through, and France, Belgium, Denmark, and Holland collapsed and the British army was surrounded at Dunkirk. 1 discarded the handbill 1 had prepared, and advertised 1 would speak on “Why Herr Hitler will never march his storm troopers across a conquered Europe - Bible Prophecy Knows. It does not guess. That night, it was not a matter of every seat taken, every square inch was taken. People were standing on every square inch up to the platform, they were on the platform jammed in the isles, doorway and down the stairs, to the street. 1 preached on Daniel 2. Many said “We hope you are right, but it looks as though prophecy will fail this time. The following months and years proved afresh that “there is a God in Heaven that makes known what shall be.” “The dream is certain - and the interpretation thereof sure.” God’s Tell-a-Vision is sure.

“They shall not cleave” - The Iron Curtain of prophecy.

Daniel 2:44, 45 What Next. Christ cuts the chain of human history. He breaks into the scene in all His glory. Happy the one who knows this coming King as a Savior from sin.


The kings of Europe, after they have tried in vain to unite by force of arms, by intermarriage, by diplomacy, and by the common market.


1 Corinthians 10:4 “That Rock was Christ.” 32 times in the Old Testament the “Rock” is applied to Jehovah. 4 times in the New Testament “Rock” is applied to Jesus, never to any man, Peter or any earthly kingdom.

Isaiah 26:4 “The Lord Jehovah is the Rock of Ages.” (Margin.)

All others are but sinking sand.

“All others are but sham-rocks.

He was the smitten Rock,

He is the coming smiting Rock,

Take Him as your foundation Rock.


There is a division of opinions regarding the nature of the kingdom described in Daniel 2. The Gospel is referred to as the Kingdom.

Mark 1:14, 15 “The Gospel of the Kingdom of God.”

Matthew 3:1-3 “Repent you: for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.”

Matthew 4:17 “Repent: for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” The Gospel is often spoken of as the kingdom of Heaven. Jesus referred to it 62 times (47 in Matthew).

Colossians 1:13 Into this kingdom we can now be translated.

Luke 17:20, 21 This kingdom comes without “outward show”. In it Christ is king of the heart and life.

Hebrews 4: 16 “The throne of grace.” “Throne” indicates a kingdom. Now we are in the Kingdom of Grace. Our king today grants “Mercy” and “grace.”

Matthew 21:43 “Kingdom is taken from you.” “Nation” = those who fall on the Rock.

1 Peter 2:9 “Holy nation” = So called because they are under one King. They are governed by same law. “Holy” = Therefore only children of God are in this nation. Jesus is King of their hearts.

Matthew 25:31, 32 THEN shall He sit on the throne of His GLORY.

The throne of His Glory indicates the Kingdom of Glory.

“Then”, this kingdom begins at the Second Advent. John 18:36 This kingdom is not of this world.

Luke 19:11-15 Christ shows that this kingdom was future. It would not “immediately appear”. Matthew 25:19 “After a long time.”


St. Augustine (died 430 AD) taught that the Stone Kingdom was the Roman Catholic Church. This “Stone” of Daniel 2 was the first advent. The smashing of the image was therefore the work of the Roman Catholic Church. Thus Augustine’s writings became “the Bible of the Inquisition”. Augustine favored a forced religion. He also taught that there were many repeated fulfillments. This blurred the original and true fulfillment of prophecy. Thus the Bible was emptied of its significance. The “first resurrection” of Revelation 20 takes place in this life and is spiritual. The “second resurrection” is the resurrection of the body. Augustine greatly influenced Luther and Calvin and they followed him in- the belief of “original sin,” the immaculate conception, etc. Augustine has been well called “The founder of the Papacy”, and his false teachings on the Kingdom of God laid the foundation for the persecution of the dark ages.

“Error is never harmless. It never sanctifies, but always brings confusion and dissension. It is always dangerous. The enemy has great power over minds that are not thoroughly fortified by prayer and estab1ished in Bible truth.” 5 Testimonies, page 292.

Proverbs 23:23 “Buy the truth and sell it not.” Many sell it for popularity, position, or praise.

Daniel 2:44 This Stone Kingdom cannot be the Kingdom. Of grace set up by the Gospel. It follows the dividing of Rome. It destroys all earthly kingdoms. This was not so of the preaching of the Gospel. The Gospel does not destroy nations.

Daniel 2:35 Here is complete destruction of all earthly kingdoms. So complete that they are likened to “chaff” blown away by the wind.

Genesis 1:26 This kingdom was first given to Adam, who surrendered it to Satan.

Ezekiel 21:25-27 Zedekiah was the last King of Judah. The throne would remain vacant till “He come whose right it is.”

Luke 1:31-33 “Of His Kingdom there shall be no end.” “My Kingdom is not of this world.” Hebrews 11:13-16 This world is not our home, it is but a highway.”

Micah 2: 10 “This is not your rest: because it is polluted.

Daniel 2:46, 47 “Your God is a revealer of secrets.” What God reveals, we can depend on. It is “Certain” and “Sure.” God does dwell “with flesh”.

Colossians 1:27 “The mystery” is the Gospel. ‘The riches of the Glory of this mystery.” “It is Christ in you, the hope of Glory”.

Revelation 21:3 The climax of the coming Kingdom is “God is with men and He will dwell with them.”

Daniel 2:11 Babylon’s “scholars” said His “dwelling is not with flesh”. The “Scripture of Truth” says: He will be “With men”, and “all flesh shall come up to worship Him on the Sabbath.

Daniel 2:46 If God’s revelation of the future, before any had been fulfilled had such an effect on a heathen, what effect should it have on us when we have seen it nearly all fulfilled. Surely we too should bow before the God of gods. What a privilege to serve such a God! What a joy to live when the final event will soon be enacted!


Isaiah 44:28 One hundred and thirteen years before Cyrus saw the light of day, his name was written in the prophecies of the Bible. It was also predicted that he would become a mighty general; and one hundred and seventy four years before he was born an exact prediction was made of the work he would do when he was sixty one years old. It also revealed the way by which he would accomplish the task. That task, the greatest feat of his life, was the capture of Babylon, the mightiest city of the ancient world.

Babylon was called in the Scriptures “the praise of the whole earth,” “the golden city,” “the glory of kingdoms,” “the lady of kingdoms,” and “the beauty of the Chaldea’s excellence.”

It was surrounded by a series of gigantic walls and a giant moat or trench, so made that it could be flooded from an artificial- lake. The enclosed area of the city covered twenty five square mile s, which provided ample space for gardens and orchards, so that if it were besieged its inhabitants could easily grow sufficient food to amply support them. Yes, Babylon was impregnable! Yet God’s infallible prophecies declared it was doomed to be overthrown and finally to sink into ruin and oblivion.

Five decades before, Jeremiah the prophet foretold in amazing detail the unique method of attack and even the conditions inside the city on Babylon’s fateful night. This prophecy is found in the fiftieth and fifty first chapters of Jeremiah. The very nations that would capture the proud city were also named.

Jeremiah 51:11 “The Lord hath raised up the spirit of the kings of the Medes: for His device is against Babylon.”

Jeremiah 51:28 “Prepare against her the nations with the kings of the Medes.”

Isaiah 45:11-13 It was foretold that Cyrus the king of Persia would be the general who would lead the armies against Babylon. This prophecy mentions Cyrus by name over a century before he was born. History confirms prophecy! It always does. In the year, 559 BC war broke out between the Babylonians and the Medes. Darius, the king of the Medes, sought the aid of his nephew, Cyrus the Persian king, who laid siege to Babylon. The Babylonians had no fears or concern, as they gathered within the impregnable walls. They had provisions for twenty years, besides land to furnish food for an indefinite period. Well may they scoff at Cyrus and mock his efforts to capture “the golden city”. Cyrus knew that spears, arrows, or battering rams were powerless against this greatest of fortresses.

Cyrus determined to use stratagem for he well knew force was useless. He determined to gain entrance by means of the river Euphrates which flowed diagonally through the city. The river would be his highway for it entered and emerged as it flowed beneath the city walls. The river was diverted into an artificial lake so that the river would be fordable.

Fifty or more years before, the prophecy had foretold that this would be the method the Medes and Persians would adopt in the capture of Babylon.

Jeremiah 50:38 “A drought is upon her waters; and they shall be dried up. Jeremiah 51:36 “I will make her springs dry.”

When all this preparation was completed for diverting the Euphrates, the attack was made on the night of the annual Babylonian festival. The city would be given over to an orgy of feasting and drunken revelry. The fifth chapter of Daniel describes that night of wine, women and song. Babylon could have known and should have known, for God had sent this warning o them. The Divine prophecies had foretold it all, but I like many modern so-called intellectuals, they were above the old Bible and too big to heed it’s messages.

So Belshazzar, the Babylonian king, made “a great feast to a thousand of his lords”. It was a gay night, but it suddenly became a very gloomy one. If they were too big to be worried by God, they were not too big to be wounded by His judgment. “In the same hour came forth fingers of a man’s hand”, and wrote the final message of Babylon’s doom on the palace wall. The same fingers that wrote the ten commandments on Sinai flint, now writes it so that all Babylon can see.

In defiance of God they had “worshipped and praised the gods of wood and stone, silver, gold and brass, that see not, nor hear, nor know and” continued God’s spokesman, “the God in whose hand thy breath is, and whose are all thy ways, hast not glorified”. Lovers of sin and the ways of transgression, love a god that cannot see, hear or know. But now the time of reckoning had come. Death, judgment and perdition. “That night they slew him on his father is throne, The deed un-noticed and the hand unknown. Powerless and scepterless Belshazzar lay, A robe of purple on a form of clay.”

The most amazing fact of all is that this too was foretold in the “Scriptures of Truth.” One hundred and fifty years before, the prophet had foretold that Babylon would go down (Isaiah 21:9), at the time of feasting and drunkenness. (Isaiah 21:5), by the hand of Elam. Elam was just to the north of the Persian Gulf and Media. (Isaiah 21:2). The wild, gay time would suddenly turn to terrifying, paralyzing fear. (Isaiah 21:3, 4). Jeremiah also foretold their end in the midst of a drunken stupor. (Jeremiah 51:39, 57). The enemy would crawl like caterpillars, declared the prophecy. (Jeremiah 51:14). The street passages by the river would be sieged first and later the rest of the city. (Jeremiah 51:31, 32).

The drunken revelers would not be able to resist and Babylon would go down. (Jeremiah 51:30, 50: 35-37, 51:58,63,64). On the night of this Babylonian high day, Cyrus, the Persian, divides his army in three companies. The first was to turn the river at a given hour, the second was stationed where the river flowed into the city and the third where the river flowed from beneath the city walls and as soon as the river was fordable they were (in the darkness of night), to enter the city and meet at the palace, kill the guards and capture the city.

In the British Museum there is an ancient inscription written by the priests of Babylon which describes the capture of the haughty city of Babylon. “On the 16th day, Gobrigas Pasha of the land of Gutium, and the troops of Cyrus, without a battle entered Babylon”. They did not need to battle, for on that high day of revelry, the river gates were left open, either in carelessness or treachery, so the army of Cyrus just marched in and took possession. Herodotus, in his History gives an interesting account of this capture of Babylon, Book 1, page 97. Thus both history and the unearthed stone tablets of the archaeologist confirms the exact and uncanny fulfillment of the infallible Scriptures. One hundred and seventy five years before,

the prophecy had foretold that the gates would not be shut. This was the very way by which Cyrus was enabled to capture this mighty fortress.

Isaiah 45:1 “Thus said the Lord to His anointed, to Cyrus whose right hand 1 have held, to subdue nations before him; and 1 will loose the loins of kings, to open before him the two-leaved gates; and the gates shall not be shut.”

The exact and amazing fulfillment of these and a thousand other prophecies on a myriad of subjects is unrefutable proof of the truthfulness of Scripture. It is true! It is reliable!

John14:29 “I have told you before it come to pass, that when it is come to pass, you might believe.”

John 20:31 “These are written, that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God: and that believing you might have life through His Name.”

The prophecy is “written”, so is history, and the stone tablets, so that we might have a sure foundation for our belief in Christ and by believing we may have life.

Isaiah 44:28 It was foretold of Cyrus that he would be used of God to lay the 4oundation” of the temple. He would commence the work of the restoration and rebuilding of the temple. This he did by his decree. This decree was the first of the three decrees given by Persian kings.

Ezra 1:2, 3 Here we have the amazing statement of Cyrus, a pagan king. This is amazing to have come from a Persian king, because the Persians were fire and sun worshippers and were opposed to the use of buildings in worship. Yet here is a Persian king giving a decree to restore the temple, for the worship of “the Lord God of heaven”. How could this be? Prophecy is the answer!


Cyrus was shown his own name in the prophecy of Isaiah and the work he would accomplish in the overthrow of Babylon and that he would lay the foundation to restore Jerusalem’s temple. Cyrus was amazed! Through this prophecy “the Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus, king of Persia, that he made a proclamation.” Ezra 1:1. (See Josephus, Book 11, page 228).

Thus it was prophecy that arrested the attention of Cyrus and led to Israel Is restoration. God uses the heathen to accomplish His will. In Isaiah 44:8, God calls Cyrus “My shepherd”, for God used him through prophecy to lead His people back from Babylonian captivity. In Jeremiah 27:6, Nebuchadnezzar is likewise called “My servant”. God used him to punish an apostate Israel. In Jeremiah 51:20 Babylon is called by God “My battle axe”. Babylon is the last power addressed in this chapter, so it is evident that He is here addressing Babylon. In Jeremiah 50:23, Babylon is called “the hammer of the whole earth”. God used these earthly powers and pagan kings to accomplish His will.

When Jerusalem was taken by the Babylonians they could see that it had happened by the hand of God. Even the captain of the army of Babylon exclaimed to Jeremiah, “The Lord thy God hath pronounced this evil upon this place.” Jeremiah 40:2. The hand of God is often seen in the affairs and tragedies of men.

Josephus bears testimony that when the Roman army captured Jerusalem, Titus, the Roman general acknowledged that God had intervened and enabled them to capture Jerusalem, for this victory was not his doing. (Wars of the Jews, Book 5, page 568). Likewise Cyrus, as we have noticed, acknowledges the intervention of the Lord God of heaven.


Isaiah 44:11 Cyrus is called “a ravenous bird from the east”. He was a ruthless killer. Herodotus, the historian of these bygone years tells of Cyrus anger at the river for the drowning of a favorite horse. He states “Cyrus, enraged at the insolence of the river. Having however, wreaked his vengeance on the Gyndes, by dispersing it through three hundred and sixty channels, marched against Babylon”. Book 1, p. 96. He was finally killed on the field of battle; and of the queen that he was fighting against when he was killed, Herodotus records, “She took a skin and filling it full of human blood, she dipped the head of Cyrus in the gore, saying, as she thus insulted the corpse. “By this I give thee thy fill of blood”. Book 1, p. 108.

He was well named a ravenous bird of prey and died as one. Let every lover of the Lord Jesus Christ hesitate before claiming that Cyrus is a type of Christ, as some have done, to try to uphold a doubtful interpretation of prophecy.

In Revelation 17:17, we have another case of God over-ruling and using the wicked to be His servants in accomplishing His will and fulfilling His prophetic Word, for the Scriptures cannot be broken. Speaking of the downfall of modern Babylon by the powers of earth, we read “For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill His will, until the words of God shall be fulfilled”. So God used Nebuchadnezzar as His “servant”, Titus and Cyrus, “His anointed”, although they were all as ravenous birds of prey.

While it can present many difficulties to try to make Cyrus a type of Christ, a paralleled could be drawn however, between the decree of Cyrus and the first Angel Is message for these last days, when modern Babylon goes down forever and God’s Israel, His God-ruled people, at last are lifted home to glory to be “forever with the Lord”. The parallel is worthy of notice.


Cyrus laid “the foundation” or began the deliverance of God’s people. His decree, the first of three decrees, is certainly a parallel of the first of the three Angel Is message. Three decrees were given by the Persian kings. The decree of Cyrus was followed by the decrees of Darius and Artaxerxes and these were followed by the commission of Nehemiah. So in Revelation 14:6-12, we have the messages of the three Angels, followed by “the loud cry” of Revelation 18:1-5. Cyrus could be used as a parallel of the first Angel’s message, but not the Advent of our Lord, as some have thought. Cyrus died a century before the work of restoration was completed and centuries before the complete downfall of Babylon.

The work of restoration was completed under the leadership of Nehemiah and his commission. So the work of God will be finished in the preaching of the three Angel Is messages and the loud cry of Revelation 18:15.

Cyrus, the man from the east, began the work of restoration, and in like manner the angel of Revelation 7 is pictured as ascending or arising from the east. This is a picture of the beginning of God’s last message to the world. The final overthrow was to be accomplished by powers from the “north” This is repeated again and again in Scripture.

Jeremiah 50:1-4 Jeremiah 51:48

While Cyrus began the movement of Israel back to Jerusalem, he also began the destruction of Babylon, but he certainly did not complete that destruction. Our Bible Commentary makes that fact very clear. “Babylon was not destroyed by Cyrus, and its decline came in-slow stages”. SDA Bible Commentary, Volume 4, page 526. Babylon’s destruction was to be final and complete.


Jeremiah 50:3 She would be made “desolate”.

Jeremiah 50:13 It was to “be wholly desolate”

Jeremiah 50:3 It was to be complete, for “none shall raise him up”

Isaiah 13:19-20 “it shall be no more inhabited for ever; neither shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation.“

This was not accomplished by Cyrus, for Babylon was inhabited for centuries after Cyrus was dead and gone. God repeatedly stated that complete destruction was to be accomplished by powers from the north. The Bible Commentary adds these interesting facts of history: “By prophetic foresight Jeremiah looks down through the centuries and beholds the result of a succession of catastrophes that would cause Babylon to become a wilderness, a dry land and a desert.

“The predicted desolation came, although not immediately.

“It did not become a wilderness until much later.

“The Mongols, under the grandson of Genghis Khan swept over Western Asia.

“Since that time, the central and southern plains of Mesopotamia have been largely desert.” SDA Bible Commentary, Volume 4, p. 526.

Babylon’s destruct ion was finally complete. This final destruction came from lithe north”, as foretold in God’s infallible “Scriptures of Truth.”



The North has a strange significance in Scripture, and is worthy of note and careful consideration as the following facts reveal. “There was a peculiar mystery attached to the north in the Hebrew mind, as, in fact, the word for “north” in Hebrew (literally the hidden) indicates”. Pulpit Commentary, Volume 11, p. 274.

Satan’s ambition was to reach “the sides of the North”. He wanted the throne of God, for as stated. Psalms 48:2 “The sides of the north, the city of the great King.

God gave strict instructions that the burnt offering was to be sacrificed on the north side of the altar. Leviticus 1:11 “He shall kill it on the side of the altar northward before the Lord.”

The four cherubim are stated to come, out of the north as stated:

Ezekiel 1:4 “1 looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire in folding itself, and a brightness was about it”.

Ancient Babylon’s fall was completed by powers out of the north, so modern Babylon will go down to rise no more, by the now “hidden” power of our Christ, who is today preparing a city, the City of the Great King, in the sides of the North. He and He alone, will write “finish” on modern Babylon. So, as Babylon of old was reduced to ruins by powers from the north, so also modern Babylon Decrees will fall by the power from the north. As God used the Moslem powers to punish apostate Christendom, as revealed in Revelation 9, so he used the Mongols from the north to complete the doom of Babylon forever on that once blasphemous and Satan-ruled city.

Isaiah 14:4, 12 God Himself, addressed Lucifer as the king of Babylon. This destruction, although commenced by Cyrus, was completed by the northern powers. Cyrus could not be a type of our Lord and His glorious advent. Babylon’s destruction merely “began to be fulfilled in the edict of Cyrus”.

Pulpit Commentary, Volume 11, p. 274.

Jeremiah 51:6-9

Note “Her wine”. “She is not healed”. These pronouns are feminine. A woman in prophecy symbolizes a church. Babylon was and is Satan’s church.

Colossians 1:18 As Christ is the unseen Head of the Church, His Church, so Satan was the unseen king of Babylon. This city was the centre of a counterfeit system of religion.

Jeremiah 51:45 Flee out of the midst of Babylon, just as Christ told His disciples to flee from Jerusalem when it was surrounded by the armies of Rome. They obeyed Christ’s word literally and not a single Christian perished. So here Israel was to flee literally from Babylon.

Also Christians are to flee literally from modern Babylon. Yes literally, not merely a mental or figurative assent, but by a literal channel of life, “a new birth from sin to holiness, to keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.” Revelation 14:12. Not as monks flee from the world, to hide in silent cloisters, or in far away desert solitudes. This would be a double mistake. For they would neglect their duty to a dying world. Some who think they heed this call become supremely selfish. They seek to save their soul while others can suffer and perish. This is a false “Come out”. Remember those who hear and heed Christ’s call out of Babylon, will repeat the call:

Revelation 22:17 “Let him that hears say, Come”.

Jeremiah 51:9 “We would have healed Babylon, but she is not healed”. Babylon is beyond help. By the captivity, God planned, not only to bring Israel to repentance but to acquaint Babylon with His truth. Through men like Daniel and Ezekiel, the people of Babylon were given opportunity to know and follow the truth of the Great Creator, but Babylon’s failure to heed was the cause of their downfall and doom.


Jeremiah 51:59-62 The warning was read to Babylon.

Jeremiah 51:62, 63 It’s downfall was enacted. So is that of modern Babylon.

Revelation 18:21 Evidently this call of mercy fell on deaf ears in of Babylon. They refused the call of God, therefore His truth could afford them no protection. Thus the experience of ancient Babylon is as a lesson-book for us in these days of modern Babylon. Unless we take heed, the Bible will be a witness against us.

1 Corinthians 10:11 These prophecies and historical facts glare written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the world are come”.

Thus the two Babylons are linked in warning and appeal.




One of the greatest chapters of the Greatest Book is Daniel 3.

Daniel 3:1 Nebuchadnezzar was thinking of the great image of his God-given dream. “Thou art this head of gold.” This made a deep impression. “The wise men of his realm proposed that he make an image similar.” Prophets and Kings, page 504.

“His image should not deteriorate but should be entirely of gold - symbolic throughout of Babylon as an eternal, indestructible, all-powerful kingdom, which should break in pieces all other kingdoms, and stand forever.” Prophets and Kings, page 504.

Daniel 2:44 “It shall stand forever”.

The Golden Image is to show Babylon is eternal and thus take the place of the “Kingdom” of God. They misapplied; and misinterpreted the truth. It was a counterfeit to the Kingdom of God.

The historic portion of Daniel covers about 70 years. The book was written in Babylon. Six chapters cover largely history and six chapters prophecy. The six historic chapters contain experiences unparalleled. Probably twenty years had passed since the dream image. These two decades had shown no sign of decay in Babylon. In fact Babylon had grown in power and grandeur. Babylon was still undisputed master of the world.


“60 cubits by 6 cubits”

Babylonians divided time into .60 seconds to the minute, 60 minutes to the hour, 24 hours to the day, 360 degrees to the circle, 60 x 6 =

360. In Daniel 3 the image is mentioned six times, Verses 5, 7, 10, 12, 14, 15. In Revelation The man of Babylon = 666.

Daniel 1: 1, 2 Jerusalem to Babylon. Jerusalem was the centre of God’s truth. Babylon was the centre - Satan’s counterfeit religion. As the number six is linked with Babylon, so seven is in Scripture. (See “The Wonder Number in the Bible and Nature”)

Over 600 Verses in the Bible reveal the seven. This is most clearly revealed in Revelation. “See “The 7 ‘I wills’ of Christ in Revelation”)

When “seven” God’s perfect number, is linked with Babylon’s number six, we have thirteen. Thirteen has always been looked on as an unlucky number. When Jerusalem goes into Babylon, as when seven and six are linked we have the bad situation. God calls us to come out of Babylon into the truth. Satan draws into Babylon, his counterfeit system. Daniel opens with a dark picture, and the third chapter opens with even a darker picture. It would appear as though God was dead. Why did He permit such tragic conditions?

Daniel 3:4-7 “Through the devising of ambitious men, Satan was seeking to thwart the divine purpose for the human race”. Prophets and Kings, page 505.

Daniel 3:3 Only officials to attend. “Three Hebrews were over provinces. (Daniel 2:49) Daniel probably was away on foreign service.

Daniel 3:4 Thou shall fall down and worship the golden image” was the command of the King. “Thou shall not bow down to any graven image” was the command of God. Satan often deceives by ceremony and music. “Music unsurpassed”, is the description of Babylon’s music.

1 Corinthians 10:11 Examples and Types (Margin.) “For our admonition.”

Disobedience to the King was death Archaeology has discovered a tablet which told of two men who stole some articles from the temple, and that same day they were burned alive”.

Revelation 13:15 The Mandate of modern Babylon will be death. God’s penalty for sin is eternal death. Hebrews had to choose between two death sentences, the first or “second death”.

“A Last-Day Image. By many, the Sabbath of the fourth commandment is made void, being treated as a thing of naught; while the spurious Sabbath, the child of the papacy, is exalted. In the place of God’s laws, are elevated the laws of the man of sin, laws that are to be received and regarded as the wonderful golden image of Nebuchadnezzar was by the Babylonians.

Forming this great image, Nebuchadnezzar commanded that it should receive universal homage from all, both great and small, high and low, rich and poor (MS 24, 1891). SDA Bible Commentary, Volume 4, page 1169.

Daniel 3:6 “The same hour”.

This is the first mention to an “hour.” The hour originated in Babylon.

Daniel 3:7-13 “In rage and fury”. Dictators demand obedience.

Something Unusual anticipated. - When the king saw that his will was not received as the will of God, he was “full of fury”, and the form of his visage was changed against these men. Satanic attributes made his countenance appear as the countenance of a demon; and with all the force he could command, he ordered that the furnace be heated seven times hotter than its wont, and commanded the most mighty men to bind the youth, and cast them into the furnace. He felt that it required more than ordinary power to deal with these noble men. His mind was strongly impressed that something unusual would interpose in their behalf, and his strongest men were ordered to deal with them (ST May 6, 1897). SDA Bible Commentary, Volume 4, page 1169.

Daniel 3:14, 15 Is it true? Think what I have done for you! I lifted you out of slavery and have made you officers”. They had to Turn or Burn.

Daniel 3:15 “Who is that God that can deliver?” Twenty years before the King had publicly acknowledged that their God was a God of gods. Pharaoh “Who is Lord that 1 should obey”? The ten plaques on Egypt was the answer. Sennacherib defied God and 185, 000 died.

Daniel 3:16-18 The three Hebrews were not afraid of their “pay packet,” they were not afraid “to put their job on the block”. To bow the knee seemed a small act to escape such a horrible death. Outward acts are the result of inward convictions.


Truth constrains but never compels. A religion that relies on force is of the devil and not of God. They would suffer but not sin.

Daniel 3:19 They were given into the hands of Isum, the fire god of Babylon. The Babylonians had claimed that their fire god had burned Jerusalem. The Roman writer Varro declared that the pagan Roman priests used a certain oil to protect their feet so they could walk on coals of fire. The Babylonians worshipped fire, a symbol of the Sun.

Daniel 3:25 “But the Lord did not forget His own. As His witnesses were cast into the furnace, the Savior revealed Himself to them in person, and together they walked in the midst of the fire”. Prophets and Kings, pages 508, 509.

Jewish writers have interpreted “Like unto the Son of God” as simply an angel. Early Christians held that it was Jesus as do conservative Christians. Modern critical commentators have rejected this, as seen in the R.S.V. and other modern versions “like a son of the gods”.

“Christ Revealed by Captives. How did Nebuchadnezzar know that the form of the fourth was like the Son of God? He had heard of the Son of God from the Hebrew captives that were in his kingdom. They had brought the knowledge of the living God who rules all things. (Review and Herald, May 3, 1892). SDA Bible Commentary, Volume 7, page 1169.

“Associates Understood Faith. These faithful Hebrews possessed great natural ability and intellectual culture, and they occupied a high position of honor; but all these advantages did not lead them to forget God. All their powers were yielded to the sanctifying influence of divine grace. By their godly example, their steadfast integrity, they showed forth the praises of Him who had called them out of darkness into His marvelous light. In their wonderful deliverance was displayed, before that vast assembly, the power and majesty of God. Jesus placed Himself by their side in the fiery furnace, and by the glory of His presence convinced the proud king of Babylon that it could be no other than the Son of God. The light of heaven had been shining forth from Daniel and his companions, until all their associates understood the faith which ennobled their lives and beautified their characters.” (Review and Herald, February 1, 1881) SDA Bible Characters, Volume 4, page 1170.

If we suffer for Christ we will have His presence. What ever is done against His people is done against Him. “I am Jesus whom thou persecutes”.

Isaiah 63:9 Daniel and the “Three Hebrews’ were captives, yet they were under the care of God in the midst of pagan pollution.”

Hebrews 11:25 Like Moses they choose “rather to suffer affliction than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season.”

Daniel 3:26-28 “The Most High God”. In the book of Daniel He is revealed as the Monarch of the Universe, the Ancient of days, the Source of all wisdom, the Ruler of the present, the Revealer of the future the Living God. Babylon’s fire only burnt their bonds. If we suffer for Jesus we have His presence. Sooner or later all will be convinced and acknowledge truth.

Philippians 2:9-11 Too late! They kneel before Jesus.

Daniel 21:28, 29 There is now no mention of the mighty gold image. The image is forgotten. To “Every people, nation and land” is the decree sent. In about a week fast messengers would carry the message. In a week the truth goes.

Romans 9:28 “He will finish the work” and “Cut it short in righteousness”. Through the witness of God’s faithful three, the message of the “Living God” went to the world. So God’s truth is cut short in “Righteousness”.

Psalm 119: 172 “All Thy commandments are righteousness”.

Psalm 119: 142 “Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness and Thy law is the truth”.

Psalm 119: 151 “All Thy commandments are truth”. The obedience of God’s faithful three, to His commandments, resulted in God’s truth going to all the world in a few days. So, through the obedience of God’s Remnant, to God’s Commandments, they will be propel led into the limelight. of this world’s disfavor, and thus the work of God will be finished in a “short work”.

“In this our day will the wrath of man be aroused against those who hallow the Sabbath of the fourth commandment; and at last a universal decree will denounce those as deserving of death”. Prophets and Kings, page 512.

 “As in the days of Shadrack, Meshack, and Abednego, go in the closing period of earth’s history the Lord will work mightily in behalf of those who stand steadfastly for the right. His chosen ones will stand unmoved. Satan and all his hosts of evil cannot destroy the weakest of God’s saints”. Prophets and Kings, page 513.


Daniel 4:2 So we ought to tell of God’s dealings. The fourth chapter of Daniel is in some ways the most remarkable chapter in the Bible. It is a public declaration written by Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon.

Daniel 4:4 “I Nebuchadnezzar was at rest”. Nebuchadnezzar’s reign was warfare. He was a man of war. He was called:

Ezekiel 30:11 “The terrible of the nations.”.

Ezekiel 30:25 “I will put my sword in the and of the King of Babylon.” Jeremiah 50:23 “The hammer of the whole earth”.

He had conquered all. He had conquered Tyre, and Egypt had also fallen a prey to his victorious army. As he added more and more to his kingdom, so he added to his fame as the greatest ruler of his day.

Babylon, under its “great builder” became “the praise of the whole earth”, and “the golden city”. God can reach the greatest when they are at rest and feel secure. Nebuchadnezzar had received fair warning.

Daniel 4:5-7 Again “wise men” failed. Daniel 4:8 “But at last Daniel came.”

Either Daniel had avoided the association of the “wise men” because of their badness or they had declined his company because of his goodness or perhaps as chief of the governors he was away on business. “At last”. Many make God their last resort. When a hospital Chaplain visited, the patient explained in fear. “O, am I as bad as that?”

Daniel 4:14 “Hew down the tree”. Worldly positions are very uncertain.

Great as Nebuchadnezzar was, his Kingdom had grown from small beginnings. Principles of Babylon, founded by Satan, were corruption of truth.

Daniel 4:15 “Leave stump of his roots”.

The Mysteries of Greece were but a revival of Babylon. Today, ignorant of their origin, they practice Babylon’s customs. . Feasting on December 25, candles, Eggs at Easter. The root was not destroyed. Today, ignorant of their origin, they practice Babylon’s customs. Feasting on December 25, candles, Eggs at Easter. The root was not destroyed.

1 Timothy 6:20, 21 So called “higher education” Science exalted above “science of salvation” is from the root of Babylon.

Daniel 4:17 “This matter is by the decree of the watchers” = Angels. Jeremiah 51:9 Truth had been planted in Babylon.

Daniel Unfolds The Future

Daniel 4:18 The king does not even ask Daniel if he can explain the dream. His ability is not even questioned. “Wise men of my kingdom” are not able. “But thou art able”. “I thank Thee Father because Thou has hid these things from the wise and prudent, and has revealed them unto babes”.

Daniel 4:24 “This is the interpretation”. The Bible explains itself. 1 Corinthians 2:13, 14. 2 Peter 1:20, 21 No private interpretation.


Daniel 4:25, 26 Seven years.

“Till thou knows the Most High rules”.

Daniel 4:27 “Break off thy sins by righteousness”. Darkness is driven out by light. It is the only way to banish darkness. Righteousness is the opposite to sin. “And healing of your error”. Margin.

Daniel 4:29 God is longsuffering.

Daniel 4:30 Nebuchadnezzar was a master builder. Hundreds of lines of inscription have been found giving long and boastful accounts of his building accomplishments. “He raised her, within a generation, to far more than her ancient splendor to a magnificence indeed which beggared description so that even Rome, wonderful as its spell has been, has never been able to oust Babylon from the mind and imagination of the human race as the typical world-city, the emblem of all that is magnificent, and luxurious, and central. Ancient historians can find no words to describe the grandeur of the palaces, the temples, the hanging gardens of the great city by the Euphrates”. James Baike, “The Cradle of Civilization”. The National Geographic, February 1916, page 158.

Daniel 4:30 “By the might of my power.” Pride is a sin that easily besets the great. God’s object in punishing pride is not vengeance, but salvation.

Daniel 4:31 “Thy Kingdom is departed from thee”. When thought sure.

Daniel 4:32 “Until.” Trials last no longer than is needed.

Daniel 4:33 He aimed at being more than man, so God made him less.

Daniel 4:35 “He doeth according to His will”. The God of salvation is the God of Providence.

“King Nebuchadnezzar, before whom Daniel so often honored the name of God, was finally converted, and learned to praise and extol and honor the King of heaven”. Ellen G. White, SDA Bible Commentary, Volume 4, page 1170.


Daniel 5:1 Belshazzar the king.

The name of “Belshazzar” was a favorite with Bible critics. The Greek and Egyptian historians did not: record Belshazzar. The case against the Bible seemed sure. This was a “mistake”. Sir Henry Rawlinson was the first to decipher the name on a cylinder from Ur. Since then more than 500 tablets have been found containing the supposed non-existent Belshazzar. A Babylonian tablet also gave the name “David”. (See National Geographic Magazine, July, 1933)

The “Scripture of truth” was right again and its critics were wrong again.

Daniel 5:1-4 The feast began bright, but suddenly became gloomy. If people will not be warned by God, they will be wounded by His judgments. In that last night of mad folly, Belshazzar and his lords had filled up the measure of their guilt and the guilt of the Chaldean kingdom. No longer could God’s restraining hand ward off the impending evil. Prophets and Kings, page 531. Babylon’s cup of guilt was almost full. One crowning act of blasphemy made it overflow.

Daniel 5:5 “The Kings palace” The walls were covered with the flattering praises of the exploits of Babylon’s kings. Similar to be seen on the wall slabs in the “Assyrian Rooms” of the British Museum, London. On the same wall a silent hand writes a mysterious statement.

Soldier guards may keep out human intruders, but not God’s message. The Babylonians relied on their city’s impregnable fortifications and well stocked reserves. Their eyes were blinded by security and sensuality. Drink tempts to daring acts of ungodliness, but is no excuse for sin, it rather adds sin to sin. As the eyes are covered before execution, so sin blinds the ungodly to their doom. “Wrote,” - Written words are more decisive than spoken words. They are more enduring. “The Scriptures” = “The Writings”.

2 Timothy 21:15 “The holy Scripture, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation”. Christianity is based on a Book - on a written record. On the “Scriptures,” the writings.

Revelation 20:12 “Judged out of those things written in the books.”

“The saints shall judge the world. In union with Christ they judge the wicked, comparing their acts with the statute-book, the Bible, and deciding every case according to the deeds done in the body.” Great Controversy, page 661.

Revelation 20:15 “Written in the book of life”.

Revelation 21:27 “Written in the Lambs book of life”.

Exodus 31:18 “Two tables of stone, written with the finger of God”. Just before Babylon’s doom the writing was on “the wall” so all could see. Just before modern Babylon’s last day. “Then appears against the sky a hand holding two tables of stone, that holy law, God’s righteousness, that amid thunder and flame was proclaimed from Sinai. God’s ten words, brief, comprehensive and authoritative, are presented to the view of all the inhabitants of the earth. It is impossible to describe the horror and despair of those who have trampled upon God’s holy requirements”. Great Controversy, page 639.

Daniel 5:6 Instantly God can turn the strongest, most boastful sinner to a trembling coward.

Daniel 5:7-9 “Wise men could not read the writing. To the ungodly the writing of heaven is unknown. This scene of indescribable terror will be re-enacted when Modern Babylon fails.

Matthew 24:48-51 “Delays His coming”. They are Professed Adventists. “Evil servant”. “Wicked and slothful servant.” “Gnashing of teeth”.

Daniel 5: 10 The queen Mother - daughter of Nebuchadnezzar. “Father” or grandfather. In Hebrew and Chaldean, all ancestors are “fathers” and all descendants at were sons Jesus = “Son of David”.

Daniel 5:12 “Dissolving of doubts”. Daniel had God’s D.D. degree. Daniel was not a “Doctor of Doubts”. Doubts never come by truth, but always by its lack.

Daniel 5:17 Daniel sees Babylon in its fast gasp. Therefore he despises its gifts. As we see modern Babylon in its fast gas let its gifts be to others. We must keep our eyes on better gifts.

The ungodly estimate all things, by the standard of money, and think the godly do the same, therefore they try to bribe. Daniel was above love of money, and position. Hebrews 12:28.


When zinc was first discovered it was considered far more valuable than platinum. Napoleon Ill had jewelry made of zinc and it was proudly exhibited.

Daniel 5:17 9 will read the writing”. Every true servant has nothing to invent, nothing to conceive in his own intellect. He echoes the writing of God.

Luke 24:27 “All the Scriptures writings. Paul “Believed all ... written in the law”.

Daniel 5:25-28 “Numbered”. Days of Babylon supremacy numbered Days of Belshazzar numbered. Every life is limited. When do men get a number? In jail. Numbered like criminals. What is God going to write in your record? A number, or a name?

Revelation 2:17 A New name. Isaiah 56:4-5

“Thou art weighed. Weighed in God’s balances. Not in the balances of his own ideas. Weighed by God’s Standard. Not by your faith, but works. Our future is not determined by chance or fate.

Hebrews 8: 10 Jesus does not come into life without His law. Then His law is written in the heart, and lived out in the fife.

Daniel 5:3 The crowning sin was taking sanctified vessels and using them for a common use. Remember Sabbath was “sanctified”. God is no less concerned about His sanctified day.

“Thy Kingdom is divided and Given to the Medes etc. Christ has a crown for you. Revelation 3:11 The Crown goes to the obedient, to the “Overcomer

Daniel 5:30 “That night they slew him on his father’s throne. The deed unnoticed and the hand unknown. Powerless and scepter-less Belshazzar lay. A robe of purple on a form of clay.”

Cyrus diverted the Euphrates into a new channel and guided by two deserters, Gabryes and Gadatas, entered Babylon. (J.F.B.)

Daniel 5:31 Why is Darius’ age mentioned? 62 years. He was 62 in fast year of the captivity. 2 Kings 24:13, 14 Note the “all”. The darkest hour.

2 Kings 24:12 “Eighth year” of Captivity. The year Darius born. God was planning and preparing a Deliverer.


Daniel 6:1-3 Babylon was now a province of Medo-Persia. “Daniel was first” = Prime Minister.

Daniel 6:4 “He was faithful”. He was honest, made no blunders, and was not forgetful. The “presidents” hated Daniel, no doubt because they could not enrich themselves.

Daniel 6:5 Daniel kept the Commandments of God. Daniel’s enemies knew that Daniel would put obedience to God first. The early Christians must burn incense to the statue of Caesar or be traitors. Today Hindus or Muslims who become Christians are classed as traitors.


This excuse is popular today. What about Enoch? He was a son of fallen Adam. He had a fallen nature, yet in a fallen sinful nature Enoch lived a life of holiness.

“He lived in a corrupt age. “He trained his mind to devotion. “He bore the impress of the divine. “He lived a life of holiness. “He was a representative of the saints who live amid the perils and corruptions of the last days. For his faithful obedience to God, he was translated.” 2 Testimonies, page 122. “We can have what Enoch had”. SDA Bible Commentary, page 1087.

Genesis 39:9 What about Joseph. Daniel 6:4 What about Daniel?

Luke 1:6 “They were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless.”

2 Peter 1:4 “Partakers of the divine nature”.

.2 Corinthians 4:11 “That the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body”.

2 Corinthians 4:12 “in our mortal flesh”.

This is before this mortal shall put on immortality.

Revelation 14:12 Jesus says “Here are they that KEEP the commandments of God”.

Daniel 6:6, 7 They lie - Daniel was not “consulted”.

All was a lie. They implied that Daniel agreed. They deceived Darius by flattery.

Daniel 6:8, Darius signed. They were convinced Daniel was as good as dead.

Daniel 6.12 They reminded the King of their binding law, so Daniel was in the trap. 94

Daniel 6:13 “Daniel regards thee not”. Enemies of the saints always misrepresent. Daniel was now a criminal, but not a sinner.

Daniel 6:14 King “was sore displeased with himself”. The King saw he was now cornered, and worked all day to find a way out.

Daniel 6:16 “Thy God whom thou serves continually.” Serve God continually, Protected by God continually.

Daniel 6:17 Archaeological discoveries have abundantly confirmed this mode of punishment. Cylinder of Assurbanipal describes prisoners thrown to wild beasts. The King wrote “in the pit, these men 1 threw”.

Daniel 6:18 The best way to have a good night, is to have a good conscience.

Daniel 6:20 “Servant of the Living God”.

Revelation 7:2 The Sabbath is the seal of the “Living God”. We have a Living Loving Lord.

Daniel 6:23 “Because he believed in his God”.

Hebrews 11:37 Others “Through faith” perished in the arena.

Matthew 26:53 “Twelve legions of angels”. Jesus did not call on them because He knew it was the Father’s will that He die. Peter was delivered from prison, while James was beheaded.

Daniel 6:23, 24

Proverbs 11:8 “The righteous is delivered and the wicked cometh in his stead”. Daniel 6:25 Darius decree to “all people and nations, and languages”.

Revelation 14:6, “To every nation” etc. The God of the commandment keeping people, is the “Living God”. So no doubt God will finish His work

and cut it short in Righteousness, as in Daniel 3.

Judges 14:14 “Out of the eater came forth meat”. This is revealed in this chapter, in the deliverance from Egypt, at the Cross, and will be again in the last days.

16. DANIEL 7

Daniel 7:1 This chapter begins the prophetic section of Daniel. The first six chapters are historical. Dreams in these chapters were given to Nebuchadnezzar. Daniel was only the interpreter. Now Daniel receives the revelations. The first six chapters were devoted mainly to Babylon. The last six are devoted to the history of the world.

Daniel 7:2. It is self-evident that symbol are used.


To hide the fact from those who have rejected truth and thus became the great enemies of the saints. Daniel 12: 10 “None of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand.”

John 7:17 “If any man will do His will he shall know”. Obedience is the best commentary. Many do not seek to know the truth, but they seek to find an excuse for avoiding unpopular truth. The prophecy of Daniel seven is so plain that both Protestant and Catholic agree. The Douay has the following notes on Daniel 7:3 “Four great beasts. Viz. , the Chaldean, Persian, Grecian and Roman Empire.

Daniel 7:17, 18 These “four” are universal and will rule till 4he saints take the Kingdom and possess the Kingdom forever”.

Daniel 7:4 LION = BABYLON.

  1. Lions on the wall of Babylon. (See East Germany Stamps).
  2. The largest object found in Babylon’s ruins was a great stone lion standing over a man = Babylon dominating humanity.
  3. Babylon was symbolized by “Gold”, now by the king of beasts.

Jeremiah 4:7, 13 “The lion is the destroyer of the Gentiles.” Habakkuk 1:5- 8


Babylon became slow like a man. Luxury and pride brought decay. Excavated tablets tell of retreat step by step until that great city was taken “without battle”.


The bear was lop-sided. It pictured a Duel monarchy. As the lion lived on the plains and thus a fit symbol of Babylon, so the bear lived in the mountains. The largest species of bear lived in the mountains of Media. It is slow and ferocious and of great strength. It is still greatly feared in the hills of North India.


“Daniel spoke and said, I saw in my vision by night, and four great beasts came up from the sea, diverse one from another.” Daniel 7:2.3.

Xerxes assembled and led the largest army of ancient times.

Daniel 7:5 “Three ribs” - History confirms with the fact that there were just three great powers that had to be broken to gain supremacy: Lybia, Babylon and Egypt.

Daniel 7:6 The leopard is agile and swift. A fit symbol of the speed of Alexander the Great’s lightning conquests. Plutarch, the ancient writer tells how Alexander swept “with incredible swiftness, from the rising to the setting sun”.

Daniel 7:6 “Four heads”. One brief statement from a historian tells of events after Alexander’s sudden death left his four leading generals to divide his empire. “Each one whetted the sword against the other, and the empire went down in a tangle of strife and carnage. With the close of the century and the issue of the battle of Ipus (301 BC) it had resolved itself into four well ascertained domains.

  1. Syria and Babylonia under Seisucus;
  2. Egypt under Ptolemy;
  3. Thrace and Asia-Minor under Lysimachus;
  4. Macedonia and Greece under Cassander.

Wheeler’s “Alexander the Great” page 494.

By 310 BC all of Alexander’s relatives who could lay any claim to the throne were dead. The kingdom of Alexander was divided “toward the four winds of heavens - to the four points of the compass.

Daniel 7:7, 19, 22 “The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth.” Here is the same hard crushing empire that was represented by the iron of the image of Daniel two. “The empire of the Romans filled the world, and when that empire fell into the hands of a single person, the world became a safe and dreary prison for his enemies”. Gibbon’s Roman Empire Volume 1, chapter 3

Daniel 7:8 Again as in the second chapter we see, with Daniel, the division of Rome.

Daniel 7:17,18 An angel explains the meaning. The Bible always explains itself. In a few words the angel describes the whole prophecy. First he tells how the story is to end. And it’s a good ending. “But the saints of the Most High shall take the kingdom, and possess the kingdom forever, even forever and ever”.

Daniel 7:19-22 Daniel was keen to know the details of this fast portion of this vision. The angel explained and we see the facts of history answer.

Daniel 7:23 Cardinal Manning states “The legions of Rome occupied the circumference of the world. The military roads which sprang from Rome traversed all the earth; the whole world was as it were, held in peace and in tranquility by the universal presence of this mighty heathen empire. It was ‘exceedingly terrible’, according to the prophecies of Daniel it was as it were of iron, beating down and subduing the nations.” “The Temporal Power”, page 122

This fourth beast corresponds with the forth metal of Daniel 2. The “great iron teeth” points likewise to the iron monarchy of Rome”.

Daniel 7: 24 “The ten horn’s out of this kingdom are ten kings”. This corresponds with the toes of the image. “The kingdom shall be divided”. “The destruction of the Roman Empire in the West by the German barbarians is one of the most momentous events in history. It marks a turning point in the fortunes of mankind”. Myers “General History”. page 315.

The specifications of prophecy were exactly fulfilled. What a wonderful thing is the prophecy of Scripture. We say this again and again. It must be remembered and repeated. Its supernatural certainty. Its uncanny fulfillment gives certainty and confidence in this uncertain time. The Roman Empire was split into just ten smaller kingdoms:

  1. Alemanni - Germany.
  2. Franks - France.
  3. Anglo-Saxons - England.
  4. Burgundians - Switzerland.
  5. Visigoths - Spain.
  6. Suevi - Portugal.
  7. Lombards - Italy.
  8. Heruli.
  9. Vandals.
  10. Ostrogoths.

It is not difficult to see in the modern nations of western Europe the posterity of the ten kingdoms into which Rome was divided, Sir Isaac Newton says: “Whatever was their number afterwards, they are still called the Ten Kings from their first number”. “Daniel and the Apocalypse”, Page 189.


Daniel 7:24, 25

  1. Douay Bible note“ ‘Another little horn’, this is commonly supposed to be the antichrist”.
  2. Dr. Adam Clarke (Methodist) “Among protestant writers this is considered to be popedom”.
  3. Alexander Campbell (Church of Christ) “I positively affirm these items never met in any king state, or empire, save that of papal Rome”.
  4. Reverend John Dowling (Baptist) “The prophecies of Daniel and Revelation, these two passages alone complete a prophetic picture of the papal antichrist”.
  5. Dr. Scott (Ch. of England) “This evidently points to the power of the church and bishop of Rome”.
  6. Dr. Albert Barnes (Presbyterian) “The papacy is well represented by the little horn”.


Is Satan the “man of sin”? Is he the antichrist?

2 Thessalonians 2:3 “That the man of sin be revealed”. The “man of sin” was not revealed in Paul’s day. He was to “be revealed”. Therefore the “man of sin” is not Satan, as Satan had been revealed and had been very active for thousands of years before Paul Is day.


“The Lord has called His people-to expose the wickedness of the man of sin”. Testimonies to Ministers, page 118. Instead of exposing the “man of sin” some try to confuse it by turning the discussion to the Antichrist. This is merely a smoke screen.


1 John 2:18 “Even now there are many antichrists”. Antichrist is therefore a broad term that covers “many”. It should be noted that there were many antichrists in John’s day, but the “man of sin” was still to be revealed. He was still future. Therefore, the man of sin and antichrist are not necessarily one and the same.

1 John 2:22 “He is antichrist that denies the Father and the Son”.

1 John 4:3 “That spirit of Antichrist”.

2 John 7 “Many deceivers. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.”

To say that “Antichrist is an individual to be manifested at the end of time” is to do violence to these clear statements of Scripture. Satan is the great antichrist, and he has many followers, “many antichrists”.


“There is one pointed out in prophecy as the man of sin. He is the representative of Satan. Taking the suggestions of Satan concerning the law of God, which is as unchangeable as His throne, this man of sin comes in and represents to the world that he has changed that law, and that the first day of the week instead of the seventh is now the Sabbath. Professing infallibility, he claims the, right to change the law of God to suit his own purposes. By so doing, he exalts himself above God.” Ellen G. White, SDA Bible Commentary, Volume 7, page 910.

“The ‘man of sin’, which is also styled the ‘mystery of iniquity’, the ‘son of perdition’, and ‘that wicked’ represents the Papacy, which, as foretold in prophecy, was to maintain its supremacy for 1260 years. This period ended in 1798. The coming of Christ could not take place before that time. Paul covers with his caution the whole of the Christian dispensation down to the year 1798. It is this side of that time that the message of Christ’s second coming is to be proclaimed.” Great Controversy, page 356.

“God’s Estimate of the Papal Power. - By their treatment of His Word the popes have exalted themselves above the God of Heaven. This is the reason that in prophecy the papal power is specified as the ‘man of sin’. Satan is the originator of sin. The power that he caused to alter any one of God’s holy precepts, is the man of sin. Under Satan’s special direction the papal power has done this very work.” Ellen G. White, SDA Bible Commentary, Volume 7, Page 911.

“The special characteristic of the beast, is the breaking of God’s commandments. Says Daniel of the little horn, the Papacy, ‘He shall think to change the times and the law. And Paul styled the same power the ‘man of sin’, who was to exalt himself above God. One prophecy is a complement of the other. Only by changing God’s law could the Papacy exalt itself above God.” Great Controversy, page 446.

“The representative of Satan - the bishop of Rome.” Great Controversy, page 50.

Where in the Spirit of Prophecy - Christ’s special gift to the Advent people - does it say the “man of sin” is Satan? It clearly states the “man of sin” is “the representative of Satan”; “the little horn”; “professing infallibility”; “claims the right to change the law of God”; “by so doing, he exalts himself above God”; “Under Satan’s special direction the Papal power has done this very work”.

Oh foolish Adventists, what hath bewitched you. That instead of following your God given instruction to expose the man of sin - the Papacy that you should turn to the gods of Ekron.

2 Thessalonians 2:3 “Let no man deceive you” not even if he be double degreed! Note the clear facts revealed in Scripture. “That the man of sin be revealed”. When these words were written Satan had been revealed for thousands of years. The man of sin is not Satan.

2 Thessalonians 2:8 “That wicked” That this is the Papacy is clearly stated. “The ‘man of sin’, which is also styled the ‘mystery of iniquity’, the ‘son of perdition and ‘that wicked’ represents the Papacy”. Great Controversy, page 356.

Satan shall not be destroyed with the brightness of Christ’s coming. He does not end for another thousand years. The papacy does end here. “That Wicked”, “The man of sin” is the Papacy not Satan.

2 Thessalonians 2:9 “Whose coming is after the working of Satan”. This is not Satan, but one who follows “after the working of Satan”. He follows the manner set by Satan. He is “the representative of Satan”. He is the “man of SIN”. “Our ONLY definition of sin is that given in the word of God; it is the transgression of the law”. Great Controversy, page 493. Are many Adventists becoming hypnotized by the sophistries of Satan, when they prefer the manmade, “scholarly” definitions of sin instead of our only God-given definition??? “Sin is the transgression of the law”. The man of sin is the same one who would “change times and laws” and who would work by “reason of transgression”. This is the Papacy, the representative of Satan. If he follows the ways of Satan, he is not Satan, but Satan’s follower. “The representative of Satan”.

Daniel 8:24 This is the power that of shall destroy the holy people”.

The holy people are those who stood by Christ’s “Holy law”. The law that the Papacy, as Satan’s representative, had changed. Satan’s man of sin then wore out the saints who lived by Christ’s holy law.

2 Thessalonians 2:13 “God hath-chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief in the truth”.

2 Thessalonians 2: 15 Therefore Brethren, stand fast and hold the traditions which you have been taught.

2 Thessalonians 2:16, 17 Now our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, establish you in every good word and work.


In a symbolic prophecy when a number of specifications or distinguishing points are given, if a few of those specifications are fulfilled you have a fair case. When the majority of them are fulfilled, you have a strong case. When all of them are fulfilled you have an overwhelming case. But when you have all the specifications fulfilled in one power and in that one power only, and in no other, then you have an infallible, irrefutable case. That is what we have in this prophecy. The evidence is complete. Not one link of evidence is missing. No other church, or kingdom in all history fits the prophetic mould, except the Roman Papacy. Notice carefully the specifications:-

  1. Daniel 7:8 This “little horn” arose after the ten horns. The papacy did not reach a position of kingly power until after Rome was divided into ten kingdoms.
  2. Another “horn”. This indicates that this eleventh horn is a kingdom. The Vatican issues its own postage stamps, and its own money. It has its own army. It has its own flag. It has its own courts. There the pope rules with temporal power; that is he is the Vatican’s king.
  1. Daniel 7:8 “Among them”. It would come up among the ten kingdoms, in Europe, out of the head of Pagan Rome. “A new Rome rose from the ashes of the old, far mightier than the vanquished empire, for it claimed dominion over the spirits of men” General History. Barnes, page 321. “The Roman Catholic Church”. “The Holy Roman Church”.
  2. “There were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots”. This prediction found its exact fulfillment in the destruction of the three Arian kingdoms: the Heruli, the Vandals, and the Ostrogoths.

2 Sam.12:30 In ancient times the crowns of conquered kings were placed on the head of the conqueror. So the pope is seen wearing a triple crown. Speaking of the little horn power that destroyed the three horns, Bishop Thomas Newton says: “And the pope hath in a manner pointed himself out for the person by wearing the triple crown”. “Dissertations of the Prophecies”. Page 220.

From the time of Constantine to that of Justinian there was a fierce struggle between the two large divisions of the church, the Catholics and the Arians. “The streets of Alexandria and of Constantinople were deluged with blood by the partisans of rival bishops”. History of Christianity. H.H. Milman, Book 3, Chapter 5, page 410. While the emperors counted the help of the popes for political reasons, the popes sought the help of the emperors to destroy the Arians. Most of the barbarian nations into which the Roman Empire was now split had accepted the Catholic faith. But the Heruli, the Vandals, and the Ostrogoths were Arian. Justinian, (Emperor) was a shrewd politician. He wanted the aid of the highly organized Catholic Church in conquering the west. Further the Arians were very wealthy, and if Justinian could conquer them in the name of “the true church” he could confiscate their property.

In 538 AD the last of the three Arian kingdoms, which stood in the way of the papacy, was plucked up through the efforts of Justinian – the faithful son of the church of Rome. In 538 even the papacy itself changed. Prior to this year all popes were called “saints”. From 538 they no longer held that title. They become “men of the state, and then rulers of the state”. “Medieval Europe”. page 120.

In 538 Roman Catholicism was made the state religion and all other religions were forbidden. “Justinian enriched himself with the properties of all heretics, that is non-Catholics, and gave all their churches to the Catholics; published edicts in 538 compelling all to join the Catholic church in ninety days or leave the empire and confiscated all their goods”. “History of the Christian Church”, page 310, 311. Dr. Summerbell.

  1. Daniel 7:8 “Little horn” A “horn” in symbolic prophecy represents a kingdom, a political power. As the papacy dominated the world for over a thousand years how could it be called a “little horn”. The papal states at even their greatest, were small in extent. It was a “little horn”, but it had a big mouth, and it spoke great things.
  2. Daniel 7:8, 20 “Eyes of a man”.

Revelation 5:6 Christ is symbolized as a lamb with seven eyes, to indicate His omniscient wisdom. This “little horn” power will be noted for its farseeing vision and diplomacy. “The master piece of the world’s wisdom”. Christ Object Lessons, page 78.

  1. Daniel 7:9, 20. “Spoke very great things”.

John 17:11 “Holy Father” was the title given by Jesus to His Father in heaven. Today this is given repeatedly to the pope, and accepted by him.

Matthew 23:9 “Call no man your father upon earth: for one is your father which is in heaven”. This is not referring, to ones natural father. We are commanded to ‘Honor thy father and thy mother”. This is speaking of religious leaders. Every priest takes that title in a spiritual sense and certainly not in a natural sense.

“The word ‘against’ has the meaning of to the/ side of, meaning self-exaltation to a place alongside of God”. Pulpit Commentary.

  1. Daniel 7:11, 22 This little horn power continues “Until the judgment was given to the saints”. Revelation 20:4 “Judgment was given unto them”.

1 Corinthians 6:2 “Do you not know that the saints shall judge the world?” This judgment by “the saints”, as Christ’s great grand jury, will take place during the “thousand years”, commonly known as the millennium, which begins with “the first resurrection”, (Revelation 20:6) This begins when “the Lord Himself” returns and “the dead in Christ shall rise first”. 1 Thessalonians 4:16. Therefore as the little horn power continues “Until the judgment was given to the saints” and that takes place at our Lord’s return, the papacy continues to the end of the world.

  1. Daniel 7:20 “More stout than his fellows”. An assumption of superiority. “There grew up in Europe a line of rulers far more powerful than any of these, namely, the popes of Rome. Moreover, the majesty of Rome helped to raise its Bishops above his fellows”. Robinson and Bresteds “History of Europe”, p. 292. The bishop was raised above his fellows says history. “More stout than his fellows” the prophecy says.
  2. Daniel 7:23, 24 “Diverse”. The other kingdoms were all civi1 states. This “little horn” represented something different. It is a religious power. The picture of prophecy is clear. History reproduces the picture. We see just what the prophet saw - a religious power arising.
  3. Daniel 7.25 “Wear out the saints of the Most High”. A visit to the re-opened Inquisition in Lima, Peru, will give one a glimpse of the fearful horrors of the days when the papacy ruled. The Government of Peru has compelled the Catholic Church to re-open to the public this real chamber of horrors. A tunnel runs underground from this place to the catacombs under the cathedral of St. Frances and there are to be seen the bones of hundreds of thousands of human skeletons. The writer visited and saw these in 1974.

From “RADIO REPLIES” “Given from the Catholic Broadcasting Station 2SM Sydney, Australia, by The Revelation Dr. Rumble M. S. C.” and published by “Pellegrini and Co. Pty. Ltd., The House for all Catholic Goods”.

I read a few brief questions and Dr. Rumble’s replies. No. “1041 But Pope Pius IX condemned liberty of conscience straight out.” A. “He did not. He condemned the proposition that any man is free to embrace any religion he pleases”.

“1043 Had Christendom remained Catholic, could we have broadcasted Protestantism?”

Answer. ‘No. Why not? Truth has a right to exist. Error of itself has no right to exist. He who would rid the world of all errors would do it a very great service.”

“1044 Would the Catholic church abolish religious liberty in Australia if it had the power?”

Answer. “I am quite sure that we differ in our ideas of what religious liberty means. The Catholic church would give everybody the liberty to be religious. But liberty to propagate any religion at all is another matter. Liberty and freedom are dangerous things”.


“The chief instrument in the suppression of the Reformation in these lands was the infamous Inquisition, whose infernal cruelties have made its name a horror to this day. That satanic tribunal! We have seen in Mexico skeletons of victims of the Inquisition in Rome; have seen its prisons, and conversed with its Inquisitors. Cold blooded tribunal! Ne plus ultra of tyranny! Its history, written in tears and blood, fills next to the story of the Crucifixion of Christ, the darkest page in the records of humanity.” History Unveiling Prophecy page 108.

 “The Inquisition continued its career of persecution under its forty-four inquisitors-general till 1820, when it was finally suppressed. But as early as the Lateran Council in 1514 the whole of the pre-reformation witnesses to the gospel in France, Spain, Piedmont, Italy and Bohemia, by means of the sword, the rack and the stake, had been crushed and silenced. In England the Lollards were extinct. None remained to witness to New Testament truth. The orator of the session, ascending the pulpit, addressed to the assembled members of the Lateran Council, the memorable exclamation- of triumph: - “There is an end of resistance to the Papal rule and religion; opponents there exist no more.” History Unveiling Prophecy, Page 111.

“On reaching Madrid I went with Mr. William Green to see the newly opened Quemadero. Some workmen employed in cutting a road across the summit of a low hill close to the city had inadvertently dug into a broad bank of ashes, which had been buried for one or two centuries. Mingled with the ashes they had found a large quantity of charred human bones, together with fragments of rusted iron, and melted lead. The spot was speedily verified as the famous Quemadero, or place of burning, one of twelve place where so called “heretics” were annually burned in Spain, during the reign of the Inquisition. I found the road had been cut through the centre of this bank of blackened bones and ashes. The strange stratum displayed seemed about six feet in depth, and covered quite a large are. There, then, exposed to the light of day were the ashes of Spanish martyrs. I stood in silence and looked at the ghastly monument. I had seen before not a little of Romanism on the continent, and in other countries, and had read of the multitude of martyrs who had suffered cruel deaths in past centuries at the hands of Spanish priests and inquisitors, on account of their faith in the pure gospel of the grace of God, and their opposition to Popish superstitions and idolatries. Now, for the first time, I found myself face to face with a terrible demonstration of the truth of these histories. There, lying before me were the bones and ashes of Spanish confessors and martyrs who had suffered death at the stake. I could examine them, and satisfy myself of their character. I could handle them, and did. Reverently I removed some burnt bone s from the general mass, and wrapped them, together with a quantity of ashes, in a Spanish newspaper which I still possess, bearing the date of the day.” History Unveiling Prophecy, page 303-394.

“Such was the origin of my interest in the fulfillment of prophecy in papal history. It was that day when standing breast deep in the ashes of Spanish martyrs, that my attention was specially and strongly directed to it; and it was the promulgation the same year of the blasphemous decree of papal infallibility, and the coincident fall of the papal temporal power, which led me to study and write on the subject. “History Unveiling Prophecy, page 396-397.

The most fiendish of the numberless crusades of persecution ever launched by one religion against another was the Inquisition. The following statements are made by Professor of History, University of Sydney, in his “History of Modern Europe”.

“According to the Roman Catholic dogma, there was but one thing to do with a heretic who would not repent and return to the church. He must die; and his death must be such a one as to strike terror to the hearts of others.” page 69.

The accused “was never allowed to know the identity of his accusers,” page 73.

“He faced a court from which there was no appeal. No lawyer to defend him.” “Poor creature stood quaking before flint-like faces.”

“Made to suffer as much as a warm blooded being ca be made to suffer.” page 73.

“There was a time in the history of Christianity when the light almost went out. The flame of Bible truth and liberty-was almost mothered in the terrible blackness of the Roman Catholic Inquisition.” Page 68.


Daniel 7:25 “And think to change times and laws”.

This divine prophecy is dealing with the things of the Living God. This “little horn” was to assume authority over the times and laws of the Most High. Note its own claim. “The Pope can modify divine law, since his power is not of man but of God”. - Ferraris’s Ecclesiastical Dictionary. Article on the Pope.

More than any claim, it is what this power has actually “thought” to do that counts. It is the very portion that deals with “time” that the prophecy points out. Note the clear claims of the papacy:-


“Q. Which is the Sabbath Day?

“A Saturday is the Sabbath day.

“Q Why do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday?

“A We observe Sunday instead of Saturday because the Catholic Church transferred the solemnity from Saturday to Sunday.” Peter Guierman, The Convert’s Catechism of Catholic Doctrine.

“The Catholic Church for over one thousand years before the existence of a Protestant, by virtue of her Divine mission, changed the day (of worship) from Saturday to Sunday. The Christian Sabbath is therefore to this day the acknowledged offspring of the Catholic Church, as Spouse of the Holy Ghost, without a word of remonstrance from the Protestant world”. Editorial, The Catholic Mirror (Baltimore), September 23, 1893.

“The Divine institution of a day of rest from ordinary occupations and of religious worship, transferred by the authority of the (Catholic) Church from the Sabbath, the last day, to Sunday the first day of the week is one of the most patent signs that we are a Christian people. James Cardinal Gibbons, The Cross and the Flag, Our Church and Country.


“Nowhere in the Bible is it stated that worship should be changed from Saturday to Sunday.” Martin J. Scott, Things Catholics Are Asked About.

“You may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and you will not find a single line authorizing the sanctification of Sunday. The Scriptures enforce the religious observance of Saturday, a day which we never sanctify.” Cardinal Gibbons (for many years head of the Catholic Church in America). The Faith of Our Father’s.

“Nowhere in the Bible do we find that Christ or the Apostles ordered that the Sabbath be changed from Saturday to Sunday. We have the commandment of God given to Moses to keep holy the Sabbath Day, that is the 7th day of the week, Saturday. Today most Christians keep Sunday because it has been revealed to us by the (Catholic) Church outside the Bible.” “To Tell You the Truth, The Catholic Virginian, 22 (October 3, 1947), 9.

“Q Have you any other way of proving that the (Catholic) Church has power to institute festivals of precept?

 “A Had she not such power, she could not have done that in which all modern religionists agree with her; ... she could not have substituted the observance of Sunday the first day of the week, for the observance of Saturday the seventh day, a change for which there is no Scriptural authority.” Stephen Keenan, A Doctrinal Catechism.


“But the Protestant says: How can I receive the teachings of an apostate Church? How, we ask, have you. managed to receive her teachings all your life, in direct opposition to your recognized teacher, the Bible, on the Sabbath question?” The Christian Sabbath.

“If Protestants would follow the Bible, they should worship God on the Sabbath Day. In keeping Sunday they are following a law of the Catholic Church. “Albert Smith (Chancellor of the Catholic Archdiocise of Baltimore), replying for the Cardinal in a letter of February 10, 1920.)

“It was the Catholic Church which, by the authority of Jesus Christ, has transferred this (Sabbath) rest to the Sunday in remembrance of the resurrection of our Lord. Thus the observance of Sunday by the Protestants is an homage they pay, in spite of themselves, to the authority of the (Catholic) Church.” Louis Gaston de Segur, Plain Talk About The Protestantism of Today. page 225.


“The (Catholic) Church changed the observance of the Sabbath to Sunday by right of the divine, infallible authority given to her by her Founder, Jesus Christ. The Protestant, claiming the Bible to be the only guide of faith, has no warrant for observing Sunday. In this matter the Seventh Day Adventist is the only consistent Protestant.” “The Question Box,” The Catholic Universe Bulletin, 69 (August 14, 1942), 4.

“The Israelite respects the authority of the Old Testament only, but the (Seventh-day) Adventist, who is a Christian, accepts the New Testament on the same ground as the Old, viz; an inspired record also. He finds that the Bible, his teacher, is consistent in both parts; that the Redeemer, during His mortal life, never kept any other day than Saturday. The Gospels plainly evince to Him this fact; whilst, in the pages of the Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles and the Apocalypse, not the vestige of an act canceling the Saturday arrangement can be found.” Editorial, The Catholic Mirror (Baltimore), September 2, 1893.

“What Bible authority is there for changing the Sabbath from the seventh to the first day of the week? “Who gave the Pope the authority to change a command of God?

“If the Bible is the only guide for the Christian, then the Seventh Day Adventist is right in observing the Saturday with the Jew.” Bertrand L. Conway, The Question Box Answers, page 254

“If you follow the Bible alone there can be no question that you are obliged to keep Saturday holy, since that is the day especially prescribed by Almighty God to be kept holy to the Lord.” F. G. Lentz, The Question Box, page 98.

(All of the above quotations are from Catholic authors and/or published by Catholic publishing houses.



The Papacy not only changed the Sabbath from the seventh to the first day of the week, but it also changed the very reckoning of time.

Leviticus 23:32 “From even unto even, shall you celebrate your Sabbaths.”

Luke 23:54 “That day was the preparation, and. the Sabbath drew on”. As they laid Christ’s body in 1he tomb, the sun was setting, thus the Sabbath drew on. The Bible reckoning of time was from “even to even”, from sunset to sunset.

Mark 1: 32 “At even when the sun did set.”

As some objected to Christ healing on the Sabbath, they waited until sunset to bring the sick.

Ephesians 4:26 “Let not the Sun go down on your wrath”.

(The Catholic Encyclopedia - published Robert Appleton & Company, Volume 14, page 336, Article “Sunday”).

“As with the Jewish Sabbath, the observance of the Christian Sunday began with sundown on Saturday and lasted till the same time on Sunday. The method of reckoning Sunday fro sunset to sunset continued in some pi aces down to the 17th century but in general since the Middle Ages, the reckoning from midnight to midnight has been followed.

“In the 7th Century, the laws of Whitred, King of Kent, provided that if a servant, contrary to his lord’s command, did servile work between sunset on Saturday evening and sunset on Sunday evening, he should pay a fine to his lord.” - Encyclopedia Britannica, 14th. Edition, Volume 21, page 560. NEW YEAR’S EVE, XMAS EVE.

So named because the day began on the evening before.


Daniel 7:25

“In the very time in which we live, the Lord has called His people and has given them a message to bear. He has called them to expose the wickedness of the man of sin who has made the Sunday law a distinctive power, who has thought to change times and laws.” Testimonies to Ministers, page 118.

“The observance of Sunday as a Christian institution had its origin in that ‘mystery of lawlessness’ which, even in Paul Is day, had begun its work. Where and when did the Lord adopt this child of the papacy. The special characteristic of the beast, and therefore of his image, is the breaking of God’s commandments. Paul styled the same power the ‘man of sin’, who was to exalt himself above God. One prophecy is a complement of the other. Only by changing God’s, law could the papacy exalt itself above God.” The Great Controversy, pages 54, 446.

“The prevailing spirit of our time is one of infidelity and apostasy, a spirit of avowed illumination because of a knowledge of truth, but in reality of the blindest presumption ... Satan tempts men and women to disobey, with the promise that in disobedience they will find liberty and freedom that will make them as gods. There is seen a spirit of opposition to the plain word of God, of idolatrous exaltation of human wisdom above divine revelation. Men have allowed their minds to become so darkened and confused by conformity to worldly customs and influences, that they seem to have lost all power to discriminate between light and darkness, truth and error. In the beginning God gave His law to mankind as a means of attaining happiness and eternal fife. Satan’s only hope of thwarting the purpose of God is to lead men and women to disobey this law; and his constant effort has been to misrepresent its teachings and belittle its importance. His master stroke has been an attempt to change the few itself, so as to lead men to violate its precepts while professing to obey it.” Prophets and Kings, page 178.

“To afford converts from heathenism a substitute for the worship of idols, and thus to promote their nominal acceptance of Christianity, the adoration of images and relics was gradually introduced into the Christian worship. Satan tampered with the fourth commandment also, and essayed to set aside the ancient Sabbath, and in its stead to exalt the festival observed by the heathen as ‘the venerable day of the sun’. This change was not at first attempted openly.” The Story of Redemption, page 329.

“The Lord has clearly defined the road to the city of God; but the great apostate has changed the signpost, setting up a false one, a spurious Sabbath. He says: “I will work at cross-purposes with God’s memorial, the seventh-day Sabbath. Thus will I show the world that the day sanctified and blessed by God has been changed. That day shall not live in the minds of the people. I will obliterate the memory of it. I will place in its stead a day bearing not the credentials of heaven, a day that cannot be a sign between God and His people. I will lead the people who accept this day to place upon it the sanctity that God placed upon the seventh day. I will make the observance of the seventh day a sign of disloyalty to the authorities of earth. Human laws shall be made so stringent that men and women will not dare to observe the seventh day Sabbath. For fear of wanting food and clothing, they will join with the world in transgressing God’s law; and the earth will be wholly under my dominion.’ ‘The man of sin has instituted a false Sabbath, and the professed Christian world has adopted this child of the papacy, refusing to obey God. Thus Satan leads men and women in a direction opposition to the city of refuge; and by the multitudes who follow him, it is demonstrated that Adam and Eve are not the only ones who have accepted the words of the wily foe. “The enemy of all good has turned the signpost round, so that it points to the path of disobedience as the path of happiness. He has insulted Jehovah by refusing to obey a ‘Thus said the Lord.’ He has thought to change times and laws.” Review and Herald, April 17, 1900.

Daniel 7:27

“All dominions shall serve and obey Him.”

“Said the angel, Satan is the root, his children are the branches. They are now consumed root and branch. They have died an everlasting death. They are never to have a resurrection, and God will have a clean universe. Early Writings, page 295.

“With a holy sadness Jesus comforted cheered the angels and informed them that hereafter those whom He should redeem would be with Him, and that by His death He should ransom many and destroy him who had the power of death. And His Father would give Him the kingdom and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, and He would possess it forever and ever. “Then joy, inexpressible joy, filled heaven.. And the heavenly host sang a song of praise and adoration. Said the angel, ‘Think you that the Father yielded up His dearly beloved Son without a struggle? No, No. It was even a struggle with the God of heaven, whether to let guilty man perish, or to give His beloved Son to die for him. Angels were so interested for man’s salvation that there could be found any among them those who would yield their glory and give their life for perishing man ... The transgression was so great that an angel’s life would not pay the debt. Nothing but the death and intercessions of His Son would pay the debt and save lost man from hopeless sorrow and misery.” The Story of Redemption, pages 44, 45.

Daniel 7:27 “The kingdom under the whole heaven shall be given to the saints” - Not sinners. “Kingdom is an everlasting kingdom”. Christ taught us to pray - “Thy kingdom come”.

Daniel 7:27 The great counterfeit of God’s kingdom is finished. It sought to “change” the law of the Kingdom and wore out the saints. Now the tables are turned. Only the “saints” receive the Kingdom. The “saints” end in triumph. After the night, comes eternal day.

Daniel 7:27 May we “serve and obey Him” now.



Thou shall have no other gods before Me.

Thou shall not make unto thee any graven image. or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or
that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: thou shall not bow down thyself to them,
nor serve them: for I the lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the
children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me; and showing mercy unto thousands of
them that love Me. and keep My commandments.


Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that takes

His name in vain.

Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shall thou labor and do all thy work: but the seventh
day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shall not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy
daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: for
in six days the lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day:
wherefore the lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.


Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the lord thy God gives thee.


Thou shall not kill.


Thou shall not commit adultery.


Thou shall not steal.


Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor.


Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shall not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor's.


(Exodus 20:3-17)




I am the lord thy God. Thou shall not have strange gods before Me.


Thou shaft not take the name of the lord thy God in vain.


Remember thou keep holy the Sabbath day.


Honor thy father and thy mother.


Thou shall not kill.


Thou shall not commit adultery.


Thou shall not steal.


Thou shall not bear- false witness against thy neighbor.


Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s wife.


Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s goods.

Such as Keenan’s and Geiermann’s

23. THE YEAR 1798

In the days of Justinian, when the bishop of Rome became the head of the church. This was a Turning Point in History.

So in 1798 we have a Turning Point in History. It is the beginning of the most momentous period in history. God named it “The time of the end”. “A time appointed”. Chief among the factors that brought about the end of papal tyranny was the revolt of France. The terrible French Revolution broke the papal fetters. Apostasy had led to atheism. Atheism then became the key note of that time. It was a revolt inspired by Catholicism’s “failing away” from truth. It was a revolt against the counterfeit rather than the true. It changed Europe. It began modern wars. It brought in conscription. For the reign of the guillotine gave way to the reign of the Sword and the wars of Napoleon, and with them the captivity of the pope, as the French marched on Rome.

In January 15th, 1798 Rome held a vast religious procession to stop the atheistic French. Special holy relics were put on display. Two of which were: 1. A painting of Christ, that was claimed to be painted by Luke and the angels. 2. The chains, that bound St. Peter.

St. Angelo.

3000 French soldiers took possession of this grim historic fortress. On Feb 15th, the anniversary of his election as pope, Pope Pius was taken prisoner in the Sistine Chapel. General Hailer, a Swiss Calvinist broke in and announced that the pope’s reign had come to an end. Taken to Valence, France,’ the pope died on July 28th, 1799.

In 538AD Justinian had the Catholic faith recognized as the only orthodox religion. Church and State were thus legally united.

1798 Brought a complete separation of Church and State. The Holy Catholic Church and the Hot y Roman Empire both crashed. The pope a captive, stripped of his wealth, was carried away, by infidels, to a foreign country. Even as he was hurried away from the Sistine Chapel, he was taken through a hall pictured by the scene of the massacre of St. Batholomew’s day. It certainly looked as though the Papacy was dead. In fact, half of Europe, thought “the Papacy was dead”. This was 1260 years after the beginning of the reign of the Papacy. In 538 began a new order of popes. They began a new era. Now in 1798 France ended that era. To make it more remarkable, France had been the Papacy’s strongest supporter. Now it is used to bring its end 538 was the beginning and 1798 was the terminal.

It was a period foreknown and foretold in Holy Writ. By order of the French government Pope Pius VI was dragged into exile. Rome was declared a republic. The whole papal government was dissolved

“The Papacy was extinct; not a vestige of its existence remained; and among all the Roman Catholic powers not a finger was stirred in its defense. The Eternal City had no longer prince or pontiff; its bishop was a dying captive in foreign lands; and the decree was already announced that no successor would be allowed in his place”. Rome and its Papal Rulers, page 440. Canon Trevor. Note an interesting statement in the King James Bible, forward under the words: “To the Most High and Mighty Prince James” etc. The third paragraph, and the fourth line from the bottom of that paragraph state’s “which hath given such a blow unto that Man of Sin as will not be healed”.

Thus came the termination of the 1260 years of the prophecy, amid world shaking events that gripped the attention of mankind. This was not the end of the Papacy. In the inspired prophecy “the little horn” was to continue until the time came that the saints “possess the kingdom”. That power is still at Rome. But the period of its special supremacy over the saints and times and laws of the Most High was ended.

24. DANIEL 8

Daniel 8:1 “In the third year of the reign of King Belshazzar.” This was the last year of Babylon. Daniel had lived to see the rise, reign, and now the ruin of Babylon. For two years the prophet pondered the vision of the four beasts and the “little horn”. Now on the eve of Babylon’s fall, God speaks again and certainly no time could be more fitting. Babylon therefore does not come into this prophecy. It starts in with the Ram - Medo Persia.

RAM The prophecy is clear and distinct. The symbol is appropriate. This was the symbol of Medo Persia.

The Voice of God is heard speaking across the .stormy centuries, over the din of turbulent empires. By the “sure word of prophecy” the living God gives evidence that He is overruling. He is bringing about His purpose “Read the book of Daniel. Call up, point by point, the history of kingdoms there represented.

“Behold statesmen, councils, powerful armies; and see how God wrought to abase the pride of men, and lay human glory in the dust.” In the first vision (7:1) was of world empires and church history. It also brings to view the judgment hour in the glory land. That judgment before the Ancient of Days is to deal with error and evil at last. This eighth chapter, as we shall see, fixes the time when the great judgment shall open in heaven. The order of these two outstanding chapters are as follows:

Daniel 7 Daniel 8


Medo-Persia Medo-Persia

Greece Greece

Rome Rome

Papacy Papacy

Judgment Judgment

Daniel 8:3 “I saw a ram which had two horns and the higher came up last”. How true to life is the prophecy. First the Median horn was higher - the Medes were dominant. Then the Persian side of this related people rose uppermost.

Daniel 8:4 How exact! History shows Medo-Persia “pushing” in exactly these directions, and in the order described.

First into Asia Minor in the north-west, then into Babylonia in the south. Goodspeed’s “Ancient World, p. 57 states: “Croesus (that fabulously rich king in Asia Minor, in the north-west) joined with Egypt, and even the leading Greek state, Sparta, in the endeavor to put a stop to the victorious career of Cyrus. It was all in vain. Cyrus defeated Croesus, King of Lydia, and captured him and his capital Sardis (546 B.C.) Babylon was then attacked and yielded to him.” None “could deliver out of his hand”, the prophecy foretold “but he did according to his will.” Xenophon, the Greek writer of the later Persian times, said of Cyrus: “He was able to extend the fear of himself over so great a part of the world that he astonished all, and no one attempted anything against him.” Cyropaedia, Book 1. None “could deliver out of his hand”. Later Egypt was subdued by Cambyses, and under Darius and Xerxes, Persia “pushed” even into Egypt; but retired in defeat. Medo-Persian’s course was nearly run. From the west was to come the next great world power.

Daniel 8:5, 21 The first king to lead united Greece into Asia was Alexander the Great. “From the West”. True to the prophecy, Greece was the first European world monarchy. “Touched not the ground”. The swiftness of Alexander Is advance seemed so in the symbol. “Notable” He certainly was a notable leader. Plutarch speaks of Alexander - “Who shot like a star, with incredible swiftness, from the rising to the setting sun.” - “Fortune of the Romans”.

Daniel 8:6, 7 “Ran unto him in the fury of his power”. History shows the same picture. Almost as soon as Alexander got his army ashore in Asia Minor, he ran at the Persian vanguard at the-river Granicus. (334 BC). He struck again on the plains of Issus (333) Darius, the fast of the Persian kings, managed to save his life by secret flight. Near Nineveh’s sand covered ruins, Darius made his final stand. (331). Alexander’s ambition carried him well into India. Returning to Babylon, ambassadors from all nations came to make submission. He planned to advance into Western Europe, where Rome was beginning to grow. But suddenly came the end to this mighty conqueror.

Daniel 8:8 “When he was strong, the great horn was broken” and his dominion divided “toward the four winds”. “When he was strong” states the prophecy. Alexander died at Babylon at the age of 33 years, in the full strength of his manhood, a victim of liquor. He is recorded in history as “The Great for his conquests of millions, but he could not conquer himself.

Proverbs 16:32 “Better is he that rules his spirit than he that takes a city.”

Daniel 8:9 “Out of one of them came forth a little horn”. All history tells that the empire of Rome followed next after the empire of Alexander the Great. We have the prophecy. History responds. Out of Rome’s conquest of Macedonia, we see a new power springing forth into empire. History testifies: ‘In the year 168 BC the Roman consul Aemillius Paulus crushed the Macedonians power forever upon the memorable field of Pydnall. “General History”, Myers p. 218. 11Polybius dates from the battle of Pydna the full establishment of the universal empire of Rome.” “History of Rome”, Nommsen, Book 3, Chapter 10.

Daniel 8:9 “Which waxed exceeding great, toward the south, and toward the east and toward the pleasant land. Rome quickly extended “toward the south” - Egypt was annexed; “toward the east” - the river Euphrates became its boundary; and “toward the pleasant land” - the land of Palestine, of sacred memory, was annexed to the Roman empire.


Medo-Persia was to be “great” Verse 4 Greece “very great” Verse 8 but this little horn power was to become “exceeding great” Verse 9 Only Rome fits this divine requirement of prophecy. Her boundaries spread!

“Till Rome stood mistress of the world confessed, From the gray Orient to the ruddy West”. Lucan. Daniel 8:10 “It” note the change in gender.

Daniel 8:11 “He”, “Himself”, “Him”, Why? Because there was a vast change in Rome. It changed from pagan to papal.


Daniel 7:8 “Little horn”. Daniel 8:9 “Little horn”.


Daniel 7:26, 27 It continues to the Judgment and the Kingdom. Daniel 8:25 “Broken without hand.”


Daniel 7:25 “Wear out saints”.

Daniel 8:24 “Shall destroy ... the holy people.”


Daniel 7:25 “Change times and laws”.

Daniel 8:13 Transgression of Desolation.

Some have applied this to Antiochus Epiphanes. Josephus did. This is no proof that Josephus knew the Scriptures. No people with the Scriptures failed, as did the Jews, in understanding the Scriptures.


  1. JESUS.

Matthew 24:15, 16 “Abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel.” Jesus explains.

Luke 21:20, 21 “You shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies”. “Desolation is nigh”. The armies that compassed and desolated Jerusalem were Roman. Rome continued and intensified in the Papacy.

  1. PAUL.

Acts 17:1, “They came to Thessalonica. Paul three Sabbath days reasoned with them out of the Scriptures”.

Acts 17:4 “Some of them believed not a few”. To these Thessalonian Saints Paul wrote two epistles. Evidently they had forgotten some things and concluded from the first letter that Christ would return in their day. To correct this mistake Paul wrote.

2 Thessalonians 2:5 “Remember you not, that when I was yet with you, I told you these things.” Paul had explained these things when He had “reasoned with them out of the Scriptures”. That was out of the Old Testament, as they were the only Scriptures then written. From the Scriptures Paul had warned of the 4alling away” and the “man of sin”. Where did Paul find this? In the same place as Jesus - in “Daniel the prophet”. We follow in good footsteps when we gather to study.

2 Thessalonians 2:1-4 Note the parallel -

Daniel “By reason of TRANSGRESSION”. “the TRANSGRESSION of desolation”. Paul “Man of SIN”. “For SIN is the TRANSGRESSION of the law”.

Daniel “He shall think to change the LAW”. Paul “That WICKED - the LAWLESS One”.

Daniel “He magnified himself”. Paul “Exalted himself”.

Daniel “He magnifies himself even to the Prince of the host”. Paul “Exalted himself above all that is called God”.

Daniel “Through his policy he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand”. Paul “Mystery of INIQUITY.”

Daniel “He shall be broken without hand”. “Given to the burning flame”.

Paul “Whom the Lord shall consume with the Spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming.

It is clear that Paul when writing 2 Thessalonians 2:3-8 was dealing with the seventh and eighth chapters of “Daniel the prophet and it was from these chapters that he “told you these things” when he was in Thessalonica. It is also clear that these prophecies are fulfilled in Rome, and in its latter phase more than the former.


Daniel 8:11 “He magnified himself even ‘against’ the Prince of the host” (margin).

  1. This is the Antichrist, He is against the Prince of princes against “Messiah the prince”.
  2. “From Him the daily sacrifice was taken away and the place of His sanctuary was taken away.

Hebrews 8:11, 12 “In the heavens; a minister of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle which the Lord pitched, and not man”. There is only one sanctuary that counts today---and that is the “sanctuary” “in the heavens”. “The true tabernacle which the Lord pitched”. There Jesus our “high priest” is our “Mediator”, our “Advocate”.

Hebrews 8:5 The priests of the Old Testament served as the example and shadow of heavenly things”. That is, they illustrated the work of Jesus our priest in the Heavenly Sanctuary.

Hebrews 9:6.7 The sanctuary had two apartments: “The priests went always into the first tabernacle”

They were there continually, or daily ministering in the first apartment or “first tabernacle”. This was the “daily” of Daniel 8. “But into the second went the high priest alone once every year”. The second apartment was entered only once a year on the day of atonement. This all typified the ministry of Jesus in “the true tabernacle” - the heavenly Sanctuary.

Hebrews 9:8 The way into the heavenly sanctuary “was not yet made manifest, while the first tabernacle was yet standing”. When the ministry in the earthly ceased, when the veil in the temple was rent in twain, the way was opened to the Heavenly.

Hebrews 9:9 “Which was a figure for the time then present”. That is the earthly sanctuary was a temporal arrangement. It was “a figure”, a shadow, a type of the heavenly. So the priests “serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly things”.

Hebrews 9:11, 12 “But Christ being come an high priest of good things to come”. His ministry was not by the blood of goats and calves as in the earthly, shadowy service “but by His own blood He entered “the true tabernacle” in the heavens”

Revelation 8:3, 4 “In heaven” the prophet is shown the ministry by “the altar” of incense.

Revelation 8:5 The “censer” is pictured as being thrown to earth. The offering of incense ceases. It is not the close of probation, but the apostasy foretold in Daniel seven and eight and also by Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2. The professed church of Christ was turning from:

1 Timothy 2:5 “The One Mediator, between God and man, the man Christ Jesus” to other earthly and false mediators. They were looking to dead saints, in place of our Living Loving Lord. It is important to note that in the New Testament our priest is always singular. “One Mediator”, One “high priest” who can save to the uttermost all that come to God by Him. He is all we need. All others are counterfeits.

Revelation 1:12, 13 Christ is robed as a priest. He is the great Advocate, to whom the earthly priests of the earthly sanctuary were but types and shadows.

1 Timothy 2:5 ‘There is ONE mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus”. The counterfeit system denies this: “The priest stands as a mediator between God and man”. The Pilot (R.C.) Boston, May 29, 1915.

Hebrews 3:1 “The Apostle and High Priest of our profession Christ Jesus”.

Hebrews 7:25, 26 “He is able also to save them to the uttermost”. “For such an high priest becomes us”. The false system [s a mere mortal man: “The priest is a man of God, the minister of God, the portion of God, the man called of God, consecrated to God, wholly occupied with the interests of God, he that despises him, despises God, he that hears him hears God; he remits sins as God, and that which he calls his body at the altar is adored as God by himself and by the congregation. This shows Jesus Christ as God – man.” Catholic Doctrine as Defined by the Council of Trent. - Revelation A. Nampon, S.J. (R.C.) p. 543.


Modern Christians know little or nothing about the work Jesus is doing in the heavenly Sanctuary. What is Jesus doing in heaven now? It is a mystery to many.

Daniel 8:11 “The place of His sanctuary was cast down.” The Scriptures reveal that the only Sanctuary that counts today is the heavenly sanctuary. There Jesus mediates for us. To find forgiveness we seek Jesus.

John 2:1 “That you sin not”. This is the Christians aim. “If any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus”. We fly to Jesus and He forgives. Our heavenly Priest, in the heavenly Sanctuary is the one to which the Old Testament was “to be the example and shadow”. In the false system every Catholic church is a sanctuary. “The real presence of our divine Lord in the blessed Eucharist makes every Catholic church a tabernacle of the Most High.” The True Voice (R.C.) 147

The reason why so little is known regarding the work of Jesus today is because the man of sin cast down the place of Christ’s sanctuary. By him the “daily” ministration of Our Lord Jesus was taken away by the substitution of the counterfeit system.

“DAILY” “Tamid”. In Numbers 28, 29 alone this word is used 17 times in reference to the “continual” service in the sanctuary. It is the same word translated “daily” in Daniel 8.

Hebrews 9:6 “Always.”

Hebrews 7:24, 25 “Continues ever”. “An unchangeable priesthood.” “He ever lives to make intercession.” This the man of sin took away “cast down”.

Daniel 8:11, 12 “Daily sacrifice.” The Lord’s Supper they made into a “sacrifice The sacrifice of the mass. Hebrews 9:28 “Christ was ONCE offered”.

Hebrews 10:10 “Through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ ONCE for all.”

Hebrews 10: 12 “Offered ONE sacrifice for sins forever. Jesus offered Himself once for all. But the mass “is the sacrifice of Christ’s body and blood, offered to God, under the appearance of bread and wine.” - “Manual of Christian Doctrine.” page 438. “The holy sacrifice of the mass does not differ in its essence from the sacrifice offered up upon Mt. Calvary. As we find on Calvary and in the mass the same identical victim and the same principal offered, Jesus Christ, the two sacrifices are essentially the same.” Catholic Belief. Revelation Joseph Faa di Bruno, D. D. (Roman Catholic) page 101.

Thus the Lord’s supper is made a “sacrifice”. Thus the counterfeit has an offering. The devil always works by substitution. Not atheism, but by counterfeit. In place of the “continual” ministry of Christ, they have the sacrifice of the mass by a sinful sinning man of sin.

Hebrews 10:1-4, 11 Not “take away sin The Counterfeit: Takes away the Law. Takes away the Gospel. Takes away the knowledge of sin. Takes away salvation from sin. Gives indulgences for sin.

Isaiah 1:13 This “is an abomination”.

Daniel 8:24 “His power shall be mighty but not in his own power.” This power is more than human. It has mysterious power. It is certainly not divine power. It is the opposite to divine. It is “opposed to all that is called God”.

Revelation 13:2 “The dragon gave him his power.” Revelation 12:9 “Which deceives the whole world.”

Revelation 2:13 Where Satan dwells. ‘Where Satan’s seat is.” This Monster Deception has not only a counterfeit sanctuary, priesthood and mediation service it has:


In a book called ‘The Glories of Mary’, by Liguori, whose writings two popes declared free from error and who was made a doctor of the church by Pope Pius IX, such expressions as the following occur: “All those who are saved, are saved solely by means of this divine mother. Page 19. “The salvation of all depends upon preaching Mary, and confidence in her intercession.” Page 20. “Hail, defense of the faithful, and salvation of the world” - Page 117. ‘The salvation of all men is made dependent upon her good pleasure.” - Page 181. “Have recourse to Mary, and thou will be saved.” Page 237.


In the book, ‘The Glories of Mary,’ such expressions as the following occur: ‘Ordaining that all graces which are dispensed to men should pass through the hands of Mary.

Page 28. ‘Mary is ordained to be the mediatrix of peace between the sinner and God.” - Page 82. ‘God pardons all sinners who place themselves under her protection.” - Page 86. “The great privilege has been granted to Mary to be the mediatrix of our salvation. - Page 169. “Can she be otherwise than full of grace, who has been made the ladder of Paradise, the gate of heaven, the most true mediatrix between God and man?” - Page 170. “In her He (the Lord) has pi aced the fullness of all good, that henceforth we may recognize as coming from Mary whatever of hope, grace, or salvation we receive.” “All the mercies ever bestowed upon men have come through Mary.” - Page 176. “Mary is called the gate of heaven because no one can enter heaven if he does not pass through Mary, who is the door of it.” - Page 177.


Matthew 7:24-27 Build on Jesus by obeying His word. Be “Founded upon the Rock”. Revised Version. They have also a false baptism and a false Sabbath.


Daniel 9:23 Daniel the “greatly beloved” was told to “CONSIDER THE VISION”. What Vision? “The Vision” is mentioned ten times in Daniel 8. There is no new or independent vision given. The same vision is dealt with throughout Daniel 8 and 9. In Daniel 8, all is explained except the time period = the 2300 days.

Daniel 8:26, 27 “True but none understood it”. Daniel 8 closes with questions still unanswered. Therefore Daniel 9 is not giving us a new line of prophecy, but it is a continuation, a completion of the angel is explanation of the vision. Thus these two chapters are linked. They must not be separated. Critics who would try to separate them can give no starting point for Daniel 8:14 and hence no explanation.

Daniel 8:26, 27 God’s unerring Scriptures, declares this is “true”, but it is not explained, in Daniel 8. Daniel 9 explains the one unexplained symbol of Daniel 8, namely the “vision of the evening and the morning”.

Daniel 9:23 The heavenly command is “Consider the Vision”. There is only one vision that was to be considered the one vision, mentioned through Daniel 8.

Daniel 8:26 Consider “The vision of the evening and morning which is told is true”. This was to be considered. Not the whole vision - that had been largely explained. All was clear, except the time period. This is now to be considered. Daniel 8 closes with time, and when the vision is to be considered time is again dealt with.

Daniel 9:24 “Seventy weeks are determined” - This was what was to be considered.


This phrase is not used anywhere else in the Scriptures. It means “to cut off”. We quote but two well known authorities: Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance states that “determined” means “to cut off”. The “Pulpit Commentary” Volume 13, page 267. Determined is also a word that occurs only here; it is Aramaic, but not common even in that language. It means to cut off.”

“Cut off” is significant.

Daniel 9:24 “Seventy weeks” is a time period, so it is time that is cut off. It is cut off the only other time period mentioned in “the Vision”, The 2300 year period. As a piece of cloth is cut off the bolt of cloth, so the 70 Weeks period is “cut off” the longer period of time in the vision. Therefore the time periods of Daniel 8, 9 are linked - linked by our God. “What therefore God hath joined together let not man put asunder”. Ignoring this command of our Lord, like ignoring any other command, will end in darkness and deception.

Daniel 12:10 “None of the wicked shall understand.”

Matthew 24:15 “Daniel understand”. God’s true people - “the wise shall understand”. They will understand Daniel. Only those who obey, who will to do Christ’s will, will know of the teaching of Christ. (John 7:17) May you be willing to obey Christ that you “understand” too.


Recently two apostates taunted, “You cannot prove the Year-day theory from the Bible.” May I say in reply, that we don’t need to prove it, for that has already been done for us. It has been done by no less than the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.

Mark 1:15 When Jesus started out in His work as the Messiah His first recorded words are: “THE TIME IS FULFILLED”. What time was fulfilled? The only time prophecy that could be fulfilled is found in:

Daniel 9:25 Sixty-nine weeks would reach “unto Messiah the Prince.” If it was literal time then to what did Jesus refer? If that prophecy meant sixty-nine weeks of literal time, then it was wrong. But prophecy does not fail. “The Scriptures cannot be broken.” Jesus makes no mistakes. Jesus knew that these sixty-nine weeks were prophetic time or 483 years. Jesus was baptized and began His work in AD 27, exactly 483 years after the going forth of the commandment to restore and rebuild Jerusalem. Our Lord’s statement “The time is fulfilled”, confirms the year-day principle. His statement settles the question forever. We need no other evidence. Our Lord’s statement “The time is fulfilled” is final. He confirms the year-day principle. The year-day scale of prophecy is correct. So no other time scale is possible.

Thus the year-day is established by Jesus Christ. Established by the infallible authority of Jesus. But our God has given plenty more evidence. He leaves no question.

Daniel 9:24 “Seventy weeks” were allotted for certain accomplishments. Among them was “the restoring and rebuilding of Jerusalem”. The coming of the Messiah, His work and His death. This would be followed by the coming of the Romans and their destruction of Jerusalem, and the temple of Jerusalem. To have all this accomplished in one and a third literal years is an absurdity. This brief period fails absurdly short in fulfilling the requirements. The prophecy of the “seventy weeks” proves they are “weeks of years”.


Numbers 14:34 “A day for a year”.

To say that a day is not used for a year is false. “After the number of days in which you searched the land, even forty days, each day for a year, shall you bear your iniquities, even forty years.” “Shall” indicates the future. This is prophecy and the prophetic scale is a “Day for a year!” What can be plainer?

Ezekiel 4:6 The same year-day principle is repeated. “I have appointed thee each day for a year”. If God says “I have appointed thee each day for a year” what right has a judgment-bound mortal to say other wise. This is God’s scale. Forty days become prophetic of forty years.


The day is composed of “the evening and the morning”; The dark part and the light; The “cool” and the “heat” of the day, as the earth turns on its axis. So the year is composed of the winter and summer, the “cold” of the winter, and the “heat” of the summer. This significant characteristic is common to both. During the year the earth turns on its orbit. Our God has linked together the two great revolutions of the earth together in a prophetic setting = “a day for a year”.


John 14:29 “Now I have told you before it come to pass that, when it comes to pass, you might believe.” Time not only proves the prophecies to be of divine origin, but it reveals the correct explanation. Time confirms Bible Prophecy that 1260 day prophecy is God’s scale for the 1260 years of the reign of the “man of sin”. This period, mentioned seven times in prophecy, is the exact time the papacy dominated.



It was both the discovery of the True Christ and also of the Antichrist that led to the Reformers breaking with Rome. The year-day scale was used powerfully by the Reformers to prove that the Papacy was the enemy of Christ. To counter this the theory of Futurism was invented.


The Futurist theory was invented by the Jesuit Riberia and he was strongly supported by Bellarimine. Their argument was that the Antichrist was to reign for 3.5 years. The papacy has reigned for 1,600 years, therefore the pope was not the Antichrist. Thus the whole issue hung on the year-day principle. The prophetic scale, so clearly laid down in Scripture, confirmed by our Lord and proved by fulfilling prophecy, was under attack.


The issue today between futurism and historic interpretation is largely over-whether the papacy is the Antichrist or not, and whether the reign of the antichrist is but 3.5 years or 1260 years - whether the rule is days or years. Futurism is the child of the papacy, to refute the Reformers and God’s “Present Truth” for these Last Days. It has deceived millions of protestants. It is probably Satan’s number one deception. Let us therefore not be surprised when apostate Adventists likewise reject this Keystone to the Arch of truth. The flippant remark “You cannot prove the year-day principle from the Bible counts for nothing. The amazing fulfillment of the prophetic periods proves its truth. Yes the year-day scale is proved and confirmed by Christ Jesus. Futurism on the other hand is but empty speculation about the future. They are unprofitable speculations of a coming short-lived infidel antichrist. This empty theory was invented by the papacy. May every Adventist reject this child of apostasy, and stand flat footed on the rock of truth.



“As the sanctuary on earth had two apartments, the holy and the most holy, so there are two holy places in the sanctuary in heaven. And the ark containing the law of God, the altar of incense, and other instruments of service found in the sanctuary below, have also their counterpart in the sanctuary above. In holy vision the apostle John was permitted to enter heaven, and he there beheld the candlestick and the altar of incense, and as “the temple of God was opened, he beheld also the ark of His testament.” (Revelation 4:5; 8:3; 11:19. Christ in His Sanctuary, page 14.

“I was also shown a sanctuary upon the earth containing two apartments. It resembled the one in heaven, and I was told that it was a figure of the heavenly. The furniture of the first apartment of the earthly sanctuary was like that in the first apartment of the heavenly. The veil was lifted, and I looked into the holy of holies, and saw that the furniture was the same as in the most holy place in the heavenly sanctuary.” Early Writings, pages 252, 253. “Christ in His Sanctuary,” page 14.

“In the future, deception of every kind is to arise, and we want solid ground for our feet. We want solid pillars for the building. Not one pin is to be removed from that which the Lord has established. Where shall we find safety unless it be in the truths that the Lord has been giving for the last fifty years?” Review and Herald. May 25, 1905. Evangelism, page 610. (For over 120 years.)

 “Preaching the Sanctuary Doctrine Endorsed by Holy Spirit. For more than half a century the different points of present truth have been questioned and opposed. New theories have been advanced as truth, which were not truth, and the Spirit of God revealed their error. As the great pillars of our faith have been presented, the Holy Spirit has borne witness to them, and especially is this so regarding the truths of the sanctuary question. Over and over again the Holy Spirit has in a marked manner endorsed the preaching of this doctrine. But today, as in the past, some will be led to form new theories and to deny the truths upon which the Spirit of God has placed His approval.” - Manuscript 125, 1907. Evangelism, page 224.

“False Theories Regarding the Sanctuary. In the future, deception of every kind is to arise, and we want solid ground for our feet. We want solid pillars for the building. Not one pin is to be removed from that which the Lord has established. The enemy will bring in false theories, such as the doctrine that there is no sanctuary. This is one of the points on which there will be a departing from the faith. Where shall we find safety unless it be in the truths that the Lord has been giving for the last fifty years?” - Review and Herald, May 25, 1905. Evangelism, page 224 (120 years).

“The passing of the time in 1844 was a period of great events, opening to our astonished eyes the cleansing of the sanctuary transpiring in heaven, and having decided relation to God’s people upon the earth, (also) the first and second angels’ messages and the third, unfurling the banner on which was inscribed, ‘The commandments of God and the faith of Jesus’ One of the landmarks under this message was the temple of God, seen by His truth-loving people in heaven, and the ark containing the law of God.” Counsels to Workers, page 30.

“Early Workers to Speak. - God has given me light regarding our periodicals. What is it? - He has said that the dead are to speak. How? Their works shall follow them. We are to repeat the words of the pioneers in our work, who knew what it cost to search for the truth as for hidden treasure, and who labored to lay the foundation of our work. They moved forward step by step under the influence of the Spirit of God. One by one these pioneers are passing away. The word given me is, Let that which these men have written in the past be reproduced. And in the ‘Signs of the Times’ let not the articles be long or the print fine. Do not try to crowd every thing into one number of the paper. Let the print be good, and let earnest, living experiences be put into the paper.” Counsels to Workers, page 28.

“I know that the sanctuary question stands in righteous ness and truth, just as we have held it for so many years. It is the enemy that leads minds off on sidetracks. He is pleased when those who know the truth become engrossed in collecting scriptures to pile around erroneous theories, which have no foundation in truth. The scriptures thus used are misapplied; they were not given to substantiate error, but to strengthen truth.” - Gospel Workers, page 303. (1915) Counsels to Workers, page 54.

“Moving a Block or Stirring a Pin. I saw a company who stood well guarded and firm, giving no countenance to those who would unsettle the established faith of the body. God looked upon them with approbation. I was shown three steps, - the first, second, and third angels’ messages. Said my accompanying angel, ‘Woe to him who shall move a block or stir a pin of these messages. The true understanding of these messages is of vital importance. The destiny of souls hangs upon the manner in which they are received. I was again brought down through these messages, and saw how dearly the people of God had purchased their experience. It had been obtained through much suffering and severe conflict. God had led them along step by step, until He had placed them upon a solid, immovable platform.”- Early Writings, pages 258, 259. (1858.) Counsels to Writers, page 53.

The Sanctuary a Point of Special Attack. - In the future, deception of every kind is to arise, and we want solid ground for our feet. We want solid pillars for the building. Not one pin is to be removed from that which the Lord has established. The enemy will bring in false theories, such as the doctrine that there is no sanctuary. This is one of the points on which there will be a departing from the faith. Where shall we find safety unless it be in the truths t at the Lord has been giving for the fast fifty years?” Review and Herald, May 25, 1905. (120 yrs.)


Daniel 8: 14 “And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed. The Hebrew word “sadaq” is translated in different ways according to the context. In English a word can have different meanings according to how it is used, or the context. The “justify” does not fit the context very well, neither does “vindicated”. A man could be vindicated, but not an object. You could not vindicate a chair, table or a sanctuary. You can vindicate a personal being but not an inanimate object. This has been clearly recognized by translators. Here are some of the earliest translations in English. These all used the word.


These translations were Wycliff Great Bible

all before the King Coverdale Geneva Bible

James Version Traverner Bishops


The Septuagint a Greek translation, used by Jesus has the word “Katharizo”, which means cleansed.


Rheims-Douai Noyes.

Moulton French Versions of

Boothroyd Osterwald

Spurrell Segond

Martin Lausanne

The Vulgate ERV

Harkavy ASV



Only one “Rotherham” used the “vindicated”. Three “he justified” and one “be restored”. In addition to this overwhelming list of translations favoring “cleansed”, we have also the “Testimony of Jesus which is the Spirit of Prophecy”.

“The foundations were laid at the beginning of our work, by prayerful study of the Word and by revelation”. Gospel Workers, page 307.

After the disappointment of October 22 while Hiram Edson was walking through a cornfield the day after the disappointment, an overwhelming conviction came to him 4hat instead of our High Priest coming out of the Most Holy of the heavenly sanctuary to come to this earth on the tenth day of the seventh month, at the end of the 2300 days, He for the first time entered on that day the second apartment of that sanctuary and that He had a work to perform in the Most Holy before coming to this earth.” Hiram Edson, fragment of a manuscript on his “Life and Experience.”

In the earthly sanctuary there wore two apartments, there must necessarily be two apartments in the heavenly. Later, Hiram Edson, O. R. L. Crosier, and Dr. Franklin B. Hahn met as a study group to investigate the Bible intensively along these lines. After some months of study the results were published in articles by Crosier, first, in the Day-Dawn of Canandaigua, New York, and later in the Day Star of Cincinnati, Ohio.

Concerning Crosier’s position, Ellen G. White said to El i Curtis in a letter dated April 21, 1847: “The Lord did show me in vision, more than one year ago, that Brother Crosier had the true light, on the cleansing of the Sanctuary, et cetera; and that it was His will, that Brother C. should write out the view which he gave us in the Day-Star, Extra, February 7, 1846. I feel fully authorized by the Lord to recommend that Extra, to every saint.” - A Word to the Little Flock”, page 12.

Subsequently in her writings Ellen G. White has given detailed expositions on the sanctuary doctrine as held by Seventh-day Adventists. This confirmation is an encouragement to us. “When the power of God testifies as to what is truth, that truth is to stand forever as the truth.” - Counsels to Writers and Editors, page 31.


Matthew 24:15

Christians should understand the book of Daniel.

Daniel 8:1-4

Explained. Verse 20. Dual kingdom symbolized by two horns.

Daniel 8:5-8

Explained verses 21, 22. After death of Alexander his kingdom was divided between his four leading generals: Cassander, Seleucus, Lysimachus, Ptolemy.

Daniel 8:9-12

Rome - Pagan, then Papal.

Daniel 8:13 How long will this Truth-crushing power that encourages “transgression” continue?

Daniel 8:14

Day in symbolic prophecy equals a year (Ezekiel 4:6, Numbers 14:34).

Daniel 8:17

This time prophecy reaches to “time of the end.” Therefore not literal days.

Daniel 8:26

“For it relates to the far distant future” (Moffatt’s translation).

Daniel 8:27

Daniel faints. All prophecy explained except time period of 2,300 years.

Daniel 9:21-23

Angel comes to explain the 2,300 years’ prophecy.

Daniel 9:24

Seventy weeks of the 2,300 days were allotted to the Jews as their day of special opportunity. Seventy weeks of prophetic time would equal 490 literal years.

Daniel 9:25

The decree to rebuild and restore Jerusalem went forth in 457 B.C. (see Ezra 7:26). A tribute government could not execute the death penalty. This indicates complete restoration of power.

Daniel 9:25

The Messiah was to appear 69 weeks or 483 years, later. In A.D. 27 Jesus was baptized and anointed by the Holy Spirit (Messiah means “anointed one”). Matthew 3:13-17; John 1:41, margin.

Mark 1:14, 15

“The time is fulfilled.” Thus our Savior confirms this prophecy and the day year principle.

Daniel 9:27

“In the midst of the week”- 3.5 years - Christ was to be “cut off” - “not for Himself” - He died for us. He would “cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease.” Jesus died 3.5 years after His baptism in AD 31.

.John 19:30

The sacrificial service with its earthly priesthood was finished.

Matthew 27:50, 51

Heaven’s signal to the Jewish nation that the earthly sanctuary and its system of sacrifices had ceased.

Acts 7:51-60

Stephen was the first Christian martyr - AD 34.

Acts 8:1-5

Persecution comes to Christian church. The saints “went everywhere preaching the word.” The day of the Jews’ special opportunity was finished. The “seventy weeks” were finished. 1810 years added to AD 34 brings us to 1844. The time set for the cleansing of the sanctuary. As God knows the future so accurately, He knows your future too. We cannot understand trials. He is guiding in the best path. Remember Jesus knows the way better than you. Let Him guide.


THAT MUST PRECEED THE SECOND ADVENT OF OUR LORD Revelation 14:6, “The Hour of His Judgment is Come”.

1. This message goes to 9hem that dwell on the earth”. This can only apply to the days before Christ returns.

  1. Before “the last day” John 6:39, 40, 44, 54.
  2. Before “the end of the world” Matthew 13:38-41.

There will be no preaching after the last day “the end of the world”. Revelation 14:8-12

2. This Judgment Hour Message is followed by two other mighty messages. This Three-fold message prepares a people for our Lord’s return. There will be no preaching after Christ returns.

Revelation 14:14-16

3. These messages are followed by Christ’s return. Revelation 14:14-16 “The earth was reaped” The harvest is the end of the world. The Judgment Hour is therefore due to earth’s dwellers before the end of the world.



Revelation 14:6-7

4. It is God’s International Message. It goes to the whole human race. “To every nation kindred tongue and people”. It is world embracing. Matthew 24:14. “To every nation”. Jeremiah 16:16.



  1. In it’s warning against modern Babylon’s religious confusion,

Revelation 18.4 “Come out of her My People”. Many of God’s people are still in Babylon.


  1. Revelation 14:9 “Any man”.

Revelation 13:9 “If any man, have an ear let him hear”.

Thus the Word of God clearly announces a Judgment that will precede the Second Advent of our Lord.

  1. Daniel 7: 10 “The Judgment was set and the books were opened”. World powers are still operating after the judgment begins. This judgment cannot be after Christ’s return for then no nations exist on earth. Christ raises the righteous dead on the “LAST DAY”. John 6:39, 40, 44, 4. This judgment must precede Christ’s return.

Daniel 7:8 “There came up among them another little horn. In this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.

  1. Daniel 7:11 “I beheld then” (after the judgment began) “because of the great words which the horn spoke”. If 1844 was the opening of the judgment we would expect some outstanding statements from 4he little horn” after 1844.

1849 Pope Pius IX proclaimed the doctrine of the Immaculate conception. “That the most blessed Virgin Mary in the first instant of her conception was kept immune from any contamination of original sin”.

1870 Declaration of the Infallibility of the Pope. What greater words has the church ever spoken? These “great words” were to be spoken just after the judgment began in heaven. We can be sure of our foundation. Prophecy is fulfilled. The judgment has began.

Daniel 7:25 The “little horn” is not only a blasphemous and persecuting power. It would “think to change times and laws.” It would change the Sabbath and the Commandments of our God. It would rule for “a time and times and the dividing of time?” It would rule supreme for 1260 years.

  1. Daniel 7:26 “But the judgment shall sit to consume and to destroy it unto the end”. This little horn power will continue to the end of the world. This prediction further shows that the Papacy operates after the judgment begins and before the end of the world.
  2. Daniel 8:9 “A little horn”.

Daniel 8:11 “He magnified himself even to (against margin) the Prince of the host. It is the Antichrist. Daniel 8:12 “He cast down the truth” and “the place of His (Christ’s) sanctuary was cast down”.

Daniel 8:13, 14 In answer to the cry “How Long”? God answers “Unto 2300 days then shall the Sanctuary be cleansed. The cleansing of the Sanctuary involves a work of judgment. This judgment cannot be at Christ’s return for no man knows the day or the hour. Here the time of the judgment is given. This is further proof of a pre-Advent Judgment.


The foundation of the judgment-hour message is found in chapter 7, and 8 of Daniel.

Daniel 7: 10 “The judgment was set and the books were opened”. This judgment takes place during the working of the “little horn”.

Daniel 7:8 “There came up another little horn, in this horn, were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.”

Daniel 7: 11 “The great words which the horn spoke”.

Daniel 7:25 The little horn “speaks great words against the Most High, (It would be a blasphemous power) and shall wear out the Saints of the Most High, (It would be a persecuting power) and think to change times and laws!” (It would change the Sabbath and the Commandments of our Lord). It would rule for “a time and times and the dividing of time;” (it would rule supreme for 1260 years)

Daniel 7:26 “But the judgment shall sit to consume and to destroy it unto the end”. This little horn power will continue to the end of the world.

Daniel 8:9 “Came forth a little horn”.

Daniel 8:11 “He magnified himself even to (or against margin) the Prince of the host”. This is the Antichrist.

Daniel 8:12 He “cast down the truth to the ground” - It is a truth opposing, and truth corrupting power. Daniel 8:14 “Unto 2300 days then shall the sanctuary be cleansed”.

The cleansing of the sanctuary involves a work of judgment. In both of these chapters “the little horn” is placed in juxtaposition to the judgment.

Daniel 8:24 He “shall destroy the holy people.” It is a persecuting power.

Daniel 8:25 “Through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper”. It is a mammoth deception.

Daniel 8:25 “He shall also stand up against the Prince of princes” - while professing to be honor” Christ and upholding truth, it is “the man of sin” or Antichrist.

Daniel 8:25 “But he shall be broken without hand. (This refers to the end in Daniel 2:45)

This “little-horn” power continues to the End of the world when it will be struck to nothingness, at our Lord return. This is certainly no mere Syrian king, but a religion-political world power.

33. THE 2300 DAYS

Daniel 8:14 “Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.”


Daniel 8:14 “I heard the other angel answer. It will continue for 1,150 days, during which evening and morning sacrifices will not be offered. Then the Temple will be restored.”


The Good News Bible, translators put down their ideas rather than translating the actual words of the Hebrew. It is an expansion and interpretation of the Hebrew.

WHY 1150 DAYS?

The translators evidently, applied this prophecy to Antiochus Epiphanes. In 168 BC he plundered the Temple of Jerusalem, terminated the sacrifices, and erected an altar in the Temple grounds on which pigs were offered. The Maccabean revolt defeated Antiochus’ army and restored the Temple worship.


Josephus, the Jewish historian states that the restoration of the Temple “took place on the same day on which, three year before, their holy service had been transformed into an impure and profane form of worship. For the temple, after being made desolate by Antiochus, had remained so for three years”. Antiquities XII, 76.

2300 days would equal more than six years, so the number 1150 is chosen as it is closer to their ideas.



Because the Hebrew for “day” had “evening morning” they say this refers to the evening and morning sacrifices. This is based on an assumption and nothing more. It will be noted that in Daniel 8 the word “sacrifice” is in italics, to indicate that it is not in the original, but has been supplied. Sister White makes this helpful statement:

“Then I saw in relation to the ‘daily’ (Daniel 8:12) that the word ‘sacrifice’ was supplied by man’s wisdom, and does not belong to the text, and that the Lord gave the correct view of it to those who gave the judgment hour cry.” Early Writings, page 74.

The translators of the Authorized Version would never dare to add words without indicating it by placing the supplied word in italics. Many of the modern, popular translations appear to think nothing of adding words to suit their own ideas.

For the eight words of the literal Hebrew of Den 8:14, there are seven of the Authorized Version, where as the Good News Bible has sixteen. For many of these added words there are no corresponding words in the Hebrew.

Thus many modern, so called translations become really paraphrases or perhaps they could more correctly be labeled comments. This brings us to the caution often expressed, but too often ignored. Such “translations” as the “Good News Bible” are not good study Bible as they write in their own ideas.


Verse 5. [Behold a he-goat] This was Alexander the Great: and a goat was a very proper symbol of the Grecian or Macedonian people. Bishop Newton very properly observes that, two hundred years before the time of Daniel , they were called Egeadai, the goats’ people; the origin of which name is said to be as follows: Caranus, their first king, going with a multitude of Greeks to seek a new habitation in Macedonia, was advised by an oracle to take the goats for his guides; and afterwards, seeing a herd of goats flying from a violent storm, he followed them to Edessa and there fixed the seat of his empire, and made the goats his ensigns or standards; and called the place Aegean or the goats’ town; and the people the goats’ people; names which are. The city Aegea derived from at, at-yos, a goat, was the usual burying-place of the

Macedonian kings: and, in reference to this origin, Alexander called his son by Roxana, Alexander Aegea, Alexander the goat. All this shows the very great propriety of the symbol here used, Came from the west! Europe lies westward of Asia. Adam Clarke’s Commentary, Volume 4, page 296.

Out of Greek Division. That Italy was a part of the Macedonian division is evident from the following: “As a matter of fact, the West (or Greek part of Italy) was left (by the mother country) to its own devices. But it presently became evident that the development that there took place, untroubled by interference from without, was fraught with consequences of the utmost moment to the Hellenistic political system. By abstaining from preemptory interference, while such interference was yet possible, the Macedonia-kingdoms permitted a power to arise in Italy so strong that in a very short time it proceeded to aim a fatal blow at their own existence.” - The Historian’s History of the World, Volume V, page 1.

Greek Civilization. “As early as the sixth century (BC), during the Etruscan period, the city of Rome on the Tiber had grown into a large and important community. With the Greeks it was on friendly terms. From of old, Greek civilization had found almost as ready acceptance among the Latins as among the Etruscans, and in the struggle with the latter people, Latins and Greeks and fought side by side.” “A steady stream of Greek colonists had been occupying the coast of Southern Italy ever since the eighth century BC, their first settlement dating from two centuries earlier. The population of Southern Italy adopted the language, manners, and customs of the Greeks, and in the north the Etruscans served both as exponents of their own peculiar civilization and as intermediaries between the Greeks and the mountain tribes.” Ibid. pages 2, 12.


Readers of the English versions sometimes assume that when the Bible says that the little horn arose out of ‘lone of them,” it means that it arose out of one of the four horns. What the Bible really means, however, is that the little horn arose out of one of the four winds; that is, that it arose out of one of the four directions of the compass. We are dealing with an idiom. How can this be?

Nouns in Hebrew have grammatical gender. They are considered to be either masculine, feminine, or neuter. Many other languages also employ grammatical gender. And it is a rule in all of them that pronouns must agree with their antecedent nouns in being similarly masculine, feminine, or neuter. Even in English we think of a ship as feminine and refer to one with the feminine pronouns. “She” and “her.”

In the Hebrew for Daniel 8:8, 9, ‘horns’ is feminine, and ‘winds’ is either masculine or feminine. In the phrase “out of one of them,” the pronoun ‘them’ is Masculine. This means that the antecedent noun for ‘them’ cannot be ‘horns’ but must be ‘winds.’

Thus the little horn was to appear out of one of the four winds. It was to arise from one of the four directions of the compass. God Cares, page 152 by Dr. C. Mervyn Maxwell.


Daniel 8:22 “Four kingdoms shall stand up.” This was to follow “Greece. Daniel 8:21

Daniel 13:23 Following the divided “Greece” would be “a king of fierce countenance and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.” This prophecy was exactly fulfilled by the Romans. The enemies of Rome testified that they were terrified by the looks of their opponents.” “They said that the eyes of the Romans looked like fire, and their faces and expressions like those of madmen.” Livy’s “History of Rome,” Book 7, Chapter 33.


This too was fulfilled in the Romans for the Latin tongue was strange, “dark sentences” to the people of the east.

Deuteronomy 28:49, 50. Moses the first writer of the Bible predicted that punishment would come on the Jews from the same power. “A nation whose tongue thou shall not understand; A nation of fierce countenance.” This could not apply to the Syrians, but it did to the Romans.


“By the Spirit of inspiration, looking far down the ages, Moses pictured the terrible scenes of Israel’s final overthrow as a nation, and the destruction of Jerusalem by the armies of Rome: ‘The Lord shall bring a nation against thee from far, from the end of the earth, as swift as the eagle flies; a nation whose tongue thou shall not understand; a nation of fierce countenance, which shall not regard the person of the old, nor show favor to the young’.” Patriarchs and Prophets, page 467.

Thus the power of Rome is clearly revealed by inspiration. It was mighty Rome and not a mere weak Syrian king, whose supposed place in Bible prophecy was invented by the enemies of truth to cast-reproach on God’s Infallible Word.


In 1863 the fledgling Seventh-day Adventist Church was organized into a General Conference. Its members numbered 3,500, all of whom lived on the North American continent. In 1874 the church’s missionary thrust began when its first missionary was sent to Europe. In a few decades there were Adventist believers in most of the lands of the world. From hundreds of new members yearly, thousand, then tens of thousands joined the church until today there are more than 14 million Adventists, representing almost every nation on the globe. Only a few of the smaller countries of the world are as yet un entered. The graph shows the dramatic acceleration of growth in recent decades.

The Seventh-day Adventist Church is truly international. At present approximately one fourth of all Adventists live in Latin America; one fifth in North America; one fifth in Asia; one seventh in Africa; one tenth in Europe; and one twentieth in Australasia.

Seventh-day Adventists live with a sense of urgency. They pray, and plan, and work, and give of their means believing that the story of salvation and of the imminent return of Jesus must go quickly to “every nation and tribe and tongue and people” (Revelation 14:6, R.S.V.).

In 1863 there were 3,600 Adventists in a world population of 1,000,000,000. That is one Adventist to three million.

In 1935 we were one Adventist to 7, 000 of the entire population of the world.

In 1975 with the world population at four billion, we had a ratio of one Adventist to 1,600.

If the present growth remains at the present 5.5 per cent by the year AD 2000, the world will have 6.5 billion people, we should have 14 million Sabbath keepers or one in 700.

That is good progress but not good enough. “When divine power is combined with human efforts” Selected Messages, Volume 1, page 118 “God will do the work if we will furnish Him the instruments” Testimonies, 9:107. “He will finish the work and cut it short in righteousness”.

Revelation 22:11-12 When the Judgment Hour is finished, this destiny fixing decree goes forth. “He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still and he that is holy, let him be holy still”. The work is finished. The investigative judgment is closed. Every destiny is fixed for doom or Glory.

When a passenger ship is about to said, the whistle blows. All not booked as passengers must leave the ship. Soon the last message will have been given. Soon the last work of Jesus in the Day of Atonement, the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary, the final blotting out of sin in the judgment will be completed. The day of mercy closes. “The whole family in heaven and earth is named” Ephesians 3:15. Only those whose names are retained in the Book of Life are ready. For “whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire” Revelation 21:15. All who are not found in the company of Christ’s Saints (Revelation 14:12) will be left. Why not let Jesus save you.


These few facts overthrow this pagan, modernistic theory that tries to make Daniel a mere historian and not a prophet of God.

To avoid and obscure the clear light of prophecy, the theory was advanced that one of the Syrian kings, Antiochus Epiphanes was the little horn of both Daniel 7 and 8. Let us consider the facts.


  1. “Little horn” rose out often divisions of Rome. Therefore it is Roman. Daniel 7:7, 8.
  2. To say this prophecy applied to Antiochus is to teach all was fulfilled before Christ and thus Daniel was merely a historian and not a prophet.
  3. This view is held by the modernist schools’ which reject Daniel as a prophet..
  4. Christ upheld Daniel the prophet.
  5. According to Jerome and Bishop Thomas Newman the Antiochus view was originated by Porphyry (Died AD 304). Porphyry was a pagan whose one aim was to stop the advance of Christianity. His theory was not to expound Daniel but to discredit and deny Daniel as a prophet. He did not try to confirm the Bible, but to deny it’s divine origin. It was a pagan attack to hold back Christianity’s inroads into paganism. Daniel, therefore, according to this theory, was not a prophet but merely an historian. It was the amazing accuracy of the sure word of prophecy and its uncanny fulfillment that made Porphyry claim Daniel was written after the events of Antiochus, hence was not a prophecy at all. Such is the origin of this God-dishonoring and truth opposing theory.
  6. “Greece” is pictured as one animal, a goat, with four horns. These were the four generals of Alexander and were not separate kingdoms. Alexander the Great’s coffin is to be seen in the Istanbul museum. Goat’s heads are carved in the stone sarcophagus, as the goat was the symbol of Greece. Daniel 8:5-11, 21.
  7. Antiochus did not rise after the “ten kings” Daniel 7:6. Antiochus was only one of the Syrian kings and not a new kingdom.
  8. Antiochus was not “diverse” from his predecessors Daniel 7:7, 24
  9. It is Impossible to find three kings-whom, Antiochus plucked up. Daniel 7:8, 24
  10. He was not “more stout than his fellows” Daniel 7:20. His father, not he was called Antiochus the Great.
  11. His persecutions did not fast even 3.5 literal years.
  12. The kingdom following the Grecian was Roman, not the everlasting Kingdom of the Saints. Daniel 7:27.
  1. Antiochus did not continue until the Judgment before the Ancient of Days. Daniel 7:9-14, 26, 27. These few facts overthrow this pagan, modernistic theory that tries to make Daniel a mere historian and not a prophet of God. The vain attempts to make Antiochus the little horn of Daniel 8 fail likewise.
  2. Antiochus was not a horn or a kingdom. A Horn of a beast is never taken for a single person, but signifies a new kingdom. The “four horns” of the He-goat were “four kingdoms” (Daniel 8:22)

Antiochus was merely one of a line of kings and not a separate kingdom. Hence he was merely a part of one of the horns. Antiochus reigned over one of the four horns and 4he little horn” was a fifth power. Therefore, Antiochus was not the “little horn”. Rome was “the little horn”.

  1. Antiochus certainly did not “wax” exceeding great. He was not even the strongest of the Seleucid section of Alexander’s kingdom. Antiochus was weak and was tributary to the Romans.
  2. Antiochus certainly did not wax “exceeding great towards the south” Daniel 8:9. His march to “the south” to Egypt was stopped by the mere word of an unarmed Roman officer. When Antiochus said he would think about the Roman’s demand the Roman drew a circle in the sand around Antiochus and told him he would do his thinking within that circle. Antiochus turned and retreated. He was frightened out of Egypt by an unarmed representative of Rome. He was later routed by the Jews. To apply this prophecy of a world power a super power which waxed “exceeding great towards the south” to this cruel but weak creature appears to be the height of folly and is advanced merely to avoid or explain away this divine prophecy.
  3. His push to the east resulted in his death. He certainly did not wax exceeding great in that direction.

It is very apparent that the “little horn” of either Daniel 7 and 8 does not apply to Antiochus Epiphanes. The facts do not fit the specifications of Prophecy. Applying the prophecy to-Antiochus was a poor pagan’s attempt to avoid his God required responsibilities and to excuse his rejection of truth. He tried to discredit the divine predictions of the one whom Christ called “Daniel the Prophet”. Daniel was not a mere historian as this truth-rejector would imply.

The finger of Daniel Is prophecy points with infallible accuracy to the awful Roman apostasy that climaxed in the Papacy who cast down the truth, wears out the saints of the Most High, and continues through the “time of the end” and will continue to the “end of time”.

Antiochus Epiphanes was one of the weakest of the kings of Syria. He gave himself the name “Epiphanes” = “The Illustrious”. Prideaux, the historian says that this title could not be more alien to his character. The Syrian people called him “Epimanes” - “The Madman”.

The prophecy points to not only a persecuting power that would “cast down some to the host and of the stars to the ground and stamped upon them” but he also “magnified himself even to the Prince of the host (Christ) Daniel 8: 10,11. “He shall stand up against the Prince of princes” Christ. Daniel 8:25.

This Rome did but Antiochus died 164 years before Christ. Antiochus just does not meet the specifications of prophecy. If a power meets some of the specifications but not all of them, then it must be rejected.


Hebrews 7:24, 25 “But this man, because He continues ever, hath an unchangeable priesthood.” Jesus is a priest. This is a clear New Testament fact.

“Come unto God by Him.” All who are saved will be saved by a priest. “I am the way” - He is the only way.

John 14:6 “No man cometh unto the Father but by Me.”

Proverbs 16:25 Other ways may seem right, but they end in death.

Hebrews 8:1-5

  1. “This is the sum”. Chief point, Main point.
  2. “We have such a high priest.”
  3. “In the heavens.” Our priest in Heaven.
  4. “A minister of the Sanctuary.” The Word of God says there is a Sanctuary in heaven.

Hebrews 9:1-3 This Heavenly Sanctuary has Two Apartments. Note these Facts:

  1. “The First, wherein was the candlestick.
  2. “Second Vei1. The sanctuary had two veils for it had two apartments.
  3. The Hebrews knew of no sanctuary except a two apartment sanctuary.
  4. The two apartments were essential for the service of the earthly sanctuary.
  5. Most of the service was conducted in the first apartment. Day by day sins were transferred to the sanctuary.
  6. The second apartment largely had to do with the removal of sin; with the blotting out of sin; cleansing the sanctuary.
  7. The Scriptures clearly state that the earthly sanctuary was a “shadow” of the Heavenly Sanctuary. And since the earthly had two apartments there must be two apartments in the Heavenly.
  8. A Heavenly Sanctuary of one room could not cast a shadow of two rooms.
  9. A single beam of light cannot cast a double shadow from a single object. For instance, if a shadow shows a man with two legs it is because the man has two legs. Anything else would be deceiving. God gave the earthly sanctuary for a shadow, and in that shadow He revealed two apartments because the great original had two apartments. God does not deceive.
  10. A Heavenly Sanctuary where the ministry is conducted in one room could not be typified, by a service of a sanctuary which had two rooms, where the service of each room had an entirely different service.
  11. If the Heavenly Sanctuary had no first apartment, then the whole earthly ministry had little or no meaning. Worse! It would be a deception and misleading.
  12. The reality in heaven does not destroy the typical service. They correspond. We can know what Jesus our High Priest is doing in Heaven now, for our Lord has given us a clear object lesson, a “shadow” of heavenly things. The claim by some that all heaven is the, sanctuary clearly is contrary to the plain facts of Scripture.

Hebrews 9:6. “First” “Always”. This was the daily ministration in the First Apartment.

Hebrews 9:7 “Second went the High Priest alone once every year”. This was on the “Day of Atonement”. “The Cleansing of the Sanctuary.”

Hebrews 9:8 “Not yet made manifest.” The heavenly sanctuary did not function while the “first tabernacle was yet standing.

Matthew 27:51 ‘Weil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom.”. “From the top” = This was Heaven’s sign that the earthly service was finished. The heavenly sanctuary, with our Lord as our priest was about to begin.



Hebrews 8:4 “On earth.” Christ was not ministering as our High Priest.

Hebrews 8:3 “Necessity “that Christ have His blood to offer. Therefore Christ was our priest after Calvary. Hebrews 2:17 Christ became “like unto His brethren” = a man that He might be our priest

Hebrews 5:1


The earthly sanctuary was a temporary “shadow”, a type, a figure of the Heavenly. Hebrews 9:10 “Until the time of reformation”. It was temporary.

Hebrews 9:11 “Of good things to come”. It pointed forward “Greater and more perfect tabernacle”. The heavenly sanctuary was much “greater”. The earthly was only a mere “shadow” of the heavenly.


Therefore Christ’s priesthood came after Calvary.

Hebrews 9:14 “How much more”. This is used 18 times in the New Testament.

Hebrews 9:15 “He is the Mediator” = High Priest. He is the One Mediator between God and man. Hebrews 9:16-22 “Without shedding of blood is no remission”.

Hebrews 9:7 “Not without blood”. This fact runs from beginning to the ending of salvation. Hebrews 9:23 “Necessary for the Heavenly Sanctuary to be “Purified” = cleansed.

Hebrews 9:24 “Holy places” = Two Apartments. “Figures of the true”. As we cannot ascend to heaven and witness this marvelous service which is so “necessary”, and so that we may be acquainted, our Lord set up on earth a miniature model , of that “in Heaven itself”.


Hebrews 9:25 “Nor to offer Himself often”. Hebrews 9:26 “Once.” “ Put away sin.”


The cleansing of the heavenly involves a work of judgment. The last message, which began in 1844 announces “The Hour of His Judgment is come”.


Christ is not now dealing with sin as at the first advent. He has “put away sin”. Now it is “Unto Salvation.”


Daniel 8:13 Margin “Palmoni, or the number of secrets or the Wonderful Numberer. “ Mathematics is the nearest thing that humans know to infallibility. “The Great Architect of the Universe now begins to appear as a pure mathematician” Sir James Jeans. Many of the world’s greatest thinkers, have decided that mathematics represents absolute truth”.

Daniel 8:14 “Unto 2,300 days.”

4:6 “Each day for a year”. Margin “a day for a year, a day for a year.” As a map-drawer, or plan-maker works to a scale, i.e. = 1 cm to 1 meter scale. So in symbolic prophecy the “Wonderful Numberer” writes up the ages, “a day for a year”.

Daniel 8:17 “At the time of the end shall be the vision”. The 2300 days could not be literal days as the Divine messenger stated, they would extend into “The Time of the End.” The time of the end began in 1798 when the power of the papacy was broken by the pope’s captivity. Therefore these must be 2300 years.

Daniel 8:26, 27 The angel explained all the vision except the time prophecy. Daniel offers a beautiful prayer in which the angel returns.

Daniel 9:23 “l am come to show thee so consider the vision.” Daniel 9:24 “Seventy weeks”. “Seventy weeks of years”. LXX.

Daniel 9:25 “The commandment to restore Jerusalem” Three Decrees: Cyrus 536 Restored the temple Darius 519 Reaffirmed. Artaxerxes 457 Complete decree.

Ezra 7:7 “Seventh year of Artaxerxes.” was BC 457. This is probably the surest date in Scripture. Ezra 7:26 This decree restored complete economy. They could even carry out the death penalty. Day of Opportunity for the Jews

Daniel 9:25 “To Messiah” would be 69 weeks or 483 years from BC 457 = AD 27. As there was no year ZERO a year must be added when the BC - AD point is crossed. Astronomers have confirmed this.

Luke 3:1 The year AD 27 is confirmed by seven historical facts. The first year of Tiberius Caesar was A.D. 12, when he began to reign jointly with his step father Augustus Caesar. His fifteenth year would therefore by AD 27.

Luke 3:21-22 Jesus was anointed at His baptism in AD 27.

John 1:41 “Messiah” (Hebrew).

“Christ” (Greek) means “The Anointed” (Margin). He began His work after His anointing on the very year foretold. Christ is the Messiah, the Christ of God, proved by prophecy and confirmed by mathematical certainty. Thus every Jew, Skeptic and Unbeliever stands defeated at Christ’s baptism.

Mark 1:15 “The time is fulfilled.”

What time? The only prophecy that gave the time of Christ’s anointing - becoming the Messiah - was Daniel 9. Thus Christ confirms this prophecy.

The Times (Day of opportunity) of the Gentiles.

Daniel 9:27 We have one week left. “In the midst of the week He shall cause the sacrifice to cease.” 3.5 years after AD 27, or in AD 31 Jesus would die.

Matthew 27:50, 51 “The veil was rent in twain from the top to the bottom.” God showed the “Sacrifice” was complete and finished.

Rom.5:6 “In due time Christ died for the ungodly.” When the time was due. “At the right moment” Weymouth version. Not only did Christ die foe us, but He died at the exact time.

“In 1656 a dispute occurred in Poland between some distinguished Jewish Rabbis and the Christians, respecting the seventy weeks. The Rabbis were so hard pressed by the argument that proved Jesus to be the Messiah, the time of His sufferings being at the end of the seventy weeks, that they broke up the discussion. The Rabbis then held a meeting and pronounced a curse upon any Jew who should attempt to ascertain the chronology of this prophetic period. Their anathema was this: ‘May his bones and his memory rot who shall attempt to number the seventy weeks.” The Midnight cry, August, 10, 1843

Acts 7: 51 We come to the close of the seventy weeks. The Jews refuse and reject the Truth.

Acts 8:4 Persecution breaks out. The Christians “went everywhere preaching the Word.” Paul, the missionary to the Gentiles is converted. Note Bible date = AD 34.

Daniel 8:13, 14 1810 Years remain of the 2300 years prophecy. 1810 from AD 34 = 1844.


Daniel 9:24 Here are listed six results of the cutting off of the Messiah. They are closely related. They come within the “determined” or “marked off” period. The burden of Daniel’s prayer was regarding “sins”, “transgressions” and the “iniquities” of Israel. This prayer would be more than answered by the Messiah.


Daniel 9:11, 12 Israel had been sent into captivity and Jerusalem destroyed because of “transgression”. Now another period of probation - a special seventy weeks of years is granted them. In the final week they would fill up their cup of transgressions.

Matthew 23:32-38 This the Jews did in their rejection of the Messiah.

1 Thessalonians 2:15, 16 “To the uttermost”. This final great transgression resulted in a greater desolation of Jerusalem. Calvary also provided the means for finishing of sin in the lives of Christ’s people.


Calvary’s victory would result in the end of the reign of sin in the Messiah’s people and in the Universe.

Colossians 1:20 On man’s part Calvary was man’s greatest crime. On God’s part Calvary was the greatest victory. The greatest sin of man, was overruled by God to provide a complete remedy for the sins of man.

Daniel 9:27 Christ’s death was also the end of sin offerings.


Fifty times in Leviticus the offerings are referred to as an atonement for sin. Iniquity makes man an enemy of God. It brings a separation. Man must be reconciled.

Romans 5:11 “Atonement” = “Reconciliation” (Margin) As a sinner man needs to be justified. As an enemy he needs to be reconciled. Both were accomplished at Cat vary. Reconciled at Calvary. Saved by the risen life of Jesus.

Romans 5: 10, 11 Saved by the merit of atoning - reconciling - death of Jesus. “Saved by His life. Acts 1:1 “Jesus began” on earth what He completes in Heaven.

Hebrews 7:22-25 Jesus can save to the uttermost. From the uttermost to the uttermost because He “ever lives” to intercede. This was the “daily”, “the little horn” took away.


All who accept the provisions provided at Calvary and by His intercession in the Heavenly Sanctuary can receive “everlasting righteousness”. Restoration of righteousness is the whole purpose of Christ’s salvation.

Romans 1:16-18 Gospel = power = Righteousness. It is “everlasting righteousness”, for like the Bible and its Author, it “endures forever.”

Isaiah 51:6-8 “My salvation shall be forever”. My righteousness shall not be abolished. “You that know righteousness... in whose heart is my law.

Psalm 36:6 “Thy righteousness is like the great mountains” of God.


“To seal” means to make secure. “To ratify the prophetic vision” Moffatt. The amazing accuracy of the seventy weeks prophecy seals it all, it is secure and certain.


Daniel 9:26 This could not be the earthly sanctuary for that ends. The heavenly ministry begins as this period ends. It is anointed, by the “Anointed One”. “Anoint a Most holy place”. R.S.V. “Consecrate a most sacred place”. Moffatt. This clearly refers to the heavenly sanctuary. These six glorious results of the “seventy weeks”, were first offered to the Jews, they are now available to us. The 2300 years would cover the times of the Jews, but also reach to Christ’s final Ministry for the Gentiles just before their probation closes, and the “times of the Gentiles” runs out. The two periods each reach a climax. One, the times of the Jews, soon to be followed by the destruction of their city, sanctuary and their nation. The other period covers the “times of the, Gentiles”, soon to be followed by the close of the probation of the nations, and the destruction of their cities.

Revelation 16:19 One period culminates in Christ’s first advent; and the other in the fast message to the world, just prior to His second advent.

Matthew 21:37 “Last of all He sent His Son.” This seventy week period of Daniel covers the final message to the Jews. The second period climaxes with the final message


The Hebrew people were clear on the Sanctuary program. The Hebrew people were clear on the two Apartments in the Sanctuary and on the services there. The Hebrew people did not need to have outlined to them the service of the Sanctuary. Therefore the purpose of the book of Hebrews is not to out] ine the Sanctuary service but


Is to show that Christ in His ministry is much better than all others, even better than that of the High Priest at his greatest service on the “Day of Atonement.”

Hebrews 1:4 Better than the angels.

Hebrews 7:19 “Better hope”.

Hebrews 7:22 “Jesus a surety of a better Testament.”

Hebrews 9:23 “Better sacrifices.”

Hebrews 10:34 “Better and enduring.”

Hebrews 11:35 “Better resurrection.”

Hebrews is not outlining the Sanctuary program. The Hebrews were well acquainted with the Sanctuary. It is to show Christ’s ministry is much “better”. To save from apostasy; from turning back. Christ is better than a High Priest on the Greatest day. “Hebrews” uses the “Day of Atonement” language.


Before the sanctuary could be used it must be anointed.

Exodus 30:26 “Anoint the tabernacle and Ark of the Testament. First thing mentioned is in the second apartment. The Ark was the most important. The whole service was because of God’s broken law.

Exodus 20:27 Then the Candlestick, Altar of incense, Altar of burnt offering, and all.

Exodus 30:32 Not on Man’s flesh, not anoint sin.

Exodus 30:33 “Stranger” = “One not a priest”. Margin. The priest, both the High priest and the common priest pointed to Jesus, our priest.

John 1:41 Jesus was anointed at His baptism and thus became the “Anointed One”. Messiah is Hebrew for “the Anointed”. Christ is the same in Greek. Christ did not begin His work as the Messiah, the Anointed One until His baptism. He must be Anointed before He can begin His work.

Daniel 9:25 “Unto Messiah” shall be 69 weeks of years. Christ’s anointing took place at His baptism at the exact time.

Daniel 9:24 “Anoint the Most Holy”. The Heavenly Sanctuary, as revealed in the type, must also be anointed. Hence Christ the “better” priest entered the “better” tabernacle to anoint it at His ascension, still during the “seventy weeks” as foretold in prophecy. The anointing had to take place before the ministry began first in the “first apartment” and then in the “second”. The ministry of Christ, as revealed in-the type must begin in the first apartment. This was the daily ministry so clearly revealed in the Old Testament.

Daniel 8:11 This was the ministry, that the “little horn” would try to obscure, when “by him the daily was taken away”.

The “daily” was the ministration of Christ in the “first apartment” Christendom has still largely lost this great truth.

Daniel 8:14 This would not be restored until at the “cleansing of the sanctuary” in 1844. This prophecy points to the completion of restoration.

Revelation 14:6-12 Then the Judgment Hour message would go to all the world. It would be the restoration of the “Everlasting Gospel.” It would be the last message for as soon as it goes Jesus returns. Thus the restoration of the sanctuary is the climax of the restoration of truth.

Hebrews 8: 1 “This is the sum “The chief point.” “The main point.” It is the climax of truth. It is the hub, the centre of truth. This is the reason that “Satan’s representatives”, “the little horn” attacked this phase of truth. The godly commentator, Dr. Adam Clarke, many years ago referred to Hebrews as “By far the most important and useful of all apostolic writings.” Thank God the sanctuary truth has been restored. May Adventists cherish it more and more and never let it slip. What a Savior! He lives. He ministers for us. What a tragedy that still, even today, Christians know little or nothing about what Jesus is doing in Heaven now.

Hebrews 4:15 “We have not a High Priest which cannot be touched by the feeling of our infirmities.” He was “tempted like as we are.” He has experienced what we experience and won by the same power that is offered to us.

He is Greater than Angels, Moses, Aaron and all high priests even on their greatest day, the day of atonement. Earthly high priests could only pass into the earthly holiest place. But our “High Priest” has passed into the heavenly holiest. On the Day of Atonement, their highest day, the earthly priests disappeared from the people through the veil. Their high priest disappeared through the second veil. So Jesus Christ left the people. He left the disciples. He passed into the presence of God. The earthly High Priest could only go into the Holiest of all. They did it in fear and trembling and certainly “not without blood”. But our “High Priest” passed into the heavenly holy places by His own blood.

Hebrews 7:27 “Offered up Himself,” but “not for Himself.” Note the Contrast. Jesus did it:

  1. Not for Himself.
  2. Not annually, “Once for all”.
  3. Not calves etc., but Himself.
  4. Thus for all, “for every man”. What a Savior! What a salvation!

Hebrews 7:25 “He is able also to save them to the uttermost (“evermore”) that come unto God by Him, seeing He ever lives to make intercession for them.” He lives. He saves. You do the coming. He will do the saving.


Of all the cities that have affected humanity, Jerusalem is the smallest. It is a walled city of barely two and a half square miles, yet for Christian, Jew and Moslem, it is the heart of the earth.

Everybody is interested in Jerusalem. Its strange, timeless magnetism still draws. What memories it awakens, what histories it could tell. Jerusalem was ancient when Rome was but a collection of mud huts. There is no other city like it or equal to it, or ever shall be while the world lasts. It is “the glorious holy mountain” mentioned in Daniel 11:45, or “the mountain of delight of holiness,” (margin). This was where the holy temple stood, which in the Jewish mind was the holiest spot on earth. It is of interest to note that the word “sanctuary” was synonymous with “holy.” The Hebrew word “kodesh” which is translated sanctuary, is likewise translated “holy.” “The glorious holy mountain” was the place of God’s holy temple or sanctuary.

It was “the sacred spot which the Eternal, your God chooses for His presence,” Deuteronomy 14:24, (Moffatt). “For the Lord hath chosen Zion; He hath desired it for His habitation. This is my rest forever, here will 1 dwell for 1 have desired it.” Psalms 132:13, 14.

Jerusalem is mentioned in the first book in the Bible and also in the last. It is mentioned 144,000 times in God’s infallible Word. The last time is in Revelation 21:2 where the holy city, comes down to this earth and will rest on the site of old Jerusalem.

This world has seen many cities - great cities that have numbered the inhabitants by the millions, weighed the in treasures by the tons and decked their palaces with the spoils of conquered nations. But no city has had the eminence of Jerusalem. It stands without a rival “Between the seas,” (Daniel 11:45) at 2,550 feet above sea level stands Jerusalem. Thirty-two miles to the west lap the waters of the Mediterranean, while eighteen miles to the east is found the world’s deepest rift, the incomparable deep trough in which lie the waters of the “See of Lot” as the Dead Sea is called by the Arabs. Truly Jerusalem is the world’s wonder city. Its history is a mass of contradictions. It is known as “the holy city” vet it is the most desecrated; the most loved, yet the most despised; the most glorious, yet the most dishonored. No city has had such titles of glory and honor and yet none has had such guilt attached to it as is the city that crucified our Lord. Satan hates it. Christ wept over it. The Holy Spirit descended on believers there. There Christ will reign eternally in the New Jerusalem. It will be the centre of interest after all the other cities have disappeared. There the red drops of Christ’s blood blackened its soil. No spot on earth is so sacred as Jerusalem.

It was the capital of God’s only earthly kingdom. There tradition states that the garden was located and it was the original centre of Adam’s dominion and there he was buried. There, Abraham, honored by Jews, Christians and Mohammedanism - faced his supreme test. There Jacob‘s ladder connected heaven and earth. There the temple, called the throne of the Lord, stood. There our Lord lived, died and rose again. There He ascended and there His restored kingdom will be. There, Sabbath by Sabbath, the redeemed will come to worship. These white hot thoughts raced through my mind as i walked across the flat stone area where once stood the temple of Solomon.

Some have taken the position that these closing verses refer to the Papacy. 1 must confess that for a time this view appealed to me and 1 tried to preach it but somehow the facts of this wonderful prophecy rebelled and my conscience troubled me. As questions continually pour in and 1 believe they deserve an answer, 1 will endeavor to humbly give a few reasons why 1 had to stop teaching that the Papacy is the power mentioned in the closing verses of Daniel eleven. Some that 1 greatly respect hold this view and as it is still in the twilight zone of truth, 1 trust it will be considered in the spirit of Christian charity. President Coolidge is quoted as saying, “Tolerate no belief that you deem false, but arraign no believer. With love for God’s Word and a conviction that it is unerring - God’s infallible guide, - may we approach its study. Christ, when dealing with the signs of His return said His people should understand the book of Daniel. (Matthew 24:15).

Prayerfully may we open this precious old Book and humbly await our Lord’s guidance “into all truth”. So important was an understanding of this portion of prophecy that our Lord commissioned an angel to bear the message to the prophet with the words 9 will show thee that which is noted in the Scriptures of Truth.” Daniel 10:21. And then follows the last great prophecy of Daniel. Perhaps the first reason for rejecting the Papacy as the king of the world is the fact that Uriah Smith in his book “Daniel and the Revelation” rejected this view and taught otherwise. This book is the only one we have in circulation on these two great prophetic books. It is the textbook for our Bible Correspondence Course, and to teach contrary to this brings confusion. To silence discussion on this subject brings doubt and bewilderment to church members. It should also be remembered that the Spirit of Prophecy stated that Uriah Smith’s “Daniel and the Revelation was to be circulated till the close of probation. There in the centre of one of the most sacred places to both Jew, Christian, and Moslem, stands a superb mosque with an enormous shimmering blue dome. The lower walls are of grey veined marble and the upper part of green and blue tiles, on which inscribed in Arabic is a passage from the Koran which runs right round the building. Inside the floor is covered with rich Persian carpets of blue and crimson. It has been proclaimed the world’s “most beautiful building.”

Dove grey pillars of marble rise from the carpeted floor to support the dome on high, which is encrusted with mosaics of blue green and gold. What is found within this enshrined loveliness? Nothing but a huge black monolith, it juts bluntly from the polished floor. Here on this rock Abraham was called to offer his son. Here the altar of sacrifice of the temple stood, and the hole is still to be seen through which the blood of sacrifice was poured. Yes, here Solomon built his temple. Here Nehemiah built his temple and Herod also. Here Constantine built a Christian church with an altar on the rock and here finally, the third great religion, Mohammedanism built its mosque.

This is the oldest Arabic building in the world and the ancestor of all great mosques scattered throughout the Moslem world from Persia to Spain, from India to Africa. This mosque with its companion, the mosque of Al Aska, both situated on Mt. Moriah, features in one of the greatest last day prophecies of the Bible. “He shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the Glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him.” Daniel 11:45.

We live in an age of doubt when everything is questioned. The “old paths” are ignored by many. While this prophecy may be regarded as being in the twilight, it certainly should not be ignored. Some have taken the position that these closing verses refer to the Papacy. 1 must confess that for a time this view appealed to me and 1 tried to preach it but somehow the facts of this wonderful prophecy rebelled and my conscience troubled me. As questions continually pour in and 1 believe they deserve an answer, 1 will endeavor to humbly give a few reasons why 1 had to stop teaching that the Papacy is the power mentioned in the closing verses of Daniel eleven. Some that 1 greatly respect hold this view and as it is still in the twilight zone of truth, 1 trust it will be considered in the spirit of Christian charity. President Coolidge is quoted as saying, “Tolerate no belief that you deem false, but arraign no believer.” With love for God’s Word and a conviction that it is unerring - God’s infallible guide, may we approach its study. Christ, when dealing with the signs of His return said His people should understand the book of Daniel. (Matthew 24:15).

Prayerfully may we open this precious old Book and humbly await our Lord’s guidance “into all truth”. So important was an understanding of this portion of prophecy that our Lord commissioned an angel to bear the message to the prophet with the words “I will show thee that which is noted in the Scriptures of Truth.” Daniel 10:21. And then follows the last great prophecy of Daniel. Perhaps the first reason for rejecting the Papacy as the king of the world is the fact that Uriah Smith in his book “Daniel and the Revelation” rejected this view and taught otherwise. This book is the only one we have in circulation on these two great prophetic books. It is the textbook for our Bible Correspondence Course, and to teach contrary to this brings confusion. To silence discussion on this subject brings doubt and bewilderment to church members. It should also be remembered that the Spirit of Prophecy stated that Uriah Smith’s “Daniel and the Revelation” was to be circulated till the close of probation.

Sister White wrote at length concerning Uriah Smith’s book “Thoughts on Daniel and the Revelation.” This was written from Sunnyside, Cooranbong, N.S.W. in 1899. 1 quote some interesting portions of this statement.

“Especially should the book Daniel and the Revelation be brought before people as the very book for this time. This book contains the message which all need to read and understand. Translated into many different languages, it will be a power to enlighten the world. This book has had a large sate in Australia and New Zealand. By reading many souls have come to a knowledge of the truth have received many letters expressing appreciation of this book.”

“Let our canvassers urge this book upon the attention of all. The Lord has shown me that this book will do a good work in enlightening those who become interested in the truth for this time. Those who embrace the truth now, who have not shared in the experience of those who entered the work in the early history of the message, should study the instruction given in “Daniel and the Revelation,” becoming familiar with the truth it presents.

“God desires the light found in the books of Daniel and the Revelation to be presented in clear lines. It is painful to think of the many cheap theories picked up and presented to the people by ignorant, unprepared teachers. Those who present their human tests and the nonsensical ideas they have concocted in their own minds, show the character of the goods in their treasure-house. They have laid in store shoddy material. Their desire is to make a sensation.

 “The truth for this time has been brought out in many books. Let those who have been dealing in cheap sentiments and foolish tests, cease this work, and study “Daniel and the Revelation.” They will then have something to talk about that will help the mind. As they receive the knowledge contained in this book, they will have in the treasure-house of the mind a store from which they can continually draw as they communicate to others the great essential truths of God’s Word. The Interest in “Daniel And the Revelation” is to continue as long as probationary time shall fast. God used the author of this book as a channel through which to communicate light to direct minds to the truth. Shall we not appreciate this light, which points us to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, our King.” – Ellen G. White, M.S. 174, 1899.

This great book has led thousands into the light of truth and 1 would suggest that you take down this book again from your shelf and read it through prayerfully and careful again.

These guiding principles led me to a fresh investigation of this matchless prophecy and led me back to “the old paths which is the old way.” Jeremiah 6:16.

Secondly, the great majority of our books have taught that “the glorious HOLY Mountain” is Jerusalem and that Mohammedanism led by Turkey was the king of the north. See W.A. Spicer in “Beacon Lights of Prophecy,” S.H. Haskel A in “The Story of Daniel the Prophet,” Emmerson “God’s Good News,” Robert Hare and scores of others. These men wrote when the Spirit of Prophecy was active in our midst. No correction was over given by this spirit guided messenger. These books were the soul winning books and ham been sold to the public by the hundreds of thousands. Hundreds have found their way into God’s truth for today by these writings. People are not won to the truth by error.

The Bible seemed to me to rebel against this new interpretation. For instance in Daniel 11:40 we reed “At the time of the end shall the king of the south (Egypt) push at him.” If the “him” is the Papacy, when did the Papacy fight against Egypt? This does not fit into the prophetic mould. The facts of history rebel against this interpretation.

Daniel 11:35. This clear literal prophecy brings us down to “the time of the end.” This was God’s “appointed time.” “The time of the end” began in 1798. Our Bible Commentary declares- “When the Scripture passages are compared with Desire of Ages, page 234, 5 T. page 9, 10 and Great Controversy, page 356, it becomes clear that the year A. D. 1798 marked the beginning of the time of the end.” SDA Bible Commentary, Volume 4, page 875. “The time of the end is an appointed time in God’s program of events.”

“Daniel was bidden to close up and seal his book to the time of the end. Since 1798 the book of Daniel has been unseated.” Great Controversy, page 356.

The prophetic period of 1260 years of religious intolerance is mentioned seven times in the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation (five times in Daniel alone). God’s “appointed time” for its close was 1798. This was the “time appointed” by God. This should be carefully noted and to this appointed date, 1798, the prophecy brings us. Then “the time of the end’ begins. It should also be noted that the expression “the time of the end” did not originate with Daniel, but was given to him by the angel Gabriel. It was a heaven named and a heaven’s appointed time.

L.E. Froom in “Prophetic Faith of our Fathers” Volume 2, page 796, states “The close of the 1260 years was verify the end of the old and the beginning of a new epoch. It changed -the trend of history.”

Daniel 11:36. “And the king shall do according to his will.” In 1798, at God’s “appointed time” the dark ages ended. The Pope was taken prisoner in the castle of St. Angelo by France. France had recently freed herself from the religious domination of the Papacy to do according to his will. The Papacy‘s tyranny was broken. - A new power is brought to view in this verse. This is made clear by the fact that three times in this chapter the expression “to do according to his will” is found and in each case a new power is introduced.

  1. Daniel 11:21. “A mighty king do according to his will.” Greece is the new power introduced in this text. Alexander the Great, broke the power of the mighty Medo-Persian empire. Thus not merely is a new power introduced, but one that changed the course of history.
  2. Daniel 11:16. “Shall do according to his own will. Again this expression introduces a new power. This time it is Rome under Julius Caesar. Not only a new power, but a complete change - for what a change was wrought by Rome.
  3. Daniel 11:36. Here we have the third time this expression is used. Scripture has given us the key and so we can expect in 1798 a new power, with a complete change in history. This certainly was accomplished by Revolutionary France. A NEW ERA - “The French Revolution is by common consent regarded as the commencement of a new era.” Gratten Guinness, “Approaching End of the Age,” page 358.

“The French Revolution was one of the momentous events in the history, not only of France but of Europe and even the whole world.”

“Truly it was a turning point in modern history.” L.E. Froom, “Prophetic Faith of our Fathers,” Volume 2, page 733.

In 1798 the Papacy did not do according to its will – far from it. But Napoleon did. It was not the Papacy’s, will that the Pope be taken prisoner, dethroned and sent into exile in a foreign land, and there to die. It was not the Papacy’s will to receive “a deadly wound.” But it was France’s will to do this and France did it.

In vain did the Pope try to avert the impending doom. Sacred relics were paraded. Three special relics were used, namely the portrait of Christ which was claimed to be painted by supernatural agencies, the sacred picture of the Blessed Virgin and child and the chains that were supposed to have fettered St. Peter. In vain were these exhibited to stop the French, but the invaders came on. The French General ordered the Vatican Palace to be stripped of its valuables and the vestments of the Pope to be burned for the gold and silver in the embroidery.

“The vessels used in the chapel of the Town Hall were sent to the mint, and the altar linen made into shirts for the soldiers. Church books were sold to grocers for wrapping paper; leaden coffins were melted down in the munitions factories, religious images were mutilated and relics burnt.” The French Revolution,” page 443, by J. M. Thompson.

Rings were stripped from the Pope’s fingers, his private library confiscated, his state plundered and even the Papal Arms and insignia everywhere removed. Was this the will of the Papacy? No! In 1798 the Papacy did not do “according to his will.” This prophecy was fulfilled by France.

Daniel 11:40. The king of the south (Egypt) pushed France in 1798. It was Turkey, the king of the north that came against Napoleon’s army “like a whirlwind” and Napoleon was forced to retreat to his own land. W.A. Spicer, President of the General Conference for many years and also Secretary of the General Conference and probably the best loved preacher and writer in the Advent Movement for a score of years, makes this interesting comment. “This time of the end, as we found in verse 35, begins with the ending of the 1260 years of Papal supremacy. It was amid the French Revolution that this period ended, and in 1798 the sword of France gave the Papacy that deadly wound at Rome.

It was in 1798, also, that France, under Napoleon, pushed into Egypt and Syria. With fine irony he appealed for Moslem co-operation on the ground that he had just smitten the Papacy. He proclaimed, “We are true Mussulmans. Is it not we that crushed the Pope, who said that war ought to be waged against the Mohammedans?” “History of the Papacy in the Nineteenth Century.” F. Nielsen, Volume 13, page 224.

But the Moslems of Egypt were not impressed. “Beacon Lights of Prophecy,” page 131. How clearly France fulfils the prophecy. But the Papacy did not fight against Egypt in 1798. This prophecy cannot be applied to the Papacy.

France is brought to view in Revelation eleven. Referring to the eleventh chapter of Revelation, Great Controversy has this clear statement. “This prophecy has received a most exact and striking fulfillment in the history of France.” page 269. Some have scorned the very idea of France being referred to in prophecy but in Revelation eleven, there is no question but that it is referring to France. If it is in Revelation eleven, why not also in Daniel eleven? They are companion books.

Daniel 11:41. The Mohammedan Turks moved down into “the glorious land” - Palestine, Edom, Moab and Ammon (Modern Jordan) became Mohammedan and went with them as believers.

Daniel 11: 42. “The land of Egypt shall not escape,” “Will be occupied.” Tayfor. Mohammed Ali captured Egypt and thus the king of the south was swallowed up and they became one power. Mohammedanism united them in a common cause against Christian Europe. Mohammedanism covered all of the Middle East including the Libyans and a large section of Ethiopia as predicted in Daniel 11:43. But again where does the Papacy fit in here? When did that apostate power dominate Egypt and Libya?

Daniel 11:45. “He shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain.” This Mohammedanism has done! For over a thousand years the Dome of the Rock and the Mosque of AI Aska, has stood defiantly on the temple site. This has happened. History proves prophecy. We dare not ignore the facts of history when they fulfill the prophecies of God’s Word. Matthew Henry, the prince of Bible commentators writes: “Truth is the daughter of time. Scripture prophecies will be expounded by the accomplishment of them, therefore they are given, and for that explication they are reserved. Therefore they are told before, that when they come to pass we might believe.”

Time is the only infallible interpreter of prophecy. Our Lord stated “Now 1 tell you before it come that when it come to pass you might believe:” John 13:19. Thus history confirms and proves prophecy. To ignore the fulfillment of the prophetic forecast is to court deception. As you try to focus your camera, your range finder has two images. Neither of them are clear. When the correct focus is found, the two images suggests exactly and clearly. So history and the events in our newspapers give us a picture that is often dark, uncertain and blurred. Divine prophecy also gives us another image. We can see things clearly only as the two pictures emerge. They superimpose.

Thus they are not only proving God’s infallible Word, but also they show the true interpretation. Time and time alone is the infallible interpreter of prophecy. It is recorded of the Jewish scholars of Christ’s day “they knew it not.” Matthew 17:12. Prophecy had been fulfilled, literally fulfilled, but they knew it not. Often prophecy is fulfilled, but preconceived ideas can cloud eye. These men were believers in prophecy, they were scholars and doctors, but “they knew it not.”

We do well to heed carefully this sound conclusion of L. Froom: “History is indeed but a record of the completion of prophecy. This is one of the clear characteristics of prophecy - that history is the true and final interpretation of prophecy.” Prophetic Faith of our Fathers, Volume 2, page 795.


Our precious old Guidebook is filled with confirmation. The prophet Daniel has stated:

Daniel 9:16. “Thy city Jerusalem, thy holy mountain.”

Isaiah 65:11. “My holy mountain.”

Jeremiah 31:23. “Mountain of holiness.”

Obadiah 1:16. “My holy mountain.”

Zechariah 8:21. “Jerusalem, the holy mountain.”

Psalms 48:1. “The city of our God in the mountain of His holiness.”

Who could doubt that Jerusalem is “the glorious holy mountain” in the face of this array of Scripture?

Psalms 48:2. “The sides of the north, the city of the great King.” The temple area, where once the glory of God shone forth was the vital spot of the city of the great King. It was situated on the north side, or “the sides of the north.” The entrance was on the north side.

Psalms 48:8, 9. “The city of the Lord of hosts. O God, in the midst of Thy Temple.” Mt. Moriah is the centre of a group of hills, which formed an amphitheatre around ii. It was the centre of centers. This is where the temple stood. It- is where the Moslem Mosques now stand. It is the place above all places, the Zionists desire, but still cannot have. On “the glorious holy mountain” the Moslems have placed their tabernacles and although the Zionists may dominate Jerusalem, they dare not touch those mosques and are forbidden access to this temple area.

Do all the prophecies of Daniel close with Rome? It has been claimed that every prophecy in Daniel closes with the Papacy or Rome, therefore the eleventh chapter must do likewise. But surely the facts again rebel against this claim. For instance chapter nine deals largely with Jerusalem and closes with Jerusalem in preference to Rome. “Seventy weeks are determined unto thy people and upon thy holy city,” Daniel 9:24. “To build Jerusalem,” Daniel 9: 25.

“The people of the prince that shall come and shall destroy the city and the sanctuary.” Daniel 9:26.

“Unto the end, desolations are determined.” Daniel 9:26. Jerusalem had crucified the Prince of Peace (Daniel 9:26) and now its days of peace were ended forever.

“Unto the end desolations are determined.” A.R.V. “The passage may literally be rendered, unto the end (shall be) war, a determination of ruins.” SDA Bible Commentary, Volume 4, page 854. Jerusalem means, the city of peace, but again the facts rebel. Having “cut off” the Only One who could give it peace, its days of peace had ended. This interesting statement is found in Early Writings: “I also saw that old Jerusalem never would be built up.” Page 75. History records the fateful history of that city since its rejection and crucifixion of the Prince of Peace.

65 Insurrection and some ruin on the visit-of Florus.

66 Unsuccessful siege by Cestus.

70 Destruction by Titus, September 4, (143 days siege).

131 Seizure by the Jews under Bar Chocheba.

132 Capture and devastation by Hadrian.

312 Constantine allowed Jews into Jerusalem.

614 Captured and plundered by the Persians.

628 Recaptured by Heraclius.

637 Arabs captured Jerusalem.

691 Dome of Rock built.

842 Captured by Moslem rebels.

937 Ruin of Christian buildings.

969 Occupation of Fatimite Dynasty.

1010 Destruction by Khalif Hahim.

1075 Occupation by the Seijik Turk.

1096 Siege and capture by Afdhal.

1099 Siege, capture and massacre by Godfrey.

1187 Occupation by Saladin.

1219 Destruction of walls.

1229 Capture by the Emir of Kerak.

1239 Surrender to Frederick II.
1244 Capture by the Kharesimians.

1480 Plundered by Arabs.

1517 Turks of Ottoman Empire captured Jerusalem.

1542 Suleiman the Magnificent rebuilt the walls.
1825 Bombarded by Turks.

1831 Occupation by Egyptians (Ibrahim Pasha).

1841 Re-occupied by Turks.

1917 Captured by British (Allenby).

1948 Heavy fighting, controlled by Jordan.

1967 Zionists capture Jerusalem.

The famous historian Milman, has aptly said “Jerusalem might almost seem to be a place under a Peculiar curse it has probably witnessed a greater portion of human misery than any other spot under the sun.

“Had Israel as a Nation preserved her allegiance to Heaven Jerusalem would have stood forever; the elect of God.” Great Controversy, page 19.

God’s plan however will not fail. It will be carried out. The*New Jerusalem on the site of the Old Jerusalem will stand forever. It is called The New Jerusalem because it will never grow old. Likewise the other mighty forecasts of Daniel all end well beyond Rome’s fleeting reign. They all terminate in dominion given to the Son of Man and His Kingdom shall never be destroyed. Daniel 9:13, 14. This Kingdom will be centered in the New Jerusalem, which will be located on the site of Old Jerusalem. This is clearly revealed in Zechariah 14:4 and Great Controversy, page 662, 663. Therefore it is more correct to state that, the great prophecies of Daniel reach their climax at Jerusalem, either old or new.

Daniel is no exception. It too closes at “the glorious holy mountain”. Jerusalem. When Uriah Smith wrote his memorial “Daniel and the Revelation,” Turkey was the head of the Ottoman Empire. It was the head of the Mohammed power. The Sultan of Turkey was chief priest of Mohammedanism. He was both a religious and civil leader of Mohammedanism. As the Pope is both king of the Vatican State and spiritual leader of the Catholic Church, so the Sultan of Turkey was both apolitical and spiritual leader of Mohammedanism. In 1922 the Sultan of Turkey had to flee for his life on board a British dreadnought. The Ottoman Empire had ended. The Sultan of Turkey ceased, but Mohammedanism continued as strong as ever.

Many have referred to England as synonymous with Britain and hence all Britishers were referred to as English, which they are not. So Turkey was used synonymously with Mohammedanism. Thus Uriah Smith wrote of Turkey. Today Turkey does not count as a great power but Mohammedanism certainly does. It is Mohammedanism that has placed her mosques on “the glorious holy mountain.” There are two mosques on this mount. The Dome of the Rock and the Mosque of AI Aska. This prophecy has thus been literally fulfilled. These mosques have stood there for over a thousand years. They stand on the site of Solomon’s, Nehemiah’s and Herod’s temples. This is the coveted place of Zionists, but it is the one spot in Palestine they cannot have. The domes of these two sacred buildings of the Moslem’s stand high and reflect the bright sunshine. They are constant reminders that the Mohammedans hold the sacred temple site.

If length of occupancy should decide the future rights, then these mosques outrank any temple of the Jews. The Dome of the Rock was begun In 643 A. D. and the mosque of AI Aska in 675 A.D. Arnold Olsen, writing in sympathy of the Zionists says of these mosques, “So sacred are these places that the very presence of a Jew could lead to riots and open conflict.” “Inside Jerusalem” page 129. If the Zionists dared to take over, or deny access to Arab pilgrims, this would stir up more world resentment. The Zionists would also be revoking the pledges they have made. If they tried to destroy these monuments, they know they would destroy Israel in the attempt, so the mosques remain.


Mohammedanism constitutes the greatest challenge to the Advent Message. It is easier to win a hundred or even a thousand converts from Catholicism to every one we can lift from the Moslem religion. Surely this anti Christian bulwark against truth would be featured in Prophetic Writ?

Elder Watts, Vice President of the General Conference, at the Eraring Camp, In November 1969, declared “The greatest challenge in the world today to Christianity is Mohammedanism.”

C. George Fry, Professor of History at Capital University, Columbus, Ohio, in “Christianity Today,” November 7, 1969, wrote “Islam is Christianity’s chief rival for the loyalty of mankind.” Islam (or Mohammedanism) is a most skilled competitor. It is the only universal religion that claims to have surpassed and superseded Christianity. They have done this, not by a blunt rejection of Jesus Christ, but by a reinterpretation. They teach that as Mohammed was the last of the prophets, he is the greatest. He supersedes Jesus. He is the Comforter promised by our Lord. The Koran, their holy book, is the uncorrupted revelation of the will of God. They accept the Old Testament, but reject the New Testament.

The messages of Jesus were corrupted by Christians, they say, especially Paul, but truth was restored by Mohammed, therefore Mohammed eclipses Jesus as God’s last word. To them the Koran corrects the New Testament. The divine Guidebook however, is not silent on this subject. Revelation chapter, tells of the rise and progress of this power that would rise like “smoke out of the pit.” In Revelation 9:1, 2 they are likened to “locusts” and are linked with “the great river Euphrates”, Revelation 9:11.

This same power is again mentioned in Revelation 16:12 when “the great river Euphrates was dried up.” Thus our Lord directs our attention to this champion of evil, this greatest of truth-resisting powers. Surely if Babylon and her daughters are mentioned, this even greater resister of truth should be mentioned. Hundreds are won to the truth from Catholicism and Protestantism for every one from Mohammedanism. If prophecy is to guide us, surely this leader of deception will be mentioned in God’s prophetic forecasts.

These Revelation passages have often been linked with the king of the north of Daniel 11, by our great prophetic forefathers. For instance, T. M. French, one of our greatest Bible teachers, writing in the Review and Herald, January 24, 1935, states, “Both the prophet of the Hiddekel (Daniel 11) and the seer of Patmos (Revelation 16:14) predict the disappearance of the king of the north, or the kingdom of the Euphrates. The one says “he will come to his end and none shall help him” and the other represents him as the water of the Euphrates to be dried up.

S.N. Haskell, the pioneer minister to New Zealand and Australia, wrote of Mohammedanism as featured in Revelation 9 thus: “This new work of Satan came in the form of Mohammedanism which today holds about one sixth of the world’s population. The new doctrine originated in Arabia from whence it spread like smoke from the bottomless pit.” Story of Daniel the Prophet, p. 246.

“The Turks, the boldest advocates of the doctrine of Mohammed.” Ibid. page 246.

“Not only in Egypt, but Syria and Turkey in Europe belonged to the Mohammedans and he has entered “the glorious land” and a Moslem mosque occupies the site where once stood the temple of Solomon.” Ibid page 247.

Thus our forefathers were clear as to Mohammedanism as the power featured in these prophecies as the King of the north.

“For our understanding of the book of Daniel, Jesus directs our attention to Jerusalem.” “Turkey, the modern king of the north, did plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain, a term used in Zechariah 8:3, for Jerusalem the Sultan of Turkey as Supreme Caliph of the Mohammedans had charge of the Moslem Holy Places in Jerusalem. At the present time two of the most sacred mosques in the world stand on “the glorious holy mountain - the Dome of the Rock, and the Mosque of Al Aska. These mosques are venerated by all Mohammedans. The Mosque of Omer is built upon the site where, at one time stood the temple of the Jews.” L. F. Were, Adelaide Town Hall, March 15, 1942.

The parallel between the Papacy and Mohammedanism is quite striking:

  1. They are both religion-political powers.
  2. Both have opposed Christ.
  1. Both have persecuted.
  2. Both rose after the division of Western Rome and about the same time.
  3. They both cam from the bottomless pit. (f) Both originated with the enemy of truth.

(g) Both merit the judgments of God.

Martin Luther wrote “the pope and the Turk came together. “ Many of the reformers linked them both as antichrist. Mohammedanism is certainly a power to be reckoned with. It is dominant over a large proportion of the earth s surface, an area often referred to as the tropical belt, stretching round the earth from the Pillars of Hercules at the entrance to the Mediterranean to eastern Java, with large segments into Africa, Central Asia and China.

“Islam (submission to Allah) is of great significance for Australia,” states the Sydney Morning Herald of July 22, 1972. It reminds us that Indonesia is the most populous of the Moslem nations and that most of the World’s 370 million Moslems share with us the shores of the Indian Ocean. Of these, 90 Million are Indonesian, 70 million Pakistani, 45 million Indian, 30 million Egyptian, 22 million Iranian, 16 million Arab and 10 million Bangaladesh Moslems. Where does this giant power fit into the prophetic picture?

In Revelation 16:13 we have the dragon, the beast and the false prophet, or paganism, the papacy and apostate Protestantism. But where does Mohammedanism fit into the picture? It is not pagan. They accept the one and only God of the Old Testament. They are not Catholics, nor do they belong to Protestantism. Then where do they fit? This fact must be faced. We dare not ignore facts to uphold a pleasing interpretation. Mohammedanism can only fit in where our God has placed them, namely in Revelation 16:12, as stated in Daniel 11:45, where although they have placed their tabernacles in the glorious holy mountain, they come to their end.


When the king of the north is first introduced, it is identified by its geographical position and nothing else. Every succeeding reference is n this geographical setting. Why change it in the latter verses? We dare not wrest the Scriptures.

Thus “the king of the north” is geographically located in the early verses of Daniel 11. Jerusalem is the heart or centre of the earth. Palestine is the great crossroads of the Nations. It was because of this that God placed Israel at the earth’s centre to witness to His saving grace.

“The king of the south” was Egypt, Daniel 11:56. “The king of the north” was the power to the north of Palestine, which at times covered most of Turkey and extended to the Indies or the border of India. This area is still the heart and strong-hold of Mohammedanism today. When the Spirit of God so clearly and definitely fixed the territory of the king of the north geographically, what right does any mere mortal have to change it in the same chapter?

Another fact is worthy of note. After Rome has been introduced in the fourteenth verse as the “robbers of thy people,” it is significant that the king of the north is still mentioned as the power to the north of Pales tine, or Syria. There are over forty references to Rome, either pagan or papal in Daniel 11, surely in all these there is ample opportunity to name It 9he king of the north?” Not once does our precious Bible do so. The reason is too apparent. The papacy never was the king of the north. When did the papacy ever rule this territory? The facts rebel, against this popular theory. The papacy never ruled this territory. The papacy therefore never was the king of the north.


To avoid this Scripture’s clear teaching, some have, even tried to make this chapter symbolic. But again the facts rebel. Daniel 11 is a literal prophecy. Its introduction in Daniel 11:2 gives us the key. “Now 1 will show you the truth.” This is but a repetition for emphasis of the angel is assurance in Daniel 10:21. “I will show thee that which is noted in the Scripture of Truth.” The angel is now to reveal in plain, literal language what had been revealed in symbols. This has been recognized by our spiritual forefathers.

M.C. Wilcox, for many years the editor of the Review and Herald writes, “Daniel 8 is symbol and general; Daniel 11 is literal and detailed.” “The King of the North,” p. 14.

Uriah Smith has as a chapter heading on Daniel 11, “A Literal Prophecy,” and then writes “We now enter on a prophecy of future events, clothed not in figures and symbols, as in the visions of chapters 2,7 and 8; but given mostly in plain language.” Daniel and the Revelation.” p. 247.

W.L. Emmerson, Editor of “Present Truth” writes on Daniel 11 thus, “it will be noted as Gabriel begins this last revelation, that he no longer speaks in symbolic tones, but outlines the highlights of future history in plain language.” “God’s Good News,” p. 226.

Earlier students of prophecy noted the same clear fact. Edward Bickersteth states, “The eleventh chapter is a literal prophecy called the Scripture of Truth, (Daniel 10:21). “The Truth,” (Daniel 11:2) in opposition to figures and symbols.” A Practical Guide to the Prophecies,” 1841, p. 74, 75.

Dr. Adam Clarke, the great Methodist commentator is another unbiased witness on Daniel 11:1, 2. He writes, “This is a continuation of the preceding discourse. Bishop Newton, who is ever judicious and instructing, remarks. It is the usual method of the Holy Spirit to make the latter prophecies explanatory of the former, and thus revelation is a shining light, that shines more and more unto the perfect day.”

“The types, figures and symbols of the things are not exhibited in this, as in most other visions and thus expounded by the angel; but it relates the whole and not in the way of vision, but by narration, informs Daniel of that which is noted in the Scripture of Truth.”

Many more witnesses likewise testify, for it is so crystal clear that Daniel 11 is in literal non symbolic language. It must further be recognized that in a literal prophecy, no symbol should be introduced without the clearest necessity. Certainly we do not have sufficient reason to change. When the king of the north and the king of the south are mentioned many times in a strictly literal sense and geographically located, why change in the closing verses?

To spiritualize away a literal prophecy to uphold “a private interpretation” can be dangerous, and can lead to deception. For instance some have even claimed, “The glorious holy mountain of Daniel 11:45 is the church of God.” If that conclusion were correct and the papacy is the power that plants its tabernacles on the glorious holy mountain, we would be forced to the conclusion that the papacy has entered the Seventh-day Adventist church. But thank God this is a literal prophecy. It is not symbolic - the glorious holy mountain is not the church of God.

The king of the north is Mohammedanism. They have planted their tabernacles in the glorious holy mountain. This is an historic fact: we see it fulfilled. Spiritualizing the prophecy will not alter the fact. As Pastor Froom stated, “This is one of the clear characteristics of prophecy - that history is the true and final interpreter of prophecy.” “Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers,” Vol. 2. p. 795.

Some years ago consideration was given to this great theme by our Committee of Special Study, and the minutes reveal the personnel and their findings. The Committee of Special Study that considered this subject consisted of the following of our leading Bible students:-

Pastors E. E. Roenfelt, (chair); E.B. Rudge; R.E. Hare; F.G. Rampton; J. Pascoe, J.J. Potter; A. F. J. Kranz; Robert Hare; J.B. Conley; W.E. Battye; A.W. Anderson; L.F. Were; C.H. Pretyman; A. L. King.

This committee met on July 8-11, 1941 and the minutes record their decision:-

“That the expression ‘the tabernacles of his palace’ (v.45) may have application to the placing of the Mohammedan mosques in Jerusalem.”

L.F. Were in the Adelaide Town Hall - March 15, 1942 stated: “Turkey, the modern king of the north did ‘plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain (a term used in Zechariah 8:3 for Jerusalem) ; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him’ verse 45.”

“The Sultan of Turkey as Supreme Caliph of Mohammedanism , had charge of the Moslem Holy Places in Jerusalem. At the present time two of the most sacred mosques in the world stand on ‘the glorious holy mountain’ - the Dome of the Rock, and the At Aska.”

Pastor W. L. Emmerson states. “From the mountains of Palestine he will resist the fierce onslaught, but in vain. The king of the north will fall to rise no more. “God’s Good News,” p. 268.

Commenting on the fact that the kings of the north and south are geographically located in the early verses of Daniel 11, they come into prominence again in the latter verses. Pastor Emmerson writes: “The kings of ‘north’ and ‘south’ did disappear completely for nearly two millenniums, is one of the most striking facts of the history of the Middle East until the seventh century when the great Moslem power came into existence. This new and startling interest in the ‘Eastern question’ coinciding with what the prophetic Word foretold in the ‘time of the end. “ “God’ s Good News, “ p. 263.

Some have asked, did not Sister White rebuke Uriah Smith for his position on Daniel 11? When Elder Delafield was in this field conducting “Testimony Countdown he stated in the Wahroonga Church that Uriah Smith, in a camp meeting preached on Daniel 11, and stated that the king of the north was Turkey - the head of Mohammedanism. The next day James White preached in the same chapter and applied the king of the north to the papacy. Sister White wrote to James White and rebuked him for doing this and stated that even if he was right, he should not have preached thus.

It is significant that on no occasion did she contradict correct, or rebuke Uriah Smith for his position on Daniel 11. She did say however, that his book “Daniel And the Revelation,” should be circulated to the end of probationary time. That book today is the only one pub1ished on these great prophecies and is still the textbook for our correspondence courses.

Others have asked, is not “the holy city” or “Jerusalem” always “the church” in New Testament times? This reminds one of similar reasoning used by futurists who maintain that Babylon always refers to the old city of that name, and as Revelation speaks of Babylon, it must therefore prove that ancient Babylon will be rebuilt. The facts are that the Scriptures deal with both literal Babylon and the religious system referred to as Babylon. Thus the term Babylon can refer to either the literal city of that name or to the false system of religion that originated in ancient Babylon - and that system continues still, although the old city has become but “heaps” of bricks.

Thus Babylon can refer to either the city or the religion. The context alone must decide. This is true of many of our words. For instance the word “fast.” Its meaning can only be decided by the context. Jerusalem has represented the truth throughout the ages, for from there, truth spread to the nations. Babylon likewise became synonymous with error, deception and a counterfeit system. The context must decide in every case. It has been truly said “a text without a context, can be a pretext.

To say that in New Testament times “the holy city” or Jerusalem always refers to the church, could result in grave error. For instance Christ stated “Jerusalem would be trodden down of the Gentiles.” The context in Luke 21 shows clearly that He was speaking of the city and not the church of God. In Early Writings we read, 1 was shown old Jerusalem would not be built up.” Again the context reveals this to be the city and certainly not the church.

In Zechariah 12:3, “In that day 1 will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling.” Margin, “a cup of poison.” These verses certainly remind one of the United Nations problems over Jerusalem. These latter days predictions certainly are true today. It is “a burdensome stone” for all people, who are represented by the United Nations. This could not refer to the Church. But Jerusalem and its surrounding territory has been violently thrust back on to the trembling stage of world shaping events.

Spiritualizing away the prophecies of God’s Word will not stop their literal fulfillment. The Jews spiritualized away the predictions of the coming Messiah, but He came just the same. He came just as “the Scriptures of truth” had stated. Those prophecies were literally fulfilled. Daniel 11 is today largely fulfilled. It has been literally fulfilled. The Moslem mosques are in “the glorious holy mountain” just as foretold nearly 3,000 years ago.

Jerusalem is precious to the Mohammedans, especially the temple area. Here stands the mosque of AI Aska. This is claimed to be the farthest spot from Mecca to which Mohammet came (AI Aska means farthest). There stands the Rock or the Mosque of Omar, in the centre of which is found the rock on which the Moslems claim Abraham was called to offer his son Ishmael. Ishmael is the father of the Arabs. It was from this rock that Mohammed on his steed leaped to heaven. 1 was shown the mark on the rock they claimed, was the imprint of the horse’s hoof.

Big events will yet take place on this coveted spot. There finally our Lord’s feet shall touch the earth again. “Christ descends upon the Mount of Olives, whence after His resurrection, He ascended, and where angels repeated the promise of His return. The New Jerusalem, in its dazzling splendor, comes down out of heaven, it rests upon the place purified and made ready to receive it.” Great Controversy, p. 662 and 663.


It has been claimed that every prophecy in Daniel, ends with Rome. It would be much nearer the truth to state that each prophecy in Daniel, like the Bible itself, ends with Jerusalem. The Bible closes with Jerusalem - the New Jerusalem, which will be eternally situated on the site of old Jerusalem. Why is this? Why does the Word of God focus so much on this part of the earth? Note a few facts regarding Jerusalem both in Scripture and history.

Jerusalem - Its Unique Place.

Of all cities that have strongly effected mankind, Jerusalem is the smallest. The walled area of that old city is barely two and a half square miles. Yet for Christian, Jew and Moslem, it is the heart of the world. It is not only the heart of the world, it is a heart-break. It broke the Savior’s heart. Did He not finally cry out

Matthew 23,:37,31 “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killed the prophets, and stoned them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathers her chicken, under her wings, arid you would not! Behold, your house is left unto you desolate!”

Today this heart-break city is in the news more than any other city. No other city in the world has a history to compare with that of Jerusalem. None has so crucial a future. What a history! Jerusalem’s story over the ages has been one of splendor and gloom, prestige and humiliation, exaltation and catastrophe. She has survived her contemporaries - Troy, Thebes, Cartage, Sparta, Nineveh, Babylon, ancient Tyre, Sidon and Tarshish, once centers of commerce and military power, today lie in rubble. Jerusalem stands as the trouble centre of today.

A land mine that no one knows how to defuse. More important still is the fact that even a casual reading of the Bible impresses one with the amazing emphasize that is given to the city of Jerusalem. Note a few facts of Scripture.

Jerusalem - The Centre of the Earth.

Psalm 74:12 “For God is my King of old, working salvation in the midst of the earth.” 1 made a special trip out to the old Hereford Cathedral, England for there is to be seen an ancient map, dating back to the time of the crusades, which shows Jerusalem as the centre of the earth.

As Jesus was crucified “in the midst”, or in the centre of the final week of Jewish opportunity as foretold in the prophecy of Daniel 9:27, so He was crucified “in the midst” of the earth. The word “midst” in this Scripture means “centre” or “heart” of the earth. (See “Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible.)

In Jerusalem today they will point out to you the very spot which, has been from time immemorial, regarded as the centre of the earth. As the Jews were scattered further a field, they were to pray towards Jerusalem. In Daniel 6: 10 we find Daniel faithfully praying towards Jerusalem.

“Jews in distant lands prayed with faces toward Jerusalem.” Prophets and Kings, page 54, Patriarchs and Prophets, page 354.

“It was the centre of worship in Israel.” Patriarchs and Prophets, page 537, 7 Testimonies, page 53.

In the Sun-Herald of November 16, 1969 under the title “The Role of the Jews: A Rabbi Tells” we find this interesting statement - “Any ten Jewish men can start a synagogue. It is always built facing Jerusalem.”

Thus we have a great prayer circle, facing inward towards Jerusalem.


Daniel 9:1-3 The last verse of the eighth chapter finds Daniel engaged in “the King’s business”. In opening Daniel nine, we find Daniel engaged in better business. He is speaking to God and listening to God speak to him through the Scriptures. We read “1 Daniel, understood by books the number of the years, whereof the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem. “And 1 set my face unto the Lord God, to seek by prayer and supplications, with fasting, and sackcloth, and ashes.” Daniel was studying the prophecies of Jeremiah. He knew the 70 years of captivity was nearly up.

Jeremiah 25:11, 12 Babylon had just fallen. It was the “First year of Darius, of the Medes”. This shows that the seventy years captivity must be reckoned from the first captivity. The one in (Daniel 1:1) which Daniel was taken captive 606 BC.

Note further that although Daniel was a prophet, he was diligent and prayerful student of Scripture. Some claim they have the Spirit of God and therefore do not need the Bible. Daniel was a prophet yet he needed the Scriptures. Daniel had the Spirit of God within, yet he needed the Scriptures. We all need to heed and follow Scriptures. Jeremiah’s seventy years of captivity began in 606 BC, eighteen years before the destruction of Jerusalem.

Thus Judah ceased to exist as an independent power. It was then under the sway of Babylon. So the seventy weeks date thirteen years before the rebuilding of Jerusalem. The re-establishment of the Jerusalem began with the third decree in 457 BC with “the going forth of the commandment to restore and rebuild Jerusalem.”

The Jews expected that at the end of the seventy years of captivity, the Messiah would come, Jerusalem would become the greatest city on earth and the Jews the conquerors of all their enemies. That is what they wanted and expected but notice what prophecy said.

Daniel 9:24 “Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon they holy city.” “Determined - literally ‘cut out”. Pulpit Commentary, Volume 4, p. 435 and J. F. B. p. 435.

Another period of 490 years was “cut off” for the Jews and Jerusalem. It is interesting to note if you take 457 BC and add 33 years for the life of Jesus you have 490; (70 x 7)


The magnitude of the events here foretold require years. “Seventy weeks” if literal would be far too short a period for the restoration of the city. The acts of the Messiah and the overthrow of the city and nation. Therefore it is clear that this seventy weeks, was “seventy weeks of years”. As translated by Moffett.

Daniel 9:26 The Jewish Messiah would come, but He would die. He would be “cut off, but not for Himself.” His death would be for others. His would be a vicarious death.


Daniel 9:26. This is the prediction of divine prophecy. Both Jerusalem and its temple would be destroyed. This is the last thing that the Jews expected or wanted. This prophecy was fulfilled. “The people (Romans) of the prince” (Titus, the son of Emperor Aspasion) would destroy. The Jews filled up their cup of iniquity in their rejection (&crucifixion) of their Messiah. They rejected their only hope and stay. That final act scaled their doom as a nation. It was “the overspreading of abominations”. An unholy people against the Holy One. They reached the peak of abominations and drew down desolations.

Daniel 9:26 Margin. “And (the Jews) they shall be no more his people.” or, “and the princes (Messiah’s) future people.” When the Jews crucified the Prince of Peace they crucified the peace of Jerusalem.

Daniel 9:26 “Unto the end shall be war, desolations are determined.” ARV. (This is a literal translation of this verse see S.D.A Bible Commentary.) The Spirit of Prophecy adds these significant words: “U saw that old Jerusalem never would be built Early Writings, page 75. What a tragic history has been the lot of Jerusalem. Look at its tragic story.

Matthew 27:25 We read of the Jews’ final choice. “Then answered all the people, and said His blood be on us, and on our children.”

That prayer of rejection of their Messiah has followed that unhappy people down the ages. Think of the tragedy of the Jews. Think of their troubled city Jerusalem. Notice the facts of history. “The people of the prince (Romans) that shall come, shall destroy the city (Jerusalem) and the sanctuary.” “He shall make it desolate even until the consummation.”


Jeremiah 17.25 “Jerusalem shall stand forever.” This promise was made of Jerusalem and of no other city. However it must always be remembered that it was conditional.

Jeremiah 18:13-10 All promises are conditional. The “if” indicates conditions. While the Jews as a whole failed and Jerusalem was destroyed, God will have a faithful remnant, who through His grace will meet the conditions and “Jerusalem will stand forever.”

Revelation 21:2 “The Holy City, New Jerusalem”. The unholy Jerusalem, shall be buried as we shall discover, but the Holy Jerusalem, inhabited by Christ’s holy people, shall stand forever. That city will be on the same site. That site, must be important in the eyes of our God. Note a few more facts.

Deuteronomy 16:1,2 “Keep the Passover in the place which the Lord shall choose to place His name there.”

Deuteronomy 16:6,11,16 “At the place which the Lord thy God shall choose to place H is name there.” This is repeated, with slight variations some fifteen times. The permanent place for sacrifices was not to be chosen by Joshua, or any prophet or king. God Himself chose the city, and the place within the city where such sacrifices were to be made.

1 Kings 8:29 “This house (Temple) ... the piece of which Thou hast said, My name shall be there.” 1 Kings 9:3-7 “To put My name there forever.”


Hebrews 9:28, Hebrews 10:10, 12 “The offering of the body of Jesus once for all.” This ended all sacrifices. It caused 4he sacrifice and oblation to cease.” It was the sacrifice that would terminate all sacrifices. In AD 70 the temple of Jerusalem was destroyed and the temple area has since been given into the hands of Moslems. Jews are not even allowed to enter that sacred area. This was the only place the sacrifices could be offered. But! Note prophecies infallible, unerring statement.

Luke 21:24 “Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.” “Times” is from the Greek word “Kairos” which refers to the period of opportunity granted to the Gentiles. As Jesus spoke these words the time of opportunity was rapidly running out for the Jews. We are reading them when the time of opportunity for the Gentiles is rapidly running out for the world.

Luke 21:25 Jesus then gives signs when the time of the Gentiles will finish. One of them will be “distress of nations”.

Daniel 9:27 “Until the consummation”.

Jerusalem would have trouble “even until the consummation.” It would be trodden down of the Gentiles until the close of probation. Today thousands of Arabs live in old Jerusalem along with many other nationalities. Truly it is still trodden down of the Gentiles,” trodden down of Gentiles of many nationalities. Although the Jews dominate, they are not allowed on the old temple area. That is their most coveted spot but -they are forbidden to enter there. Moslem mosques are there and Moslem worshippers walk that sacred area, and visitors of many nationalities - any and all except Jews. What an amazing fulfillment of divine prophecy. No mere mortal could have foretold this uncanny situation. We certainly have a sure word of prophecy. The temple and its altars were the place of sacrifice but God has made it impossible for sacrifices to be offered there, for Jesus, the great sacrifice for sin, has caused the sacrifice and oblation to cease. It will be so till “the consummation.”

Philippians 2:5-11 The offering of our Lord, when He became “obedient unto death even the death of the cross”, ended all sacrifices. He was given a “Name above every name. “ The temple was built on the area where God said:

1 Kings 9:3 “My name there forever.”

The temple of Jerusalem is finished – finished forever. The sacrifices of “bulls and goats” are finished. One day the feet of Jesus will again touch the Mount of Olives, overlooking the temple area, and that mount will split in two and on that new soil will rest the New Jerusalem - “that Great City, the holy Jerusalem descending out of heaven from God.” Revelation 21:10

Revelation 21:27 The only ones who will enter that holy city will be those whose names “are written in the Lambs book of life.” They belong to Jesus the Lamb of God.

Acts 4:12 “The name of Jesus Christ there is none other name.” No other name, no other sacrifice can be made. No other people but Christ’s people.

Revelation 22:14 “Blessed are they that do HIS commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.


Evidently our God has made it impossible for the Jew to offer further sacrifices for sin or burnt offerings or even to rebuild their temple. The devout Jew gives the reason why they do not now offer sacrifices:

  1. Such sacrifices could only be offered at Jerusalem.
  2. The rock of sacrifice, in the temple area is held by Moslems.
  3. Jews are not allowed on the temple area. Two Moslem mosques on that site.
  4. The Jews are building a modern city called Jerusalem, but it is outside the old city of Jerusalem.

There at Jerusalem, “Messiah the Prince” was “cut off not for Himself. He has been given a name which is above every name”. As we remember this we see the significance of the words: “Thou may not sacrifice but at the place where the Lord thy God shall choose to put His name there.” Deuteronomy 16:5, 6.

Old Jerusalem is buried some 12 to 16 feet, in places up to 40 feet below the present city. The present city of Jerusalem will be buried, but the “place” is significant. There God chose to put His name forever.

One of the main reasons why 1 write is to confirm your faith in the Holy Scriptures. The Bible speaks so much on Jerusalem and Jerusalem becomes a commentary on these Scriptures. It gives us archaeological and historical proof that the Bible is true. Unbelievers have told us that the Bible is merely a collection of legends that have been accepted by gullible religionists. As 1 walked the streets of old Jerusalem 1 saw the Bible was a record of actual events, and dealt with real places and not a vague dream based on forgery. Jerusalem is mentioned in the first book in the Bible and also in the fast. From Jerusalem’s Mount of Olives Jesus ascended to the Glory land. This was the last place where the feet of Jesus touched the earth. It will also be the first place where His feet will touch the earth again.

“Christ descends upon the Mount of Olives, whence after His resurrection, He ascended, and where angels repeated the promise of His return. Says the prophet: ‘The Lord my God shall come, and all the saints with Thee. And His feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the Mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof, and there shall be a very great valley. And the Lord shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one Lord, and His name one.”

As the New Jerusalem, in its dazzling splendor, comes down out of heaven, it rests upon the place purified and made ready to receive it, and Christ, with His people and the angels, enters the holy city.” Great Controversy, page p. 662, 663

There on the site of old Jerusalem, the New Jerusalem stands. That site which once was the centre of the earth, now becomes the centre of the New Earth, for there “the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it.” This being so, it will not only be the centre of the earth, but also of the universe. There where the cross of Christ stood; there where He broke the bars of death and the grave; there where He ascended; there is soon to be the site of the eternal New Jerusalem. There the saints shall be “joint heirs with Christ” Romans 8 There they share His throne. Did He not promise?

Revelation 3:21 “To him that overcomes will 1 grant to sit with Me in My throne, even as 1 also overcame and am set down with My Father in His throne.

Daniel 7:27 Then “the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey Him. What an inheritance! What a reward! What a hope!

“The Jews have a tradition that the place where Noah built his altar was the same in which the altar stood which was built by Adam and used by Cain and Abel, and the same altar on which Abraham afterward offered up his son Isaac. “ Dr. A. Clarke Commentary, Volume 1, p. 77.

,Jerusalem is at the centre of what archeologists and historians have called the Fertile Crescent. Not only does the Bible close at Jerusalem, but every prophecy in Daniel closes there.

Daniel 11:45 This prophecy closes at “the glorious holy mountain”. Daniel 9:16 “Thy city Jerusalem, Thy Holy mountain.”

Daniel 9:24 “Seventy weeks are determined upon Thy people and upon Thy holy city.” During this, period of “seventy weeks of years.” (Moffett), they would “build Jerusalem” and also the Romans would “come and destroy the city and the sanctuary.” This is common knowledge that in AD 70 the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and its Temple. There “shall be desolation, even to the consummation”. Thus this great “infidel converting” prophecy of Daniel 8 and 9 likewise closes at Jerusalem. Both Daniel 2 and 7 close with the Kingdom of Glory.

Daniel 7:27 Daniel 2:44 This Eternal Kingdom of our Lord and His Saints centre in the New Jerusalem, certainly not at Rome, which is no more at all.


65 Insurrection and some ruin on the visit of F1Orus,

66 Unsuccessful siege by Cestus.

70 Destructions by Titus, September 4. (143 days siege)

141 Seizure by the Jews wider Bar Chocheba.

132 Capture and devastation by Hadrian.

312 Constantine allowed Jews into Jerusalem.

614 Captured and plundered by Persians.

628 Recaptured by Heraclius.

637 Arabs captured Jerusalem.

691 Dome of Rock built.

842 Captured by Moslem rebels.

937 Ruin of Christian buildings.

969 Occupation of Fatimite Dynasty.

1010 Destruction by Khalif Hahim.

1075 Occupation by the Seljik Turk.

1096 Siege and capture by Afdhal.

1099 Siege, capture and massacre by Godfrey.

1187 Occupation by Saladin.

1219 Destruction of walls.

1229 Capture by the Emir of Kerak

1239 Surrender to Frederick II.

1244 Capture by the Kharesimians.

1480 Plunder by Arabs.

1517 Turks of Ottoman Empire captured Jerusalem.

1542 Suleiman the Magnificent rebuilt walls.

1825 Bombarded by Turks.

1831 Occupation by Egyptians (Ibrahim Pasha)

1841 Re-occupied by Turks.

1917 Captured by British (Allenby).

1948 Heavy fighting, controlled by Jordan.

1967 Zionists capture Jerusalem.

Thus like the Bible, every prophecy of Daniel closes at Jerusalem.


The Gospel went from Jerusalem.

Luke 24:47 "Repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem."

Luke 24:49 "But tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.


Zechariah 12:2, 3 "I will make Jerusalem a cup of poison." (Margin) "I will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people.

"All people" are represented by the "United Nations" and their biggest problem is Jerusalem, Today Jerusalem is the centre of the troubled triangle. It is the "holy city of three of the world's major religions - Christianity, Islam and Judaism. They all want it. Three holy days are kept there. Friday for the Moslems. Saturday for the Jews. Sunday for the Christians. It is a confused, divided and doomed city.


Hebrews 11:16 "He has prepared for them a city."

Our "citizenship is in heaven."

"We are a colony of Heaven." [Moffat translation.]

"The state of which we are citizens is in Heaven." (20th Century version.)

Galatians 4:26 "Jerusalem which is above is the mother of us all." The word "citizen" comes from "city". "Our citizenship is in heaven. Hebrews 12:23 "Written (enrolled) in Heaven."

Luke 10:20 "Rejoice because your names are written in Heaven." Philippians 4:3 "My fellow laborers, whose names are in the book of life."

Revelation 3:5 "He that overcomes, I will not blot out his name out of the book of life.” Daniel 12:1 "Everyone" "delivered" "that shall be found."


  1. "Until a time, and times and the dividing of time." Daniel 7:25.
  2. "For a time, times, and a half." Daniel 12:7.
  3. "Forty and two months" Revelation 11:2.
  4. "A thousand two hundred and three score days" Revelation 11:3.
  5. "A thousand two hundred and three score days" Revelation 11:3.
  6. "For a time, and times, and a half a time" Revelation 12:4.
  7. "Forty and two months" Revelation 13:5.

The great importance of this period is revealed in the fact that it is mentioned seven times. What other prophetic period is so emphasized in sacred scripture? Seven denotes perfection and no doubt indicates the special place this period has in the plan of God.

Daniel 11:35 It reaches to a "Time Appointed" when "the king shall do according to His will" - When France would break the power of religious intolerance it reaches to a new era - the time of the end.

Daniel 12:7 When the scattering of the holy people is finished. This was in 1798.

Daniel 12:8, 9 Sealed till "time of end". 1798. Daniel 12:10 "The wise shall understand".

Who are the Wise?

Daniel 12:3 "Wise shall they that turn many to righteousness."

This is God's promise to latter day soul winner. Only those who obey Christ and become soul-winners will understand.

Christ came "to seek and save the lost". "If any man have not the Spirit of Christ tae is none of His". Romans 8:9. Those who are not evangelical lack the Spirit of Christ and hence will not understand.

1290 years. This period is 30 years longer than the 1260. Thirty years prior to 538 AD was 508 AD. This was the time of the overthrow of the Arian powers - the three horns plucked up by the little horn. Daniel 7:8, 24.

In 508 A.D. Clovis, the Catholic king of the Franks, triumphed over his Arian rivals "It was decided that the Franks, and not the Goths, were to direct the future destinies of Gaul and Germany, and that the Catholic faith, and not Arianism, was to be the religion of these great realms." Richard W. Church, The Beginning of the Middle Ages. pages 38, 39.

Arianism teaches that Christ was a created creature and not "God manifest in the flesh.” They thus deny the divinity of Christ. Arianism is revived today in modernism, liberalism, humanism, Jehovah Witnesses, and Christadelphianism. Thus the 1290 years extends from– 508 AD to 1798 AD.

1335 Years.

This period is 45 years longer than the 1290 years and as time final blessing of God in Daniel is on those who come to this final period, it evidently extends from: 508 AD to 1844 AD.

Thus it extends to the final date in prophetic time and to the commencement of God's last message which would have a complete answer to all the heresies that came in, during the great "falling away" (2 Thessalonians 2) and in the abomination that works desolate.

Thus it extends to the final date in prophetic time and to the commencement of God’s last message which would have a complete answer to all the heresies that tame in, during the great “falling away” (2 Thessalonians 2) and in the abomination that works desolate.

“Blessed is he” that lives in the period of the great enlightenment. This is when “the Everlasting Gospel” is preached in all the world.

Revelation 14: 6-16. The last message to the children of men. It is to men and women who have heard the great evangel that must go forth and evangelize. If they don’t it’s because they do not have the Spirit of Christ. Romans 8:9.

Jesus told His disciples that many kings and prophets had desired to see what they saw. Luke 10:24. So likewise it is a privilege to be living in the time of the final events and to have a part leading souls into the light of the everlasting Gospel.

Daniel was to rest until “the end of days.” “You shall rest in the grave” and then rise to enjoy your abode at the end of days (Moffitt) “End of Days” = is “the last day”

This is when the righteous rise as promised by the Lord Jesus Christ in John 6:39, 40, 44, 54. Note Christ’s emphasis on “the last day”. The last message, with the Everlasting Gospel, culminates with the last day. Revelation 14:6, 7, 14-16.

Our Lord will open His Scripture of Truth to those who are His-soul-winners. “The wise shall understand.” “He that wins souls is wise”. May you be among God’s Wise men. Too many are indifferent and critical of those who are evangelistic. So God gives this supreme promise to His last day soul-winners. “They that turn many to righteousness shall shine as the stars forever and ever”. What a promise! It comes from the One who “cannot lie”. It can be your promise too!


Daniel 12:1 “Michael the Great Prince.” He has told us who He is: “Messiah the Prince”. 9:25 “The prince of the kings of the earth.” Revelation 1:5 “The prince of Life.” Acts 3:15 “Michael your prince.” Daniel 10:21

Romans 8:31 He stood for us at Calvary, He stands for us in Heaven, He stands for us in the judgment, He stands for us during the plagues.

Daniel 12:3 Through the years soul -winners have been regarded as foolish by those who are wise in their own eyes. True evangelists are despised by those who want to be regarded as great in the eyes of mortal s. But the wisdom of the world is foolishness with God. We have in this verse:


“They that turn many to righteousness” - “Shall shine as the stars for ever and ever.” He that wins souls is wise.” The worldly wise call them fools, but our Lord calls them wise. They are Christ’s wise men. They call to righteousness.

Psalm 119:172 “All Thy Commandments are righteousness.”


Daniel 12: 10 Note that “the wise” are not contrasted with the ignorant and unlearned, but with the wicked. The issue is moral not mental. The wise are those who are wise for their own souls and wise in winning other souls. They are the ones who “shall understand” the Bible here and enjoy it for eternity. Not so called scholarship but soul-saving opens the Scriptures to oneself and others. Pride and prejudice clouds the understanding so they understand not. The reward is now and in the future. In the great coming day, so largely featured in Daniel’s book, they shall be counted wise. Once great men of world seemed wise, while the obedient were classed as “fools”, but on that Great Day all unrealities shall be unmasked and realities will be seen in truth.


Daniel 12:8 “1 heard but 1 understood not.”

Daniel could not perceive the full meaning and the exact times meant by God.

2 Peter 1:21 This proves that “prophecy came not by the will of man”. It was not written by the imagination, study or scheming of the prophets.

1 Peter 1:10-12 They themselves “searched diligently to discover the mind of Christ. Bible prophecy came from men “moved by the Holy Ghost.” “No prophecy ever originated in human will”. Goodspeed translation. They “spoke directly from God”. Thus the Bible is the “Word of God” and the amazing, almost uncanny fulfillment of its hundreds of prophecies confirm it to be just what it claims to be - THE WORD OF GOD.
