1925 And Beth-Sarim




The Watchtower Society foretold that in 1925 the Kingdom on earth would be established and Abraham, Isaac and Jacob etc. would be resurrected to take charge of the visible affairs of earth. When this failed to happen, then a house was built called Beth-Sarim meaning "House of the Princes". It was to be a testimony to the world that they still expected the Princes to arrive in the immediate future, and this home would be in readiness for these men of old to occupy. In the meantime, the president of the Society, Judge J. F. Rutherford, moved into the mansion. In 1942 he died there. He admitted before he died that he had made "an ass" of himself for what he predicted for 1925. Beth-Sarim has since been sold, but its memory is still an embarrassment to the Society. It is also a warning to others not to put their faith in such an organization!


Originally the Watchtower Society taught the Princes were to return in 1915. Pastor Russell wrote in Studies in the Scriptures Volume 4, (1897) on page 625:

"The beginning of the earthly phase of the Kingdom in the end of A.D. 1914 will, we understand, consist wholly of the resurrected holy ones of older time, from John the Baptizer back to Abel; Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and all the holy prophets.”

Pastor Russell was so sure that God had given him these truths centered around Armageddon coming at the end of 1914, and the Princes at the beginning of 1915 that he wrote concerning it that God had "made no mistake and his plans alter not.” - Studies in the Scriptures Volume 4, page 624.


Pastor Russell died in 1916, after witnessing that all he had predicted for 1914 had failed to take place. He was succeeded as president of the Society by Judge Rutherford who now made the date for the Princes to return, ten years later:

"No doubt Satan believed the Millennial Kingdom was due to be set up in 1915. Be that as it may, there is evidence that the establishment of the Kingdom in Palestine will probably be in 1925, ten years later than we once calculated." The Finished Mystery, (Volume 7), page 128.

Rutherford further developed expectations for this date in the book, Millions Now Living Will Never Die, pages 88-97, where he foretold that in 1925, the Princes would be resurrected to establish the Kingdom on earth. (See the photocopy of this section of that book at the back of this Kit. Also see the section of the book, The Way to Paradise, where a description is given of what it would be like as these Princes were resurrected, and how you could call these Princes at Jerusalem on the telephone and request them to arrange to have your loved ones resurrected!)


When the 1925 date passed, there was widespread disappointment. Those with a heavenly hope were especially disappointed

"The view had been somewhat general among the anointed that the remaining members of the body of Christ would be changed to heavenly glory that year (1925)" Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Purpose, page 107.

Those who were expecting to stay on earth, were also disappointed:

"...some prepared for their own loved ones with expectancy of their resurrection." 1975 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, page 146.

Thousands left the Society! Watchtower leaders urged the members not to be discouraged because the Princes would still arrive soon. (See in this Kit a photocopy of Millions Now Living Will Never Die, where 1925 was rubbed out and soon rubber stamped over that date!) However, the most effective ruse was that of President Rutherford to build Beth-Sarim! (See Salvation, p.31l.)

The house attracted a lot of publicity, which the Society encouraged. See the article in their big 1931 Assembly paper The Messenger, boasting of this. One picture of the house even had the caption:

What the back and the West side look like. Do you think David will like it?

The whole thing became a terrible embarrassment and laughing stock. Within the Society were murmurings with their President living in this lavish marIS1011 which had not been built in Jerusalem, but in lovely San Diego, California!

This drawing of Beth-Sarim appeared in one of the last books (Salvation) that J. F. Rutherford wrote before he died in this mansion. On the previous page he told why the house was built.


At San Diego, California, there is a small piece of land, on which, in the year 1929, there was built a house, which is called and known as Beth-Sarim. The Hebrew words Beth Sarim mean "House of the Princes"; and the purpose of acquiring that property and building the house was that there might be some tangible proof that there are those on earth today who believe God and Christ Jesus and in His kingdom, and who believe that the faithful men of old will soon be resurrected by the Lord, be back on earth, and take charge of the visible affairs of earth. The title to Beth-Sarim is vested in the WATCH TOWER BIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY in trust, to be used by the president of the Society and his assistants for the present, and thereafter to be for ever at the disposal of the aforementioned princes on the earth. To be sure, everything then on the earth will belong to the Lord, and neither the Lord nor the princes need others to build houses for them; but it was thought well and pleasing to God that the aforementioned house be built as a testimony to the name of Jehovah and showing faith his announced purposes. The house has served as a testimony to many persons throughout the Earth, and while the unbelievers have mocked concerning it and spoken contemptuously of it, yet it standing here as a testimony to Jehovah's name; And if and when the princes do return and some of them occupy the property, such will be a confirmation of the faith and hope that introduced the building or Beth-Sarim. [Salvation, Page 311]


During the year loving hands provided a comfortable house pleasantly situated at San Diego, California, wherein the president and his office assistants can escape the rigors of the winter and there be enabled to go on with the work. This provision is graciously acknowledged as from the Lord. He knows who are the givers, and will bless them accordingly. The title to that house is in the Society, and is held in trust for the perpetual use of God's faithful ones. It was thought appropriate to give a name to the house, and henceforth it will be known by the name "Beth-Sarim". This is a compound Hebrew word, and its meaning is "house of the princes", and is intended for the princes mentioned by the Lord. It is confidently expected that in God's due time some of the faithful men mentioned in Hebrews 11, and whom Christ shall "make princes in all the earth", will find an abode in that house while carrying on the work the Lord will give them to do. The house is a small matter, but it reminds us that there is a direct and close relationship between all the creatures that are truly devoted to God. Some blessed day all of God's creation who are faithful will be gathered together into one family under Christ his beloved One. (Ephesians 1:10) To what extent the Lord will use the houses his people have built on earth in the past few years is for him to decide, of course.

We are always glad, however, to believe, according to his Word, that he is pleased to have his people recognize the close relationship between all that love God.

The enemy gave wide publication of and concerning the building of that house at San Diego. The purpose of the enemy, of course, was to bring reproach upon the work of the Society. Others have given friendly .mention of the house through the public press. The publication which has spread over the earth has served to let the people know that there are some on Earth who have full faith and confidence in God and his promises, and see that his kingdom is at hand, and that in his kingdom he will have faithful men on earth to represent him. The mere amount of publication could not have been bought for five times the cost of the house. This is another evidence of the fact that the enemy often overreaches himself and never succeeds in accomplishing a real purpose. In the days of the early church the apostle wrote: "Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife, and some also of good will: the one preach Christ of contention, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my bonds." (Philippians 1:15, 16) It is even so today. The campaign of education goes grandly on. Jehovah’s Witnesses 1931 Year Book (1930), Pages 36, 37.



During the question meeting held by the Los Angeles ecclesia on Sunday, February 23, 19,330, and over which you presided, the friends were so moved by your answers given to questions asked that at a meeting, directly following they voted with one accord to instruct me to write this letter.

Your answers given to some of the false accusations made against you were so straightforward and open that none actuated by the spirit of the Lord could help but rejoice. We regret that the agents of Satan will stoop so low as to deal in personalities and to malign you, but it was done to the Master when he was here, and all who serve the Lord can but except the same. It is it a mark of your faithfulness. We want you, to feel also that these accusations grieve us as much as they do you; for while made directly against you, yet as all the members form the body of Christ, so also an injury to one member is an injury to all. We
want you to feel, in every hour of trial, our love for you and our devotion to the cause for which you are so fiercely and valiantly fighting, and that we are fighting shoulder to shoulder with you. We want you to know that while we rejoice to have the facts concerning tile questions answered there was not one, in the Los Angeles ecclesia who loves tile Lord and his kingdom who held any doubts in his heart concerning you.

Your wonderful provisions in the deed to the San Diego property have impressed the friends with your faith in the Lord's promises. It has filled us with a keener realization of the fact that we are living in the time of the establishment of his kingdom. It has stirred our hearts with a desire to show our faithfulness to the Lord in this short remaining time left to us. With this thought in mind some of the friends have suggested that a short article in The Watch Tower, setting forth the provisions of this deed, would be a source of comfort to all the friends as this information has been to us here. Be assured, dear brother, of our continued prayers in your behalf and of a double portion of our love and that he who is for us is greater than till who are against us. Your brother in Christ, CHARLES G. O’HANLON, Secretary, Los Angeles Ecclesia. [The Watchtower, April 1, 1930, Page 111]


MY DEAR BROTHER RUTHERFORD: After reading Light, I thought I must let you know how much. I have appreciated same; and I thank Jehovah for the wonderful explanation of Revelation that lie has given to the remnant at this time. It is a clear indication that the great battle of Armageddon is rapidly approaching, as we ace the prophecies which have been fulfilled, particularly since 1914, and others in course of fulfillment.

It is grand to see that many of those prophecies are being fulfilled by the faithful remnant. I count it a glorious privilege to have a share in this stupendous work. Some of the chapters seem to stand out very prominently, especially chapters 8, 9, 11, 13, 20 and 21. It is thrilling to look forward to the return of the faithful prophets before the last members of the remnant pass beyond. Surely the Lord guided you to having the house built in San Diego in preparation for their return. May he continue to bless you abundantly as you press the battle to the gate.

For your encouragement I would like to tell you that the brethren over here are deeply appreciating Light and the opportunity of placing it in the hands of the people. Many of the classes have already commenced to use it as a class study. With much love, Your brother and co-laborer in Zion, ALFRED G. BORLAND, England. [The Watchtower, August 1, 1931, Page 239]


Those ancient witnesses, specially mentioned by the apostle in Hebrews the eleventh chapter, have not expected to see the feet members of Christ, the Greater-than-Joseph, while in the flesh, but the evidence strongly points to the fact that they will see at least some of them on the earth. The Lord in his loving kindness makes provision, and we may confidently expect that those faithful men of old will be back on the earth before Armageddon ends and while some of the remnant are still on the earth, and that they will unite together in the praise and service of Jehovah God. There is at least one house on earth the title to which is held in trust for the use and benefit of those faithful men. Whether they occupy it or not, this house has been a means of advertising the kingdom throughout the earth and calling to the attention of the people that those faithful men will be back on the earth, and that the Lord will use them as governors or local rulers. It will not be at all difficult to recognize such men, because they will be upstanding and righteous and do righteousness in every way, and will be a joy to those who come in contact and serve with them. The public press has ridiculed and scoffed at BETH-SARIM, but those who love the Lord rejoice that this has been used as a means to publicly call attention to the faithful men whom God will bring forth. [The Watchtower, March 15, 1937, Page 86]


At San Diego, California, there is a small piece of land, on which, in the year 1929, there was built a house, which is called and known as Beth-Sarim. The Hebrew words Beth-Sarim mean “House of the Princes"; and the purpose of acquiring that property, and building the house was that there might be some tangible proof that there are those on earth today who fully believe God and Christ Jesus and in His kingdom, and who believe that the faithful men of old will soon be resurrected by the Lord, be back on earth, and take charge of the visible affairs of earth. The title to Beth-Sarim is vested in the WATCH TOWER B1BLE & TRACT SOCIETY in trust, to be used by the president of the Society and his assistants for the present, and thereafter to be for ever at the disposal of the aforementioned princes on the earth. To be sure, everything then on the earth will belong to the Lord, and neither the Lord nor the princes need others to build houses for them; but it was thought well and pleasing to God that the aforementioned house be built as a testimony to the name of Jehovah and showing faith in his announced purposes. The house has served as a testimony to many persons throughout the earth, and while the unbelievers have mocked concerning it and spoken contemptuously of it, yet it stands there as a testimony to Jehovah's name; and if and when the princes do return and some of them occupy the property, such will be a confirmation of the faith and hope that induced the building of Beth-Sarim. [J. F. Rutherford, Salvation (1939), Page 311]


Some unreliable person is responsible for the circulation of a report that Beth-Sarim is being enlarged as a place of security and that this is being built by the Society. There is absolutely not one word of truth in the report. Those who are interested in the. Theocracy would better be circulating the kingdom message rather than false imaginations of others. [The Watchtower, June 1, 1940, Page 162.]



Jehovah's people have a right to proper use of the courts. There are times when they would not be using the spirit of a sound mind to do otherwise. At Beth Sarim, San Diego, Judge Rutherford does much work at night. For some time he was annoyed by a young man flashing a spotlight into his study and blowing his automobile horn. He had him arrested, which was right and proper. The young man got a 30-day suspended in sentence, and will have sense enough to stay away now or get locked up. [Consolation, April 30, 1941, Page 14]


1931 Year Book, 36-37

The Golden Age, March 19, 1930, 405-407

The Watch Tower, April 1, 1930, 111

The Messenger, July 25, 1931, 6-8

The Messenger, July 30, 1931, 2

The Watch Tower, August 1, 1931, 239

The Watchtower, March 15, 1937, 86

The Golden Age, May 5, 1937, 499

Salvation (1939), 311-12

The Watchtower, June 1, 1940, 162

Consolation, April 30, 1941, 14

Consolation, November 26, 1941, 17-18

Consolation, May 27, 1942, 3-16

The New World (1942), 104-05

1943 Yearbook, 33-34

The Watchtower, December 15, 1947, 382

Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Purpose (1959), 252-253

"Let Your Name Be Sanctified," (1961), 335-336

1975 Yearbook (1974), 193-194

Jehovah's Witnesses-Proclaimers of God's Kingdom (1993), 76, 89

The Golden Age, September 2, 1931, 800

The Watchtower, February 1, 1933, 34

The Watchtower, December 15, 1937, 370

The Watchtower, October 15, 1943, 317

The Watchtower, November 1, 1955, 655

The Watchtower, June 1, 1985, 27

The Watchtower, March 1, 1992, 27


During the year loving hands provided a comfortable house pleasantly situated at San Diego, California, wherein the president and his office assistants can escape the rigors of the winter and there be enabled to go on with the work. This provision is graciously acknowledged as from the Lord. He knows who are the givers, and will bless them accordingly. The title to that house is in the Society, and is held in trust for the perpetual use of God's faithful ones. It was thought appropriate to give a name to the house, and henceforth it will be known by the name "Beth-Sarim". This is a compound Hebrew word, and its meaning is "house of the princes", and is intended for the princes mentioned by the Lord. It is confidently expected that in God's due time some of the faithful men mentioned in Hebrews 11, and whom Christ shall "make princes in all the earth", will find an abode in that house while carrying on the work the Lord will give them to do. The house is a small matter, but it reminds us that there is a direct and close relationship between all the creatures that are truly devoted to God. Some blessed day all of God's creation who are faithful will be gathered together into one family under Christ his beloved One. (Ephesians 1:10) To what extent the Lord will use the houses his people have built on earth in the past few years is for him to decide, of course.

We are always glad, however, to believe, according to his Word, that he is pleased to have his people recognize the close relationship between all that love God.

The enemy gave wide publication of and concerning the building of that house at San Diego. The purpose of the enemy, of course, was to bring reproach upon the work of the Society. Others have given friendly .mention of the house through the public press. The publication which has spread over the earth has served to let the people know that there are some on Earth who have full faith and confidence in God and his promises, and see that his kingdom is at hand, and that in his kingdom he will have faithful men on earth to represent him. The mere amount of publication could not have been bought for five times the cost of the house. This is another evidence of the fact that the enemy often overreaches himself and never succeeds in accomplishing a real purpose. In the days of the early church the apostle wrote: "Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife, and some also of good will: the one preach Christ of contention, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my bonds." (Philippians 1:15, 16) It is even so today. The campaign of education goes grandly on. Jehovah’s Witnesses 1931 Year Book (1930), Pages 36, 37.


The Truth About the San Diego House By B. J. Martin

In view of the fact that there are so many slanderous reports circulated about Brother Rutherford, the real purpose of which is to injure the Lord's work, I feel disposed to give the facts concerning some of them, not for the benefit of the slanderers, but for the benefit of those who are really loyal to the Lord.

SOCIETIES BUILDINGS: During the past ten years the Society, under the business management of Brother Rutherford, has financed on a business basis and erected for the benefit of the work the following buildings:

The Bethel Home, furnishing commodious quarters for the workers there.

The Brooklyn factory, with a capacity of 20,000 volumes a day, in one of the best appointed and

lighted factories in the world.

A factory and home for the work in Switzerland.

A factory and home for the work and workers in Magdeburg, Germany.

A home for the workers in Czechoslovakia.

Prior to this period the Society rented its headquarters in most of the places, including London. In the last few years the Society has acquired title to the London Bethel. The Society has also built offices and a printing plant at Toronto, Canada.

To my personal knowledge Brother Rutherford has been untiring in his efforts to get all this housing and equipment for the benefit of the Lords work.

As is well known by the brethren, he and others were confined in prison during the War because of faithfulness to the Lord's cause. Following his release he had a severe case of pneumonia, and since then has had only one good lung. It is almost impossible for him to remain in Brooklyn in the winter season and get on with the arduous duties that he has to perform. To my personal knowledge there is no man in America that does more real hard work daily than he. Four years ago he went to San Diego, California, under the treatment of Doctor Eckols. The climate is so superior to that of almost any other place that Doctor Eckols has repeatedly urged him to spend as much time as possible in San Diego. When he goes he takes with him his office force and works early and late, and except for the work he has done the factories would not be able to operate and it is hardly probable that we could have been operating the radio stations.

It is not always convenient to get a comfortable place to live when it is necessary to rent a house for a few months. For the past two years I and other brethren close to Brother Rutherford have urged upon him the necessity of a house in San Diego where he can live and do the work that is so necessary to be done. Last year, in company with a few other brethren, we pressed this matter upon him, at that time the Lord having provided the means for the building of the house so that it would not be a burden on the Society. He finally consented that the house might be built only upon condition that it should be exclusively for the use of the Lord's work, henceforth and for ever and not for any private gain for any one. In October, 1929, I went to California and acquired the title, to the ground in my name and entered into a contract with the builder, and the house was constructed in my name. I again went to California at the beginning of the year 1930 to close up the building arrangements. I am happy to have any part in this because I know what it means for the Lord's work.

I feel sure that the Lord loves Brother Rutherford as much as he loved David. David built a house for himself and afterwards thought about building one for the Lord. After repeated urging by loyal brethren the San Diego home was built, but Brother Rutherford refused to have it for himself except to use it for the Lord's work. A deed was made conveying the title to the house. This deed was written by Brother Rutherford himself. I am certain there is no other deed to any piece of property like it under the sun. I am grateful to the Lord that I had anything to do with it The deed is a matter of public record on the deed records of San Diego, California, and therefore I am at full liberty to publish it and I do here submit the deed for publication so that all may see and understand how much Brother Rutherford has been libeled and slandered by those who would injure the Lord's work.

I am certain that the loyal ones would have been glad to help finance the house had opportunity been given, and that they will rejoice when they know that this property will be for ever for the Lord's people; that when Brother Rutherford is through with it somebody else in the Lord's work will have it, and when David and Joseph or some of the other ancient worthies return they will have it.

The enemy charges that the house cost $100,000. Of course it did not cost one-fourth that amount; but their falsification in this behalf is in keeping with their false statements about everything else. See the statement from the treasurer of the Society that not one penny of the Society's money was drawn out to pay for this house.


This is to testify that no money has been drawn from the funds of the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, or any affiliated association, by R. J. Martin, Brooklyn, New York, or anyone else to be used for the purpose of erecting, purchasing or acquiring the possession of any building or real estate in San Diego, California.

March 3, 1930

Respectfully submitted,

[Treasurer's seal] W. E. VAN AMBURGH, Treasurer.

I append a copy of the deed, including the notarial acknowledgments and recorder's memoranda on the back, all of which will be of interest to many readers of The Golden Age, I feel sure.


ROBERT J. MARTIN a single and unmarried person of 117 Adams St. Brooklyn, New York, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) does hereby grant bargain and sell unto JOSEPH F. RUTHERFORD of 124 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, New York for and during his life on earth and thereafter to the WATCH TOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY, a corporation created and organized under the laws of the State of Pennsylvania and maintaining it chief operating offices at 124 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, New York and for the purposes hereinafter set forth.

All that real property situated in Kensington Heights, County of San Diego, State of California bounded and described as follows, to wit:

Lot One Hundred Ten (110) and Lot One Hundred Eleven (111) of Kensington Heights, Unit No. 2, in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to map thereof No. 1912, filed in the office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, May 24, 1926.

TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE ABOVE GRANTED AND DESCRIBED PREMISES unto him, the said JOSEPH F. RUTHERFORD for his exclusive possession, use and benefit for and during his life on earth and at the end of said limited estate then to the WATCH TOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY in trust to be used for the purposes herein set forth, to wit:

The grantor at the request of the said JOSEPH F. RUTHERFORD who is President of the WATCH TOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY and General Manager thereof makes this provision and condition as set forth in this deed:

Both the grantor and the grantee, the said JOSEPH F. RUTHERFORD are fully persuaded from the Bible testimony, which is the Word of Jehovah God, and from extraneous evidence that God's kingdom is now in course of establishment and that it will result beneficially to the peoples of earth. That the governing power and authority will be invisible to men but that kingdom of God will have visible representatives on the earth who will have charge of the affairs of the nations under the supervision of the invisible ruler Christ. That among those who will thus be the faithful representatives and visible governors of the world will be David, who was once king over Israel; and Gideon, and Barak, and Samson, and Jephthae, and Joseph, formerly the ruler of Egypt, and Samuel the prophet and other faithful men who were named with approval in the Bible at Hebrews the eleventh chapter. The condition herein is that the said WATCH TOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY shall hold said title perpetually in trust for the use of any or all of the men above named as representatives of God's kingdom on earth and that such men shall have possession and use of said property hereinabove described as they may deem for the best interest for the work in which they are engaged.

This property has been acquired and the improvements built thereon at the instance and under the direction of the said JOSEPH F. RUTHERFORD and dedicated to Jehovah God and to His King Christ who is the rightful ruler of the earth and for the express purpose of being used by those who are servants of Jehovah God. For this reason the provision is made in this deed that the property shall he for ever used for that purpose subject to any encumbrances that may have been placed thereupon.

IT IS FURTHER PROVIDED that if the said JOSEPH F. RUTHERFORD while alive on the earth shall by lease, deed or contract provide that any other person or persons connected with the said WATCH TOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY shall have the right to reside on said premises until the appearing of David or some of the other men mentioned in the eleventh chapter of Hebrews as above set forth even such person or persons so designated by the said JOSEPH F. RUTHERFORD in such lease or other paper writing shall have the right and privilege of residing on said premises until the same be taken possession of by David or some of the other men herein named and this property and premises being dedicated to Jehovah and the we of his kingdom it shall be used as such for ever. Any persons appearing to take possession of said premises shall first prove and identify themselves to the proper officers of said Society as the person or persons described in Hebrews chapter eleven and in this deed.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF I the said ROBERT J. MARTIN and the said JOSEPH. F. RUTHERFORD have hereunto signed our names this 24th day of December A.D. 1929.





On this 24th day of December A.D. 1929 before me, Donald Haslett a notary public in and for said County and State of New York, having authority to take acknowledgments of legal instruments, personally appeared ROBERT J. MARTIN and JOSEPH F. RUTHERFORD known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and each acknowledged to me that he executed the same as his free act and deed.

WITNESS MY HAND and official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. DONALD HASLETT. Notary Public. [Notary Seal] State of New York, County of Kings.

I, Fred G. Limmermann, Clerk of the County of Kings and also Clerk of the Supreme Court for said county (said court being a court of record) do hereby certify that Donald Haslett the Notary Public before whom the within acknowledgment or deposition was made was at the time of making the same authorized by the laws of the state of New York to take the acknowledgments and proofs of deeds or conveyances for lands, tenements and hereditaments situate, lying and being in said state of New York. And further that I am well acquainted with the hand writing of such Notary Public, and verily believe that the signature to said certificate of proof, acknowledgment or deposition is genuine.

In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County and Court this 24th day of December, 1929.

Fred G. Limmermann, Clerk.

et al
Dated December 24th, 1929

Recorded at the request of Grantee February 7, 1930, at 15 minutes past 2 o'clock in Book Number 1741, Page 69 of Deeds. Records of San Diego County, California. John H. Ferry County Recorder, By N. C. Parsons Deputy. Compared. Fee $1.80. [The Golden Age, March 19, 1930, Page 405-407]



During the question meeting held by the Los Angeles ecclesia on Sunday, February 23, 19,330, and over which you presided, the friends were so moved by your answers given to questions asked that at a meeting, directly following they voted with one accord to instruct me to write this letter.

Your answers given to some of the false accusations made against you were so straightforward and open that none actuated by the spirit of the Lord could help but rejoice. We regret that the agents of Satan will stoop so low as to deal in personalities and to malign you, but it was done to the Master when he was here, and all who serve the Lord can but except the same. It is it a mark of your faithfulness. We want you, to feel also that these accusations grieve us as much as they do you; for while made directly against you,

yet as all the members form the body of Christ, so also an injury to one member is an injury to all. We
want you to feel, in every hour of trial, our love for you and our devotion to the cause for which you are so fiercely and valiantly fighting, and that we are fighting shoulder to shoulder with you. We want you to know that while we rejoice to have the facts concerning tile questions answered there was not one, in the Los Angeles ecclesia who loves tile Lord and his kingdom who held any doubts in his heart concerning you.

Your wonderful provisions in the deed to the San Diego property have impressed the friends with your faith in the Lord's promises. It has filled us with a keener realization of the fact that we are living in the time of the establishment of his kingdom. It has stirred our hearts with a desire to show our faithfulness to the Lord in this short remaining time left to us. With this thought in mind some of the friends have suggested that a short article in The Watch Tower, setting forth the provisions of this deed, would be a source of comfort to all the friends as this information has been to us here. Be assured, dear brother, of our continued prayers in your behalf and of a double portion of our love and that he who is for us is greater than till who are against us. Your brother in Christ, CHARLES G. O’HANLON, Secretary, Los Angeles Ecclesia. [The Watchtower, April 1, 1930, Page 111]


MY DEAR BROTHER RUTHERFORD: After reading Light, I thought I must let you know how much. I have appreciated same; and I thank Jehovah for the wonderful explanation of Revelation that lie has given to the remnant at this time. It is a clear indication that the great battle of Armageddon is rapidly approaching, as we ace the prophecies which have been fulfilled, particularly since 1914, and others in course of fulfillment.

It is grand to see that many of those prophecies are being fulfilled by the faithful remnant. I count it a glorious privilege to have a share in this stupendous work. Some of the chapters seem to stand out very prominently, especially chapters 8, 9, 11, 13, 20 and 21.

It is thrilling to look forward to the return of the faithful prophets before the last members of the remnant pass beyond. Surely the Lord guided you to having the house built in San Diego in preparation for their return. May he continue to bless you abundantly as you press the battle to the gate.

For your encouragement I would like to tell you that the brethren over here are deeply appreciating Light and the opportunity of placing it in the hands of the people. Many of the classes have already commenced to use it as a class study. With much love, Your brother and co-laborer in Zion, ALFRED G. BORLAND, England. [The Watchtower, August 1, 1931, Page 239]


Those ancient witnesses, specially mentioned by the apostle in Hebrews the eleventh chapter, have not expected to see the feet members of Christ, the Greater-than-Joseph, while in the flesh, but the evidence strongly points to the fact that they will see at least some of them on the earth. The Lord in his loving kindness makes provision, and we may confidently expect that those faithful men of old will be back on the earth before Armageddon ends and while some of the remnant are still on the earth, and that they will unite together in the praise and service of Jehovah God. There is at least one house on earth the title to which is held in trust for the use and benefit of those faithful men. Whether they occupy it or not, this house has been a means of advertising the kingdom throughout the earth and calling to the attention of the people that those faithful men will be back on the earth, and that the Lord will use them as governors or local rulers. It will not be at all difficult to recognize such men, because they will be upstanding and righteous and do righteousness in every way, and will be a joy to those who come in contact and serve with them. The public press has ridiculed and scoffed at BETH-SARIM, but those who love the Lord rejoice that this has been used as a means to publicly call attention to the faithful men whom God will bring forth. [The Watchtower, March 15, 1937, Page 86]


At San Diego, California, there is a small piece of land, on which, in the year 1929, there was built a house, which is called and known as Beth-Sarim. The Hebrew words Beth-Sarim mean “House of the Princes"; and the purpose of acquiring that property, and building the house was that there might be some tangible proof that there are those on earth today who fully believe God and Christ Jesus and in His kingdom, and who believe that the faithful men of old will soon be resurrected by the Lord, be back on earth, and take charge of the visible affairs of earth. The title to Beth-Sarim is vested in the WATCH TOWER B1BLE & TRACT SOCIETY in trust, to be used by the president of the Society and his assistants for the present, and thereafter to be forever at the disposal of the aforementioned princes on the earth. To be sure, everything then on the earth will belong to the Lord, and neither the Lord nor the princes need others to build houses for them; but it was thought well and pleasing to God that the aforementioned house be built as a testimony to the name of Jehovah and showing faith in his announced purposes. The house has served as a testimony to many persons throughout the earth, and while the unbelievers have mocked concerning it and spoken contemptuously of it, yet it stands there as a testimony to Jehovah's name; and if and when the princes do return and some of them occupy the property, such will be a confirmation of the faith and hope that induced the building of Beth-Sarim. [J. F. Rutherford, Salvation (1939), Page 311]


Some unreliable person is responsible for the circulation of a report that Beth-Sarim is being enlarged as a place of security and that this is being built by the Society. There is absolutely not one word of truth in the report. Those who are interested in the. Theocracy would better be circulating the kingdom message rather than false imaginations of others. [The Watchtower, June 1, 1940, Page 162.]


Jehovah's people have a right to proper use of the courts. There are times when they would not be using the spirit of a sound mind to do otherwise. At Beth Sarim, San Diego, Judge Rutherford does much work at night. For some time he was annoyed by a young man flashing a spotlight into his study and blowing his automobile horn. He had him arrested, which was right and proper. The young man got a 30-day suspended In sentence, and will have sense enough to stay away now or get locked up. [Consolation, April 30, 1941, Page 14]


Return of the "Princes"

THE facts that have recently come to pass showing the fulfillment of sacred prophecy conclusively prove that the time for the battle of “that great day of God Almighty" is very near and that in that battle all of God's enemies shall be destroyed and the earth cleared of wickedness, preparatory to the, complete establishment of righteousness for ever.

The affairs of the earth then will be under the complete control of the Messiah, God's Anointed King over His Theocracy; and the faithful men of old, from Abel to John the Baptist, will be resurrected from the dead as perfect creatures and will act as the representatives, on earth of that Theocratic Government. (Hebrews 11:1-40) The Scriptural evidence also abundantly shows that those faithful men will be back on the Earth at the beginning of the final battle of Armageddon. From the Scriptures it appears absolutely certain that some of the faithful "remnant" of Jehovah's anointed witnesses will yet be on the earth when those faithful men appear, and certainly those persons of good-will toward God and who shall compose the "great multitude" of Armageddon survivors will also be on the earth, and all of these will meet and greet earth's new “princes". Concerning God's anointed King of The Theocracy it is written (Psalm 45:16): "Instead of thy fathers [they] shall be thy children, whom thou may make princes in all the earth."

In this day of judgment upon the nations many persons are, by reason of the warning being published throughout the earth by Jehovah’s witnesses, seeing that Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and other faithful men of old will be the earthly of representatives of the invisible, heavenly Theocratic Government of Jehovah God by Christ Jesus the Messiah, and that therefore those faithful men will be in God's kingdom organization. At the same time they see, that the religious Jews, the natural descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and their modern day counterparts, the religionists of the present time, will be cast away. The religious practitioners hear the message of warning as it is proclaimed to those of good-will toward God, and they bear the announcement made by the Lord that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and all the prophets shall be in the Kingdom organization, and that the religionists are cast out; and that makes them very mad; and, being exceedingly angry, they gnash their teeth against the witnesses of the Lord. In this day of judgment the great Judge, Christ Jesus, says to those hypocrites: "Depart from me, all you workers of iniquity. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when you [who claim to be. the spiritual successors of God's covenant people Israel] shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and yon yourselves thrust out. And they shall come from the east, and from the west, and shall sit down in the kingdom of God.” Luke 13: 27-29.

Manifestly that "son of perdition", Judas, who betrayed Jesus Christ, was a type of the "man of sin” company. Just before his death Judas was filled with remorse to such a degree that he went and hanged himself. This may indicate that the "man of sin" class, just before their complete destruction at Armageddon, will realize not only that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are in the realm of the Kingdom but that those composing the religious "man of sin" have no show whatsoever of being of the Kingdom, and then they will be filled with remorse.

When Abraham was offering up his only, son Isaac as a sacrifice, Abraham pictured Jehovah God, the great Theocrat; Isaac was a type of Christ Jesus, the only-begotten and beloved Son of God; and Jacob, the grandson of Abraham by Isaac was a type or picture of The Christ. Christ Jesus being the Head and the true church being "his body". (See Colossians 1:18.) Thus was The Theocracy prophetically pictured. The persons of good-will, the Lord's "other sheep” who shall form the "great multitude” of Armageddon survivors, now see and appreciate The Theocracy, and such are now coming to God's kingdom, and they are coming from all parts of the earth, and they find refuge, protection, rest and comfort under the organization of Jehovah. The faith exhibited today by these who are not spiritual Israelites often exceeds the faith and zeal for God manifested by those who claim to be Israelites after the spirit and in line for the Kingdom.

Concerning this Jesus said: “Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel. And I say unto You, That many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out

into outer darkness; there shall be weeping, and gnashing of teeth." Matthew 8:10-12.

Today the information is being brought directly to the clergy and to the "evil servant" class, who claim to be Israelites after the spirit and many of whom were, no doubt, once in line for the Kingdom. These are being told that the Kingdom is at hand and that all who support The Theocracy shall find life, and those oppose it shall be destroyed. The “other sheep” of the Lord, hearing this message are coming from all quarters of the Earth and from all walks of life amongst the common people. These now see and appreciate The Theocratic Government. They see that Abraham pictured the Greater Abraham, Jehovah God. That Isaac pictured Christ Jesus, the beloved Son of God. That Jacob pictured The Christ, Head and body; and that such constitutes The Theocratic Government. Seeing this by faith, they hasten to put themselves under The Theocracy, and thus they "sit down” with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, composing the heavenly Theocracy. By the words "sit down" it is shown that they have found rest, protection, ease and comfort and know what God has in reservation for them that love and serve Him. At the same time those once in line for the Kingdom come to a realization that they are cast out and are in "outer darkness", and hence they indulge in howling and wicked persecution of God's people. (Matthew 8:12) Other scriptures show that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and all the faithful prophets, resurrected from the dead, will be on earth immediately preceding Armageddon, and the people of good-will who shall form the "great multitude" foretold at Revelation 7:9-17 will be literally associated with those "princes in all the earth". Therefore this scripture (Matthew 8:11 above quoted) is subject to this double meaning.

At San Diego, California, there is a small piece of land, on which, in the year 1929, there was built a house which is called and known as "Beth-Sarim". The Hebrew words Beth Sarim mean "House of the Princes". The purpose of acquiring that property and building the house was that there might be some tangible proof that there are those on earth today who fully believe God and Christ Jesus and in the Theocratic Government, and who believe that the faithful men of old will soon be resurrected by the Lord, be back on earth, and take charge of the visible affairs of earth. The title to Beth-Sarim is vested in the WATCH TOWER BIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY. You may soon meet Abraham, Daniel, and other like faithful men, who shall be here as perfect men acting as governors of the new world. Eagerly seek their instruction and hang on their words of wisdom and grace, because they will lead you ill the way of righteousness. They are God's "princes". [Consolation, Volume 23, Number 579, November 26, 1941, Page 17.]


San Diego Officials Line Up Against New Earth’s Princes
The amazing story of San Diego officials’ disgrace
Petition of thousands of San Diego citizens ignored
Consolation, Volume 23, Number 592, May 27, 1942.

“And in His name shall the nations hope.” - Matthew 12:21, ARV.

San Diego Officials Line Up Against New Earth’s Princes

BEFORE his death Judge Rutherford made the simple request that his remains be buried somewhere on the hundred-acre estate at San Diego, California, held in trust for the New Earth’s Princes. The house built thereon he named “Beth-Sarim”. It was deeded to those princes. On March 14, more than two months after he passed to his reward on January 8, the San Diego County Planning Commission handed down the decision that nowhere upon this land could his bones repose.

This was their second denial of a permit for burial, claiming to act under a county ordinance which expressly provides for cemeteries in this area but requires that a conditional permit from the Planning Commission be first obtained. This the commission refused as to two different sites. The action of the Planning Commission was contrary to the county ordinance, allowing cemeteries in this district.

Just how a man’s bones, buried without monument or even conspicuous marker, in the center of 100 acres of land, a half mile from the closest outside house, could disturb anyone is left for the commission to explain. The VFW, who petitioned against the granting of the permit, prejudicially explained it this way: “Judge Rutherford, during his lifetime, taught intolerance, and, therefore, as a manifestation of our tolerance, we do not wish him buried.”

During the nine weeks from the day of Judge Rutherford’s death until the denial of the second petition by the Planning Commission, the WATCHTOWER and its legal agents, who were charged both by the judge’s request and by statute to bury his body, made exhaustive efforts to discharge their responsibility, and were blocked at every turn by officials both of the county and of the state, including the state director of public health, the state attorney-general, and even the office of the governor. The record of this whole affair is so outrageous that it is brought to public attention as disclosing the depth of meanness resorted to by religionists to satisfy their vindictiveness even on lifeless bones. it also furnishes a perfect example of those ensnared by religion. They have foolishly thrown away all Worthiness of life merely for the brief satisfaction of spite.

Several years ago, Judge Rutherford assigned to the WATCHTOWER the right for the burial of his remains. In early 1940, and just before the Detroit convention in July, he was attacked by severe illness and afterward recovered sufficiently to continue through that convention, and to make five surpassing speeches to the marvelous St. Louis convention of August, 1941. By November, 1941, the illness had gained ground, and he was compelled to have an operation, in Elkhart, Indiana. It was then that he expressed the desire to get back to California, and he was subsequently brought to Beth-Sarim by train and ambulance.

For some time it had been apparent to all, even the best medical experts, that he could not recover. The judge had yearned to see the ancient witnesses (mentioned in the 11th chapter of Hebrews) return to earth at Beth-Sarim, which place (held by the WATCH TOWER BIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY for these men) by name means, in Hebrew, “House of the Princes.” As he thought he might die before that event, he wanted his bones left on the property. These facts are brought out more fully in the statement to the County Planning Commission on January 24, hereinafter set forth.

In order to comply with the law, a cemetery corporation was formed of members of the Beth-Sarim family, and a plot of ground was deeded to this family corporation, about three hundred feet from the residence and so far down the canyon slope as to be invisible from every house on the heights. The corporation was known as Beth-Sarim’s Rest, and this small plot bore the same name. This was completed in December, and approximately three weeks later the judge passed on to his higher work. While it had been expected, to those near him and aware of his serious condition, his death was none the less a terrible shock to those who had worked with and loved him for many years.

One, suffering from this great loss on the very day of the death, had the death certificate filled out, and, with the mortician, requested the burial permit. It was then that the county officials delivered their first wallop to an afflicted and bereaved family. No permit would be granted for burial on Beth-Sarim’s Rest, even though it was a legal corporation and the death certificate was in order, unless Beth-Sarim’s Rest were granted a conditional permit to operate a cemetery in this part of the county.

The district attorney advised that in 1940 an ordinance restricting this area was passed, but allowing cemeteries on conditional permit from the Board of Supervisors. Naturally this information disturbed a family already shaken by death; but due application was made to the Planning Commission, and, after forcing the family to leave the remains in the mortuary for two weeks, the Commission deigned to consider the matter and refused the permit.

Meanwhile the two weeks were an awful nightmare. Judge Rutherford was much hated by the religionists; and when his death was known, the press dug up every lie invented by the clergy for the past twenty years, and smeared their pages with lying malice. As a result a continuous stream of cars thronged the road and sidewalk which dead-ends just beyond the house, and great congestion resulted. The grave had been dug and the cemetery premises were entered by trespassers, and so much damage done that the police and sheriff’s office had to be notified, still without abatement of this disturbing nuisance.

Children and their religious parents indulged in jeering epithets as they passed the house, in a manner hitherto unheard of toward a grief-stricken family. It was horrifying indeed to hear shouted to the household from the street: “How long are you going to keep the old boy on ice?” Could anything but the hate of religionists have inspired such conduct! Since this whole affair brought into focus Beth-Sarim, the ‘House of the Princes’, it would be of interest to here consider its erection and purpose.


The “princes” above referred to are the faithful and true servants of Jehovah, to whom Jehovah gave His promise that they should be the visible governors upon earth, after the King, Christ Jesus, has ousted and destroyed the enemy. “Behold, a king shall reign in righteousness, and princes shall rule in judgment!” (Isaiah 32:1) The book Salvation contains a discussion of these princes (Pages 307-310), and a picture and consideration of the history and purpose of Beth-Sarim (Pages 311-313). The above pages were read to the court in the first hearing on the petition for writ of mandamus. These princes will be the visible representative of the invisible capital organization of Jehovah, which is known as the Kingdom, or THE THEOCRACY. They will no longer be known as the “fathers” but since their life, as well as the life of all others who shall live on earth, proceeds from the King, Christ Jesus, they will henceforth be called “children.” “Instead of thy fathers [many were the physical ancestors of Jesus] shall be thy children, whom thou [Christ Jesus] may make princes in all the earth.” - Psalm 45:16.

The Watchtower magazine, under the title “Demon Rule Ending”, in consideration of the 11th chapter of Daniel, plainly demonstrates that the time for the return of these princes is near. The fact that Daniel’s prophecy is now unfolded concerning the identity of “the king of the north” and “the king of the south”, which could be understood only at the “time of the end”, when Daniel would stand in his lot as one of the earthly governors under The THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT, indicates that: Daniel and the others will be here “any time now”. “I say unto you, That many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven.” Here is reference to the happy people that will have these ancient witnesses, resurrected in human perfection, as their visible governors, and THE THEOCRACY, or “kingdom of heaven”, over all.

Beth-Sarim, therefore, in 1929, was built as a tangible proof of faith in these prophecies. The Scriptures indicate that there will be a present-day modern meeting between the last of the Christian witnesses of Jehovah with these resurrected princes who were the pre-Christian witnesses of Jehovah. Judge Rutherford, for the Society, accepted the house from one who loved the Lord and u ho awaited the early return of the princes, to be held in trust for them. The house was not built with Society’s funds, but by the giver of the property. The deed from this man to Judge Rutherford for the Society was widely publicized by the public press and scoffed at and ridiculed by them.

It is recalled in passing that for many years Noah was scoffed at while he laboriously constructed the ark at the commandment of the Most High. The conditions then pictured the present era of scoffers. The last jeer then was cut off by the icy waters of the Flood, picturing the impending battle of Armageddon, which will sweep away all laughter and life itself from those who have mocked God’s purposes.

Judge Rutherford’s Winter Workshop

For twelve winters Judge Rutherford and his office force occupied Beth-Sarim. It was not a place of ease or vacationing, but was use as a winter workshop; the books from Vindication, Book One, down to and including Children were written there, as well as many Watchtower articles and booklets. The executive instructions for branches all over the earth also were transmitted from Beth-Sarim during the judge’s presence there. It was indeed a “work house”, as all can testify who watched him pour on, his faithful devotion to the commission from Jehovah. Revelation 2:10.

At Beth-Sarim, Judge Rutherford completed the 1942 Yearbook material as his last work before his death. He dictated this material from his dying bed. For more than forty years he had left a nation-wide political career with the, Democratic Party and devoted his life to the Lord as a Christian.

For just two days over a quarter of a century he had served as president of tile WATCHTOWER. During that time he suffered imprisonment, vilification and personal abuse such as has been heaped upon few since the days of the apostles. On the other hand, he had the unspeakable privilege of putting nearly 400,000,000 books and booklets in the hands of the people, feeding them on the Lord’s Word, the Bible. Compare, “He said unto him the third time, Simon, soil of Jonas, love thou me? Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time, Love thou me? And he said unto him, Lord thou knows all things; thou knows that I love you. Jesus said unto him, Feed my sheep.” - John 21:17.

Certainly Judge Rutherford received the crown of life as a spirit creature; for Jehovah is “the faithful God, which keeps covenant and mercy”. (Deuteronomy 7:9. text in the 1942 Yearbook for January 8, the day of his death) “We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.” Corinthians 15:51, 52; Revelation 2:10; 2 Timothy 4:8.

Judge Rutherford was familiar with the fact that those men of old, Jacob and Joseph asked for their burial at the place of the interment of Abraham. (Genesis 50:13) The body of Joseph was embalmed and remained in Egypt for many years and because he had commanded it before his death, the Israelites carried his bones with them when Moses led them front Egypt, and buried them in Shechem more than a hundred years later. (Exodus 13:19; Joshua 24:32). Moses successor, Joshua, was buried the border of his inheritance (Joshua 24:30) “Gideon the son of Joash died in a good old age, and was buried in the tombs of Joash his father.” (Judges 8:32) The Scriptures abound with other burial requests which were, respected. Ruth 1:17, 2 Samuel 19:37; 2 Chronicles 16:14.

Judge Rutherford looked for the early triumph of “the King of the East”, Christ Jesus, now leading the host of heaven, and he desired to be buried at dawn facing the rising sun, in an isolated part of the ground which would be administered by the princes, who should return from their graves. Even his burial request was a token of faith.

First Location Denied by Commission

Between the time of his death and the first public hearing before the Planning Commission sixteen days later, the enemy had busied themselves to get 259 property Owners, a few of them neighbors to Beth-Sarim, to sign a petition opposing the burial of the judge’s body on the site selected! The location first plotted for the small cemetery, which cemetery, it was claimed by the enemy, the law required even for a single burial, was on a knoll about three hundred feet from the house, almost a hundred feet below in the canyon and entirely, invisible from every house in Kensington Heights.

Most of those who signed the petition of protest against the burial were induced to do so by the falsehood that a cemetery for thousands of Jehovah’s witnesses was proposed. Many of these regretted signing and admitted being misled and all the immediate neighbors either signed a second petition favoring the burial or refused to further aid the opposition.

Even at this first bearing a petition was presented on which the Board of Supervisors gave the official count of 1,070 names of persons favoring. During this ell tire affair Jehovah’s witnesses got petitions bearing the names of 14,693 people of good-will in the county of San Diego and officials of the County Commission and Board of Supervisors, and other officials, received more than letters favoring the application for burial. During the various hearings (in all there were three appearances before the Planning Commission and three before the Board of Supervisors) the malicious attacks upon the memory of a dead man, and upon the living Jehovah’s witnesses, disclosed a religious prejudice which could emanate from only one institution on earth, i.e., the Roman Catholic Hierarchy. The assaults fell heavy upon those who felt keenly the ignominy of being unable to bury their dead.

Be it said to their credit that both the San Diego Tribune-Sun of January 24 and the San Diego Union of the 25th gave unbiased reports of this hearing. The report of the Union is quoted in full:


“But the Lord counts m done unto himself anything done against His servants or even the bones of His servants.” With that admonition ringing in their ears, San Diego county planning commissioners yesterday denied the dying wish of a servant of Jehovah, and recommended against granting a permit to bury Judge Joseph Franklin Rutherford on a lemon and orange tree studded knoll adjacent to his Kensington Heights residence.

World leader of Jehovah’s witnesses, the 72-year old Judge died January 8 in Beth-Sarim, the 4440 Braeburn Road residence he maintained for the men who died faithful to Jehovah in Israel’s days and who he believed would return.

Against the admonition, voiced by W. P. Heath Junior, vice president of Beth-Sarim’s Rest, a corporation organized to operate a non-profit cemetery association, the commission weighed the written and verbal protests of individuals and organizations who fought the Permit application.

“I move we deny the request,” said William L. Baskerville, commission secretary.

“Second the motion,” said Commissioner O. B Wetzell, of El Cajon. The vote was unanimous and will be conveyed to the county supervisors, who must take the final action, in the form of a recommendation.

Heath indicated he will plead his case before that body and will argue, as yesterday, that:

  1. He, and his associates want a permit to bury only one person, Judge Rutherford, and that no monument would be placed or erected, and that only a grave marker would be a stone beneath an oak tree surrounded by orange and lemon trees.
  2. That the hillside plot, isolated and inaccessible, never would have appearance of a cemetery.
  3. That neither individuals nor the values of their property could he affected adversely by granting the permit.

“I believe in religious freedom and I also believe in the laws of my country,” said James C. Henderson, of 4373 Middlesex Drive, one of the most outspoken of the protestants.

“But this organization refuses to salute our flag,” he shouted. “Its members won’t fight against totalitarianism. They won’t fight for liberty. When dealing with an organization like that, how can we feel we can trust them when they say they will bury only one person there! They have beliefs which go beyond oar Constitution; beyond our flag.”

Loses Composure

For 90 minutes the commission listened to the arguments, heard soft-spoken Heath, who lost his composure only once when he was overcome with emotion while reading his argument, faltered, and was forced to stop for several moments.

“The house called Beth-Sarim was built by Judge Rutherford as a monument of his faith in The Theocracy,” he explained. “The Theocracy is another name for the Kingdom of God, for which all Christians have been taught to pray.”

“After its completion, Beth-Sarim was held in trust for the visible representatives of The Theocracy. These men will shortly be resurrected and made the official governors, or princes of the earth.

“They are specifically mentioned in the 11th Chapter of Hebrews. Among them are included Abraham. Isaac, Jacob, Joshua and Gideon, all of whom died faithful to Jehovah in the days of ancient Israel.

Respected By LORD

“It is remarked in passing that many of these men requested that their bodies be buried in specific places and the Lord respected their requests.”

“Heath explained too that Rutherford’s desire to be buried at sunrise was for the reason that Christ Jesus, the Theocratic King is spoken of as the King of the East, and the Chief King of the Sun Rising. Many Scriptures show that the, glory of Jehovah is symbolized by the sun and sun rising. One day the sun rose for the last time, on a faithful Servant of Jehovah.”

“Judge Rutherford can never be hurt again but the Lord counts as done unto himself anything done against his servants or even their bones.


“The matter is squarely tip to this board. Will they grant a request that can hurt no one, or will they block, at the instance of misinformed individuals, the last wish of the servant of Jehovah? That responsibility is upon you, and an one of the Jehovah’s witnesses I have discharged mine before you..

Byron Gilchrist, Kensington-Talmadge Men’s Club president, summarized the opposition’s arguments in the following letter:

“This club, composed of property owners and residents of the Kensington-Talmadge area, desires to go on record with your honorable body an being strenuously opposed to the granting of a permit to any or all individuals, organizations or associations who seek or may seek to create a Cemetery zone or a burial ground, either private or public, in the Kensington-Talmadge, area.


 “It is felt that a cemetery or burial ground so close to that fine residential district of beautiful homes would decrease property values, retard sales and have a depressing effect on present residents of the area.

“It in further thought that the granting of such a permit would establish a precedent which might be of unknown magnitude and that like burial grounds could be created at any point in the county.”

Protests also included a petition signed by 259 Kensington Heights property owners, and a letter from a bank which is trustee for the W. W. Whitney estate, whose beneficiaries include the Associated Charities, Helping Hand Home, Salvation Army, San Diego Children’s Home, San Diego Humane Society, San Diego Museum Association, San Diego Society of Natural History, the YMCA and YWCA. Virtually all those organizations filed individual protests.

S1GNED BY 1000

Heath submitted a petition signed by 1000 persons who favored the application, and introduced A. L. Jacobs, who m the next-door neighbor of the judge said, “If he wanted to be buried them, that’s the place to put him.”

“Are you a member of Jehovah’s Witnesses?” asked Gilchrist.

“I am not,” was Jacobs’ emphatic reply. “I’m not even in sympathy with it.”

Councilman Ernest Bond and Harry Foster, both residents of the district, also argued against the application. Rutherford’s body is in a San Diego mortuary.

The Board of Supervisors, in total disregard of the urgency of the matter, delayed action until February 2. Meanwhile the representatives of the Society were forced to make an extensive trip to Sacramento and San Francisco to see state officials because of the unreliable information purposely given by the local district attorney’s office. The Board of Supervisors, after nine days’ deliberation, likewise denied the application.

Petition Denied for Second Site

On the same day a request was again made of the local registrar, Dr. Alexander Lesem, for a permit to bury on a spot a half mile from the closest house in the county. There was no health hazard and no law forbidding, but he refused, because the district attorney’s office told him to refuse. It was realized that legal rights had been trampled on, and as the Society’s representatives had no other adequate remedy, a petition for writ of mandate (mandamus) was brought in the County Superior Court, to force Dr. Lesem or Recorder Howe to issue the permit,

This hearing brought out some very interesting points concerning burials and cemeteries in the state of California, including an incredible mix-up of conflicting laws and ambiguous definitions. Just what the legislators really meant to allow or prohibit is pretty much of a mystery. However, California Supreme Court decisions throw some light on the subject: (1) burials in the county are legal even when not in cemeteries; (2) the court looks with disfavor on all sorts of zoning restrictions in remote parts of the county; (3) the wishes of the deceased, if such “can be ascertained” are binding upon those charged to carry out his burial.

Legal counsel for the WATCHTOWER, and who was complimented by the presiding judge for his competent handling of the law and argument, ably represented the interests of the Society, and finished an eloquent plea with these words:

Jesus was the most hated man that ever lived on earth, but, after He was killed by hanging on a tree, the authorities permitted that His body be buried on private property. (Matthew 27:60) But Judge Rutherford, whose record as a champion of American liberties and freedom of worship, whose briefs on these subjects, followed in several decisions by the Supreme Court of the United States, Place him in the highest rank of lawyers in this land, and who, above all, was a faithful servant of the Moot High God, cannot even be buried. I respectfully ask that the petition for writ of mandate be granted so that his bones may be properly buried.

The judge decided to continue the case so that the new site could be brought before the Planning Commission, and application for a cemetery made thereon, thus indicating that the second plot was a proper place for burial and if the application was refused the petition for writ of mandate could be amended to correct the matter on order of court. The Planning Commission, who deliberated for more than two weeks, investigating the site, was haled before the court, and denied the second application for a cemetery.

Prejudice in Its Ugliest Form

Certain of the facts regarding this second application and its denial, March 14, disclose how prejudice in its ugliest form was whipped up against the petitioners. New location for interment was in almost the center of the property known as Beth-Shan, which is roughly 75 acres of canyon and mesa land, adjoining Beth-Sarim but separated by a half width of canyon.

This property, also belonging to Watch-Tower, has one small and one large dwelling upon it and a few outhouses, and consists of some fruit trees and other cultivated patches in aggregate about seven acres, and about 65 acres of unreclaimed brush, either too steep, or rocky, or inaccessible for development. It offers retreat for all forms of animal life common to this portion of southern California, such as coyotes bobcats (lynxes), rabbits, Blue Mountain quail, doves, and songsters of many varieties, all of which die and are buried without fuss under the leaves Of the cactus and greasewood. Judge Rutherford, in a discussion before his death, had said that as a second choice he wished to be buried somewhere on these wild acres.

In order that all the objections made in regard to the first site near to Kensington Heights might be removed in regard to this new site, it was requested that only a ten-foot-square cemetery be granted. The spot was also inaccessible except by private road a half mile long and closed by a gate. Dr. Alexander Lesem looked at the site himself and declared that there was no health hazard. (He also stated that there was no health hazard in the first site.) However, Jehovah’s witnesses realized all pressure would be exerted by the Hierarchy operating from Rome in an effort to reproach the Lord’s name and strike at even the bones they hated; so a petition was circulated among the people of goodwill, and in less than three weeks 13,623 names were signed. (Adding the first 1,070, this makes 14,693 names of persons petitioning the various county officials to grant the request; all ignored by them.)

Heart Of Flint

The preliminary hearing on this second petition was held on February 28, and it was pointed out to the commission that this change of location had been made to satisfy all reasonable objections of anybody; but if the commission denied the petition because they hated the servant of the Lord, such a course would bring serious and disastrous results on them. It was especially emphasized that the enemies of the Lord should not be lamented nor buried, but should lie as dung upon the ground, and that it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God”. - Jeremiah 25:33; 2 Kings 9:37; Hebrews 10:31.

They appeared to listen attentively, heard Several of Jehovah’s witnesses and others express themselves in favor, allowed the opposition to let out a few yelps, which were more subdued when it was asked that the chairman put them under oath, then decided to postpone the decision for two weeks while they visited the site. They visited the site, declared the beautification of the grounds to their liking, then denied the petition without further hearing.

This latter denial occurred March 14, as has been stated above. On March 5 there appeared in article in the Tribune-Sun that the San Diego Council of the Veterans of Foreign Wars sent a communication to the Planning Commission which terminated as follows:

“Now therefore San Diego County Council, v. p. w., recommends disapproval of any request to establish a burial plot for Mr. Rutherford other than at a bona fide cemetery.”

“Harold Angier post 383, American Legion, also went on record as being opposed to the burial in other than an established and recognized cemetery.”

It thus appeared that the American Legion and the V.F.W. are at their old work of serving the Hierarchy, and this time they have the temerity to interfere in the proper burial of the servant of the Most High. It would he a dangerous thing to interfere with anybody’s burial, when Jehovah has said, bust thou art, and unto dust shall thou return.” (Genesis 3:19) Only agents of the Hierarchy, whose pope Martin V commanded the remains of the Bible translator John Wycliffe be dug up, forty-four years after his death, and burned and the ashes thrown into the river Swift, could stoop to anything so despicable.

Earth’s Meanest Organization

About this time evidently the heat and pressure from the Hierarchy got a bit too strong for the Union and the Tribute Sun, which had handled the matter rather fairly theretofore. When a letter was written to the editor of both Papers (the two are combined) stating that the witnesses of Jehovah were in truth and in fact patriotic and concerned in the welfare of the people of the country, whereas the Legion and the VFAV serve the religious power that is allied with America’s enemies, namely, the Roman Catholic Hierarchy; the editor replied that the newspaper was “not interested in any way in the religious phase of the controversy”. No doubt the part of the letter which called attention to the treachery of the priests in the Philippine Islands which assisted their capture by the Jape, and to the pope’s line-up with Catholic Hitler, Mussolini and Franco, was a bit too shocking to his religious susceptibilities. It was also pointed out that Judge Rutherford had disclosed this link between the Axis powers and the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, and. in doing so, had rendered America and England a patriotic service.

The letter in answer to Edward T. Austin, editor-in-chief of the San Diego Union and Tribune-Sun, contains the following paragraph:

“Be assured that I wrote that answer to the lying charges [of the V.F.W.] in order to discharge my responsibility before God and before men, that you would have opportunity to right a wrong if you wished to. Since you do not, that ill your misfortune. It does not in any way absolve you from responsibility for bearing false witness against the Lord’s servants, nor relieve you of any of the blame for the iniquitous acts of them which way be taken as a result. ‘A false witness shall perish?’ (Proverbs 21:28) ‘He that justifies the wicked, and he that condemns the just, even they both are abomination to the Lord.’ (Proverbs 17:15) Respectfully, one of Jehovah’s witnesses, [signed] W. P. HEATH, Junior.

The Planning Commission convened again, having in the meantime inspected the premises with many flattering comments as to its beauty. Jehovah’s Witnesses also were in attendance at the meeting room to the number of about 150. With the utmost lack of courtesy the commission kept this audience waiting for restatement of the facts for two hours and a half while they allied with zoning regulations destined to take the living from poor farmers and residents in many parts of the county. After this unnecessary wait, during which half of the people could not even be seated, the august commission announced that nothing more would be heard about this burial site and in the space of about a minute and a half they called for a vote and denied the application forthwith. Heath then asked for permission to be heard, and this was granted with poor grace. They accepted the additional 4,500 petition signers, but did not turn them over to the Board of Supervisors at all. Asking the further leave to refute the charges made against Jehovah’s witnesses in a recommendation by the VFW above described, this was met with refusal. Major McCauley said these words: “Our patience is at a limit; we cannot spend any time with this; we are too busy with defense work; although to the personal knowledge of 150 witnesses had not been mentioned all day. The audience was dismissed without further ado.

Second Court Hearing

The second application, above scribed, before the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors had been made at the sole suggestion of Judge Mundo, at the conclusion of the first hearing. After the denial of the second site by the commission and the board, they also were named in an amended petition for Writ of Mandate, and commended to appear before Judge Mundo for final hearing. This petition therefore included the registrar, the recorder, the Planning Commission and the Board, of Supervisors, both individually and officially.

Twelve weeks had now elapsed during which Jehovah’s Witnesses had gotten the usual runaround from the buck-passing county officials. The case was set to begin April 1. Court opened with a restatement of the facts here to fore considered and the purpose of the plaintiff corporation, Knorr, and Heath to obtain relief and their just rights. The second hearing was drawn out eight days, due to the fabrications of the defendants. The facts and motives behind the conduct of the various county, officials opposing the burial were soon to have an airing that will interest all.

None of these dignitaries ever appeared in court, however. Their defense was undertaken by the district attorney’s office, with results which will be demonstrated progressively. On the first day of the trial Judge Mundo ruled that the unreasonable action of these boards could not be questioned but only the law itself might he attacked on constitutional grounds. Much evidence regarding the prejudice revealed above was thus kept out of the court record.

Deewall The Expert

Fighting against the Lord, however, may not be kept secret. “For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known.” (Luke 12: 2) An insignificant member of the district attorney’s office, whose name escapes our memory at present, who had previously engineered the opposition, represented the county officials at the hearing. He chose to use the Planning Commission engineer, one Deewall, as a witness, who unwittingly gave at rather good cross section of the conduct, prejudice and mentality of his superiors, the district attorney and deputy, the Board of Supervisors and the Planning Commission. During two days of cross examination he revealed the following information as an expert!

According to his opinion there were no cemeteries needed in this sparsely settled area, and in the future, when a cemetery did become necessary because of the increased population in the district, if permitted it would be too close to houses and would therefore be objectionable. This statement was made in behalf of the Planning Commission in spite of the fact that the ordinance specifically provided for cemeteries in the district.

Should Prominent Men Be Massacred?

After it was shown that no monuments would be erected, and that indeed the site would be completely invisible to anyone on the outside, Deewall continued to object that the fact of one grave there would disturb the super susceptibilities of himself, the Planning Commission, and others, twenty years hence.

He testified further to the fact that the chief requisite of a cemetery was natural barriers; and this location had exactly such barriers, but the difficulty here was that Judge Rutherford, the one to be buried here, was prominent. Conclusion: Prominent men should not be buried. Along about this point Mr. Deewall considered himself in rather hot water. He sought safer territory.

All other objections being eliminated he maintained that view lots across the canyon from the spot, several hundred fed away, would be seriously reduced in value by this invisible grave. When confronted with the known fact that the most valuable lots in the exclusive Kensington Heights area overlooked the Old Spanish Mission in the San Diego river valley, where many graves are in plain view of everybody, in explaining the difference which made those graves unobjectionable, and even raised the value of the property, Deewall said: “The remains of those buried at the Old Mission were massacred”; thus holding, in behalf of the Planning Commission, that whether a grave was objectionable or not depended on the manner in which the person met his death.

The moral here seems to be that one has to be massacred in order to be buried without objection from the Planning Commission and their stooges. This remarkable conclusion was reached in spite of the fact that the Board of Supervisors and the Planning Commission allow, by ordinance, cemeteries and burials without limitation in the adjoining zone, in the county, and, as far as we have been able to ascertain does not insist that the people be massacred, prominently or otherwise.

Mr. Deewall admitted that the defendant Lesem, county health officer, stated that there was no health hazard from the proposed burial, but, nevertheless, insisted that superstitious persons might be affected.

Consecrated Grave versus Open Sewer

All zoning laws derive their validity from the police power of the officials to protect the health, morals and general welfare of the people. In this regard Mr. Deewall was never able to explain how this concealed grave would be a detriment to the community while the officials maintained an open sewer within full view of the grave, over the long-standing protest of the plaintiffs, Heath and WATCHTOWER. In other words, the statement of Jesus, “[They] strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel” (Matthew 23:24), can be paraphrased to describe properly the Board of Supervisors, the Planning Commission, and Deewall thus: “They strain at a single grave and swallow a sewer creek!’

Limited space prevents quoting all the “wisdom” of Deewall as handed down from the witness stand. He spent several days of agony on the stand trying to explain these ridiculous conclusions. He became so accustomed and in the habit of making evasive explanations that the habit continued with him when asked leading questions by his own counsel. The deputy district attorney would reframe his question several times, and each time he would get a different answer from the witness. The court was treated to one of the most farcical exhibitions in side-stepping and buck passing by the witness that is seen outside of a football field.

The Board of Supervisors and the County Planning Commission called as their chief support an insignificant city councilman, claiming to reside in Kensington Heights, who based his entire testimony oil admitted prejudice against Jehovah’s witnesses and who became so angered at the truth that the judge had to rebuke him for his uncouth language, used in open court.

The San Diego city planning engineer Mr. Rick, summed up their real position as follows: If it were an ordinary man there could he no objection to this burial.

The undisputed facts showed that plaintiffs Heath, Knorr and WATCHTOWER were entitled to have the permit for the burial of Judge Rutherford issued as requested.

The Board of Supervisors and County Planning Commission questioned the validity of the trust in the deed covering the property where the proposed burial was to take place. The plaintiffs hold the property in trust for the ancient witnesses of Jehovah God described in Hebrews 11, Who died in faith of THE THEOCRACY and whom Jehovah has promised to resurrect and bring back to earth as the visible governors of all people under The THEOCRATIC GOYFRXMENT. The Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors contended that the property could be conveyed and subdivided. Under the law and the deed it cannot. It therefore became necessary to show that the deed contained a reasonable and legal trust.

The plaintiff William P. Heath, Junior, one of the creators of the trust in question, testified as a witness and explained to the court that the trust was for real men and was altogether reasonable and certain of performance. In this connection he told the court, among other things, as follows:

Awaiting New Earth’s Princes

Jesus bought all the obedient of mankind, including those who will be the princes. (Romans 5:12; 6:23; 1 Corinthians 15:22) At present these men, who died long ago, are in “hell”, which means the grave. Jesus testified to the fact that no one had ascended to heaven before His resurrection and therefore the conclusion is inescapable that these men ale resting in death. Explaining their certainty of resurrection Jesus showed that when God told Moses that He was the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob He was not the God of the dead but the God of these men who would receive the promise of life in clue time. Psalm 89:48; John 3: 13; Acts 2: 34 Matthew 11:11; 22:31, 32; Exodus 3:4-6.

A “prince” is a sovereign ruler appointed by and acting under the direct command of the supreme or higher powers. Jehovah and Christ Jesus are the Higher Powers. (Romans 13:1) The chief ruler amongst men appointed by Jehovah is a “prince”.-Book Children, pages 180-181; Genesis 32:28; 1 Kings 14:7.

The faithful acts of the men who were known as “fathers in Israel” are recounted in the eleventh chapter of Hebrews. Genesis 12:1-3; 28:13, 14; Acts 7:2-5.

As previously pointed out these men will receive their life as all other human creatures through the King Christ Jesus; therefore it is written, “Instead of thy fathers shall be thy chi1dren, whom thou may make princes in all the earth.” (Psalm 45: 16) “Behold, a king (Christ Jesus] shall reign in righteousness, and princes [Abraham and the others] shall rule in judgment.” (Isaiah 32: 1) The Lord further declares. “I have purposed it, I will also do it,” (Isaiah 46:11); and, ‘My word shall not return unto me void.’ (Isaiah 55:11) Therefore we have it upon the highest authority, the Word of God, that these men shall be resurrected as princes. We know that they will be.

These men will be the visible representatives of The THEOCRACY, which is the government created and built up by the Almighty God as His capital organization and which shall rule the world. Further proof that these princes will shortly take office upon earth as perfect men is found ill the prophecy of Daniel. “But go thou thy way till the end be; for thou shall rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days.” (Daniel 12:13) Daniel’s “lot” is that of these princes. Proof is now submitted that we are now living at “the end of the days”, and we may expect to see Daniel and the other mentioned princes any day now!

“The End of the World” Is Now

“The end of the days” is also spoken of in the Bible as “the end of the world”. When Jesus was asked by His disciples He answered that such would come or be evidenced by nation rising against nation, famines and pestilence, such as are now prevalent in Europe and elsewhere. He counseled as follows: “When ye, therefore, shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place. . . then let them which be in Judea, flee into the mountains.” - Matthew 24:15, 16.

Jesus therefore said in cryptic phrase that the end of Satan’s uninterrupted rule of the nations of the earth today would he marked by wars and calamities and the rising of a “desolating abomination”. This abomination refers to the totalitarian combine bent on destroying the earth and all that dwell therein. Those who saw these conditions were admonished to flee to THE THEOCRACY, pictured by “the mountains”.

It was of this same Theocracy that Daniel wrote, at the Lord’s dictation, ‘And in the days of these totalitarian kings shall the Lord God of heaven set up His kingdom, THE THEOCRACY, which shall consume all these wicked ruling powers, and it shall stand for ever.’ (Daniel 2:44) This proves beyond any doubt that the Axis powers are doomed to everlasting destruction-Psalm 92:7.

To those who do not agree with or understand the provision in this deed for the returning princes such may seem ridiculous, but the court is reminded that Noah also was ridiculed for building the ark as a testimony to his faith in the Lord’s promise to destroy wickedness by the Flood. During the years the ark was undergoing construction faithful Noah was constantly jeered at by the religionists. He was not deterred thereby, and he received the Lord’s protection while his tormentors perished.

An exactly parallel condition exists today. Armageddon will sweep away all those who laugh now at the Lord’s purposes and particularly at the provisions contained in these deeds. These events will not occur in the distant future as some claim but very shortly. Jesus said, ’When the totalitarians are destroying the earth, and conditions like that in Nosh’s day exist, it is evidence that the full setting up of THE THEOCRACY is at hand. This event will take place during the lifetime of the generation which now witnesses this fulfillment of prophecy.’ (Luke 21:31, 32) ‘The Lord owns the earth and the fullness thereof,’ and He provided for the remains of those who died to return to the dust of the ground. (Psalm 104:29; Genesis 3: 19) It is therefore dangerous to prevent the bodies of the Lord’s servant from coming to their proper rest

Princes Promised Earthly Resurrection

As early as 1920 Judge Rutherford pointed out that the ancient witnesses or princes were promised an earthly resurrection by the Lord. In that year he delivered a public address at Los Angeles, California, entitled “Millions Now Living Will Never Die”, in which he called attention to the expectation of the return of the men above mentioned. All the publications since emphasize the same fact.

It therefore appears that the return of the princes is a fundamental teaching of the Scriptures. It is as certain as the truth of God’s Word. Judge Rutherford gave much of his life in endeavoring to bring this vital matter to the people’s attention. What, then, could be more fitting and appropriate before God and before men than that his bones should rest on the land held in trust for the men whose coming he was privileged to announce. For this reason a strenuous effort has been made to comply with unreasonable human laws, that the demands of the state be met and the Lord’s servant be granted hi, last wish.

Reasonable regulations regarding the burial of the dead are necessary in a civilized land and with such Jehovah’s witnesses have no argument; but where unreasonable, contradictory and absurd regulations are set up for the sole purpose of fighting the Most High, such is a dangerous course for officials to pursue, and public attention is called to the fact for the benefit of all.

In this connection it is worth noting that Joseph died and was embalmed and his remains left in a coffin on top of the ground in Egypt. Because he had commanded before his death the Israelites carried bodies with them on their long trek to the Promised Land. More than a hundred years elapsed between Joseph’s death and his burial in Shechem. Genesis 50:26; Exodus 13:19; Joshua 24:32; Hebrews 11:22.

Objections Were All Eliminated

While on the witness stand Mr. Heath also testified that he desired to eliminate any possible objection to a burial in the district; he said no markers and no monuments would be erected, and there would be no pilgrimages; he desired only to bury the bones as his friend wished done.

During the delivery of Heath’s testimony, Judge Mundo interrupted to ask two questions. The first was: The WATCHTOWER maintains several homes. HOW will these governors know how to go to San Diego, instead of to Brooklyn, or somewhere else?

To this the judge was answered: The Almighty God, who made the heavens and the earth, who has power of life and death, and who can resurrect by “creating at any spot on earth, taking note of the faith of His servants in dedicating these places to their return, we are assured He would send them to the place prepared for them. Furthermore, if He desired to resurrect them at some other place he would have the power to direct them or transport them there. He has almighty power and His hand is not shortened.

Then the judge asked: Suppose the Japanese were to level that property off during an air raid, what would happen then?

The answer: We submit, your honor, that we trust in the Lord for protection.

There are many instances ill the Bible where His servants, the Israelites, were powerless to meet the foe and the Lord fought their battles ill their behalf; such as the cases of Barak and Dehorah against Sisera (Judges 4: 15) at the destruction of the Egyptians in the Red sea Exodus 14, 15); Jehosophat (2 Chronicles 20); Gideon (Judges 7); and Joshua (Joshua 6:27): and time would fail me to mention them all.

It appears that the enemy to cast reproach upon the Lord and His servant by preventing his proper burial. Let the commission and the supervisors consider and compare their action with what God’s Word foretells concerning the treatment of Jehovah’s witnesses by His enemies, to wit: “And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. And they of the people and kingdoms and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall NOT SUFFER THEIR DEAD BODIES TO BE PUT IN GRAVES. And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another: because, these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the Earth.” - Revelation 11:8-10.

The Devil’s Poor Care of His Own

The Devil is therefore using these various officials and commissioners and boards, whether they realize it or not and in this they have been entrapped! This burial, therefore, gives for further separating or the “sheep” from the “goats”. Many were the good people who saw and continue to see the viciousness of officials who would not permit the proper burial of the dead, and the hand of the Hierarchy behind the whole matter was freely discussed on the streets. On the other hand, others made their decision on the side of the entrenched religionist, and their portion is with the Devil. So, in reality, while these agencies were desperately striving to thwart a burial, it was not the fate of the bondes which they decided, but their own destiny.

Nor is their blood on anyone’s head, because they were told times that to fight against God or tamper with His servant’s bones even, would bring upon them the condemnation of the Lord. They ignored such warnings and acted wickedly when a proper course would not have affected them in the least, “because it is in the power of their hand.” - Micah 2:1.

So their responsibility is fixed, and they followed the course of Satan, who strove for the body, of Moses and tried to stop the resurrection of Jesus. (Jude 1:9; Matthew 27:62-64) How great is that burden may be gathered from the words which on one occasion were called to their attention: “See now that I, even I, am He, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand.” - Deuteronomy 32:39.

Among other things counsel for plaintiffs, Knorr, Heath and WATCHTOWER SOCIETY, fitly described the un-American and Fascist action of the defendants, officials, thus:

The officials have admitted that they would permit an ordinary man to be buried on this site or plot and that the burial would not disturb anyone, but they contend that because Judge Rutherford was not an ordinary man he cannot be buried as requested in California. The only thing that distinguished Judge Rutherford from the ordinary mail was that he was a faithful servant and witness of Almighty God. If the time has come when a man cannot be buried in this state because he was a servant of the Lord, then it is high tone for the courts, to take some action to protect those who dare to worship Jehovah God. The action of the defendants outrages the community and is a disgrace to the entire state. This court should protect the Planning Board and Board of Supervisors from the snare in which they find themselves, to wit fighting against Jehovah God ill this matter, which brings everlasting death. We are entitled to the writ of mandate.

Judge Rutherford’s Final Witness

At the conclusion of the ]tearing Judge Mundo did not decide the matter promptly, but stated that he would take two weeks to render his decision. He denied the writ of mandamus and refused to make the county officials do their duty under the law. The ruling of the judge approving the illegal conduct of the aforesaid county officials was contrary to a score or more Supreme Court if California decisions providing that burials were allowable in the county. He also ruled contrary to the Supreme Court of the United States and overruled the rights of those charged with the burial, contrary to the U. S. Constitution.

Very few persons give heed to the Word of the Lord, but rather, most persons follow their own counsel.

“Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: he instructed, ye judges of the earth. Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little’. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.” - Psalm 2:10-12.

After the judge’s decision those handling the matter of burial decided that there was no use to appeal to higher courts of California, which would delay the burial one year. They decided to proceed with the burial immediately. The remains of J. F. Rutherford, accompanied by the mortician, Mr. Lewis, were then sent cast, for interment at Watchtower, radio station WBBR, Staten Island, New York. Adjoining the Society’s property there is a burial plot, and the remains of Judge Rutherford were interred alongside others of his brethren with whom he had fought a good fight against the Devil’s organization for many years. Burial was made in the Society’s plot at sunrise, Saturday, April 25, 1942.

This faithful servant of the Lord gave a grand witness to the honor of Jehovah’s name and poured out his life in the interests of God’s THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENT. All who knew him rejoiced in his zeal and their privilege of associating with a faithful servant of the Most High God, Jehovah. With his burial ends his last earthly witness to the praise of the Almighty God, Jehovah. [Consolation, Volume 23, Number 592, May 27, 1942, Pages 1-16]


The Lord Jesus has now come to the temple for judgment, and the remnant of the members of “his body” yet on earth he has gathered into the temple condition of perfect unity with himself (Malachi 3:1-3), and hence those faithful men of old may be expected back from the dead any day now. The Scriptures give good reason to believe that it shall be shortly before Armageddon breaks.

In this expectation the house at San Diego, California, which house has been much publicized with malicious intent by the religious enemy, was built, in 1930, and named “Beth-Sarim”‘, meaning “House of the Princes”. It is now held in trust for the occupancy of those princes on their return. The most recent facts show that the religionists of this doomed world are gnashing their teeth because of the testimony which that “House of the Princes” bears to the new world. To those religionists and their allies the return of those faithful men of old to ride with judgment over the people shall not bring any pleasure. But to the people whom the angels sang about, “men of good-will,” it shall be an occasion for unbounded jubilation, and they shall rally to the side of those princely representatives of the kingdom of heaven. Concerning the contrast between those goatish opposers and these sheep-like ones Jesus foretold, saying to the religionists: “There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out. And they shall come from the east, and from the west, and from the north, and from the south, and shall sit down in the kingdom of God.” - Luke 13:28, 29; Matthew 8:11, 12. [The New World, 1942, Page 104, 105]


Built in 1929, at San Diego, California, the house named Beth-Sarim. has been the focal point of much enemy ridicule because it was deeded to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Jephthah, and other righteous men of old whom God has promised to make "princes" in His New World. Much publicity has been given to Beth-Sarim, Society property, due to naming it Beth-Sarim, which means "house of the princes", in expectation of the resurrection of these faithful men of old to be "princes in all the earth".

It was at this home that Brother Rutherford, the former president of the WATCH TOWER BIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY, finished his earthly course of life, on January 8, 1942. Immediately thereafter considerable publicity was again given the home. It was the wish of the former president to be buried on this property, but the "city fathers", along with the religionists, put up a great howl. The details of the controversy will be found in Consolation No. 592.

The people of good-will in San Diego showed their desire to have Judge Rutherford's wishes complied with, by 14,693 of them signing a petition, but their desires were ignored. By the circulation of this petition a real witness was given in this territory for a period of months.

The brethren living at Beth-Sarim and on property adjoining thereto look after the interests of the Kingdom at that place. A course of study is conducted there similar to that at the Bethel home, under the direction of a competent instructor. Seven brethren that live there and take care of the property spend a great portion of their time in the field service, organizing study groups and caring for the people of goodwill. [Jehovah’s Witnesses 1943 Yearbook (1942), Page 33, 34]


Tonight, however, came the one report that was especially awaited by all the convention, that of the Society's president, Brother Knorr, who took as his theme "All Nations Expansion". On his world-tour of 47,795 miles he had had his most blessed experience in Australia, where the Lord had used him to help the brethren to recover from the damaging course taken by many of them during World War II. The contrary but right course taken by their brethren to the north in the Philippine Islands resulted there in great numerical growth and showed the good effects of following God's Word rather than fallible men in the organization. Brother Knorr then discussed farms and refuge places which served no good purpose in the expansion work and which were accordingly being disposed of. This led logically to his referring to the Society’s property at San Diego, California to wit, the house Beth-Sarim meaning "House of Princes". The audience, now grown to 32,107, applauded when informed that the Society's board of directors had voted unanimously to dispose of Beth-Sarim, either by outright sale or by rent, because it had fully served its purpose and was now only serving as a monument quite expensive to keep; our faith in the return of the men of old time whom the King Christ Jesus will make princes in ALL the earth (not merely in California) is based, not upon that house Beth-Sarim, but upon God's Word of promise. [The Watchtower, December 15, 1947, Page 382]


Thursday was an exciting day, the morning, afternoon and evening sessions being devoted to reports from Gilead missionaries. On this day, too, 3,381 persons were immersed. “Branch Day,” which came Friday, was also a thrilling day of news of world-wide theocratic expansion.


Then on Saturday, August 5, came stimulating and enlightening “Knowledge of God Day.” The Society’s president released simultaneously In English and Spanish the new book “This Means Everlasting Life." Also on this day the Society’s vice-president delivered an epoch-making speech. It was called “New Systems of Things,” and the conventioners present will never forget its effect on the audience. For many years it had been the view of The Watchtower that the faithful men of old who served God faithfully before Jesus’ time would be raised from the dead even before Armageddon to join In organizing Jehovah’s modern-day people and to share in shouldering the remnant’s responsibility of representing the. Lord Jesus Christ in the capacity of overseers of the flock of God on earth. These men were variously referred to as “ancient worthies,” “faithful men of old,” and “the princes” In the light of Psalm 45:16. Perhaps you’d like to read that, Lois.

“In place of your forefathers there will come to be your sons, whom you will appoint as princes in all the earth.”

Thank you. Because of the understanding of this text that had prevailed for so long, many of Jehovah’s witnesses expected at every convention to greet Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David and the others, welcoming them back from the dead. You can imagine, then, the electrifying effect on the audience this statement of the speaker made:

Would this International assembly be happy to know that HERE, TONIGHT, in our midst, there are a number of prospective PRINCES OF THE NEW EARTH?

The convention Report describes the audience’s reaction and answer to this question:

A tremendous and sustained clapping of hands and shouting for joy assured the speaker that nothing at the moment interested them more. A hushed and profound silence then settled over Yankee Stadium. Every ear strained in order not to lose a syllable as Brother Franz began a discussion of some very important facts concerning Psalm 45:16.

In this year, 1950, the speaker observed, there are hundreds of thousands of “other sheep” who are fully dedicated to Jehovah. These have gone farther in belief than Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham and Sarah, for those ancient people merely looked forward by faith to the coming Seed. Christ, but these “other sheep” of today have actually accepted Jesus as the Savior and King. Instead of pointing Into the Indefinite future toward the Kingdom, these sheep now declare the Kingdom actually established.

Moreover, these modern witnesses have suffered just as much for their faith as Jehovah’s witnesses of old. They have been killed, have gone about in animal skins, have been ill treated and have been forced to seek shelter in desert and mountain retreats. When Brother Franz noted that there was nothing that scripturally argues against Christ’s making many of these “other sheep” “princes in all the earth” as required, thunderous applause again interrupted his momentous speech.

The speaker then explained that the word “prince” is translated from the Hebrew word sar and does not always designate a person of royal birth. In fact, he pointed out, “It means the first, foremost or chief in any class, the head of any company or group.” The term “prince” would not be applied as a title therefore, but would merely designate an office of a “servant.”

This interesting Point was also brought out: Back in 1904 the first president of the Watch Tower Society wrote the sixth volume of Scripture Studies, entitled “The New Creation”. In chapter 3, entitled “The Call of the New Creation”, he had this to say, at the top of page 157: “And we may be sure that any consecrating and performing a full sacrifice of themselves in the interest of the Lord’s cause after the heavenly class is complete, will find that the Lord has plenty of blessings of some other kind still to give; and that all of his blessings are for such consecrators, self sacrificing. Possibly they may be counted In with the ancient worthies who had the sacrificing disposition that is pleasing to God, prior to the beginning of the ‘high calling’.

Another reference years after that one was also quoted. It was in The Watch Tower in its issue of September 1, 1915. In an article on the “harvest work,” paragraphs 5 and 6 (pages 268, 269) suggested that those dedicating themselves to God after the door to the heavenly class was closed, yet before the “inauguration of the restitution work,” would be accepted “not to the spirit plane of being, but to the earthly plane. Such would come in under the same conditions as the ancient worthies who were accepted of God.”‘

It was in this same talk at the Saturday evening session that the Society’s vice president explained the relationship of the “new heavens” and “new earth” and pointed to them as a part of the “new systems of things.” Then, in the conclusion of this memorable discourse, the speaker summarized this new and fuller appreciation of Jehovah’s witnesses in the divine purpose:

With these transporting prospects so close before us, let us keep theocratic organization and let God continue improving It as a new world society. Never may we look back to this modern Sodom which is reserved for destruction; but we will keep faces forward in full faith. Onward, then, steadily, all of us together, as a new world society! [Jehovah’s Witnesses in the Divine Purpose, 1959, Pages 252, 253]


Rutherford was abed on the Pacific Coast when the United States of America was plunged into World War II Sunday, December 7,1941. Two men of the anointed remnant (one since 1913 and one since 1922) and one of the “other sheep” (since 1934) were summoned from Brooklyn headquarters out to Rutherford’s bedside at the home called “Beth-Sarim,” San Diego, California. On December 24, 1941, he gave these three his final instructions. For years he had been hoping to see the faithful prophets, including Elijah and Elisha, resurrected from the dead and installed as Kingdom “princes in all the earth” in God’s new world. (Psalm 45:16) But on Thursday, January 8, 1942, Rutherford died at seventy-two years of age, as a faithful witness of Jehovah God, completely devoted to the interests of God’s kingdom. He had proved himself fearless in support of Jehovah’s side of the paramount issue of Universal Domination. [“Let Your Name Be Sanctified” (1961), Page 335]


By November Brother Rutherford’s critical illness had gained ground and he was compelled to have an operation at Elkhart, Indiana. Thereafter he expressed a desire to go to California. So he was taken to a San Diego residence known as “Beth-Sarim.” For some time it was apparent to his associates and the best medical experts that he could not recover.

Briefly it may be said that Brother Rutherford had a severe case of pneumonia after his release from unjust imprisonment during 1918-1919 because of his faithfulness to Jehovah. Thereafter he had only one good lung. It was virtually impossible for him to remain in Brooklyn, New York, during the winter and still carry out his duties as the Society’s president. In the 1920’s he went to San Diego under a doctor’s treatment. The climate there was exceptionally good and the doctor urged him to spend as much time as possible in San Diego. That is what Rutherford did ultimately.

In time, a direct contribution was made for the purpose of constructing a house in San Diego for Brother Rutherford’s use. It was not built at the expense of the Watch Tower Society. Concerning this property, the 1939 book Salvation stated: “At San Diego, California, there is a small piece of land, on which, in the year 1929, there was built a house, which is called and known as Beth-Sarim.”

Sister Hazel Burford was one of the nurses who cared for Brother Rutherford during his final illness at Beth-Sarim, where he was taken In November 1941. She tells us: “We had the interesting times, for he got to where he would sleep all day and then all night long he was busy with the Society’s business and kept us on the move!’ One morning about the middle of December three brothers, including Brother Knorr, arrived from Brooklyn. Sister Burford recalls: “They spent several days with him going over the annual report for the Yearbook and other organizational matters. After their departure, Brother Rutherford continued to weaken and, about three weeks later, on Thursday, January 8, 1942, he faithfully finished his earthly course and graduated into fuller service privileges in the courts of his heavenly Father!’ Later that day the news was sent to the Brooklyn headquarters by long-distance telephone at 5:15 PM.

How was news of J. F. Rutherford’s death received at Brooklyn Bethel? “I will never forget the day we learned of Brother Rutherford’s passing,” comments William A. Elrod. “The announcement was brief. There were no speeches.” [Jehovah’s Witnesses, 1975 Yearbook (1974), Page 193, 194]


The Golden Age, September 2, 1931, 800

Presents an offer for five issues of The Messenger Columbus convention report and Rutherford's booklet, The Kingdom, the Hope of the World. "In addition it carries an account of the much-talked-of house Beth-Sarim, and many splendid views of the place.”

The Watchtower, February 1, 1933, 34

"Readers of The Watchtower will please note that Brother Rutherford is at Beth-Sarim, San Diego, during the winter. Mail sent to him for the next three or four months should be addressed as follows: J. F. Rutherford, 4440 Braeburn Road, Kensington Heights, San Diego, California.”

The Watchtower, December 15, 1937, 370

"For the next five or six months the president's address will be 4440 Braeburn Road, Kensington Heights, San Diego, California.”

The Watchtower, October 15, 1943, 317

“In February, 1942 "there was established at 'Bethell (Society's headquarters) in Brooklyn, at 'Watchtower' on Staten Island, New York, at the 'Kingdom Farm,' South Lansing, New York, and at 'Beth-Sarim,’ San Diego, California, what was then called the 'Advanced Course in Theocratic Ministry."

The Watchtower, November 1, 1955, 655.

“Hazel O. Burford, nurse: "A week later I was privileged to accompany Brother Rutherford and his party to California, where we lived in Beth-Sarim, the 'House of the Princes,' for the next eight weeks until his death January 8, 1942.”

The Watchtower, June 1, 1985, 27

Daniel Sydlik: "The passing years have been enriched by human relationships with dedicated and devout men who loved Jehovah more than life itself - men such as Judge Rutherford, whom I had the privilege to meet in his home in San Diego."

The Watchtower, March 1, 1992, 27

Sandra Cowan: "Often we preached near Beth-Sarim, which was where the ailing president of the Watch Tower Society, Brother Rutherford, had spent the winters before his death in 1942. We visited regularly and had dinner with the fulltime servants there."


San Diego Union & San Diego Sun (Tribune-Sun)

March 15, 1930: 1, 3 San Diego Sun

"San Diego Mansion With All Modern Improvements—Awaits Earthly Return of Prophets"

January 9, 1931: 15 San Diego Sun

“David's House Waits For Owner-Bearded Tramp Only Claimant to Home for King"

January 10, 1942: B-7 San Diego Union "Deaths Funeral Announcements"

January, 11, 1942: A-2 San Diego Union "Judge Rutherford Succumbs; Led Jehovah's Witnesses"

January 12, 1942: A-2 San Diego Union

"Death of 'Witnesses' Leader Brings Burial Complications" "Plea For Private Cemetery Delays Rutherford Funeral"

January 12, 1942: A-6 & A-21 Tribune-Sun

“Rutherford Burial Held Up; Cemetery Near Home Sought" (A-6) "Residents Protest Rutherford Burial" (A-21)

January 13, 1942: B-10 San Diego Union "Vault Permit Delays Burial Of Rutherford”

January 21, 1942: A-3 San Diego Union

"Many Protests On Rutherford Burial Received"

January 21, 1942: 12 Tribune-Sun

"Protests Filed By Rutherford Neighbors”

January 24, 1942: A-1, A-4 Tribune-sun

"Private Cemetery Arguments Futile"

"Hillside Grave Plea Rejected: Rutherford Problem Left to Supervisors"

January 25, 1942: A-2 San Diego Union "County Planners Deny Rutherford Burial Plea"

January 27, 1942: B-1 San Diego Union

"Supervisors Delay Action On Rutherford Burial Plea"

February 3, 1942: B-1 San Diego Union "Special Burial Permit Refused For Rutherford”

February 17, 1942: A-4 San Diego Union "Court Decision on Rutherford Burial Awaited"

February 18, 1942: B-7 San Diego Union "No Will Left By Rutherford, Says Secretary"

February 19, 1942: A-6 San Diego Union “Rutherford Followers Plan New Partition"

March 5, 1942: A-15 Tribune-Sun

"Letters on Rutherford Burial Request Deluge Supervisors"

March 16, 1942: A-2 Tribune-Sun "Grave Permit Up to Courts"

March 16, 1942: A-9 San Diego Union "Planners Again Oppose Burial of Rutherford”

March 17, 1942: B-10 San Diego Union "Court Action Indicated as Burial Denied"

March 20, 1942: A-17 San Diego Union

"Political, Religious Prejudice Charged in Burial Request"


April 4, 1942: B-10 San Diego Union “Deewall Quizzed In Burial Case"

April 7, 1942: B-1 San Diego Union

“Boud Quizzed On Rutherford Burial Site"

April 9, 1942: B-3 San Diego Union “Rutherford Case Decision Duel”



Beth - Sarim Much Talked About House in San Diego

The House of the Princes. Somebody Paid a Hundred Thousand Dollars for Advertising the Resurrection of the Old Testament Saints. But Not Us. Come Again, Reporters

"All men have not faith," and there is no use in expecting, men to exercise faith when they do not have it. At the present time there is only a handful of people in the world who really know that the Bible is the Word of God. Since the Bible is the Word of God, then we may depend upon it that it was especially written for us who are living, just now, when Satan's organization is slipping down into the abyss from which it will never arise.

God has a people in the earth at this time. These people are his people, and not the Devil's people. They look like other men but they are not the same. They are governed in what they do by the Word of God. Their desire to do God's will as they find it recorded in His Word is the all-Consuming passion of their lives; it means more to them than all else ill the world put together.

We know who the people of God are. They are, collectively God's "faithful and wise servant” in the earth at this time. Collectively this "servant" goes to make up the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society. There is no other "servant." God does not have fifty-seven or even two different ways of doing his work in such an hour as this.

What the Back and the West Side Look Like. Do You Think David Will Like It?

It is the positive conviction of the "servant" that the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society is being used and will be used by the Lord to proclaim God's name and Word and judgments in the earth and to help God's people, both those who are free and those who are in the Devil’s cages, to grasp the blessings and to see the duties and privileges of the hour.

Judge Rutherford, president of the Watch Tower Society, is one of the hardest-worked men in the world. Anybody can be a Christian in peace-time, but Judge Rutherford was one of the wartime Christians; and, for daring so to be, went to Atlanta Penitentiary under four sentences of twenty years each.

When he emerged he was in poor physical condition, and even now has the use of but one lung. Since his return from Atlanta, prudence and good common sense dictated that, working as hard as he constantly works, he should have the benefit of the most equable winter climate to be found. It is a matter of common knowledge among meteorologists (weather experts) that San Diego, California, is as near perfection for a winter climate as it is possible to get. About a quarter of a million people besides meteorologists, have made the same discovery and make the city their winter home.

For years after he emerged from prison, Judge Rutherford went to San Diego to work during the

winter months, renting such quarter as could be secured. His physician, Dr. A. G. Eckols, of San Diego, urged him to make the city his permanent winter home; and in the latter part of the year 1929 some brethren, out of their own personal funds, arranged for the erection of Beth-Sarim, "the house of the princes," of which several illustrations appear in this issue.

Before Judge Rutherford would accept awl use the home, he insisted upon writing, the (iced that it shall forever be held in trust by the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society for the use of the Lord's work in the Earth, with the expectation that in due time Abraham, Melchisedec Joseph, Moses, Joshua, David, Isaiah or some others of the patriarchs or prophets of olden times will appear and will be glad to use this home which has been prepared for one or more of them in the western edge of the new world.

The climate is the same is that of Palestine. The place is planted with date and palm trees, such as would be' familiar and pleasing sights to these men. On the part of Judge Rutherford the dedication of this house to God's work and for the use or these men was, a simple act of faith. To a few newspaper men this exhibition of true faith in God and in his Word has seemed to give occasion for a little display of semi mirthful incredulity; but for the most part the newspapers have treated the item with dignity, and the story of Beth-Sarim has gone around the world, conveying to millions of people the thought that shortly David and others will no doubt be awakened from the sleep of death.

Whatever the motive of the newspaper men, their action resulted in giving free world-wide publicity to a Bible truth, the resurrection on earth of the faithful Old Testament saints, publicity such as would have cost the Society thousands and thousands of dollars.

Another feature, an ominous one for those caught in Satan's toils, is that the “evil servant” class, instead of being glad to see the preparation for and the use of adequate equipment for doing the Lord's work, seem to have the spirit of .Judas when lie said, "Why was not this ointment sold and the proceeds given to the poor?"

The record shows that Judas cared nothing about the poor. What he really wanted was to get his hands on that money for himself. And the reason he wanted it for himself was not so that he could use it to the glory of God. His thought in the matter was wholly selfish, wholly indefensible. And the Judas' class are like Judas himself. They are all, of the same stripe. [The Messenger, July 25, 1931, Page 6]


Princess Bonnie

So many people have called up The Messenger office and wanted to know the identity of the little girl who had the privilege of interviewing Brother Rutherford and how she came to have such a privilege, that we give just a little explanation:

How could we know, when we published a picture of Judge Rutherford talking to a little girl that it was going to start a small sized revolution in the Nursery? And how could we know that a whole battalion of mothers would lie in wait for the Judge and try to ambush him into talking to their kiddies, too? It is something he likes to do, but he doesn't get much time for it.

There is a particular reason why Brother Rutherford was talking to that particular little girl. Here are the facts:

Brother and Sister Balko are in charge of Beth-Sarim. They spend all their spare time in the service work in and about San Diego, both being fully devoted to the Lord, and therefore are Jehovah's witnesses. They have two children, a little girl now nearly two years old, and a little boy about six months. Beth-Sarim being "the house of the princes," and. as we confidently expect to be occupied and used by some of the princes in the earth, it seemed quite appropriate that these children who are growing up there should be named in harmony with these scriptures. Hence the little girl is named Princess Bonnie Balko, and the little boy Prince Joseph Barak Balko. We know from the scriptures that both Joseph and Barak will be among the princes, and since there are some women also mentioned amongst these faithful ones it is hoped that these two little ones may grow up at Beth-Sarim to be with the rulers of the earth and live forever to the glory of Jehovah's name.

The have been told, in so far as they can understand, that they may expect these noble men and, when they do appear, to meet them and put themselves completely under their direction. It might be that this little prince and princess would be stenographers or office children or clerks about the place or performing some other duty that will be necessary in the Kingdom. Everything will then be done in order and there will be plenty for everyone to do. Little Princess Bonnie was listening to some kind words of good cheer when the front-page picture of our issue of July 29 was taken. [The Messenger, July 30, 1931, Page 2]


1924-5 "After 1925 expect shortly Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob. No doubt many boys and girls who read this book will live to see Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Daniel, and those other men of old come forth in the glory of their better resurrection, of perfect in mind and body. It will not take long for Christ to appoint them to their post of honor and authority as his earthly representatives. The world and all the present conveniences will seem strange to them at first, but they will soon become accustomed to the new methods. They may have some amusing experiences at first; for they never saw telephones, radios, automobiles, electric lights, airplanes, steam engines, and many other things so familiar to us." {TWTP 224-6}

1925 "[By 1925] You will have secured the services of the best decorators you can find. Some of them used to be undertakers; but since there are no more people dying, they have had to seek some new occupation. Their experience as undertakers prepared them to become decorators with very little difficulty." {TWTP 228}

1925 "The great Pyramid of Egypt, standing as a silent and animate witness of the Lord, is a messenger; and its testimony speaks with great eloquence concerning the divine plan (Isaiah 19:19). Arius, Waldo, John Wycliffe and Martin Luther [were all] part of God's Organization." {WT May 15 1925 148-9}

1925 "You have made all preparations for father and mother. The home is already; a special room is prepared for them, fitted with everything you can think of that might give pleasure and delight. You then call up the princes at Jerusalem, state your case, and make request that your father and your mother might be awakened. In joyful expectancy you wait. Some morning you hear talking in the room you have prepared. There was no one there last night. You know that there are no thieves or intruders; for all such experiences have been eliminated. You do not need to be fearful; so you listen at the door. You hear father's familiar voice saying, 'Mother, where are we? Are we dreaming? Why, I thought I attended your funeral last summer; then I was taken sick, and they had the doctor, and that is the last I can remember.' Mother says: 'I don't understand it either Dear. The last I can remember is that I was so sick, and you and the doctors were standing at the bedside, and you were holding my hand. What has happened? We are not sick now, and this room is different from any room I ever saw. It is so beautiful and everything is so peaceful. Just hear those birds sing, and did you ever! Why, where did you get that suit of clothes? You are handsome as you were on our wedding day.'" {TWTP 228-9}

1925 "We understand that the jubilee type began to count in 1575 B.C.; and the 3,500 year period embracing the type must end in 1925.. It follows, then, that the year 1925 will mark the beginning of the restoration of all things lost by Adam's disobedience." {WT Nov 1 1922 346}

1925 "We cannot be blamed for presenting from the Scriptures such evidence as they afford which leads us to believe that a certain event will take place at a given time. Sometimes the Lord has let His people looking for the right thing at the wrong time, and more frequently they have looked for the wrong things at the right time. But all the enemies of the cause of present truth in the earth are fervently hoping that the Bible students will not be so successful in 1925 in looking for the right thing at the right time as they were in 1914. if they are, however, it will be the other fellow that will have to do the explaining, and not we." {GA Feb 13 1924 314}


1925 "Have we more reason, or as much, to believe the kingdom will be established in 1925 than Noah had to believe that there would be a flood? Our thought is, that 1925 is definitely settled by the Scriptures, marking the end of the typical jubilees. Just exactly what will happen at that time no one can tell to a certainty; but we expect such a climax in the affairs of the world that the people will begin to realize the presence of the Lord and his kingdom power.. As to Noah, the Christian now has much more upon which to base his faith than Noah had (so far as the Scriptures reveal) upon which to base his faith in a coming deluge." {WT Mar 1 1923 106}


1925 "This vision of the prophet Ezekiel depicts the established theocratic Kingdom of God on earth, civil and religious, spiritual and earthly. The Temple is a type and symbol of 'better things to come', after the wars, revolutions and anarchy of the period from 1914 to 1925 have passed." {TFIM 569} [TFIM 1926 ed replaces "period from 1914 to 1925" with "time of trouble"]


1925 "The year 1925 is a date definitely and clearly marked in Scriptures, even more clearly than that of 1914" {WT 1924 211}

1925 "We have no doubt whatever in regard to the chronology relating to the dates of 1925. What further evidence do we need? Using this same measuring line. It is an easy matter to locate 1925, probably in the fall, for the beginning of the antitypical jubilee. There can be no more question about 1925 than there was about 1914." {WT May 15 1922 150}

1925 "The chief thing to be restored is the human race to life; and since other Scriptures definitely fix the fact that there will be a resurrection of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and other faithful ones of old, and that these will have the first favor, we may expect 1925 to witness the return of these faithful men of Israel from the condition of death, being resurrected and fully restored to perfect humanity and made the visible, legal representatives of the new order of things on earth.. They are to be resurrected as perfect men and constitute the princes or rulers in the earth. Therefore we may confidently expect that 1925 will mark the return of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the faithful prophets of old, particularly those named by the Apostle in Hebrews 11, to the condition of human perfection.. A simple calculation of these jubilees brings us to this important fact: Seventy jubilees of fifty years each would be a total of 3500 years. That period of time beginning 1575 years before A.D. 1 of necessity would end in the fall of 1925, at which time the type ends and the great antitype must begin. What, then, should we expect to take palace? In the type there must be a full restoration; beginning of restoration of all things." {MLND 88-90} ["Princes" not to be resurrected until after Armageddon per HIS1 252-3]

1925 "Our thought is, that 1925 is definitely settled by the scriptures. As to Noah, the Christian now has much more upon which to base his faith than Noah had upon which to base his faith in a coming deluge." {WT Apr 1 1923 106}

1925 "Based upon the argument heretofore set forth, then, that the old order of things, the old world, is ending and is therefore passing away, and that the new order is coming in, and that 1925 shall mark the resurrection of the faithful worthies of old and the beginning of reconstruction, it is reasonable to conclude that millions of people now on the earth will be still on the earth in 1925. Then, based upon the promises set forth in the divine Word, we must reach the positive and indisputable conclusion that millions now living will never die." {MLND 97}

1925 "The period must end in 1925. The type ending, the antitype must begin; and therefore 1925 is definitely fixed in the scriptures. Every thinking person can see that a great climax is at hand. The Scriptures clearly indicate that the climax is the fall of Satan's empire and the full establishment of the Messianic kingdom. This climax being reached by 1925, and that marking the beginning of the fulfillment of the long promised blessings of life to the people, millions now living on earth will be living then and those who obey the righteous laws of the new arrangement will live forever. Therefore it can be confidently said at this time that millions now living will never die." {GA Jan 4 1922 217}

1925 "There is no food that is right food for the morning meal. At breakfast is no time to break a fast. Keep up the daily fast until the noon hour. Drink plenty of water two hours after each meal; drink none just before eating; and a small quantity if any at meal time. Good buttermilk is a health drink at meal times and in between. Do not take a bath until two hours after eating a meal, nor closer than one hour before eating. Drink a full glass of water both before and after the bath." {GA Sep 9 1925 784-5}

1925 "Not until 1925 was 'the time of trouble' scripturally understood." {WT Feb 1 1938 35}

1925 "About April 1, 1925, at which time we may expect the resurrection of the Ancient Worthies." {MLND 110}

1925 "They had preached that in an early time God would overthrow "Christendom". Many had emphasized the year 1925." {WT Feb 15 1938 54} [Many? The Society. Now, it tries to distance itself]

1925 "Further, the widely circulated booklet Millions Now Living Will Never Die presented the view that in 1925, God's purposes regarding the restoring of the earth to Paradise and the resurrecting of the faithful ones of old would begin to be fulfilled." {WT Nov 1 1993 12}

1925 "The year 1925 is here. With great expectation Christians have looked forward to this year. Many have confidently expected that all members of the body of Christ will be changed to heavenly glory during this year. This may be accomplished. It may not be. In his own due time God will accomplish his purposes concerning his people. Christians should not be so deeply concerned about what may transpire this year." {WT Jan 1 1925 3}

1925 "It is to be expected that Satan will try to inject into the minds of the consecrated, the thought that 1925 should see an end to the work." {WT Sep 1925 262}

1925 "Be that as it may, there is evidence that the establishment of the Kingdom in Palestine will probably be in 1925, ten years later than we once calculated." {TFIM 128}


1925 "Someone asked me the other day: Suppose you should be here in 1925 what would you do? I said, I believe I will be home in the Pleiades before then." {WT Nov 1 1920 334}


1925 "I have named this new discovery, which I believe will be epochal in the history of the treatment of disease, and which I am exclusively announcing in THE GOLDEN AGE prior to its general publication elsewhere, The Electronic Radio Biola, which means life renewed by radio waves or electrons. The Biola automatically diagnoses and treats diseases by the use of the electronic vibrations. The diagnosis is 100 percent correct, rendering better service in this respect than the most experienced diagnostician. The principle of operation of the Biola is the collection of the disease vibrations. The fluid containing the same waves or vibrations enters the body, meets the disease waves and destroys them. This is a great step forward, marking the Biola as the most valuable treatment apparatus obtainable today, and well worthy of notice in the columns of a magazine like THE GOLDEN AGE." {GA Apr 22 1925 454} [Advertisement for sale of 'The Electronic Radio Biola' appears on page 479]


1925 "The year 1925 came and went. Jesus' anointed followers were still on earth as a class. The faithful men of old time - Abraham, David and others - had not been resurrected to become princes in the earth. (Ps. 45:16) So, as Anna MacDonald recalls: '1925 was a sad year for many brothers. Some of them were stumbled; their hopes were dashed. Instead of it's being considered a 'probability', they read into it that it was a 'certainty' and some prepared for their loved ones with expectations of their resurrection." {YEAR 1975 146}

1925 "The date 1925 is even more distinctly indicated by the Scriptures because it is fixed by the law God gave to Israel. Viewing the present situation in Europe, one wonders how it will be possible to hold back the explosion much longer; and that even before 1925 the great crisis will be reached and probably passed." {WT Sep 1 1922 262}

1925 "Bible Students, known since 1931 as Jehovah's Witnesses, also expected that the year 1925 would see the fulfillment of marvelous Bible prophecies." {AWAK Jun 22 1995 9}

1925 "There will be no slip-up. Abraham should enter upon the actual possession of his promised inheritance in the year 1925 A.D." {WT Oct 15 1917 6157}

1925 "Some anticipated that the work would end in 1925, but the Lord did not state so. The difficulty was that the friends inflated their imaginations beyond reason; and that when their imaginations burst asunder, they were inclined to throw away everything." {WT 1926 232}

1925 [NO MENTION!] {HIS2 Section 'Notable Dates' - Official 1993 version of WTBTS's history of predictions}


