What Is The Gospel?

George Burnside


REVELATION 14:6, 7 “The Everlasting Gospel". This is the last time the word gospel is found in the Scriptures. It is In God's Last message. It is just before the end. The harvest which is the end of the world, follows. It is "EVERLASTING." It is for all ages. It reaches to the end of the world. There will be no other gospel. No advance of knowledge call put man beyond need of it. No substitute teaching is of any use. It is "the everlasting gospel".

“The message proclaimed by the angel flying in the midst of heaven is the everlasting gospel, the same gospel that was declared in Eden." 2 Selected Messages, page 106.


God has given these clear points so we do not need to be deceived by any perverted message.

1. To every nation etc.

  1. No people are so civilized that they do not need it.
  2. No people are so degraded that the everlasting gospel cannot save.
  3. The Bible Society Report shows S.D.A.'s alone fit this specification. (Available from the author of these notes)

ROMANS 1:1 "The Gospel" - There is only one Gospel. The first few verses of Romans give us clear indications as to what constitutes the one and only Gospel.

2. ROMANS 1:3 The Gospel teaches that Christ was "made of the seed of David."

Christ, according to the Gospel, was not made like Adam's sinless body. For further light on this truth see. "The Man Christ Jesus" by G. Burnside. This truth was emphasized by both Jones and Waggoner of 1888 fame. This is a vital part of the everlasting gospel and the message of Righteousness by Faith.

3. ROMANS 1:4 "Was decisively proved by the resurrection to be the Son of God." Weymouth Version. The everlasting gospel always emphasizes the Resurrection. Without the resurrection there would be no good news, no gospel.

4. 1 CORINTHIANS 15:14 Without the resurrection "Your faith is vain", useless. These clearly stated facts of the Gospel are sadly neglected, even downgraded by a "New Theology” which while neglecting the Gospel keeps using the word “Gospel.” This has been the common practice of false teachers.

5. ROMANS 1:5 "For obedience to the faith." Margin - For "the obedience of faith." Obedience is the purpose of the Gospel. Romans begins and ends by stating this all essential purpose.

  1. ROMANS 1:16 "I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation." As an electric wire carries the power of electricity, so the gospel carries the power of God. Those who preach of a Savior that cannot, or does not save from sin, is certainly not the gospel. A so called gospel that does not save from sin, is not the gospel. It is a perversion. The repetition of the word gospel does not make a falsehood truth.

Such a counterfeit is not the power of God unto salvation. This perverted gospel fulfills Bible prophecy.

2 TIMOTHY 3:5 They are denying the power.

  1. 1 PETER 1:23-25 The power of God is in His word, His Gospel.
  1. People are Corn again-by the word of God which lives and abides forever.
  2. The Word of God “abides forever.” It is "everlasting".

It is the “Everlasting gospel".

  1. This Word is the Gospel. This is clearly stated.

1 PETER 1:25 "The Word of the Lord endures forever.” "And this word is nothing other than the Gospel. Knox. Thus the whole Bible is the Gospel.


The Word of truth, 'It is written' is the Gospel we are to preach. Volume 1, SDA Bible Commentary, page 1086. Beware of any "preacher"(?) who neglects or cuts out any part of Scripture

LUKE 24:27 Jesus used "all the Scripture.”

2 TIMOTHY 3:16 "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God.” It is God's good news. It has good results.

2 TIMOTHY 3:17 “That the man of God may be perfect.” brings the man of God to a wonderful destiny. It is good news.

ACTS 20:32 “The Word of His grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified."

The "Sanctified" are made saints. They have been made "perfect by the power of the Word of God. What good news. The gospel means "good news.” This the devil hates, so he has his agents to pervert and tone down Scripture. Our Lord on the other hand restores the full gospel, “The everlasting gospel."

REVELATION 14:6, 7 The preaching of the everlasting gospel, says with a loud voice “the Hour of His Judgment is come.” The Old Testament sanctuary service reveals that this involved the cleansing of the sanctuary, which was a work of judgment. This according to the sure word of prophecy began in 1844. This restoration of the everlasting gospel would begin in 1844. It would show exactly what happened when Cod's judgment came. It would restore the full gospel that had largely been lost during the Dark Ages.

ISAIAH 58:12 "The restorer of paths to dwell in." This restoring, which would begin in 1844 would include a restoration of the Sabbath.

ISAIAH 58:13 "My holy day".

It is God's holy day in which the presence of Jesus is found in every moment of its holy time.

ISAIAH 58:14 "The mouth of the Lord hath spoken it." In fulfillment of God's prophetic word the "everlasting gospel" in its every detail is here. Its work of restoring all truth is here.


ACTS 3:2 "The restoration of all things.”

In the Government files at Wellington New Zealand we are recorded thus: The Seventh-day Adventist Church - "The Great Reformation Movement of New Zealand.


ROMANS 16:26 "For the obedience of faith.” Any so called faith does not lead to obedience is not of "faith" nor is it the everlasting Gospel. Note that this comes by "the commandment of the everlasting God."


MATTHEW 17:11 The Elijah message will restore all things. The "Everlasting Gospel" was restored in its completeness in 1844. It goes to "every nation, kindred, tongue and people." It includes the other truths of Revelation 14:6-12. Who else is doing this work but Seventh-Day Adventists?

This work the devil hates. He tries to tear down this true Gospel. He attacks one truth after another. The enemy's agents call their very limited and perverted teaching the “gospel", but there is little gospel in their watered down and perverted message. The "New Theology" talks of a Savior but he cannot save.

MATTHEW 1:21 Tells of a Savior who "shall save His people from their sins". The "new theology" with its perverted message claims that no one can keep the commandments.

REVELATION 14:12 The "Everlasting Gospel,” produces "saints" who the commandments of God. The "new theology" would have us believe no one in this life will be holy."

REVELATION 22:11 The day of mercy, at its close before the actual Second Advent, finds a people who are "holy" and who will remain forever holy. The "New Theology" talks of a powerless" gospel.

2 CORINTHIANS 4:11 The Scripture reveals such power "that the life of Jesus might be manifest in our mortal flesh." This is before the Second Advent. Notice that it is in "our mortal flesh" that the life of Jesus will he manifest. This is what the "everlasting gospel" can do and is doing.

What a Salvation! What a Savior! What Good News!

