George Burnside

On Whom Do They Fall?

Revelation 14:19,20. These verses reveal the grapes of the devil's vine, cast into the wine-press of the wrath of God, which is trod outside the city. The red juice of the vine strongly suggests blood, Jesus used it as a symbol of His blood at the Lord's Supper. Now the blood of the despisers of His mercy flows. The next two chapters amplify this brief statement. They bring to view rivers and seas of blood. Note carefully that both these closing verses of Revelation 14, and the next two chapters, deal with "the wrath of God.” They both deal with the same events and the same time.

Revelation 15:1. “The Seven Last Plagues, in them is filled up the wrath of God." The Angels, or Messengers of Mercy are followed by the Angels of Wrath. Thus it has ever been. The rejectors of Noah’s appeals received the murky waters of the Deluge. Those who mocked at Lot’s appeals were mocked by the flames of doom. Those who were despised by Jesus were despised by the Romans.

They sowed one cross on Calvary's hill and they reaped thousands of crosses. Today Christendom is sowing disobedience, lawlessness and anarchy and they shall reap as they sow. Those who despise mercy's warning will soon reap wrath.

Revelation 15:2-3. First Christ gives a glimpse of glory, for the triumph of truth is certain. These people have the victory over the Beast and its Mark. They have heeded the message of Revelation 14:6-16.

Revelation 15:5.6. "The Tabernacle of Testimony." The Ark was-called the "Ark of the Testimony" for it contained the tables of Testimony or the Ten Commandments. The plague Angels came from before the Ten Commandments. It is because these eternal principles have been broken that the plagues fall on the commandment breakers.

Revelation 15:8. No man enters the temple during the Plagues. The Man Christ Jesus no longer offers pardon. The day of mercy has closed. The Plagues begin when probation's hour closes.

Revelation 22:11,12. "Behold I come quickly." These words follow the decree that settles the fate of all. Just a little while before Christ returns the day of mercy closes.

Revelation 18:8, The Plagues come in one day. As a day in prophecy equals a year. No doubt approximately a year before Christ returns the day of mercy closes and the Seven Last Plagues will begin to fall.

John 6:39,40,45, 54. Christ repeatedly states that He will raise the righteous at "the last day." This is when He comes again. The Seven Last Plagues are called the “Last" because they come just before the "last day." Also because there are no more plagues to follow. They are the "last" for in them is "filled up the wrath of God."

How Can I Escape?

Revelation 16:1. "Great Voice out of the Temple." This is from before the Ten Commandments.

Revelation 16:2. "Upon the men which had the Mark of the Beast." These are the same people who have been warned.

Revelation 14:9-11. "If any man worship the Beast. . . and receive his Mark" the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God. They had been warned of the plagues "for in them was filled up the wrath of God."

Revelation 14:12. This verse reveals the saints. “Those who keep the commandments of God." Thus two classes are clearly brought to view:

  1. Those who receive the Mark of the Beast and come in for the plagues,
  2. And those, "the saints" "who keep the Commandments of God."



What Will Happen to the Commandment-Keepers?

Revelation 22:14. They enter Heaven. They are ushered into the City of God.

Revelation 15:2,3. These are the same people, for they have gained "the victory over the Beast and its Mark." They are in Glory. They are the saints. These are they that "keep the Commandments of God." Thus the "Revelation of Jesus" is crystal clear, that it is impossible to receive the Mark of the Beast and to keep the Commandments of God at the same time. Here are two distinct classes. This is the clear statement of Christ. So if you are opposed to the Commandments of God, you are a candidate for the Mark of the Beast.

Revelation 15:1. "The Seven Last Plagues.

  1. They are the "last." They will not be followed by any other. They are indeed the last. In them is "filled up" the wrath of God
  2. This also indicates they were preceded by other plagues that were mixed with mercy, so man might learn righteousness. The seven last plagues are unmixed with mercy.
  3. There were ten plagues that fell on Egypt. The first three fell on all, both Egyptians and Israelites.

Exodus 8:23. "I will put a division between My people and thy people." Margin, "a redemption." The last seven plagues of Egypt fell only on the Egyptians. In like manner "the Seven Last Plagues" fall only on those who have "the Mark of the beast.”

Revelation 14:9-11. "Receive," “receives,” indicates a voluntary acceptance of the Mark of the Beast. Revelation 16:2. "Loathsome and painful sores." (T.C.N.T.)

Revelation 16:3. The sea. . ."became as blood." The Beast arose out of the sea, Revelation 13:1. In the New Earth there will be "no more sea.”

Revelation 16:4. Rivers became blood.

Revelation 16:5-7. The reason is given. The nations have craved for blood. The persecuting church shed the blood of millions. She was drunk with the blood of the saints. Those who come in for the plagues have followed the Papacy, so they share its fate. The angels that have seen all, approve. We do well to withhold our judgment until we too can see and hear all. Then all will approve of God's righteous judgments.

Revelation 15:3,4; 19:1,2. The wicked have just condemned the saints to death. Revelation 13:15.

Revelation 16:8,9. "Sun" worship has always been the great counterfeit. It was the devil's system. "Sunday, so named because anciently dedicated to the sun and to its worship." Webster's Dictionary. (See "The Sun and the Atom Bomb.")

Joel 1:2,3, 15-20. This famine no doubt is brought on by the great heat. Some fear they may starve if they obey God and keep His Sabbath. Now only the obedient have food. Isaiah 33:16,17. Bread and water shall be sure for God's people.

Revelation 16:10,11 “Darkness.” They had shut out God’s light by rejection. They had loved what God hates and hated what God loves. They had rejected light so now they get darkness. "The seat of the Beast." The "seat" had been given by the dragon. Revelation 13:2. "Where Satan's seat is.” A. Barnes (Presbyterian) says, "I understand this as referring to the very seat of papal power - Rome - the Vatican."

Revelation 16:12-16. The nations gathered to Armageddon.

Revelation 16:17. "Into air." This is universal. "Out of the temple" where the Ten Commandments are enshrined.

Revelation 16:18. Greatest earthquake of all time. Revelation 16:19. "Cities of the nations fell." Revelation 16:20,21. "Great hail."

Isaiah 28:17,18. "The hail shall sweep away a refuge of lies." Truth alone protects when God does "His strange work." Isaiah 28:21.

Job 38:22,23. "Hail" reserved against the time of trouble, against the day of battle and of war. God terminates his enemies

Revelation 14:20. This is the eradication of sin, when the “wrath of God" is filled up and finished. Sin shall not rise up a second time.

Revelation 16:17. "It is done," man's reign of disobedience is finished. At the cross when Christ's atoning death and His work on earth was done, He cried, "It is finished." When all is completed and the earth is renewed, He again says, "It is done." Revelation 21:6. He is the beginning and the end. He is Creator and Judge. By Him all things consist. He is all and in all. He is the Author and the Finisher.

Is God a Tyrant?

Nobody needs to come in for the Plagues, unless they voluntarily “receive” the Mark of the Beast. Christ has given us His truth and power to obey Him. He gives His message to make His truth clear. It is not hard to understand, but as in the "days of Noah,” they want their own way instead of Christ's, and they voluntarily receive the counterfeit. Christ has placed in His Word a whole Psalm to tell of that deliverance, when "no plague shall come nigh thy dwelling." Notice how wonderfully Psalm 91 will be fulfilled.

Psalm 91:1. "Abide" under the shadow of the Almighty."

John 15:10. Jesus said "If you keep My Commandments you shall abide in My love." We must abide or be destroyed.

Psalm 91:2,3. He delivers "from the noisome pestilence." The first plague is a noisome sore."

Psalm 91:4. "His truth shall be thy shield." "Thy law is truth." Psalm 119:142. Lies will then be swept away. Truth alone will stand.

Psalm 91:5. "The terror by night" - the plague of darkness. "The arrow" - Armageddon. Psalm 91:6. "Noonday" - then the sun scorches.

Psalm 91:7. This verse has never been fulfilled to date, but it will be literally fulfilled during the plagues. "Shall" indicates it is still future. It is prophetic.

Psalm 91:8. "Thou shall behold and see the reward of the wicked." The saints are still on the earth during the plagues, but are protected as Israel was during the seven last plagues on Egypt. This is another evidence against the secret rapture theory.

Psalm 91:9,10. "No plague come nigh." This Psalm is especially for the time of the plagues. During this fearful time God's commandment keeping saints will be safe in the hollow of His hand.

Psalm 91:11-14. Angel protection for those in His "love." "If you keep My commandments, you shall abide in My love." John 15:10. "I will set him on high," - in Heaven.

Psalm 91:15. "I will be with him in trouble," in "the time of trouble." Daniel 12:1. When the plagues fall on "the nations," then He delivers His people.

Psalm 91:16. "With long life" - with a life as long as the life of God - Everlasting Life! "Show him My salvation." When Jesus ushers His people into the Glory land they shall see what He has won for them.

Psalm 37:34. "When the wicked are cut off, you shall see it." What a wonderful Savior is Jesus, my Jesus!