George Burnside

Revelation 1:1 The purpose of Revelation is clearly revealed at its beginning. It is To show unto His (God's) servants things that must shortly come to pass.

Mankind needs the clear light of prophecy; he needs its guiding hand and its inspiring hope. Without it the future is the great unknown, like a trackless desert, or an uncharted sea of mystery. Prophecy is the finger of God pointing the way. It is God's answer to man's anxious questions. It is to show what shall come to pass. It is history in advance. It is history written backwards. It is the saint's road-map through the confusion of coming events.

Christ has assured us that these words in Revelation. are true and faithful. Revelation 21:5. History has confirmed these wonderful words for history is but the unrolled scroll of prophecy. This Revelation of the future, that comes to us from the nail-pierced hand of Jesus, is therefore our road guide, our travelling manual.

As the Gospels give us things of the past, so Revelation gives us things of the future. As the Gospels repeat the life story of Jesus in the various gospels, so in Revelation Christ's special book, the Divine Calendar of coming events is repeated over and over again. The same ground is covered in the account of the seven churches, the seven seals and the seven trumpets. This not only gives us the history of Christ's church, but also the apostasies it would face and the political upheavals that would affect it during the period between Christ's ascension and His return. For, as clearly stated, it is to show what shall come to pass. It is history in advance.

Revelation 1:1 Which God gave unto Him.

This vitally important book is of no human composition. Like all the other books that precede it in the Bible, it is a letter from heaven. John is simply the inspired penman of the Divine Author. Surely it would be ingratitude to neglect what Jesus has graciously given.

Revelation 1:1 Which God gave unto Him.

This does not mean that Christ is less than God, or that He is excluded from any wisdom that is in God. The Son is in all respects equal with and is indeed one with the Father, but in the carrying out of the council of peace, Jesus emptied Himself of His glory to become the Mediator between God and man.

In this voluntarily assumed status, God gave Him a revelation that He might in turn communicate it to man. Thus Revelation is called by the dual name of the Word of God, and the testimony of Jesus Christ. Revelation 1:2.


Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Great Trustee of all divine revelation. He is the only one who reveals the future. He is the Author of all Scripture. He is the one Mediator of all time between God and man. This is clearly stated in Scripture.

1 Peter 1:10,11. The Spirit of Christ was in the Old Testament prophets. In Revelation, John is the writer, but Jesus is the Author. It is Christ who bids John write to the Seven Churches, Revelation 1:11. It is Christ who opens the Seven Seals, Revelation 6:1. He, Christ, is the One who offers the prayer of the saints (8:3), and delivers the little book to John (10:1-11). Thus through the tremendous events of earth's history, it is not the dull, dead flow of mere chance, but the forecast of a living person, for only a living person can be the Alpha and Omega, the starting point of creation and its final climax. The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of this prophecy. Christ's work spans all time and covers all history. He was the Creator, the Author of all Scripture, our sinless Lord, our atoning Sacrifice, our Mediator, our Advocate. He is our coming King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Revelation 1:3; 22:7.

Of the 66 books of the Bible, no other begins and ends with such a promise to the reader, hearer and doer. We can rest in this promise of our Lord as we stroll through the pages of Christ's Revelation. Blessed means happy. This book leads all who read and obey it, into the atmosphere of heaven, and like Enoch of old they walk with God. Those who neglect Revelation will never know their loss and the joy they missed. Lady Jane Gray was asked by a friend in a tone of surprise, how she could forego the pleasures of sin which her associates were enjoying, to merely read the Scriptures. She replied, all the pleasures of that kind are but a shadow of the joy I find in this Book. Happy is he that readeth Revelation.

To show things which must shortly come to pass. Jesus declared, My words shall not pass away. We have here the certainty of prophecy. God not only reveals the end from the beginnings, but he worketh all things after the council of His own will Ephesians l:l. Thus in Revelation we are watching the working of heaven in behalf of this world. In these pages truth is moving on to final victory. We are in the midst of scenes of paramount import. Before the last apostle was laid to rest, Jesus revealed the story of the great controversy with evil. No portion of Holy Writ comes to us with such import of certainty and with such appeal to study and to heed.

This book is a Revelation - it is to show what shall come to pass. To assert therefore that what is shown is not understandable is to question the intelligence of God. It is to reveal, to show, to give light all the way along earth's pathway from the recently destroyed Jerusalem to the New Jerusalem. It is Christ's road guide to His pilgrims and strangers on the road to glory.

The enemy has led many religionists to reverse the promise so that the world would have it read, Blessed is he that readeth not. Thus Revelation like its Author, is despised and rejected of men. Through rejecting the Light, mankind staggers blindly to its doom.

As we near the close of this world's history, the prophecies relating to the last days, especially demand our study. The last book of the New Testament Scriptures is full of truths that we need to understand. Satan has blinded the minds of many, so that they have been glad of any excuse for not making the Revelation their study. C.O.L. p. 133.

Revelation 1:4-6. These verses reveal much of Jesus.

(a) Him which is, and which was, and which is to come;

He is the I Am of Exodus3:1

He is the One of the past, present and future.

He is the Eternal One.

He alone can reveal the unsullied history of the past, explain the problems of the present and unlock the mysteries of tomorrow.

  1. He is the Faithful Witness. People laughed at Him, they spat in His face, but today.
    He is known as the world's greatest Teacher. He is the Truth.
  2. He is the First Begotten from the Dead. He conquered death. He is the first born from the dead... He has the pre-eminence. Colossians 1:18.

He could say Destroy this temple (His body) and in three days I will raise it up. Did any other leader - religious or otherwise ever dare to make such a claim?

  1. He is the Prince of the Kings of earth. One day every knee shall bow to Him. Phil. 2:9-11. Our King will win. There is no need to build up the morale of an army that is sure of victory. Our victory through Christ is as sure as His Word. (See Fear Not, and Here is the Reason Why.)
  2. He is Him that Loved us and Washed us from our Sins in His own blood.

Why did He love us? He should have destroyed us. we turned our backs on Him, yet He loved us. Psalm 103:10,11. Washed, - loosed. How? By His blood. See Power of the Blood of the Lamb as revealed in Revelation.

Revelation meant much to the Early Church. The writings of the Early Fathers are full of quotations from it. So much so that if the manuscripts of Revelation had been all lost, it could have been reproduced from their writings.

Revelation 1:9 John was imprisoned on Patmos for preaching the Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus. Out of a Roman Island prison came the Revelation.

Can any good thing come out of Nazareth? John 1:46. Yet out of Nazareth came the Son of God. So out of the Patmos prison came Christ's gleams of glory, Revelation's wonders. While a fugitive from the anger of proud Pharaoh, Moses wrote Genesis and probably Job. As Tindale and Luther, when fugitives from Papal Rome produced translations of the Bible, as John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress came out of Bedford Prison, as Daniel wrote his prophecies in Babylonian captivity, so out of Patmos came Scripture's crown of glory, - the Revelation.

Revelation 1:7. Revelation begins and ends with a promise of the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Surely I come. Revelation 22:20. He shall come to be glorified in His saints. 2 Thessalonians1:10. He will come also as a terror to those who pierced Him and have not repented, and to all those who have crucified Him afresh by their apostasy from Him.

The solemn messages that have been given in their order in the Revelation are to occupy the first place in the minds of God's people. Nothing else is to be allowed to engross our attention. 8T. p. 302. The belief that this book is sealed is the chief reason for it being the neglected book of the New Testament and the main excuse for neglecting it. This is another fulfilment of prophecy. Isaiah 29:11, 12.

The Revelation of Jesus Christ. Revelation l:l.

This is the only book in the Bible that is divinely named. It is a revelation, an uncovering of events. It is not sealed. The instruction was not to seal it, Revelation 22:10. The following facts from our Lord clearly refute the oft repeated error that it is sealed. We do well to consider:-

  1. It is a Revelation, an unsealing - an unfolding.
  2. Christ's promised blessing is on those who read and hear and keep the truths revealed in this Revelation. Such a promise would be meaningless if this book could not be understood.
  3. Christ's instruction is to seal not. Revelation 22:10. It must be unfolded to all who will hear and obey.
  4. The oft repeated instruction by our Lord, Hear what the Spirit said unto the churches. This is repeated seven times. This repetition is for emphasis. May we heed and hear and obey, and not neglect this final appeal from Christ.

Why is Revelation given in Symbols?

Revelation 1:1 He sent and signified it.

That is, Jesus gave it in signs and symbols. Like the book of Daniel, events, nations and churches are represented by prophetic cartoons. It reveals great earthly powers used by Satan to war against the church of God. These powers must be revealed in symbols in order to protect God's servants from their enemies. Revelation exposes and predicts the doom and downfall of all who oppose the truth of God.

For instance, had Pagan Rome been described in plain language, the church could never have survived the persecutions. If symbols had not been used to describe the Papacy and its work, the Bible might not have lived through the Dark Ages. Apostate Protestantism might not be so keen to circulate the Bible if symbols were not used. God in His wisdom used symbols. Luther found a Bible preserved in a monastery and used it to break the power of its preservers.

Jesus on earth used parables for definite reasons:-

  1. To attract attention.
  2. To prevent His listeners from being too quickly repelled by His striking and unpopular truths.
  3. He revealed truth as they were able to bear it.

A parable was like a veil that Jesus put over the face of truth to attract the attention. It was like a veil which both revealed and concealed truth. To those who would listen and accept, it brought truth nearer, but to the rejectors, it hid the true meaning.

None of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand . Daniel 12:10. it should be noted that the wise are not contrasted with the unlearned, undegreed, or just ignorant, but with the wicked. Both prejudice and sin clouds judgement. The Egyptian hieroglyphics were meaningless, even to the greatest brains and students until the alphabet was worked out, aided by the Rosetta Stone, so God has left in His Word the key to the symbols. Some laugh at beasts in the prophetic Scriptures being used to represent nations, but they quickly recognize the kangaroo and the kiwi as symbols of Australia and New Zealand. Christ gives us the wonderful promise, If any man will do His will, he shall know of the doctrine. John 7:17.

Bible knowledge is not so much mental as moral - it is not so much intellect as experimental. Those who seek excuses to avoid obeying God and thus doing His will, automatically close God's inspired Book against themselves. The Bible can be understood by common people. In the days of Jesus the common people heard Him gladly. So they can today when aided by the same Spirit that inspired the Scriptures.

1. It is God's message to man. Both the Bible and the mind of man have the same Author. They were made for each other.

2.The Bible was written for all mankind, for all the world.

  1. It has universal appeal. It appeals to the Solomon Islanders, the New Guinea Highlanders, the Peruvians, the Russians and the Australians. Even people with little education can find wondrous things out of God's Word, while the self-styled scholar passes it by with a sneer of contempt.
  2. The common people heard Him gladly.
  3. The Bible has universal circulation.,. It is translated into over a thousand different languages. It has universal appeal.
  4. It is made hard to understand by disobedience and pride of intellectualism.
  5. The first requirement therefore is to be sincere. To desire the sincere milk of the Word.

It is not scholarship but surrender that reveals God's truth. It is revealed unto babes, while pride of intellect still breaks its teeth on the Infallible Rock of the Scriptures. These seven facts are true of all Scripture, but especially are they true of Christ's special book - the Revelation of Jesus Christ, the only book of Scripture that contains the personal signature of the Lord Jesus Christ. Revelation 22:16. He will open its treasures to all, for He has promised, If any man be willing to do God's will, he shall know concerning My teaching.

Remember that Revelation was written for The servants of God, (1:1) and not for the ungodly. When God wrote on the wall of Babylon's royal palace, neither King Belshazzar, nor the wise men of that proud city could read the writing. But Daniel, the servant of the One whose hand had written on Babylon's wall, the hand that wrote the Ten Commandments on Sinai's flint, and the hand that was nailed to the cross, could read the writing. None of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand. Daniel 12:10.


Revelation 1:8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending.

Iam Alpha, and Omega, the first and the last. Revelation 1:11.

Iam Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Revelation 22:13.

Jesus is the first in Time:-

  1. In the beginning. Creator - John 1:1-3.
  2. In Position. Let all the angels of God worship Him. Hebrews 1:6.
  3. In object. All things were created by Him andfor Him. Colossians 1:16.

Jesus is First in the life of a Christian. He is the Author and Finisher of our faith. Hebrews 12:2.

He is the Seed of the woman - He lights up the first promise.

The first sacrifice spoke of Him,

He is All in All.

In what page or chapter is He absent?

Patriarchs saw His day.

The Psalms sang of Him. Prophets wrote of Him.

Iam the A and the Z, said the Lord. (Rhm).

The Bible opens with Genesis - Beginnings.

Its last book is a book of endings. So Christ is the beginning and the end of all Scripture and all things.

Revelation 1:9 The cause of John’s imprisonment. For the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ. He proclaimed Jesus the Word of God, who was before all worlds, who was made flesh and dwelt among men and who is coming again As King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

In this a blow was struck at the Roman worship of Caesar. John worshiped the God-Man and not the man-god. False creeds aim to deify man. Their motto is You shall be as gods. Emmanuel, God with us, is the motto of Truth. The Lord was God and came as Man. The Pope is man and comes as God.

REVELATION 1: 10 says, I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day

The expression, the Lord's day, is found only once in the Scriptures. The phrase is arresting. Which day is it? Why is it used in this closing section of the Book of books?

It comes to us from momentous times, when the death decree hung over that expression The Book of Revelation was written in prison. The writer was there because of the Lord, and John's loyalty to Him.

By the time Revelation was written, Caesar worship was the one religion which covered the whole Roman Empire; and it was because of their refusal to conform to its demands that Christians were persecuted and killed. The essence of Caesar worship was that the reigning Roman Emperor, as embodying the spirit ofRome, was divine. Once a year everyone in the Empire had to appear before the magistrates in order to burn a pinch of incense to the godhead Caesar, and to say: Caesar is Lord. Thus, to refuse to burn the pinch of incense, and to refuse to say Caesar is Lord, was treason, in addition to being evidence of open opposition to the established religion. The worship of the Emperor began with the worship of the Caesar after his death. However, the Roman Emperor Domitian, who died in AD. 96, was most probably the emperor who sent John into exile on the Isle of Patmos. In AD. 96 Domitian put to death Florius Clemens (his own cousin) who was consul, and exiled his wife Floria Domitalia, niece of Domitian, and both were charged with atheism. They were probably Christians, for many Christians were thrown to the lions, charged with atheism, for refusing to sacrifice to the Emperor, who claimed to be God.

Domitian's Claims

Domitian was the first Emperor who arrogated divine honours in his lifetime, and caused himself to be styled, Our Lord and God, in public documents. . . . He informed all governors that government announcements and proclamations must begin Our lord and God Domitian commands...

They must call Domitian god, or die. Thus the issue was clear. It was a matter of gods. Either the Lord Jesus Christ or the emperor of Rome was lord-god. It was Jesus or Caesar. Who was Lord? That was the issue. The scriptures clearly show why the writer was banished.

Revelation 1: 9: I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the Word of God..

Domitian claimed to be lord. His day, the Emperor's day, was thus claimed to be the lord's day. John was banished for the Word of God, which claimed only one Lord's day. He rejoiced in that day, the true Lord's day. That holy day belonged to his Lord, and in defiance of a pagan day, he wrote the Lord's day in Revelation 1: 10. For the Emperor's day was in contrast to the true Lord's day, as Dr. Cambden M. Cobern states, Lord's Day finding its exact parallel in Emperor's Day: place ofprayer being usedfor heathen assemblies.

What is The Lord's Day?

The Revelation reveals the Lordship of Christ. It exalts the Lord Jesus, who is the Lord of the Sabbath. John, the beloved disciple, rejoiced in Christ's special day, the Lord's day.

It was the Lord's day, for there was and is no other. Any other day is a counterfeit. For the one and only true Lord's day, John would gladly suffer banishment, persecution or death.

The Sabbath is the Lord's day, for Christ the Lord rested on that day, He blessed and sanctified it. He called it My holy day (Isaiah58:13). It is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God. Exodus 20: 10. It is the Lord's day.

Revelation exalts Jesus as Lord. He is KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS (Revelation 19: 16). Jesus means Jehovah. He is the First and the Last (Revelation 1: 17). He was the Creator and He will be the Finisher. He is from eternity to eternity. He is the One who was dead, but is now alive for evermore. (Revelation 1: 18.) He has the keys of death and the grave and He is the only One who has them. The keys are a sign of authority.. He has conquered death. What a Savior! What a Lord! No wonder John rejoiced in exalting Him as Lord. What was a mere mortal man in comparison, even if he be Rome's Emperor? The Sabbath was his Lord's day and in that day he rejoiced. He was in the Spirit on that holy and sanctified day.

The First and the Last

Revelation reveals Jesus to be the Jehovah of the Old Testament. For instance, three times in Isaiah, Jehovah the Creator, is called the First and the Last.

Isaiah 41: 4, states: I the (Jehovah) Lord, the First, and with the Last; I am He. Isaiah 44: 6, Iam the First, and I am the Last. It should be noted that the Lord, Jehovah says, I have redeemed thee, verse 22. Thus said the Lord (Jehovah), thy Redeemer, verse24. This is Jesus speaking. He is our Redeemer. He is our Lord. Isaiah 48:12, I am He., Iam the First, I also am the Last.

Three times in Revelation Christ Jesus is referred to as the First and the Last. Revelation 1: 11. I am Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last.

Revelation 1: 17, 18. I am the First and the Last. 1 am He that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore.

Revelation 22:13. I am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.

Three times In Revelation Jehovah, the Lord, is mentioned in the fourth commandment.

  1. The seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD thy God. Exodus 20:10.
  2. For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, and rested the seventh day. Exodus 20: 11.
  3. Wherefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath Day and hallowed it. Exodus 20:11.

Jesus is the LORD of the Sabbath.

He is the LORD of the Old Testament.

He is the LORD of Revelation.

The Revelation is made up largely with quotations from the Old Testament.

Jesus was the Author of the Old Testament (1 Peter 1: 10, 11). He was the One who led Israel (1 Corinthians 10: 4). He is LORD. He is LORD of all. Thus when Revelation confirms Jesus as Lord, it automatically reveals the Sabbath of our Lord as the Lord's day. The climax book of Scripture re-emphasizes the grand truth that Jesus is Lord.

Some day, and may it be soon, Every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Philippians 2: 11. At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, for it is a name which is above every name. Philippians 2:9-11. The divinity of Christ is the believer's assurance of eternal life.

Jesus, our divine Lord claimed, The Son of man is Lord also of the Sabbath. Mark 2: 28.

Not a Jewish institution

This day is not merely a Jewish institution: our Lord made it holy thousands of years before there were any Jews in existence. His words give it a permanent place under the Lordship of Christ. He claimed to be Lord of the holy Sabbath. it is the only day He claimed as His. It is the only day on which he rested. It is the only day He blessed and sanctified. It is His day. It is the Lord's day. Christ has placed His permanent seal upon it; Jesus spoke eleven times on the subject of the Sabbath, but always to correct the superstitious additions of the Pharisees, never to destroy it.

It is also of Interest to note that there is no indication in history of Jewish prisoners under the Romans having trouble over the Sabbath. It is Very evident that they were granted the Sabbath as a day of rest. Rome had many thousands of Jewish slaves. Christianity was regarded by the Romans as being a Jewish sect, and as such John was at first granted the Sabbath. As the church in later years drifted into apostasy in the great "failing away" from truth, they took the sacred title Lord's day and applied it to a counterfeit day.

Christ's Attitude

Calling Sunday the lord's day, does not make it the Lord's day. The facts are that our blessed Lord never claimed it as His day, but He did claim the Sabbath as His own. It is a recognized rule that when approaching a historical problem, it can only be approached from the past. This is the only legitimate approach that can be followed. Sunday is never mentioned anywhere in Scripture as the Lord's day, and the fact that in later years it was so named, does not make it the Lord's day. It merely proves how far professed Christians had fallen away from truth when they would take a sacred title and apply it to a counterfeit day. A few facts clearly revealed in our Lord's Word show this.

  1. Our Lord worked on Sunday. (Genesis 1: 1-5.)
  2. The Lord calls Sunday a working day. (Ezekiel 46: l.)
  3. He commanded work on Sunday. (Exodus 20: 10, 1 l.)
  4. Our Lord never kept Sunday.
  5. His Father never kept it.
  6. The Lord never blessed it.
  7. He nowhere forbids work on It.
  8. The New Testament nowhere forbids sport on Sunday.
  9. Our Lord never pronounced any penalty for its violation.
  10. He never promised any blessing for its observance.
  11. It is never called in Scripture the Lord's day.
  1. There is no record that our Lord ever mentioned it.
  2. Our Lord never asked us to break bread on Sunday.
  3. He never asked us to keep it as a memorial of His resurrection.

Sunday is not the Lord's day, it never was and never will be.

A certain king once sent to a weaver, and said to him, Make me a curtain for my palace, and let it be according to this design that I send.

The weaver was happy in receiving such a commission, and set about his task at once. But when he looked over the pattern and saw that the groundwork was purple, he was troubled. The established custom, he said, is to use red for groundwork, but this calls for purple. Now, of a truth, 1 don't think the king will ever notice the difference at all, and if he does, will acknowledge the red looks just as well; it's cheaper and more convenient for me. So the red goes in for the groundwork; the rest will all go in just as the pattern indicates.

Imagine the poor fellow's consternation when the king utterly refused the tapestry at any price. The stamp of royalty is lacking, was the explanation. There is not a hint of the royal purple in it; your red doesn't mean a thing, except, perhaps, that you have obeyed your own conscience instead of me. 1 hope your conscience will reward you wellfor your lack of loyalty, fellow!

Likewise imagine the consternation and surprise of those who have woven a substitute Sabbath into the great law of Jehovah, saying, It looks as well as the one He ordered, and it is according to custom. The two cases are parallel. The Sabbath commandment is the seal of God's law. It marks Him as Creator, and consequently King of all created things. It is the royal colour He has chosen, and given as a sign between Him and His people. The king who ordered the purple in his curtain had reasons for so doing. The King who ordered the Sabbath in His commandment also had reasons for His order, and its change will be like changing the purple of the curtain. The stamp of royalty again is lacking, and disobedience is conspicuous.

The solemn messages that have been given in their order in the Revelation are to occupy the first place in the minds of God's people. Nothing else is to be allowed to engross our attention. 8T 302.

The belief that this book is sealed is the chief reason for it being the neglected book of the New Testament and the main excuse for neglecting it. This is another fulfilment of prophecy. Isaiah 29:11,12.


Revelation 1:11, 4. To the Seven Churches. The whole of Revelation is addressed to the Seven Churches. WHY SEVEN?

Some who would depreciate the importance of Revelation, have quoted this verse as proof that John was merely writing to the churches in his area from which he had been exiled by Rome. On examination we soon discover the weakness of this explanation. If John was merely writing to the churches over which he had oversight, why did he single out certain groups and omit others equally large? For example why is there no mention of the church of Miletus, which was actually nearest to Patmos? Why was not Colosse listed, seeing it was a neighbour to Laodicea? Why is Pergamos listed and not nearby Troas? It is apparent that these seven churches were especially chosen and arranged in order to represent seven periods of the church from Christ's Advent to His return. The character of these cities illustrate the distinguishing features of the seven ages of the church.


  1. Seven is a complete number while the messages to the seven churches are general messages for all time, yet they contain a special message for that particular church period.
  2. In a book Revelation 1:11. Letters to individuals are not written in a book. This fact reveals a special prophetic message for a future period.
  3. Hold fast till I come (2:25). But the literal churches of John's day would be long gone by the time when Jesus would return. It is evident that the messages to the seven churches were to seven future church periods.
  4. From of old, students of Revelation have recognised that in the messages to the seven churches, were messages to the seven periods of the Christian church between the ascension of Christ until His return in glory.

For instance:-

Vitrinqa of Holland, whose commentary was published in 17O5 wrote Under this emblematical representation of the seven churches of Asia, the Holy Spirit has delineated seven different states of the Christian church which would appear in succession, extending to the coming of our Lord. So also wrote the learned Joseph Mede, one of the earliest English commentators on Revelation. Coeceius, an early writer, assigned these seven periods as follows:-

  1. Ephesus - the apostolic age.
  2. Smyrna - the period of pagan persecutions.
  3. Pergamos - from Constantine's time to the great apostasy.
  4. Thyatira - the period of papal supremacy.
  5. Sardis - the churches of the Reformation.
  6. Philadelphia - a church yet to come. (He wrote this in the 17th century.)
  7. Laodicea - the last age, preceding the coming of Christ.

Thus God guided writers over the ages. They wrote as they saw Revelation reveal things to come to pass.

The names of the seven churches are symbolic of the church in different periods of the Christian era. The number seven indicates completeness and is symbolic of the fact that the messages extend to the end of time, while the symbols used reveal the condition of the church at different periods in the history of the world. Ellen G. White, Acts of The Apostles, 585.

Thus the complete church of all the Christian era and in all places is covered in this prophetic forecast. It is for the saints from the first to the second Advent of our Lord, from old Jerusalem to the New Jerusalem. These messages to the seven churches are therefore for us. The beginnings and endings of each period or church are merely suggestions as periods of time naturally blend or telescope one into the other.


As the candlesticks sole work was to give light so the church is to be a light bearer. This light is found only in the Word of God. Thy Word is a lamp (candle, margin) unto my feet and a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105.

The commandment is a lamp (candle, margin) and the law is light. Prov.6:23.

This is the reason the devil has made desperate efforts to obscure that light by destroying or withholding the Bible from people, or else destroying the people who uphold that light. To uphold that light is the church's one task, as the candlestick's one task is to uphold the lighted candle.

Revelation 1:12,13 In the midst of the seven candlesticks One like unto the Son of man. Christ is in the midst of His Church in all its periods. He is in constant communion with His saints. If we want to be near Christ we must be in His Church. Membership in Jesus' true church is a great privilege.

Revelation 2:1 Who walketh in the midst.

Hebrews 13:5,6 I will never leave thee norforsake thee.


Hebrews 4:12 The Word of God is quick, and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword. It

is quick -living. God's Word is not dead. Like its Author it liveth and abideth forever.

Ephesians 6:17 The Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.

Revelation 19:15 Out ofHis mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it He shall smite the nations.

Revelation 20:12 All are judged by the books. - Byblos - the Bible.

In union with Christ they judge the wicked comparing their acts with the statute - book, the Bible. G.C. 661.

Matthew 4:4,7,10 It is written.

The Written Word of God was Christ's only weapon against Satan.


Acts 18:24,28 Mighty in the Scriptures.

The Scriptures were the power of the early church.

In early times the Bible was readfreely by lay people. Catholic Dictionary p. 82.

Revelation 2:2,3 They tested those who claimed to be apostles but found them liars.

We are to bear the burdens of weak saints but we are not to bear with false teachers or preachers.

Zeal for pure doctrine characterized the church of Ephesus or the first period of the Christian church. They hated the doctrines of the Nicolaitans, but they loved Bible truth.

Revelation 2:7 Hear what the Spirit said. This is found in the Bible. The Bible is our only source of power.

This will enable you to overcome and to eat of the Tree of Life and never die again.

Paradise. This world hastens to its end. The Bible ends in Paradise - the Glory Land - Heaven on earth - Forever with the Lord.

Which road are you travelling? We have a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto you do well that you take
heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn. 2 Peter 1:19.



Revelation 1:10 - 13, The whole of Revelation is addressed to the Seven Churches. Why Seven?

  1. Seven is a Complete Number.

The Messages are general messages for all time, yet contain special message for that time.

  1. In a book. Revelation 1:11. Letters to individuals not put into a book.
  2. Revelation 2:25. Hold fast till I come. But literal churches have long since gone.
  3. These messages are addressed to God's people throughout the Christian era.

From of old, students have recognized this. Vitringa, of Holland, whose commentary was published in 1705, wrote:- Under this emblematical representation of the seven churches of Asia, the Holy Spirit has delineated seven different states of the Christian Church, which would appear in succession, extending to the coming of our Lord. So also wrote the learned Joseph Mede, one of the earliest English commentators on Revelation. Coeceius assigned these seven periods as follows:-

  1. Ephesus the apostolic age.
  2. Smyrna the period of pagan persecutions.
  3. Pergamos - from Constantine's time to the great apostasy.
  4. Thyatira - the period of papal supremacy.
  5. Sardis - the.churches of the reformation.
  6. Philadelphia - a church yet to come. (He wrote this in the 17th century).
  7. Laodicea - the last age, preceding the coming of Christ.

The complete church of all time and in all places, the saints from the first to the second advent of the Lord - the messages are therefore for us.

The names of the seven churches addressed are chosen from among the many churches in Asia, and have meanings that serve as symbols. It is impossible to mark a definite beginning and ending of each period or Church. They blend or telescope into each other.

Revelation 1:12, 13, Candlesticks - churches, because they are light-bearers. Psalm119:105, Church to give light of the Bible.

Revelation 1:20, Christ is in the midst of the Churches. .If we want to be near Christ, we must be in His Church. Church membership in the Church of Jesus is a great privilege.

Power of the Early Church lay in Presenting the Bible.

Acts 18:24, 28: Mighty in the Scriptures.

Luke 24:27 Jesus used all the Scriptures.

In early times the Bible was readfreely by lay people. Catholic Dictionary, p. 82.

Revelation 2:2. I know thy works and thy labour.

They knew they were debtors to all. Romans 1:14.

Union of Idol Makers, complained their business was ruined. Acts 19:24-28. Just after the turn of the lst Century, Pliny, governor of Asia minor reported to Emperor Trajan, that many temples were almost entirely deserted.

Revelation 1:16, Out ofHis mouth went a sharp two edged Sword.

Hebrews 4:12 - Word of God.

Ephesians 4:17 - The Sword of the Spirit. Isaiah 11:4 - He shall smite the earth with the rod ofHis


Matthew 4:4 and Revelation 2:12. This was Christ's only weapon.

Two-Edged - The Old and new Testaments. Greek word translated sword, used 7 times in the New Testament.

All Judged by the Bible.

Revelation 20:12.

In union with Christ they judge the wicked, comparing their acts with the statute-book, the bible. G.C. p. 661.

Falling Away from the Bible to Tradition.

Acts 20:28-30. Perverse things would be taught in Church.

Revelation 2:3, Says they are apostles, but they are liars.

Isaiah 8:20, Test by the Law and Testimony.

We are to bear burdens of weak saints, but not bear false ones.

Zeal for pure doctrine characterized the early Church. They hated the doctrines of the

Nicolaitaines, but loved Bible truth.

Revelation 2:7. To hear the Spirit, the Bible, is to eat of the tree of life and never die - Paradise


Revelation 2:6. Thou hated the deeds of the Nicolaitanes, which I also hate.

God loves, but He also hates. He hates sin because it is so deadly. "The wages of sin is death." Every true Christian must hate sin and deception.

Who were the Nicolaitanes? What was their doctrine that Christ twice stated He hated? Revelation 2:6, 15.

The Nicolaitanes were a group of professed Christians who believed in a community of wives. When Thou shall not commit adultery was quoted, their favourite reply was We are not under law, but under grace. They claimed they were free from the law and that the ten commandments are not binding on Christians.

The Nicolaitanes were persons who excused certain forms of impurity, and made the grace of God a cloak for lasciviousness. I believe the heresy was known in latter days as Antinomianism, which declares that grace is sufficient, and that life is of little moment. G. Campbell Morgan, The Letters of Our Lord. p. 23.

The Nicolaitanes were the Antinomians of the Asiatic Church. The life and conduct were little thought of and the faith professed was everything. The existence of a sect called Nicolaitanes in the second century is attested by Irenaeus, Tertullian and Clement of Alexander. The Commentary for Schools, Edited by C.J. Ellicott, D.D.

Their doctrines and lives were equally corrupt. They allowed the most abominable lewdness and adulteries, as well as sacrificing to idols; all of which they placed among things indifferent and pleaded for as branches of Christian liberty. John Wesley, Explanatory Notes Upon the New Testament on Revelation 2.:6

Nicolaitanes taught and practised Ritualism without spirituality, knowledge without practise justification by faith without holiness. Dr. Angus, Bible Handbook.

This dangerous heresy was being taught in the church of Ephesus, - the church of the first century.

Jude 4, warns of ungodly men who were turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness.. Lasciviousness is immorality or profligacy. The Nicolaitanes used the grace of God as an excuse for the violation of God's law - the moral law. They denied the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ. Jude 4. The Nicolaitanes were willing to acknowledge Jesus as their Savior but not as their Lord and Master.

In Luke 6:46 Jesus asked Why call you me Lord, Lord. and do not the things which I say? It was this teaching of the Nicolaitanes in the first century that was still corrupting the church of Pergamos a few centuries later, (Revelation 2:15) that led to the changing of God's Royal Law, - the Ten Commandments. The second commandment that forbids the worship of images was dropped from the ten. When the binding nature of that commandment was emphasized, it was lightly brushed aside with We are not under law, but under grace, Christians are free from the law, We enjoy Christian liberty. The doctrine of the Nicolaitanes was all too evident


Alexander Bower, the historian, states that this argument was used at the Council of Nicaea, (AD. 787) as follows:- They closed the session with an appeal of Anathema against all in general who did not salute, honour, worship, and adore the holy and venerable images, and against the Emperor Leo in particular, his son Copronyus, and the impious assembly of Judaizing bishops convened by the latter for the destruction of images; and the-exaltation of the kingdom of Satan. The fifth session, held on the 4th of Oct., was opened by Tarasius with a declamation, or rather invective, wherein the Iconoclasts were compared to the Jews, Samaritans, Pagans, Mohammedans, Manicheans, etc. When he had done, they were declared by the whole assembly worse than Jews, Samaritans, or Mohammedans, because they destroyed images ignorantly, being strangers to Christianity. When the second commandment was alleged, and other passages out of the Scriptures forbidding the worship of images, they were angry that words spoken so long ago to the Jews should be applied to Christians, as if the precepts of the decalogue were not binding with respect to the Christians, and our Savior had come to destroy the law, and not to fulfil it.

Again, in a note on this Mr. Bower says:- But by God himself, replied the emperor, we are expressly forbidden to make any graven images, to bow down to them, or to worship them. The Jews were forbidden, answered Theodore; but the law given to them is not binding with respect to us Christians, else why should we not be circumcised as well as the Jews? Facts For The Times, G.I. Butler, P.25 extract from History of the Popes, Vol. 2, pp. 157, 158, 159.

Thus the second commandment was dropped from God's Eternal Ten Commandments. This leto further changes in this Royal Law and Daniel 7:25 was fulfilled. God says He hates this antinomianism and commended His people of the first century for hating it too. Revelation 2:6.

There is no need to be confused over the wonderful truth of Grace. Every one who is saved, is saved by Grace. Ephesians 2:8,9. we are saved by grace through faith. It is the gift of God. It is not of works. Grace is not limited to the New Testament, but it covers all time and spans all history.

The Grace of God in the Old Testament.

Titus 2:11 The grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men. Exodus 34:6 To Moses, our Lord was merciful and gracious.

Exodus 25:21 Upon the Ark was the Mercy seat and inside the Ark was placed the testimony - the Ten Commandments.

Genesis 6:8 Before the Flood, Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. Genesis 19:19 Lot, when saved from Sodom declared he had found grace. Jonah 4:2, Jonah said, I knew that Thou art a gracious God.

Psalms 77:9, The Psalmist knew of God's grace. Exodus 33:12 Grace

:13 Grace

:16 Grace

:17 Grace

:19 Gracious 34:6 Gracious.

Zechariah 4:7. It shouts Grace! Grace! Yet some foolishly say there is no grace in the Old Testament. In the Old Testament people were not saved by works, but solely by Grace.

Acts 4:12. Salvation is only through one name Jesus.

Romans 4:6. David was saved without works.

Revelation 1:5. In the Gloryland, all will praise Jesus for salvation through His blood. Revelation 5:13, Revelation 7:14.

In the Old Testament all good men walked in faith and obedience.

Hebrews 11:4. Abel’s faith and obedience,

:5Enoch's faith and obedience,

:7Noah's faith and obedience,

:8, 9Abraham’s faith & obedience.

:23-29 These all obtained a good report through faith.

In the New Testament Faith and Commandments go together. Revelation 14:12. Faith of Jesus and the commandments of God. Romans 3:31. Faith establishes the law


Grace today proves the Commandments are still binding. No one needs Grace or mercy if they have not broken the law. Where there is no law there is no transgression.

Romans 6:14,15, Sin is forbidden under Grace.

John 3:4, Sin is the breaking of God's law. The saved man loves God's Ten Commandments.

Romans 8:7, It is only the carnal mind that hates God’s commandments.

Psalms 1:2, A good man - His delight is in the law of the Lord.

Isaiah 58:13, God's people call the Sabbath a delight, for it is the Lord's day, My holy day.

The keeping of the Commandments is solely the result of salvation

Romans 3:20, No flesh is justified by law, and could not possibly be so.

Romans 3:21, Because all have sinned, therefore our only hope is grace, - God's mercy - His

undeserved favour.

Romans 6:23, All are condemned because they have sinned.

Acts 4:12, Therefore there is salvation in Jesus only.

Saved Men Keep the Commandments.

Matthew 19:17, Jesus said, If thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.

John 14:15, Jesus said, Ifyou love Me, keep My commandments.

Revelation 14:12, Jesus said. Here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of


1 John 2:3, We are not we are saved if we keep His commandments, for only the saved can obey.

1 John 2:4, Claiming to be saved and yet breaking,. the commandments is a lie.

Revelation 22:14, The saved Do His commandments.

Matthew 1:21, His name is Jesus, for He saves from sin - the breaking of God's Commandments.

What a Savior! What a salvation!


The doctrine is now largely taught that the gospel of Christ has made the law of God of no effect; that by believing we are released from the necessity of being doers of the Word. But this is the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes, which Christ so unsparingly condemned. E. G. White in Signs of the Times, Feb. 25, 1897.

It is our work to know our special failings and sins, which cause darkness and spiritual

feebleness, and quenched our first love Is it the sin of the Nicolaitanes, turning, the grace of
God into lasciviousness. E. G. White in the
Revelation iew and Herald June 7, 1897.

Nicolaitanes, believed to be followers of Nicholas, one of the seven deacons in Acts 6:3,5, who abused the grace of God. He became a traitor to the Gospel. As Judas, one of the twelve became a traitor, so Nicholas one of the seven, corrupted the Grace of his Lord.


The Law and the Gospel can not be separated. In Christ mercy and truth are met together, righteousness and peace have kissed each other. The Gospel has not ignored the obligations due to God by man. The Gospel is the Law unfolded, nothing more nor less. It gives no more lattitude to sin than does the Law. The Law points to Christ; Christ points to the Law. The Gospel calls men to repentance. Repentance of what?-Of sin. And what is sin?-It is the transgression of the Law. Therefore the Gospel calls men from their transgressions back to obedience to the Law of God. Jesus in his life and death taught the strictest obedience. He died, the just for the unjust, the innocent for the guilty, that the honour of God’s Law might be preserved and yet man not utterly perish.

The work of salvation in both the Old and the New Testament dispensation is the same. Christ was the foundation of the whole Jewish economy. The types and shadows under which the Jews worshiped, all pointed forward to the world's Redeemer. It was by faith in a coming Savior that sinners were saved then. It is through faith in Christ that they are justified today.

In giving his Son, God gave himself, that man might have another trial. If God could have
changed his Law to meet man in his fallen condition, would he not have done this, and retained

his only-begotten Son in heaven ? -He certainly would. But because his Law was as changeless as his character, he gave his beloved Son, who was above Law, and one with himself, to meet the penalty which his justice demanded.

Satan is working with all his deceptive power to ensnare the world. He would have them believe that this great sacrifice was made in order to abolish God's Law. He represents Christ as opposed

to the Law of God's government in heaven and in earth. But the Sovereign of the world has a law by which to govern his heavenly intelligences and his human family, and the death of his Son fixes the immutability of that law beyond any question. God has no intention of doing away with his great standard of righteousness. By this standard he can define what a correct character is.

Christ consented to die in the sinner's stead that man by a life of obedience might escape the penalty of the 1aw of God. His death did not make the law of God of none effect; it did not sly the

law, lessen its claims, or detract from its sacred dignity. The death of Christ proclaimed the

justice of his Father’s law in punishing the transgressor. in that he consented to suffer the penalty of the law transgressed himself, in order to save fallen man from its curse. The death of God’s

beloved Son on the cross shows the immutability of the Law of God. His death magnifies the Law and makes it honourable, and gives evidence to man of its changeless character. From his own divine lips are heard the words, “Think not that I am come to destroy the Law or the prophets. I am come not to destroy but to fulfil”. The death of Christ justified the claims of the law.

But the doctrine is now largely taught that the Gospel of Christ has made the Law of God of no
effect: that by “believing” we are released from the necessity of being doers of the word. But this

is the doctrine of the Nicolaitans which Christ so unsparingly condemned. To the church of

Ephesus he says, I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and thy works, and thy
labour, and how thou canst not bear them which say they are apostles, and are not, and has found

them liars; and has borne, and has patience, and for my name’s sake has laboured, and has not fainted. Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou has left thy first love. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen and repent, and do thy first works, or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent. But this thou has that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.

Those who are teaching this doctrine today have much to say in regard to faith and the Righteousness of Christ; but they pervert the truth, and make it serve the cause of error. They declare that we have only to believe on Jesus Christ, and that faith is all sufficient; that the righteousness of Christ is to be the sinner’s credentials, that this imputed righteousness fulfils the
law for us, and that we are under no obligation to obey the law of God. This class claim that

Christ came to save sinners, and that he has saved them. “I am saved” they will repeat over and

over again. But are they saved while transgressing the law of Jehovah- No: for the garments of
Christ’s righteousness are not a cloak for iniquity. Such teaching is a gross deception, and Christ

becomes to these people a stumbling block as he did to the Jews,- to the Jews because they would not receive him as their personal Savior: to these professed believers in Christ because they separate Christ and the Law and regardfaith as a substitute for obedience.

They separate the Father and the Son, the Savior of the world. Virtually they teach. both by precept and example, that Christ, by his death, saves men in their transgressions.


It is necessary that every intelligent being shall understand the principles of the law of God. Christ through the apostle James declares, Whosoever shall keep the whole law, and Yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. These words were spoken this side of the death of Christ: therefore the Law was binding upon all at that time.

The Savior raised his voice in protest against those who regard the divine commandments with indifference and carelessness. He said, Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven; but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall he called great in the kingdom of heaven. And he also declared, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in nowise, pass from the 1aw till all be fulfilled.

Men may talk of freedom. of Gospel liberty. They may assert that they are not in bondage to the 1aw. But the influence of a Gospel hope will not lead the sinner to look upon the salvation of Christ as a matter of free grace, while he continues to live in transgression of the 1aw of God. When the light of truth dawns upon his mind, and he fully understands the requirements of God, and realizes the extent of his transgressions, he will reform his ways, become loyal to God through the strength obtained from his Savior, and lead a new and purer life.

Whosoever abideth in him, says John, sinneth not: Whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him.

E. G. White. THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES, Feb 25, 1897.

SMYRNA 100-323 AD

Revelation 2:8-11 SMYRNA - Myrrh, AD.100 - 323. The crushed seeds used as perfume.

Christ here gives reasons why some lost out. Persecution and hatred always follow when truth is accepted.

Persecution followed from Gaul (France) to Africa and Syria. About AD. 177 prejudice grew. Christians were forbidden to show themselves in public places. They were not to buy or sell in the markets. They were insulted, stoned, robbed, scoffed at and imprisoned.

Revelation 2:10 Tribulation ten days. Under Diocletian medals were struck bearing the words, The Christians are no more. Ten days, or years. Ezekiel 4:6. 303 - 313 AD.

A girl saw mother thrown to lions, she rose in the Arena saying I too am a Christian. She followed the fate of her mother, i.e. of spirit of martyrs.

AD.313 Myers says, By a decree issued at Milan, 313 AD., the year after the battle at Milvian Bridge, Constantine placed Christianity on an equal footing with the other religions of the empire.

The language of this famous edict of toleration. the Magna Carta, as it has been called, by the Church, was important as follows:- We grant to Christians and to all others full liberty of following that religion which each may choose. For the first time in history, the principle of universal toleration was (thus) officially laid down.

But by subsequent edicts Constantine made Christianity in effect the state religion and extended to it a patronage which he withheld from the old pagan worship. He granted the Christian societies the right to receive gifts and legacies, and he himself enriched the Church with donations of money and grants of land. This marks the beginning of the great possessions of the Church, and with these the entrance into it of a worldly spirit. From this moment can be traced the decay of its primitive simplicity and a decline from its early high moral standard. General History, pp. 219, 220.

Historian Theodoret describes the gathering of elders at the Council of Nicaea, some years after the end of the persecution. (AD. 325). Some without eyes, some without arms, which had been pulled out of their sockets, others with their bodies horribly maimed in different ways. Many did not survive the persecution. Ecclesiastical History, 1:6.

Revelation 2:9, Say they are Jews. Jews were once God's people, but apostatised.

Romans 2:28, 29, Inwardly. John Wesley wrote, Who say they are Jews, - God’s won people, And are not, They are not Jews inwardly, not circumcised in the heart, But a synagogue of' Satan, who, like them, was a liar and a murderer from the beginning. Explanatory Notes Upon the New Testament, by John Wesley on Revelation 2:9.

John 8:39, You would do the works of Abraham.

John 8:37. Descendants of Abraham condemned Jesus, therefore it is not descent, name or
claim that counts, but fruit. Matthew 7:16.

John 8:44. Jesus said they were children of the devil. True Apostolic Succession is not in a

name or line, but in teaching or character.

Hebrews 11:8,17, Abraham left his business, home, even his son. Abraham went out
blindfolded in obedience to God.

Revelation 2:9. The Congregation of Satan, T.C.N.T. They are rather the chosen people of Satan. Knox.

Christians of these times (Revelation ) were turning from the Bible and God's commandments - this led into the dark ages. This is the reason why Jesus says they belong to the church of Satan.

Seven Churches. Promises I will.

Are like a string of pearls when we gather them together. These pearls of promise strung on the prophetic outline of the seven churches have a special lustre for the period.

PERGAMOS 323 - 538 AD.

From the conversion of Constantine to the full setting up of the Papacy.

Revelation 2:12, The Sharp Sword With Two Edges. (Most swords have one edge.) This

sword has two edges. It is the Old and the New Testaments. Hebrews 4:12. Sword of the Spirit is a much better instrument of protection than the sword of the state. Revelation 2:16.

Revelation 2:13, Satan's Seat. Babylon's religion was transferred to Pergamos and then to

Rome. When the Persians over-threw Babylon. they gave the inhabitants of the city their freedom. But the Babylonian priests later led a revolt and were driven from the city. The defeated Chaldeans fled to Asia Minor, and fixed their central college at Pergamos, and took the palladium of Babylon, the cubic stone, with them. Here, independent of state control, they carried on the rites of their religion. William B. Barker, Lares and Penates, pages 232, 233. Pergamos, therefore, became the seat of the satanic system of the Babylonian mysteries.

Pergamos was a city of temples, the most important of which was the Temple of Zeus. This temple was dedicated to Aesculapins, the serpent god or the god of healing or the man instructing serpent, who gave man the knowledge of good and evil. A living serpent was always kept in the Temple of Zeus as an object of worship. A famous school of medicine was also located there, the emblem of which was the serpent or the caduceus twined around a pole. This has come down to us today as the emblem of the medical profession. The city was a great educational centre. Its library of 200,000 books rivaled the Egyptian library at Alexandria. When Egypt refused to supply the people of Pergamos with papyrus for the manufacture of paper, they prepared a new kind of writing material from carefully treated skins. This new writing material was called parchment. Error was enthroned in those days. The historian Neander well says:

The reign of Constantine bears witness that the state which seeks to establish Christianity by the worldly means of at its command, may be the occasion of more injury to this holy cause than the earthly power which opposes it with whatever force. General History of the Christian Religion and Church, Vol. 11, p. 41.

Of the spirit of compromise in that age, the famous Roman Catholic author, Cardinal Newman, wrote:

Confiding then in the power of Christianity to resist the infection of evil, and to transmute the very instruments and appendages of demon worship to an evangelical use,....the rulers of the church from early times were prepared, should the occasion arise, to adopt, or imitate, or sanction the existing rites and customs of the populace as well as the philosophy of the educate class. Development of Christian Doctrine, pp.371, 372.

Antipas, It is hardly likely that a single martyr out of the thousands who died would be selected for special mention. This must be a collective name to describe the opposition to the rising Papacy.

  1. Anti - against.
  2. Pas - papa, pope.

Papacy was developing at this time. Matthew 23:9, Call no man your father. Faithful Christians were opposing the papal growth.

Revelation 2:14. The Doctrine of Balaam.

Balaam, for money tried in vain to bring a curse on Israel. Num. 22 - 25. Finally, he advised the heathen to persuade Israel to take part in worship of Baal, to compromise. So, in these centuries, compromise brought paganism in to the Church.

AD. 538, 1. Last of the Arian Gothic king overthrown.

  1. Pope declared head of all churches and the corrector of heretics.
  2. New line of popes.

Revelation 2:17, The Hidden Manna, a pot of manna was in the Ark besides the Ten

Commandments. Hebrews 9:3,4. This was known as the Hidden Manna.

John 6:31-33. This typified Christ. Like the Manna from Heaven,

Christ is from Heaven.

He is free to all.

He meets the need of all, wise and unwise, strong and weak.

He comes into the heart quietly, like the manna falling from Heaven.

He alone writes the Ten Commandments in our hearts and will provide for those who obey Him.

The White Stone,

  1. The White Stone cast into the urn meant acquittal, while the black stone meant condemnation.
  2. Freed slaves were given a white stone on which their names were written.
  3. If a gladiator won fifteen victories, he was given a white stone, a symbol of freedom and honour.

THYATIRA 538 - 1517 AD

THYATIRA. Contrition. The noontide of the Papacy was the midnight of the world. Wylie. Thyatira is the middle church of the seven, and consequently stands as a symbol of the Church of the Middle Ages.

B. Holzhauser, (Roman Catholic writer), The Apocalypse, P. 158.

Revelation 2:18. The Son of God. It should be noted that the term Son of Man is used throughout Revelation. Here is the only time the phrase Son of God is used. Although baptized paganism - sun worship - filled the corrupt Church, Christ still rules.

His Eyes Like a Flame of Fire. Probably in answer to the sun-worship that was uppermost in Thyatira and in this period Sunday, the day dedicated to this pagan worship was enforced. Revelation 2:19. The last to be more than the first. This period ends with the Reformation.

Revelation 2:20. The great temple of Apollo, the sun god, had a commanding position in Thyatira. In this temple was an altar dedicated to the queen of heaven.

That Woman Jezebel. Jezebel was a princess of Tyre. She was a priestess of Baal worship. By her marriage to Ahab, she became Queen of Israel. As a priestess of Baal, she introduced sun worship into Israel. She was intensely religious and supported personally hundreds of priests at her own table. 1 Kings 18:19. She led almost the whole of Israel into apostasy. 1260 days of drought followed. Elijah led Israel back to truth and the worship of God. Finally Jezebel and the whole house of Ahab were destroyed by Jehu. Thus Jezebel fittingly illustrates the time when sun worship with its forms and ceremonies came into Christendom.

An early Commentator,- The application of this fourth period to the time of papal supremacy was clearly seen by an early writer, A. Maddock, of the Church of England, who wrote of this prophecy in 1777:

This state of the corruption of the church of Christ, by the popish doctrines of the Church of Rome, and the pope's tyrannising over the consciences of men, most plainly mark this era of the church, which began at the time when the pope was declared supreme over all other bishops, and lasted till his power and reign met with a check at the Reformation, when began. the Sardian church-state, which still continues. Letter Upon the Downfall of Antichrist.

A Roman Catholic historian sees the same period covered by the message to Thyatira:

This message reveals the interior condition of the church of the Middle Ages which extended from the sixth to the sixteenth century. ... The material prosperity of the church culminated in the Middle Ages.... It became one of the richest institutions in the world. In the train of wealth came luxury, and in the lap of luxury lay vice.

Apocalypse of St. John, Ratton, pp. 155-159.

giving him temporal and religious authority over all churches. There followed 1260 years of the Dark Ages, (AD. 538 -1798). Persecution and the martyrdom of multitudes followed. These days In AD. 538 Emperor Justinian gave to the Bishop of Rome the title "the Corrector of Heretics," thus were shortened for the elects sake. Matthew 24:22.

Revelation 2:21, God was gracious to even Jezebel - she had opportunity to repent. The

Reformation was God's appeal. But she repented not.

Revelation 2:22. As Jezebel’s sin brought tragic results 2 Kings 9:30-37, so on the Papacy came fearful retribution in the French Revolution. She had killed with the sword and with fire and her priests were destroyed with the same weapons. From the Pope downward she faced banishment and death. Her bed of fornication became a bier of death.

Spiritual Babylon will receive double according to her works. Revelation 18:6

Revelation 2:23. Kill her children. This terrible pronouncement against corrupt Christianity came literally true. Why?,

  1. Not merely to punish, but to awake...
  2. Probably principal factor that shook men from lethargy of the Dark Ages.

Plague - Black Death - In England Germany, France and Italy estimated that 25,000,000 died. Just as Saul was struck blind, so God had to jar men from their stupor.

Revelation 2:24. No other burden. The Sabbath truth was reserved for the last generation.

Power over the nations. During the Dark Ages, the saints faced humiliation but they will judge their persecutors. 1 Corinthians 6:2,3.

Over the nations. Some have thought this may be over the nations of other worlds. Revelation 2:27. See lesson When Christ Rules With a Rod of Iron.

Revelation 2:28. The night ends and the Bright and Morning Star will be with the saints forever as they share with Christ His authority and power to judge and execute.

SARDIS (1517-1798)

SARDIS 1517-1798. That which remains. Little more need be done than to read that epistle (letter to Sardis) to see our own likeness. Dr. A. Maddock of England, a Church of England vicar, written in 1777.

Revelation 3:1. God's message to a dead and dying Church. To the Church of the waning Reformation. The reformers were men of God, but their followers, thinking that all was won, settled down to organized religion. Many became state religions supported by government funds.

Revelation 3:2. I have notfound thy works perfect, notfound thy works fulfilled. R.V.

They had not walked in the light. Protestantism started well, but it did not continue to advance in light.

John Robinson. pastor of the English flock in Holland emphasized this in his farewell counsel to the Pilgrims as they were setting forth in the Mayflower for New England in 1620. He charged them that reformation meant walking in the ever-increasing light to shine forth from Holy Scripture. The Reformation was only begun, not ended. He said:

I charge you, before God and His blessed angels, that you follow me no farther than you have seen me follow the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord has more truth yet to break forth out of His holy word. I cannot sufficiently bewail the condition of the reformed churches who are come to a period in religion, and will go at present no farther than. the instruments of their reformation. Luther and Calvin were great and shining lights in their time, yet they penetrated not into the whole counsel of God. I beseech you remember it,-'tis an article of your church covenant,-that you be ready to receive whatever truth shall be made known to you from the written word of God"-Motley's Rise of the Dutch Republic, p. 205.

Dr John Gill, of England wrote of this prophecy of Sardis in 1748.

If it should 1t should be asked, What time is it with us now? whereabouts we are? and what is yet to come out of the night? as a faithful watchman, I will give you the best account I can. I take it, as we are in the Sardian church state, in the last part of it, which brought on the Reformation and represents that. We are in the decline of that state, and there are many things said of that church which agree with us, as that we have a name that we live, and are dead etc. It is sort of twilight with us, between clear and dark, between day and night.

Revelation 3:4, Few Names Even in Sardis.

Such men as Whitefield and the Wesleys escaped the prevailing decay and sought to revive faith and truth.

PHILADELPHIA (1798-1844)

PHILADELPHIA 1798-1844. Brotherly Love. Period of the Advent Awakening.

Revelation 3:7. The door or way into the Holy of Holies was opened in Heaven. Christ entered into the second phase of His ministry. Light shines from the open door of the Heavenly Sanctuary and no man can stop that light.

The door of missionary endeavour opens on earth:-

William Carey to India,


Robert Morrison to China,


Robert Moffat to Africa,


David Livingstone to Africa,


British and Foreign Bible Society American Bible Society, 1816.

These were the beginnings of missionary movement to take the everlasting Gospel to all. Revelation 14:6, 7.

Freedom to preach truth is fast disappearing, but will not entirely pass away, until He who shuts and no man can open allows it.

He that hath the Key.

Old Philadelphia was a key city, located in a mountain pass. Christ holds the Keys of death and the

grave. Revelation 1:18.

He holds the Key to the second apartment of the Heavenly Sanctuary.

He holds the Key to the close of probation. Revelation 22:11.

He holds the Key to Paradise.

There in no message of rebuke or censure of any kind to the Church of Philadelphia.

Revelation 3:10. Kept the Word ofMy Patience

My Message. I will keep thee. The Hour... to try them. The coming time of trouble. 2 Thessalonians 2:8 - 12.

Revelation 3:11. I come quickly.

It is worthy of note that more and more definite are the announcements of our Lord's return. To the first three churches the second advent is not mentioned, because it was in the distant future. For the Church of the Middle Ages was the first call given to hold fast till I come. Sardis is warned of Jesus coming as a thief to those unprepared, while to Philadelphia the imminence of Christ's return is impressed.

Revelation 3:12, A Pillar. On four marble pillars that have survived among ruins in
Philadelphia, inscriptions have been found. The faithful were thus honoured. Their names were inscribed on a pillar.

I will write on him. Christ's Name is written in our forehead. We are labelled for the New Jerusalem.

LAODICEA (1844-end)

LAODICEA 1844 to the end. Judging the people.

As the seven coloured rainbow spans the heavens, so the seven churches span the centuries from the earthly ministry of our Lord to His second coming. We now come to the last period,

1844 on to the end. It therefore applies particularly to the Christian Church just before the return of Christ, during the preadvent judgement.

The name Laodicea can be also interpreted a Just People, or a Justified People.

We are justified by His grace. Romans 3:24. We are justified by His blood. Romans 5:9. We are justified by faith. Romans 5:1 Grace is the source, Christ's blood is the means and faith is the method. We show it by works. James 2:22,24.

The message to Laodicea is unexpectedly and astonishingly severe. But it comes from Christ. The love of many shall wax cold. Matthew 24:12.

Revelation 3:14. Laodicea. Built by Antiochus 2nd in honour of his wife Laodice. (Daniel 11:6). Situated at the road Junction, a city of wealth, large markets, banking exchange and manufacturing. Proud and self satisfied, "City of Compromise." It is used as an illustration of last day Christians.

The Amen . The Unchanging One. T.C.N.T. Sure, positive. I am the truth. He is the last word, the

end to which nothing can be added. He is the Amen.

True Witness. He is the Truth.

The Beginning. The Origin.

The Origin of God's creation. Goodspeed

The Prime Source of all God's creation. N.E.B.

The Origin of God's creation. Moffatt.

The Source from which God's creation began. Knox.

The Beginning and Lord of God's creation. Weymouth.

The Origin and Beginning and Author of God's creation. Amp. N.T.

Christ was the One who spake and it was done; he commanded and it stood fast. Psalm 33:9. He

was the Creator, John 1:1-3. Colossians 1:13-16, Ephesians 3:9. He is also the Author and

Finisher of our faith. Hebrews 12:2.

Creation. Creation (in Genesis 1 and 2) referred to more than 40 times in O.T. and many times in

the N.T. Christ speaks to this christianised but sceptical and self satisfied generation, which has

lost it's God in the theories of science falsely so called. 1 Timothy 6:20. The aim of evolution is to

destroy faith in the Creator. It does away with the fall of man and hence his need of a Savior.

Evolution and the Bible cannot be harmonized. God's last Message will call people to worship

Him who created the world in six days. Revelation 14:6,7.

Creation may be out of favour, but it is not out of date.

Revelation 3:15. Hot. Glowing, fervent zeal. Romans 12:11. It is earnestness which does not know itself earnest. It is self-forgetful, rather than ambitious.

Cold. Those yet untouched by the Gospel of Love.

Revelation 3:16. Lukewarm. Neither earnest for God, nor indifferent. 2 Kings 17:33. A people that is satisfied with a feeble spark of grace and is almost impervious to the further impress of the Spirit. They want to be well-spoken of by the world, while they flatter themselves they are right with God. This class are in danger of betraying their Master, Judas-like, with a kiss.

They all slumbered. Matthew 25:5.

This is the Laodicean period.

Revelation 3:16. Spue thee out of My mouth. They will not be God's mouth piece. They have God's Message. This indicates a rejection of those who refuse His Word. In Hebrews 12:25-28 it is called a shaking. In Ezekiel 20:33-38, I will purge out from among you the rebels.

This is the last Church with the last Message.

Revelation 3:17. Self-satisfaction leads to self-deception. I am rich in worldly goods, (unlike Smyrna, Revelation 2:9). This leads to a quite unaggressive kind of religion. They are proud of their intellectual wealth. They are satisfied with their spiritual state. They are hypocrites that do not know they are hypocrites. They think they are good. They have everything in the Church of Laodicea except the Lord Jesus Christ. He is outside.

Revelation 3:18, I council thee to buy. How can poor and naked buy? Isaiah 55:l.

Gold. The true riches. James 2:15,

Rich in faith. 1 Timothy 6:18, rich in good works.

White Robes. Revelation 19:8 Christ's own righteousness. Made white in the blood of the Lamb.

Revelation 3:20, Christ waits! For what? For a man. If any man, Christ will be his guest.

Then he becomes Christ’s guest. Thus the remedy for Laodicea is not condemnation, but Jesus. It is not only personal union, but also eternal union with our Lord.

If a multi-millionaire knocked on your door and offered you his fortune, you would invite him in.
The unsearchable riches of Christ is offered. Remember the knocking hand is a nail-pierced hand.

Revelation 3:21. Two Thrones. Only Christ can sit on God's throne with His Father. Only God and the God-Man sit here.

Sit with Me on My throne.

Romans 8:17. Joint-heirs with Christ. That is better than being a millionaire. This promise is the climax of an ascending series of wonderful promises. This crowning promise is made to Laodicea, the most unpleasing Church. Thus the highest place is within the reach of the lowest. The smallest flame can grow in grace to the mightiest fire of love for Christ and the souls for whom He died.

The structure of these Messages, like the whole of the Bible, reveals the Hand of the Master.

TO EPHESUS: Thus said He that walketh amid the seven golden lamps. Revelation 2:1 Repent or

I will remove thy lamp. Revelation 2:5

TO SMYRNA: Thus said the First and the Last which was dead and is alive. Revelation 2:8

Be faithful unto death and 1 will give thee a crown of life. Revelation 2:10

TO PERGAMOS: Thus said He that hath the sharp two-edged sword. Revelation 2:12

Repent or I will fight thee with the sword of My mouth. Revelation 2:1

TO THYATIRA: Thus said the Son of God. who hath His eyes like unto a flame of fire.

Revelation 2:18

All ... shall know that I Am He that searcheth the reins and hearts. Revelation 2:23

TO SARDIS: These things said He that hath the seven Spirits of God. Revelation 3:1 Let him hear what the Spirit said unto the churches. Revelation 3:6. Repeated seven times.

TO PHILADELPHIA : Thus said He that hath the Key of David, who openeth and no man shutteth. Revelation 3:7 I have set before thee an open door and no man can shut it. Revelation 3:8 TO LAODICEA: These things said the Amen .... the Origin of creation. Revelation 3:14

I will come in to him and sup with him and he with Me. Revelation 3:21.

The Isle of Patmos


THE Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John

Revelation 1:1, The purpose of Revelation is clear. It is to show what will come to pass.

Revelation means an unveiling. (Greek Apocalypse). It is an unveiling of that which was veiled. The only one who can unveil the future is Christ. Thus events will confirm the Revelation and the Revelation will explain the confusing events of history both past and present.

Christ is the Author of All Prophecy.

1 Peter 1:10,11. Christ is the Master Prophet.

Revelation 5:3-5. Christ alone can break the seal of coming events.

First Five Verses Revelation eal Much of Jesus.

Revelation 1:4, (a) Him which is, which was, and which is to come. Christ alone can explain the past, present and future.

  1. Faithful Witness. People laughed at Him. Did anyone ever spit in your face?
  2. First Begotten From the Dead – His Pre-eminence. Revelation 1:18, was dead Destroy this temple and in three days will raise it up. Did any other religious leaders foretell like this?
  3. Prince of Kings of Earth. Some day all bow to Him. Phil. 2:9 - 11. Note:- You do not need to build up the morale of an army that is sure of victory. Our King will win.

Revelation 1:5 Him that loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood.

Why did He love us? - He should have destroyed us. We turned our backs on Him. Yet He loved us. Psalm 103:10, 11.

Washed - loosed. How? By His blood. (See Power of the Blood of the Lamb as revealed in Revelation.

Revelation 22:16,20. Revelation bears signature of Jesus. Revelation meant much to the early Church. Whole of Revelation could be reproduced by the early fathers.


After the rebuke to the Church of Laodicea and the promise to them of being able to sup with Christ in glory, Christ gives us a glimpse of the Glory Country, where we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the Righteous.

Revelation 4: 1. Door open in heaven. This was a Sabbath day vision.

Ezekiel 46:1,2. In the type it was only open on the Sabbath. Revelation 1:10. 1t was on the Lord ‘s Day, the Sabbath.

Revelation 4:6. Throne set in heaven. This is where Christ invites us to sit with Him. Revelation


Revelation 4:3. Note the colours - evidently beautiful in form and feature. He is also a

lover of the beautiful. This is seen in the birds, butterflies, fish and sunsets.

Note the Position. lst. Jesus our Advocate. Revelation 4:6.

2nd. Four living creatures, RV. Revelation 4:4. 3rd. Twenty four elders.

1 Jesus - A Great High Priest.

4 Living Creatures.

24 Elders.

The Old Testament Type.

lst. Exodus 40:13. Aaron the High Priest, (1 Chron. 24:1) 2nd. Exodus 40:14. Four sons of Aaron, (1 Chron. 24: 1) 3rd. 1Chr.24:4. Twenty-four orders of Priests.

1 High Priest,

4 Sons of Aaron,

24 Orders of Priests.

Revelation 5:8,9. They are redeemed from the earth.

Revelation 5: 10. They are made priests and minister as Christ' s assistants.

If the dead sleep till the Resurrection, how do these humans get to Heaven? Are they real? Matthew 27:51-53. Some saints arose with Jesus.

Ephesians 4:8. When Christ ascended He took a multitude of captives- those rescued from captivity of the grave, Satan's prison. Thus Matthew records their resurrection. Paul records their ascension.

John sees them in Heaven.

What are the Beasts or Living Creatures R.V.? Ezekiel 1:5. Four Living Creatures.

Genesis 1: 10. Same description as Revelation 4:7. Ezekiel 10:14,15,20. They are cherubims, angels.

Why the Symbols? They are the flags of the Camp of Israel

Just before the children of Israel left Sinai, they celebrated the Passover. It was in the beautiful springtime when they again set out on their journey toward the Promised Land. This vast multitude of more than half a million, besides women and children, was arranged under four standards. The colour of Judah's standard was green, and his emblem a 1ion; the emblem of Reuben was a man; the emblem of Ephraim’s standard was an ox or calf, and its colour gold; Dan's standard was red and white, with the emblem of an eagle. Id., pp. 143, 144.

Thus in Heaven we have a miniature of the camp of Israel - the church of God. The family of Heaven and the family of earth are one. D.A. p. 835.

Ephesians 1: 10. Christ unites heaven and earth.

Ephesians 3:15. The whole family of heaven and earth. Thus we have redeemed fellow saints in glory today.

They are forerunners of the great homecoming..

Phil . 3:20. The state to which we are citizens is in heaven: (20th Cent.)

We are a colony of Heaven. (Moffatt)

A colony was established by a few volunteers going to an alien 1and. There they 1ived, 1ike their homeland. They had the emblem of loyalty of their homeland. They were a colony

We are a colony of heaven in an alien land. We have the flag of Heaven - the sign or seal of Heaven.

May we be loyal citizens of the homeland to which we are a colony.


There are seven I Wills of Jesus in Revelation and each one is given to one of the Seven Churches. When gathered together they are like a string of pearls. These pearls of precious promises shine forth with special lustre for their period and then unitedly glow for the saints of all periods.

Seven, the perfect number, denotes completeness. Thus the seventh-day Sabbath completed creation week.


In the first and last books of the Bible we are told to number.

Genesis 15.5, Number the stars. (This is the first mathematical problem in the Bible.

Revelation 13:18, Count the number.

Psalm 119. In the centre of the Bible, Psalm 119 is divided into 22 times 8. In the first 8 verses,

each verse begins with the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The second 8 verses with the second

letter. It is measured by numbers.

Seven is a combination of two other unique numbers, namely 3 and 4.

THREE is the number of the Trinity.

Matthew 28:19. Threefold number.

Isaiah 6:3. Holy, holy, holy.

Num. 6:24-26.

FOUR is often linked with the world.

Daniel 2. Four metals in symbol of mankind.

Daniel 7. Four beasts.

Acts 10:11. Sheet by four corner.

Revelation 7:1 Four winds.

Four seasons.

Four quarters of the earth.

Four kinds of seed - world.

Revelation 14:6,7. Every Nation, Kindred, Tongue and People.

Many Sevens are divided into Three and Four. Lord's Prayer:-

1.Hallowed be Thy Name.

Riches of God - 2.Kingdom come.

3. Thy will be done.

Poverty of Man. 1.Give us.

  1. Forgive us.
  2. Lead us.
  3. Deliver us.


Seven Seals - 4 Horsemen and 3 signs of Advent. Seven Trumpets - 4 Western Rome and 3 Woes. Seven Sayings on the Gross.

Seven Colours, (3 Primary + 4).

Seven = Union of God and mankind.

Religion means to bind or tie back to God.

Seven Churches, the same order is seen.

Revelation 2:7,11,17. Hear, then the promise. Revelation 2:26, 3:5,6; 12,13; 21,22.

In the first three churches we are told to Hear, then the Promise is given.

In the last four the order is reversed. The Promise is given first and then we are told to Hear.

The Order of Christ's Promises. I will reveals the Unfolding of Christ from the beginning on earth to the Full Consummation in Heaven.

First Four promises. Journey of Israel parallels the Church’s journey to Glory.

  1. Revelation 2:7. Tree ofLife. This was lost in Genesis 3.
  2. Revelation 2:11. Not hurt in Second Death. When sin entered, death followed.
  3. Revelation 2:17. Hidden Manna. This brings us to the Wilderness journey, when the Church was in the Wilderness. Acts 7.
  4. Revelation 2:26. Triumph over nations. Triumphant reign of David and Solomon.

The Last Three Promises. Lift us from Earth to Heaven.

  1. Revelation 3:5. Not blot name from the Book of life. Robe of white.
  2. Revelation 3:12. New Jerusalem.
  3. Revelation 3:21. Crowning promise (and given to the Laodiceans). Seated with Christ on His throne.

As the Seventh promise finally links Christ with His saints, so the Seventh day, which is the sign of God, His Seal or Mark, is a sign of union between Me and you. Ezekiel 20:20. Thus the Sabbath brings union between God and His people. This is the message given to the Laodiceans.

Seven, or Seventh, is found .57 times in Revelation.

Here in Revelation we see the Wonderful Numberer at work.

Daniel 8:13. Margin, The Numberer of Secrets or The Wonderful Numberer. This is none other than our Creator and Redeemer.

The same One is revealed in His Creation. The Great Architect of the Universe now appears as a pure mathematician, declared Sir James Jean.

God ever arithmetizes wrote the 19th Century Prussian, Carl Gustau.

The Universe appears to have been designed by a pure mathematician, Mathematics, by David Bergamini and the Editors of Life.

Isaiah 40:28. He bringeth out their host by number.

 Psalms 147:4. He telleth the number of the stars.


This prophecy is so apt it has been dramatized in the film. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. The primary purpose of Revelation is to show what is coming. Each prophecy doubles back and covers the same periods, just as the Gospels four times cover the life of Christ. Revelation, Christ's special Book, covers the Christian era in Seven Churches, Seven Seals, and Seven Trumpets.

In Edward Gibbons. -History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, chapter 15, paragraph 54, we read, The progress of Christianity was not confined to the Roman Empire, but the new religion, within a century after the death of its divine Author. had already visited every part of the globe. As to numbers, the same historian declared that the Christian congregation in the city of Rome numbered not less than 50,000, and that of

Antioch 100,000 or one fifth of the Population. The Christian population within the empire alone was estimated at 5,000,000. In Romans 1:8, Paul, writing to the church in Rome, said: "I thank my God ... that yourfaith is spoken of throughout the whole world.

Revelation 6:1,2

White- Purity. Isaiah 1:18.

Bow. Hab. 3:9, Thy bow.... even thy Word. The only weapon used by Christians in the first century was the Bible, and with this they triumphed.

Revelation 6:3.4, Red. The contrast of colour is significant. Though your sins be as scarlet tread

like crimson, Isaiah 1:18.

Red dragon Revelation: 12:3.

Scarlet woman and beast. Revelation 17:3,4.

Red, sin and compromise

The falling, away from truth was beginning as predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4, Acts 20:30.

During this Red period, peace was taken from the earth. War and persecution followed.

Revelation 6:5,6. Black. (AD 323 - 538)

Beginning as white, (purity and power) the Church became corrupted and became subject to the powers of darkness. Black is the symbol of evil, error, defeat and spiritual darkness. In AD323 Christianity became the religion of the state.

From Constantine on, the Christian record undergoes a fundamental change. Many will contend that it was not a change for the better. At one swoop, Christian congregations throughout the empire were swamped with. hordes of candidates clamouring for baptism, whose only motive for becoming Christians was to get on board the imperial bandwagon.

The new Christians were, so far as thinking and habits went, the same old pagans; their desire for baptism was strictly prudential. Their surge into the churches did not mean that Christianity had wiped out paganism. On the contrary, hordes of baptized pagans meant that paganism had diluted the moral energies of organized Christianity to the point of social impotence. St. Jerome and St. Augustine both deplored the corruption of the Christian community by the sudden influx of the unconverted.

Even more distressing, as one looks back, was the alacrity with which the Christian clergy who had suffered under pagan persecution turned to persecuting their opponents. In the hour of victory, writes Arnold Toynbee, the intransigence of the Christian martyrs degenerated into the intolerance of Christian persecutors who had picked up from the martyrs' defeated pagan opponents the fatal practice of resorting to physical force as a short cut to victory in religious controversy.

Source: Paul Hutchinson and Winfred E. Garrison. 20 Centuries of Christianity: A Concise History (Ist ed.), pp. 57, 58. 1959 by Harcourt, Brace and World, Inc., New York.

Commercialism replaced the Bible and piety. Everything in the Church had its price.

Isaiah 55:1, without money and without price. Church teaching took the place of Bible teaching.

Measure of Wheat. This was the scanty daily allowance for a soldier.

Penny, A days wages, Matthew 20:2. This was a time of spiritual famine. Tradition and the fathers were taught rather than the Bible. The Bible became a lost Book.

Constantine, while professing Christianity, conquered by compromise. He opened the door of the Church to pagan rites, penance, celibacy, Sunday keeping, purgatory and images.

Revelation 6:7.8. Pale, - symbol of death. (AD 538-1517)

When a plant is shut away from the sun, it loses its colour and turns pale. The rays of the Sun of Righteousness were largely shut out in the Dark Ages. Professed ministers of light became the ministers of death, controlled by the instigator of death, the devil. Hebrews 2:14. These ministers of death killed men by hunger, sword, and beasts.

The noon of the Papacy was the midnight of the world. J.R. Wylie.

H.G. Wells describes the Papacy as an attempt at world domination through religion.

Pitiless persecution followed and probably 150,000.000 martyrs died. Of this time Isaac Watts wrote:

Must I be carried to the skies In flowery beds of ease, While others fought to win the prize And sailed through gory seas.

On May 5th, 1514 in St. John Lateran cathedral was held one of the greatest councils. It was announced that there was not one heretic to be found, they had all been exterminated.

On Oct. 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the Church door and the Reformation was under way.

Revelation 6:9-11, The Reformation broke the power of persecution. (1517 - 1798)

White The Reformation and its cry The Bible and the Bible only brought a vindication of the truth for which the martyrs had died. The words of Revelation 6:10,11 are on the martyrs' monument in Greyfriars Graveyard in Edinburgh.

On my visit to Edinburgh, Scotland, I made a special effort to see the ancient churchyard at Greyfriars. I suppose it is noted in the minds of most people because of the fact that here is buried Greyfriars Bobby, a faithful dog which stayed by his masters grave for fourteen years, in spite of all efforts to take him away. But I was particularly interested in seeing the

monument there to the martyrs of this very period of church history. This great monument is erected over the graves of hundreds of martyrs, and on it this very text of Scripture from the book of Revelation is inscribed. As the blood of righteous Abel cried out to God for vengeance, so the blood of these martyrs cries to Him for vengeance in this figure of personification.

Revelation 6:9-11, The martyrs had died as heretics, as scum. Now white robes were given them. Their characters were justified. They were seen as the saints of God. They had been marched down the streets to jeers and curses. They were spat on. They were consigned to an eternally burning hell and then burned slowly. What a change the Bible brought to Europe. The excommunicated of one age are often the canonised of the next, for this dull world learns slowly and its purest honours are posthumous.

Concerning the altar, Dr. Adam Clarke perhaps the greatest Methodist commentator, says: A symbolical vision was exhibited, in which he saw an altar. And under it the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God-martyred for their attachment to Christianity are represented as being newly slain as victims to idolatry and superstition. The altar is upon earth, not in heaven. The souls are represented under the altar, just as victims slain upon it would pour out their blood beneath it, and fall by its side. Uriah Smith, The Prophecies of Daniel and the Revelation, page 433.

Albert Barnes, the noted Presbyterian commentator, tells us: We are not to suppose that this literally occurred, and that John actually saw the souls of the martyrs beneath the altars-for the whole representation is symbolical; nor are we to suppose that the injured and the wronged in heaven actually pray for vengeance on those who wronged them. Notes on the New Testament, vol. 9, (Book of Revelation), p. 171.

Revelation 6:12. 13, With the Bible restored Christ now gives signs of His return. It is self evident that the language changes from symbolic to literal.

A Great Earthquake

The sixth seal opens with great convulsions of the earth. One of the most extensively felt earthquakes ever recorded occurred November 1, 1755. It is sometimes called the Lisbon earthquake, because the greater part of that city was destroyed, with the loss of between 60,000 and 80,000 lives. The sea rose 50 feet above its ordinary level.

The great earthquake of November 1, 1755, extended over a tract of at least four millions of square miles.... It pervaded the greater portions of the continents of Europe, Africa, and America; but its extreme violence was exercised on the south-western part of the former. In Africa, this earthquake was felt almost as severely as it had been in Europe. . . . It is probable ... that all Africa was shaken.... At the north, it extended to Norway and Sweden; Germany, Holland, France, Great Britain, and Ireland were all more or less agitated by the same great and terrible commotion of the elements. Robert Scars, Wonders of the World, pages 50, 58.

Nelsons Encyclopedia says:

The Lisbon earthquake which occurred on November 1 1755, is the most notable earthquake in history.

The English essayist, James Parton wrote of the influence of this great earthquake on the temper of Europe:

The Lisbon earthquake of November 1 1755, appears to have put both theologians and philosophers on the defensive.... At twenty minutes to ten that morning, Lisbon was firm and magnificent on one of the most picturesque and commanding sites in the world,- a city of superb
approach, placed precisely where every circumstance had concurred to say to the founders, Build

here! In six minutes the city was in ruins Half the world felt the convulsion.... For many weeks
as we see in the letters and memoirs of that time, people in distant parts of Europe went to bed in alarm, relieved in the morning to find that they had escaped the fate of Lisbon one night more. The life of Voltaire, Vol, II pp 208, 209.

The Sun Black; the Moon as Blood

A few years after the great convulsion of 1755, other signs began to occur, in the sun, the moon, and the stars.

Almost, if not altogether alone, as the most mysterious and as yet unexplained phenomenon of its kind, in nature's diversified range of events, . . . stands the dark day of May 19th, 1780 a most unaccountable darkening of the whole visible heavens and atmosphere in New England. R. M. Devens, Our First Century, pages 89, 90.

The dark day in Northern America was one of those wonderful phenomena of nature which will always be read of with interest, but which philosophy is at a loss to explain. Sir William Herschel.- Quoted by R. M. Devens in Our First Century, page 90.

The darkness of the following evening was probably as gross as ever has been observed since the Almighty fiat gave birth to light.... I could not help conceiving at the time, that if every luminous body in the universe had been shrouded in impenetrable shades, or struck out of existence, the darkness could not have been more complete. A sheet of white paper held within a few inches of the eyes, was equally invisible with the blackest velvet. Samuel Tenny of Exeter, New Hampshire. Quoted by Uriah Smith in The Prophecies of Daniel and the Revelation, page 445.

That the darkness was not caused by an eclipse is manifest by the various positions of the planets of our system at that time; for the moon was more than one hnundred fifty degrees from the sun all that day. .Dr. Samuel Stearns, in Independent Chronicle, Boston, June 22, 1780.

The Falling Stars

On the night of November 12-13 1833, a tempest of falling stars broke over the earth. North America bore the brunt of its pelting. From the Gulf of Mexico to Halifax, until daylight with some difficulty put an end to the display, the sky was scored in every direction with shining tracks and illuminated with majestic fireballs.-Agnes M. Clerke, History of Astronomy in the Nineteenth Century, page 328.

Probably the most remarkable of all the meteoric showers that have ever occurred was that of the Leonids on [the night following] November 12, 1833 . The number at some stations was estimated as high as 200.000 an hour for five or six hours. C. A. Young, Manual of Astronomy, page 469.

Revelation 6:14. The sky. Weymouth and Moffatt.

Genesis 1:8, Atmospheric heavens. We are between verses 13 and 14.

Hide us from the face of Him.

The first instinct of a sinner is to hide.

Genesis 3:8. Adam and Eve hid themselves. What sinners dread most is not death, but the presence of God. Sin makes man a fugitive from God. The work of Jesus is to abolish fear and bring man into God's loving fellowship.

Revelation 8:1. The Seventh Seal - Silence in Heaven.

Revelation 7 is placed by Christ between the 6th and 7th seals. It answers the closing question of Revelation 6, Who shall be able to stand? Therefore, Revelation 7 deals with the last message, the last work of Christ to prepare a people for His glorious return. What a day! Long have the saints held the title deeds to glory. Long has it been the blessed hope.

What a day for the ungodly! It will be a terrible day, Joel 2:11,

A day of separation, Matthew 25:32.

A day of condemnation, John 3:18,19.

A day of desolation. Matthew 25:30.

Mal. 3:18. It will discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth Him not.


Revelation reveals reasons why no child of God should fear. Remember, Revelation is Christ’s special book for His people in the last days when hearts are failing them for fear.

Revelation 1:17,18, Fear not.

  1. I am the First. Christ was the Creator. He has all power in heaven and earth. His first points backwards. He was before all things. He is the first.
  2. The Last. His years will never end or fail. Matthew 28:20 says, Iam with you even unto the end. Hebrews 12:2, He is the Author and Finisher. The last chapter in human history will not be written by Russia, China, the Papacy, or the H-bomb. Jesus will write it. He is the last. He will end this present world. He is first - all things are from Christ. He is last - He is from eternity to eternity.
  3. I am He that liveth. He lives! I Am the Resurrection and the Life. Bhudda, Mohammed, Moses, Confucius, Zoroaster and all religious leaders are dead. Jesus Christ alone lives! He is the oldest living man.
  4. Yet He Died. I was dead. Two wonders are here revealed. (a) The Living One died. (b) The dead One is alive forevermore. The power of death was once held by Satan. Isaiah 14:17. But Hebrews 2:14,15 says Christ has conquered death and the one who once controlled death. Jesus now holds the Keys of Death and the Grave. He is the only One who has the keys.
  5. I Am alive forever more. He is the Living One. He also has life within Himself. He is the fountain and source of life. In Bangkok I saw their most valuable Bhudda, - the Golden Bhudda. Five tons of pure gold give it its value. Only recently its value was discovered. To protect it from invaders, it was coated with plaster to make it appear worthless. Gumchorn who was once a student in this Bhuddist temple school, but who is now Thailand's Adventist Youth Leader, tells how as a lad, he often climbed over this worthless plaster Bhudda. Bhuddist teachers wanted it moved, but it was so heavy. In the attempt it was dropped and some of the plaster broke off. To their amazement underneath was solid gold. Unknown riches were there. Far greater riches and too often unknown, are to be found in the Unsearchable Riches of Christ.

Although made of solid gold, the golden Bhudda is still a dead god. Jesus lives and loves. He is our Risen, Reigning and Returning Lord.

  1. Revelation 1:5. Loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood. He does it because He loves us. He not merely pardons - we do not enter glory as pardoned criminals - He cancels all records and adopts us as sons and daughters. We enter as more than conquerors through Him that loved us.
  2. Revelation 1:4, From Him which is, which was, and which is to come
  3. Revelation 1:4, Which is to come. He is the Coming One. This is the key to Revelation. The first promise in Revelation is, Behold He cometh, Revelation 1:7. The last promise in Revelation is, Surely I come. Revelation 22:20. The first promise in the Bible is the bruising of the head of Satan at the second Advent.

Genesis 3:15, Romans 16:20. The last promise in the Old Testament is of the second Advent of Jesus. Mal. 4:6. The last promise of the Bible is I come.

  1. Revelation 1:5, The Faithful Witness. He was the Author of the Bible. He cannot be other than faithful.
  2. Revelation 1:5, Prince of the kings of the earth. Some day all will bow to Him. Phil. 2:10 At the Name of Jesus every knee should bow. Our King shall win. The ruler of this world offered Jesus the glory of this world, if He would fall down and worship him. Jesus conquered by dying and thus the crucified carpenter became the Ruler of the kings of the earth.

Thus Revelation 1, gives us ten reasons why no child of God should ever fear, but should obey Christ and Fear not.

Fear not, is a command. If we trust Christ we cannot fear. Fear is a denial of trust. Fear is looking to self and not looking always to Jesus, who is the Author and Finisher. The Lamb of God. The suffering Lamb is a central figure in the Book of Revelation. Worthy is the Lamb, is the theme of celestial song, Revelation 5:12. It is the Lamb that opens the seals, Revelation 6:1. It is before the Lamb that the great multitude stand clothed in white, and it is the blood of the Lamb that washes the raiment white, Revelation 7:9,14. It is through the blood of the Lamb that the victory is won, Revelation 12:11. The book of life belongs to the Lamb slain, Revelation 13:8. It is the Lamb that stands on the glorious Mount Zion, Revelation 14:1. It is the Lamb that the redeemed multitude are seen following, and that multitude is the firstfruits unto God and unto the Lamb, Revelation 14:4. It is the song of the Lamb that is sung in heaven, Revelation 15:3. It is the Lamb that wars and overcomes, Revelation 17:14. It is the marriage of the Lamb that is celebrated, and it is to the marriage supper of the Lamb that we are called, Revelation 19:7,9. The church is the Lamb’s wife, Revelation 21:9,10. On the foundations of the heavenly city are written the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb verse 14. Of the city the Lamb is the light. Verse 23. The book of life of the Lamb and the throne of the Lamb sum up the wondrous list of honors and dignities belonging to the Lord Jesus as the crucified Son of God, as the King-priest who ministers on our behalf, Revelation 21:27, 22:1-3.


Revelation 6:14-17. The great day of his wrath, will cut to size the glittering pinnacles of wealth, power, or fame. the summits of ambition will dwindle and then look as far beneath salvation as the mountain peaks are beneath the stars.

A Multitude will be Ready on that day and Revelation shows How.

Revelation 7:9. From all nations. (Revelation 14:6,7).

Revelation 7:10. They stand before the throne of God.

Revelation 7:13,9. They are in white robes

Revelation 7:14. Made white in the Blood of the Lamb. There is no entrance to heaven without

white robes.

There is only one way to get white robes. (It is of interest to note that Revelation does not mention law, believing, justification, sanctification, perfection or righteousness by faith. The blood of the Lamb and the Commandments of God and the faith of Jesus cover all these.

I Hope I make Heaven, is the statement of many.

  1. No self-made men will be in heaven.
  2. No college-made men will be in heaven. Only the blood-washed will be there.

Blood is Universally Recognized as of Atoning Value. This shows a common origin at the beginning and reveals that divine instruction was given at the beginning. While Heathenism lost the significance of the atoning blood, it still held to the form. Heathenism is but a corruption of truth.

  1. Hindu, (Kali Temple.) Yet they do not know why they offer blood.
  2. New Guinea Highlanders wash their dead in blood.
  3. Aztecs offered human sacrifices.
  4. Samoa. Human sacrifices to the Fish-god.
  5. Solomons. Cannibalism was a religious rite.
  6. Fiji. Dedicated canoes with human blood.
  7. Moloch. Offered blood to the sun-god.
  8. Egypt. Beheaded victims to the sun-god. Asked why? They do not know. The truth has been lost and the practice corrupted.

Romans 1:21-23. All heathenism is but a corruption of truth. Man became a fool in Eden and has added many degrees since.

The Scarlet Stream all Through the Bible.


Revelation 7: 3.

1 Kings 21:8. Letters were sealed with king’s seal.

Esther 3:12. Letters were sealed with the kings ring or seal. Isaiah 8:16. Seal the law among My disciples.

  1. This is the only place in Old Testament where the word disciples is found.
  2. A Seal is connected with God's law.
  3. The Seal must be missing and must be restored.
  4. The Seal is something Christians are to receive.
  5. Then the law will be sealed among the disciples.
  6. Thus it is God's law that is to be sealed.

Isaiah :8.17 This is evidently in the last days for the sealed disciples will wait for the Lord and

lookfor Him.

(Translated) Seal - Sign in Wycliffe Bible 1380

Sign in Douay 1609.

Sealed (marked). Amp. N.T.

The Douay Version uses resign and signed for seal and sealed. The Swedish says sealed with a

mark. Thus sign, seal and mark are synonymous.

Sign of Creator

Exodus31:16-18. Sabbath = sign of God.

  1. The Sabbath Is sign of God's authority as Creator
  2. It Is a sign on our part that we believe and obey our Maker.
  3. It is sign that our Creator doth sanctify you. As Christ is both our Maker and Sanctifier or Savior. The Sabbath is a sign of our Creator and Savior.

Ezekiel 20:12,20. Four times God says the Sabbath Is His signmark or seal.

Ephesians 1:13. Sealed with the Holy Spirit ofpromise The Spirit is the agent in the sealing. Hebrews 8:10. The Spirit writes God's law in our minds and in our hearts.

Psalm 40:8. Christ had the Law in His heart. When He comes into our heart He brings His law into our heart and mind. Thus we will remember the Sabbath to keep it holy. We remember with our mind. Thus the seal or sign of Christ is in our forehead.

Overlooking the small town of Russell, the oldest town in New Zealand, on the beautiful Bay of Islands stood the flag staff. Hike, the Maori chief first chopped down the flagstaff before attacking the town. He wanted to get rid of the sign of authority first of all. So the world hates the sign of Christ and would get rid of it.

Psalm 119:126 They make void Thy law. They attack the seal of the law, the sign of Christ, and thus make it void or useless.


This chapter is placed between sixth and seventh seals.

Revelation 6:12,13. The Sixth seal is dated by three great historical events.

Great Earthquake 1755

The Dark Day 1780

The Falling Stars 1833

These events came in exact order foretold centuries before. We are living between Revelation

6:13 and 14.

Revelation 6:14. The heavens departed as a scroll The sky (Wey). First Heaven, Genesis 1:6-8, 2 Peter 3:12, Revelation 21:1

Revelation 8: 1. The opening of the seventh seal brings Silence in Heaven for half an hour.

Matthew 25:31 All the holy Angels come with Christ. Therefore silence falls over Heaven while the saints are gathered in.

Half an hour. 1/48 of a prophetic day = 71/2 days. Probably this is the time of the journey to Glory, through the Orion gateway. Thus a Sabbath will be kept on the way.

Revelation 7 is a parentica1 prophecy between the sixth and seventh seal to answer the question who shall be able to stand?

At the Last Day we will see things in the right proportion. Ambition, wealth, power, position, fame, then look as far beneath salvation as a pyramid top is beneath the stars.

Two companies 144,000, Great multitude.

Revelation 7: 1.

Four Winds, War, strife, commotion.

Daniel 7:2.

Jeremiah 25.32

Four corners = World war, Armageddon.

Jeremiah 49:36

Holding = God interposing and restraining else civilization would destroy itself.

Revelation 7:2

Angel or Messenger with Seal of the Living God. As the sun rises in east and grows in power so the message must go with increasing power until the whole world is lightened. Revelation 18:1. The moon rises sometimes half or three quarters, as it passes through its phases. The sun always rises full-orbed. So this sealing message is full orbed. It is God's complete truth, the everlasting Gospel, Revelation 14:6,7.

Revelation 7:3

Spirits of devils leading nations to Armageddon, Revelation 16:14. God's hand is over His work until it is finished. Till we have sealed the servants of God in their foreheads.


Revelation 7: 4,9 The 144,000 is not the only company that are taken to Heaven. The great multitude stand before the throne of God. Among this great company is a special group called the 144,000.

Revelation 7:5-8. Israel

Genesis 32:28. This is the first reference to Israel. When Jacob (deceiver) was changed in character, God changed his name to Israel, A Prince of God. He was now a son of the King

  1. A prince must obey his king.
  2. He cannot marry who he wants.
  3. He cannot live as he wants.

Israel is a God-ruled man. A true Israelite is one who has Christ ruling within. Christ in you is his experience.

Romans 2:28,29 God’s. true Israel are not of the tribe of Judah but of the tribe of God.

Romans 9:6. They are not all Israel which are of Israel. Thus many are descendants of Israel but they are not


Romans 9:7,8. In Isaac. Isaac was born by a miracle. (Abraham had eight sons, Genesis 25:1) Therefore true Israelites are by grace and not by race. They are not Israel unless God ruled.

Revelation 7: 9. A great multitude

  1. Of all nations, kindreds, people and tongues. (Revelation 14:6,7)
  2. White Robes

Revelation 7:13,14. Come out of great tribulation. They are those who have just passed through the great distress. Therefore the multitude go through the plagues.

G.C. p.649 These are they which came out of great tribulation; they have passed through the time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation; they have endured the anguish of the time of Jacob's trouble; they have stood without an intercessor through the final outpouring of God's judgements.

Revelation 14:4. Firstfruits

If they were last saved, they would be gleanings not first fruits. Ruth 2:2,3.

Other First fruits

12 Sons of Israel = Twelve Tribes

12 Apostles. They were the firstfruits ofHis ministry. D.A. p.138

12 x 12,000

12 is a significant number:

12 Foundations

12 Angels

12 Gates

12 thousand furlongs

12 fruits (Revelation 21:12,16. 22:2)

Multitude Revelation 18:1-4

Micah 2:12 Remnant = Multitude

Zech. 2:7,10,11. Nations join. More than one thousand will soon be converted in one day. R.& H. Nov. 10, 1880

Revelation 7:15 White in the blood of the Lamb. The only way to get white robes is through the Blood of Christ. There is no entrance to Heaven without white Robes.

Hebrews 9: 7. Not without blood

This principle runs through Scripture. (See Is it a sin to have a blood transfusion?)

Revelation 1:5. Loved us and washed us.

We must be exponents of the blood of Christ. 6T.p.82 Mans only means ofpardon. Acts of The Apostles, p.393 Man’s whole being is purchased by blood of Christ. T.M. p.130 It is a never-failing passport to God's throne. F.E. p.252

Revelation 7:l7. Lead them to living fountains We must let Him lead now.

In Babylon's ruins are found many bricks with name of King Nebuchadnezzar stamped on them. So Christians are sealed with the name and mark of God.

To be sealed, meant in the papyri to be imperially protected and retainedfor the imperial use. Seals were set on sacks of grain to guarantee the correctness of the contents and there was a mark, containing the Emperor's name and the year of his reign, which was necessary upon documents relating to buying and selling, and this mark was technically known as the seal. It was the credential of the royal document making it legal. New Archaeological Discoveries.p36


Revelation is the last book in the Bible. It ought to be of special interest to the last people living on earth. The final people should be concerned with the final prophecies.

Revelation 8:2. In The Seven Trumpets we have another series in the Panorama of the Ages. The

Seven Churches unfolds religious history as God sees it.

The Seven Seals gives religious history as man sees it and these deal with the great apostasy.

The Seven Trumpets unfolds military history especially as it affects the Church of Christ.

The Trumpets brought doom to Jericho. Joshua 6:4,5.

The Trumpets of Gideon announced the destruction of the Midianites. Judges 7:16,22. The

Trumpet announced the day of Atonement and Judgement.

Stood before God.

Before they sound, a scene in Heaven is given - a panorama of Heaven. As in two previous prophecies, (Churches and Seals) a view of the Heavenly Sanctuary is given before the events on earth are shown. These series of sevens cover the Period of Jesus as Priest.

To accept Jesus as Prophet, Priest and King brings peace - to reject Him brings a sword. Matthew 10:34.

Revelation 8:3,4. Altar of incense.

The offering of incense was a call to prayer. Luke 1:10.

The incense, ascending with the prayers of Israel, represents the merit and intercession of Christ, His perfect righteousness. . . which can alone make the worship of sinful beings acceptable to God. P.P., p. 353.

Revelation 8:5. Censer. . . cast . . into the earth. Professed Christians were turning to other mediators namely dead saints. They thus placed themselves outside the protection of God. While waiting for the Last Day the souls of the righteous were regarded as living in the Presence of God and forming for Him, in company with the angels, a kind of celestial court. To the mind of the populace whose perceptions in theology were not specially acute, the body of the Blessed, which was also, in virtue of the solidarity of Christians or communion of saints, a body of intercessors, presented some points of resemblance to the ancient pantheon. .. . A particular saint protected more particularly this or that country, showed himself helpful in particular circumstances, healed this or that disease. Benefit was to be derived from invoking him near his tomb or in a sanctuary which was specially dedicated to him .... To the martyrs of the persecutions were speedily added the saints of the New and even of the Old Testament. . . . The angels also were beginning to receive religious homage. Early History of the Christian Church, Vol. 3, PP. 9,10.

Here is the reason why the angel ceased to offer incense. The Church had turned away from Christ and His merits to other mediators who had no merits to give, and was bringing no incense with her prayers to the altar. One Mediator, 1 Timothy 2:5.

Come unto God by Him, Hebrews 7:25.

God has a hedge about His own, Job 1:10. When Christians turn from the protection of Christ's blood, they step outside the protection and are open to attacks of the enemy. As God withdrew His protection from Israel and Judah, 1 Chron. 9:1, and they were destroyed by Babylon, so now it was with Christendom.


Fire of the Altar. Out of the altar comes fire on the earth. For the work of Jesus as Mediator in Heaven and war judgements on earth continue till probation closes, and then comes the greatest war of all war-scourges, Armageddon.

The first four Trumpets concern Western Rome. The next two on Eastern Rome. The seventh, the last, on all human governments and the bringing in of the Kingdom of our Lord. This takes place at the last Trump.

The Seven Trumpets reveal the overthrow of all opposition. The devil opposed Christ from the time when the cry of baby Jesus broke the stillness of the Bethlehem stable, until the Roman seal was placed on Joseph’s new tomb. The devil has worked through earthly powers. In Isaiah 14 he is called the King of Babylon. In Ezekiel 38 he is called the Prince of Tyre, Egypt was called the Dragon. These powers were used to oppose. They have all gone to their doom.

First Trumpet-GERMANS:

Revelation 8:7. The third part. The Roman Empire wag. divided after Constantine, to his three sons, Constant, Constantinue and Constantine 2nd. The Rome of the West; Constantinople or New Rome in the East, and Carthage, the Rome of Africa. This explains the third part.

Hail. The first onslaught came from the North under Alaric. King of the Ostrogoths. They rolled their wagons down the frozen banks of the rivers. In 410 AD. the first Trumpet of Doom sounded on Rome,

Writing in the midst of it, Claudian, the Roman poet, pictured the Gothic invasion in the prophet’s language:

Then, like disease, or pelting hail they spread,

Through bars and narrow ways as Furies led.

Gibbon, the historian of the break up of Rome, tells how the Gothic nation was on the move at the first sound of the trumpet. (Chapter 30). The North he says was agitated by a furious tempest. (Chapter 26), and he describes the flaming villages, and the deep and bloody traces of the Gothic march upon Gaul (France and Italy).


Second Trumpet-Vandals:

Revelation 8:8,9. Sea. The Vandals invaded Rome by sea.

In the year 455 this Genseric, who felt as did Alaric, that he was an agent supernaturally called to bring judgement upon Rome, sacked the great city. He loaded his ships with spoil. Included in this treasure were the golden candlestick and other utensils taken by Titus long before from the temple in Jerusalem.

A Great Mountain Burning in the Sea. Rome's fleet of 1,300 ships far outnumbered the Vandal’s fleet. Genseric towed fireships and destroyed the fleet of Rome. How descriptive is the Divine record. In 455 the Vandals took thousands of prisoners, including the Empress and her two daughters. Vandalism still has a sinister meaning.

Third Trumpet-Huns.

Revelation 8:10. A Great Starfrom Heaven.

Attila believed he was called of God to punish Rome - he called himself The Scourge of God. He arranged with Genseric that he would attack from the North while the Vandals attacked from the sea. He boasted the grass never grew where his horse had trod.

Hun,- synonym of destruction.

Like a Falling Star.

A flaming star was the prophetic symbol and ever the historians repeat the figures of the prophecy, uttered long centuries before. Attila gloried in the title a French hermit bestowed on him in the words: Thou art the Scourge of God, for the chastisement of the Christians. Atila himself cried out in language suggestive of the prophecy of Revelation: A star falling before me and the earth trembling. Lo I am the hammer of the world. (Quoted by Dean William Herbert in Works Vol 111, pp.449, 459).

Wormwood. This word is used in Holy Writ for rebellion against God and His commandments. Jeremiah 9:13-16. The devastation of the Huns was God's judgment on disobedient, persecuting Rome.

Fourth Trumpet-Barbarians:

Revelation 8:12. Darkened. The lights of Rome go out. It is finished and the Dark Ages follow.

As EIliott says:

The authorities bowed in submission to him. The last phantom of an emperor, whose name, Romulus Augustus, was singularly calculated to bring in contrast before the reflective mind the past glories of Rome and its present degradation, abdicated: and the senate sent away the imperial insignia to Constantinople, professing to the emperor of the East that one emperor was sufficient for the whole of the empire. Thus of the Roman imperial sun that third which appertained to the Western Empire was eclipsed, and shone no more....Thus in the West, the extinction of the empire had taken place: the night had fallen. Hora Apocalyptica Vol 1 p.358.


The first four of the Seven Trumpets sound one after the other without interval until Western Rome falls, divided, never to unite again, as foretold by Daniel the Prophet. (Daniel 2.)

The last three Trumpets are called Woe and much more space is given to describing them. While the first four are described in six verses, the first Woe, the fifth Trumpet, occupies eleven verses. The first four Trumpets concerned Europe and Africa, while the woes of the fifth and sixth Trumpets deals with the East. The seventh Trumpet includes the whole world.

Fifth Trumpet-Arabs:



Revelation 9:1 -3. Locusts. The scene is Eastern.

  1. The Arabs are described as locusts, for Arabia is the country of their origin. Exodus 10:12,13.
  2. These locusts were not ordinary locusts. They were unlike locusts in many ways.
  1. Revelation 9:4, they were not to hurt any green thing - the very thing real locusts do.
  2. Revelation 9:11. They had a king over them. Pro. 30:27, The locusts have no King.
  3. Revelation 9:7, They were like cavalry.

Bottomless Pit. Abyss.

Arabia is so described because of its vast empty deserts.

The word which our translators render bottomless pit means a waste, or place of emptiness. That is exactly what the Arabian desert region stands for in modern speech. Colonel Thomas Lawrence, the famed leader of the Arabian forces I the World War says: We who have gone out to discover the meaning of the desert have found only emptiness-nothing but sand, wind, soil, and empty space. Asia Magazine August 1920.

The prophecy seems almost to name Arabia as the place from which the invasion was to come, when it uses the word abusus a waste or abyss translated pit. Hughes’s dictionary of Islam says of the word Arabia.

The word probably signifies a barren place, desert (Hebrew, Arabah).

Star. The rise of Mohammed. Inspired by his religion, the Arabs were unite and swept like a cloud to conquer a great part of the world.

The sun and the air were darkened says the prophecy. The metaphor is true to nature. Niebuhr, in his travels through Arabia, described the appearance of the locust swarms of the desert:

he swarms of these insects darken the air, and appear at a distance like clouds of smoke. Vol II, p.337

Revelation 9:4. Not hurt any green thing.

Note the instruction that Caliph Abu-beker gave as the armies of Arabia went forth into the Roman Empire. It was a strange command which Gibbon quotes as follows:

When you fight the battles of the Lord, acquit you like men, without turning your backs; but let not your victory be stained with the blood of women or children. Destroy no palm trees, nor burn any fields of corn. Cut down no fruit trees, nor do any mischief to cattle, only such as you kill to eat. When you make any covenant or article, stand to it, and be as good as your word. As you go on, you will find some religious persons who live retired in monasteries, and propose to themselves to serve God that way: let them alone, and neither kill them not destroy their monasteries. And you will find another sort ofpeople, that belong to the synagogue of Satan, who have shaven crowns; be sure you cleave their skulls, and give them no quarter till they either turn Mahommetans or pay tribute. Gibbons Decline and Fall chap. 51, par. 10.

Those men which have not the Seal of God.

The Saracen forces had crossed from Africa into at the Strait of Gibraltar, and were pushing through France, intent on the conquest of Europe. But they were turned back by Charles Martel and his army on the field of Tours (726 AD) They were restrained on the borders of those districts where lived the Waldenses, the Vaudois, and other peoples who were holding to the truth.

There is a striking comment on this prophecy of Revelation 9:4 by William Whiston. Speaking of the fact that the Saracens were to be restrained from hurting those who had the seal of God Professor Whiston wrote:

Those who have the best plea from history, being indeed really witnesses against the idolatory and corruptions of the church in that age, were such as inhabited some parts of Savoy, Piedmont, Milan, and perhaps some in the southern parts of France: i.e. the forerunners or first authors of the Waldenses and Abigenses, of whom those were the habitations. And the providence of God was so remarkable in delivering these people from the plague of the Saracens, that when 726 AD they attempted these southern parts of France, they were so terribly destroyed, and with so little slaughter on the other side, that history can scarce afford a parrallel. Essay on the Revelation of St. John, p.191. London 1744.

Revelation 9:5. Torment five months. 5 X 30 = 150 days or 150 years.

Mohommed began his public preaching in 612 AD. 150 years later in 747 AD. the city of Baghdad was founded by Caliph al-Mausur and the luxury of the Caliphs. . . . terminated the progress-of the Arabian Empire. Gibbons, chapter 52, pars. 10, 11.

Revelation 9:7-9. In fact, the old Italians called the locusts by a name meaning little horses.

Crowns Like Gold. Ezekiel long centuries before had likened the turbans of the desert people to beautiful crowns upon their heads. Ezekiel 23:42.

Faces, Hair, Breastplates.-Faces as the faces of men, Hair as the hair of women, breastplates of iron. Of these identifying marks Elliott says:

Pliny, St John’s contemporary at the close of the first century, speaks of the Arabs as wearing the turban, having the hair long and uncut, with the moustache on the upper lip, or the beard; that

venerable sign of manhood, as Gibbon in Arab phraseology calls it The Saracen policy was the
wearing of defensive armour. The breastplate of iron was a feature of description literally answering, like the three others, to the Arab warriors of the sixth or seventh century.
Horae Apocalypticae, Vol I pp. 411-413.

In the sure word of prophecy, Not only was the rise of this power foretold, but also the restricting of the Saracen field of destruction and cessation of their career of conquest. This cessation is one of the marvels of history. Hallam, in his History of the middle ages, says of the early Saracen conquests: These conquests, which astonish the careless and superficial are less perplexing to a calm inquirer than their cessation; the loss of half the Roman Empire, than the preservation of the rest. Book 6, p. 54.

But the conquest of the empire was to be by another power, according to prophecy. After years of tormenting, militant Islam fixed its seat on the Tigris, beyond the Euphrates, beyond the ancient frontier of the Roman Empire. There the famed capital, Baghdad was built, and the Saracens were no longer a menace to the empire.

The days of the conquest indeed were past, says Freeman in The Saracens p. 98. From this epoch, says Hales, the Saracens became a settled nation and ceased to torment. Sacred Chronology Vol. III, p. 616.



Revelation 9:13. Voice from the four horns of the Golden Altar. This was the altar of incense, and the horns were touched by the blood of atonement. Lev. 4:7, 18, 25, 30.

Does it seem strange that the atoning blood calls for destruction? Always remember that the doom of the wicked, no less than the salvation of the righteous is made sure by the sacrifice of Calvary. Eastern Rome was destroyed because they trusted in idols and had forgotten the Blood of the Covenant. Hebrews 10.,2 -31.

Revelation 9:20. Idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood. God used Mohammedanism to punish apostate Christendom that had turned to idols.

Vow of Mahommet ll:-

promise to the only God, Creator of all things, by my vow and my oath, that I will not give sleep to my eyes, that 1 will not eat any choice viands, that I will not seek out that which is pleasant. nor touch that which is beautiful, that I will not turn my face from the west to the east, till I overthrow and tread under the feet of my horses the gods of the nations these gods of wood. of brass, of silver, and ofgold. or ofpainting, which the disciples of Christ have made with their hands.

Vow of Mahomet II, published in all the mosques, March 11, 1470; cited in The Two Later Visions

of Daniel, Reu. T. R. Birks, M. A., p. 319. London, Seeley, Burnside, and Seeley, 1846.

Constantinople's Parade of Images:- The sacred ikons and relics were brought from the churches, were taken to the neighbourhoods where the walls were most injured, and paraded with the procession In the hope to people of northern climes and the present century, inexplicable and almost unthinkable-that their display would avert the threatening danger.-Id.. p.327.

NOTE.-This was the last idolatrous in Constantinople before its fall; and as the prophecy says (Revelation 9:20), the survivors, whether in East or West, failed to recognize the judgement upon the idols or images and all the works of men’s hands.

Deut. 16:22. God says He hates images.

Revelation 9:14. The Great River Euphrates. This was the second great Mohammedan onslaught.

Revelation 9:15. The Four Angels. The Turkish sultans were both political and religious leaders. John Foxe in his book of Martyrs is said to have been the first to recognize the Turks in this prophecy. He wrote in 1563, Among all the prophecies both in the Old Testament and of the new, there is none that pointeth out the anti-Christian kingdom of the Turks better than doth the

Revelation of St. John, whose words let us weigh and consider By loosing the angels who had
rule of the great river Euphrates, is signified the letting out of the East kings, that is, the Turks out of Scythia, Persia, and Arabia, by whom the third part of Christendom shall be destroyed, as we see it this day hath come to pass.
Acts and Monuments Vol IV. p. 102.

Revelation 9:15. To Slay. The fifth Trumpet tormented, but this one slays Eastern Rome. This is to bring the complete end to the Roman Empire.

Ezekiel 4:6: a day for a year.

Hour, = 1/24th part of a day, or

15 literal days.

Day = a year.

Month = 30 years

Year = 360 years

Total = 391 years, 15 days.

On July 27, 1449, John Palaeolgus, the Emperor died. Before his brother could take the crown of Eastern Rome, he had to beg permission. Thus his independence was gone. The proud boast, Iam a Roman Citizen, was no more. The Roman Emperor was now begging.

Gibbon records, On the 27th of July, 1299, Othman first invaded the territory of Nicomedia and the singular accuracy of the date seems to disclose some foresight of the rapid growth of the monster. Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, chapter 64.

July 27 July 27

1299 1499

150 years

Tormented for 5 months = 150 years, Revelation 9:5

Revelation 9:15. Their Period of Rule was to be 391 years, 15 days, to slay Eastern Rome.

July 27 Aug. 11

1449 1840

391 years, 15 days

What Happened?

There was war between Turkey and Egypt. The Sultan of Turkey appealed to Europe for help. Britain, Russia, Austria and Prussia sent an ultimatum to Egypt. On Aug. 11 th, 1840, the Sultan of Turkey signed away his independence. Turkey became known as the Sick Man of the East. See D.& R. , G.C. 334, 335.

Over 1.000 atheists were converted by the amazing accuracy of this prophecy. On the very day was this prophecy fulfilled.

Exodus 12: 40, 41. the self same day it came to pass.

Romans 5:6, In due time Christ died, At the very Moment. Moffatt. Bible prophecy is not only fulfilled, but fulfilled on time.

Revelation 9:16, Two hundred thousand thousand.

If the whole period of nearly four hundred years is taken, the number is not excessive.

The historian says:

The Turkish empire was a scourge far heavier than that of the Saracens. While the latter, when

bent on permanent conquest, offered the tribute as alternative to the Koran or the sword, the

Sejouks were mere savages, who slew for the pleasure of slaying Never, probably, even in the
thick of the Teutonic invasions of the fifth century, was so much harm done in ten short years as in Asia Minor during the period of 1071 to 1081 By the end of the latter year the flourishing themes which had been for so long the core of the East Roman realm had been reduced to mere wastes. Thirty years after Manzikert, when the armies of the crusaders marched from Nicaea to Tarsus, right across the ancient heart of the empire, they nearly perished of starvation in a land of briers and rivers.
Oman’s Art of War. p. 222.

Revelation 9:17. Fire, smoke and brimstone.

The cannons used are still to be seen in the Istanbul Museum and the breaches in the wall are still preserved.

Revelation 9:21. Murders = Murdered the saints.

Sorceries = Prayers to the dead.

Fornication = Union with the world.

Thefts = Confiscated the property of the martyrs.

It is tragic that this did not teach the world their folly. Men seldom, learn from the lessons of

history and the fulfilment of the predictions of our Lord.


In the year 1840 another remarkable fulfillment of prophecy excited widespread interest. Two years before, Josiah Litch, one of the leading ministers preaching the second advent, published an exposition of Revelation 9, predicting the fall of the Ottoman Empire. According to his calculations, this power was to be overthrown in AD. 1840, sometime in the month ofAugust; and only a few days previous to its accomplishment he wrote: Allowing the first period, 150 years, to have been exactly fulfilled before Deacozes ascended the throne by permission of the Turks, and that the 391 years, fifteen days, commenced at the close of the first period, it will end on the 11 th of August, 1840, when the Ottoman power in Constantinople may be expected to be broken. And this, 1 believe, will be found to be the case. Josiah Litch, in Signs of the Times, and Expositor of Prophecy, Aug. 1, 1840.

At the very time specified, Turkey, through her ambassadors, accepted the protection of the allied powers of Europe. and thus placed herself under the control of Christian nations. The event exactly fulfilled the prediction. (See Appendix.) When it became known, multitudes were convinced of the correctness of the principles of prophetic interpretation adopted by Miller and his associates, and a wonderful impetus was given to the advent movement. Men of learning and position united with Miller, both in preaching and in publishing his views, and from 1840 to 1844 the work rapidly extended. GC 334, 5.

TESTIMONY OF ALBERT BARNES in the Preface of his Notes on the New Testament, states that he had no theory as to the meaning of Revelation. He had the prevailing belief that it could not be explained, but he then gives this remarkable testimony.

To my own surprise I found, chiefly in Gibbon's. Decline & Fall oft the Roman Empire, a series of events recorded, such as seemed to me to correspond- to a great extent, with the series of symbols found in the Apocalypse. The symbols were such as it might be supposed would be used, on the supposition that they were intended to refer to these events; and the language of Mr. Gibbon was often such as he would have used, on the supposition that he had designed to prepare a commentary on the symbols employed by John. It was such, in fact, that if it had been found in a Christian writer, professedly writing a commentary on the book of Revelation, it would been regarded by infidels as a designed attempt to force history to utter a

language that should conform to a predetermined theory in expounding a book full of symbols.

So remarkable have these coincidences appeared to me in the course of this exposition, that it has almost seemed as if he had designed to write a commentary on some portions of this book; and I have found it difficult to doubt that that distinguished historian was raised up by an overruling Providence to make a record of those events which would ever afterwards be regarded as an impartial and unprejudiced statement of the evidences of the fulfillment of prophecy.

The historian of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire had no belief

in the Divine origin of Christianity, but he brought to the performance of his work learning And talent such as few Christian scholars have possessed He is always patient in his investigations;

in his detail; unbiased in his statements of facts, and usually cool and candid in his estimates of

the caused of the events which he records; and, excepting his philosophical speculations, and his sneers at everything, he has probably written the most candid and impartial history of the times that succeed the introduction of Christianity that the world possesses; and even after all that has been written since his time, his work contains the best ecclesiastical history that is to be found. Whatever use of it can be made in explaining and confirming the prophecies, will be regarded by the world as impartial and fair; for it was a result which he least of all contemplated, that he would ever be regarded as an expounder of the prophecies in the Bible, or be referred to as vindicating their truth. It was in this manner that these notes on the Book of Revelation assumed the form in which they are now given to the world; and it surprises me-and, under this view of the matter, may occasion some surprise to my readers-to find how nearly the views coincide with those taken by the great body of Protestant interpreters. And perhaps this fact may be regarded as furnishing some evidence that, after all the obscurity attending it, there is a natural and obvious interpretation of which the book is susceptible. Whatever may be the value or the correctness of the views expressed in this volume, the work is the result of no previously-formed theory.



While a number of writers have linked these prophecies as parallel prophecies, Seventh-day Adventists have rejected this theory.

To make a dual application of the Seven Trumpets and link them with the Seven Last Plagues, raises many problems.

1. If the Seven Trumpets have a dual application, why not also the Seven Churches, the

Seven Seals, and even the Seven Last Plagues? To be consistent, the principle applied to the Seven Trumpets should be applied to all prophecy. What confusion this would bring.

2. In the prophecy of the Seven Trumpets, God opens the scene in the first apartment of the

Heavenly Sanctuary. Revelation 8:2-5. He closes this chain of prophecy with the ministry of heaven being conducted in the second apartment where the judgement is in session. Revelation 11:18,19. This revelation should lead us to note two important points:-

  1. That the prophecy of the Seven Trumpets covers the period of the ministry of our

Lord in the Heavenly Sanctuary in the two great phases of His ministry, - in both the Ho1y P1ace, and the Most Holy P1ace. Thus God would have us see that the Seven Trumpets cover the Christian era.

  1. In contrast, the Seven Last Plagues are poured out when there is no ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary. Revelation 15:8. No man (not even the man Christ Jesus) was able to enter the temple, till the seven plagues of the seven angels were fulfilled
  2. Thus it is clearly revealed in the Revelation of Jesus Christ that the Seven Trumpets cover the Christian era whi1e mercy’s hour lingers, whereas the Seven Last Plagues are the wrath of God poured out on the despisers of His mercy after probation’s hour has closed.

3. The prophecy of the Seven Trumpets is in a line of three great prophecies of Seven, namely the even Churches, Seven Seals, and then the Seven Trumpets. These all begin in early times of the Christian era, and terminate with the second advent of Christ. To lift one of these great chains of prophecy out of its setting and apply it to the period after the close of the day of salvation is to break the whole setting.

4. In the Seven Seals prophetic chain of prophecy, we have Revelation 7, with its sealing message placed between the sixth and seventh seals. It is placed there to show the time and place of this sealing work to prepare a people to stand in the Day of the Lord.

5. Likewise in the prophecy of the Seven Trumpets, we have two parenthetical prophecies placed in here between. the sixth and seventh trumpets, Revelation chapters 10 and 11, which show the rise of two great movements. The Advent Movement with its saving truths and the atheistic power of Revolutionary France which God used to break the temporal power of the Papacy. This prophecy also shows the rise of Communism.

6. To ignore these facts revealed so clearly in Christ’s Revelation and apply the prophecy of the Seven Trumpets to the time when the door of mercy has forever closed, would be to wipe out the whole setting of these amazing prophecies and the revelations of truth revealed in these two Revelation chapters, 10 and 11.

7. The prophecy of the Seven Last Plagues, is placed in its correct place in Revelation. These plagues are called the LAST. They come after the last message as outlined in Revelation 14 has gone to every nation. Revelation 15, and 16 follow, as the plagues follow the last message of warning to the world.

  1. The Testimony of Jesus confirms the fact that our position on this great prophecy is and has been correct.

In the year 1840 another remarkable fulfillment of prophecy excited widespread interest. Two years before, Josiah Litch, one of the leading ministers preaching the second advent, published an exposition of Revelation 9, predicting the fall of the Ottoman Empire. According to his calculations, this power was to be overthrown in AD. 1840, sometime in the month ofAugust; and only a few days previous to its accomplishment he wrote: Allowing the first period, 150 years, to have been exactly fulfilled before Deacozes ascended the throne by permission of the Turks, and that the 391 years, fifteen days, commenced at the close of the first period, it will end on the 11th of August, 1840, when the Ottoman power in Constantinople may be expected to be broken. And this, I believe, will be found to be the case.-Josiah Litch, in Signs of the Times, and Expositor of Prophecy, Aug. 1, 1840.

At the very time specified, Turkey, through her ambassadors, accepted the protection of the allied powers of Europe. and thus placed herself under the control of Christian nations. The event exactly fulfilled the prediction. (See Appendix.) When it became known, multitudes were convinced of the correctness of the principles of prophetic interpretation adopted by Miller and his associates, and a wonderful impetus was given to the advent movement. Men of learning and position united with Miller, both in preaching and in publishing his views, and from 1840 to 1844 the work rapidly extended. GC 334, 5

Dare we discount the inspired fact that a remarkable fulfillment ofprophecy took place in 1840 - not after the close of probation. May we never abandon our teaching on this great prophecy of the Seven Trumpets, that is so clearly supported by the Spirit of Prophecy.

If this prophecy met so definite a fulfillment, is it not a weakness to try to bring in a dual fulfillment?

  1. The pioneers of the Advent Message attached great significance to the prophecy of the Seven Trumpets.

10.Daniel and Revelation, by Uriah Smith is clear on this, and the servant of the Lord says that this book is to be used as long as probation’s hour 1ingers.

New light, when it comes, will never be in conflict with the old light.

There is scarcely so uniform an agreement among interpreters concerning any part of the Apocalypse as respecting the application of the fifth and sixth trumpets, or the first and second woes, to the Saracens and Turks-Mr. Keith, quoted in Daniel and the Revelation.


Revelation 11:14. Following the description of the 6th Trumpet (or 2nd Woe), but before that Woe is past, two great Movements are predicted to arise. The first of these is described in Revelation 10. It is the first in importance, hence it is mentioned first. The other movement is dealt with in Revelation 11.

Revelation 10:5. 6. The Angel, or Messenger proclaims Time. . . no longer.

It deals therefore with the time of the end Daniel 12:4. The book of Daniel, with its prophetic times was to be shut and sealed till the time of the end. This implies at the time of the end, Daniel’s book would be opened.

Daniel 8:17, tells of a prophecy for the time of the end.

Daniel 8:14. This verse brings us to 1844. which is in the time of the end. See Burnside Bible Lessons The Time of the End.

Daniel 11.35. Persecution would continue until the time of the end.

The power of the Papacy was broken by Revolutionary France in 1798 when they took the Pope prisoner. This date 1798 therefore begins the time of the end.

Revelation 10:1.

1. This prophecy proves beyond question that Jesus was the Messiah.

It is interesting to note in passing that Jewish teachers and rabbis have for centuries been forbidden to teach and interpret this prophecy. In 1656. a dispute occurred in Poland between some distinguished Jewish rabbis and the Catholics respecting the 70 weeks. The rabbis were so hard pushed by the argument that proved Jesus to be the Messiah, the time ofHis sufferings being at the end of the 70 weeks, that they broke up the discussion. The rabbis then held a meeting and pronounced a curse upon any Jew who should attempt to ascertain the chronology of the prophetic period. Their anathema was this: May his bones and his memory rot who shall attempt to number the 70 weeks.

The Midnight Cry, Aug. 10, 1843.

These were

for the building of the temple which was finished in 515 BC. Ezra 6:15



2. It seals up the prophecy Daniel 9:24, and confirms the facts that in 1844 Christ entered the final phase of His ministry in the second apartment of the Heavenly Sanctuary. When this happened His final message was due on earth. Revelation 10 brings this to view. (See Burnside Bible Lessons, The Last Prophetic Date in the Bible, The Great Work That Takes Place on the Earth to Mark the Opening of the Judgement in Heaven, and The Work ofJesus in Heaven Now.

Revelation 10:1. Another Mighty Angel. Six times in Revelation a heaven-sent message in symbolized by an angel.

Revelation 10:2. A little Book Open.

The book of Daniel in the only book that was closed, (Daniel 12:4. This was to be closed until the time of the end. It is now opened and its message due.

Revelation 10:3-6. There should be time no longer. This in not the end of time, for another message is to follow. Revelation 10:11, Revelation 14: 6-12. It is the end of prophetic time. No more dates can be set after 1844.

Revelation 10:7. The mystery of God shall-be finished.

Mystery in Scripture does not mean that it cannot be understood, but that it cannot be understood, unless God reveals it. The mystery of God is the Gospel of justification by faith in Christ and His atoning, sacrifice. See Ephesians 1:9,10, 3:3-9, and 1 Corinthians 2:7, and Colossians 1:25-27.

Finished The day of mercy will have closed. The Bible repeatedly shows that the time of man's salvation is limited. Those who neglect to avail themselves of this great salvation will be left to perish, as they have chosen. Revelation 22:11,12.

Isaiah 55:6. Seek you the Lord while He may be found.

Revelation 10:8. Sea and land.

We have no means of ascertaining the number of ministers and others, who have embraced the advent faith. We only know that there are several hundred congregations, and a still larger number of ministers, who have publicly professed the faith, besides many who still remain in the churches of the land. Those who have espoused this cause have honestly believed in the coming of the Lord about A. D. 1843. And, as honest men, they have kept to their work of sounding the alarm. All peculiarities of creed or policy have been lost sight of, in the absorbing inquiry concerning the coming of the heavenly Bridegroom. Those who have engaged In this enterprise are from all the various sects in the land. Protestant, Episcopal, Methodist Episcopal, Methodist Protestant, Primitive Methodist, Wesleyan Methodist, Close Communion Baptist and Open Communion Baptist,

Calvinistic and Arminian Baptists, Presbyterians, Old and New School Congregationalists, Old and New School Lutheran, Dutch Reformed, etc.- The Advent Shield and Revelation iew, May, 1844, Vol. I, p. 90. Boston: Joshua V


In this connection we will notice how the Lord wrought to introduce the proclamation in those countries where the law forbade the preaching of anything contrary to the established church. Sweden was one of those countries. There the Lord used little children to introduce the work. The first of this manifestation was in the summer of 1843, In Ekajo, southern Sweden. A little girl, only five years of age, who had never learned to read or sing, one day, in a most solemn manner, sang correctly a long Lutheran hymn, and then with great power proclaimed the hour of his judgement Is come, and exhorted the family to get ready to meet the Lord; for he was soon coming. The unconverted in the family called upon God for mercy, and found pardon. This movement spread from town to town, other children proclaiming the message. The same movement among children was manifest to some extent In Norway and Germany.

In 1896, while holding meetings in seventeen different parts of Sweden, 1 passed through several places where the children had preached In 1843, and had opportunity to converse with those who had

heard the preaching, and with men who had preached when they were children. 1 said to one of them, You preached the, advent message when you were a boy? He replied, Preached! Yes 1 had to preach I had no devising in the matter. A power came upon me, and 1 uttered what 1 was compelled by that power to utter. The Great Second Advent Movement. J. N. Loughborough, p. 140. Washington D.C.

Revelation iew and Herald Publishing Association, 1905.

Revelation 10:9. Eat . Basing their conclusions on the prophecy of 2300 years, hundreds of preachers in Europe, America and other lands, predicted the literal return of Christ about 1844.

Among these preachers were Methodists, Baptists Congregationalists, Presbyterians, Anglicans etc. John Wesley believed the Millennium would begin in 1836. On Revelation 10:6 he wrote it was to end in the year 1836. Notes on the New Testament. In 1836. The Beast Finally Overthrown, Notes on Revelation 17:11. Alexander Campbell taught the 2300 years terminated in 1847.

In thy mouth sweet as honey.

We know of course what John meant when he said eat the book. Did you ever devour a book? I have. I just couldn't let it alone until 1 had finished it. And so it was with this little book. The prophet simply devoured it. It was sweet to his taste, but later came bitter disappointment and disillusionment.

Revelation 10:10. Bitter experience followed. The Great Disappointment in 1844. Remember Christianity began in disappointment. Acts 1:6. The bitter disappointment that came to the disciples was a blessing in disguise. The Great Disappointment was prophesied.

Revelation 10:11. Before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.

Another world-wide message.

So it was with these good people who expected Christ to come in 1844. They were of various denominations - Baptists, Methodists, Episcopalians and many others.

They were wrong in the interpretation of the event but they were certainly right in the date. Their disappointment was bitter, but it had all been predicted here in the Scriptures. Their work was not finished. They had another work to do, a world. wide work. for the last verse says that a clear message would be borne to all the world. Thou must prophesy again before

many, peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings. Verse 11.


Revelation ll:1. Rise. They had their eyes on the earth. Look to the Temple of God. The Church was down in disappointment.

Temple-of God.

1. This cannot be the Church, for them that worship therein must refer to the

worshippers. Them are people. They worship. They are therefore God's people - the Church.

  1. Neither can it refer to the Temple at Jerusalem, for it was destroyed before Revelation was written and has never been rebuilt.
  2. Hebrews 8:2. It is the True Tabernacle which the Lord pitched and not man.
  3. This explained the disappointment. They were to look to the inner apartment. The Sanctuary truth explained the disappointment.
  4. Revelation 11 begins with the Heavenly Temple and ends there too.

The Altar. They were to study the atonement of Jesus. Christ today administers the atonement that He made for us on Calvary.

Revelation 11:2. The Court, and the Holy City, leave out, or cast out, (margin). This was to be trodden underfoot for 1260 years.

The Holy City - Jerusalem. B. Com. Vol. 7, on Revelation 11:2.

The Holy City - Jerusalem. John Wesley Notes. As Babylon was the centre of the counterfeit of truth, it therefore became synonymous with truth.

Daniel 7:25. The times and the law, - God's Royal Law was trampled on for 1260 years.

Daniel 8:12. It cast down the truth. In 1844 they re-discovered:-

  1. The work of Jesus in the second apartment of the Heavenly Temple.
  2. They re-discovered the Royal Law of Ten Commandments.
  3. They re-discovered Truth that had been cast down for many generations.
  4. They re-discovered the Everlasting Gospel in its fullness (Revelation 14:6 and thus were now ready to take it to every nation, kindred, tongue and people. Revelation 14:6, 7.


Revelation 10:11. Therefore in 1844 a movement would arise that would restore the Truth and have a complete answer to the apostasy.

Revelation 11:1. Rod. It is God's standard of measurement. It is therefore the Word of God -the Bible.

There was given me. John was part of the Church. The giving suggests some were trying to deprive the Church of the Bible and its saving and marvellous truths. Remember the Bible is given to His Church -to us, His people, by our Lord, and by this Divine Rod apostasy can be discovered and cast out. Like the Keys of the Kingdom, it opens heaven to the repentant and closes it to the ungodly. Those who do not accept the Word of God as just as it reads, will be snared in his (the devil’s) trap. E.G.W. 2S.M. p.52.


Revelation 11:3. A Witness is one who gives testimony. John 5:39. Scriptures, they testify ofMe.

Revelation 11:4. Two Candlesticks.

Zech. 4:3-6, the Old and the New Testaments. Like two taps from the same pipe. Two-edged sword. Old and New Testaments - the Two Witnesses. The Word is here personified. The Bible should be personified today in your life and mine.

Two Volumes . One telling of the coming Savior. The other pointing back to the Savior who came. Thus they are two great witnesses. The Old Testament left the Church waiting for the coming Messiah. The New Testament leaves us waiting for our returning Lord and Redeemer. They reveal

the cross and the crown. These are the two great features of the Scriptures.

Revelation 11:5,61. These have power. 1

Created the Universe, cast out devils, changed lives, defeated Satan. Matthew 4. To fight the Bible is to be destroyed.

Revelation 22:18,19. Do not take away or add.

Psalm 46. His voice and the earth melted. He spake and it was done.

Joseph Galloway, who lived during part of this period (1730-1803) came to this very conclusion in his Brief Commentaries when he said:

It not by these two sacred and infallible records ... [which have] been preserved amidst the waste of all-devouring time, the ravages of wars, the wrecks of books, and even during the Dark Ages of pagan sensuality, of Mohammedan ignorance, and papal superstition. I ask, is it not by these two holy records alone, that God has been pleased to reveal and attest His righteous and immaculate will to man kind? Brief Commentaries, (1809 Ed.), Vol. 1. p 57.

Revelation 11:3. 1260 years in sackcloth, in obscurity. The light of Scriptures dim in Dark Ages. This period is mentioned 7 times in the Scriptures.

Revelation ll:.3. Beast - political power . Daniel 7:23.

As the 1260year period was ending, the earthquake of the French Revolution, took place, It was just at this time that the earthquake of the French revolution came. Historians dealing with this historic event commonly bring into use the phrase the earthquake of the French Revolution, to describe the scenes of that unparalleled upheaval. Burke, in England, three years before, had forecast events in France as leading on toward an earthquake in the Political world. As it came, Alison, the historian says: The minds of men were shaken as by the yawning of the ground during the fury of an earthquake.

Dr. Thomas Goodwin, of England, so wrote in 1639. Inasmuch, he wrote, as the earliest of the Protestant witnesses underwent the great heat of that morning of persecution in the valleys of France, he felt it divinely appropriate that from the French kingdom, formerly the Papacy’s chief supporter should come the last great stroke in the ruining ofRome.

Peter Jurieu, exiled minister of the French church at Rotterdam, writing some time before 1687, said:

Now what is this tenth part of the city, which shall fall? In my opinion we cannot doubt that 'tis France. This kingdom is the most considerable part, or piece, of the ten horns, or states, which once made up the great Babylonian city.... This tenth part of the city shall fall, with respect to the Papacy; it shall break with Rome, and the Roman religion. The Accomplishment of the Scripture Prophecies part 2. chap, 13, pp. 264, 265. London, 1687.

In many of the nations of Europe the powers that ruled in church and state, had for Centuries been controlled by Satan, through the medium of the papacy. But here is brought to view a new manifestation of satanic power,

G.C. p. 269

Bottomless Pit. The Revolution, writes Lamartine; made France a vast cemetery.

Kill. Religion was abolished by decree and the Bible burned. On Nov. 23rd. 1793, the Commune unanimously passed the decree, Let all churches and temples of all religions and cults that have existed in Paris be closed at once. Age of Revolution, W.H. Hutton, Page 156.

Revelation 11:8. Sodom still has a sinister meaning of immorality.

Egypt. - Atheism.

France is the only nation in the world concerning which the authentic record survives, that an a nation she lifted her had in open rebellion against the Author of the universe. Blackwood’s Magazine, Nov. 1870, G.C. page 270.

It was from France that Karl Marx gained his ideas and this led to communism.

The first atheistic act was the introduction of the Republican calendar, in which a decadi of ten day was substituted for the immemorial seven-day week, and the tenth day of each decadi was designated a day of rest in place of the Sabbath. With the introduction of the new calendar the Christian dating of the years was also discontinued and a new era was inaugurated. The French Era, says C.D. Hagen in his French Revolution, was to succeed the Christian Era, now declared abolished. Henceforth the years were to date not from the birth of Christ, but from the birth of the French Republic, September 22, 1792. Year One would run from that day to midnight of September 21, 1793.

Revelation 11:9,11. Note the 31/2 days are repeated for emphasis. Cannot be killed - Word may appear dead, but living. 1Pet. 1:23-25.

Revelation 11:10. Wicked rejoice that the Bible is dead The reason opponents do not leave the Bible alone, is because the Bible will not leave them alone.

Revelation 11:11,12.

As George Croly remarks in The Apocalypse of St. John: The Church and the Bible had been slain in France from November, 1793, till June, 1797. The three years and a half were expended and the Bible, so long and so sternly repressed before, was placed in honour, and was openly the book offree Protestantism. Pages 181, 183.

Not merely was the religion of the Bible to be restored in France, but the ascension of the witnesses suggests a mighty expansion of the witness of the Bible at this time.

An earthquake means a national upheaval and the tenth part of the city involved clearly indicates one of the ten kingdoms of the papal Roman world. Without doubt this refers to the collapse of Catholicism in France and the sweeping away of those who had made France the principal weapon in the hands of the Papacy for crushing the true faith.

That the glorifying of God as a result of the breaking of the papal tyranny was, however, of very short duration and impermanent in its effects, emerges from the subsequent events of the nineteenth century which we shall have cause to study in greater detail in connection with the later visions of John. There was no permanent repentance on the part of men. The judgements of the third woe had become due.

Revelation 11:13. Slain of men seven thousand.

Margin names or titles. The R.V. margin reads names of men or titles of men,

seven thousand.

Declaring that religion should no longer he proscribed, but protected, he reiterated the solemn promise that worship should, be free in France. In his peroration he calledfor the restoration of all the outward symbols of faith. French Revolution and Religious Reform, p.229.

Hereditary, nobility is forever abolished: in consequence the titles of prince, duke, count, marquis, viscount, vidame, baron, knight, messire, ecuyler, noble, and all other similar titles shall neither be taken by anyone whomsoever nor given to anybody. Constitution and Select Documents, Sir Robert Anderson, p.33.

The Christian world was shocked by these events and many were driven to a closer study of the Bible, especially to the prophecies.

Gave glory to God.

  1. For these prophecies prove the Bible is true.
  2. The Bible will triumph.
  3. The Bible is the living Word of the Living God.

But militant atheism did not end at the close of 1260 years. It appeared during the French Revolution and seemed to die away. But now it has arisen like a great black cloud in the north and is spreading down over the world. Anti-God and anti-Bible influences are again seeking to destroy God's two witnesses. As the prophecy declares:

The second woe is past; and, behold, the third woe cometh quickly. Revelation 11:1

The last great conflict is on-the battle between light and darkness, between good and evil, between truth and error. The Christian church must experience a great revival. It must be filled with the Pentecostal power of the two it witnesses in order to be ready to meet the Lord in peace. As one of God’s mighty preachers today says: The only answer to an apostate, atheistic world is the church on fire for God.

In Denver. Colorado, a terrible fire occurred there which completely destroyed a large warehouse. The strange thing about it was that the building itself contained thousands of tons of water, all frozen. It was an ice storage warehouse. And, while it contained hundreds of thousands of gallons of potential fire extinguisher, none of it was available to the fire fighters. It was there, but it, was useless. It was too cold.

What a mighty power the church would be today, how many battles it would win against the forces of error and unbelief, if it were only on fire for God. Unfortunately in so many places the spiritual powers are in a frozen state.

We have no fear for the final victory of the two witnesses, for the same prophecy declares that when the seventh angel sounds, voices in heaven will declare:

The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever. Revelation 11:15.

Revelation 11:15. The Kingdoms of this world cease. This is the announcement of the. Seventh Trumpet.

7. The Kingdoms of our Lord. Have you found in Christ the peace that passes all understanding? If not, that is your privilege today. Look about you, and heed the warning. Look above and surrender your heart to Christ.


Revelation 11:14,15. The Seventh Trumpet sounded. The Seven Trumpets are resumed. Christ now ceases His work as priest and becomes King. The day of salvation has ended.

Revelation 10:7. When the seventh angel sounds, the mystery of God shall be finished. Revelation 22:11.12. It is the close of human probation. (Probation means a period of testing.) Jeremiah 8:20. The Bible's saddest words are: The harvest is past. . . and we are not saved. The Kingdom of Our Lord.

Genesis 1:26,28. The kingdom was first given to Adam. He was to have dominion. By his sin, Adam lost this dominion to Satan

Luke 4: 5-7. Satan offered all the kingdoms to Christ in exchange for worship. Thus he claimed ownership of this world's kingdoms.

Micah 4:8. Through the last Adam, the first dominion will be restored. The redeemed as Joint heirs with Christ have it restored to them.

Daniel 7:13,14. To the Son of Man is given the dominion or kingdom. This kingdom in given at the close of His mediation an priest, or when the judgement closes. Daniel 7:10.

Daniel 7:26. The judgement shall sit and the dominion of the antichrist in destroyed.

Daniel 7:27. The Kingdom and Dominion, is given to the saints. Note. It is given to the saints. It is not given to sinners. It is restored to those who serve and obey Him.

Matthew 25:34. Come, you blessed ofMy Father, inherit the Kingdom.

Revelation 22:14. Blessed are they that keep His commandments. They inherit the Kingdom. They are joint heirs with Christ. They serve and obey Him. The ownership of the Kingdom is settled forever when the Seventh Trumpet sounds.

Revelation 11:18. The nations were angry. Each Trumpet of the Seven Trumpets represents the wars of that period.

Jeremiah 4:1 . The sound of the trumpet, the alarm of war. The Seven Trumpets cover the wars and political upheavals of the Christian era.

Revelation 7:1. The winds of universal war are held till the sealing is completed. When the seventh Trumpet sounds and probation closes and the restraining Spirit of God is removed, then the pent up fury of the nations breaks forth.

Revelation 11:18. Thy wrath is come. The wrath of an insulted God and the fury of the nations break forth at the same time.

Revelation 15:1. The wrath of God must be the Seven Last Plagues. These plagues are not poured out until probation closes. The Sixth Plague is Armageddon. Revelation 16:12-14. Thus it in clear that Armageddon does not come until after the close of probation.

Revelation 11:18. Give Rewards.

Revelation : 22:11, Rewards come when Jesus comes. Matthew 16:27, Isaiah 40:10, 2 Timothy 4:8. Rewards are not given at death, but at the coming of the Prince of Life. He raises the Saints and grants them immortality and rewards.

Job 14:12. Until Thy wrath in past. After the Seven Last Plagues, on the resurrection morn, rewards are given. Job's hope was to rest until the Seven Last Plagues were past.

Revelation 11:18. Destroy them that destroy the earth. Margin corrupt the earth.

Revelation 11:19. We are now half way through Revelation. The following chapters give in remarkable details the final struggle between truth and error - between the forces of good and evil. Thin central verse gives us the heart, or reason for the controversy.

The Temple of God was opened in Heaven. The simplicity of this statement is striking. This in the throne room where the Judgement has taken place.

Probation has now closed. The Plagues have begun. Hail, earthquake etc. confirmed this fact.

The Trumpet, like the seals and the Churches, reach to the end of Christ's work in Heaven and His Gospel work on the earth.

Note! The scene changes from the first apartment to the second apartment of the Heavenly Sanctuary. Revelation 1:12,13; 2:1; 4:5; 8:3-5; 9:13; are all in the first apartment. The last eleven chapters picture Jesus in the second apartment of the Heavenly Temple, before the Ark of His Testament. This in the throne of God beneath which are the Ten Commandments.

1 Kings 8:6-2. The Ten Commandments were the foundation of God's government, thus the heart of the whole controversy between Christ and Satan was the character of God and His Ten Commandments.

Psalm 119:12. For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven. In Hebrew Word is Dabay. This is translated Ten Commandments in Deut. 4:13.

Revelation 11:1. The Temple was to be measured. Now they see in that Temple, in the Most Holy Place, the Ten Commandments. They have not been abolished. They stand eternal.



Christ’s true Church will never be destroyed. It was not born to die. It was built to last to the end of time and to triumph over the wrecks of empires. There may be periods of darkness and eclipse; hypocrisy and sin may creep in; persecution may war against it, but it will never be destroyed.

Revelation 12 is probably the most comprehensive chapter in the Bible. It spans 6,000 years-from the beginning of sin to our Lord's return. We are now half way through Revelation and the following chapters give details of the final struggle in the great controversy, the complete victory of the Church, the doom of Satan and his followers and the establishment of Christ's kingdom on earth.

Revelation 12:1. A Woman Clothed With the Sun.

Revelation is signified or in symbols.

Revelation 1:1. She in not a literal woman.

A Woman in prophecy symbolizes the Church. Jeremiah 6:2; Isaiah 54:5,6; Hosea 2:19,20; John 3:29; 2 Corinthians 11:2. A corrupt woman is used to symbolize a corrupt church. Revelation 17:1-5; Jeremiah 3:1,8. Isaiah 50:1

Clothed with the Sun. Christ is the Sun of Righteousness, Mal. 4:2. The Woman the

Church, is therefore clothed with Christ's righteousness.

Moon. As the moon shines with a reflected light, so the Old Testament points to Christ as shadow of good things to come.

Under Her Feet. The Old Testament was the foundation of the Church. The only Scriptures Jesus used was the Old Testament.

Psalm 119:105, the Scriptures are a light. They shine by the light of Christ. 2 Ptr. 1:19, the Scriptures are the foundation on which the Church must ever stand.

Revelation 12:2, 5. The Man-Child was Jesus. He was caught unto God and His throne. He is the One who will rule all nations with a rod of iron. Revelation 2:27, Psalm 2:9, Revelation 19:15. (See Burnside Bible Lesson When Christ Rules the Nations with a Rod of Iron.)

2 Chron. 16:9. The Lord seeks men whose heart to perfect towards Him. This search led Jesus to earth. His advent was a success. He won men. They in turn won others, for a won man always seeks to win others. Thus the Church was formed and is growing.

One Church in All Ages.

The Church was in existence before the birth of Christ.

Acts. 7:38. The Church at Sinai. As an expectant mother lives for the birth of her child, so the Old Testament Church lived for the birth of the Messiah.

The Dragon Stood Before the Woman.

The Church was not the only one waiting for the birth of Christ. The Dragon also waited. He had been defeated by Christ in Heaven, but he was confident he could defeat Christ when He became a human being.

The Great Red Dragon

The Devil uses earthly powers. The Ten Horns identify the dragon with the Roman Empire, with its ten divisions. Daniel 7:7,24.

The Dragon was the Symbol of Rome. An ancient writer, Prudentius, tells how the soldiers after Constantine substituted the symbol of the cross for the symbol of the dragon:

Instead of the dragon-flags which they carried, moved about with the wind, they bring forward the illustrious wood that subdued the dragon.

The Dragon was the symbol of pagan Rome, in whose empire Christ was born into the world.

Ezekiel 29:2-4. The pagan Romans used the image of a dragon on their standards, as well as the eagle. These dragon standards were red. The purple standard of the dragon.-Ammianus Marcillinus, History of the Roman Empire, bk. 16, ch. 12.

The dragon in still to be seen in many buildings and bridges of Rome and also in the floor of St. Peters.

Satan used Herod to destroy the children of Bethlehem in an endeavour to destroy Christ and later Pilate to finally condemn Jesus to the cross. These men represented Rome. It was also Roman soldiers who nailed our Lord to the cross.

The dragon in clearly stated to be the Devil, verse 9, but in attacks on the saints he works through persecuting powers, hence both are referred to as the dragon.

Revelation 12:5. Christ in caught up to God’s throne.

Revelation 12:6. And the woman, the Church flees to a place prepared of God in the wilderness for 1260 days - years. The Devil in act on destroying both the woman and the Man Child, - the Church and Christ. He fails to destroy either.

Now the Great Controversy Begins.

Revelation 12: 7-9. These verses give us the background to the controversy and the reason for the hatred of Satan against Christ and His Church.


Revelation 12: 7. War in Heaven. Satan's original dwelling place was Heaven. Luke 10:18. I behold Satan. . . fall from Heaven . You cannot see a mere influence fall. Satan is a real, personal being. Who created the Devil? God created everything except the Devil. God created Lucifer, but Lucifer made a devil out of himself. Isaiah 14: 12-14. I = self-conceit, self-sufficiency.

Ezekiel 28:12-16. In Eden. The serpent, the Devil, was there.


Why did not God kill the Devil? Lucifer accused God of being a tyrant-- His law was a yoke of bondage and that God would immediately kill any who disobeyed. Millions of angels followed Satan. None know the far reaching consequences of sin. If God had destroyed Lucifer, all the angels would have been convinced that Lucifer's charges wore correct. This charge to still echoed by millions.

John 3:16. The death of Jesus convinced the Universe of God's love and that Satan was really the tyrant.

Colossians 1:20. The Cross won the Universe.

Hebrews 2: 14. Calvary destroys the Devil's Influence.

Revelation 12:10. Now in come Salvation. Salvation came at Calvary. After the first conflict, Satan could return to Heaven. Job 1:6-12. He claimed to represent this world. Hebrews 9.:24. After Calvary we have Christ as our Heavenly Representative. He appears in the presence of-Godfor us.

Revelation 12:9. After the war in heaven, the Devil was cast out but he could return to heaven, (Job 1) where he accused the brethren.

Revelation 12:10. The accuser cast down

This was at Calvary, when salvation came to the fallen children of men. Revelation 12:11. They overcame him.

  1. By the blood of the lamb (See Lesson The Power of the Blood).
  2. They loved. . . unto death. Calvary so reveals the love of God that Christians would rather die than disobey. They would rather suffer than sin.

Of the early church, one writer says, Stephen was stoned, Matthew was slain in Ethiopia, Mark dragged through the streets until dead, Luke hanged, Peter and Simon were crucified, Andrew tied to a cross, James beheaded, Philip crucified and stoned, Bartholomew flayed alive, Thomas pierced with lances, James, the less, thrown from the temple and beaten to death, Jude shot to death with arrows, Matthias stoned to death and Paul beheaded. M. Carroll, The Trail ofBlood, pp. 11, 12

  1. By the word of their testimony.

Revelation 12:12. After Calvary and the resurrection of Christ, Satan know he was doomed and he was now limited to this earth.

Revelation 12:13. Prior to Calvary, Satan worked to win other worlds to his rebellion. But now he is defeated. He is limited to this earth, so he turns all his fury and hatred against Christ’s saints. History confirms that prior to Calvary, the Church was little persecuted. Now persecution really came. First Pagan, then Papal persecution. Over 100,000,000 were faithful unto death.

Revelation 12:14. In, the wilderness. The Church was there for protection. Revelation 17:3. The apostate Church went into the wilderness to hurt the saints. Revelation 17:6. She was drunk with the blood of the saints.

Time, time and a half =1260 years. This period in mentioned seven times in Daniel and Revelation.

It is significant. that it was at the Council of Laodicea in Asia Minor (C. AD. 365) that the Romanizers sought to proscribe the Sabbath-keeping eastern church by its decree: Christians must not judaize by resting_ on the Sabbath, but must work on that day. .. . But if any shall be found to be judaizers, let them be anathema from Christ.-.Cannn 29. See Scribner's Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, 2nd series, Vol. 14, 148.

The Roman ecclesiastical historians called the eastern Christianity Judaistic -Christianity and those who practised it Judaizers, but the facts are that it was the pure faith of the Gospel preserved by the new church in opposition to the corrupt faith of the apostate church, of which Rome was rapidly becoming the centre and head.

The ancient Vaudois constantly rejected doctrines that were based on authority and human tradition; they repelled, with holy indignation and horror, images, crosses, and relics as objects of veneration or worship; the adoration and intercession of the blessed Virgin Mary and the saints; ... they likewise rejected the mass, auricular confession, purgatory, extreme unction, and prayers for the dead. A History of the Vaudois Church, pages 83, 84.

The first rules and instructions. says their enemy Reinerius which for rudiments they gave unto their children was the Decalogue of the Law-the Ten Commandments . Quoted by Philip Mornay in The Mysterie of lniquitie, page 449.

It seems clear too that the early Waldenses were Sabbath-keepers for David Benedict says of them in his General History of the Baptist Denomination: Because they observed the seventh day, they were called by way of derision, Jews as the Sabbatarians are frequently at this day. Vol. 2, page 414.

The wilderness churches of Celtic Britain and of the Waldensian valleys, like the church of the east, not only preserved the primitive faith while Roman Christendom sank into the deepest apostasy, but they were missionary churches, which through the dark centuries sent out a constant stream of missionaries into the countries dominated by the apostate papal church, sowing the seeds of truth and raising up companies of believers to witness and to suffer for their faith.

The influence of the Sabbath-keeping Celtic missionaries is evident from the reference to judaizing in the minutes of the Synod of Liftinae In Belgium in 743 AD. The third allocution of the council warns against the observance of the Sabbath, referring to the decree of the Council of Laodicea. Dr. Karl J. von Hefele, Concilien-geschicte, Vol. 3, page 512, sec. 362.

REV. 12:15. Waters as a flood.

1. Waters = peoples. Revelation 17:15, Isaiah 8:7. It was Satan's. plan to make the Church popular and Prosperous and to bring into the Church many, as a flood, of the unconverted.

To secure new converts, the exalted standard, of the Christian faith was lowered and as a result, a pagan floodflowing into the Church, carried with it its customs, practices and idols. G.C. 385.

2. The Roman Church poured as a flood, crusades and the inquisition to drown the truth. REV. 12:16. The earth helped.

1. The mountains provided shelter and a refuge for truth.

Not only for the beautifying of the earth, but designedly as a refuge for truth in times of persecution, it

would seem that Providence had formed the recesses of these everlasting hills. Many a generation of

believers praised God for the strength of the hills, of which the psalmist sang so long before. In Alpine

retreats they could say, as in the Hymn of the Vaudois Mountaineers:

For the strength of the hills we bless Thee,

Our God, our father’s God!

Thou has made Thy children mighty,

By the touch of the mountain sod.

Thou has fixed our ark of refuge Where the spoiler’s feet ne’er trod:

For the strength of the hills we bless Thee,

Our God, our father’s God

We are watchers of a beacon

Whose light must never die: We are guardians of an altar Midst the silence of the sky:

Thy rocks yield founts of courage,

Struck forth as by Thy rod;

For the strength of the hills we bless Thee,

Our God, our father’s God!


So the earth and the elements helped the woman in those dark days. We see it in the story of the defeat of the Spanish Armada. It was as a crusade of Catholic powers to crush Protestant Britain that the vast Armada was sent into the English channel, there to be scattered by Drake and his small force, and to be sent on to destruction by tempests in the Northern seas. The very elements of earth fought against them. In the old verse of William Warner:

Howbeit force, not policy, but God’s sole providence

Did clear foreboasted conquest, and benighted thralldom hence.

Wylie says:

Even the Spaniards themselves confessed that the divine hand was upon them: That One looked forth at times from the storm cloud that pursued them, and troubled them. Christendom at large was solemnized; the ordinary course of events had been interrupted; the heavens had been bowed, and the great Judge had descended upon the scene......

The deliverance was a common one to the Protestant kingdoms. All shared in it with England, and each in turn took up this song of triumph......

It seemed as if the days of Miriam, with their judgments and songs of triumph had returned, and that the Hebrew prophetess had lent her timbrel to England, that she might sing upon the destruction of a mightier host than that of Egypt, and the overthrow of a greater tyrant than he who lay drowned in the Red Sea. England began the song as was meet, for around her isle had the Armada been led, a spectacle of doom: but soon, from beyond the German ocean, from the foot of the Alps, from the shores of Scotland, other voices were heard swelling the Anthem, and saying, “Sing yea to the Lord, for He hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and his rider hath He thrown into the sea. The enemy said, I will pursue, I will overtake, I will divide the spoil; my lust shall be satisfied upon them: I will draw my sword, my hand shall destroy them. Thou didst blow with Thy wind. The sea covered them; they sank as lead in the mighty waters.” History of Protestantism, book 23, chapt 19.

Philip of Spain said he sent his Armada to fight with men, and not to combat with the winds. The earth opened Her mouth

To meet this new attack, the earth opened her mouth. Through the centuries the aerth helped the woman by providing a refuge for the persecuted people of God. But this new attack coming from the mouth of the serpent has been overcome in another way. A century ago the new science of archaeology came into being, and from the buried cities of the past, evidence piles on evidence confirming the accuracy of the Bible records. Marvellous discoveries in the fields of archaeology, history and geology have all substantiated and vindicated the word of God. The Rosetta stone, discovered in 1799, became the key to the past. It enabled scholars to learn the ancient Egyptian languages, thus opening the whole story of the ancients. Thousands of discoveries have been made in substantiation of Biblical history. The earth has indeed opened her mouth, and the very stones are crying out in the ears of this skeptic age, Thy word is truth.

Birth of Jesus Caught up

to God Persecuted the Woman

Church awaiting the

Messiah’s Birth 538 1798 1844 End












Jesus on earth Pagan Papal









Revelation 12:17. The Dragon makes war With the Remnant.

The dragon sees his time is short. Therefore with subtlety and hatred unparalleled, he turns against the Remnant.

  1. This is the last verse in this prophetic picture, for it deals with the last part of the Church of Jesus.
  2. Remnant. As a remnant is the last part of a bolt of cloth, so here is the last glimpse of the people of God, just before the last day.
  1. Keep the commandments of God.
  2. Have the Testimony ofJesus. Revelation 14:6-16.
  3. Have the last message. Revelation 13:6-16.
  4. Faith (or teaching) ofJesus.
  5. Remnant of her seed. This is Jesus picture of His Church in the last days.


  1. Keep the commandments of God
  2. Have the Testimony of Jesus which is the spirit of prophecy.
  3. Threefold message
  4. Faith of Jesus.


Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast for it is the number of a man and his number is 666 - Revelation 13 : 18.

The reason that many are puzzled over this verse is because it is taken out of its context, and they speculate around this single verse.

  1. It is the number of a man. (Not a woman).
  2. It is also the number of a beast.

The Pope's Official title is


(Which means, A substitute for the Son of God. In the Roman Alphabet the letters I, V, X, L, C, D, and M have numerical values. Letters U and V are used interchangeably.)

Counting numerical values we have


V 5





1 1





C 100





A 0





R 0





I 1





U 5





S 0





Totals 112






Total: 666

GREEK - LATEINOS (Latin Man or Church)

HEBREW- ROMIITH (Roman Kingdom)






































DUX CLERI - (Latin - Head of Clergy)





































Now, Romiith is the Hebrew name for the Roman beast or Roman kingdom, and this word as well as the former word Lateinos contains the just and exact number 666. It is really surprising that there should be such a fatal coincidence in both names in both languages. No other word, in any language whatever, can be found to express both the same number and the same thing.- Newton on Prophecy, page 620.

The Common Market originated in Rome and has been called the Treaty of Rome, and more recently The Club ofRome.

Matthew 2:16. This was pagan Rome. Since the beast receives its seat from the dragon, Revelation 13:2, the beast must have arisen after the decline and fall of pagan Rome, AD 300538. The beast receives its seat from pagan Rome, therefore its headquarters will be in Rome, the Roman See, or seat.

  1. The beast is also a religious power. Revelation 13:8. The world worships him.
  2. It is a blaspheming power. Revelation 13:6. It speaks great things and blasphemies. The Scriptures reveal blasphemy.

John 10:33. A man, makest thyself God, this is blasphemy.

Luke 5:21. God alone can forgive sins. For a man to claim to be able to forgive sins is blasphemy.

Daniel 7:25. This power claims to be able to change the law of God.

6. It is a persecuting power. Revelation 13:7. It made war with the saints and overcame them. It
would rule supreme as a political power for 1260 years. Revelation 13:5. 1,42 months of 30 days = 1260. Ezekiel 4:6, a day in symbolic prophecy is a year. It ruled from AD. 538 to 1798.

  1. Revelation : 13:3. It receives a deadly wound. In 1798 Napoleon sent General Berth-ier to take the Pope prisoner. A Catholic writer says: Half of Europe thought that Napoleon's veto would be obeyed, and that with the Pope the Papacy was dead. The Modern Papacy, published by the Catholic Tract Society.
  2. Revelation 13:3 The deadly wound was healed. (See the Preface in front of the A.V. of the Bible. To the Most High and Mighty Prince James etc. Third paragraph, Which hath given such a blow unto that Man of Sin as will not be healed. In 1929 the wound was healed and the Papacy is climbing back to power and even Protestant churches are seeking her leadership in Church union. The European powers are linked in The Treaty of Rome, The Common Market.
  3. This beast power will continue until Christ returns. Revelation 14:9-15. Only one power fulfils these identifying marks that are so clearly given in God’s Word. That power is Papal Rome.

From a popular Roman Catholic weekly, Our Sunday Visitor, we quote the following:-

The letters inscribed on the pope's mitre are these, 'Vicarius Filii Dei,' which is Latin for Vicar of the Son of God. Our Sunday Visitor, April 18, 1916. page 3, Bureau of Information Department.

The tiara is placed upon the head of the newly appointed pope according to the following formula:-

The tiara in placed upon the pope's head at his coronation by the second cardinal in the Loggia of St. Peter's with the words. Receive the tiara adorned with three crowns, and know that thou art Father of princes and kings, Ruler of the world, Vicar of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Catholic Dictionary, by William E. Addis, London, 1909, article Tiara

Thus the popes of Rome are crowned Vicarius Filii Dei The above confession removes all question of doubt, and makes the application of the prophecy a certainty.

Cardinal’s Residence, 408 N. Charles St. Baltimore Jan 18 1904.

Dear Mr Weaver: Your favour is received. In reply, his Eminence desires me to inform you that Vicarius Filii Dei means the Representative of the Son of God.

Yours truly,

Wm. T. Russut, Secretary.

Copy of the second letter to the Cardinal's secretary:-

Baltimore, Md., Jan 18 1904.

Wm. T. Cardinal's Residence, City.

Dear Friend: I have received your answer to my letter to his Eminence, for which favour I feel indebted, but it did not contain the answer to the main question, which was, Does the inscription. Vicarius Filii Dei appear on the crown or mitre of the pope or has it at any time in the past appeared on the crowns or mitres of any of the popes?

Trusting you will pardon me for troubling you again, I beg to remain,

Yours sincerely,

H. S. Weaver

Answer to the above:-

BALTIMORE, MD., Jan. 26, 1904.

Mr. H. S. Weaver.

Dear Sir:

In reply to yours of the 1 18th inst., 1 beg to say that 1 cannot say with certainty, that the words, Vicarius Filii Dei, are on the pope's tiara. but the words are used by the cardinal who imposes the tiara at the coronation of the pope. (Italics ours.)

Yours truly,

(Signed) Wm. T. RUSSUT, Secretary.

The title Vicarius Filii Dei .... is very common as a title for the Pope. Doctor J. Quaston S.T.D. Professor of ancient history and Christian archaeology. School of Sacred Theology Catholic University of America, Washington D.C. March 5, 1943. This title was confirmed by a church council according to Binius a Roman Catholic dignitary of Cologne. (See Socrosaucta Coucilia, Vol.1 p 1539 - 1541)

When our Lord was crucified a superscription also was written over Him in letters of Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew, THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS. Luke 23:38. So when our Lord writes up the great apostate power, He writes it up in Greek and Hebrew as well as Latin.

The Hebrew, in referring to the Latin kingdom- the last of the four great world empires-used the name Romiith. In their letter-numerals it would read thus-


O = 6






Now, Romiith is the Hebrew name for the Roman beast or kingdom, and this word as well as the former word Lateinos contains the just and exact number 666. It is really surprising that there should be such a fatal coincidence in both languages. No other word in any language whatever can be found to express both the same number and the same thing. Newton on Prophecy, page 620.

The Common Market originated in Rome and has been called the Treaty of Rome, and more recently the Club ofRome.



What is the Mark of the Beast ? Who will receive it ?

This is the most solemn and serious message of Revelation. The text reveals its importance.

Revelation 13:16,17. Millions receive the Mark of the Beast. Terrible results follow. Revelation 14:9-11. We should be anxious to understand this warning.

  1. God will not punish without warning what is the Mark.
  2. Thus our God sends a message to all the world which not only warns against the Mark, but reveals what it is.
  3. Therefore no one needs to be in ignorance on this vital subject. The lesson on The Mysterious Number, 666, revealed the Beast and its Number.


A mark is something that distinguishes one thing from another.

A mark of a religious power is some outstanding belief or supposed power that other religions do not claim to have.

The best way to find what Catholics consider their mark of distinction, is to ask them what they hold it to be. What is the stamp of her power and authority above all other religions?

Daniel 7:25. God warned of this power that would think it had changed His times and the Law. (See Chart of the Ten Commandments and as changed by man). This reveals the change they have made in God's Eternal Ten.

See Catholic Confessions, by G.B.

This Act Tore out the Seal of God from His Ten COMMANDMENTS.

Isaiah 8:16. Seal the Law among My disciples.

  1. The Seal of God is connected with His Law.
  2. As God calls His Law to be sealed, it is evident that the Seal is missing among His disciples.
  3. God's Seal is to be restored to His Law and to His disciples.
  4. When this is done, His law will be sealed.
  5. The Testimony, is God's Ten Commandments. Exodus 31:18.

Isaiah 8:17. This next verse shows it will be when His disciples wait and look for Him. This work is carried forward just before the Last Day.

Revelation 7:1-3. God makes the issue clear. His Last Message not only warns against the Mark of the Beast, but it also seals His disciples with the Seal of the Living God. The four winds are held until this work is completed. Winds in prophecy often symbolize war. This is the four winds. It is war in the North. South. East and West. It is a world going down in the battle of Armageddon Revelation 6:17. The great day of His wrath is come; and who shal1 be able to stand?

Revelation 7, comes in between the sixth and seventh seals to answer this all-important question. It is God’s last message to prepare a people


Seal, mark, or sign are words used interchangeably. Romans 4:11.

The Wycliffe translation of 1380, and the Douay version of 1609 both use the word sign instead of seal.

Exodus 31:13. The Lord spake ... Verily My Sabbaths you shall keep: for it is a sign between Me and you. The Sabbath is God's sign, seal, or mark.

Exodus 31:17. It is a sign between Me and the children of Israel forever: A. perpetual covenant. Vs. 16. Israel means a God-ruled people, His disciples, His saints

Ezekiel 20:12. 1 gave them My Sabbaths to be a sign Iam the Lord that sanctify them. Sanctify means to make holy. There never will be conflict between God's sanctified, holy, God ruled people and His holy, sanctified day. Our Lord says the Sabbath is His sign or seal. Ezekiel 20:20. Hallow My Sabbaths; and they shall be a sign between Me and you, that you may know that I am the Lord thy God.

Four times God calls the Sabbath His sign or seal and mark. It is the sign of His creative power. The One who can not only create a universe, but can also create a new heart in those who trust the merits of His atoning blood. This neglected Sabbath will be restored. As the holy seventh-day Sabbath is God's mark, so the counterfeit day is a substitute for the genuine.


Matthew ,15:3. Christ asks you Why do you also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition? Sunday is based on tradition only.

Matthew 15:9. In vain do they worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. If you keep the Sabbath, whom do you obey? God! If you keep Sunday, whom do you obey? You cannot say you obey God, for God never once asked you to keep Sunday. The issue is not just a matter of days. It is a matter of obeying Christ or Rome - either God or man.
















Revelation 14:12. Christ points out His saints, His sanctified people who have refused to receive the Mark of apostasy.

Jesus says, Here they are, in the last days kneeling at the foot of the cross and looking for His return. They keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus. -It is impossible to keep the commandments of God and at the same time receive the Mark of the Beast.

Revelation 22:14. The commandment-keepers enter the city of our Lord.

Why plunge into darkness when the gates of glory are ajar? Why be a castaway, while Jesus bids you Come?

Revelation 22:16. I Jesus have sent Mine angel to testify unto you. He says, Here are they that keep the commandments. Why not step over the line with Jesus now? You will never regret it.


The Image of the Beast and Coming Boycott

Revelation 13:9-12. Another beast rises as the first beast goes into captivity and receives a deadly wound.

Revelation 13:3. First beast is revived. The Second beast compels worship of the First beast. Revelation 13:5. The First beast rules for 42 months 1260 days.

Revelation 12:6, 14. The true Church is in the wilderness for the duration of the 1260 days (years).


538 1798

1260 years

Who is this Second beast?

1. Time. It is rising as the First beast is going into captivity, 1798. There was only one world power rising in 1798.

1776 - U.S.A.'s declaration of Independence. 1787 - U.S.A.'s Constitution came into effect. The U.S.A. was rising (lamb-like) in 1798.

Revelation 13:11.

  1. Place. Out of the earth. Contrast with Revelation 13:1, out of the sea, and Revelation 17:8 bottomless pit. This indicates a sparsely populated territory.
  2. Lamb-like. Christ is the Lamb of God. This indicates a Christian nation. Religious liberty.
  3. It is separate from the First beast, therefore it is not part of the Papacy. It is a Protestant nation.


Revelation 13:11,12. Speaks as a dragon. It becomes a world-super-power. Only one nation rose

about 1798 and became a super-power - U.S.A.

Revelation 13:12. It would support the Papacy. The bulk of Catholic finance and support today is

from the U.S.A

First Amendment of U.S.A. Constitution says: Congress shall make no laws respecting an

establishment of religion, or prohibiting thefree exercise thereof. Religious laws of any kind are

not permitting the free exercise thereof.

Revelation 13:13,14. Image to the beast.

Jesus was the express image of His Father. So

the image is like the beast. It is therefore apostate Protestantism following and acting like the


Revelation 13:15. This prophecy indicates some kind of Union of Churches.

Steps in the Forming of the Papacy.

  1. 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4, Falling away from truth.
  2. Christendom became popular with the world.
  3. Sought political power.
  4. Enforced Sunday.

The same steps will form an image or likeness to the beast.

Revelation 13:15,16. The bond of union is

  1. Sunday.
  2. Immortality of the soul.

Revelation 13:17. The Mark enforced by boycott. There are no conscripts in Christ's army. Whosoever will may come.

The wicked bring the boycott and God brings the plagues.

The Righteous are Blamed for the Calamities.

Renan (writing of the time of Marcus Aurclius, AD. 161) says At every famine, flood and epidemic, the cry The Christians to the lions sounded like a gloomy menace.

1 Kings 18:17,18. The obedient are blamed. Elijah probably was blamed for the famine, but when the false prophets of Baal died, the rain came. Elijah is a type of Last Day Message. He was accused. but God fed him by the angels. Later he was translated.

Why Do the Calamities Come?

Isaiah 24:3-6. Transgressed God's laws.

Zeph. 3:4. They have done violence to the law

Jeremiah 9:12-17. They have forsaken My law.

Revelation 16:2. God's people have victory over the beast and its Mark.

Isaiah 32:17-19. During the plague of hail the saints are in Peace.

Great peace have they that love Thy law

Isaiah 33:1,2. Woe to the spoiler, the persecutor. In the time of trouble. Daniel 12:1.

Isaiah 33:16. Saints protected in the munitions of rocks. Bread and water sure. God will see His people through.

Isaiah 33:17. Thine eyes shall see the King in His beauty. Jesus return is at the close of the plagues. This prophecy is at the time of trouble. They shall see the land, that is very far off. - the Glory-land.


Revelation 16:14-16. Armageddon terminates at our Lord's return. I come as a thief. In the midst of Armageddon. He makes wars to cease.

Revelation 14:6-16. Just before Armageddon and the coming of Christ, a great movement will go forward under the figure of three angels. This prophecy points to a three -fold message going to all the world.

Judges 2:1. Angel - messenger, (Margin).

Revelation 14:6. It is a world-wide message, for it goes to every nation, kindred, tongue and people, just before the end of all things.

Revelation 14:14-16. The harvest of the earth.

Matthew 13:38-43. The harvest is the end of the world. Many people say The world will never end. Jesus says, The end is coming.

Matthew 24: 30, 31. The angels gather the righteous. To prepare people for His coming, Christ sends three mighty messages.

Mal. 3:1. At Christ's first advent He sent His angel or messenger to prepare the way. Matthew 11:10,11. Jesus said that the messenger was John the Baptist.

Revelation 14:6. This last three-fold message goes to all the world. It is inter-national. It goes to all nations.

Revelation 22:16. I Jesus have sent Mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. It is an inter-denominational message. it must go to all people, regardless of denominations. It is for all people. It is to prepare them for the Glory land to which they are taken by our Lord at His return.

Revelation 14:6. Having the everlasting Gospel. It is the complete restoration of truth. Truths lost in the Dark Ages are all restored.

Revelation 14:7. The hour of His judgement is come. It tells of the -Pre-advent judgement. (See also Daniel 7:9-12).

Revelation 14:8. It exposes modern Babylon and calls

God's people to Come out.

Revelation 14:9-11. It warns against worshipping the beast and of receiving its mark.

Revelation 14:12. This message produces a people who Keep the commandments of God. The commandments do not always refer only to the Ten Commandments, but they always include the Ten.

The faith of Jesus - this is the teachings of Jesus. See Gal. 1:23, 1 Timothy 3:9, and 4:1. 2 John 9. Whosoever transgresseth, (breaks the commandments) and abideth not in the Doctrine of Christ. hath not God, or does not keep teaching of Christ, hath not God. This last day message reveals a people who live the teachings of Jesus.

John 8:12. He that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. No one can be lost who follows Jesus.

Revelation 14:14. This is the Last Message, for it is immediately followed by our Lord's return. There will be no other message to follow. It is the last. Therefore this message is not mere denominationalism - it is inter- denominational. It is over and above denominations. It is more than a mere church - it is God's last message.


It is as important for people today as God's message through Noah was to the people before the Flood.


It is God's truth for this mighty hour. Amid the thousands of conflicting voices that are crying in this sunset hour of civilization. This alone constitutes God's full message. It is the message every up-to-date preacher should be preaching. If he is not preaching this message, he may have some truth, but he has not got God's complete truth for this day and hour.

Who is Preaching this Message?

  1. At the first coming of Christ the established churches did not preach God's message. so God raised up a special messenger, John the Baptist.
  2. John Wesley, Luther, and the host of other great saints of bygone years did not preach this message. It was not due. It is the last message. As we are in the last days, it is now due and it is here.

Revelation 15:2,3. Before the throne are those who have gotten the victory over the beast his mark and image. To get the victory over the beast and his mark, one must know who and what they are. These victors must have received God's last message as outlined in Revelation 14:6-16, which exposes the Beast and its work.

The progress of this message is the greatest sign of all that Christ is coming. We certainly need Christ to enable us to five His truth.

We must be Unionists. We must belong to the world’s greatest Union- Union with Christ. God is holding back the final storm until His Last Message of Mercy is proclaimed to the world.

Additional Notes on Revelation 14:6-16.

Revelation 14:1.1. Torment. This word perhaps could be better translated the smoke of their trial or testing. The Greek word basanismos. Dr. Young states the word means to try, test, or torment. The idea of torment is altogether a secondary meaning, primarily it signifies a trial or testing. (See also Liddell and Scott's 1exicon.)

1 Corinthians 3:13-15. The fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. The word translated try is the Greek word Dokimozo, which again from Dr. Young, means to try, assayor prove. This fire is to test every man's work. The righteous are on the sea of class mingled with fire. The redeemed, have nothing of sin about them and like the three Hebrews of Daniel 3, the fire cannot touch them.

This fire shall try (prove) every man's work of what sort it is. Both the righteous and the wicked will go through the same test, and before the whole universe will be revealed those who are God's saints, through union with Him and those who are not.

Isaiah 33:14,15. Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? Who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings?

Worship, True and False.

Revelation l4:7. Worship Him that made heaven and earth. People grow like the One they worship. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. What you, worship decides your character and way of life. For instance, Egyptians worshipped gods that practiced incest. The people, even royalty, did likewise. The worship of India’s sex-mad gods, has produced their likeness among the people.

The Sabbath governs worship and will do so eternally when from one Sabbath to another shall all flesh come to worship before Me, said the Lord. Isaiah 66:22.23. The Sabbath can never be separated from worship.

Revelation l3:8, 12, 15. Revelation 14:9. 11.

Millions will worship the beast. They do this when they receive the mark of the beast. Thus the final issue is worship. The worship of the Creator or the worship of the beast.

Exodus 31:16,17. The Sabbath is the sign of the Creator.

  1. Those who keep the Sabbath do so because they believe in God. No one would keep the Sabbath who did not believe in the Creator. Thus the Sabbath is a sign on the peoples' part that they believe in God.
  2. The Sabbath is a sign on God's part. It is the memorial of His work of Creation. It is God's sign of His creative power. It is a sign between our Lord and His Israel, His God-ruled people forever, even into the gloryland.


 Revelation 14:14. The Harvest of the Earth.

Matthew 15:39. The harvest is the end of the world.

Two Companies

Revelation 14:17 Two Sickles. V.14, 17.

Two harvests. V.15, 18.

Because there will be two classes of people when Jesus comes.

Matthew 13:37-40. The Good Seed, and the Tares.

Matthew 24:41. The taken and the left.

Matthew 24:45, 48. The faithful, and the evil.

Matthew 25:33. The wise and the foolish.

Mal. 3:17,18. The righteous and the wicked.

Revelation 14:9-12. Mark of the Beast or the Commandments of God.

Two world messages produce two Groups of people.

The three messages of Revelation 14:6-12 gather God's people out of Babylon to keep the Commandments of God and the Faith of Jesus.

The three unclean spirits that come out of the mouth or teachings of the three God-opposing powers gather the wicked. Revelation 16:13.

The Wrath of God

Revelation 14:10. and Revelation 15:1. The wrath of God is filled up in the Seven Last Plagues. Revelation 14:19. The wicked face the wrath of God. Therefore this passage of Scripture is describing conditions during the Seven Last Plagues.

Without the City

Revelation 14:20. Without the City. This city is not the holy city, the New Jerusalem.

  1. The setting of this prophecy is at the time of the plagues. The holy city does not descend until 1,000 years later.
  2. The destruction of the wicked at the close of the millennium will be with fire. Revelation 20:9. This fire reduces the wicked to ashes in a short time. Mal. 4:1-3. Then the earth melts in fervent heat. 2 Pet. 3:10. A river of blood is then an impossibility. This then is evidently without the city, the same city outside which Jesus was crucified.

Hebrews 13:12. Wherefore Jesus, that He might sanctify the people with His own blood, suffered without the gate. Jesus took our place of guilt outside the city.

Num. 15:35. The man who deliberately broke the Sabbath was taken without the gate and stoned as the Lord commanded.

I Kings 21:13. They carried him forth out of the city and stoned him.

Acts 7:58. Of Stephen we read that they cast him out of the city and stoned him.

There the blood of Jesus was shed for us. There Stephen's blood stained the ground the first Christian martyr.

There, outside Jerusalem, more blood has been spilt than on any other place on the face of the earth.

This, (Revelation 14:20) is doubtless a description of the battle of Armageddon which will be fought near the city of Jerusalem. Studies in the Revelation, College of Medical Evangelists, Taylor G. Bunch, p. 224.

Isaiah 63:1-4. There where Jesus trod the winepress alone, there again the winepress is trodden. There, their blood shall be sprinkled, in the day of vengeance.

Remember, the Savior of Calvary says, I that speak in righteousness, mighty to-8ave. Now it is too late.

Isaiah 14:20. There is certainly no obvious symbolic significance. It is a terrible picture and certainly emphasizes the fearfulness of the day of wrath, which will be literal. Explaining it away will not shift it. Denying it will not do away with it. The Scriptures cannot be broken.

Joel 3:9-14. Put you in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe: come, get you down; for the press is ful1, the fats overflow; for their wickedness is great.

Joel 3:16. But the Lord will be the hope of His people. (Margin, harbour). Here is a promise to cling to. Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Luke 12:32.

The next two chapters, Revelation 15 and 16, amplify Revelation 17:20 and shows the spirits of devils going forth to gather the world to Armageddon. They are gathered, not scattered over the whole world. The Scriptures emphasize twice that the devil goes forth to gather, and that they are gathered to a place and that place is called Armageddon

Joel 3:11. Assemble yourselves, and come, all you heathen, and gather yourselves together. Joel 3:12. Let the heathen be wakened, and come up to the valley ofJehoshaphat. This is outside of old Jerusalem and there the fats overflow. Spiritualizing, or explaining away Scripture, will not stop its fulfilment. These are the prophecies that stir people to do and to dare for truth. Those who would spiritualize these prophecies do little in evangelism. These prophecies demand of us earnestness and zeal in giving the truth to those in ignorance of these things.

The whole earth gathers to fight in the great battle of Armageddon; and so great is the slaughter that for miles about the city, blood flows to the horses bridles. wrote S.N. Haskell, in The Seer of Patmos, p. 264.

Two Vines

Two vines are growing on the earth today. Christ is the true Vine and His followers are the branches. The vine of the earth - of the god of this world, Satan. has many branches.

Deut. 32:32,33. Their vine is the vine of Sodom. Their wine is poison. The wine is the false doctrine of Satan. It makes the nations mad it deceives all nations.

Revelation 15:1. Terrible is the vintage, when the winepress of the wrath of God is trodden in the Seven Last Plagues, for in them is filled up the wrath of God.

Revelation 14:19,20 is a brief statement which is immediately amplified in the verses that follow in chapter 15 and 16.


Revelation 14:19,20. These verses reveal the grapes of the devil’s vine, cast into the wine-press of the wrath of God, which is trod outside the city. The red juice of the vine strongly suggests blood. Jesus used it as a symbol of His blood at the Lord's supper. Now the blood of the despises of His mercy flows. The next two chapters amplify this brief statement. They bring to view rivers and seas of blood. Note carefully that both these closing verses of Revelation 14, and the next two chapters, deal

with the wrath of God. They both deal with the events and the same time.

Revelation 15:1. The Seven Last Plagues in them is filled up the wrath of God. The angels, or
Messengers of mercy are followed by the Angels of Wrath. Thus it has ever been. The rejecters of Noah’s appeals received the murky waters of the Deluge. Those who mocked Lot’s appeals were mocked by the flames of doom. Those who despised Jesus were despised by the Romans

They sowed one cross on Calvary's hill and they reaped thousands of crosses.

Today Christendom is sowing disobedience, lawlessness and anarchy - and they shall reap as they sow. Those who despise mercy's warning will soon reap wrath.

Revelation 15:2,3. First Christ gives a glimpse of glory, for the triumph of truth is certain. These people have the victory over the Beast and its Mark. They have heeded the message of Revelation 14:6-16.

Revelation 15: 5,6. The Tabernacle of Testimony. The Ark was called the Ark of the Testimony for it contained the tables of Testimony or the Ten Commandments. The plague Angels came from before the Ten Commandments. It is because these eternal principles have been broken that the plagues fall on the commandment breakers.

Revelation 15: 8. No man enters the temple during the Plagues. The Man Christ Jesus no longer offers pardon. The day of mercy has closed. The Plagues begin when probation's hour closes. Revelation 22:11,12. Behold I come quickly. These words follow the decree that settles the fate of all.. Just a little while before Christ returns the day of mercy closes.

Revelation 18:8. The Plagues come in one day. As a day in prophecy equals a year, no doubt approximately a year before Christ returns the day of mercy closes and the Seven Last Plagues will begin to fall.

John 6:39,40,45,54. Christ repeatedly states that He will raise the righteous at the last day. This is when He comes again. The Seven Last Plagues are called the Last because they come just before the last day. Also because there are no more plagues to follow. They are the last for in them is filled up the wrath of God.

On Whom Do They Fall?

How Can I Escape?

Revelation 16:1. Great Voice out of the Temple.

This is from before the Ten Commandments.

Revelation 16:2. Upon the men who had the mark of the Beast. These are the same people who

have been warned.

Revelation 14:9-11. If any man worship the Beast and receive his Mark the same shall drink
of the wine of the wrath of God. They had been warned of the plagues warned of the plagues
for in them was filled up the wrath of God. Revelation 14:12. This verse reveals the saints. Those who keep the commandments of God. Thus two classes are clearly brought to view:-

  1. Those who receive the Mark of the Beast and come in for the plagues,
  2. And those, the saints who keep the Commandments of God.

What Will Happen to the Commandment-Keepers?

Revelation 22:14. They enter Heaven. They are ushered into the City of God.

Revelation 15:2,3. These are the same people, for they have gained the victory over the Beast and its Mark. They are in Glory. They are the saints. These are they that keep the Commandments of God. Thus the Revelation of Jesus is crystal clear, that it is impossible to receive the Mark of the Beast and to keep the Commandments of God at the same time. Here are two distinct classes. This is the clear statement of Christ. So if you are opposed to the Commandments of God, you are a candidate for the Mark of the Beast.

Revelation 15:1. The Seven Last Plagues.

  1. They are the last. They will. not be followed by any other. They are indeed the last. In them is filled up the wrath of God.
  2. This also indicates they were preceded by other plagues that were mixed with mercy, so man might learn righteousness. The seven last plagues are unmixed with mercy.
  3. There were ten plagues that fell on Egypt. The first three fell on all, both Egyptians and Israelites.

Exodus 8:23. I will put a division between My people and thy people. Margin, a redemption. The last seven plagues of Egypt fell only on the Egyptians. In like manner the Seven Last Plagues fall only on those who have the Mark of the Beast.

Revelation 14:9-11. Receive, receiveth, indicates a voluntary acceptance of the Mark of the Beast. Revelation 16:2. Loathsome and painful sores. (T.C.N.T.)

Revelation 16:3. The sea .. . became as blood. The Beast arose out of the sea, Revelation 13:1. In the New Earth there will be no more sea.

Revelation 16:4. Rivers. . . became blood.

Revelation 16:5-7. The reason is given. The nations have craved for blood. The persecuting church shed the blood of millions. She was drunk with the blood of the saints. Those who come in for the plagues have followed the Papacy, so they share its fate. The angels that have seen all, approve. We do well to withhold our judgement until we too can see and hear all. Then all will approve of God's righteous judgements. Revelation 15:3,4; 19:1,2. The wicked have just condemned the saints to death. Revelation 13:15. Revelation 16:8,9. Sun worship has always been the great counterfeit. It was the devil’s system. Sunday, so named because anciently dedicated to the sun and to its worship. Webster's Dictionary. (See The Sun and the Atom Bomb.) Joel 1:2,3, 15-20. This famine no doubt is brought on by the great heat. Some fear they may starve if they obey God and keep His Sabbath. Now only the obedient have food.

Isaiah 33:16,17. Bread and water shall be sure for God's people.

Revelation 16:10,11. Darkness. They had-shut out light by rejection. They had loved what God hates and hated what God loves. They had rejected light, so now they get darkness.

The seat of the Beast. The seat had been given by the dragon. Revelation 13:2.

Where Satan's seat is. A. Barnes (Presbyterian) says, I understand this as referring to the very seat ofpapal power - Rome - the Vatican.

Revelation 16:12-16. The nations gathered to Armageddon. Revelation 16:17. Into air. This is universal.

Out of the temple where the Ten Commandments are enshrined.

Revelation 16:18. Greatest earthquake of all time.

Revelation 16:19. Cities of the nations fell.

Revelation 16:201,21. Great hail.

Isaiah 28:17,18. The hail shall sweep away a refuge of lies. Truth alone protects when God does His strange work. Isaiah 28:21.

Job 38:22,23. Hail reserved against the time of trouble, against the day of battle and of war. God terminates Armageddon.

Revelation 14:20. This is the eradication of sin, when the wrath of God is filled up and finished. Sin shall not rise up a second time.

Revelation 16:17. It is done, - man's reign of disobedience is finished. At the cross when Christ's atoning death and His work on earth was done, He cried, It is finished. When all is completed and the earth is renewed, He again says, It is done. Revelation 21:6. He is the beginning and the end. He is Creator and Judge. By Him all things consist. He is all and in all. He is the Author and the Finisher.

Is God a Tyrant?

Nobody needs to come in for the Plagues, unless they voluntarily receive the Mark of the Beast. Christ has given us His truth and power to obey Him. He gives His message to make His truth clear. It is not hard to understand, but as in the days of Noah, they want their own way instead of Christ's, and they voluntarily receive the counterfeit.

Christ has placed in His Word a whole Psalm to tell of that deliverance, when no plague shall come nigh thy dwelling. Notice how wonderfully Psalm 91 will be fulfilled.

Psalm 91:1. Abide under the shadow of the Almighty. John 15:10. Jesus said If you keep My Commandments you shall abide in My love. We must abide or be destroyed.

Psalm 91:2,3. He delivers from the noisome pestilence. The first plague is a Noisome sore.

Psalm 91:4. His truth shall. be thy shield.

Thy law is truth. Psalm 119:142. Lies will then be swept away. Truth alone will stand. Psalm 91:5. The terror by night - the plague of darkness. The arrow - Armageddon. Psalm 91:6. Noonday - then the sun scorches.

Psalm 91:7. This verse has never been fulfilled to date, but it will be literally fulfilled during the plagues. Shall indicates it is still future. It is prophetic.

Psalm 91:8. Thou shall behold and see the reward of the wicked. The saints are still on the earth during the plagues, but are protected as Israel was during the seven last plagues on Egypt. This is another evidence against, the secret rapture theory.

Psalm 91:9,10. No plague come nigh. This Psalm is especially for the time of the plagues. During this fearful time God's commandment keeping saints will be safe in the hollow of His hand. Psalm 91:11-14. Angel protection for those in His love. Ifyou keep My commandments, you shall abide in My love. John 15:10. I will set him on high- in Heaven.

Psalm 91:15. I will be with him in trouble, in the time of trouble. Daniel 12:1. When the plagues fall on the nations, then He delivers His people.

Psalm. 91:16. With long life - with a life as long as the life of God - Everlasting Life! Show him My salvation. When Jesus ushers His people into the Gloryland they shall see what He has won for them.

Psalm 37:34. When the wicked are cut off, thou shall see it. What a wonderful Savior is Jesus, my Jesus!

We remember that once God plagued the Egyptians with the very deities they worshipped. In overruling that the U.S.A. be first in the development of the atomic bomb it is very possible that He may have permitted a repetition of heathen history for a purpose. The very power which the Japanese have worshipped has destroyed them.

The Sabbath-keeping Christians, owing to persecution had been forced to leave Hiroshima just prior to the dropping of the first Atomic bomb. Although we had a church in that city, not a single Seventh-day Adventist perished in that city-destroying blast. God used persecution to remove His people so they would be delivered.


The SUN and the Atomic Bomb

Alexander Kendrick of the Philadelphia Inquirer made a significant point in comment upon the frightful blast which devastated Hiroshima in Japan.

Psychological warfare experts indicated that the fact that the basic energy of the sun itself was used to provide the force of the bomb might be the most potent psychological weapon of the whole war against the Japanese. Trained in their mythology, to believe that they are the descendants of the sun goddess, the Japanese might see the atomic bomb as a divine summons to end the war.

Dr Charles D. Hart pointed out that about forty miles from Hiroshima is a shrine built on

the spot where legend has it the sun goddess Amaterasa descended from heaven to found the still current ruling dynasty. Dr Hart visited the shrine some years ago, where he saw the altar on which stood a shining metal mirror, possibly one foot in diameter. There are no images in Shintoism, and the mirror was the symbol of the sun goddess’ presence. It seems to me, said Dr Hart, that it is only poetic justice that the place where the Japanese tyranny began can also be the place where it will end by means of the atomic bomb.


The occult, astrology, witchcraft, spiritism and exorcism are sweeping the world. This situation has not taken God by surprise, for He forewarned us of this very thing. in His infallible and unerring Word.

The Devils are Real

Revelation 16:14. The spirits of devils working miracles. The aim of these spirits is to deceive and

to gather the nations to destruction. God has told us these things beforehand because He loves us.

These prophecies, given by Christ, give us faith and assurance. John 14:20.

2 Thessalonians 2: 8-12. The working of Satan with ......lying wonders.

Revelation 12: 7-9. The devils are real. They hate, lie, deceive, counterfeit and fight

everything that is Christ’s.

2 Peter 2:4. They are reserved unto judgement.

Revelation 12:12. They work with the fury of desperation and hatred

2 Timothy 4.1, 2. In the latter times seducing spirits will be active – they will speak

lies in hypocrisy.

John 8:44. Jesus said the devil was a murderer and a liar. The devil is a real being and not a mere


2 Corinthians11:13-15. The devil works as an angel of light. He does this to deceive, and his

ministers work as ministers of righteousness. They operate in the field of religion.

The Test of Truth

1 John 4:1. Our Lord commands, Try the spirits whether they are of God, whether they in harmony with the Word of God. This is our duty. Neglect here, results in the deception of millions.

Isaiah 8: 19,20. Familiar spirits and wizards will be plentiful in the last days. To the law and to the testimony. If not according to this Word .....there is no light in them. The devil appears as an angel of light but the Word of God is the test.

John 14:15.16. The Holy Spirit is to be given in response to love Me and keep My commandments. Acts 5:32. The Holy Spirit is given to them that obey Him.


Christ Point Out His Saints

Revelation 12: 17. Christ’s people, (the woman) in the closing days will keep the Commandments of God and the Testimony ofJesus. They stand by the law and the testimony.

Christ exposes the Devil’s counterfeit

Revelation 17:4,5. This corrupt woman and her daughters symbolize corrupt churches, or

the devil’s counterfeit system. This is called by God Babylon which means confusion. Certainly a

fit description of today’s muddled maze.

Revelation 18:2 . Babylon becomes the habitation of devils and evil spirits. This is seen

in the revival of satanism, occult andfalse doctrines that are finding their way into

Professed Christendom.


Revelation 18:4. Christ’s call is come out of her, My people, partake not of her sins.

1 John 3:4. Sin is transgression of God’s law. Therefore they are to keep God’s


Revelation 12:17. Christ will have a people who will follow the Bible and the Ten


Revelation 18 4,5. Receive not of her plagues. The seven last plagues fall on Babylon

On the church of Satan. Therefore just before the seven last plagues fall Christ’s

final call will be to come out to keep the commandments.

Revelation 12:17. The devil is defeated through Christ’s atoning death and His word. That is the

reason he hates the commandments of God and the faith ofJesus, but they lead home to glory.

Revelation 22:14. Why delay when Christ bids you come out. Why walk in darkness when Christ

gives light. Why neglect when the gates of glory stand ajar.

Revelation 22:7. Keepeth the sayings of the prophecy.

Revelation 22:9. Keep the sayings of this Book.

Revelation 21:27. No lies or abominations enter the Holy City. The deceiving spirits speak lies in

hypocrisy that lead to their doom and all those who follow them. Therefore Christ invites come

out and do not follow her sins nor receive her plagues.


14 Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.

15 For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.

16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.

17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.


Revelation 17:1. Judgement of the great whore. Revelation 17 shows the reason for the plagues on Babylon. Therefore the time of this prophecy is just before the Seven Last Plagues.

Revelation 17:2. Two Reasons for the Plagues. She committed fornication with Kings of the Earth - Union of Church and state. She sits on the beast - the state - and she is upheld and supported by the state.

She made the nations drink of her maddening wine. (Revelation 14:8). Her false teachings that have deceived and :intoxicated the nations.

Revelation 17:3. Seven Heads.

Revelation 12:3. As the dragon has the same number of heads and horns, it shows they are linked. Revelation 12:9. The dragon primarily is Satan. It also refers to the powers through which the Devil works.

Seven Heads. There are seven distinct and different Powers introduced into Scriptures by prophetic symbols.

  1. Babylon, (lion), Daniel 7:14.
  2. Persia, (bear), Daniel 7:5.
  3. Greece, (leopard), Daniel 7:6.
  4. Pagan Rome, (ten-horned beast), Daniel 7:7.
  5. Little Horn, (Papal Rome), Daniel 7:11.
  6. Two horned Beast, (U.S.A.), Revelation 13:11.
  7. Beast from Bottomless Pit, (Communism), Revelation 11:7, 17:8.

Revelation 17:9. Seven heads are Seven Mountains. Mountains are often used as symbols of governments or kingdoms. Psalm 30:7, Jeremiah 51:24,25,

Daniel 2:35, 44, 45. This confirms that the seven heads are powers on earth through which the Devil has worked.

Thus Egypt is called the dragon, in Ezekiel 29:3, and the devil is called the king of Babylon, in Isaiah 14:4,12, and the king of Tyre in Ezekiel 28:12-17.

It is clear that the seven-headed dragon cannot-be limited to one power, for while it refers to pagan Rome in Revelation 12, when the Devil worked through it to attack the baby Jesus, the closing- verses of the same chapter reveals its warfare against God's last people. The seventh head is clearly Communism that has captured than half of modern humanity, and is growing at the rate of 60,000 converts an hour.

 The Babylon of Revelation 17 and 18.

Revelation . 17: 1. She sitteth upon many waters, (peoples verse 15). Exercising dominion over multitudes, she also sits on seven mountains and on a beast. She is well supported.

Revelation 17:18. She is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth. There was only one city that ruled when Revelation was being written. That city was Rome.

Revelation 17:3. A Woman in symbolic prophecy is a Church. (See Revelation 12:1). There is only one church that is called after a city - the Church of Rome- the Roman Catholic Church.

Revelation 17:9. She is seated on Seven Hills. The Seven-Hilled City of Rome.

Revelation 17:5. It is called Babylon, (Rome). Faith of our Fathers, (Gibbons), p. 86. IPet. 5:13, (Douay), Babylon, figuratively Rome.

Revelation 18:1, 4, 8. She continues to the seven. last plagues and to the last day.

Revelation 17:3. She is seated on a beast. It is a state-church, a church that controls the state. It Cannot Be Literal Babylon.

  1. The city of Babylon was not built on seven hills.
  2. It was not Queen of the earth in John’s day.
  3. Literal Babylon does not continue, but the Babylon of this prophecy continues to the plagues and to the end of time.

It Was Not Pagan Rome.

  1. Pagan Rome did not commit fornication with the kings of earth - she crushed them.
  2. This power is to continue to the end of time and through the plagues, but imperial Rome has long since gone.
  3. This power is pictured as a woman - a church. Pagan Rome was not.

Communism grew out of Catholicism. France was the strongest supporter of the Papacy. It crushed the Reformation within its boundaries. More Frenchmen died for Protestantism than did British people. Yet it was France that revolted against Catholicism and broke the temporal power of the Papacy. Thus Communism is really the child of Catholicism.

  1. Catholicism stands out as the self-proclaimed champion against Communism. Many Protestants therefore look to Rome, and accept her leadership against atheistic communism. Thus Communism aids Catholicism.
  2. Communism curbs the power of the Papacy.
  3. Millions in Catholic countries turn in disappointment from the deceptions of Rome and become Communists. The high percentage of Communists in such Catholic countries as Italy, Spain, Cuba and all of Latin America bears this out. Thus Catholicism produces millions of Communists. These two giants, both subjects of Divine prediction, are preparing the world for its final Armageddon.

Revelation 16:13. Unclean spirits come out of the mouth –teachings. In Zech. 13:2,3, an unclean

spirit linked with a false Prophet. Having rejected the truth of God in the messages of the Three
Angels, (Revelation 14:6-16), the rejectors are deceived by the Three False Spirits.

Three frogs were originally the Arms of France, which was the main supporter of the Papacy and the originator of atheistic Communism. J.F.B. vol. 6, p. 708.

Today two great giants strive for supremacy. The west which supports Catholicism and the East which is pagan Communism. As the Three Angels proclaim God’s last great message, so the three Spirits are Satan’s last summons to the last great conflict. Blessed (Happy) is he that watches. Revelation 16:15.

Evangelist G. Burnside.


Revelation 1:1. Revelation is the only book divinely named. It is signified- in symbols.

Revelation 12.:1.. Woman - church. There are two kinds of women in the world. There are two kinds of churches.

Revelation 2:9. Satan has a church - a congregation of Satan.(T.C.N.T.)

2 Corinthians 11:13-15. Satan has ministers, deceitful. They profess to be disciples of Jesus. Isaiah 8:20. The test is to the law and to the testimony.

2 Pet. 1:19. Prophecy is light to guide the true church. If a church is not teaching prophecy, it has not the light. Every prophecy points to either the First or Second Advent.

At the First Advent There Were Two Classes.

John 9:19-23. The popular church had their clergy -the Pharisees. They did not want to see Jesus.

It is the same today - the truth is unpopular.

Luke 2:25. Waiting. They were Adventists, awaiting the coming of the Savior. (Taylor)

Luke 2:38. Looking for- they studied prophecy. They were walking in the light.

Luke 1:5,6. Walking in all the commandments.

Second Advent - Two Churches.

Revelation 12:17. Jesus points out His true Church.

Revelation 17:1. Babylon is the counterfeit system of religion of all ages. Here we have the last picture of this system that has deceived all nations, Revelation 18:23,24, and is the cause of all the bloodshed.

Revelation 17:1, 15. Sitting on many waters, she controls the state in many nations. She revels in politics.

Revelation 17:2. Made nations drunk with her maddening wine, Jeremiah 51:7, - her false teaching. Here are but a few of them:-

  1. The word of man - tradition instead of the Bible, i.e. My church teaches, My minister says, I think, My opinion is, etc.
  2. Infant Baptism. This is not from the Word of God. This teaching says that God would shut an innocent baby out of Heaven unless someone sprinkles it with water. It also puts people into

false sense of security. They think they have been baptized but they only have a counterfeit. Teach, Repent, Baptize, is Christ’s requirement.

3. Purgatory. This is not in the Scriptures. It originated in Paganism. It lulls people into false hope of salvation after death.


  1. Eternal Agony in hell, a teaching which attacks the character of our God.
  2. Sunday Sacredness. For which there is no Scriptural authority. A Doctrinal Catechism, p. 174, Keenan.

Revelation 17:5. Mother of Harlots. I acknowledge the holy Catholic and apostolic Roman Church, the mother and mistress of all churches. Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent, p.540-542.

In the seventeenth of Revelation is foretold the destruction of all the churches who corrupt themselves by idolatrous devotion to the service of the papacy, those who have drunk of the wine of the wrath of herfornication. E.G.W. in B.C. Vol. 7, P. 983.

Revelation 18:4. Come out is the Voice from Heaven..

Have you come out? Some like Lot's wife only want to come out part way.

Sins - breaking the commandments Plagues are coming. Remember God never exaggerates.

Revelation 18: 5. For her sins have reached to heaven. Therefore flee from Babylon - flee to Jesus. Today men are searching for security as never before. Here it is, in God's Infallible Word.

The fallen denominational churches are Babylon. Babylon has been fostering poisonous doctrines, the wine of error. This wine of error is made up of false doctrines, such as the natural immortality of the soul, the eternal torment of the wicked, the denial of the pre-existence of Christ prior to His birth in Bethlehem, and advocating,- and exalting,, the First day of the week above God's holy and sanctified day. These and kindred errors....T.M.G.I.

Man's Search for Security

Modern man is searching for authority and security. How can a man know what is right and what is wrong, what is true and what is false? Catholicism claims the infallibility of the pope and the infallibility of church tradition as her authority. Apostate Protestantism looks to man's personal encounter with God as her authority. Because they are subjective and human, both these sources of authority are dangerous. God designates the Bible, His own Inspired Word, to be man's authority: If they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. Isaiah 8:20.

As a result of rejecting. the authority of God's Word, a large segment of the Christian church has been flooded with worldly practices and unbiblical teachings dragging her down into apostasy.



Revelation 17:8. Beast...that shall ascend from the bottomless pit. Note the contrast with the other beasts or political powers.

Revelation 13:1. Beast rises out of the sea. -Papacy.

Revelation 13:11. Beast. . . out of the earth. -U.S.A. Revelation has already given the Key to this Beast.

Revelation 11:7. Beast out of the bottomless Pit.

This was Revolutionary Atheistic France. (see The Two Witnesses Attacked by the Beast of the Bottomless Pit. and Great Controversy, chapter 15, confirms this).

  1. Revolutionary France was Anti-King and Anti-Capitalism, 12,000 Capitalists were guillotined.
  2. It was Anti-God. It began as Anti-Papal, but went beyond Anti-Clericalism to proclaim. There is no God.

Chaumette as procureur of the Commune sought systematically to dechristianize the capital. Ministers of whatever sect, were forbidden to function outside their churches, declares J. M. Thompson. The vessels used in the chapel of the Town Hall were sent to the Mint, and the altar-linen made into shirts for soldiers. Church books were sold to grocers for packing paper; leaden coffins were melted down in the munitions factories., religious images were mutilated and relics burnt.--The, French Revolution page 443.

Significantly the various phases of the French Revolution have been exactly re-enacted in Russia. From there it has spread over vast areas and the threat to the rest of the world is dark and menacing.

Communism. In Revolutionary France we see the beginning of Communism, with its anti-capitalism and atheism.

Great Controversy, pages 268,269. Here is brought to view a new manifestation of satanic power.

Karl Marx, born in Germany, went to Paris and imbibed the ideas of the French Socialists and launched Communism. Lenin accepted Marx’s ideas and lead the Communist Revolution in Russia.

Communism has now engulfed at least 1,500,000,000 people - over half of the world's population, and

gaining converts at the rate of 6,000 an hour. There are 5 children studying godless Communism for every one child learning Christianity. Surely such a gigantic, God-ignoring and Bible opposing power, that is taking the world captive should find. a place in God's prophetic Guidebook.

Other Prophecies of Communism. The Psalms are prophetic. Acts 2:29,30 declares David....being a prophet His prophecies are largely of the coming kingdom. See also Luke 24:44.

Psalm 2:1. Why do the heathen rage? Why strikes, industrial unrest and terrorism?

Psalm 2:2. Against the Lord. Here is a gigantic anti-God movement just before the eternal Kingdom of God is set up.

Psalm 1:3. They counsel together. This expression may have significance. Soviet means counsel, and together is union. They would Soviet Union, or counsel together. It was in the Soviet Union that Communism really grew and developed. It has continued for over fifty years.

Psalm 2:7. My Son - Jesus Christ is soon to take the earth for His possession.

Psalm 2:9. The godless powers will be smashed a piece of pottery, which can never be restored. Thus the ungodly will perish.

Psalm. 1:6. The ungodly like chaff, Shall be gone.

Revelation 11:15. The kingdoms of this world are become the Kingdoms of our Lord and His

Christ and He shall. reign for ever and ever. (See When the Seventh Trumpet Sounds.)

Who can doubt these amazing predictions and the clear fact that Communism is in the Bible

It is a last day sign.

Third Prophecy

Revelation 12:3. The Great Red Dragon, having seven heads.

The dragon primarily is Satan. This is clearly stated in Revelation 12:9. However, he works through, agents of which seven have been great world powers.

(see lessons on The Seven Heads. The Seventh Head is clearly Communism.

Revelation 12:4,5. The Dragon worked through Pagan Rome when Jesus was on earth. Herod and Pilate represented Rome. When Constantine shifted from Rome to Constantinople, he named the city after himself and made it the second Rome. Russia followed Constantinople and made Moscow the Third Rome. See Inside Russia Today, by John Gunther, chapter 3. Moscow, like Rome is built on seven hills, and Czar means Caesar.

The red dragon is coming back to its original colour. Red Russia, Red China and the Red Flag, little red Book, etc.

Why do the Nations Rage?

Red agents from Anti-God Communism are out to wreck Capitalism.

The beast from the bottomless pit, which means chaos- rejoices in terrorism, revolt and industrial strife, for in that chaos and trouble Communism flourishes.

Today Two Great Powers Struggle for the Mastery of the Trade Unions, namely Catholicism and Communism, or the Right and the Left.

The fourth Prophecy gives another clear picture of industrial strife. James 5:1. You rich men, weep and howl. Capitalism is in trouble.

James 5:2. Your riches are corrupted. We see this in inflation - money is failing. Revelation 18 shows the collapse of finance.

James 5:3. Last days. This reveals when the strife takes place and confirms and supplements the other Divine predictions.

James 5:4. The cries of the labourers reach to Heaven. The expression reaching to Heaven in Scripture means great. For instance, Genesis 11:41, top reaches to heaven. Deut. 1:28. Cities walled up to heaven. Thus we have Great Strikes and industrial demands. This is a certain sign of the last days.

James 5:7,8. The coming of the Lord draweth nigh.

Thus Communism, while ignoring and too often opposing, the Bible is actually proving the Bible true fulfilling its prophecies. Communism, likewise bears unwilling, but none the less forceful. Witness to the thrilling truth that the Coming of the Lord draweth nigh and that soon and it may be very soon - when

the turbulent kingdoms of this world give place to the Kingdom of our Lord.


Karl Marx, the man who let loose the most devastating revolution of all history, was born in Trier, Germany, on May 5, 1818. His family name originally was Levi and he descended from a long line of Rabbis. but his father became a Christian just before Karl was born, so he was reared a Lutheran. At the University he became a radical critic of religion. In 1843 he went to Paris and plunged into the socialist movement and became a communist. In 1848 his Communist Manifesto appeared. In old age, he was a cantankerous and disappointed man. He died in London in 1883 and was buried in Highgate graveyard.

Strange to say he was very anti-Semitic and never admitted his Jewish origin. This probably contributed to the grudge he felt against society. Marx is never described as Jewish in the Soviet Union.(1)

Marx was in his aims an anarchist. (2) He adopted the philosophy that where God is supreme, man is diminished. Therefore all references to God Must be deleted and man substituted in God’s place. The study of God must give place to anthropology - the study of man. (3)

Marx was hopeless with money. He lived in poverty despite the fact that his average income was £400 a year. The wage of a good tradesman at that time was £150 a year.

He hard one illegitimate son. His only son within wedlock died in infancy. Of his three daughters two committed suicide. (4)

Marxism in action in Russia culminated in the Bolshevik revolution when 11,000,000 people died.

Chairman Mao Tsetung declared, According to the Marxist theory of the state, the army is the chief component of state power.... We are advocates of the omnipotence of revolutionary war; that is good, not bad, it is Marxist. (5)

What Marx put into words, Lenin put into deeds. (6). Lenin is the gospel in the Soviet Union.(7) Communism denies religion, but became one. (8)

Lenin is the world's most translated author with 1448 of his works in print, according to a U.N. release.(9)

  1. Inside Russia Today, by John Gunther. p.182.
  2. Marx and Beyond, Intro. by Malcolm Long, p15.
  3. Marx and beyond, A series of lectures by leading Australian Scholars, broadcast on ABC Radio, p23.
  4. Ibid. p.23.
  5. Quotations from Chairman Mao Tsetung. Pp 62,63.
  6. Inside Russia today, by John Gunther, p.185.
  7. Ibid. p.187
  8. Ibid. p187.
  9. Index Translationum, produced by the Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, (UNESCO), quoted in These Times, June 1973, p.7.

Big Business in Bible Prophecy

Revelation 18 (1).

Revelation 18:1. After these things.

This chapter is not in chronological order, but is placed here to show that none of Christ's people will be engulfed in the doom of, Babylon. An Angel. . . from Heaven. It is a Heaven sent message Great power, or great authority, R.S.V. Jesus spoke with authority. Our authority is the Word of God.

Matthew 4:4. Man shall live by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Pro. 30:5. Every word of God is pure. It is not mixed with error, or any erring human element. It is pure! The Bible and the Bible alone is to be our creed, the sole bond of union; all who bow to this Holy Word will be in harmony. Our views and ideas must not control our efforts. Man is fallible but God's Word is infallible. 1 S.M.. 416.

Brethren, cling to your Bible as it reads and obey the Word and not one of you will be lost. 1 S.M. 18.

The whole Bible is a manifestation of Christ. It is our only source of power. D.A. 390.

The earth was lightened. Thy Word is a light. The world is lightened with the Word of God. The world will never be lightened with the flickering, spluttering lamp of human theories, but only with the clear, piercing light of the Bible, with no black spots of human errors or mistakes.

Revelation 18:2. Cried mightily. There was no hesitation in this preaching. We are to take the Bible and go forth, for Babylon has become a habitation of devils. Babylon means confusion. Have not the creeds of Christendom become a chaos of contradictions?

Revelation 18:3. The wine, is the result of a union with the kings of the earth and Christendom. The mixing of Christianity with the world has produced teachings that have made the nations drunk and mad. Jeremiah 51:8.

Waxed rich. Apostate Christianity is in financial prosperity and big business.

Revelation 18:4. Come out. God's people must come right out of Babylon. The Seven Last Plagues are coming and will fall on those who receive the Mark of the beast - the Mark of Babylon. Men long for security in this very uncertain age. It is only found in this heaven-sent message that is based on God's infallible Word.

Revelation 18:5. Her sins have reached unto Heaven. It is time for Thee, Lord, to work: for 'they have made void Thy law. Psalm 119:126.

Revelation 18:6. Babylon reaps as sowed.

Revelation 18:7. I sit as a queen and am no widow. The kings of the west have returned their support. Revelation 17:12,13.

Revelation 18:8, Her plagues come in one day.

A prophetic day is a year, so the plagues will probably last about a year. In Revelation 16:11 the wicked are still suffering from the sores which were received in the first plague when the fifth plague comes upon them. This further confirms the fact that the Seven Last Plagues do not cover, a long period of time as is covered by the prophecies of the Seven Trumpets and the Seven Seals. It is the day of vengeance. The, year of God's wrath. It is of interest to note that Lisbon went down on a great ('holy?) day. Jerusalem’s doom was at the time of the Passover. The church of the Inquisition in Portugal, went down on the big day of Fatima, to whom it was dedicated. Her plagues come in one day. When she boasts she is a queen and triumphant, then sudden destruction cometh.

Revelation 18:9,10. One hour. Just one hour the powers reign with Babylon. Revelation 17:12.

In one hour her judgement comes. Revelation 18:10. In one hour she is made desolate. Revelation 18:19. In one hour her riches come to naught. 18:17. Therefore one hour no doubt indicates a very brief period.

Kings of the earth have had illicit relations with Christendom. State Religion reveals a union of state and church.

Revelation 18:11. For no man buyeth. This reveals a collapse or business.

Revelation 18:12. Merchandise. Here we see the Church in finance and business. Babylon will say, You cannot buy or sell unless you receive my Mark. Revelation 13:17. This is quickly followed by their own financial collapse. The present inflation, industrial unrest and increasing business perplexity, is but the gathering clouds of the coming storm.

Revelation 18:13. Merchandise and the souls of men, margin, bodies. Relics - (see Churches and Relics of Rome). Souls - the traffic financially of the supposed souls in purgatory is enormous. This prophecy also has its fulfillment in the demand made on non-Catholics before marriage to sign away the destiny of their unborn children. No person has the right to sign away his own religious liberty, let alone the liberty of his own children. The Catholic Church deals in human souls. Cardinal O'Connell, Literary Digest, May, 7th 1932.

Revelation 18:14-19. Commerce collapses suddenly. Business panic is here foretold. See also James 5:1, Ezekiel 7:14.

Revelation 18:20. The doom of Babylon means the deliverance of Christ's saints. This brings redemption fulfilment. The downfall of ancient Babylon meant restoration to Israel. The fall of modern Babylon brings rejoicing and release for God’s saints.

Revelation 18:21. God writes Finis, to Babylon. It goes down with violence.

Revelation 18:22. Their music unsurpassed, will be heard no more at all. They had hired the world's best craftsmen, but this does not save.

Revelation 18:23. Candles. Their traffic in candles has been enormous. When up goes the candles, Christ goes down, declared Latimer the martyr. Thy merchants. The church has been in big business.

Jesus was the poorest of the poor. For our sakes He became poor, but apostate Christendom has become the richest of the rich, It is the wealthiest institution on earth. Vatican Billions, p. 15, by Avro Manhattan. She controls at least one-third of all the source of wealth of the western world. Ibid, p.212. She is a greater possessor of material riches than any other single institution, corporation, bank, giant trust, government, or state of the whole globe. Ibid. p. 197.

All nations deceived. By the false doctrines of this apostate system, the nations have been deceived instead of led to the light of Christ. This eventually brings her doom.

Her sorceries. False doctrines and pretended miracles have been her tools of trade to deceive. Revelation 18:24. The blood of all the slain, is laid by our Lord at the door of Babylon - the great deceiver and counterfeiter. She is not only a persecuting, but also a war-mongering power. She has planned wars for power and gain. Persecutions, confiscations and wars have been her weapons and now she is no more at all.

Revelation 18 (2)

The number 6: No more at all.

Six times over we read she will be no more at all. Her destruction will be complete. God says she is responsible for all that were slain on earth. It is interesting to note Babylon is mentioned six times in Revelation and the sixth and last time is in Revelation 18:21, where with violence she is thrown down to be found no more at all. Six was Babylon's number.

The image of Babylon recorded in Daniel 3:1 was 60 by 6 cubits. They originated the 60 seconds to the minute and 60 minutes to the hour, 360 (6 x 60) degrees to the circle and at the head of their power was the man numbered 666, but it falls to rise no more at all.


The doctrine of purgatory has sometimes been referred to as the gold mine of the priesthood since it is the source of such lucrative income.

The Roman Church might well say By this craft we have our wealth.

In general it is held that the period of suffering in purgatory can be shortened by gifts of money, prayers by the priest, and masses, which can be provided by the person before death or by relatives and friends after death.

Every year millions of dollars are paid to obtain relief from this imagined suffering. No exact figures are available. In contrast with the custom in Protestant churches in which itemized financial statements of income and expenses are issued every year,

Roman Catholic finances are kept secret. No kind of budget or balance sheet ever being published.

It is safe to say that no other doctrine of the Church of Rome, unless it be that of auricular confession, has done so much to pervert the Gospel or to enslave the people to the priesthood as has the doctrine of purgatory.

At this point another question arises. If the pope, or the priest acting for him, really has the power to shorten or modify or terminate the suffering of souls in purgatory, why does he not, if he is a good man, render service freely and willingly as a Christian service to humanity?

If any one of us actually had the power to release souls from purgatory and refused to exercise that power except in return for a payment of money, he would be considered cruel and unchristian-which indeed he would be. By all Christian standards that is a service that the church should render freely and willingly to its people. No decent man would permit even a dog to suffer in the fire until its owner paid him five dollars to take it out. The insistence on a money transaction before a soul can be released, and sometimes money transactions over long periods of time, shows clearly the sister purpose for which the doctrine of purgatory was invented.

It is due in no small measure to this doctrine of purgatory that the Roman Catholic Church has been able to draw in large sums of money and to build magnificent cathedrals, monasteries, and convents, even in regions where the people are poor. This has been particularly true in the Latin American countries. It is a common experience in Mexico, for instance, to find in almost every town an impressive Roman Catholic church surrounded by the miserable huts of the natives.

We charge in the strongest terms that the practice of saying mass for souls in purgatory is a gigantic hoax and fraud, a taking of money under false pretenses, because it purports to get people out of purgatory when actually no such place exists.

We would not trust a judge who manipulated the law to make himself rich, nor would we trust a policeman who asked for a bribe. Why, then, should we trust a priest who presents an interpretation concerning the afterlife which is not only not in the Bible but which is contrary to the clear teaching of the Bible?

Purgatory has been called a gigantic fraud and a colossal racket

for it deprives the poor of their last pennies and extorts large funds from the rich in exchange for nothing. During the Middle Ages the rich rivaled each other in leaving their estates to the Church, and the poor gave out of their poverty till the Church became the richest landowner it in every country. In several countries the Church owned - one-half of the land and one third of all the invested funds. It built great cathedrals and bishops' palaces and left the poor to live in huts and shanties. You call see even in Europe and in Mexico great massive cathedrals surrounded by the hovels of the poor who grovel in misery, ignorance, and wrechedness.

But many of those Catholic nations during the last century had their wars of independence, beginning with the French Revolution, and the Church was deprived of its temporal power and the landed properties were seized by the State and partitioned among the poor farmers. In Italy this happened in 1870.

Roman Catholicism 222-225


Revelation 19:1. After these things - after the judgement on Babylon, that is after the Plagues and our Lord's return.

Much people in heaven.

This refutes two popular errors.

  1. Some have taught that Christ sets up His Kingdom on earth and that the redeemed never go to heaven, but this Scripture shows that people do go to Heaven at Christ's return. A thousand years later they inherit the earth.

The fact that the Redeemed go to heaven, before inhabiting the New Earth is confirmed by many Scriptures.

Revelation 5:10. This Scripture describes people in heaven who have been redeemed from all nations (v9), and who look forward to the time when they shall reign on the earth.

2 Kings 2:11. Elijah was translated into heaven.

Revelation 15:2. The victorious saints are seen on the sea of glass. Revelation 5:6 states this is before the throne, which is in heaven, vs. 2.

John 13:36. The disciples could not go to heaven with Christ at His ascension, but Jesus promised thou shall follow Me afterwards. Matthew 5:12. Rejoice and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven.

Revelation now confirms the fulfillment of these promises.

  1. Not merely the 144,000, but much people in heaven, is the assurance of God's unerring Word. A vast throng, N.E.B.

Revelation 7:9. A great multitude which no man can number of all nations. . . stood before the throne. This is the throne of God, vs. 10. Thus again the clear light of God's Word wipes out the darkness of man's erring statements.

This great host in heaven are responding to the call in Revelation 18:20 to praise our God for His justice and mercy in destroying Babylon, the great whore.

Alleluia - Praise you the Lord, is repeated four times in Revelation 19:1-6. It is used nowhere else in the New Testament. Praise our God, Extol our God, Moffatt.

Revelation 19:1. The fall of Babylon in chapter 18 has been fixed, finished and declared to be fatal. here the saints answer to the call of their Lord in triumph to Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and you holy apostles and prophets. Their prayers now turn into praise and their songs into Halleluias. The thankfulness is because of the Truthfulness of His Word and the wonderfulness of His leading and especially in the ruin of Babylon which has been the mother, nurse and nest of deception and falsehood.

Revelation 19:2. For true and righteous are His judgements. The redeemed have now seen the whole programme of God fulfilled and they unite in proclaiming our God as just, and His judgements righteous. If we could see the whole conflict and the end of it all, we too would agree to all of God's acts. Vengeance is Mine, said the Lord. He has repaid.

The Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

Revelation 19:7-9. All through the Scriptures both in the Old and New Testaments, marriage is used as an illustration of Christ's sacred relationship to His Kingdom. (Isaiah 54:5,6, 2 Corinthians 11:2, Ephesians 5:25-33, Revelation 21:2).

Revelation 19:8. Arrayed in fine linen, clean and white:

the righteousness of saints. The bride in Christ's apparel is in striking contrast to the harlot. It is not purple and scarlet, but pure white. Clothes catch the eye. They indicate the character of the wearer. Righteousness. This is real. It will be seen in the life, as clothes are seen. It belongs to the bride, but it is hers only through Christ, for without Him she could do nothing. (John 15:4,5, Phil. 3:8-10.

The bride is stated to be the Holy City, the New Jerusalem. In other Scriptures the Church is called the Bride. As the Bride is arrayed in fine linen, clean and white, the righteousness of the saints, this could hardly apply to a mere material city. The city is the Bride, but a city without inhabitants is only buildings and roads. It is people that make it a city. The Holy City is not called the Bride until it is occupied by the Redeemed. It is called the Mother of us all, Gal. 4:26. Thus the saints are likened to children of the Bride. They are spoken of as the children of the bride-chamber. Mark 2:19. They are likened to guests. Matthew 22:11. These various illustrations open up other phases of truth. We need them all to give a full picture.

Revelation 19:9. Blessed are they which are called unto the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Here we don't need to bring a present. Beggars are invited. We are paupers. We depend on God for everything.

We live a hand to mouth existence. It is from God's hand to our mouths.

These are the true sayings of God.

These are the very words of God. N.E.B. Like all Scripture, Revelation is the Word of God. Here is found no faulty human element, no errors, no flaws. It is pure. Revelation 19:10. The testimony of Jesus is the breath of all prophecy. All prophecy comes from Jesus. Without Jesus it would not have been written. Without Jesus it cannot be understood. Without Jesus it cannot be obeyed. (See Lessons on the Spirit of Prophecy.)

Revelation 19:11. For He is just in judgement andjust in war. N.E.B.

Revelation 19:12. On His head were many crowns. It was the head once crowned with thorns. He once had nowhere to lay His head. It was the head once wrapped in linen and placed to rest in Joseph’s new tomb. It was the head that once bowed on the cross when He died. He was the One who once wept, for He was the Man of Sorrows.

Many Crowns.

Egypt was once divided into Upper and Lower Egypt, governed by rival kings. On the head of Ramses is to be seen, carved in stone the crowns of both kingdoms, to show he was sovereign of both. Some day the turbulent kingdoms of the world will become the Kingdom of Christ. He will then wear many crowns.

Zech. 14:9 And the Lord shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall be one Lord, and His name one.

When Christ Rules the Nations with a ROD OF IRON

Revelation 19:15,16 This scripture has often been quoted to support the teaching that Christ will reign on earth during the millennium and gradually by stern and ruthless rule subdue the nations to Himself by their slow conversion.

The only safe and sure way to study the Bible is God's way. This is clearly stated in

1 Corinthians 2:13. Comparing spiritual things with spiritual. As the whole Bible came to us by the Spirit of Christ 1 Peter 1:11, we are to compare other parts of the Bible with the passage under study, this is God's way to truth. When this is done with Revelation 19:15,16 it is clear. The first reference to Christ's use of the rod of iron is in Psalm 2; 9 Thou shall break them with a rod of iron, Thou shall dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel. God is addressing His Son, He states, Thou art My Son Psalms 2:7, and to Him He gives all as his inheritance. This takes place at his second advent when the ungodly nations are smashed to nothingness.

Revelation 2; 27. He shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to slivers.

These passages tell of no gradual conversion of the godless nations, but rather of annihilation.

Revelation 19:15 tells the same story. He shall smite the nations and He shall rule them with a rod of iron. The previous Scriptures have made clear this passage.

The smiting and ruling is one and the same, it is annihilation! It is death to the ungodly. The result is that the birds feast on the flesh of kings and mighty men, Revelation 19:18. They have been slain Revelation 19; This leaves the earth uninhabited for the thousand years that follow in the following chapter. (Revelation 20).

1 Thess 5.3 Sudden destruction and not gradual conversion is the fate of the godless when Christ comes as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.


The shepherd's rod was used for two purposes. One end was used to guide the sheep while the other end had an iron cap; this was used as a weapon of defence or attack. It was used to protect the flock, to repel and kill animals that would attack the flock. Now in the Day of the Lord, the Good Shepherd uses the rod of iron to free His flock as He destroys the ungodly nations. This results in their annihilation as stated in Daniel 2:45.

Our God will not perpetuate sin and suffering. He will wipe it out root and branch. Sin is too costly, too deadly. It must go and go forever. The nations that despise the gift of eternal life by that act choose the wages of sin which is death. Thus there will be no human survivors on earth after Christ’s return.

Isaiah 24:1, 3 - 6. Jeremiah 4: 23-27. Jeremiah 25:31-33.


Christ is called The Word of God Revelation 19:13. He is the Living Word as the Bible is the Written Word, He is the Author of the Bible, Peter 1:11. The wicked are slain by the sword of His mouth. It was by the Word of God that the people of earth were created.

By His Word they end. Revelation 19:15. The only ones to stand in that day are those built on the Rock - The, Infallible, Unerring Word of Christ. We build on the Rock by obeying His Word. Matthew 7:24-27.


1 Corinthians 15:13-22. Without a resurrection, the dead have perished.

In Adam all die.

In Christ all shall be made alive through resurrection. Christ is the first fruits.

His resurrection is a type and pledge of our resurrection.

Luke 24:36-43. Three facts show that Christ's resurrection was real and literal.

  1. Handle Me. He was real
  2. A spirit has not flesh and bones, as you see Me have. After His resurrection Christ had a body of flesh and bones.
  3. Did eat before them.
  4. Eat and drink. . . in My kingdom. Luke 22:30. The resurrected will be real people. Phil. 3:20, Matthew 26:29. Luke 14:15. Re-incarnation, spiritism and the occult are all part of the devils lie.


Revelation 20:1-6. Blessed and holy have part in thefirst resurrection.

1 Thessalonians 4:16,17. The dead in Christ rise

first. The first resurrection takes place at the return of the Lord Himself.


Revelation 20:5: Rest of the dead - the wicked rise 1,000 years later. The 1,000 years is bounded on either end by a resurrection.

Reign in Heaven.

Revelation 20:4. The righteous lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

Revelation 19:1. Much people in heaven.

They reign in Heaven not on earth. There is no Verse in the Bible that says Christ will reign on the earth for 1,000 years.

When He reigns on earth it will be at the close of the 1,000 years and then it will be forever. Luke 1:32,33, Revelation 11:15, Daniel 7:14.

The Bottomless Pit.

Abussos - chaos, desolate.

Genesis 1:2. Same word in LXX.

Jeremiah 4:23-26. Without form and void.

Cities broken down. No man. The earth has been depopulated. This takes place at the presence of the Lord, or when Christ returns.

Jeremiah 25:31-33. Slain of the Lord. Wicked dead lie unburned, for there is no one to bury them. The righteous have been taken to Heaven and the wicked are dead.

Isaiah 24:1. The Lord maketh the earth empty.

Isaiah 24:3. The earth is utterly emptied.

Isaiah 24:5,6. The earth is defiled, - polluted, corrupted by such teachings as reincarnation, spiritism the occult, lawlessness and immorality.

Isaiah 24: 20-22. The earth, shall reel to and fro. This comes from the greatest earthquake of all time which takes place during the Seventh Plague. Revelation 16:18.

In the pit - the bottomless pit.

After many days they shall be visited, after the 1,000 years.

The Lord shall punish the host of the high ones. This is Satan and his angels. Ephesians 6:12.

Upon the earth. For 1,000 years the devil and his angels are bound to this desolate earth, surrounded by the wicked dead.


Revelation 14:4. They which follow the Lamb. They have followed Him on earth and they now

have the privilege of following Him as their Leader through the lands of Glory - the unfallen


John 14:2. In My Father's house are many mansions. (dwelling places).

Romans 8:17. Joint-heirs with Christ. What a reward!

John 3:35. The Father has given all to Christ.

As Christ travels the Universe, the redeemed will have the pleasure of winging their tireless flight to worlds afar, as they follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth. Space travel will be a reality, but it is reserved only for those who follow Him on earth. (See "Few Facts on Space Travel.")

Close of the 1,000 Years.

.Revelation 20:7. When the thousand years are expired,

Satan shall be loosed. The resurrection of the wicked gives Satan some people to work on. Revelation 20:8. Goes out to deceive.

No doubt Satan tells the wicked that he resurrected them. They have believed his lies in preference to God's Word.

Revelation 20:9. They surround the City of God which came down from Heaven with Christ and His saints. Revelation 21:2. Fire. . . devoured them.


Revelation 20:14,1-5. This is the second death.

From this death there is no resurrection. The lake of fire devours them. It is eternal in effect. They are gone. They are reduced to ashes, never to be resurrected.

Mal. 4:1,3, 2 Peter 2:6.

Revelation 21:3-7. Redeemed inherit all things. They are joint heirs with Christ. There shall be no more death, sorrow, crying., or pain. We must join The Union, not a mere union of earth, but Union with Christ and through him have pardon, power and perpetual paradise. Forever with the Lord. 1Thessalonians 4:17.


Venus. This is our nearest planet. It is 27,000, 000 miles away. Our present space travellers, travel at 18,000 miles per hour. At this speed it would take 1,500 hours, or two months to reach our nearest neighbour. In addition to this there is the problem of food, oxygen, water, etc., and also fuel- to return home again.

Mars, is twice as far away.

Jupiter. This major planet is 391,000,000 miles away and it will take 21 years to reach. If the speed was stepped up to 100,000 miles per hour, (this is claimed to be a possibility), then it would take 3 weeks to reach Mars.

To take off from a world as large as the earth, would require as much fuel as it took to blast off from the earth, and as much again to break down for landing. Think of the fuel requirements! To Jupiter it would take 5 months. Landing would be a much greater problem, as the tremendous pull of gravity would be a thousand times greater than earth.

Pluto. This planet is the one farthest out in our solar system and is 3,577,000,000 miles away. (The moon is 250,000 miles from earth). To reach Pluto at 100,000 M.P.H. would take 4 years.

The Nearest Star. The brightest of the Pointers is 4.5 light years away. Light travels at 186,000 miles per second, or 11,000,000 miles per hour and at 100,000 miles per hour, it would take man 680 years to reach our. nearest star!

It is apparent that space travel will be extremely limited for earth's mortals. Let us be content to wait for the Creator and then enjoy space. travel with Him


Revelation 21:2. The Holy City, New Jerusalem.

It is God's city. The world will never evolve a golden age. The New Jerusalem must come down

from God, its Divine Architect and Maker.

Hebrews 11:10. A City which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.

Hebrews 11:16. He hath prepared for them a City.

It is the New Jerusalem, because it never grows old - because it is always new. It is claimed that Jerusalem is mentioned 144,000 times in Scripture. This is the grand finale. Here is the Jerusalem that will stand forever. It is 144,000 square furlongs. Revelation 21:4. God is with men.

We are now Forever with the Lord. 1 Thessalonians 4:17.

The question was once asked by Pilate, What shall I do with Jesus? That question still faces every person. The solemn question also faces us, What will I do without Him on the last great day? Revelation 21:4. Note the splendid array of negatives.

No sea, no tears, no death, no mourning, no crying and no pain. With the old order these six shadows flee away. The old order has passed away. T.C.N.T. God's new order is certain. Revelation 21:6 It is done. All is over. (Moff).

Christ is the beginning and the end.

He was before all things. By Him all things consist. Colossians 1:17. He begins the good work and finishes it. Phil. 1:6. He is the cause and end of all. It is done, accomplished!

No promise of His shall fail.

Joshua 23:14. Not one thing hath failed, that He promised.

Luke 21:33. My words shall not pass away. Here is certainty! This is the fourth and last time this is pronounced.

  1. On Calvary when Christ's atoning sacrifice was made.
  2. When probation closes.
  3. When the seventh plague is poured and the wrath of God is filled up or finished.
  4. When every trace of sin gives place to a renewed heaven and earth. Revelation 21:8. Fearful, Cowards. T.C.N.T.

Those too afraid to obey Christ, too afraid to own their Lord, - afraid to face the ridicule of mere mortals, or lose their job for the Christ who died for them.

Unbelieving. Those who think it is a sign of scholarship to doubt God's unerring Word. Fear and unbelief go hand in hand. Matthew 8:26.

Revelation 21:10. The Holy Jerusalem.

Old Jerusalem stood on the place. . . which the Lord thy God shall choose to set His Name there. Deut. 14:24, 12:21.

There Abraham offered his son. There the visible presence of God shone forth. There Jesus died and rose again. There the Holy Spirit was given to the disciples. No spot on earth has been so honoured. There the Holy Jerusalem shall rest and there eternally will rest the throne of God and the Lamb. Zech. 14:4.

Revelation 21:12. Twelve Gates. Note the number 12, the number is linked with God's kingdom. Twelve gates on which are written the names of the twelve tribes of Israel.

Revelation 21:14. Twelve foundations in which are the names of the twelve apostles of Christ.

Revelation 21:16. The city wall is 12,000 furlongs.

Revelation 21:17. It is 144 cubits (12 x 12) or about 216 feet high. The Tree of Life has twelve kinds of fruit.

It is a literal city. This city of Heaven is real. Christ rose from the dead and ascended to Heaven literally. The resurrection of the saints will be real. The home of the saved is a literal place. There we will be real people in a real place.


Revelation 21:19. -12,000 Furlongs. Eight furlongs to a mile, equals 1,500 miles, or 374 miles along each of the four sides of this four-square city. That equals 140,625 square miles inside. This is just the size of the City, the Capital of the New Earth. New Zealand is 104,000 square miles, Victoria is 87,884 square miles and Tasmania is 26,215 square miles in area. The City of God is larger than two Tasmanias and Victoria combined, and surrounding this Glory City is a renewed New Earth, with no more sea. There will be plenty of room for all.

Ancient Babylon was 15 miles along each side. It took 2,000,000 men to build it, but it would take 625 Babylons to equal in size the Holy Jerusalem. Alexandria was 30 x 10 miles, Jerusalem was 33 furlongs in circuit. Thebes 43 and Nineveh 400 furlongs in circuit. The greatest cities of earth are mere villages compared to this Glory City of the saved. Some would ridicule and scoff at any who would attempt to interpret these measurements As being literal.

Spiritual lessons may be drawn from these descriptions, but let us not forget that the New Earth is literal and so will be the redeemed. To spiritualize away these wonders makes Revelation of little appeal. Heaven is not a state of mind. It is not a mere ghost land of floating feathery fictions. It is a place, a real place with real people there. Jesus said Igo to prepare a place for you.

Revelation 21:21. Twelve Gates of Pearl. The foundations are different, but the gates are all alike. There is but one way, only one way to enter. Jesus is the way. The pearl was esteemed among the ancients as the gem of greatest value. It was the only precious stone that the art of man and his skill could not improve. They could give fresh lustre to the emerald and sapphire but not so to the pearl. So with the truth and the way.

Revelation 21:22. I saw no temple there.

The temple service was centred in the sacrifice. The temple stood for a sacrificial system. In the Glory land sin is gone. The mediatorial work of Jesus is finished. The Gospel has done its work. The only reminder of sin's tragedy are the nail prints in the hands of Jesus. Zech. 13:6, Hab. 3:4. Isaiah 9:1 . Those marks of Calvary, the eternal evidence of His love, are links in the golden chain that bind the saints to Jesus.

Revelation 21:23. The City had no need of the sun.

However, there will be days in the New Earth.

Isaiah 30:26. When the wound caused by sin is healed, and the New Earth is here, the moon will shine as the sun and the sun's light will be seven-fold greater. It will truly be the Glory land. Revelation 21:27. No lies or falsehoods will be there.

The hail has swept away the refuge of lies. (Isaiah 28:17). Every man-made teaching has been rooted out.( Matthew 15: 9,13.)

In the Lamb's book of life.

Only hose who belong to Him can have their names in His Book.

Thou shall call His name Jesus: for He shall save His people. Matthew 1:21. His people are the only ones He will save. They are the only ones written in His book. Is my name written there? Do not leave it as a question. Yes, my name is written there.


Some who are opposed to the keeping of God's Commandments have claimed that the original text did not say do His Commandments, but wash their robes. As authority for this they quote some modern translations and such ancient manuscripts as the Alexandrine and Sinaitic manuscripts.

The fact is however, that:-

  1. The Codex Vaticanus, which is equally as old as the Sinaitic, has do His Commandments.
  2. So do the Syriac and the Coptic versions.
  3. Furthermore the earliest Church Fathers who quote Revelation 22:14, all quote do His Commandments. These include Tertullian (AD. 200), Cyprian (AD. 248- 258), and Techonius (AD. 390).

The first of the Fathers to quote Revelation 22:14 as wash their robes, was Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria (AD. 326-373). Thus there is far greater authority for do His Commandments, than wash their robes.

The two statements are very similar in the Greek and it is apparent that a copier has mistaken one clause for the other. The following transliteration shows clearly the similarity:-

hoi poiountes tas entolas autou,-that keep his commandments. hoi plunontes tas stolas aut,-that wash their robes.

Actually there is little conflict in the two renderings.

The outward evidence of having one's robes washed and made white in the blood of the Lamb, is obedience to God's Commandments. He washes us from our sins and as sin is the violation of God's Commandments, He washes us to obey. Hence the ideas of washed robes and obedience to the Commandments are so closely linked that they cannot be separated.

On the Commandments see Revelation 12:17 and 14:12. Here there can be no question.

None who have had the light of truth will enter the city of God as commandment breakers. . . If they have knowingly trampled upon and despised His law on earth, they will not be taken to Heaven. E.G.W., B.C., V. 7, 990.

The blessing is promised to those who keep the commandments, and who co-operate with Him in the proclamation of the third angels message.

E.G.W. (Id.)


Revelation 21:1-3. The hope for a renewed earth has been long cherished and hoped for. This hope is not to be forever receding as the mountain summits seem to as height after height is surmounted. It will not always be said: The days are prolonged and every vision faileth. Ezekiel

12:22. God answers Tell them. . . The days are at at hand. Vs. 23. Revelation shows that that great day is at hand. Its coming is certain.

Revelation 21:3- Now at last God has His dwelling among men. N.E.B. The fulfilment may have seemed to tarry, the unbelievers may scoff and others doubt, (Matthew 24:43, 1 Thessalonians 5:2, 2 Pet. 3:4) but at last it is here!

Revelation 21:5. NEW. This is the characteristic word in this description. New Heaven, New earth, New Jerusalem. I make all things new.

Revelation 21:1. There was no more sea. This obliteration of the sea stands out first in the description of the New Earth.

John was writing from Patmos. He was the youngest of the twelve Apostles, but he was then in his eighties or nineties. He had witnessed for his Lord, he had faced persecution and banishment and as he looked towards Ephesus, his home, all he saw was sea. The sea meant separation. How sweet would be the words, There was no more sea. The sea had ceased to be. T.C.N.'T.

Our planet is certainly a watery one. The oceans cover 70:8 per cent of its surface. Earth's surface is approximately l97,000,000 square miles, of which 139,000,000 are water, leaving only 58,000,000 square miles of land. The area of the Pacific Ocean alone is 10,000,000 square miles greater than all continents and islands added together. Think of the enlarged living and growing space on earth when there shall be no more sea. E.G. White has stated: In the new earth there will be no more sea, and there shall pass there no galley with oars. In the past many who have loved and served God have been bound by chains to their seats in galleys, compelled to serve the purpose of cruel hardhearted men. The Lord has looked upon their suffering in sympathy and compassion. Thank God in the earth made new there will be no fierce torrents, no engulfing oceans, no restless murmuring waves. B.C. Vol. 7, p. 988.

The Bible Speaks of Three Worlds.

  1. The First World.

2 Peter 3:6. The world that then was. Thefirst world was destroyed by the waters of the deluge. T.C.N.T.

Genesis 2:5.6. The Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth.

Hebrews 11:7. Noah was warned of God of things not seen as yet. Rain had never been seen. A mist watered the earth.

Genesis 1:6-8. The purpose of the firmament or atmospheric heaven was to divide the waters. Hence there must have been a globe of water in some form surrounding the earth. This would keep the earth semi-tropical. There would be no extremes of temperature, either hot or cold. Genesis 7:11. The same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of (floodgates, margin) heaven opened. Evidently the protecting globe of water that surrounded the earth collapsed at the time of the deluge. The first world goes down and with it the Edenic conditions that then prevailed.

Genesis 8:22. This is the first time that cold and heat is mentioned. Conditions on earth after the flood were evidently entirely changed.

  1. The Second World.

Four changes are introduced at the beginning of the second world.

  1. Seedtime and harvest.

In an even semi-tropical climate crops could be producing all the year round. After the flood seedtime and harvest is now governed by the seasons.

  1. Cold and Heat

There had been no burning heat of summer nor frosts of winter previously. The water canopy had now been destroyed. Now there is nothing to keep away the cold or turn aside the fiery rays of the sun. The protection broken by the removal of the vapour covering above the earth, made the cold and heat manifest.

  1. Summer and Winter.

These were new words introduced into the language of man. Summer and winter were here to stay. They shall not cease. Mankind had never had to contend with these extremes before. They would continue while the earth remains. This present earth has a limited existence and must give place to the world to come.

  1. The Rainbow.

The flood had been so destructive and so vast in its scope that man could well fear a repetition. The rainbow was a token, an assurance that the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh.

2 Peter 3:7. The heavens and the earth, which are now, . . are kept in store, reserved unto fire. Stored with fire. R.V. Evidently before the deluge the earth was stored with water. It is estimated that if the earth was levelled, it would be covered with water to a depth of about 9,000 feet. Where was this water prior to the Flood?

Psalms 33:7. He gathereth the waters together. . . in storehouses.

Job 38:8. It is evident the waters were stored within the earth as in a vast storehouse.

Psalms 24:1,2. The earth. . . founded upon the seas. Whereas the earth originally was stored with water, it is now stored with fire. The average depth of the ocean is 12,000 feet. This is equal to twelve times the average height of the land surface. If the earth was brought to an average level, the ocean would cover the entire earth to a depth of one and a half miles. If the ice of the Antarctic was melted, it is claimed it would raise the present ocean level by 200 feet. Truly ours is a watery planet.

3. The Third World.

2 Peter 3:13. A new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness.

Revelation 21:1. There will be no more sea. Probably the vast waters will be restored to their

original place to serve their original purposes.

Micah: 4:8. Unto thee shall it come, even the first dominion.

What man lost through sin, is restored through our Lord Jesus.

The Bible Opens with a new heaven and a new earth, perfect from the Creator’s hand; with man sinless and having access to the tree of life in the midst of the Eden paradise, out of which flowed a river that spread its life giving waters through the earth.

The Bible closes with a new heaven and a new earth; with man upright and sinless, having right to the tree of life growing in the midst of Eden; with the river of life flowing out from the garden of God, clear as crystal.

Genesis and Revelation

Revelation 21:3. Now at last God has His dwelling place among men. N.E.B. God's original plan at last is accomplished. At last after 6,000 years of man's day. (1 Corinthians 4:3, margin), and 1,000 years of God's day.

Num. 14:34. God's plan altered - it may be delayed because of sin. but it will be fulfilled.

Revelation is not only the last book. it is the climax. In the Revelation all the books of the Bible meet and end. Acts of The Apostles, p. 585. Moses the first writer and John the last of the Apostles, clasp hands across sixteen centuries.

Genesis and Revelation are Linked across the stream of time.

Genesis. - The First. Revelation The Last

Genesis. means Beginning In Revelation It is done.

In Genesis. first Heaven and the first earth. In Revelation New Heaven and Earth.

In Genesis. Paradise lost. In Revelation Paradise regained.

In Genesis. Trees and a river. In Revelation Tree of Life, River of Life

In Genesis. husband and wife. In Revelation the Lamb & the Bride.


Genesis Revelation

Satan is the victor. Satan is defeated.

Sentence on Satan is proclaimed. Sentence on Satan is executed

Gate is closed to sinners. 3:24. Gates open to those who keep

commandments. 22:14

Death enters. 5:5 No more death.

Tears and sorrow. No more sorrow.

Deprived of Tree of Life. 3:22, 23. Restoration of the Tree of Life.

Death sentence. 2:7. Victory over the Second death.

We were sent out to earn our daily bread. 3:19. Provided with the hidden manna, 2:17

Naked. 3:7 Clothed with white raiment, 3:5.

Returned to dust, 3:19. Placed on the throne of God, 3:21.

The first Adam failed. The last Adam shall not fail.

Babylon is built. Babylon shall be no more.

Confusion of tongues. God’s last message to every tongue.

Earth cleansed with water.Earth cleansed with fire.

In the third chapter from the beginning of the In the third chapter from the

Bible, Satan, sin, sorrow & death enter. end of the Bible, Satan, sin & sorrow end

in the lake of fire.

  1. Both Genesis and Revelation foretell the doom and downfall of Satan. Genesis 3:15, Revelation 20. Thus these two books are especially hated by the devil and he does all he can to discredit them. Genesis is attacked by science falsely so called. Revelation, like its Author, is despised and rejected of men.
  2. As the oak is in the acorn, so Genesis, which means beginning, has the seed of every truth in its pages. It is the foundation of all truth.
  3. Acts 7:37-39. Genesis was given to Moses by revelation of God. It is history, not myth, fact, not fable.
  4. Revelation is signed by Christ with His own autograph. It is the only book of the Bible personally autographed by Christ Jesus our Lord. Revelation 22:16

Revelation Answers Man’s Greatest Questions.

Science has no answer to the great questions. Professor Robert Black, Professor of Astronomy at London University, speaking over TV in Australia, made the following statements:~

Science has no answers to the meaning and purpose of life, and these are the main and important things.

He then added :-

Many have become so blinded by the successes of science. But, Science has not made belief in God more difficult.

Revelation answers Man's Greatest Questions.

  1. Why are we here?

Revelation 4:11. For Thy pleasure they are and were created. We are because He wanted us. God made the world to enlarge heaven. He desired a largerfamily. B.C. Vol. 3, page 886.

  1. Where did we come from? Revelation 4:11. Created.

Revelation 14:7. Worship Him that made.

God made us in His own image. (Not in the image of a grub or gorilla.). The God of the stars is interested in mere man.

Before we are given eternal life, we must be tested, put on probation. We are candidates for heaven - for immortality.

  1. Is there a God? Prophecies prove there is. Isaiah 46:9,10.
  2. Does He love me? Revelation 1:5. God still loves man, although disfigured by sin. God's plan, although delayed will eventuate.
  3. Why are we here? We are candidates for Eternal Life.
  4. Where am I going? Revelation 22:14. Restored through Christ.

Revelation 5:13. A clean Universe. God's plan is accomplished. We have the choice as to our


John 3:16. Everlasting life, or perish. Romans 3:23. Eternal life or death.

Today multitudes drift on a dead sea of an aimless life to an uncertain future.

  1. What is the meaning of life? Revelation reveals life is not a mere shuffle across an unfriendly sphere.

Ephesians 4:17. The purposeless lives the Gentiles live. T.C.N.T.

Their heads are crammed with knowledge, but their hearts are empty and they do not know answers to the real questions.

In one year, $125 million to fortune tellers in the U.S.A. was paid by uncertain people only to get wrong answers.

In U.S.A. there were 16,000 suicides because people didn't know where they came from, why they were here, or where they were going.

Beware offalse Prophets. An artist misspelt this and wrote profits. So life runs out and they are bankrupt - false profits. What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Mark 8:36.

But God 1oves. The Infinite God is pleased to share will] us the secrets of the Universe.

Today tragedies are dressed in new names, but not changed. Coffins are caskets. Morgues are undertakers parlours. Cemeteries are Memorial Parks.

But Facts remain. The past is full of sin. The present is full of boredom, uncertainty and fear. The future is certain death. The Revelation of Jesus answers these problems.

World Health Organization Reports:

1,000 suicides every day;

1 doctor in every 30 suicides.

But few go to this extreme, while most lives end in failure.

Clark Gable - one of the greatest money making film stars - married 5 times.

Jack Davies, brilliant, popular, earned big money, died in debt.

Marilyn Munroe, idol of millions, suicided.

Prov. 19:21. Many are the plans in the mind of man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will be established. R.S.V.

Hebrews 6:17. The immutability ofHis counsel. Revelation Shows God's Purpose.

But today 95% of the Bible is ignored by Christian clergy. One third of the Bible is prophecy. It is little noticed. Revelation is ignored and despised.

Revelation is Christ's guidebook through the Christian era, to guide saints through the years of the dragon's wrath. It shows our Lord is mightier than all His enemies combined. It shows that those who die for Him live, and those who suffer for Him reign. The woman of the wilderness will be

forever the Bride glorified.

Revelation rids us of the Guilt Complex.

Revelation 1:5. Washed us from our sins.

Revelation 7:14. Washed white in the blood of the Lamb.

Romans 4:25. Justified = acquittal.

Romans 5:1. Declared righteous. Just as though you had never sinned.

Thus the guilt complex is gone. This is the only way that it is effectually gone.

Revelation rids you of boredom.

Man has made machines to tone your muscles, wash your clothes, beat eggs, mix cakes, show pictures etc. etc., but has not found a cure for boredom. Man is taking more and more pills, sedatives, pep-pills, drugs and alcohol. Australians swallow over 364,000,000 sleeping tablets and tranquilizers a year. Sin means missed the mark. They have certainly missed God's purpose - life's only purpose.

Revelation not only Answers the Great Questions of life, it also gives a Certain Hope.

Amos 3:7. Surely the Lord will do nothing, but He revealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets.

Revelation 22:1-5.



1 Kings 4:7, 1 Chron. 27:1-15.

The Jewish Calendar was so arranged that the last month, Adar, Esther 9:1, was periodically repeated. This was then called We-Adar.


Genesis 7:11. 17th day of the 2nd month.

Genesis 8:4. 17th day of the 7th month.

Genesis 7:24 . 150 days, therefore 30 days to a month.


Revelation 12:6. 1260 days. Revelation 13: 5. 42 months Revelation 12:14. 31/2 times.

30 days to a month, or 360 days to a year. WHY 360 DAYS TO A YEAR?

Two Years:- Solar 365 1/4 days 360 days 360 days Lunar 12x291/2=354

With regard to a 360 day-year, the existence is beyond question. . . common to Babylon, India and Egypt. . . there is abundant proof that the Chaldeans used a year of 12 months of 30 days each. F.A. Jones, Dates of Genesis, pp. 277-8, Kingsgate Press, London.

The lunar calendar had great religious significance. Encyclopedia Brittanica, (1965), Vol. 20, p.614.

The Arabic Year is lunar eleven days shorter than ours.

The Chinese also go by the lunar year.

Dan: 3:1. 60 x 6 = 360. 360 degrees to a circle.

360 is a remarkable number. You can divide it by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9. (All except 7, the perfect number.)


Both day and year are a complete cycle. A day being used to represent a year was common in Babylon, India and Egypt. See Dates of Genesis, page 251.


Revelation 19:11. Faithful and True.

  1. His prophecies have been fulfilled.
  2. His promises He has made good.
  3. His precepts are owned by all to be just.
  4. His word is the last word on any subject.
  5. He is Faithful and True in avenging His people.
  6. He is faithful in fulfilling His purpose. The past has proven He is Faithful and True.

Revelation 19:12. The name that no man knew, but He Himself.

  1. In Jesus are unsearchable riches.
  2. Who can grasp the wonders of

His Atonement?

His Incarnation?

His Resurrection?

No man knoweth the Son but the Father.

Revelation 19:13. The Word of God.

This is the Word that was In the beginning with God, and was God. John 1:1.

Christ is the Author of the Bible;

The Writer of the Ten Commandments.

He is the one Mediator between God and man. The Man Christ Jesus.

Revelation 19:16. King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

The days of all kingdoms and kings are numbered. Let kings and rulers do what they may, our

Lord is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. In the meantime may He rule in us and may we rejoice

in these names.


Revelation 22:14. Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. KJV

REV.22:14. Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. NIV.

These two translations of this verse are certainly not the same. They are different statements. The question naturally arises which is the original? Which is the oldest? Which one has been corrupted? Which is the true version and which is the perversion? The claim for the N.I.V. and other modern Versions is that they are found in such ancient manuscripts as the Sinaiticus and Vaticanus and the lesser known Alexandrian manuscripts of the fourth century. This claim instead of supporting the N.I.V. condemns it as we shall see.

The evidences on the other hand in favour of the Authorized Version (KJV) go back to much earlier years.

Note these facts:-

  1. One very interesting and little used line of evidence is found in the writings of the earliest
    Church Fathers. When quoting Revelation 22:14, they all
    quote do His commandments. These include Tertullian (AMO,) Cyprian (AD 248-258) and Tertonius (AD 390). The first of the others to quote Revelation 22:14 as wash their robes was Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria, In the fourth century. (AD 326-373).

This proves positively that the only earliest and true words of this text are do His commandments. They were the originals. These early men knew nothing of wash their robes. The words wash their robes did not appear until the fourth century.

The fourth century was the century of corruptions on a gigantic scale. It was the century of Constantine, Jerome and Eusebius. It was the century of the introduction of the pagan symbol, the cross. It was the century that brought In Sunday in place of the Sabbath of the Lord thy God. It was the century in which the church adopted so many corruptions of doctrine and practice. It was a bad century, moreover, it brought many corruptions into the Scripture. This was the century that gave birth to the Latin Vulgate by Jerome. This was the manuscript of Scripture that contained many errors. G.C. 56.

These corrupt words of Revelation 22:14 washed their robes most likely began in the home of corruption – Alexandria. Alexandria was the home of Clement, and Origen, philosophers who greatly corrupted Christianity.

Thus the plain facts of church history show that the Christians of the first centuries knew that Revelation 22:14 said do His commandments. The words washed their robes was a corruption that probably originated in Egypt in the time of corruption, namely the fourth century. It appears all that came out of the fourth century is corruption and perversions. Another interesting line of evidence is found in the

  1. The Aramaic or Syriac.

As I write, before me is the New Testament in the Syriac. All authorities frankly admit that Jesus spoke Aramaic and His teachings were handed down in that language. Here is a photocopy of a large section of the Introduction. This is both interesting and to the point.

The New Testament

According to the Eastern Text.

Translated from original Aramaic Sources By



It is also the root from which Hebrew sprang. Peshitta is the authorized text of the Scriptures and had its origin in the lands from which Christianity sprang and .it is written in the 1anguage in which Our Blessed Lord, His disciples and the early Christians spoke and wrote. These facts are known to all Biblical scholars. Even those who have made translations from the Greek, frankly admit that Jesus spoke Aramaic and his teachings were handed down in that language.

The Christians in Palestine and Syria were the first to embrace Christianity. They must have had Gospels in Aramaic in order to preach to Greeks and other people. Gospels were in circulation before St. Paul’s conversion. They were written ten or fifteen years after the Crucifixion. They were the recordings of the eye witnesses who had travelled with Jesus and who could record most of the teachings of their Lord. Papias tells us that Matthew wrote in the language of the Hebrews, that is Aramaic. This is supported by the testimonies of the early fathers and historians.

Aside from the historical and geographical support, the Peshitta New Testament text varies considerably from the Greek and Latin versions which were made later for the use-of new converts to Christianity. There are hundreds of passages where the meaning is different from that of the Greek version. The style of writing is purely Aramaic and the idioms are Eastern. Neither does Peshitta agree with recent New Testament translations made from Greek into Aramaic.

The New Testament revisions in the Monophysite text had no effect on the main body of the Church in the East under the Persian Empire. The Church rejected the doctrines advanced at the Council of Ephesus and bitterly opposed the spread of Greek and Monophysite doctrines. Neither were these revisions used in Monophysite Churches. They were only used privately by bishops and scholars as Greek sources of the Scriptures to facilitate their work in achieving unity between the Imperial Byzantine Church and the Monophysites in Syria and Egypt. Then again, Persia, enemy of the Byzantine empire, for political reasons was strongly opposed to the introduction of Greek doctrines among the Christians in the East. The Persian kings issued decrees to imprison and expel priests and bishops found to be sympathetic to the Byzantine Church.

Such were the political and religious conditions which isolated the Christians in the East from the rest of the Christian world. This isolation continued through Arab, Mongol and Turkish rule from the sixth to the thirteenth century. As a result of this continued isolation, the Biblical customs and manners and the Aramaic language remained unchanged and the Scriptures escaped additions and revisions.

Asahel Grant, M.D., the first American missionary to discover the Assyrians, writes in his book, the Nestorians or the Lost Tribes: The Nestorians have preserved the Scriptures in manuscript with great care and purity, He puts the date of Peshitta New Testament in the early part of the second century AD.

The Christians in the Persian Empire, because of continuous warfare between Persia and Rome, did participate in the Councils which took place in the Roman Empire, and therefore escaped the introduction of new doctrines and dogmas which might make necessary Scriptural perversions. Until the coming of American and English missionaries in the early part of the nineteenth century, the Assyrian Christians were not aware of the religious and political changes which had taken place in the Byzantine Empire and the rest of the Western World. They had not even heard of Martin Luther, the Reformation, of the discovery of America. The news that others had escaped the fury of Genghis Khan and the Tamerlane was a surprise to them.

One thing which has impressed the readers of these manuscripts is the care with which they were produced. There is hardly a word of variance. Eastern scribes always copy Scriptures carefully. Time is immaterial to them when copying the Word of God.

Sir Frederick Kenyon, curator at the British Museum, in his book Textual Criticism of the New Tetament, speaks highly of the accuracy and antiquity of Peshitta MSS.

This translation is made from ancient MSS, facsimile pages of which are reproduced in this volume.

This edition is not made as a revision. It is a translation from ancient Aramaic texts and from ancient manuscripts. We either have them or we have been granted to make photostats from the ancient manuscripts by either their private owners or their public custodians.

The Peshitta New Testament is an ancient and the only authoritative document of the New Testament in use among the Syriac Aramaic speaking people of Palestine, Syria, Mount Lebanon, Mesopotamia, Persia and Malabar (South India) from the first century AD. to the present day. The terms Aramaic and Syriac are interchangeable.

Thus the Syriac, the language of Jesus, unites with the Scripture quotes of the earliest Fathers in proclaiming the truth of Revelation 22:14 in the Authorized Version.

It is do His commandments and not the corrupt text washed their robes. Here is a photocopy of Revelation 22:14 in the Syriac:-

14 Blessed are those who do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of Life, and may enter in through the gates into the City.

The Coptic Version, one of the earliest, likewise has do His commandments. Inspiration Confirms.

But not so did prophets and apostles regard the holy law of God. Said

David: I will walk at liberty: for 1 seek thy precepts. Psalm 119:45.

The apostle James, who wrote after the death of Christ, refers to the Decalogue as the royal law and the perfect law of liberty. James 2:8; 1:25. And the Revelation elator, half a century after the crucifixion, pronounces a blessing upon them that do His commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. Revelation 22:14.

Ellen White quotes Revelation 22:14 probably a dozen times and In every case she quotes from the Authorized Version. (KJV). When quoting Revelation 22:14 she never uses any of the perverted modern versions.

She does also give us some very Interesting and helpful light. This light from heaven shines clearly through the mists and confused reports of history. Here we have truth, uncontaminated by the bias of humanity.

E.W. 220,221. I saw that God had especially guarded the Bible, yet when copies of it were few, learned men had in some instances changed the words, thinking that they were making it more plain, when in reality they were mystifying that which was plain, by causing it to lean to their established views, which were governed by tradition.

Much of that changing of the ancient writings (Scripture = writings) was done by monks.

G.C. 56. Suggested by the father of lies. Ancient writings were forged by monks And a church

that had rejected the truth greedily accepted these deceptions.

Men like Origen, Clement of Alexandria, Jerome and Eusebius looked to philosophy as the supreme authority. To change Scripture to fit in with their philosophy was an easy matter. In the case of Revelation 22:14 this was especially easy. First, they like many modern professed Christians, wanted to get rid of the bothersome commandments. The following translation shows how easy it was to corrupt this vital text of Scripture:--

hoi poiountes tas entolas autou, (that keep his commandments). hoi plunontes tas stolas auton, (that wash their robes).


This happened in the fourth century. Note the facts; G.C. 49, The nominal conversion of

Constantine in the early part of the fourth century Now the work of corruption rapidly

G.C. 51, In the early part of the fourth century the Emperor Constantine issued a decree making 5unday a public festival throughout the Roman Empire.

G.C. 574, Eusebius, a bishop who sought the favour of princes, and who was the special friend and flatterer of Constantine, advanced the claim that Christ had transferred the Sabbatli to Sunday- Not a single testimony of the Scriptures was produced in proof of the new doctrine. Eusebius himself unwittingly acknowledges its falsity and points to the real authors of the change. All things, he says, whatever that it was duty to do on the Sabbath, these we have transferred to the Lord's Day. Robert Cox, Sabbath Laws and Sabbath Duties, page 538.

Of the same fateful times we read again from inspired history.

G.C. 51, Satan well knew that the Holy Scriptures would enable men to discern his deceptions and withstand his power. It was by the Word that even the Savior of the world had resisted his attacks. At every assault, Christ presented the shield of eternal truth, saying, 'It is written.' To every suggestion of the adversary, He opposed the wisdom and power of the word. In order for Satan to maintain his sway over men, and establish the authority of the papal usurper, he must keep them in ignorance of the Scriptures. The Bible would exalt God and place finite men in their true position; therefore its sacred truths must be concealed and suppressed. This logic was adopted by the Roman Church. For hundreds of years the circulation of the Bible was prohibited. The people were forbidden to read it or to have it in their houses, and unprincipled priests and prelates interpreted its teachings to sustain their pretensions. Thus the pope came to be almost universally acknowledged as the vicegerent of God on earth, endowed with authority over church and state. The detector of error having, been removed, Satan worked according to his will. Prophecy had declared that the papacy was to 'think to change times and laws.' Daniel 7:25. GC 51

In the early part of the fourth century the emperor Constantine Issued a decree making Sunday a public festival throughout the Roman Empire. GC 51.

The fourth century, the century of corruptions, saw apostasy flourish. This was the century that saw the origin of Jerome's Latin Vulgate ~ the basis of the Roman Catholic Bible- the Douay Version. This is clearly seen by the preface in the Douay Bible.

Latin the common medium of the learned world, had become the language of the Church’s worship and doctrine. When the Council of Trent reaffirmed the Faith and revived the discipline of the Church the confusion of that age, its earliest sessions (in 1546) repeated the list of the Bible's books and the truth of their sacred authority. At the time there were different Latin versions known in Europe. To fix upon one of them as an authoritative standard, the Council gave its approbation to the Vulgate prepared late in the fourth century by Saint Jerome, the greatest biblical scholar of antiquity.

The same fourth century saw the origin of the Vaticanus and the Sinaiticus. These two corrupt manuscripts are the basis and foundation of the N.I.V. and it's companion perversions - other modern versions.

The enemy's desire to downgrade God's Commandments is well known to you all. His corrupt methods are seen in the Emphatic Diaglott. It is apparent the work of deception has not ceased. Notice the deliberate changing of the words. The left hand column contains the Greek Text of the Vatican Manuscript and interlined with it the literal word corresponding in English. Now read the right hand column for deliberate change. Are they traded on the ignorance of trusting people?


Revelation 22:14 has never been popular with nominal Christians who reject the Commandments of God. They would make void the law of their Creator by their professed faith In Christ. The apostle Paul separated himself from such teachings and so should we all.

Romans 3:31. Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the Law.

Despite this clear statement of Scripture we need not he surprised by the rejection of God's law. The sure word of prophecy foretold of just such apostate teaching.

Psalm: 119:126. It is time for thee, Lord, to workfor they have made void thy Law.

The time has come when they have made void God's law and wonder of wonders they do it by claiming that faith makes void this Law. Therefore with them Revelation 22:14 must he gotten rid of so as to silence God's Eternal Ten. A well known religious periodical, The Sword of the Lord rejected do His commandments of Revelation 22:14. They declared It teaches Salvation by works. They say It teaches legalism, works as opposed to Grace. How inconsistent for according to the NIV and all other Jesuit versions they too teach legalism and works just the same. Oh consistency thou art a jewel.

Notice according to the popular N.l.V. the ones who wash their robes have right to the tree of life. They do the washing. Is that not works? Note, nothing is said about the finished work of Christ. Nothing about the new birth. Merely they wash their robes. In all my experience I have never heard any one try to expound this perversion. It came from the corruption of Origin, Jerome and Eusebius, and the flatterers of Constantine. It came in during the fourth century. The Inspired words of the early church of the first century must be our foundation. In the sermon on the mount, Jesus shows who are going to Heaven and who will not go there. Our Lord closes His sermon with an appeal to build on the Rock. He shows us how:-

Matthew 7:24. Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock.

Now from the words of our only Guide to Glory we see the perfect harmony of Scripture and expose the perversions of the fourth century. Read again the two contrasting statements.

Revelation 22:14. These two Bibles are teaching two different doctrines.

Wash their robes is claimed by most N.I.V. users to mean forgiveness for past sins.

They that do His commandments. are people who are abiding in Christ. Jesus clearly states:-

John 15:10. If you keep My commandments you shall abide in My love.

John 15:14. You are my friends, if you do whatsoever I command you.

John 14:15. If you love Me, keep My commandments.

John 14:21. He that hath My commandments, and keepeth them he is it that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.

When a person abides in Christ, he can by that abiding do the commandments of God. Jesus promises:

John 15:5. He that abideth in Me and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without Me you can do nothing.

It is such exceeding great and precious promises of Christ, abiding in His servants that grants them power to obey and obtain a place in, the City Eternal. Note these clear statements.

2 Peter 1:4. Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises that by these you might be partakers, of the divine nature.

By partaking of the divine nature of our Lord you are enabled:-

2 Peter 1:10,11. To make your calling and election sure: for if you do these things, you shall never fall: For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

That is why we read in

Revelation 22:14. Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.

Those who only wash their robes and then keep on sinning, will never have right to the tree of life. The verses just before call for a holy, righteous people. Jesus states in:-

Revelation 22:12. And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.

The Authorized (KJV) Is correct:-

  1. By the context.
  2. By the early fathers before the fourth century.
  3. By the earliest of manuscripts. The Syriac.
  4. By the Coptic.
  5. By the Received Text.

The N.I.V. has the support of Origen, the perverter of Scripture. Constantine and Jerome of the fourth century - the century of corruption of truth. The century of the change of the Sabbath to Sunday. The century of the introduction of the pagan sign of the cross. The century of the first church father to quote the perversion wash their robes.

The Advocates of the N.I.V. proudly claim that it is based on The two most reliable early manuscripts. These go back to the fourth century. They are the Vaticanus and Sinaiticus. They are both from the Papacy. Come out of her My people.

May our Lord lead you to love and follow;-

The Bible of the early church writers.

The Bible of the Waldenses.

The Bible of Tyndale, Luther and all the Reformers.

The Bible of Wesley, Whitfield, and Spurgeon.

The Bible of the Adventists of 1844.

The Bible of God's Truth of 1888.

Read again these inspired words. Note too that Ellen White repeatedly quoted Revelation 22:14. Never once did she quote it as found in the N.I.V. or as found in the eighty other corrupt perversions. All of these perversions came from the Jesuit selected manuscripts.


In desperation to uphold the corrupt modern versions, and wash their robes instead of do His commandments, Ellen White's statement in E.W. 17 was mentioned. However, look it up for yourself. Here is the full statement:- Jesus said unto us: You have washed your robes in My blood, stood stiffly for My truth, enter in. We all marched in and we felt that we had a perfect right in the city. E.W. 17.

Now look at this good statement again.

It certainly gives no support to any modern version. None whatsoever. Note - stood stiffly for My truth. In Psalms 119:142 we read Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, and Thy law is the truth. This favours the good true version and refutes the modern corrupt versions including the N.I.V.

There are two other statements in Early Writings that leave no question as to where our Christ-given Spirit of Prophecy stands.

E.W. 35. Jesus threw open the gates of the golden city and led us in. Here we were made welcome, for we had kept the commandments of God, and had right to the tree of life.

E.W. 51. All, all who keep the commandments of God, will enter in through the gates into the city, and have right to the tree of life.