This is not a verse by verse exegesis of Ezekiel

For more information re Ezekiel use the margins in KJV/NASB Bibles

and/or other Bibles

and comments in the SDABC vol.4 and

other dependable Bible commentaries.

Chapter 1

vs.1-4 date and place, in the land of the Chaldeans by the river Chebar and among

the captives. The heavens opened and he saw visions

Isaiah had a throne vision, Isa.6

Daniel saw visions from heaven, Dan.10, he saw a Man clothed in linen

John on the Isle of Patmos had a heavenly vision, Rev.1:12-14; ch.4&5

All three had similar visions of heaven and a similar person.

vs.4. whirlwind out of the north.

North see Psalm 48:2 The Creator residing on Mt.Sion, God, the True King of

the North.

Isa.41:25 salvation from the NORTH and the rising of the sun, East.

Dan.11:40 The counterfeit King of the North also comes like a whirlwind

Papal Rome, Anti-Christ

Isa.14:13 Satan desired to sit in the North, the place of God.

vs.5 four living creatures See Rev.4:6-8; 5:6,8,11

Images: Ezekiel 1:10 Ib.10:14 Rev.4:7

man cherub lion

lion man calf

ox lion man

eagle eagle eagle

These four could represent the 4 gospels:

Matthew. The Son of Man has come to give His life 20:28

Mark The gospel with speed, Eagle, straightway/immediately, 1:12

Luke Announces Jesus as the one from David, the royal line, royal 2:11

and like the Lion of Judah Rev.5:5

John Says Behold the Lamb of God, divine sacrifice, Calf. John 1:29

A Throne Vision

vs.13 burning coals of fire Hebr.1:7;12:18; Rev.1:14,15

Fire for cleansing Jer.20:9

Consuming fire 2 Thess.1:8

Dan.7:9 Daniel and the throne vision

vs 20 full of the Spirit Isa.11:2; Rev.4:5

vs.24 voice like waters Rev.1:15; 19:6

The Lord speaks with a voice like many waters.

Papacy speaks like sitting on many waters; Rev.17:1, 15


vs.25 Ezekiel sees likeness of a Man in the throne Daniel saw a Man coming to the throne, 7:13

vs.28 the appearance of the rainbow as in Rev.4:3;10:1

What Ezekiel sees is in similar manner seen by Daniel and John the apostle.

Chapter 2 & 3

TM p 213/4 counsel given to read Ez.2&3

The commissioning of Ezekiel. ch.2:2, see Daniel’s experience in 10:11-13

vs.8 Ezekiel not to be rebellious against this charge.

vs.7 speak if they hear or not, 2Tim.4:1-4 speak at all times

vs.10 a book given written inside and outside

Rev.5:1 John was given a book written inside/outside

8b,3:1-3 Ezekiel is asked to eat the book Rev.10:9 John was asked to eat the book.

In both cases it tasted sweet like honey.

Psalm 119:103 God’s word sweet as honey

vs.5/6 Israel is compared with the surrounding nations.

The nations may have listened if they had heard what Israel was told.

Jesus compared Israel of His time with other nations,

Luke 10:13;11:32; Matthew 11:21

3:8/9 to be strong, harder than a flint; see about Jesus in Isa.50:7 Not to show any fear, to be firm

3:11 speak to those in captivity;

God’s last message to those in end time Babylonian captivity, Rev.18:1-4 Luther wrote his book THE BABYLONION CAPTIVITY, the church in the dark ages, in the wilderness, Rev.12:14

3:12/13 the noise of wings, like wind, the Spirit came and took him up. Acts 2:2 rushing of a mighty wind when the Spirit came

3:15 quiet for 7 days; deeply impressed

Job’s friends deeply impressed for 7 days, Job 2:13

Daniel was under deep impression for 21 days, 10:2

In Daniel 4:10 he could not speak for a full hour

John was also deeply impressed because of what he saw/heard,

Rev.1:17; 19:10; 22:8

3:20 put a stumble block before them

Rev.3:19 I rebuke and chasten

Re stumble block see Strong Conc. nr.4383 Theol. Wordbook OT nr.1050c

put something in the way to call their attention”

1Pet.2:8 Christ a stumble block to Israel, they did not listen

nor obey, Isa.8:14

3:18-21 finds a repeat in ch.18


see Test.vl.1-313

3:27 sounds like Rev.22:11

he that hears he that is just

let him hear let him be just

he that refuses he that is filthy

let him refuse let him be filthy

Chapter 4

vs.1-3 The prophet asked to portray the fall of Jerusalem and how it will be


Those already in Babylon captivity not given any hope that Jerusalem will be


Ezekiel to lie down on left/right side a number of days. See SDABC 4-589/90

Day for a year principle.,vs.4:6 See Dr.Shea’s explanation, D/R vol.1-56

vs.7-13 what he has to eat/drink during these days on his side.

vs.14 why Ezekiel refuses God’s instruction.

Daniel and his friends refused to defile their bodies, Daniel 1:8

Acts 10:14 why Peter refused God’s instruction re eating.

For not defiling see Exod.22:31; Deut.23:13; 2Cor.6:17, 18 & 7:1

vs.16,17 the siege of Jerusalem would be a terrible ordeal for the people.

Chapter 5

vs.1-4 another act to illustrate Jerusalem’s demise.

V s.5-11 reason why this happens to Jerusalem:

she was set in the midst of the nations to be a light but instead,

she has rebelled and has been wicked more than the nations

This is repeated in vs.6b

the nations also have not kept God’s statutes, but Jerusalem more, vs.7

the Lord will do something He has never done and will not do again,vs.9

the terrible nature of the judgment , cannibalism would take place, vs.10

they have defiled the Sanctuary with their abominations, vs.11

The L .Horn would do similar in later times,

as told by Daniel in ch.8:11, defilement of God’s heavenly sanctuary.

vs.12 why the one third as mentioned in vs.2, what will happen to the various

groups, “one third”, of people

vs.13-17 God’s judgments further described.

Jerusalem would be an astonishment to the nations,vs.15

Modern day Babylon, the apostate church, also would be an astonishment to the nations see Rev.18:9,10,16,19; 3x alas

Rev.3:20 the Thyatira church; the first beast of Rev.13 speaking blasphemy; The 3rd and 4th horse in Rev.6, time of darkness, black and pale.

As a literal famine came over OT Jerusalem so would a spiritual famine come

over the NT apostate church, time of the dark ages, church in the wilderness. No one stood by OT Jerusalem in her time of judgment


No one will stand by NT apostate church; Dan.11:45;Rev.17:16; Job.34:20

Chapter 6.

Further description of divine judgments and Jerusalem’s demise.

This is before the start of the 70 years captivity

vs.3 Symbolically the Lord speaks to the mountains ,hills, ravines and valleys, of

Israel. Ez.36:1,4,8

The various society levels of Israel are being addressed..

All are in a state of apostasy, and under divine judgment for their sins.

It will all be broken down, as it will with the apostate church in Rev.18

vs.8 but there will be a remnant left, some will escape

In the end-time some will escape, Dan.11:41; Rev.12:17;Isa.1:9; Zeph.3:12,13

There are similarities between OT apostate church and the NT one,

In both cases a remnant will survive.

Apocalyptic Babylon of Revelation is NT Israel/Jerusalem which started good in its infant days , apostolic times, but became spiritually corrupt and fell into deep apostasy,

Paul raised his warnings in Acts.20:29,30 and it did happen.

Chapter 7.

A comprehensive description of the coming judgment over Jerusalem.

No one living in sin and iniquity will escape.

vs 2 disaster upon the four corners.

Rev.7:1 angels holding the winds on the four corners to prevent the final disaster

vs.14 they have blown the trumpet and did not listen.

Could this refer to the prophets to whom they have not listened,


Jesus tried to wake them up, Matth.23:34-37

vs.17 weak knees and being feeble.

Belshazzar became weak seeing the handwriting,Dan.5:6

vs.19 gold and silver lost its value, James 5:1-3; EGW in 3T549

Rev.18:11-13 the valuables of the last days of no value anymore

vs.27 according to SDABC 4p.596 this expression ye shall know, 88 times in


In these judgments the Lord will make Himself to be known

Rev.16:5-7 during the plagues an angel declares the knowledge of God and

His justice.

Chapter 8.

vs.1,2 the Holy One again appears to Ezekiel.

The description similar as in ch.1 and what Daniel/John saw. Abominations in the sanctuary by the leaders and priests


vs. 11 the 70 elders performing their abominations in the dark

vs.14 Tammuz worship, pure idolatry in the sanctuary ,false worship in opposition

to the true one.

The L. Horn of Dan.8:11 introduces false worship, in opposition

vs. 16 The 25, priests and high priest, performing greater abominations, towards

the east, sun worship.

See 2Chron.36:14 polluting the House of the Lord with heathen


Rev.17:3,4 the last day apostate church is also full of abominations

Chapter 9.

The sealing process according to Ezekiel.

The HE of ch.8 continues in ch.9.

Who is this HE?

See ch.8:2,3a & 9:8 The Lord God

vs.2 The scene is coming forth from the temple/sanctuary

vs..2, 6 Six men coming forward to render judgment.

Like in Rev.15:6 seven angels coming out of the temple to render judgment

vs.2 they are standing besides the brazen altar, sacrifice (Exod.27)

vs.2 the direction is North again, the side of God.Ez.1:4;8:3

THE NORTH, God’s place in His temple, from where judgments will come

Then and now.

North is also the place where the man of sin resides, Dan.11:40;

2 Thess 2:4, the place of apostasy and abominations.

In Ezekiel’s time the Chaldeans/Babylonians came from the North, Jer 1:14

In Revelation apocalyptic Babylon is the apostate church

There is also an interplay between East and North, Isa.41:2,25

The sealing angel in Rev.7 comes from the East

The real King of the North, the Lord of Hosts, is seen in Rev.16:12 as the

real King(s) of the East.

vss2-4 one of the six men is called to do a special work of sealing/marking.

He is commanded to go through Jerusalem and to mark special people.

Paul in Eph.4:30 speaks about the Holy Spirit doing a sealing work,

Jer.B. By whom you are marked

NASB by whom you are sealed

Moffatt same;

Berkeley by whom you have been sealed with a seal

Also same in Dutch and French translations

Ezekiel does not indicate kind of seal or mark placed on the people of


Extra note: comparing Eph.1:13 with 4:30 it seems that the Holy Spirit

seals, by Whom (4:30), but also seals Himself upon the

believer ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit (1:13)

We are told they are a peculiar people, sighing and crying, see vs.4


Jeremiah was asked to go through Jerusalem and seek,Jer.5:1

Jesus said in Luke 14:23 to go into the highways and hedges and seek The Lord knows who are His, 2Tim.2:19, He can read the seal, mark Judgment starts with the house of God, 1Peter.4:17

One of the six men out to execute judgment, is doing a saving work, to mark/seal the faithful remnant.

In Rev.21:9 one of the 7 angels involved in executive judgment in the last days has the privilege to show the Bride, New Jerusalem.

vs.8 Ezekiel’s desperate cry, like Abraham over Sodom/Gomorra, wilt thou destroy all? (Gen.18:23)

Chapter 10

Throne vision repeated

The HE of ch.9 continues and the man clothed in linen has more to do,vs.2

coals of fire scattering over the city.

vs.1 firmament, see 1:22,23,25,26

likeness of a throne, 1:26

vs 2 & 7 fire from between the Cherubim, 1:4, Hebr.1:7

In Rev.20:9 fire from heaven ,the dwelling place of the Cherubim

vs.2,5,16,19 the form of the living beings/creatures in ch.1 are Cherubim

angels are round and about the throne of God.,Hebr.1:14 sent forth

from God to minister.

All what is said and done in chs.2-9, in between these two visions

of ch.1 & 10 and coming from the throne of God.

vs.8 form of a man’s hand, 1:8

The hand of God is crucial in directing the affairs of His work on Earth

vs.6,9,10,12,16 wheels in wheels all turning and moving, 1:24

and eyes all over, God’s eyes all over the world, 2Chron.16:9

vs.5 voice of the Almighty, 1:24

vs.6 the man clothed with linen, 9:12 (the man with the ink-horn)

vs:14 the four faces, the cherub has replaced the calf, 1:10; Rev.4:7 vs.4 the glory of the Lord on the threshold, but in vs.18 the glory departs, Ichabod, 1Sam.4:21, apostasy/abominations brought this about. In the beginning of His ministry, even as a youngster, Jesus graced the the temple with His presence, but in Matth.23:39 he departs from it, “Ye shall see Me no more” , Ichabod

In Rev.7:1 seven angels are holding the winds of strife, but when all is finished, then also the temple will be closed, Rev.15:8

Chapter 11

The vision continues.

Ezekiel still in the presence of the Cherubim and the wheels, vs.22

The Spirit takes Ezekiel first to Jerusalem then to the captives in Chaldea where

he delivers his message which the Lord had given him. Here the vision ends


See vs. 22-25.

The people already in Chaldea are being told, no hope for Jerusalem.


vs.1-3 a group of men,25, same number as in 8:16

These men, most likely the leaders, claim that Jerusalem will be a protection for them against the coming judgment, like a chaldron. They seek their salvation in a city which is in great apostasy and in grouping together like in a chaldron.

Isa. 8:9-12 no salvation in a confederation, grouping together Rev.17:12,16 apocalyptic, Babylon, being the end time counter part of apostate Jerusalem also seeks salvation in grouping together, but it will not succeed.. Apocalyptic Babylon will fall like Jerusalem did in Ezekiel’s time and later in 70AD

vs.5 the Lord knows what they have in mind.

vs.6,7 the city would be good for the dead but not for the living vs.8-11 there will be no escape, divine judgment will come

Reasons for this coming judgment.

vs.12 not walked in the statutes of the Lord, but after the manner of the heathen, the warning of Jeremiah in 25:6 has not been heeded the 70 yrs of captivity will come, Jer.25:12

vs.13 sudden death of two leaders., a shocking experience for Ezekiel and the

people. Through sudden death the Lord tries to call His people to

attention. See Acts 5. Ananias /Sapphira; 2 Kings 1, two groups of men

sudden death.

Ezekiel is afraid that even the remnant will not survive.

vs. 15 a false claim of God’s promises, Matth.7:21-23 false claims made

in that day, time of the end, judgment day.

vs. 16 promise of God’s presence even in captivity. The Lord recognizes His

people even in Babylon,

vs. 17 He promises even a gathering up from their captivity.

In the end time a divine call to come out of Babylon, Rev.18:1-4

vs 18-20 Those who do come out. will be new people, spiritually revived

reformed. They will:

  1. remove the abominations which caused their captivity, 2Cor.7:1 a cleansing.
  2. they will walk in obedience to the Lord’s statutes/ordinances Rev.12:17; 14:12 ; 22:14 marks of last day remnant, those who come out of apocalyptic Babylon
  3. they will have entered into a new covenant experience, Jer.31:33; 32:39; Hebr.8:10; Rev.3:18 vs. 21 Those who do not listen will receive according to their works. Ez.9:10; Matth.27:25 upon their heads

vs. 22,23 the glory of the Lord leaves the city; 10:18; Ichabod


These were not Ezekiel’s words, but The Word of The Lord vss.2,5,7,8,12,14,16,17,25

To the captives in Chaldea, Ezekiel had to make it very clear that the Lord Himself spoke to Him, because the messages were against their human desire for Jerusalem.

As the Lord spoke in Ezekiel’s time of apostasy, so He speaks in the last days as well, through His word and the Gift of Prophecy, ministering in the last day Remnant church, Rev.12:17; 19:10

Chapter 12

vss.1-16 a public illustrated message re the last days of Jerusalem and its king Zedekia., who was taken captive and made blind and brought to Babylon but never be able to see it.

vs.6 The whole message had to be made visible to the people., as we read from Habakkuk and what he had to do with his message, Hab.2:2,3

Ezekiel’s message also was sure and would take place, not tarry and not lie. vs.2 gives the reason for this, they were rebellious, with eyes and not seeing and ears but not hearing.

Jesus refers to a similar situation in His day, Matth.13:14,15 quoting from Isaiah 6:9,10

vs.16 The Lord would left a few, a remnant, to bear a message for the heathen around them.

In the last days there also will be a remnant bearing a message for the people of their time, Rev.12:17:14:6-12

There always has been a rest/remnant, even in the time of Thyatira Rev.2:24

vs.17-20 Further emphasis re the imminent calamities coming over Jerusalem, because of all that has happened within its walls, that dwell therein vs. 20 in that manner the Lord would reveal Himself ye shall know that I am the Lord.

In the end of all things all the world will recognise God, Phil.2:9-11 Rev.15:3,4; 16:5-7

vs.21-28 A strong message against the idea that it would not happen in their day. The vision would not be prolonged,vs.25,28

As in Hab.2:3 it will not tarry; Rev.10:6 delay no longer NKJV Things will happen in God’s own time, Gal.4:4

Matth.24:48-50 warning against servants who talk about delay.

2 Peter 3:3-8 in the last days who do not believe it will happen. Again it is strongly underlined that this is the word of the Lord, not human or from Ezekiel .

Chapter 13

This chapter provides a graphic profile of the character and personality of false prophets


vs.2,3,17 they speak out of their own heart and follow their own spirit

Deut.29:18,19 divine warning against this behaviour

Judges 17:6;21:25 Israel soon followed their own mind,Jer.11:8;16:12

Phil.2:21 even in the time of the apostle Paul.

Psalm 81:10-12 In the end the Lord gave them over to their own

stubborn heart and counsels. This was written before

Ezekiel’s time.

vs.4 they are cunning like foxes, of a deceptive nature

Luke 21:8 Jesus’ warning against being deceived

Rev.21:27:22:15 liars will not be in the kingdom and will not have

their name in the book of life. Ez.13:9

vs..5 They do not repair the breach in the hedge.

“They should have made it their business by preaching and advice

to bring the people to repentance and reformation, and so have made

up the hedge and put a stop to the judgments of God”

Matth.Henry IV-819

vs. 6a lying divinations, spiritism

Deut.18:10 Moses warned against it.

vs. 6b creating false hopes, false salvation message.

vs. 7 false pretences, the Lord did not speak through them

vs. 8.,10,16 they speak about peace while there is no peace, false peace


Jer.6:14; 1Thess.5:3 false peace messages, then and now .

vs.9 they will not be numbered among God’s Israel, see above under vs.4

vs. 10-13 they use false plastering or cover up, a hailstorm shall destroy it.

Rev.16:18-19;17:13,14 the last day “unity” will also be destroyed

by a great hailstorm and the great city will be divided in

three under the 7th plague, Rev.16:17-21;17:16;Dan.11:45

vs. 14,15 the so called protective wall of unity will not hold, in the day of

God’s wrath.

vs.18-20 they preached soft pillow type messages and safety.

You have promised sinners life in their sinful ways, have told them

that they shall have peace though they go on, by which their hands

have been strengthened and their hearts hardened.

Nor can anything strengthen the hands of sinners more than to tell

that they may be saved in their sins without repentance, or that

there may be repentance though they do not return from their

wicked ways.

Matth.Henry. IV-823

Ellen G.White after quoting John 3:1-16 said: It trikes directly against the idea that you can become a child of God without any particular change. FWp.63

vs.21-23 Deliverance for God’s people

God promised Israel deliverance from the false prophets. The false prophets will be destroyed.



They had preached a false message of hope ,false salvation,

strengthened the hands of the wicked ,that he should not turn away from his wicked way, by promising him life. vs.22

Deliverance for God’s people then and in the last days.

Rev.14:6-12; 18:1-4 God’s last day message of deliverance Dan.12:1,2: Rev.16:12; 17:14; 19:11-21 God’s last day acts of deliverance for His people from last day falsehood , the counterpart false trio gathering the world for the final battle, Rev.16:13,14

Chapter 14

vs.1 certain men/elders are coming to Ezekiel to enquire from the Lord through Ezekiel.

vs.2,3 The Lord’s answer, serious then and also for this time.

The Lord reveals to Ezekiel who they are in reality, different from what they pretend to be

  1. they have set up idols in their heart
  2. a stumbling block of in iniquity before their face

vs.4,5 Because of what they are and have done, the Lord will answer and do


They have become estranged

Isa.59:2 Sin separates from God.

Matth.27:45 when Jesus became our substitute, sin for us 2Cor.5:21, He cried

My God, My God why hast Thou forsaken Me?

Sin and God do not mix.

vs.6 What ought to be done:

a. Repent b. Turn away from your idols c. Turn from your abominations

Ellen G. White quotes this text in 5T164 and adds:

If we love the things of the world and have pleasure in

unrighteousness or fellowship with the unfruitful works

of darkness we have put the stumbling block of our iniquity

before our face and have set up idols in our heart. And unless

by determined effort we put them away we shall never be

acknowledged as the sons and daughters of God.

See also Matth.7:21-23; Acts 8:21

vs.7-10 What the Lord will do to bring Israel back:

7b the Lord will step in Himself to take care of the situation

vs.8 a. be against that person

b make him/her a sign, proverb

c cut of from His people

vs.9. even deception as from the Lord will take place

The apostle Paul in 2Thess.2:10,11 speaks about that God will

send a delusion that they will believe the lie for those who

are unconverted.

vs10. the people will have to bear the punishment of their sins, even a false prophet,

who was “sent”(vs.9) by God will bear his punishment


vs.11. the purpose is to bring them back to be His people again

2Cor.6:17,18; Hosea 2:23

vss12-21 salvation is a strict individual matter. 4 times,14,16,18,20 we are reminded

of the fact, as Israel was, that even other righteous men ,like

Noah, Daniel or Job they will not be able to save us.

They will only deliver their souls, be saved by their righteousness,vs.14,20

What kind of righteousness? Jer.23:6 when The Lord’s righteousness

becomes our righteousness, John 3:16

vs.22,23 There will be a remnant as a witness re the saving and soul changing work

of the Lord in their lives.

When afflictions have done their work, and have accomplished

that for which they were sent ,then will appear the wisdom and goodness

of God in sending them, and God will not only be justified, but

glorified in them. Matth.Henry vl.VI- 830

Rom.2:4 God’s goodness leads to repentance.

Rom.5:3-5 from tribulations to hope, salvation

Chapter 15.

Parable of the dead vine tree good for nothing and being burned completely is taken as an example how Jerusalem will meet its fate for their trespasses.

vs.4 the fire will devour both ends and its middle part.

vs.5 when it was whole, it did not do its work, when Israel was in good position it did not do its work for which it was chosen Exod.19:5,6 chosen to be a peculiar treasure, a holy nation.

vs.7 divine fire for punishment devours

vs.8 all this will come because of trespassing God’s law, Jer.9:13; 22:9; Ezra 9:10; Dan.9:7,8

Chapter 16

A lengthy narration of what God has done for His people from their early start

and how badly they have responded.

vs.1 It is again the Word of the Lord coming to Ezekiel.

vs. 2-6 Israel’s origin as from its early beginning, either from

the time of Abraham found in Ur of Chaldea or from the time when

delivered from Egypt.

they were not regarded as important, not being loved, not being

cared for, not being washed,

but the Lord called them to live, 2 times in vs.6

Why did the Lord do this?

Not because of their natural greatness or importance,

but He loved them, Deut.4:37; 7:7,8

John 3:16 is still a deep expression of God’s love towards mankind.

That is still the reason for the call to come out according to Rev.18:1-4


vs.7-14 A summary of what God has done for His people:

  1. He multiplied them, vs.7
  2. He covered them with His covenant of love,vs.8
  3. A covenant love relationship, vs.8
  4. Washed away thy blood/sin, Isa.1:18
  5. Anointed with oil, vs.9 Holy Spirit
  6. They were made beautiful, all over 10-13
  7. They became known worldwide, vs.14 Solomon’s time

The infant NT Christian church went through a similar experience. From the spiritual greatness of the Ephesus church it went down to the darkness of the Thyatira period., Rev.2

vs.15-34 The change which took place and how it is described. A graphic picture of Israel’s apostasy. It is comparable with the apostate woman of Rev. 17/18 and in stark contrast with God’s woman, His church/bride of Rev.12:1;21:2,9;22:17

15 trusting in its own beauty, compare with Rev.3:17a;18:7

15 she shares her sins with others, Rev.17:2;18:3

16 decked in divers colours, Rev.17:4

17 what God had given for a different purpose, now used for idolatry

18 God’s oil and incense used for idolatry

19 God’s word taken to the world by way of corruption, the things God had given for their benefit used in idolatry

20/21 children sacrificed, the ultimate abomination in idolatry

22 a reference to vs. 4&6, they had forgotten their origin, Rev.3:3
23-25 they had made themselves high places for apostate worship.

26 fornication with the surrounding nations, Rev.17:2

27 delivered into the hands of those who would hate them, this is similar to what will happen to the whore of Revelation Rev.17:16 the nations will hate her, because of her evil they have discovered too late.

28-34 here is further described and repeated Israel’s idolatry with the nations. The matter is described in terms of being in charge, giving gifts, hiring or bribing.Rev.18:15 had become rich by her Isn’t that the same with the whore of Revelation 17/18 ruling over the nations who in the end have given their power to the beast, Rev.17:13 untill they become disillusioned,ib.16, as the nations became disillusioned with Israel,Ez.16:27 who are ashamed of your lewd conduct (NASB) or sick of your filthy ways. (Jer.B.)

Note; Israel boasted being wealthy and rich, not knowing they were wretched ,miserable ,poor ,blind and naked as it is said of the Laodicea church in Rev.3:17.

vs.35-41 In vs.35 Israel, God’s covenanted people, is now addressed by the Lord as O harlot

and again her sins are described.


Then from 37-41 we find that the Lord will use those with whom Israel has committed spiritual fornication, her lovers, they will now be used against her, they will turn against her.

This is similar what we find in Rev.17:16 the ten horns, the lovers of The Apocalyptic harlot will turn against her, make her desolate, naked and burn her with fire., see also Dan.7:11 the beast burned with fire and in Rev.19:20 beast and false prophet in the lake of fire.

vs.42-52 The interesting issue in these verses is that they have done worse than Samaria or Sodom.. Samaria had not even done

half of what they had done,vs.51

Jesus does something similar when speaking about Israel of His day, see Matth.10:15; Mark 6:11; Luke 10:12-14

vs.53-63 restoration of Israel after the captivity based on the everlasting covenant which will include all people, here called thy sisters, all those in sin being named as Sodom and Samaria, when they return from their sinful state. vs.61 but not by thy covenant not based on their terms or

promises, but on the better promises Hebr.8:6 Better promises in contrast to the promises they had made under the terms of the (old) covenant they had made in

Sinai, which were their promises we will do, Exod.19:8; 24:3,7. and was soon broken, also by idolatry

For more explanation re old and new(everlasting) covenant See SDABC vl.4-633

Chapter 17

Under the images of two eagles and a vine, we have and illustration of Babylon’s invasion, Israel’s rebellion by Zedekia and Israel’s failed attempt to find help from Egypt.,Ez.17:15

References to these events in 2Kings24:20; 2Chron.36:11-14 and Jer.37

Lesson: Judah being already under divine judgment seeks help in the wrong place, unbelieving Egypt.

Read more in PK 451 Judah In the vanity of his own

wisdom he turned for help to the ancient enemy of Israel............

Federating with unbelievers will not work. See Isa.8:9-12; 2Cor.6:14 We are to counsel with God and to find our strength in Him .Only thus can we have the presence of the Lord with us; only thus can we accomplish His work in His way. When the people of God form alliances of any kind with those who know Him not, then the policies of men will inevitable supplant the principles of heaven. SDABC 4-142

This is what will happen in the last days when the world will

in vain federate together, instead of turning to the God of heaven.


Rev.17:13 Instead of turning to God for help, they go the “beast” The counsel given in Isa.8:13 will not be applied by the nations.

vs.22-24 describes God’s plan of restoration

A branch will be taken, be planted and made a blessing to the nations

Ellen G.White applies this to the faithful remnant, see PK.599.

The setting up of the Messiah’s kingdom in the world shall discover

more clearly than ever to the children of men that God is the King

of the Earth. Matth.Henry vl .4-851

Other references re The Branch: Isa.11:1 Branch of Jesse

Jer.23:5 Branch of David

Jer.33:15 Branch of Righteousness

Zech.3:8 Servant the Branch

,, 6:12 the man whose name is Branch

God’s original purpose for Israel/Judah preserved for after the 70y

captivity, but ultimately fulfilled through the coming of the Messiah

and His kingdom through the NT church.

The divine plan of “ try-again” did not succeed, Math.23:37-39;

See also Psalm 81:8-13

Chapter 18

This chapter deals with individual sinning and punishment.

Father-son relationship.

vs.2,3 wrong proverb, giving a false perception of God.

The sour grapes the fathers ate represented their own personal sins. The setting of the children’s teeth on edge represented the suffering the Jews felt came upon them in consequences of their father’s sins. SDABC vl.4-638

Jeremiah deals with the same in 31:29,30 and answers properly Exod.20:5, relates to the consequences of father’s sin

It is inevitable that children should suffer from the consequences of parental wrong-doing , but they are not punished for the parents

guilt, except as they participate in their sins. PP306

Matth.23:35,36 the children would suffer. Israel’s loss of not anymore being a covenant nation of God. ib.38,39, would apply to its children as well.

The Lord will show mercy to those who love Him and keep His commandments, Exod.20:6

vs.4 The soul that sins shall die, repeated in vs.20

Nepesh, see Th.W.B.of OT nr.1395a = life, soul, creature, person Thus in its most synthetic use nepesh stands for the entire person, ibid vs 4 also states that God is sovereign owner, soul of the son is mine vs.5-9 those souls who sin shall die but those who do the right shall live, vs.9

  1. not eat upon the mountains, false worship, vs.6
  2. not go for idolatry, vs.6


  1. no adultery,vs.6
  2. no unclean living with woman, vs.6
  3. no bad social behaviour, vs.7,8
  4. but living a just life and obeying God’s statutes. See Micha 6:8 do justly, love mercy and walk humbly. Rom.1:17 the just shall live by faith, Hab.2:4 Rev.22:11 the just versus the unjust

Gen.18:19; 26:5 Abraham’s example

John 14:15; 15:10; 1John 2:3

Rev.12:17; 14:12; 22:14 God’s end-time people

vs.10-13 If a man has a rebellious son, that one shall die, vs.13b vs.14-17 The son that follows not the father’s sin shall live, 17b

vs. 18 The father shall die in his own iniquity
vs. 19,20 People ask:

The Lord answers that it is an individual matter, son shall not bear what father has done, and father shall not bear what son has done.

vs.21-23 What will happen in case of conversion of the wicked

vs.24 What will happen when the righteous falls into sin and
does not return from that sin.

vs.25,29 The people think this is not right vs.26-28 Principles of vs.21-24 are repeated

vs.30 Every one will be judged according to his own ways,Re.22:12
vs.30-31 What ought to be done;

  1. repent and turn away from iniquity
  2. cast away your transgressions
  3. make a new heart and spirit, John 3:1-5, be born again vs.32 The Lord has no pleasure in the death of the sinner, vs.23 Jer.31:33; Hebr.8:10 the lord will make a new heart

Rev.3:17; 22:17 we must answer the call or knock

2 Chron. 7:14 If my people pray, humble , seek and turn away Isa.55:7; 59:20

Rom.2:4 God’s goodness will do this, if we choose to listen.

Chapter 19

Israel’s growth and demise illustrated by lions and a vine planted by waters vs.1-9 parable of the lions.

From chains in Egypt,vs.4 growing up prosperous, vs.6,7 The nations overshadowed him,vs.8 and was taken in their pit of idolatry which resulted in being in chains again, now by the king of Babylon,vs.9 and for 70 years in captivity Israel’s voice was not heard upon the mountains anymore.

vs.10-14 the parable of the vine planted by waters and being fruitful Psalm 89:8 Israel taken as a vine from Egypt

Isaiah in ch.5 speaks about Israel as a vine in vineyard

Jer.2:21 planted as a noble vine

Matth.21:33-46 Jesus speaks about Israel as a vineyard, but not giving the expected fruit.

John 15:1-6 The new testament church is like a vineyard with a vine and branches to bear fruit.

Ezekiel reveals what happened and how from a flourishing vineyard and initially bearing fruit, became a withered vine.

vs.12 the east wind dried up her fruit

In Eze.17:10 we read that when the east wind touched it the fruit dried up.

In Eze.8:16 we read that 25 men were seen worshiping eastward with their back to the temple of the Lord.

Idolatry, false worship dries up spiritual fruit from the Lord The Babylonians came from the east and took them captive In Rev.16:12 we read that the real King(s) from the east will dry up the confederated nations, Euphrates and last day false worship comes to an end.

vs.14 Israel will not be a rod to rule. After the 70 yrs of captivity another period of probation was given, but then Gen.49:10 met its fulfilment with the coming of the Messiah Who would be the real Ruler from the East,. Isa.41:2; Rev.2:27 Rev.11:15; Dan.7:14,27

Chapter 20

The message of the Lord through Ezekiel to elders who came to inquire of the Lord.

vs1 Elders of Israel approaching Ezekiel. In normal genuine circumstances this would have been acceptable, but the Lord knows man’s heart and mind (Ps.139:1,2) and the Lord refuses to be inquired of by the elders, knowing who they are. Ez.20:3b

Isa.59:1,2 sin separates us from God. And Paul speaks about lifting up holy hands to God in prayer. These elders were not holy in Gods sight.

vs.2-6 in the message, Ezekiel is asked to render to them, they are reminded of what God has done for them and Israel’s response The exodus experience is brought to memory. This is often done: Lev.19:36;26:13; Deut.5:6; Judg.2:12;19:30; Isa.11:16

Jer.7:22;34:13 and in the Psalms 105 and 106

Paul in his epistles also reminds people from where they have come, their Christian exodus experience: Eph.2:11,12 vs.7 coming out of Egypt they were under a divine mandate:

  1. to cast away their abominations, to separate from sin
  2. not to become contaminated with the sins/idols of Egypt. Paul gives the NT Christian a similar mandate, Rom.12:1,2; 2Cor.6:17,18 & 7:1; also in Rev.18:4


vs.8-10 They did not clean themselves from their abominations, but in spite that refusal/rebellion the Lord still brought them out of Egypt This delivery was not because of them but because of the Lord’s name sake, His love towards them and his oath, Deut.7:7,8

We also are not saved because of us, but because of God’s love towards us, John 3:16; Rom.5:6,8,10

vs.11,12 In the wilderness He revealed His mandate for them, including the sign of belonging to the Creator God, the Sabbath, repeated in vs.20

Re the Sabbath it is 4x mentioned how they polluted the Sabbath, vss.13,16,21,24 Apparently a great offence in the eyes of the Lord. He is still the same, Hebr.13:8

The Sabbath a sign of belonging,Exod.31:16,17

vs.13 But they rebelled, they did not walk as asked and despised God’s judgments, instructions.

vs.14-16 There was the divine threat not bringing them into the promised land, but they were not destroyed in the rebellion. In Exodus 32:10-13 we find the story how the Lord did threaten to destroy them and make a new people out of Moses. But Moses mediated and the Lord relented,id.14, Eze.20:17 mine eye spared them

vs.18-20 The children were warned not to follow their fathers. who had not entered into the promised land,


vs.21-24 The children also rebelled against the Lord, Numb.25

vs.25,26 An apparent contradiction with God’s character, but Paul in Rom.1:24-26 states something similar the Lord gave them up 2x , to their own sins; and in 2Thess.2:11,12 the Lord will send a delusion to those who have pleasure in unrighteousness.

Re Eze.20:25,26 see SDABC 4-647

Matth.Henry writes : The statutes and judgments which the heathen observed in the worship of their idols were not good, and in practicing them they could not live; and God

gave them up to those. He made their sin to be their punishment. Vol.IV-867

vs.27 They had blasphemed the Lord, by their transgressions. Other translations use the word insulting instead of blasphemy In 1Cor.5:1,2 we get the impression that Paul was upset, felt insulted when he learned what happened in Corinth,

vs.28,29 Again they are reminded re the Exodus and entering into

the promised land.. But instead of serving the Lord Who

had brought them into the land, they started to worship like

the people of the land.

vs.30,31 They have become polluted by their idolatry and the Lord repeats again that He is not willing to listen to them: I will not be inquired of by you , as stated before in Ez.20:3 vs.32,33 They had in mind to be like the other nations, but the Lord


was going to prevent this.

Here is the Jer.B. translation: And that dream ever haunting your mind will never come true ,when you say: We shall be like the nations, like foreign tribes worshiping wood and stone. Ellen G.White has the following warning for us: Shall we sit at the feet of those who ignore the truths which sanctify the soul? FE 449

Shall we sit at the feet of Willow Creek, Saddleback and Rick Warren who do ignore the truths which sanctify the soul. Wouldn’t we make the same serious error as Israel/Judah in Ezekiel’s day?

What would the Lord do? I will rule over you, vs.33b in other words the Lord would take matters into His own hands. How? vs.34,35 with a mighty hand they would be taken out of that sinful situation, and brought into the wilderness, 70yrs Babylonian captivity. See Jer.25:5-11

vs.36-37 They would be placed under divine judgment, sorting out

the good from the bad. Bring the good ones into the bond

of the covenant.. God has made plain that whosoever will may come ‘into the bond of the covenant’ PK 500 The willing being separated from the unwilling. Read also MH 403/4 The bond of covenant, blood on the doorpost God’s everlasting covenant sealed with the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord.

vs.38 The rebels, the unfaithful ones would not return and enter into the land of Israel.

In the exodus desert journey those who were unfaithful did not enter into the promised land, not even Mirjam, Aaron or Moses himself. Numb.14:20-24,38 only Joshua and Caleb saw and entered the promised land.

vs.39 Here the Lord let them have their freedom. Do what you like but don’t come near Me with your idolatry. Divine worship must be according to God’s way not our way.

vs.40-44 A description of true worship on God’s holy mountain. And those who would have the privilege to return to that land would know that it was not because of them but for the Lord’s name sake.

They would say in terms of Jeremiah :The Lord our Righteousness, Jer.23:6

vs.45- 48 A prelude message re what will happen to the Southern kingdom, Judah/Jerusalem, which is further described in Ez.21 where Ezekiel is asked to set his face against it.

vs.49 When the elders listened to all this from the mouth of Ezekiel, they said , he tells us some stories, parables. They had listened with a heart/mind of stone and unbelief.

February 2006
