
George Burnside


They believe in:

  1. Inspiration of the Bible.
  2. Sleep of soul in death.
  3. Soon coming of Christ.
  1. Utter annihilation of wicked.
  2. Baptism is essential to salvation.
  3. Millennial reign of Christ on earth over the nations.
  4. Salvation only for those taught by Christadelphians and obey their teachings.

They do not believe in:

  1. Deity of Christ.
  2. Pre-existence of Christ.
  3. Personal devil.
  4. The Trinity.
  5. Personality of Holy Spirit.
  6. Substitution death of Christ.

Christadelphians will often attend evangelistic meetings, not to learn truth, but to get hold of newly interested people to win them to their beliefs. Here is a good approach when one is forced to meet them. The question is:-


They will not be interested in suggesting others.

REVELATION 14:6-16 Here is God's last and final message. As soon as it has gone to all the world we have the second advent.

REVELATION 14:14 "And I looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of man, having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle."

This is the Second Advent of our Lord.

REVELATION 14:15 "For the harvest of the earth is ripe." Jesus said.

MATTHEW 13:39 "The harvest is the end of the world."

REVELATION 14:16 "And he that sat on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth; and the earth was reaped."

The messages of the Three Angels, that go just before the end of the world is therefore God's last message. No other follows, for this is the last.

Both Adventists and Christadelphians claim to believe we are in the last days. Therefore this last movement must be here! Is it the Christadelphians? Note the God-given Characteristics.

REVELATION 14:6 "It goes to "every nation kindred, tongue and people."

It is a world-wide movement. This could not be Christadelphians. Their missionary work is at best very, very small, if not nil. They are unknown in the islands. They are unknown to hundreds of ministers in the U.S.A. The Government Census shows that they are declining. They are not a missionary people.

MATTHEW 28:19, 20 "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am With you always, even unto the end of the world."

Christadelphians do not obey this command of Christ. Their mission work is nil or well-nigh nothing.

The census reveals they are a dying movement. They could not take the Gospel to all the world in ten thousand years, for they are losing out in numbers. They are certainly not fulfilling the prophecy of Jesus.

Christadelphians are not fulfilling this prophecy.


"Christadelphian" means the "brothers of Christ." They have a good name, but they deny that name in practice.

REVELATION 3:1 They have a good name, but are dead. Christ reveals clearly who are His brothers etc.

MATTHEW 12:50 "For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother."

They do not obey the commands of Christ. Just before our Lord's return, He has revealed who will be His true brothers etc.

REVELATION 14:6-16 The true "Brothers of Christ" are here revealed.

1. They obey.

2. They are a missionary people. Revelation 14:6.

3. They worship the creator and keep the sign of creation - the Sabbath, Exodus 20:8-11.

4. They keep the commandments of God. Revelation 14:12

5. They have faith or teachings of Jesus.

6. They are last day Christians, "Saints." Revelation 14:14-16.


The word "substitution" is not found in the Bible, but the truth of substitution certainly is in God's Word.

LEVITICUS 1:4, 7, 18 It (sacrifice) shall be accepted for him.

GALATIANS 3:13 "for us."

1 CORINTHIANS 15:3 "Christ died for our sins."

EPHESIANS 5:2 "Given Himself for us an offering and a sacrifice."

GALATIANS 1:4 "Who gave Himself for our sins."

1 TIMOTHY 2:6 "Who gave Himself a ransom for all."

1 CORINTHIANS 1:13 "Crucified for you.”

5:7 "Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us."

11:24 "My body which is broken for you."

1 PETER 3:18 "The just for the unjust."

1 PETER 4:1 "Christ hath suffered for us."

HEBREWS 7:27 "Offered up Himself."

It has been objected. How can a Just God, who is the first Person, take the sins of the second person and lay them on a third Person - Jesus. This is not just. Note: He laid them on Himself.

HEBREWS 9:16 "Put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself."

HEBREWS 10:10 "Offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all."

(Not Roman Catholic mass repeated thousands of times daily.)

HEBREWS 10:12 "One sacrifice for sins forever." Jesus did not die as a martyr.

HEBREWS 10:14 "By one offering He has perfected forever." There was only one ark of safety, one Red Heifer, one brazen serpent, one Passover lamb, all point to One Sacrifice. See Exodus 12:3-5 "A" lamb, "the" lamb, "your" lamb.

(Although millions of Passover lambs slain, referred as singular.)

ROMANS 5:6 "Christ died for the ungodly." This is substitution. Christ is my substitute.

ROMANS 5:7, 8 "Christ died for us" = Substitution.

Isaiah 5:3. Daniel 9.