Eternal Life In Heaven

George Burnside


1 Corinthians 15:22

“In Adam all die”. Jesus will undo Adam’s failure.

1 Corinthians 15:23

“Order”. Here is the order as given by God.

  1. “Christ the First fruits”. All hinges on Christ’s resurrection. Because He lives we live also.
  2. “Christ’s at His Coming”. The saints are raised at His coming.
  3. “Then cometh the end”. The coming of Christ is the end of the world.

Matthew 13:30-40. John 6:39, 40, 44, 54. Matthew 24:3.

1 Corinthians 15:24

“Put down all rule etc.” This is the millennium. Devil captive, wicked are dead, judgment taking place - Revelation 20:4.

1 Corinthians 15:25, 26

“Last Enemy destroyed”. This is at the close of the millennium.

Revelation 20:12-14

The wicked are raised, brought to the judgment seat of final judgment. All will be there. Saints inside the New Jerusalem and the wicked outside. The lake of fire that surrounds the city annihilates the wicked. “This is the Second Death.” and thank God it is the last death, it ends death.

“Death and hell” (margin “grave”) ends too. “The last Enemy is Death” is conquered.

Revelation 20:13

“Sea gave up the dead”. All those who have drowned will breathe again. “Death” all the dead rise. “Grave” all the graves open. “Delivered up the dead.” The grave yields before its Conqueror.

Revelation 21:14

“No more death.” Satan, sin and suffering, sorrow are gone. Sin and its wages end forever.

Revelation 21:1-8

Christ the beginning. He began all things and He is the creator. Christ is the end. He is first in the Bible Genesis 1:1. He is first in the New Testament. Matthew 1:1 He is last in the Bible. Revelation 22:21. Book of Life is “Lambs Book of Life” and contains only those who are “His people”. Matthew 1:21.

“Who gave himself a ransom for all.” 1 Timothy 2:6.

What a Savior!
What a Salvation!
What a glorious future!



Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course Lesson 21 page 15 by Herbert W. Armstrong: “It is because at that time - in the Millennium - God says, “I will pour out My Spirit (the Holy Spirit of God!) upon ALL flesh (all fleshly human beings); and your sons and daughters shall prophesy, and your old men shall dream dreams.” (Joel 2:28-29).

Do you grasp the great significance of all this? It means that all mankind in the Millennium will be reeducated to a state of BELIEF in Christ as their Savior-Ruler, and to REPENTANCE and BAPTISM - just as we are being educated by God’s Word today.

They will seek the Holy Spirit which God will freely give them. Fleshly mankind will then be in a state of spiritual birth by the HOLY SPIRIT of God! They will have the Holy Spirit, the principal attribute of which is LOVE - God’s kind of Love. Then man will begin to have true love for his fellowman, instead of hate.

By this glimpse of God’s Millennial world you are seeing the changing power of the Holy Spirit in action on vast masses of people. Each individual will have true joy, peace, contentment!

For these are the “fruits” or characteristics the HOLY SPIRIT will manifest in and through them! This is what will really make the whole world a ‘Utopia’ at that time!”

WHEN THE DAY OF MERCY CLOSES Note Christ’s unerring word:

John 6:39, 40, 44, 54.

The resurrection of the saints is at the “last day”.

1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17

“The dead in Christ shall rise” when “the Lord Himself shall descend from Heaven”.

Revelation 14:14-16

The coming of Christ is the reaping of the harvest.

Matthew 13:38-40

“The harvest is the end of the world”. Many say this world will never end. Jesus says - the end is coming.

Matthew 25:10, 13

“The Bridegroom came; they that were ready went in with Him to the marriage: and the door was shut. (H. Armstrong is strangely silent on this.) Therefore, no future probation after the coming of Christ.


Revelation 22:11

“Let him be unjust still.” The Day of salvation closes. This decree of God settles forever destiny of every soul.

Revelation 22:12

“And behold I come quickly”.

Thus shortly before the coming of Christ the day of mercy closes.

Revelation 15:1

“The Seven last Plagues” are poured out after probation closes.

Revelation 15:8

No man was able to enter the temple in heaven during the plagues. “The Man Christ Jesus”. (1 Timothy 2:5) Had finished His work as our Advocate. 1 John 2:1. Therefore, as there is no Advocate in the heavenly Temple, it is certain that mercy’s work is finished.


Revelation 15:1

“The Seven Last Plagues” contain the wrath of God.

Revelation 15:9

Sinners do not repent, for salvation day is finished.

Revelation 14:10

Then wrath “without mixture.” The plagues are unmixed with mercy, for mercy’s day is finished.


Genesis 7:1

“Come” - 19,000 times in Bible, this is first. “Righteous” Only righteous saved.

Genesis 7:4

“For yet seven days”. Seven days before flood began, Noah went into the ark.

Genesis 7:10

“After seven days” (margin “On the seventh day”)

Genesis 7:16

“And the Lord shut him in” - The Lord shut the door. Seven days before the flood came “the door was shut” or their day of mercy closed.

Matthew 24:38, 39

So at our Lord’s return, a short time before He comes, the door of salvation will be shut.

Proverbs 1:24

“I have called and ye refused” - despised, neglected and mocked. Proverbs 1:25 “You have set at naught all my counsel”. Multitudes neglect Bible.

Proverbs 1: 28

“Then shall they call , but I will not answer”. The last prayer, the last sermon given too late. “They shall seek me, but they shall not find me.” Probation has closed.

Proverbs 1:29

“For they hated knowledge” - did not want truth, they neglected and avoided it.

Isaiah 55:6

“While He may be found, while He is near.” The day is coming when He will not be found. Now is the day of salvation. God says ‘Now.’ The Devil whispers ‘tomorrow’ (“In purgatory”, “in millennium” etc.)

2 Corinthians 4:3

Margin “Man’s day.” Man’s day has a certain end. Isaiah 2:11, 12. Man’s day ends when “The day of the Lord” begins. This is at the close of probation. Thus Herbert W. Armstrong repeats devil’s lullaby.


Matthew 17:1-9.

The Transfiguration represents the great events that will take place when Jesus returns.

The two men Moses and Elijah were real men who had been in Heaven and returned to earth. This experience is recorded in three Gospels, Matthew Mark and Luke and the description given by these writers does not permit the thought of it being merely a dream or hallucination. It records it as a real experience. While the word “vision” is used in Matthew, it should be remembered that the Greek word here used for vision is “horamia,” which means literally “that which is seen.”

2 Peter 1:16-18.

Peter, writing years later declares that he and his fellow disciples were “eye-witnesses” of the majesty and glory of Jesus. They heard the voice of God. He uses these facts to confirm the transfiguration as a real event; it was “what had been seen.” He saw it. So did the other disciples. It was no “cunningly devised fable.” It was real. They both saw and heard.

Elijah was taken bodily to Heaven.

2 Kings 2:11.

“Elijah went up by a fiery chariot into Heaven.” This is the plain statement of Scripture.


Revelation 19:1.

“Much people in Heaven.”

People do go to Heaven. (See Burnside Bible Lesson, “Do The Saints Go To Heaven?” etc.” “Much People in Heaven,” Revelation 19:1).

John 3:13.

This verse is sometimes quoted as evidence that people do not go to Heaven. It merely states “no man hath ascended up to Heaven.” The only One who has ascended to Heaven is our Lord Jesus. All others were taken up. Jesus alone has the power to ascend. He is the One “that came down from Heaven.” All others must be taken there. No others can ascend of their own power.

1 Thessalonians 4:17. The redeemed are “caught up.”

Only Christ, the One from Heaven can ascend up to Heaven.

The “Writing” From Elijah.

2 Chronicles 21:12. This verse is also used in an endeavor to prove that Elijah did not leave this earth and hence was not translated.

This is however, a very weak argument to use. Think through the following facts.

  1. This verse does not say when the “writing” was written. It could have been written years before. The margin states “Which was written before his death.” There is no evidence otherwise.
  2. Further the Scripture gives no indication as to when this writing was given to Jehoram.
  3. It should also be remembered that happenings in Scripture are not always recorded chronologically.
  4. This “writing” from the prophet could also have been given prophetically. For instance, Cyrus was named and his work outlined over a century before he was born.

5. It is also of interest to notice that in 1 Kings 22:50, the beginning of Jehoram’s reign is mentioned. This is followed in 2 Kings 1:3 by an account of the work of Elijah. Here Elijah’s work is recorded after Jehoram began to reign. By this Scripture it would appear that Elijah was working in the days of Jehoram: In view of these facts is it not dangerous to take the brief statement in 2 Chronicles 21:12, which is not explained chronologically, and set it against the vast array of clear Scriptures that show that people do go to Heaven and that later they shall reign on the earth?



Herbert W. Armstrong writes:

“All those resurrected at His coming and those changed into immortality at the same time are now no longer human. They are immortal children of God and are made rulers over the nations with Christ [Revelation 3:21 and Revelation 2:26-27]. They shall rule on the Earth during the 1,000 years of Revelation chapter 20.” The Plain Truth Magazine, September 1962.

“Your Bible never promises heaven as a reward to the saints. Deluded men preach the ancient pagan doctrine of going to heaven.” Plain Truth Magazine, October, 1961, page 17.

However, Christ says the Redeemed will go to heaven.

Matthew 5:12

“For great is your reward in Heaven”. Jesus said your reward given to you “in Heaven”.

Revelation 19:1

“Much people in Heaven.”

Revelation 14:1

“With the Lamb on mount Zion.”

Revelation 14:5

“Before the throne of God.”

Despite the death decree in Revelation 13, they are shown on mount Zion. How did they get there? Revelation 14:6 reveal s God’s last message.

Hebrews 12:22

“Mount Zion is the Heavenly Jerusalem”.

Galatians 4:26

“Jerusalem which is above”.

Revelation 15:2

“Stand on the Sea of Glass”.

Revelation 4:2

“Throne set in Heaven.”

Revelation 4:6

“Before the throne there was a sea of glass”.

Revelation 5:10

Here redeemed in heaven (Revelation 4:1, 2; 5:1) and look forward to reigning on earth. Therefore people will be in Heaven before inheriting the earth.


Jeremiah 4:23-27 Zephaniah 3:6, 8 Zephaniah 1:18

If the Saints reign on earth during 1,000 years and then on renewed earth forever as declared in Revelation 22:5, when will the earth be utterly empty?

2 Kings 2:11

“Elijah went up into heaven”.

John 3:13

This text is often used to prove that people “cannot” go to Heaven.

John 13:36

Christ explained that the disciples could not go to Heaven with Christ at His ascension “But thou shall follow me afterwards.”

John 14:1-3

“In my Father’s house”.

“Where I am, there ye may be also”.

Matthew 6:9

“Out Father which art in Heaven”.

John 20:17

“I ascend unto my Father and your Father”.

John 17:24

“Father, I will that they be with me where I am.”

John 14:2, 3

“I go to prepare a place for you”. So Heaven is a place and it is for people.

Hebrews 6:20

“Whither the forerunner (Christ) is for us entered.”

1 Peter 1:4

“An inheritance reserved in Heaven for you”.

1 Peter 1:4

Revealed in the last time “to be unveiled at the end of the world” Why?

For instance, a man has a fortune. He puts it in the bank until his children are of age.

Ephesians 3:14, 15

“While family in Heaven and earth is named”.

Note: not two families, I inked in one family, Christ i s the Author and Finisher. As the Resurrection of Jesus is the assurance of our Resurrection. So His Ascension is the assurance of our Ascension.

1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17

“Meet the Lord in the air”.

“Caught up in the clouds”.

Christ does not touch the earth when He comes for the saints. His feet will touch on the mount of Olives when He comes with all His saints. Zechariah 14:4, 5.

Philippians 3:20, 21

“But we are a colony of Heaven”. (Moffat)

“But the state to which we are citizens is in Heaven” (20th Century Version.)

Revelation 20:4

“With Christ”.

To illustrate, Friend says, “Come and live with me in my house until yours is fixed.” So the Lord says, “Come and live with me until I renovate your place, the earth”. There’s not a verse anywhere in the Bible that says Christ will reign on the earth during the 1,000 years When Christ reigns on the earth, it will be “forever and aver”.

Revelation 11:15

Luke 1:32, 33

Daniel 7:14

Daniel 7:18 Saints are “joint heirs” with Christ.

Daniel 7:27 Given to saints, no sinners there. “Everlasting Kingdom.” The prayer we are taught to pray - “Thy Kingdom Come” will then he fulfilled. “Obey Him” Only obedient there. After the persecutions, there is Triumph. After the night, there is Eternal day. The days of pain and weeping are forever ended. The King of glory has wiped the tears from all faces; every cause of grief has been removed.


John 14:1-3

  1. Christ promised He would return. He never breaks His promise.
  2. Comfort to troubled hearts.
  3. He went back to heaven to prepare a place for His people.
  4. The return of Christ is mentioned 380 times in the New Testament.

Luke 24:36-43, 50, 51

Jesus had a literal body of flesh and bones after His resurrection and thus He ascended to Heaven. Acts 1:911

  1. His ascension was witnessed by His disciples.
  2. He will return in like manner. Therefore His return will be literally, bodily, personally and visible.

Revelation 1:7

Every eye shall see or discern Him (not merely discerned by the mind). As lightning, His return will be visible to all. Matthew 24:27. The wicked see Him corning. Revelation 6:15-17.

Matthew 24:30

He comes with clouds. What are these clouds? The Bible explains itself

Psalm 104:3 The clouds are God’s chariots.

Psalm 68:17 The chariots of God are the angelic host.

Acts 1:9-11 A Cloud “received” Him.

Therefore the clouds that received Christ and with whom He returns are not rain or storm clouds nor are they symbols of trouble, but a great company of angels.


Matthew 25:31

Angels accompany Christ. Angels number countless millions. Revelation 5:11; Hebrews 12:22.

Matthew 24:30, 31

The angels gather up the redeemed and meet Christ. The main reason why Christ returns is to take His people to the place He has prepared for him in Heaven. John 14:3; 17:24.

1 Thessalonians 4: 16, 17

  1. “Shout”, “Voice of Archangel”, “Trump of God.” Certainly nothing secret or quiet about our Lord’s return.
  2. Christ’s feet do not touch earth at His return - the saints are caught up to meet Him in the air.
  3. “Dead in Christ” rise as did Jesus, literally, bodily, actually.

Philippians 3:20, 21

At coming of Jesus we will have out bodies changed like Christ’s glorious body.

1 Corinthians 15:51-53 -Immortality is bestowed when saints are resurrected and living translated.

Revelation 6:17

Ungodly wail and flee in terror. Isaiah 25:8, 9

Saints greet returning Lord with joy.

They have “waited” and “are glad”.

“This is our God” - Is He yours?

It is our privilege to be “sons of God” now.


Genesis 2:7

First time “soul” mentioned in Bible does not say mar has soul, but became one. Soul usually refers to person. (Exodus 1:15; Joshua 11:11; Judges 16:30; Leviticus 7:20; Exodus 16:16; Acts 27:37. Animals - Genesis 1:20).

Ezekiel 18:4 Soul can die

Genesis 2:7 Breath of life

Job 27:3

(Margin) - spirit in nostrils -- breath of life from God, Animals Genesis 7:22; Leviticus 16:20.)

Ecclesiastes 3:19, 20

All animals have “one breath” Genesis 37:1-14

At resurrection, creation repeated – “I will cause breath to enter you and ye shall live.” Words “spirit” and “breath” from same word in original

Genesis 3:1-5

The teaching of the immortality of the soul is the devil’s doctrine. It originated with him. It was Satan’s first lie to man. That lie is to-day the foundation of all fake religions. Catholics believe it, resulting in such teachings as purgatory, praying to saints, masses for the dead worship of the Virgin Mary. Hinduism, Shintoism, in fact, all heathen religions are based on the devil’s lie. Spiritualism and transmigration of souls also have their origin in this false conception of life after death. May God help us to adhere to what the Word says so as not to be deceived.



  1. There will be a New Earth Revelation 21:1, 5
  2. Location - This earth Matthew 5:5; Proverbs 11:31
  3. Forever Daniel 7:18, 27

Capital City of the New Earth

  1. Revelation 21:18 City of Gold
  2. Revelation 21:18 Jasper clear wells
  3. Revelation 21:19, 20 Foundation of precious stones.
  4. Revelation 21: 21 Gates of pearl.
  5. Revelation 22:1 River of life.
  6. Revelation 22:2 Tree of life.
  7. Revelation 21:2 Name = New Jerusalem.

The New Earth

  1. Isaiah 51:3 Like the Garden of Eden
  2. Isaiah 35:2 Desert blossoms as rose.
  3. 1 Corinthians 2:9 Eye has not seen, nor ear heard.

The Inhabitants

1 John 3:2 Like Christ - Real people.

1 Corinthians 13:12 Will know each other.

Three Ways to Know Friends

  1. John 20:27, 28 By form and figures.
  2. John 20:16 Recognized by voice.
  3. Luke 24:30, 31 By characteristics.
  4. Isaiah 65:21, 22 Occupation.
  5. Isaiah 11:6-8; 65:25 Animals changed.

Heavenly Worship

  1. Isaiah 66:22, 23 Regular seasons
  2. Revelation 22:4 They see God’s face.
  3. Daniel 7:18, 27 Eternal
  4. Nahum 1:9 Sin never re-enter.

How to get there Acts, 4:12;

Isaiah 1:19, 20; Revelation 22:14;

2 Peter 3:14.


Hope for eternal life, as the rich young ruler,

Give of your means, as Ananias and Sapphire;

Desire spiritual gifts, as Simon;

Wish to die well, as Balaam;

Bring an offering, as Cain;

Be married to a godly man, as Delilah;

Be a gospel worker, as Demas;

Build a temple, as Solomon;

Have an angelic visitor, as Lot’s wife;

Live with God’s people, as Gehazi;

Make a good resolution, as Felix;

Be healed, as Asa;

Be warned by handwriting, as Belshazzar;

Minister in the priest’s office, as Nadab;

Ask for prayers, as Pharaoh;

Find no fault with Jesus, as Pilate;

Be children of godly parents, as Hophni and Phinehas;

Make long prayers, as the Pharisees;

Be able to prophesy, as Saul;

Have many followers, as Theudas;

Have the lamp of truth, as the foolish virgins;

And yet - if you do not believe that Jesus died for you, and receive Him,


“But to all who have received Him, that is, to those who trust in His name-He has given the privilege of becoming children of God.”

“Through transgression, the sons of man became subjects of Satan. Through faith in the atoning sacrifice of Christ, the sons of Adam may become the sons of God.”


“God thought it,

Christ bought it,

Faith brought it,

The Scriptures taught it,

The Holy Spirit wrought it,

The Devil fought it,

But I have got it.”

And you can have it. Evangelist G. Burnside.

Revelation 21:2

“New Jerusalem, coming down from heaven”

Christadelphians look to old Jerusalem. They want to build up old Jerusalem. They send money to aid Zionists.


Galatians 4:25, 26

Jerusalem which now is and is in bondage. “But Jerusalem which is above is free”

Hebrews 11:8-11

Abraham’s hope, “City whose builder and maker is God.”

Hebrews 11:13 16

“Not having received promises”

“Heavenly country”

This present world, highway not our home.

Revelation 21:2

“New Jerusalem” because never grows old.

Revelation 21:10

“That great city, the holy Jerusalem” Like Abraham we need to look to the Heavenly Jerusalem as our home, Earthly Jerusalem is doomed with all cities. The cities of the nations fell, including old Jerusalem and will be buried forever. Zechariah 14:2.

Daniel 9:26

Jerusalem will have trouble to the end. Destroyed at Armageddon. Zechariah 14:3 Replaced by New Jerusalem. No prophecy of restoration by any prophet who lived after restoration from Babylon captivity. Christ never mentioned a restoration of Jerusalem. Paul never mentioned it. The New Testament never mentioned it. Christ said, “the kingdom is taken from you.”

Daniel 9:26

“No more His people” (margin)

Romans 2:28, 29

“He is not a Jew which is one outwardly.”

Romans 6:6-8

Galatians Seed = Christ

Galatians 3:29 “If you are Christ’s then you are Abraham’s seed”

Amos 3:7

”God does nothing but reveals His secrets unto His servants the prophets.”

  1. No prophecy of the Restoration of Jews after Restoration from Babylon.
  2. Christ never mentioned it.
  3. Apostles never mentioned it.
  4. Jesus Christ “taken from you” Matthew 21. Last of all. THE TRUE “ISRAEL” = GOD-RULED MAN

Galatians 3:29

Romans 2:28, 29

Romans 9: 6-8 Israelites by grace, not by race

Daniel 9:26

“The Jews they shall be no more his people and the prince’s (Messiah’s) future people.” (Margin) “The people that deny Him shall not be His”. Daniel 9:26 (Douay)


“Take Heed That No Man Deceive You”

Matthew 24:3, 4

Note Christ’s first words are a warning. This was in regard to the manner of His coming. Therefore how Christ is coming must be a vital question. He coupled His message of hope with a message of warning.

“Christ’s Order of Events:

Matthew 24:30, 31 The gathering of the elect follows the appearing of Christ. Therefore there is not “a secret rapture” of the saints followed seven years later by Christ’s appearance at His glorious return as taught by dispensationalists. The order of events as outline by Christ is:

1. Son of man appears.

  1.  “Then Tribes of earth mourn” (This could on= refer to the ungodly as Christ’s people will rejoice and certainly not mourn when they see their Lord.
  2. “They see Son of man coming.” The wicked see Him and mourn.
  3. His coming is in “power and great glory” - certainly nothing secret or silent. It is evident that there was a definite purpose in the order of events of these verses. How can anyone wrest the Scriptures and in the face of these plain statements teach that the gathering of the elect occurs some years before the appearance of Christ in Glory.
  4. “He shall send His angels” to “gather His elect”. In Christ’s program this takes place after the wicked see Christ. There is no text anywhere that teaches Christ will come secretly for His people.
  5. It will be “with a great sound of a trumpet.” The rapture or catching away of the elect is anything but a secret silent rapture. There is no place for the secret rapture anywhere in the Scriptures. “Believe it not” are the words of our Lord to this latter day deception and the arresting word which marks the counterfeit is the word “Secret”. It seems unbelievable that men would so distort the words of life as to teach a secret coming when the plain words of life as to teach a secret coming when the plain words of Scripture are “lightning”, “voice”, “shout”, “power”, and “great glory.”

1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17.

“The Lord Himself” come “with a shout”, “the voice of the Archangel and the trump of God.” This is when “the rapture” or “caught up” even takes place. There will be a rapture of those in Christ but not a secret, silent rapture. Christ Himself refutes the secret rapture theory. He reverses their order.

Mark 13:30.

Christ again gave the same order.

  1. “First the tares” = the wicked are dealt with first, as in Matthew 24:30,31, the wicked see Christ coming and mourn, then the angels gather the elect.
  2. “Then shall He send His angels” to “gather together His elect.” In Christ’s program first the wicked (“the tares”) and then the elect (“the wheat”) are gathered. The “secret rapture” goes contrary. The notes on Matthew 13:30, in the Schofield Reference Bible states. “The gathering of the tares are set apart for burning, but first the wheat is gathered.”

Christ said, “Gather ye together first the tares” but Schofield says “first the wheat is gathered.” Thus they go deliberately contrary to Christ’s statement. They wrest the Scriptures. (2 Peter 3:16). The wresting of God’s unerring Word has led many into dangerous errors.

Matthew 24:29

“The tribulation” precedes the coming of Christ, for after the tribulation Christ said “then shall appear our wonderful Lord, to gather His people. Matthew 24:31. The “secret rapture” teaching claims the tribulation follows the secret silent catching away of the saints. Thus again the teachings of Christ are reversed.

Revelation 22:11

The day of mercy or close of probation takes place for all. The day of salvation closes. The unjust remain unjust. Thus there will be no more conversions after this final decree goes forth.

Revelation 22:12

“Behold I come quickly”. Therefore just a little while before the actual coming of Christ the day of Salvation ends. The “secret rapture” theory is that salvation is still available after Christ comes. Of all dangerous theories and their name in legion, the most dangerous of all is that which teaches-a future probation after our Lord’s coming. There is no place for the “secret rapture” aspect at the Advent of Christ.

Matthew 25:31

“All the holy angels will accompany our Lord. Matthew 16:27

2 Thessalonians 1:7

He comes with “His mighty Angels”. What a galaxy of glory! Not merely of the unnumbered host of the angels, but also of Christ in “His own glory” and also of “His Fathers”. What a scene: What a day: What a pageant of unparalleled glory. This is no secret silent coming. When our Redeemer returns it will not be as at Bethlehem, in secret or in a corner. To limit our Lords appearance in any way is to invite error and deception.

1 Thessalonians 5:2 “As a Thief”

Thousands of robberies are anything but silent or secret, but they all aim at being unexpected. The advent of Christ will not be as a thief who creeps quietly in, afraid of being discovered. But suddenly, unexpected “As a Thief”

Luke 13: 36

“Lest coming suddenly”

Luke 21:34

“So that day come upon you unawares” (suddenly R.S.V.)

1 Thessalonians 5:3

“Then sudden destruction cometh upon them.” Therefore “as a thief” is to illustrate suddenness not secrecy.

“Therefore” Christ admonishes, “if they shall say unto you, Behold, He is in the desert; go not forth: behold He is in the secret chamber; believe it not. “For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shines even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” Matthew 24:26, 27.

Psalms 50:3

“Our God shall come and shall not keep silence.”

Psalms 50:4, 5

“Gather my Saints together unto Me” Thus when the saints are gathered at our Lord’s return He will not be silent. There is no secret rapture here or elsewhere in Scripture.

Matthew 24:23-27

Christ’s strong warning should be heeded regarding a secret coming. “Believe it not” He commanded. May we therefore never believe this dangerous theory.



The word “Millennium”

Not found in the Bible.

From two Latin words: “mille” meaning “thousand” and “annum” meaning year. The “thousand years” is only mentioned in the 20th chapter of Revelation.

Revelation 20:1-5

  1. Millennium bounded on either end by resurrection.
  2. During millennium saints “five and reign with Christ.”

1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17

  1. Saints to be “with Christ” at His second coming, therefore, Christ’s second coming begins millennium.

It being the “dead in Christ” who are raised “first”, “the rest of the dead” must be the wicked.”


John 5:28, 29

Jesus taught that there were two resurrections. Revelation shows they are 1,000 years apart. Revelation 30:6 Righteous “reign with Christ” during 1,000 years, therefore righteous raised at beginning of 1,000 years.

Jeremiah 25:30-33

Wicked are struck dead by presence of Christ. Isaiah 24:1- Earth made “empty.”

Jeremiah 4:23-27 Earth desolate during millennium.

Revelation 20:1-3

No literal chain binds the Devil. (Mark 5:1-4. If demon possessed men could not be bound with chains,

Satan could not be by literal chain.) Bound by chain of circumstances because no people to tempt.

“Bottomless Pit” = desolate earth.

Revelation 16:18-20 -Mighty earthquake leaves but ruin and desolation.

Jeremiah 4:23 - “No light” = dark dungeon for “prince of darkness”.

Jeremiah 4: 25 -”No man” = “No man’s Land”.

Jeremiah 4:27 “not full end” - Arch-rebel not executed.

That takes place at close of millennium.

Isaiah 24:5 - Reason for desolate earth - Law of God broken. Ordinances changes = Baptism, Lord’s

Supper, etc.

Revelation 20:4

Millennium - time of judgment.

1 Corinthians 6:2, 3.

2 Chronicles 26:21 - Earth keeps its Sabbath.

Revelation 20:7-9

Wicked raised - This looses Satan. Surround city of God that had come to earth with Jesus and His people

(Revelation 21:3). Fire wipes out Satan and his followers.

Revelation 20:14, 15. Malachi 4:1-3 –Wicked destroyed everlastingly.

2 Peter 3:10-Fire wipes out every taint of sin.

Revelation 21:1-7

Pain, death -gone forever.

Righteous with Christ on New Earth for ever.

Isaiah 66:22, 23 - ALL redeemed come up to worship on God’s day.

Revelation 22:1, 2 - Monthly visit to partake of fruit of Tree of Life.


They are not mere spirits in God’s Kingdom

“Those who have truly repented, whether living or dead, will be resurrected as spirit beings when Christ returns to rule this Earth at the first resurrection.” Tomorrow’s World, August, 1971, page 43.


Luke 22:30

“That ye may eat and drink at my table in my Kingdom”.

Philippians 3:20, 21

“Like unto His glorious body.” The redeemed will have a real body like Christ’s resurrected body.

Luke 24:36-43

Jesus gave three proofs that He was in a real body and not a mere spirit.

  1. “Handle me” Verse 39. Jesus was in real body.
  2. “Flesh and bones, as ye see me have”. Jesus was flesh and bones.
  3. He took food and did eat it before the disciple Jesus ate real literal food.

Matthew 26:29

The Saints will drink “fruit of the vine” in the Kingdom.

Luke 14:15

“Eat bread in the Kingdom of God”.

Luke 22:30

“You may eat and drink at my table in my Kingdom”.

1 Corinthians 15:20

“Christ is the first fruits.” Christ’s resurrection a pledge and figure of our resurrection.

1 Corinthians 15:23

“Christ the first fruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at His coming.”

1 Corinthians 15:44

“Spiritual Body”.

Note: Spiritual is contrasted with a natural or carnal body and is not contrasted with a literal. For instance, a person may have a spiritual mind, but that does not mean he does not have a literal body. Angels have spiritual bodies. Psalms 104:4

They can vanish at will and travel at tremendous speed. Daniel 9:23.

Genesis 18:8

They are real beings, they eat food.

Psalm 78:24, 25 They protect God’s people.

2 Kings 6:17

Chariots of God = Angels.

Psalm 68:17.

Chariots of God = Angels.

Matthew 22:30

Redeemed “as the Angels.”

Isaiah 65:17 “New earth.”

Isaiah 65:21

“Build houses and plant vineyards and eat the fruit of them.” They are real people in a real place.

Isaiah 66:22, 23

“The New Earth”.

“Shall all flesh come to worship”.

They have a real literal, spiritual body like Christ had after His resurrection.

1 Timothy 2:5

And we still have a real literal Savior and Advocate in Glory, “the Man Christ Jesus”.