Iso-Plot Index, Earth and Planetary Science | University Berkeley

Name Extension File Size
Isoplot.docx .docx 16,181
656 03Lecture04.pdf .pdf 705,652
Installation Instructions for SQUID.pdf .pdf 21,279
Isoplot3.7manual.pdf .pdf 1,563,754
Isoplot3_75-4_15manual.pdf .pdf 2,185,269
Isoplot3ReadMe.pdf .pdf 141,463
Isoplot4ReadMe.pdf .pdf 129,723
IsoplotManual.pdf .pdf 1,563,754
Sq2Manual2.5.pdf .pdf 1,649,399
Isoplot3nx.xla .xla 3,895,296
Isoplot4.13.xlam .xlam 2,389,257
Isoplot4.15.xlam .xlam 1,815,746
IsoplotExamples.xls .xls 378,368
isostat2007.xls .xls 60,416
SquidPreferences.xls .xls 109,056
SquidTask_230Th-U ages.krl.xls .xls 28,160
SquidTask_Common Pb, no 204, no bkrd.krl.xls .xls 27,648
SquidTask_Common Pb, with 204 & bkrd.krl.xls .xls 27,648
SquidTask_Common Pb, with 204 and bkrd.krl.xls .xls 27,648
SquidTask_Common Pb, with 204, no bkrd.krl.xls .xls 27,136
SquidTask_Monazite, floating slope, requires both 232 and 248.KRL.xls .xls 29,184
SquidTask_Z2 = 9pk RSES (floating slope).GA.xls .xls 69,120
SquidTask_Zircon, Explicit PbTh.KRL.xls .xls 29,184
SquidTask_zircon, rses + 270.krl.xls .xls 70,144
IsoplotExamples.xlsx .xlsx 299,113
Isoplot4.13 .zip 3,829,522 .zip 3,257,000 .zip 256,402

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