
George Burnside



The Church of the Last Days.

Revelation 12:17 "Remnant" would:

  1. "Keep Commandments of God".
  2. "Have Testimony of Jesus Christ."
  3. Warn against the Beast and its Mark.
  4. Call out of Babylon.
  5. Preach "Hour of God's Judgment is come."
  6. Last Warning Message. Revelation 14:7.
  7. Isaiah 11:11, 12 Remnant "Second time".
  8. Zephaniah 3:13 "Remnant" no "Iniquity".
  9. Isaiah 11:16 "Remnant".
  10. Revelation 14:12 "Faith of Jesus."

"Testimony of Jesus Christ."

Revelation 19:10 "The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy.

Ephesians 4:11-13 NOTE: "Till we all come in the unity of faith unto a perfect man."

The "gifts" to continue "till": "unto perfect manhood". Cunnington.

1 Corinthians 1:5-7 "Waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ". "Even as the testimony of Christ."

The "Remnant" even have "the "Testimony of Jesus."

1 Corinthians 12:31 "Covet earnestly the best gifts". Here is one thing we can covet.

1 Corinthians 14:1 "But rather that ye may prophesy". "Prophecy" is the best gift.

Revelation 19:10 "Testimony of Jesus Christ". "Is the Spirit of Prophecy." These two expressions are found only in Revelation. They are not found in any other book of the Bible.

Revelation 1: 2, 9 "The testimony of Jesus."

Revelation 12:17 "The testimony of Jesus."

Revelation 20:4 "Witness of Jesus". (Same Greek word). Only found in Revelation.

Revelation 19:10 "The Angel".

Revelation 1:1 "His Angel" = It is Christ's Angel that gives the definition:

'The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy"

It is not John's explanation or any man's, it is Christ's angel's explanation.

"Most English translations reproduce this genitive by an ‘of’ construction in Revelation 19:10, as can be seen by consulting the following: Authorized, Revised, Weymouth, The Greek English New Testament (interlinear), Emphatic Diaglott, Murdock's translation from the Syriac, Douay, Moulton, Goodspeed, Montgomery, Verkuyl , Tyndale, Cranmer, Geneva, Rheims, Cunnington, Rotherham, Wycliffe, and Fenton. "There is but one of these translations of the New Testament to which we have access that uses the word 'to' in Revelation 19:10, and that is the Twentieth Century New Testament. One not listed above, but which uses neither the word ' of' nor ' to', is the translation by Moffatt, and it is very definite. His rendering is, "The testimony borne 'by' Jesus"." - Testimony of Jesus - The Spirit of Prophecy. - By W. E. Read.

It is not man's testimony regarding Jesus.


2 Corinthians 2:17

2 Corinthians 4:2 As a result of corrupting Scripture they lost the truth and the "gifts".

W. Robertson Nicol comments:

"'For the testimony or witness of (i.e., borne by) Jesus is (i.e., constitutes) the spirit of prophecy.' This specifically defines the brethren who hold the testimony of Jesus as possessors of prophetic inspiration. The testimony of Jesus is practically equivalent to Jesus' testifying (22:20). It is the self-revelation of Jesus which moves the Christian prophets. He forms at once the impulse and subject of their utterances. (cf. Ignatius, Romans 8; Ephesians 6.) Furthermore, there is an implicit definition of the spirit of prophecy in its final phase as a revelation of Jesus Christ. Even the O. T. prophetic books, with which the Apocalypse claims to rank, were inspired by the spirit of the pre-existent Christ." - The Revelation of St. John the Divine in The Expositor's Greek Testament (New York: Dodd, Mead and Company), volume 5, page 465.


This phrase is used but once in Scripture. It was often used by Jewish Rabbi.


The Testimony of Jesus - The Spirit of Prophecy. W. E. Read: The term "spirit of prophecy" with reference to the prophetic gift is found in the ancient Jewish writings. The expression occurs in The Targums on the Book of Genesis. Both the Onkelos and the Jerusalem Targum on Genesis 41:38 read the same as follows: "And Pharaoh said to his servants, Can we find a man like this, in whom is the spirit of prophecy from the Lord?" See The Targums of Onkelos and Jonathan ben Ussiel on the Pentateuch; With the Fragments of the Jerusalem Targum, translated by J. W. Etheridge (London: Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts, 1862), volume 1, pages 131, 303. Also Edward Lewis Curtis says that the Targum or paraphrase on Chronicles "explains somewhat similarly, except that the Sucathites are those 'covered' with a spirit of prophecy." - International Critical Commentary (on Chronicles) (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1910), volume 10, page 98.

The Targum of Jonathan on 2 Samuel 23:2 reads: "David said, By the Spirit of prophecy of Jehovah, I speak these things." - Quoted as Appendix Note IV, Samuel 11, Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges (Cambridge: University Press, 1903).

The Pulpit Commentary remarks:

"David, in his last days, like Jacob and Moses, received the spirit of prophecy." - Pulpit commentary on Second Samuel.


The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy.