0BThe Wonder Man Of The Ages

Jesus Christ Of Nazareth
1BBy Pastor George Burnside





He split time in two. This is 1972. Nineteen hundred and seventy two years from what? From the birth of a Jew in a stable. The years are dated before and after his birth. He split time, Shakespeare, Newton, Caesar could not do it. The sword was powerless, Science could try in vain and Genius failed.

1. Jesus is the Lord of time, He is the wonder man of the ages. He was "God manifest in the flesh." 1 Timothy 3:16

2. He is the world’s best known man. It is estimated that 65,000 different volumes have been written on the life of Christ.

3. He is the only One who existed before He was born. Micah 5:2.
4. He is the only One who was born of a virgin.
5. He is the only One who had His whole life story written hundreds of years before He was born.
6. He is the only One named Emmanuel = "God is with us" Matthew 1:23.

7. He is the only One who was born to die. Hebrews 2:9. He lived that He might die and He died that we might live.

8. He is the only One who Rose from the dead. "I am He that was dead and behold I am alive forevermore." Revelation 1:18.

9. He is the only religious Leader of all time who was big enough and great enough to say "I will come again". John 14:1-3.

10. He is the only One who promised to come again to "receive you". John 14:3.
11. He is the only One who places value on you, not yours.

On January 21, 1924, the Soviet Congress issued a public declaration at the death of Lennin which said, "His vision was colossal: his intelligence in organizing the masses was beyond belief. He was lord of humanity, the savior of the world." Not carefully that little word "was" wrote an end to the life of Nikolai Lennin. Recently I stood by his lifeless body as it lay cold and still under glass in Moscow's Red Square. Nineteen hundred years ago an angel at the open door of Christ's tomb proclaimed, "He is risen". Matthew

Not "was" but "is". He is "alive forevermore." Revelation Christ was, is, and shall be Lord. The difference between "was" and "is", is the difference between death and life.

He split time in two. All history is dated either BC or AD, before Christ or after Christ. He broke the back of history. He wrote His name in time itself. He is the wonder man of the ages.

His name is the greatest in history and that name will grow greater for "God hath given Him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow." Philippians 2:9, 10.

He was born in a small village, worked as a carpenter until he was thirty and then spent three years as a traveling preacher, as far as records go, He never wrote a book, never owned a home. He never went to College or received a degree, yet He became the Wonder Man of the ages and at His name every knee shall bow because He was God manifest in the flesh.
