Ellen White And The Trinity

Ellen G. White



Three Persons In The Godhead

Heavenly Places, page 336

There are three living persons of the heavenly trio. In the name of these three great powers-the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit-those who receive Christ by living faith are baptized and these powers will cooperate with the obedient.

Special Testimonies to SDA's

"There are Three Living Persons of the heavenly trio. In the name of these Three Powers-the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost-those who receive Christ by living faith are baptized, and these powers will cooperate with the obedient subjects of heaven in their efforts to live the new life of Christ."

Desire Of Ages 671

"In describing to His disciples the work of the Holy Spirit, Jesus sought to inspire them with the joy and hope that inspired His own heart. Sin could be resisted and overcome through the mighty agency of the Third Person of the Godhead."

Southern Watchman 28/11/1905

"He determined to give His representative (The Divine Spirit) the Third Person of the Godhead"

Review And Herald 19/05/1904

"Sin could be resisted and overcome only through the mighty agency of the Third Person of the Godhead (The Spirit), who would come in no modified energy, but in the fullness of Divine power."

Review And Herald 19/11/1908

"Sin could be resisted and overcome only through the mighty agency of the Third Person of the Godhead (The Holy Spirit), who would come in no modified energy, but in the fullness of Divine power."

Signs Times 1/12/1989

"He determined to give His representative, the Third Person of The Godhead."

Signs Times 19/06/1901

"Then cooperate with the Three Great Powers of Heaven who are working in your behalf."

Signs Times 12/02/1902

"As you openly renounce sin and Satan, the Three Great Powers of Heaven pledged themselves to help you to overcome."

Signs Times 11/03/1903

"The Three Great Powers of Heaven, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit."

Signs Times 10/05/1905

"Keep yourselves where the Three Great Powers of Heaven, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit can be your efficiency."


Signs Times 16/08/1905

"The Three Highest Powers in the Universe, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit can be your efficiency." "The Three Great Powers of Heaven pledge themselves to furnish the Christian with all the assurance he requires."

Signs Times 10/05/1910

"They are to keep themselves where the Three Great Powers of Heaven, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit can be their efficiency."

Note Book Leaflets

"We will avail ourselves of the help of the Three Great Powers of Heaven."

Special Testimonies To Ministers And Workers

"Evil had been accumulating for centuries, and could only be restrained and resisted by the mighty power of the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Godhead."

"The prince of the power of evil can only be held in check by the power of God in the Third Person of the Godhead, the Holy Spirit."

8 Testimonies 254

"In the great closing work we shall meet with perplexities that we know not how to deal with but let us not forget that the Three Great Powers of Heaven are working."

Australasian Conference Record 7/10/1907

"The Three Powers of the Godhead, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are pledged to be their strength and their efficiency in their new life in Christ Jesus."

Bible Training School 1/03/1906

"There are Three Living Persons in the Heavenly trio. In the name of these Three Powers, - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, those who receive Christ by living faith are baptized."

General Conference Bulletin 4/04/1901

"We are baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost, and these Three Great, Infinite Powers are unitedly pledged to work in our behalf if we will cooperate with them."

General Conference Bulletin 14/04/1901

"As at our baptism we pledged ourselves to Him, and received the ordinance in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, these Three Great Powers of Heaven pledged themselves to work on our behalf."

Pacific Union Recorder 2/07/1908

"The presence of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the Three Highest Powers in the Universe and those in whose name the believer is baptized, is pledged to be with every believing soul."

Southern Watchman 23/02/1904

"Keep yourselves where the Three Great Powers of Heaven, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, can be your efficiency."

Southern Watchman 15/12/1908

"In the presence of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the Three Highest Powers in the Universe, is pledged to be with every striving soul."

Review And Herald 5/05/1903

"In the great closing work we shall meet with perils that we know not how to deal with but let us not forget that the Three Great Powers of heaven are working."

Review And Herald 26/05/1904

"Let us not forget our baptismal vow. In the presence of the Three Highest Powers Of Heaven, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, we have pledged ourselves to do the will of Him who, over the rent sepulcher of Joseph, declared 'I am the resurrection and the life.'"

Review And Herald 15/06/1905

"And the Three Great Powers of Heaven pledged themselves to cooperate with you in your efforts to live the new life in Christ."

Review And Herald 22/06/1905

"The help of the Three Great Powers (Father, Son and Holy Ghost) is placed at your disposal."

Review And Herald 18/07/1907

"The Three Powers of The Godhead have pledged their might to carry out the purpose that God had in mind when He gave to the world the unspeakable gift of His Son."

Review And Herald 12/08/1909

"The Three Highest Powers in the Universe are pledged to labor with those who will seek to save the lost."


6 Testimonies 91

He has made this a positive condition with which all must comply who wish to be acknowledged as under the authority of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Those who are baptized in the Threefold Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, at the very entrance of their Christian life declare publicly that they have forsaken the service of Satan and have become members of the royal family, children of the heavenly King.

6 Testimonies 98

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit we are buried in the likeness of Christ's death and raised in the likeness of His resurrection, and we are to live a new life. Our life is to be bound up with the life of Christ. Henceforth the believer is to bear in mind that he is dedicated to God, to Christ, and to the Holy Spirit.

6 Testimonies 99

The fact that you have been baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit is an assurance that, if you will claim Their help, these Powers will help you in every emergency.

8 Testimonies 194

The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are seeking and longing for channels through which to communicate to the world the divine principles of truth.

Acts Apostles 28

They were to baptize in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Australian Union Conference Record 1/04/1901

The Godhead was stirred with pity for the race, and the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit gave themselves to the working out of the plan of redemption.

Australasian Union Conference Record /06/1904

The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit have pledged themselves to aid you in your unselfish efforts to turn men from unrighteousness to righteousness, from darkness to the light of truth.

Australasian Conference Record 7/10/1907

The Three Powers of the Godhead, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, are pledged to be their strength and their efficiency in their new life in Christ Jesus.

Needs Of The Cause In Australia 14/07/1903

The Godhead was stirred with pity for the race, and the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit gave themselves to the working out of the plan of redemption.

Pacific Union Recorder 24/11/1904

The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit have pledged themselves to aid you in your unselfish efforts to turn men from darkness to light.

Pacific Union Recorder 5/01/1905

The salvation of human beings is a vast enterprise, that calls into action Every Attribute of the Divine Nature. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit have pledged themselves to make God's children more than conquerors through Him that loved them.

Review And Herald 7/01/1902

Christ came to this world and stood before men with the hoarded love of eternity. The whole ocean of divine love was flowing forth from its great center. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit were working in behalf of man.

Review And Herald 27/01/1903

The salvation of human beings is a vast enterprise, that calls into action Every Attribute of the Divine Nature. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit have pledged themselves to make God's children more than conquerors through him that has loved them.

Review And Herald 5/05/1903

The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit have pledged themselves to aid you in your unselfish efforts to turn men from unrighteousness to righteousness, from darkness to the light of truth.


Review And Herald 18/02/1904

When the Christian takes his baptismal vow, Divine help is pledged to him. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit stand ready to work in his behalf.

Review And Herald 17/05/1906

The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are pledged to co-operate with sanctified human instrumentalities.

Review And Herald 2/05/1912

The Godhead was stirred with pity for the race, and the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit gave themselves to the working out of the plan of redemption.

Christ Is The Creator

Our Creator is Jesus Christ. He is the author of our being. He has created the human structure. He is the author of physical laws, as He is the author of the moral law. Counsels on Diets, 43

Martha answered, "I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day." Still seeking to give a true direction to her faith, Jesus declared, "I am the resurrection, and the life." In Christ is life, original, unborrowed, underived. "He that hath the Son hath life." 1 John 5:12. The divinity of Christ is the believer's assurance of eternal life. Desire Ages 530.

He who is closely connected with Christ is lifted above the prejudice of color or caste. His faith takes hold of eternal realities. The divine Author of truth is to be up lifted. Our hearts are to be filled with the faith that works by love and purifies the soul. The work of the good Samaritan is the example that we are to follow. 9 Testimonies 209.

All created beings live by the will and power of God. They are recipients of the life of the Son of God. However able and talented, however large their capacities, they are replenished with life from the source of all life. He is the spring, the fountain, of life. Only He who alone hath immortality, dwelling in light and life, could say, "I have power to lay down My life, and I have power to take it again." Christ was invested with the right to give immortality. The life which He had laid down in humanity, He again took up and gave to humanity. "I am come," He says, "that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." My Life Today 295.3.

In Jesus he saw One who held all nature under His control. The presence of divinity revealed his own unholiness. Desire Ages 246.

"Wherefore the Son of man is Lord also of the Sabbath." These words are full of instruction and comfort. Because the Sabbath was made for man, it is the Lord's day. It belongs to Christ. For "all things were made by Him and without Him was not anything made that was made." John 1:3. Since He made all things, He made the Sabbath. By Him it was set apart as a memorial of the work of creation. It points to Him as both the Creator and the Sanctifier. It declares that He who created all things in heaven and in earth, and by whom all things hold together, is the head of the church, and that by His power we are reconciled to God. For, speaking of Israel, He said, "I gave them My Sabbaths, to be a sign between Me and them, that they might know that I am the Lord that sanctify them,"-make them holy. Ezek. 20:12. Then the Sabbath is a sign of Christ's power to make us holy. And it is given to all whom Christ makes holy. As a sign of His sanctifying power, the Sabbath is given to all who through Christ become a part of the Israel of God. Desire Ages 288.

In the beginning, God was revealed in all the works of creation. It was Christ that spread the heavens, and laid the foundations of the earth. It was His hand that hung the worlds in space, and fashioned the flowers of the field. "His strength sets fast the mountains." "The sea is His, and He made it." Psalm 65:6; 95:5. It was He that filled the earth with beauty, and the air with song. And upon all things in earth, and air, and sky, He wrote the message of the Father's love. Desire Ages 20.

Never will it be forgotten that He whose power created and upheld the unnumbered worlds through the vast realms of space, the Beloved of God, the Majesty of heaven, He whom cherub and shining seraph delighted to adore-humbled Himself to uplift fallen man that He bore the guilt and shame of sin, and the hiding of His Father's face, till the woes of a lost world broke His heart and crushed out His life on Calvary's cross. That the Maker of all worlds, the Arbiter of all destinies, should lay aside His glory and humiliate Himself from love to man will ever excite the wonder and adoration of the universe. Great Controversy 651.

The stars of heaven are under His control. He fills them with light. He guides and directs their movements. If He did not do this, they would become fallen stars. So with His ministers. Acts Apostles 586.

It required nothing less than creative power to restore health to that decaying body. The same voice that spoke life to man created from the dust of the earth, had spoken life to the dying paralytic. And the same power that gave life to the body had renewed the heart. He who at creation "spoke, and it was," who "commanded, and it stood fast" (Psalm 33:9), had spoken life to the soul dead in trespasses and sins. The healing of the body was an evidence of the power that had renewed the heart. Christ bade the paralytic arise and walk, "that ye may know," He said, "that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins." Ministry Healing 77.

In the beginning the Father and the Son had rested upon the Sabbath after Their work of creation. When "the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them" (Genesis 2:1), the Creator and all heavenly beings rejoiced in contemplation of the glorious scene. Desire Ages 769.

It required nothing less than creative power to restore health to that decaying body. The same voice that spoke life to man created from the dust of the earth had spoken life to the dying paralytic. And the same power that gave life to the body had renewed the heart. He who at the creation "spoke, and it was," who "commanded, and it stood fast," (Ps. 33:9), had spoken life to the soul dead in trespasses and sins. Desire Ages 270.


1 Selected Messages 301

"All created beings are the recipients of the life of the Son of God, the source of All Life. He is the spring, the fountain of life."


Desire Of Ages 20

"It was Christ that spread the heavens, and laid the foundations of the earth." "His strength setteth fast the mountains." Psalm 65:6

"The sea is His, and He made it." Psalm 95:5

Desire Of Ages 288

"Since He made all things, He made the Sabbath. Ezekiel 20:12." "He who created all things in heaven and on earth."

6 Testimonies 342

"Abraham had ministered not only to heavenly angels, but to their Glorious Commander, his Creator, Redeemer, and King."

1 Selected Messages 247

"The Word existed as the Eternal Son of God."

"From everlasting He was the mediator of the covenant."

"The Word was with God and the Word was God."

"The world was made by Him," and without Him was not anything made that was made"(John 1:3). If

Christ Made All Things He existed before all things. Christ was God essentially and in the highest sense.

He was with God from eternity, God Over All, blessed forever more."

"The Divine Son of God Existed From Eternity, as a distinct person yet one with the Father"

"He was the surpassing glory of heaven."

1 Selected Messages 248

"From everlasting to everlasting Thou art God" Psalm 90:2 "From everlasting." Micah 5:1,2

Christ Created The Earth

Christ Object Lessons 18

"The things of nature which His own hands had made."

Fundamentals Of Education 400 "The Creator of the world."

"The Eternal Word."

Desire Of Ages 649

"One equal with God by creating the world."

Great Controversy 651

"He whose power created and upheld unnumbered worlds through the vast realms of space, the Beloved God."

Messages Young People 300

"The Savior was in a world that He Himself had created."

1 Selected Messages 247

"The world was made by Him."


Story Of Redemption 13, 14

"The Son should be equal with the Father Himself."

"The Son was to work with the Father in the anticipated creation of the earth."

2 Testimonies 209

"Jesus had united with the Father in making the world."

6 Testimonies 182

"Christ who created the world and all the things that are therein."

Testimonies To Ministers 177 "The world was His, He made it."

Steps To Christ 88

"Without Him was not anything made that was made."

Christ Created The Planets

Desire Of Ages 87, 88

"The Creator of the worlds."

Desire Of Ages 288

"He who created all things in heaven and in the earth."

Christ Created The Heavenly Beings

Great Controversy 493

"Christ created all things in heaven."

Patriarchs And Prophets 34, 37

"The Son - the creator of all heavenly beings."

Christ Created The Laws Of Nature

Desire Of Ages 516

"He made the laws which govern all living things."

Christ Created Man

Councils On Diet 43

"Our Creator is Jesus Christ. He is the Author of our being."

Patriarchs And Prophets 36, 66

"Christ was still to exercise Divine power, in the creation of the earth and its inhabitants." "The Son of God who created man."

Desire Of Ages 269, 270

"The same voice that spoke life to man created from the dust fo the earth had spoken life to the paralytic."

Steps To Christ 88

"Without Him was not anything made that was made."

Education 79

"He who created man understood the value of humanity."

Mount Of Blessings Preface vii "Christ created man."


7 Testimonies 269

"Christ created man."

8 Testimonies 264

"Through Jesus Christ a personal God created man."

Medical Ministry 19 "He made the world."

Temperance 276

"Christ is man's Creator and Redeemer."

Christ Created The Sun And Moon

8 Testimonies 288

"The Sun and Moon were made by Him."

Christ Created The Oceans

Desire Of Ages 184

"He who made the oceans."

Christ Created The Stars

8 Testimonies 288

"There is not a star that beautifies the heavens that He did not make."

Christ Is Equal To God The Father

Fundamentals Of Education 142, 179, 382, 536

"Christ humbled himself from the position of one Equal With God."

"Christ - the One Equal With the Father."

"Who was with the Father from Eternal Ages."

"Him who was Equal With the Father from the beginning."

Patriarchs And Prophets 34, 37, 63, 69

"One with the eternal Father-One in Nature, in character, in purpose." "One in Power and authority with the Father."

"The exaltation of the Son of God as Equal With the Father."

"Only one Equal With God could make atonement for transgression." "But God gave His own dear Son - One Equal With Himself."

Story Of Redemption 13

"Christ His Son should be Equal With Himself."

Acts Apostles 333

"Presenting Christ as He was when Equal With God."

Desire Of Ages 207, 208, 649

"He declared Himself Equal With God."

"He claimed to be Equal With God."

"One Equal With God, acted as a servant to His disciples."

Evangelism 615

"He was Equal With God, INFINITE and OMNIPOTENT. He is the Eternal, Self Existent Son."

Great Controversy 503

"Him who was Equal With God."

Messages Young People 255

"Christ who was the Monarch in heaven, Equal With God."

1 Selected Messages 69, 70, 308, 321, 371

"Jesus the Majesty of heaven, He who was Equal With God."

"Christ - Equal With God."

"Equal With God."

"The sacrifice of Him who was Equal With the Father."

2 Testimonies 200, 426 "He was Equal With God."

3 Testimonies 566

"Christ's position of one Equal With the Father."

4 Testimonies 458

"Could only be spoken by DEITY. "Christ when Equal With the Father."

8 Testimonies 268

"He has been made Equal With the Father."

Christ Is God The Son

Desire Ages 507, 785

"The DIETY of Christ."

5 Testimonies 346

"As DEITY He exerts mighty power on our behalf."

Evangelism 615

"The Pre existent, Self Existent Son of God." "The Eternal Son of God."


Evangelism 616

"The existence of Christ before His incarnation is not measured by figures."

1 Selected Messages 247

"The Word existed as the Eternal Son of God."

"From everlasting He was the mediator of the covenant."

"The Word was with God and the Word was God."

"The world was made by Him," and without Him was not anything made that was made"(John 1:3). If Christ Made All Things He existed before all things. Christ was God essentially and in the highest sense. He was with God from eternity, God Over All, blessed forever more."

"The Divine Son of God Existed From Eternity, as a distinct person yet one with the Father"

"He was the surpassing glory of heaven."

Desire Of Ages 530

"In Christ is life, original, unborrowed, underived."

Christ Is Eternal

1 Selected Messages 247

"The Word existed as the Eternal Son of God."

"From everlasting He was the mediator of the covenant."

"The Word was with God and the Word was God."

"The world was made by Him," and without Him was not anything made that was made"(John 1:3). If Christ Made All Things He existed before all things. Christ was God essentially and in the highest sense. He was with God from eternity, God Over All, blessed forever more."

"The Divine Son of God Existed From Eternity, as a distinct person yet one with the Father"

"He was the surpassing glory of heaven."

Acts Of The Apostles 38, 39

"Christ was indeed glorified, even with the glory which He had with the Father from All Eternity."

9 Testimonies 220

"From Eternity Christ had been man's Redeemer."

Evangelism 615

"The Pre existent, Self Existent Son of God." "The Eternal Son of God."

Patriarchs And Prophets 38

"Christ had EVER stood at the right hand of the Father."

1 Selected Messages 228

"From all eternity Christ was united with the Father."

Fundamentals Education 382

"The Son of God who was with the Father form Eternal Ages."

Child Guidance 166

"Trial cannot move the building which is riveted to the Eternal Rock."

Desire Ages 600

"The Eternal Rock, the chief cornerstone Jesus Christ."


Fundamentals Education 289, 461

"Those whose souls are not riveted to the Eternal Rock will be swept away." "The salvation of our people depends on being riveted on the Eternal Rock."


Temperance 108

"The receiver possesses stronger, clearer understanding than before he riveted his soul to the Eternal Rock."

3 Testimonies 217

"They need to drink of the unceasing streams which proceed from the Eternal Rock."

6 Testimonies 146

"Those whose souls are not riveted to the Eternal Rock will be swept away."

Fundamentals Education 400 "The Eternal Word."

Christ Is God In The Flesh

Councils On Stewardship 349

"God manifest in the flesh."

Desire Of Ages 311

"He was God in the flesh."

Prophets And Kings 597

"God Himself manifested in the flesh."

Desire Of Ages 326, 664

"God was with them in the flesh."

"Christ had not ceased to be God when he became man."

"The Godhead was still His own."

"God in human flesh."

"God was manifested in Him."

Fundamentals Education 179,180

"God in the flesh, God in Christ."

Great Controversy 24

"The fullness of the Godhead bodily - who was God."

1 Selected Messages 244

"Yet He was God in the flesh (Exodus 3:5)."

6 Testimonies 230

"God in Human Form has bought life and immortality."

6 Testimonies 392

"The GOD who walked with Enoch was our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."

Evangelism 616

"Christ and the Father, standing side by side upon the mount, with solemn majesty proclaimed the 10 Commandments."

Christ Is God

5 Testimonies 346

"As DEITY He exerts mighty power on our behalf."

Desire Of Ages 19

"God with us."

"From the days of ETERNITY the Lord Jesus Christ was one with the Father."

Desire Of Ages 20

"It was Christ that spread the heavens and laid the foundations of the earth."

Desire Of Ages 23

"He was the INCARNATE GOD."

Desire Of Ages 484

"As God He was the foundation of life for the world."

Fundamentals Education 379

"The LORD GOD came down to this world clothed in humanity."

2 Testimonies 200

"He was Equal With God."

Christ – The I Am That I Am

Desire Of Ages 24, 25, 52

"It was Christ who from that burning bush at Mount Horeb spoke to Moses saying I AM THAT I AM."

"He declared Himself the I AM."

"I AM the Good Shepherd"

"I AM the living bread."

"I AM the way."

"The I AM is the Daysman between God and humanity."

"It was He who declared Himself to Moses as the I AM."

Desire Of Ages 469,470,655

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I AM."

"He announced Himself to be the Self Existent One."

"When it comes to pass, you may believe that I AM."

6 Testimonies 20

"Christ is to be revealed as the I AM."

Christ Is Jehovah

Councils On Health 455

"Jehovah Emmanuel - God of Israel."

Mount Blessings 34

"Jehovah Emmanuel - The Godhead bodily."

Mount Blessings 108

"Jehovah Emmanuel - God Himself."

3 Testimonies 328

"Notwithstanding the INFINITE POWER and MAJESTY of God and Christ, angels became disaffected."

Desire Of Ages 23

"The burning bush, in which Christ appeared to Moses, revealed God. The symbol chosen for the representation of DEITY was a lowly shrub, that seemingly had no attractions. This enshrined the INFINITE."

Great Controversy 470

"Like Moses they see the purity and exalted perfection of the INFINTIE ONE."

The Sanctified Life 38

"When Christ manifests Himself they feel themselves to be in the presence of the INFINITE ONE and acknowledge that the LIVING GOD is above every earthly power."

Review And Herald 5/11/1908

"This is the reward of all who follow Christ - Jehovah Emmanuel."

Review And Herald 10/02/1909

"This is the reward of all who follow Christ - Jehovah Emmanuel."

Christ Is The God Of The Old Testament

6 Testimonies 392

"Abel was a believer in Christ."

"The God who walked with Enoch was our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."

6 Testimonies 341, 342

"Abraham (Genesis 18:2, 3) had ministered not only to heavenly angels, but to their glorious commander, his Creator, Redeemer, and King."

Desire Of Ages 23, 24

"The burning bush, in which Christ appeared to Moses." "Christ is the I AM THAT I AM speaking to Moses."

1 Selected Messages 244

"We would do well to heed the words spoken by Christ to Moses at the burning bush (Exodus 3:5)."

Patriarchs And Prophets 411

"It was Christ, by the power of His Word that caused the refreshing stream to flow for Israel."

3 Spiritual Gifts 257

"It was Christ who stood by him and caused the water to flow from the flinty rock."

Story Redemption 132

"It was Christ who stood by him and caused the water to flow from the flinty rock."

Medical Ministry 49

"It was He who called Moses into the mount and gave him instruction for His people. In awful grandeur Christ made known the law of Jehovah."

Desire Of Ages 52

"It was He who declared Himself to Moses as the I AM."

"It was he who in the pillar of cloud and of fire had been the guide of Israel."

3 Testimonies 343

"They saw the glorious light which covered the Divine form of Christ."

Patriarchs And Prophets 366

"Amid the awful glory of Sinai, Christ declared the 10 Precepts of His Father's Law. It was Christ who gave to Moses the law engraved upon the tables of stone."

Mount Of Blessings 45

"It was Christ who had proclaimed the law upon Mount Sinai."

Mount Of Blessings 47

"The precepts that God had given to Moses at Mount Sinai were communicated from Christ."

Historical Sketches 231

"Christ and the Father, standing side by side upon the mount, with solemn majesty proclaimed the 10 Commandments."

Desire Of Ages 158

"The same voice that upon Mount Sinai proclaimed the law."

6 Testimonies 60

"The law which Christ Himself proclaimed from Sinai."

8 Testimonies 198

"By proclaiming the 10 Commandments to Israel, Christ is our Redeemer speaking from Sinai."

Christ The Pillar of Cloud And Fire

Child Guidance 182,355

"The Leader of the armies of Israel, whose glory was enshrouded in the pillar of cloud." "From the pillar of cloud Jesus gave directions through Moses to the Hebrews."

Christ Object Lessons 287

"Enshrouded in the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night Jesus lead and guided them."

Desire Of Ages 52, 500, 555

"It was He who in the pillar of cloud and of fire had been the guide of Israel."

"From the pillar of cloud and of fire Jesus taught a very different lesson."

"These words had been spoken by Christ Himself when He was enshrouded in the pillar of cloud."

Patriarchs And Prophets 298, 311

"It was the Son of God who, veiled in the cloudy pillar, stood beside Moses." "Christ in the pillar of cloud and of fire was their Leader."

Patriarchs And Prophets 366, 437

"Christ was not only the Leader of the Hebrews veiled in the cloudy pillar but it was He who gave the law to Israel."

"The Son of God, enshrined in the cloudy pillar."

1 Selected Messages 315

"Jesus was the angel enshrouded in the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night."

"The same law was proclaimed in grandeur by His own voice from Sinai."

Story Of Redemption 178

"The Lord Jesus Christ, enshrouded in the pillar of fire by night and the pillar of cloud by day."

4 Testimonies 159

"The Son of God, enshrouded in a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night."

6 Testimonies 350

"From the pillar of cloud Christ declared concerning the Sabbath: 'Verily My Sabbaths shall you keep'."

Testimonies To Ministers 332, 333, 405

"The only begotten Son of God when enshrouded in the cloudy pillar." "Jesus, their invisible Leader, was shrouded in the pillar of fire and of cloud."

As Creator

Abraham ministered to

6 Testimonies 341-342


All created beings receive life from

My Life Today 295

Sons And Daughters 237

1 Selected Messages 301


All nature is under control of

Desire Ages 246


All things were made by

1 Selected Messages 247

Appellations of:

Author of nature

Desire Ages 689, 753

Story Redemption 226

Author of our being

6 Bible Commentary 1105

Counsels On Diet 43

Christ Object Lessons 89


Desire Ages 288

6 Testimonies 342 Welfare Ministry 54


Creator of heaven and earth

Desire Ages 20

Creator of men

Mount Of Blessings 48

Temperance 276

Creator of world

7 Bible Commentary 921

Fundamentals Christian Education 400

My Life Today 299

Creator of worlds

5 Bible Commentary 1130

Desire Ages 87-88

God of nature

3 Bible Commentary 1144

Maker of all worlds

Great Controversy 651

"Master of earth and sea and sky"

Desire Ages 336

Causes seed to spring up and develop

Christ Object Lessons 89

Controls stars of heaven

6 Testimonies 413

Co-operated with Father in creation of earth

Story Redemption 13-14

Co-operates with God in all His works of creation

Desire Ages 208


All heavenly beings

Great Controversy 493

Patriarchs And Prophets 34, 37

All hosts of heaven

Patriarchs And Prophets 36

All things

Acts of Apostles 471-472

5 Bible Commentary 1126

Counsels Sabbath School 39

Desire Ages 281, 288

5 Testimonies 421

All things in heaven and earth

Desire Ages 288



7 Bible Commentary 921

Christ Object Lessons 18

Desire Ages 422, 649

Fundamentals Christian Education 400

My Life Today 299

Great Controversy 651

Messages Young People 300

Prophets And Kings 693

Patriarchs And Prophets 36

Steps To Christ 88

3 Spiritual Gifts 33-34

1 Selected Messages 247

Story Redemption 13-14

2 Testimonies 209

6 Testimonies 182

7 Testimonies 269

Testimonies To Ministers 177

Every article of food on your table

4 Bible Commentary 1146

Laws that govern all living things

Desire Ages 516

Light in beginning

Desire Ages 464


Counsels On Diet 43

Desire Ages 269-270

Education 79

Mount Of Blessings pref. vii

Ministry Of Healing 415

Medical Ministry 19

Patriarchs And Prophets 36, 66

Steps To Christ 88

1 Selected Messages 115

7 Testimonies 269

8 Testimonies 264

Temperance 276


4 Bible Commentary 1145-1146

Ministry Of Healing 424

8 Testimonies 288


Desire Ages 184


4 Bible Commentary 1145-1146

Ministry Of Healing 424

8 Testimonies 288


4 Bible Commentary 1145-1146

Ministry Of Healing 424

8 Testimonies 288

Things of nature

Counsels To Teachers 178-179

Counsels Sabbath School 39

Desire Ages 291

Tiny seed

Christ Object Lessons 82-83

Counsels To Teachers 140

Education 106


3 Bible Commentary 1143-1144

5 Bible Commentary 1130

Desire Ages 88

Creative power of, Sabbath as sign of

Desire Ages 289

Creator and creature while Son of man

7 Bible Commentary 926

Divine power exercised by, in creating earth

Patriarchs And Prophets 36

Earth as possession of

Desire Ages 88

Every human being has life through

Education 29

Father and, are continually working in nature

Patriarchs And Prophets 114

Planned creation of earth

Early Writings 145

3 Spiritual Gifts 33-34, 36

Father wrought by, in creating all heavenly beings

Great Controversy 493

Patriarchs And Prophets 34, 36

Flowers of field fashioned by

Desire Ages 20

Formed mountain and valley

Desire Ages 419

God created all things by

Acts of Apostles 471-472

Guides alike star and atom

Desire Ages 789

Guides and directs movements of stars

Acts of Apostles 586

6 Testimonies 413

Has power to redeem man

Patriarchs And Prophets 65

Healed dying paralytic by creative power

Ministry Of Healing 77

Heavens were spread out by, in beginning

Desire Ages 20

Holds in their orderly arrangements throughout universe

Acts of Apostles 472

Education 132

Waters of sea in hollow of His hand

My Life Today 336

Human body is made by

9 Testimonies 178

Laid foundations of earth in beginning

Desire Ages 20

Law of, sea and waves obey

4 Testimonies 288

Laws governing growth of seed were ordained by

Christ Object Lessons 82-83

Counsels To Teachers 140

Education 106-107

Lessons written by, in earth and sea and sky

Fundamentals Christian Education 442

Life of, all created beings are recipients of

Sons And Daughters 237

Man belongs to, by creation and redemption

7 Bible Commentary 953

Medical Ministry 183

Over all works of His creation

Life Sketches 93

Medical Ministry 97

Plan for, to take part in creation of earth

Story Redemption 13-14

Power of, created and upholds unnumbered worlds

Great Controversy 651

Renews sinner's heart

Desire Ages 270

Rested on Sabbath after work of creation

Desire Ages 769

Sabbath belongs to

Desire Ages 288

Sabbath points to

Desire Ages 288

Sabbath was instituted (made) by

Desire Ages 288, 472, 630

Prophets And Kings 183

Testimonies To Ministers 294

Seed given its vital properties by

Christ Object Lessons 82-83

Counsels To Teachers 140

Education 106-107

"Spoke, and it was"

Desire Ages 270

Sparrow given its song by

Mount Of Blessings 96

Springs and channels of earth opened by

Desire Ages 184

Stars are filled with light by

6 Testimonies 413

Stars are held in right hand of

6 Testimonies 418

Suffered at hand of beings He had created

Desire Ages 700

Sun was set in heavens by

Desire Ages 463

Superintended stars and worlds

Patriarchs And Prophets 69

Supreme love from beings He created is due to

1 Selected Messages 115

Sustains all things throughout universe

Acts of Apostles 472

Teach children to see, in nature

Desire Ages 516

Was in solitude in world He created

Desire Ages 422

Waters of great deep are controlled by

Desire Ages 184

Word of power of, upholds worlds

Desire Ages 74

Works continually in nature

Patriarchs And Prophets 114

Worlds hung in space by

Desire Ages 20

Worlds sustained by infinite power of

5 Testimonies 421

Worlds sustained in space by

Acts of Apostles 472

Education 132

Wrote lessons in leaf, flower, and tree

Counsels Sabbath School 39

Message of Father's love on all things in earth, air, and sky

Desire Ages 20

Wrought Father's will in creation of all hosts of heaven

Patriarchs And Prophets 36

With Father in creation of earth

Patriarchs And Prophets 34

3 Spiritual Gifts 33-34

2 Testimonies 209

As Divine One

Advocate clothed in God's nature

Counsels To Teachers 14


Desire Ages 507, 785

5 Testimonies 346

Divine Advocate

Christ Object Lessons 168

5 Testimonies 474

Divine Attendant

6 Testimonies 322

Divine Author of truth

9 Testimonies 209

Divine Companion

Gospel Workers 469

6 Testimonies 322

Divine Conqueror

Desire Ages 829

Divine Counselor

Ministry Of Healing 119

Divine Example

Desire Ages 354

Divine Head

Testimonies To Ministers 20

Divine Healer

Counsels On Health 221

Counsels To Teachers 468

Evangelism 544

Great Controversy 515

Gospel Workers 215

Divine Helper

Counsels To Teachers 152

Desire Ages 825

Divine Husbandman

Christ Object Lessons 67

Divine Instructor

Counsels To Teachers 28, 65

Fundamentals Christian Education 176

6 Testimonies 293


Divine Intercessor

Great Controversy 484

Divine Leader

Acts of Apostles 90, 401

4 Testimonies 22


Life Mount Of Blessings 115

Divine Lord

2 Testimonies 358

Divine Mediator

Prophets And Kings 48

Patriarchs And Prophets 330

Divine Medical Missionary

Counsels On Health 213

Divine Messenger

Patriarchs And Prophets 161

Divine Model

3 Bible Commentary 1145

Counsels Sabbath School 17, 106

Sons And Daughters 107

1 Selected Messages 338

5 Testimonies 418, 594

7 Testimonies 127


One Acts of Apostles 557

Desire Ages 161, 429

Education 63, 95

Steps To Christ 73

Divine Pattern

Counsels Sabbath School 174

Sanctified Life 16, 59

2 Testimonies 408

4 Testimonies 118, 135

Divine Physician

Ministry Of Healing 117-118

Medical Ministry 33

1 Selected Messages 83

5 Testimonies 117

Divine Remedy

2 Selected Messages 130

Divine Sacrifice

1 Selected Messages 332

Divine Shepherd

Desire Ages 479

Gospel Workers 181

6 Testimonies 124-125

Divine Sin Bearer

1 Selected Messages 308-310

Divine Son of God

Desire Ages 87-88

1 Selected Messages 232, 247

2 Testimonies 203, 206

Divine Sower

Christ Object Lessons 89

Divine Substitute

1 Selected Messages 258, 322, 332

Divine Sufferer

3 Bible Commentary 1166

Desire Ages 735

1 Selected Messages 323

2 Selected Messages 129

2 Testimonies 206

Divine Teacher

Acts of Apostles 272

Counsels Sabbath School 108

Counsels To Teachers 51, 152, 259

Desire Ages 138, 194, 245, 250, 273, 276, 364, 402, 556, 644, 667

Education 87

Fundamentals Christian Education 360, 397-404, 423, 432

Mount Of Blessings 5, 20

Ministry Of Healing 458

My Life Today 361

2 Testimonies 491, 563

8 Testimonies 266

Divine Worker

4 Bible Commentary 1177

6 Testimonies 116

9 Testimonies 220

Divine-human Savior

Acts of Apostles 134

5 Bible Commentary 1128

7 Testimonies 29

Divine-human Suppliant

Desire Ages 693


Desire Ages 269


6 Bible Commentary 1115

Christ Object Lessons 419

Gospel Workers 16

Eternal and self-existent Son of God

Evangelism 615

Eternal Rock

Child Guidance 166

Desire Ages 600

Fundamentals Christian Education 289, 461

Temperance 108

3 Testimonies 217

6 Testimonies 146

Eternal Son of God

Evangelism 615

1 Selected Messages 247

Eternal Word

Counsels To Teachers 259

Fundamentals Christian Education 400

God "manifest in the flesh"

Counsels On Stewardship 349

Desire Ages 24

Prophets And Kings 597

God of nature

3 Bible Commentary 1144

"God with us"

Desire Ages 19-26


Desire Ages 24-25, 52, 469-470, 655

Patriarchs And Prophets 365-366

6 Testimonies 20


Desire Ages 24


Acts of Apostles 362

Desire Ages 19-26, 578

Prophets And Kings 720

8 Testimonies 19

Jehovah Immanuel

Counsels On Health 455

Mount Of Blessings 34, 108

5 Testimonies 195

King of glory in lowly garb of humanity

Counsels On Health 318

Lord God clothed with habiliments of humanity

Fundamentals Christian Education 379


Desire Ages 99, 421

Early Writings 36, 164

Life Sketches 117

Patriarchs And Prophets 478

Prophets And Kings 572

2 Spiritual Gifts 276

4a Spiritual Gifts 58

Sanctified Life 51

Story Redemption 173-174

1 Testimonies 626, 659

9 Testimonies 239, 242

Testimonies To Ministers 249

Mighty God

Desire Ages 25, 363, 494

Only Begotten of Father

Christ Object Lessons 120

1 Selected Messages 309

2 Selected Messages 271

Only Begotten of God

Great Controversy 493

Patriarchs And Prophets 34

Sons And Daughters 81


Son Desire Ages 483

Only-begotten Son of God

Desire Ages 51

Fundamentals Christian Education 382

8 Testimonies 288

Pre-existent and Self-existent Son of God

Evangelism 615

Prince Emmanuel

2 Bible Commentary 994

6 Bible Commentary 1120

Child Guidance 200

Fundamentals Christian Education 477

Gospel Workers 75

Sons And Daughters 280

1 Selected Messages 196

Prince Immanuel

6 Bible Commentary 1078

Counsels To Teachers 152

Evangelism 299

Messages Young People 138

2 Selected Messages 140

1 Testimonies 427

2 Testimonies 104

6 Testimonies 447

8 Testimonies 41

9 Testimonies 116, 149

Self-existent, eternal, and unchangeable One

7 Bible Commentary 955

Self-existent One

Desire Ages 469-470

Self-existent Son of God

Evangelism 615

Son of Jehovah

3 Testimonies 18

Son of the Eternal

Desire Ages 112

Son of the Highest

5 Testimonies 741

Son of the Most High

Desire Ages 147

The Divine

Desire Ages 103

Christ’s Eternal Deity

Eternal Word consented to be made flesh

5 Bible Commentary 1127

5 Testimonies 346

God was fountain of life for world

5 Bible Commentary 1127

Desire Ages 484

The Word existed as Divine Being

1 Selected Messages 247

Being Divine and human

1 Selected Messages 253

Bore Himself with Divine dignity

Gospel Workers 117

Steps To Christ 12

Testimony to His divinity when He died

Desire Ages 751

His divinity lays hold on throne of heaven

Desire Ages 312

Divinity was sealed by resurrection of Lazarus

Desire Ages 529

Claimed equal rights with God

Desire Ages 207

Creator and creature while Son of man

7 Bible Commentary 926

Deity and humanity combined in

1 Selected Messages 343


The Divine-Human Christ

Anna testified to

Desire Ages 231 Desire Ages 754

Divinity to be enshrouded in humanity

1 Selected Messages 250

Believer's assurance of eternal life is

Desire Ages 530

Bible testimony re, result of rejecting

Great Controversy 524

His divinity is connected with throne of the Infinite

Desire Ages 442

Cannot be doubted by believer in God's word

Sons And Daughters 81

1 Selected Messages 243

Clothed with habiliments of humanity

9 Testimonies 187

Clothed with humanity

1 Bible Commentary 1092

4 Bible Commentary 1147, 1163

5 Bible Commentary 1078-1079, 1084, 1126, 1128, 1130-1131, 1133

6 Bible Commentary 1069, 1103

7 Bible Commentary 904-905, 924-927, 930, 936

Counsels On Health 319

Christ Object Lessons 126, 244

Counsels On Stewardship 66

Desire Ages 23, 410, 434, 494

Fundamentals Christian Education 127, 142, 275, 405, 417

Ministry Of Healing 419

Medical Ministry 316

Messages Young People 137

Patriarchs And Prophets 330

Steps To Christ 118

Sons And Daughters 11, 23, 81, 243

1 Selected Messages 223, 243, 250, 257, 264, 308, 321, 375

3 Testimonies 566

4 Testimonies 79, 219, 293, 472, 529

5 Testimonies 745

6 Testimonies 237

7 Testimonies 221

8 Testimonies 265-266

9 Testimonies 68, 174-175, 185, 208, 279

Temperance 40

Testimonies To Ministers 177, 391

Contrasted with His infancy in manger

5 Bible Commentary 1130

Dangerous doctrine that denies

Great Controversy 524

Dazzling splendor of, veiled by incarnation

Ministry Of Healing 419

8 Testimonies 265

Demons will acknowledge, during seventh plague

Great Controversy 638

Demonstrations of, veiled by His incarnation

5 Bible Commentary 1126

Denial of, warning against

Sons And Daughters 232

Denied by some members in early church

Acts of Apostles 553

Sanctified Life 63

Devils deny

Great Controversy 552, 557

Story Redemption 394, 397

Did not die on cross

5 Bible Commentary 1113, 1129

1 Selected Messages 301

Doctrine of, presentation of

6 Testimonies 58

Doctrine that denies, is dangerous

Great Controversy 524

Doubted by disciples while He hung on cross

Desire Ages 750

Effectual in salvation of man

9 Testimonies 105

Ever-present evidence of

Desire Ages 198

Faith in, how Satan would destroy

1 Testimonies 297-298

Father testified to

Desire Ages 116

God seeks to have us lay hand of faith fast hold upon

Desire Ages 123

His word as ever-present evidence of, had power

Desire Ages 198

His work testified to

Desire Ages 664

Inanimate nature bore witness to

Desire Ages 771

Jewish judges received evidence of

Desire Ages 737

Joseph of Arimathea was convinced of

Desire Ages 776

Lay fast hold upon

Desire Ages 123

Let people know that SDA believe in

6 Testimonies 58

Testimonies To Ministers 253

Made His suffering at hands of men hard to bear

Desire Ages 700

Magi recognized presence of

Desire Ages 63

Man may have victory over sin

Desire Ages 123

Manifestation of

Desire Ages 421

Many people did not recognize

Desire Ages 609

Martha confessed faith in

Desire Ages 530

Nicodemus was convinced of

Desire Ages 776

No special mark of

My Life Today 299

Not degraded to humanity

5 Bible Commentary 1082

Not exchanged for humanity

5 Bible Commentary 1128

Officers saw humanity flooded with

Desire Ages 459

Overshadowing of

Desire Ages 158

Persons whom doubts

Great Controversy 524

Persons who deny

6 Bible Commentary 1069

Philip was slow to believe in

Desire Ages 292

Proclaimed with power on Day of Pentecost

Acts of Apostles 42

Proof of His miracles

Desire Ages 799

Proof of Sanhedrin rejected

Desire Ages 541

Proved at last Passover supper

Desire Ages 720

Repentant thief discerned

Desire Ages 750-751

Revealed by His mighty miracles

Desire Ages 608

Revealed from Genesis to Revelation

Fundamentals Christian Education 385

Revealed in His instructions

Desire Ages 570

Revealed to three of His disciples

Desire Ages 421

Satan demanded miracle as sign of

Desire Ages 119-120

1 Selected Messages 228

Satan feigned to doubt

1 Selected Messages 274

Satan's demand for proof of

Desire Ages 118-120

Sign of every miracle He performed was

Desire Ages 406

Simeon testified to

5 Bible Commentary 1116

Desire Ages 231

Sin of talented persons who deny

Sons And Daughters 232

Special marks of, men saw no

My Life Today 299

Spiritualists generally deny

Great Controversy 552, 557

Story Redemption 394, 397

3 Testimonies 484

Suffered under agonies of Calvary in

7 Bible Commentary 907

Temptation to prove

Desire Ages 119

Tested in resurrection of Lazarus

Desire Ages 536

Testimony of Scriptures regarding

Great Controversy 524

United with humanity

Desire Ages 663-664

Vital theme of Christianity is

Counsels To Teachers 427

Fundamentals Christian Education 385

What man can accomplish by laying hold on

My Life Today 274

While He was helpless infant in manger

5 Bible Commentary 1130

Witness borne to on His crucifixion day

Desire Ages 770

Divine-Human Incarnation

5 Bible Commentary 1129

Desire Ages 663-664

Exchange His divinity for humanity

5 Bible Commentary 1128

Fundamentals Christian Education 429

Part with His divinity when He became man

5 Bible Commentary 1128

Distinct person from Father

1 Selected Messages 247

And yet one with Him

5 Bible Commentary 1126

Divested Himself of form of God by His incarnation

5 Bible Commentary 1126

Divine and human being

1 Selected Messages 252

Divine and human natures blended in

7 Bible Commentary 904

Desire Ages 326

Divine and human Substitute for human race

1 Selected Messages 255

Divine character of: abundant evidence re

Desire Ages 90

Excellence and glory of, hidden from world

1 Testimonies 286-287

Highest evidence of, Jews rejected

Desire Ages 406-407

Most positive evidence of

Desire Ages 528

Moses and 70 elders saw glorious light covering

3 Testimonies 343

Divine glory of, veiled by His incarnation

5 Bible Commentary 1129

Desire Ages 43

Divine hand of, brought life to the dying

Ministry Of Healing 45

Divine-human, was lifted up on cross

7 Testimonies 29

Divine majesty of

Desire Ages 734

Divine power of, not used to lighten His toil

Counsels To Teachers 276-277

Desire Ages 72


Sinner's only hope is

Messages Young People 165

Divine Son of God while helpless child

Desire Ages 87-88

Divine soul of, crushed by hiding of Father's face

2 Testimonies 214-215

Divine-human character of, is inexhaustible theme

6 Bible Commentary 1115

Study, carefully

Ministry Of Healing 491

Divine-human heart of

Desire Ages 655

Divine-human nature of

Desire Ages 568

Was perfect

1 Selected Messages 251

Divine-human Savior

Acts of Apostles 134

Divine-human sufferings of

Desire Ages 625

Divinity and humanity are combined in

5 Bible Commentary 1082, 1128

6 Bible Commentary 1099

7 Bible Commentary 907, 919

Christ Object Lessons 384

Desire Ages 123, 664

Fundamentals Christian Education 429

Sons And Daughters 24

1 Selected Messages 223, 322, 340, 408

8 Testimonies 178

Divinity and humanity blended in

5 Bible Commentary 1130

Sons And Daughters 24

Divinity flashed through humanity of

5 Bible Commentary 1131


At times

5 Bible Commentary 1117, 1129

8 Testimonies 202

Before Herod Antipas

Desire Ages 731

In His first cleansing of temple

Desire Ages 158, 162, 231

In His second cleansing of temple

Desire Ages 591

In presence of Caiaphas

Desire Ages 707

When arrested in Gethsemane

Desire Ages 694

When He resisted third great temptation by Satan

Desire Ages 130

1 Selected Messages 95

Temperance 286

When He resurrected Lazarus

Desire Ages 536

When transfigured

Desire Ages 421

When 12 years old

Desire Ages 81

With unmistakable power

Christ Object Lessons 295

Prophets And Kings 712

Divinity in humanity in

Desire Ages 507

Divinity revealed in humanity by

Christ Object Lessons 17


Equal with Father

5 Bible Commentary 1129

7 Bible Commentary 905

Counsels On Stewardship 226

Fundamentals Christian Education 179

Patriarchs And Prophets 34, 37, 69

1 Selected Messages 371

Story Redemption 13

8 Testimonies 268

From beginning

Counsels To Teachers 13

Fundamentals Christian Education 536

From eternal ages

Fundamentals Christian Education 382

Equal with God

Acts of Apostles 333

5 Bible Commentary 1130, 1136, 1139, 1142

7 Bible Commentary 905, 914, 936

Desire Ages 207-208, 649

Evangelism 615

Fundamentals Christian Education 142

Great Controversy 503

Messages Young People 255

Patriarchs And Prophets 63, 69

Sons And Daughters 243

1 Selected Messages 69-70, 308, 321

2 Testimonies 200, 426

3 Testimonies 566

4 Testimonies 458

8 Testimonies 268

Eternal and self-existing

5 Bible Commentary 1136

Evangelism 615

Evidence of Christ’s Deity

Conclusive, words that would be to many people

Desire Ages 165

Convincing, Judas Iscariot was given

Desire Ages 655

Convincing, leaders of Israel rejected

Desire Ages 218

Ever-present, had convincing power

Desire Ages 198

Given to rabbis by His reading their hearts

Desire Ages 456

Highest, His miracles as

Desire Ages 406-407

His power to reveal secret thoughts of others was

Desire Ages 238, 456, 655

Lesser, rejected by Jewish priests

Desire Ages 537

New, given when He cleansed temple second time

Desire Ages 594

Overwhelming, given in cities of Judah

Evangelism 302

Peter's miraculous catch of fish with coin in its mouth was

Desire Ages 434

Resurrection of Lazarus as

Christ Object Lessons 265

Desire Ages 529, 536-537

Seen in His ministry to the needy

Ministry Of Healing 35

Seen in its adaptation to needs of suffering humanity

Desire Ages 217

Unmistakable, Jewish leaders were given

Desire Ages 737

Divine Incarnate Eternal God

Words that were to be received as

Desire Ages 212

Exact time of blending of humanity

5 Bible Commentary 1129

Existed as Divine Being before His incarnation

Evangelism 615

1 Selected Messages 247

Existed in: form of God before He became incarnate

1 Selected Messages 243

Union and oneness with Father before His incarnation

Evangelism 615

Father and: are two distinct Personages

5 Bible Commentary 1148

Not one in person

5 Bible Commentary 1148

8 Testimonies 269

Form of, like that of Father

Early Writings 54-55, 77

Fullness of Godhead bodily dwells in

5 Bible Commentary 1113, 1130

7 Bible Commentary 907

Christ Object Lessons 115

Evangelism 614

Great Controversy 24

Fully conscious of His divinity while He was man

Desire Ages 645

God and, not one in person

Ministry Of Healing 422

God essentially and in highest sense

5 Bible Commentary 1126

1 Selected Messages 247

God in, men behold

Desire Ages 21

God in guise of humanity

6 Bible Commentary 1053

God in human flesh

5 Bible Commentary 1117, 1129, 1134, 1142

7 Bible Commentary 904

Counsels On Stewardship 349

Desire Ages 24, 311, 326, 664

Fundamentals Christian Education 179-180

Great Controversy 24

1 Selected Messages 244

God in human form

6 Testimonies 230

God while He was man

5 Bible Commentary 1126

God with whom Enoch walked was

6 Testimonies 392

Godhead of, hidden in His human nature

5 Bible Commentary 1108

Power of, hidden in His human nature

7 Bible Commentary 924

Godhead still His after He became man

5 Bible Commentary 1129

Desire Ages 664

Had mind of God

4 Testimonies 396

No existence separate from Father

5 Bible Commentary 1142

Has two natures, Divine and human

5 Bible Commentary 1126

In His divinity had power to break bonds of death

5 Bible Commentary 1113

Desire Ages 785

Incarnate God in human flesh

Desire Ages 23

Infinite and omnipotent

Evangelism 615

Invisible God in, world beheld

Testimonies To Ministers 123

Is both God and man

6 Bible Commentary 1074

Divine Being

Evangelism 615

Divine Person

Messages Young People 253

1 Selected Messages 106

Testimonies To Ministers 92

Divine Spirit dwelling in temple of flesh

4 Bible Commentary 1147

Jehovah was manifested in

4 Testimonies 396

Language used by, that only Deity could use

5 Bible Commentary 1113

Desire Ages 785

Length of Divine life of

Evangelism 616

Life of, is original

5 Bible Commentary 1130

Desire Ages 530

Medical Ministry 7

1 Selected Messages 296

Not inherent in man

5 Bible Commentary 1130

Linked the created with His Divine Person

Messages Young People 253

Name of God claimed as His own by

Desire Ages 469-470

Nature of, dual character of

Desire Ages 507

No less Son of God while child than after His baptism

Sons And Daughters 129

One of: eternal heavenly Dignitaries

Evangelism 616

Three highest Powers in heaven

Evangelism 617

Three living Persons of heavenly Trio

Evangelism 615

One with Creator of universe

Desire Ages 210

One With Eternal Father

One with Father

Great Controversy 493

1 Selected Messages 247

1 Testimonies 327

4 Testimonies 396

5 Testimonies 47

Before foundation of world was laid

1 Selected Messages 248

From days of eternity

Desire Ages 19

From eternal ages

Fundamentals Christian Education 382

In mind, purpose, and character

5 Bible Commentary 1148

8 Testimonies 269

In nature, character, and purpose

Great Controversy 493

Patriarchs And Prophets 34

In power and authority

Great Controversy 495

Patriarchs And Prophets 37

One with God

Counsels To Teachers 22

Desire Ages 785

After His incarnation

5 Bible Commentary 1115

1 Selected Messages 228

Before angels existed

Patriarchs And Prophets 38

From all eternity

1 Selected Messages 247

In nature, will, and purpose

Desire Ages 208

In purpose, mind, and character

Ministry Of Healing 422

Through His Divine nature

Christ Object Lessons 169

Personal claims to

Fundamentals Christian Education 382

Personality of

Education 132

Ministry Of Healing 418-419, 422

2 Spiritual Gifts 74

8 Testimonies 265

9 Testimonies 68

Distinct from that of Father

8 Testimonies 269

Not destroyed by unity with Father

5 Bible Commentary 1148

Presented in John 17

Ministry Of Healing 421

8 Testimonies 269

Scriptures clearly indicate

Ministry Of Healing 421

8 Testimonies 268

Possessed Divine majesty, perfection, and excellence

2 Testimonies 200

Divinity and humanity

7 Bible Commentary 914

Power to break bonds of death

Desire Ages 785

Reference made by, to divinity of His character

Great Controversy 493

Ministry Of Healing 418-419

Patriarchs And Prophets 34, 38-39

8 Testimonies 265, 268

1 Selected Messages 249

Relationship of Jesus Christ to Father

To God

Ministry Of Healing 421-422

To Godhead

Education 132

Relinquished glories while living on earth

5 Bible Commentary 1126

Testified to His Divine Son-ship

1 Selected Messages 253

Two natures of, mysteriously blended in one Person

5 Bible Commentary 1113

Twofold nature of, human and Divine

6 Bible Commentary 1074

Union of the Divine and the human in

6 Bible Commentary 1053

7 Bible Commentary 926

Fundamentals Christian Education 180

Great Controversy 6

1 Selected Messages 25

2 Testimonies 201

5 Testimonies 747

Walked in world as Eternal Word

Fundamentals Christian Education 400

Was God: before men or angels were created

Evangelism 615-616

While He lived on earth

5 Bible Commentary 1126

With God and was God

Evangelism 615-616

1 Selected Messages 247

Work of His personal claims to Deity

Fundamentals Christian Education 382

The Eternal Godhead

Absolute, what is

7 Bible Commentary 914

Christ is fullness of, manifested

Evangelism 614

Consists of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

Counsels On Health 222

Evangelism 615-617

Erroneous ideas regarding

Evangelism 614

Eternal heavenly Dignitaries are

Evangelism 616

Father is fullness of, bodily

Evangelism 614

Fullness of, dwelt bodily in Christ

Great Controversy 24

Gave Themselves to work out redemption

Counsels On Health 222

Great threefold power of

6 Bible Commentary 1102

Heavenly Trio of three living Persons of

Evangelism 615

Co-operate with the obedient

Evangelism 615

Pledge of three Persons of, to the baptized

6 Bible Commentary 1074

Silence is eloquence in attempting to explain

7 Bible Commentary 914

Spirit in all fullness of, is Comforter

Evangelism 615

Spirit is Third Person of

6 Bible Commentary 1053

Desire Ages 671

Evangelism 615, 617

My Life Today 36

Testimonies To Ministers 392

Still Christ's after He became man

Desire Ages 664

Stirred with pity for mankind

Counsels On Health 222

Three Dignitaries and Powers of heaven as

6 Bible Commentary 1075

Three great Agencies

1 Bible Commentary 1120

Three great personal Dignitaries of heaven

7 Bible Commentary 959

Sons And Daughters 351

Three great Powers of (in) heaven

6 Bible Commentary 1074

Evangelism 65, 307, 615

8 Testimonies 254

Three holy Dignitaries of heaven

5 Bible Commentary 1110

Three infinite and omniscient Powers of

6 Bible Commentary 1075

Pre-Existence Of Christ

Pre-existence of

Evangelism 615-616

Cannot be denied without wresting Scriptures

Great Controversy 524

Denial of, by reasoning of human philosophy

6 Bible Commentary 1069

Doctrine that denies, warning against

Evangelism 365

Great Controversy 524

Testimonies Ministers 61

Doubt re, no need for

1 Selected Messages 247

Exalted, lends significance to His humiliation

Sons Daughters 81

1 Selected Messages 243

Existed farther back than human records extend

Education 13-14

From eternity

5 Bible Commentary 1126

1 Selected Messages 247

Existed before: all things

5 Bible Commentary 1126

1 Selected Messages 247

Angels were created

Evangelism 615-616

Patriarchs Prophets 38

1 Selected Messages 247

Story Redemption 13, 15

Fall of Lucifer

Early Writings 145

Desire Ages 22

Great Controversy 494-495

Patriarchs Prophets 34-38

3 Spiritual Gifts 33-34, 36-38

Story Redemption 13-16

Foundation of world

Desire Ages 703

Man was created

Evangelism 615-616

1 Selected Messages 247

World was formed

Desire Ages 23

Early Writings 145

Patriarchs Prophets 33-45

Sons Daughters 81

3 Spiritual Gifts 33-34, 36-38

Story Redemption 13-16, 19-20

God's word speaks decidedly re

Evangelism 615

1 Selected Messages 247

Goes back through dateless ages

Evangelism 615

Had glory with Father: before world was

Christ Object Lessons 36

Desire Ages 421

Great Controversy 313

Gospel Workers 111-112

From all eternity

Acts Apostles 38-39

His human nature never had existence in

5 Bible Commentary 1146

Let people know SDA believe in

6 Testimonies 58

Testimonies Ministers 253

Man's Redeemer from eternity

9 Testimonies 220

Mediator of covenant from everlasting

Evangelism 615

1 Selected Messages 247

Never was time when, was not in close fellowship with God

Evangelism 615

Not measured by figures

Evangelism 616

One with God before angels existed

Patriarchs Prophets 38

People who believe God's word cannot doubt

Sons Daughters 81

1 Selected Messages 243

Pre-existent Son of God

Evangelism 615

Present, before presenting testing subjects

6 Testimonies 58

Psalm 90:2 refers to

1 Selected Messages 248

Redeemer both before and after His incarnation

Desire Ages 210

Significance of

1 Selected Messages 248

Theme for study

Evangelism 187

Was God before man or angels were created

1 Selected Messages 247-248

With Father: before world was

Gospel Workers 111-116

Sons Daughters 11

1 Selected Messages 248

From all eternity

5 Bible Commentary 1115

1 Selected Messages 228

from beginning

7 Bible Commentary 924

Ministry Healing 422

1 Selected Messages 264

From eternal ages

Fundamentals Education 382

With God: before angels and men were created

Evangelism 615

Patriarchs Prophets 38

1 Selected Messages 247

From all eternity

5 Bible Commentary 1126

1 Selected Messages 247

The Holy Spirit

As much a Person as God is Person

Evangelism 616

As one of Godhead

Counsels On Health 222

As Person walking through school grounds

Evangelism 616

Comforter in all fullness of Godhead

Evangelism 615

Divested of personality of humanity and independent thereof

Desire Ages 669

Has personality

Evangelism 617

Is Person

6 Bible Commentary 1074

Evangelism 616

Divine Person

Evangelism 617

One of eternal heavenly Dignitaries

Evangelism 616

Three great Powers of heaven

Evangelism 615

Three highest Powers in heaven

Evangelism 617

Three holy Dignitaries of heaven

5 Bible Commentary 1110

Three living Persons of heavenly trio

Evangelism 615

Three Persons of Godhead

6 Bible Commentary 1074

Counsels On Health 222

Evangelism 615

Pledge that believer receives from, at baptism

6 Bible Commentary 1074

Third Person of Godhead

6 Bible Commentary 1053

Counsels On Health 222

Desire Ages 671

Evangelism 617

My Life Today 36

The Holy Spirit As A Teacher

Appointed to teach man

Steps To Christ 91

Counsels On Health 561

Can teach man more in a moment

Testimonies To Ministers 119

Of truth

Desire Ages 670-671

Gospel Workers 284

Steps To Christ 91

Teaches and enlightens

Sons And Daughters 30

Teaches and guides believer's thoughts

6 Testimonies 115


Teaches believer how to use his powers to God's glory

Counsels To Teachers 361

Teaches Bible student how to judge things

Counsels On Health 371

Counsels To Teachers 484

Teaches persons who teach others truth

Gospel Workers 468

Teaching of cannot be contrary to God's word

Great Controversy 7


Counsels On Health 561

Will teach believers how to use antidote to grief

Ministry Of Healing 248

