1914, The Last Generation




Paul Nethercott

April, 2021


1914, 107 Years Ago

We have ample proof that Jesus’ prophecy has been undergoing fulfillment since 1914. Hence, that year marked the start of his presence and the establishment of the Kingdom.https://www.jw.org/en/library/books/gods-kingdom/let-your-kingdom-come/


32  “Now learn this illustration from the fig tree: Just as soon as its young branch grows tender and sprouts its leaves, you know that summer is near. 33  Likewise also you, when you see all these things, know that he is near at the doors. 34  Truly I say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things happen. Matthew 24


“The anointed ones who are still alive and part of “this generation” are getting on in years; yet, they will not all die off before the great tribulation begins. Therefore, we can conclude that very soon indeed God’s Kingdom will come and exercise its rule over the earth! How thrilling it will be to witness the fulfillment of the prayer that Jesus taught us: “Let your Kingdom come”!” (God’s Kingdom Rules, 2014, page 12) https://www.jw.org/en/library/books/gods-kingdom/let-your-kingdom-come/


What percentage of Earth’s population are over 100 years old?

The United Nations predicts that there are 573,000 centenarians currently, almost quadrupling from the suggested 151,000 in the year 2000.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centenarian



One person in every 13,612. Or 0.0073%


What percentage of Earth’s population are over 107 years old?

supercentenarian, sometimes hyphenated as super-centenarian, is a human who has reached the age of 110, something only achieved by about one in 1,000 centenarians.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centenarian



Only 573 people are left alive today. One person in every 13,612,000. Or 0.0000073%. The 1914 generation is 99.999993% dead.


The world population is currently 7,800 million. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_population


"Millions Now Living Will Never Die!"

"Millions now living will never die!" was exclaimed by Rutherford in a series of public lectures starting 1918. This was related to his prophecy that the earthly resurrection would commence 1925, with the return to life of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and became the focus of the preaching work in the following years. https://www.jwfacts.com/


"Millions now living will never die" had its first failure in 1925 when the earthly return of Abraham failed to materialize. Time has proven this prophecy false beyond doubt. In 2017 there were less than one million people still alive that were on earth when Rutherford made his bold statement, with an estimate of only 450,000 centenarians throughout the earth. http://www.thecentenarian.co.uk/how-many-people-live-to-hundred-across-the-globe.html






This Generation Will Not Pass


Bible Verse

Greek Word

This Generation



Matthew 1:1



The book of the generation of Jesus Christ.


Matthew 1:17

γενεά (genea)


So all the generations from Abraham to David

One lifetime

Matthew 3:7



O generation of vipers,


Matthew 11:16

γενεά (genea)

This Generation

But whereunto shall I liken this generation?

33 Years

Matthew 12:34



O generation of vipers,


Matthew 12:39

γενεά (genea)


An evil and adulterous generation.


Matthew 12:41

γενεά (genea)

This Generation

Shall rise up in the judgment with this generation.

33 Years

Matthew 12:42

γενεά (genea)

This Generation

Shall rise up in the judgment with this generation.

33 Years

Matthew 12:45

γενεά (genea)

This Generation

Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.

33 Years

Matthew 16:4

γενεά (genea)


A adulterous generation seeketh after a sign;


Matthew 17:17

γενεά (genea)


O faithless and perverse generation.


Matthew 23:33



O generation of vipers,


Matthew 23:36

γενεά (genea)

This Generation

All these things shall come upon this generation.

33 Years

Matthew 24:34

γενεά (genea)

This Generation

This generation shall not pass.

One lifetime

Mark 8:12

γενεά (genea)

This Generation

Why doth this generation seek after a sign?

33 Years

Mark 8:38

γενεά (genea)

This Generation

This adulterous and sinful generation;

33 Years

Mark 9:19

γενεά (genea)


O faithless generation, how long shall I be with you?


Mark 13:30

γενεά (genea)

This Generation

This generation shall not pass.

One lifetime

Luke 1:48

γενεά (genea)


All generations shall call me blessed.


Luke 1:50

γενεά (genea)


From generation to generation.


Luke 3:7



O generation of vipers,


Luke 7:31

γενεά (genea)

This Generation

But whereunto shall I liken this generation?

33 Years

Luke 9:41

γενεά (genea)


O faithless and perverse generation.


Luke 11:29

γενεά (genea)

This Generation

An evil and adulterous generation.

33 Years

Luke 11:30

γενεά (genea)

This Generation

So shall also the Son of man be to this generation.

33 Years

Luke 11:31

γενεά (genea)

This Generation

Shall rise up in the judgment with this generation.

33 Years

Luke 11:32

γενεά (genea)

This Generation

Shall rise up in the judgment with this generation.

33 Years

Luke 11:50

γενεά (genea)

This Generation

May be required of this generation;

33 Years

Luke 11:51

γενεά (genea)

This Generation

It shall be required of this generation.

33 Years

Luke 16:8

γενεά (genea)


Their generation wiser than the children of light.


Luke 17:25

γενεά (genea)

This Generation

And be rejected of this generation.

33 Years

Luke 21:32

γενεά (genea)

This Generation

This generation shall not pass.

One lifetime

Acts 2:40

γενεά (genea)

This Generation

Save yourselves from this untoward generation.

One lifetime

Acts 8:33

γενεά (genea)


And who shall declare his generation?

33 Years

Acts 13:36

γενεά (genea)


For David, after he had served his own generation.

70 Years

Colossians 1:26

γενεά (genea)


Hid from ages and from generations.


Hebrews 3:10

γενεά (genea)


Wherefore I was grieved with that generation.

40 Years

