Christ’s Incarnation Nature

George Burnside

Did Christ Conquer In Adam’s Sinless Nature, Or In Our Sinful Nature?

ROMANS 8:3-4
For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

“In the likeness of sinful flesh.” Romans 8:3.

Literally, “Flesh of sin,” R.V. margin.

Other translations: “In the form of the flesh of sin.” Diaglott.

“But God has met this by sending His own Son Jesus Christ to live in that human nature which caused the trouble.” Phillips. “By sending. His own Son, with a nature resembling our sinful nature.” T.C.N.T.

“By sending His own Son in our sinful physical form.” Goodspeed. Notice the clear statements of the Spirit of Prophecy:

“He took upon His sinless nature our sinful nature, that He might know how to succor them that are tempted” (Medical Ministry, page 181, italics supplied).

“Clad in the vestments of humanity, the Son of God came down to the level of those He wished to save. In Him was no guile or sinfulness; He was ever pure and undefiled; and he took upon Him our sinful nature” (Review and Herald, December 15, 1896).

“He took upon himself fallen, suffering human nature, degraded and defiled by sin” (SDA Bible Commentary, Volume 4, page 1147).

“In taking upon Himself man’s nature in its fallen condition, Christ did not in the least participate in its sin” (SDA Bible Commentary, Volume 5, page 1131).

“Though He had no taint of sin upon His character, vet He condescended to connect our fallen human nature with His divinity” (Special Instruction Relating to the Review & Herald Office and the Work of Battle Creek, page 13, May 31, 1896).”

“Letters have been coming in to me, affirming that Christ could not have had the same nature as man, for if He had, lie would have fallen under similar temptations. If He did not have man’s nature, He could not be our example. If He was not a partaker of our nature, He could not have been tempted as man has been. If it were not possible for Him to yield to temptation, He could not be our helper. It was a solemn reality that Christ came to fight the battles as man, in man’s behalf. His temptation and victory tell us that humanity must copy the Pattern; man must become a partaker of the divine nature” (Selected Messages, Book One, page 408; for further study: Pages 267, 268)


There is no text in Scripture that says Christ took sinless flesh, but it does say “sinful flesh.” There is no statement in the Spirit of Prophecy that says Christ took sinless flesh. There is no Scripture or statement in the Spirit of Prophecy that says “Christ took Adam’s sinlessness” or that Christ took the human nature of Adam before the fall. The question has been asked: “The Scripture does not say God sent His own Son in sinful flesh,” but “in the likeness of sinful flesh.” Is this not vastly different?


Christ did not make believe take human nature, he did verily take it. He did in reality possess human nature. “As the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same.” He was of the seed of David according to the flesh and human descent.” The Review and Herald, April 5, 1906.

“It was not a make-believe humanity that Christ took upon Himself. He took human nature and lived human nature. Christ’s life represents a perfect manhood. Just that which you may be, He was in human nature. He took our infirmities. He was not only made flesh, but He was made in the likeness of sinful flesh” (Ellen G. White Comments, SDA Bible Commentary, Volume 5, page 1124)


  1. Christ did not deceive. He was not play-acting when He took fallen human nature. He did it in reality. He actually took our flesh and it was sinful flesh. He lived a sinless life.
  2. Christ took “the same” flesh.

Hebrews 2:9. “For the suffering.” Therefore Jesus took the nature of man since Adam sinned, since sin and suffering entered.

Hebrews 2:14. Jesus “also Himself likewise took part of the same,” “flesh and blood.”

Hebrews 2:11. “All of one,” “brethren.” Only a near kinsman could redeem us. Leviticus 25:25, 47-49.

For Jesus to be our Redeemer, He had to partake of the same “flesh and blood.”

Jesus was “in all points tempted like as we are.” Hebrews 4:15.

Adam was not tempted in all points like as we are.

“The Lord had seen fit to lay upon them but one prohibition.” Patriarchs and Prophets, page 53.

“Satan was not to follow them (Adam and Eve) with continual temptations; he could have access to them only at the forbidden tree.” Patriarchs and Prophets, page 53.


Galatians 4:4. Christ was “made of a woman.”

As bread is made of wheat, so Christ was “made of a woman. “ His body was part of the flesh of a woman. Did not Christ humble Himself more in being born of a woman - in our fallen flesh, than even in hanging on a cross - a piece of this earth? Man made in the image of God was a marvel, but God in the image of man is the marvel of marvels.

Philippians 2:7. “In the likeness of men.”

This is a similar statement to Rom. 8:3, “In the likeness of men.” Does this mean that Christ was a man? It certainly does. He was the Man, Christ Jesus. 1 Timothy 2:5.

He likewise was in the likeness of sinful flesh. The only way that He could be sent i n the likeness of sinful flesh - flesh of sin - would be to have sinful flesh.

As the pure white lily can blossom on a filthy, stagnant pond, so Christ the lily of the valley lived a sinless life in our sinful flesh, “He has made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.” 2 Corinthians 5:21.


And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. Christ was “God manifest in the flesh.” 1 Timothy 3:16. He was holy in unholy flesh. He was God in our flesh. Matthew 1:20. “For that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.” Here again is stated the holy in the unholy. Matthew 1:23. “A virgin shall be with child.” His name - “God with us.” The Holy with the unholy.

Luke 1:35. “The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee.” The Holy in sinful flesh. ‘The Highest shall overshadow thee.” The “Highest” and the lowest.

Luke 1:35. “That Holy Thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.” “Holy,” “the Son of God,” sinful, human flesh. The blending of human and Divine - God - man. God manifest in the flesh.

If Christ did not reach to us - the lowest - there is no gospel for us.


Since Adam fell, there has been no holy flesh on this earth. The Virgin Mary was not in sinless flesh on this earth. The Virgin Mary was not in holy flesh. Christ partook of the flesh of Mary. He was “made of a woman.” Galatians 4:4. The Virgin Mary never regarded herself as sinless. Luke 1:47. “God my Savior.” Mary knew she needed a Savior. Luke 1: 48. She spoke of her “low” estate. “Highest,” TO “low estate.” God manifest in the flesh.

John 1:51. Christ is the ladder that links Heaven and Earth, God and man, the “Highest” with the low.


The value of the atonement depends on the Nature of the One who atones. Jesus was like Jacob’s ladder, linking heaven and earth, reaching down to you and me. The Son of God reached to our level to lift us.


Highest came to the lowest. God came to us. To a race in sinful flesh. The genealogy of Jesus is given to show He had the same flesh. Some of that genealogy shows:

Jehoikim (Jeremiah 22:19) “buried with the burial of an ass.” Manasseh, who made Judah to sin “worse than the heathen.” Ahaz “transgressed sore against the Lord.” Solomon, David, Bathsheba, Rahab.

 “What a sight was this for heaven to look upon. Christ who knew not the least taint of sin or defilement, took our nature in its deteriorated condition. This was humiliation greater than finite man can comprehend. God was manifest in the flesh.” ‘That They May Be One,’ page 104.


“Though He had no taint of sin upon His character, yet He condescended to connect our fallen human nature with His divinity” (Special Instruction Relating to the Review and Herald Office and the Work of Battle Creek, page 13, May 31, 1896).”

“Clad in the vestments of humanity, the Son of God came down to the level of those he wished to save. In Him was no guile or sinfulness; He was ever Pure and undefiled, yet he took upon Him our sinful nature” (Review and Herald, December 15, 1896).

Not to the level of “Adam,” not to “holy flesh,” but from the lowest He lifts us to the highest.

“He took upon himself fallen, suffering human nature, degraded and defiled by sin” (SDA Bible Commentary, Volume 4, page 1147).

“In taking upon himself man’s nature in its fallen condition, Christ did not in the least participate in its sin” (Ibid., Volume 5, page 1131).

“Letters have been coming in to me, affirming that Christ could not have had the same nature as man, for if He had, He would have fallen under similar temptations. If He did not have man’s nature, He could not be our example. If He was not a partaker of our nature, he could not have been tempted as man has been. If it were not possible for Him to yield to temptation, He could not be our helper. It was a solemn reality that Christ came to fight the battles as man, in man’s behalf. His temptation and victory tell us that humanity must copy the Pattern; man must become a partaker of the divine nature” (Selected Messages, Book One, page 408; for further study: ibid., pages 267, 268)


Hebrews 2:9. “Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels that He should taste death FOR EVERY MAN.”

2 Corinthians 5:21. “For He has made Him to be sin FOR US.” Hebrews 9:24. “To appear in the presence of God FOR US.” Hebrews 7:25. “He ever lives to make intercession FOR THEM.” Galatians 2:20. “Who loved us and gave Himself FOR US.”

What a Savior!
What a Salvation!