Our Lord’s Great Prophecy

George Burnside




Many methods have been used to try to read the future and many objects have been used such as crystal balls, oracles, birds, ghosts, shadows, sky, birth signs, meteors, entrails of humans, of animals, of birds, fire, red-hot irons, herbs, fountains, altar smoke, mice, roosters picking up grass, tea-cups, snakes, dough salt, lead, dice, arrows, sieves, ring suspension, gemstones, mirrors, dreams, palmistry, numbers and many more. All have proved disappointing.

Isaiah 46:9, 10. Only one method is accurate.

There have been many kings - but only One "King of kings."

There have been many priests - but only One "High Priest forever." There have been many prophets - but the greatest is Jesus Christ.


MATTHEW 24. - Most Spectacular Prediction of All.

No other prophecy has so many events mentioned. Note. This prophecy covers history three times i n correct order. As a newspaper - First paragraph covers the item, then repeats

  1. Tells then what it is going to say.
  2. Then says it.
  3. Then tells what it has said.

Jesus said "I have told you before it come to pass, that, When it is come to pass, you might believe." John 14:29

Nation against Nation Wars, Rumors.

World wars. The Beginning of "the Trouble"

Lord's Return. False Christ’s

Then shall the end come. False Prophets deceive many.

Many apostates. Disregard of God's Law.

Lawlessness spreads. Good News of Coming King in All Nations.

False prophets say Secret Coming. As Lightning- So Coming of Son of Man be.

Dark Ages Days shortened

Falling Stars Son of Man comes with Power and Great Glory.

Falling Stars This generation shall not pass, Christ says

Destruction of Jerusalem Public execution ceased middle 18th Century.

Dark Day

Matthew 24, covers the Christian era in three great chains of prophecy. That is, it covers much the same ground three times. Each time the chain of prophecy terminates in the glorious return of our Lord. As the life of Christ is covered repeatedly in the four Gospels; as the history of the world is covered again and again in Daniel 2, 7, 8 and 11, and the Christian era likewise is repeated in the prophecies of the seven churches, seven seals and seven trumpets in Christ's Revelation, so the same Master Teacher covers the same era in three great chains or lines of prediction.

Matthew 24, and 25, records the one sermon. It is the greatest ever preached on our Lord's return and is divided into seven sections. The last four deal with the conditions among the dwellers of earth in time's last generation, whilst at the same time the saints are to "watch" and "work." Then the final section brings to view the rewards of both classes of people.

Matthew 24:1. "Jesus went out." He departed from the temple forever. Jesus had spent the day teaching in the temple court. Matthew 23, was Christ's last public address.

Matthew 23:38. "Your house i s left unto you desolate." Christ left the Jewish Temple never to return to it.



Josephus, a Jewish historian born some four years after Christ's crucifixion, wrote, "Now the outward face of the temple was covered all over with plates of gold of great weight, and, at the first rising of the sun, reflected back a very fiery splendor, and made those who forced themselves to look upon it to turn their eyes away, just as they would have done at the Sun's own rays. But this temple appeared to strangers, when they were coming to it at a distance, like a mountain covered with snow; for as to those parts of it that were not gilt, they were exceeding white."

Temple stones were 66 feet by 7 feet by 9 feet. The temple had been in construction for 50 years. John 2:20. It was not completed until 63 AD, only seven years before its destruction. It was thought to be impregnable: Jesus predicted its destruction by force.

Matthew 24:6. "Ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars." Sometimes we speak of the "Pax Romana" - the peace that pervaded the Roman Empire- but all was not tranquil. Some of the conflicts that ravaged the region of Palestine after Jesus' prediction were:

AD 34 - Herod fought Aretas; AD 38 - tumult in Alexandria;

AD 38 - turmoil in Seleucia with 50,000 Jews killed;

AD 39 - unrest in Samaria;

AD 50 - Caius threatened the Jews;

AD 49 - Cumanus killed 20,000 Jews;

AD 49 - Cumanus a few weeks later killed more Jews;

AD 49 - Izates, a Jewish convert, battled the Arabians and Parthians;

AD 58 - Felix skirmished with the Jews in Jerusalem;

AD 59 - Felix clashed with the Jews in Caesarea;

AD 60 - conflict in Caesarea;

AD 60, Festus tackled the Sicarii.

Matthew 24:9-13. Persecutions

Matthew 24:12. Many apostasies. Because of the "disregard of God's law." Weymouth. "Lawlessness spreads." N. E. B.


Matthew 24:15. Christ goes back to the Destruction of Jerusalem.


Daniel is one of the most neglected books of the Bible. Many Christians read only the New Testament. But Christ said Christians in the last days should "understand" the book of Daniel. It is significant that of the very book under attack by the critics and liberals, Christ whispers down the ages "Do not neglect." Christ's Word to us today is, if you are interested in knowing the future, read Daniel. If you wish to know the signs of My return and be ready, read Daniel . His Word to us is both an invitation and a command.


Note the amazing accuracy of Bible prophecy. Immediately after the tribulation of those days. Matthew 24:29. "But in those days after the tribulation." Mark 13:24. Thus the dark day was to come after the persecution, but still in the 1,260 years of religious supremacy, or between the middle of the 16th century and 1798. 1775, all Huguenots (gallows), freed.

"Dark Day." This infallible prophecy of Christ came true on Friday, May 19, 1780.

The supernatural darkness that veiled the face of nature at the crucifixion of our Lord was seen in the East. That which heralded His coming as King of Kings occurred in the West - in that section of the world destined to play a leading part i n preparing the way for this stupendous event.

"Failing Stars." - Note. This was to follow, not precede the darkening of the sun. This occurred in November, 1833.

Bible prophecy not only is fulfilled to the letter, but also on time. Matthew 24:23-27. About 1844.

"Desert," Joseph Smith - Mormons.

"Secret," Charles Fox Sisters - Spiritualism.

"Here is Christ," – Jehovah’s Witness. "Secret Rapture," - J. N. Darby.

Matthew 24:30,31. For material on the

"Secret Rapture," see G. Burnside's studies. "Let no man deceive you."


Matthew 24:29. Christ goes back to the tribulation.

Matthew 24:34. "This generation shall not pass till all these things be fulfilled." This must refer to either the generation to whom Jesus was speaking, or to the generation which "shall see all these things come to pass."

  1. The generation of Christ's day was to have but one sign. Luke 11:29.
  2. Christ said clearly He would not return in that generation. It would be "after a long time." Matthew 25:19.
  3. Jesus also gave a parable to correct the misconception held by some "that the kingdom of God should immediately appear." (Luke 19:11)

Therefore, "this generation" can only be the one that sees "all these things" be fulfilled. This includes the
main sign of all, namely the gospel of the kingdom going to all nations. (Matthew 24:14).


