The Blessed Hope

George Burnside


A recent publication has accused Seventh-day Adventists of building on a “faulty foundation” that is “wholly unscriptural.”

For instance Hebrews 1:2 is quoted where God “Hath in these last days spoken unto us by His Son.” This is used, and correctly, to show that from the time of Christ, time could be referred to as the “last days”, or, “This final age.”

1 JOHN 2:18 “Little children, it is the last time. Whereby we know that it is the last time.” Note these interesting words -


Multitudes of God's Saints have believed that this world would last for about six thousand years, followed by the seventh thousand, the Sabbath period of the millennium thousand years of rest.

See “World-Week” of 7000 years” by George Burnside.

It is worthy of note that the Bible clearly divides time into six periods.

  1. GENESIS 5:1-32 Here we are given chronologically the time from Adam to Noah. Humanistic modernists hate this record. They do all they can to down grade it. But the Scripture of truth gives it clearly.
  2. GENESIS 11:10-26 Likewise this chapter gives us the chronological record from Noah to Abraham. Like Genesis 5 we have not only the line of the patriarchs given, but it is spelled out in years in simple clear words. We have another clear statement in the New Testament.

3 to 5. MATTHEW 1:17 “So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations; and from David until the carrying away into Babylon are fourteen generations; and from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ are fourteen generations.” Here we have three periods clearly stated. With the two in Genesis already noted we have five periods.

6. Then from the time of Christ Jesus, to His return in glory, we have the sixth period, which will be followed by the millennium. This period is often called the “Christian Era”. The Scripture calls it the “Last Time” or the “Final Age.” It could well be lithe last days” for this period will terminate with the “Last Day”, or the “Day of the Lord.” Now mankind is having its last chance. Therefore it could rightly be called “the last days”. (For more on this see “Where Are We in Earth's History”, obtainable from


REVELATION 12:12 “The devil knows that he hath but a short time.” Hence with the fury of desperation he works. Troubles from every quarter will increase. Nations will gather for Armageddon.

REVELATION 16:14 “For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.”

That is why the Scriptures picture the last days as increasing in violence, trouble and strife. Increasing troubles therefore show in a general way the coming of the “last day”.


The great chains of prophecy give clear certain proof that the glad day eternal draws near. These are life' road maps. With giant strides they cover the ages, especially the “last period, or the last time.” Therefore note Daniel's book was to be shut up until “the time of the end,” or till the close of the reign of the man of sin, in 1798.

DANIEL 12:4 “But thou, 0 Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.”

Daniel's prophecies as a road map, show exactly “Where we are in Earth's History.”

DANIEL 2:31-45 This traces in clear definite words the great universal empires to the day when:-


DANIEL 2:44 “And in the clays of these kings shall the God of heaven-set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.” What God reveals we may depend on. Bible Prophecy knows, it does not guess.


DANIEL 7:2-12 Again earth's history is covered in a few bold, clear strokes. Again it climaxes.


DANIEL 7:26, 27 “But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end.” Time continues “unto the end.” Then comes the King of Kings. Again the night of earth's “last hour” ends with Christ's return and His saints rejoice in eternal day.


DANIEL 8:3-14 Earth's mighty nations march in array until -


DANIEL 8:19 “For at the time appointed the end shall be.” That day - “the last day” is already appointed by our God. It will be “in the last end of the indignation.” Another translation reads “In the last days of the coming time of terror - for what you have seen pertains to that final event in history.” Surely we have reached “the time of terror - Terrorists are a new bread. One found at this time.


DANIEL 11:1-45 This prophecy is in clear literal language. In the most amazing way it again covers earth's history, and again it brings us to the solemn time when Christ our “Great Prince” “stands up” as our mundane sphere sinks into “a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation.” But in this dark hour comes this wonderful promise.


DANIEL 12:1 “Thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.”


DANIEL 12:3 “And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.”


DANIEL 12:10 “None of the wicked shall understand.”

That is why “troublesome questioners” sneer at “the leaks in Adventism's badly punctured prophetic tires.” Above the sneers, God's infallible word proclaims “But the wise shall understand.”


Revelation, Daniel's companion book likewise ends each chain of prophecy in Glory. This begins at “the last day” at the end of the “last time.”


Revelation 2, and 3 traces the Church from old Jerusalem to the “New Jerusalem.” It climaxes with –

REVELATION 3:21 “Him that overcomes will I grant, to sit with Me in My throne.” May that day find you, not with the sneering critics, but among those who are the overcomers.”


Here is the record of apostasies that would corrupt many, as it is doing today, but the climax comes just the same.

REVELATION 6:17 “For the great day of His wrath is come and who shall be able to stand?”

REVELATION 7 comes in between the 6th and 7th seal and reveals “who shall be able to stand” before “the face of Him that sits on the throne.”

They will be the “sealed” “Overcomers.”


“The sound of the trumpet, the alarm of war.” This great chain of prophecy gives us a glimpse of the political upheavals and wars that lead first to the collapse of Western Rome and then Eastern Rome, to be followed by the sounding of the seventh trumpet which brings the end of the world.

REVELATION 11:15 “And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying. The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.”

For more details on these incredible prophecies see “Daniel” and “Revelations”. These two books in note form cover a series of lectures given by G. Burnside.

Have you not noticed that in all these great chains of Prophecy, they all climax with the second coming of Christ - the “last day” of the “last time.” They show the Impending climax. Time is slipping away; this “time of terror” of “terrorism” and trouble certainly appears to point to the coming climax. We cannot read the future but we can trust the One who certainly can. It is a “blessed” and happy hope Its our Only hope.

May that glad day quickly come.