The Power of the Blood of Christ

George Burnside

Revelation 6:14-17. “The great day of His wrath,” will cut to size the glittering pinnacles of wealth, power, or fame. The summits of ambition will dwindle and then look as far-beneath salvation as the mountain peaks are beneath the stars.

A Multitude will be ready on that Great Day, and Revelation shows how.

Revelation 7:9. From “all nations.” (Revelation 14:6,7.) Revelation 7:10. They “stand before the throne of God.”

Revelation 7:13,9. They are “in white robes.”

Revelation 7:14. “Made white in the Blood of the Lamb.” There is no entrance to heaven without white robes.

There is only one way to get white robes. (It is of interest to note that Revelation does not mention “law,” believe, justification, sanctification, perfection or righteousness by faith. “The blood of the Lamb” and the Commandments of God and the faith of Jesus cover all these.

“I Hope I make Heaven,” is the statement of many.

  1. No “self-made” men will be in heaven.
  2. No “college-made” men will be in heaven.
  3. Only the blood-washed will be there.

Blood is Universally Recognized as of Atoning Value. This shows a common origin at the beginning and reveals that divine instruction was given “at the beginning.” While Paganism lost the significance of the atoning blood, it still held to the form. Paganism is but a corruption of truth.

  1. Hindu, (Kali Temple.) Yet they do not know why they offer blood.
  2. New Guinea Highlanders wash their dead in blood.
  3. Aztecs offered human sacrifices.
  4. Samoa. Human sacrifices to the Fish-god.
  5. Solomon’s. Cannibalism was a religious rite.
  6. Fiji. Dedicated canoes with human blood.
  7. Moloch. Offered blood to the sun-god.
  8. Egypt. Beheaded victims to the sun-god.

Asked why? They do not know. The truth has been lost and the practice corrupted.

Romans 1:21-23. All paganism but a corruption of truth. Man became a fool in Eden and has added

The Scarlet Stream all Through the Bible

Genesis 4:3,4. Abel offered blood “by faith.”

“Faith comes by hearing.” Therefore God must have instructed His people. The universal prevalence of blood sacrifices, points to this God-given prescription for sin. God appointed “the way.” It was not left for man to decide.

Colossians 2:23. “Will-worship” condemned. God does not leave man to invent forms of worship. God has one way and only one way. Cain was disobedient to God’s way. Most costly offerings are no substitute for obedience. 2 Samuel 15:22.

Jude 1:10. “What they knew naturally,” or by their own ideas.

Jude 1:11. “For they have gone in the way of Cain.” Cain rejected the revelation from God and followed his own reasoning. “I think,” “my opinion,” “I do my own thing.” When these ideas are contrary to God’s Word, they only lead to death!

The Blood Through the Scriptures

Genesis 8:20.

  1. The slaying indicated that our life was forfeited, and that the innocent dies for the guilty. “The just for the unjust.”
  2. Burning - that we deserved the fire of perdition, of destruction.

Genesis 22:8. “God will provide Himself a Lamb.”

John 1:29. “Behold the Lamb of God.” The first time in Scripture the word “lamb” is found is in Genesis 22. The first time “lamb” is found in the New Testament is here. “Lamb” is only found four times in the New Testament, until Revelation, where it is found 28 times.

Exodus 12:5. Although thousands of Passover lambs were slain. “Lamb” is always singular.

Exodus 12:13. “When I see the blood.” This was the protection from the “plague,” and therefore it will “not destroy you,” if the blood was there.

Hebrews 9:7. “Not without blood.” This phrase is the key to the Sanctuary, both on earth and in Heaven. It is the key to our approach to God.

Hebrews 9:18-19,20,21,22. Note the repetition of “blood.”

Hebrews 9:23-28. The sacrifice, (blood) of Christ was offered “Once.” Verses 26,28.

Hebrews 10:10. “Once for all.” Not the repeated “Mass.”

Hebrews 10:12. 11 “Offered one sacrifice for sins.” Christ was not merely a martyr for a good cause, but was an offering for sin.

Hebrews 10:12,14. “One sacrifice.” One ark of safety, one red heifer, one brazen serpent, one Passover lamb, all point to the One and only remedy for sin and salvation.

Daniel 9:26. “Shall Messiah be cut off, but not for Himself.”

Daniel 9:27. “He shall cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease.” There has not been a lamb slain in Jerusalem as an offering since AD 70.

Revelation 1:5. “Washed us from our sins in His own blood.” We do not enter heaven as pardoned criminals. He blots out our record and adopts us as “Sons.”

Revelation 1:6. As “Kings” we overcome Satan. As “Priests” we have access to God.

Revelation 5:3-6- “No man was able to open the Book.” Intellectualism is powerless. “Lion = power.

  1. Judge to apostates.
  2. Opens the future.
  3. Conquers Satan and death.

“Lamb,” = love to obedient.

As Pillar of fire, it was light to those who love and keep the commandments, but it was terror to the transgressors.

Revelation 5:9,10. Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, from the beginning to the end of the Scriptures. Revelation 12:10,11. Satan finally cast out of heaven when Jesus was crucified on the cross.

John 12:31,32. “Now shall the prince of this world be cast out. (Colossians 1:20)

Revelation 12:11. Overcame Satan by the blood of the Lamb Satan hates the atoning blood of Jesus. “Dear Brother, Dear Sister, when Satan would fill your mind with despondence, gloom and doubt, resist his suggestions. Tell him of the blood of Jesus, that cleanses from all sin. You cannot save yourself from the tempter’s power, but he trembles and flees when the merits of that precious blood are urged.” Testimonies, Volume 5, Page 317.

Hebrews 13:20. Jesus rose through the merits of His atoning blood. The blood of Jesus opened the grave.

Hebrews 9:12. His blood opened heaven.

Revelation 7:14. Those who go through the plagues and all the redeemed have “white robes,” made “white in the blood of the Lamb.” Clothes often reveal a persons position or standing. For example: Police uniform, soldier, or naval officer, nun, priest or nurse.

Revelation 19:8. “White” robes = “righteousness of the saints.” The word righteousness means righteous acts. When the heart is cleansed by the blood of the Lamb, ones thoughts and actions are changed, for out of the heart are the issues of life. These acts are seen, as clothes are seen and reveal the type of person one is.

Testimonies, Volume 6, page 81, 82. “It is the constant realization of the preciousness of Christ’s atoning sacrifice in our behalf that qualifies us to point others to the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. We must become exponents of the efficacy of the blood of Christ.”

Acts of Apostles, Page 393. “The blood of Christ is our only means of pardon.”

Fundamentals of Education, page. 252. “The blood of Jesus is a “never failing passport to God’s throne.”