God’s Eternal Law

The Ten Commandments In The New Testament




By Paul Nethercott










Many Christians today say that we are no longer under the Ten Commandments [Exodus 20:1-17]

as they were only for the Jews. Often you will hear people say that we are no longer under the law but grace. Are the Ten Commandments still binding today? Is the fourth commandment [Exodus 20:8-11] which requires the observance of the seventh day Sabbath [Saturday] still compulsory for Christians today. If Jesus abolished the Ten Commandments on the cross we would expect the following:


1. No reference to the Ten Commandments after the resurrection of Christ.


2. No condemnation for breaking any of them after Christ’s resurrection.


3. Sin is no longer breaking the Ten Commandments.


4. No command to keep the Ten Commandments after 31 AD.


5. No reference to the Ten Commandments being the standard in the final judgement.


6. No reference to the Ten Commandments being in heaven for eternity.


7. A new definition of sin other that breaking the Ten Commandments.


8. No reference to Jesus saving us from the sin of breaking the Ten Commandments.


9. The Ten Commandments should only be mentioned in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.


10. No longer a sin to murder, rape, sodomy, lying, stealing, worship false gods etc.


11. Christians are free to break all of them without repenting.


12. Ten Commandments are reworded after the resurrection of Christ.




The New Testament Ten Commandments


Exodus 20:1-17



1. You shall have no other God’s before me.

I am the LORD thy God, which have brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

You shall have no other gods before me. Exodus 20:1-3.


In the Four Gospels


Matthew 22:37

Jesus said unto him, Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all

thy mind.


Matthew 4:10

Then said Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shall worship the Lord thy God, and him only shall thou serve.


Matthew 6:33

But seek you first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.


Luke 2:14

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.


Luke 1:16

And many of the children of Israel shall he turn to the Lord their God.


John 17:3

And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou has sent.


After The Resurrection of Christ


Romans 1:20

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the

things that are made, [even] his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:


2 Thessalonians 2:4

Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sits in

the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.


Revelation 15:3,4

And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and

marvelous [are] thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true [are] thy ways, thou King of saints. Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name? For [thou] only [art] holy: for all nations shall come and worship before thee; for thy judgments are made manifest.


Revelation 22:3

And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him.



Observed In Heaven


Revelation 4:10-11

The four and twenty elders fall down before him that sat on the throne, and worship him that lives for ever

and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying, You art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power. For You have created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.



Revelation 15:3-4

And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and

marvelous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true [are] thy ways, thou King of saints. Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name? for [thou] only [art] holy: for all nations shall come and worship before thee; for thy judgments are made manifest.



2. You shall not make any graven images

You shall not make unto you any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that

is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down yourself to them, nor serve them. For I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments. Exodus 20:4-6.


In the Four Gospels


John 4:24

God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.



After The Resurrection of Christ


Acts 17:29

Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or

silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device.


Romans 11:4

But what said the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal.


1 Corinthians 10:19-21

What say I then? That the idol is any thing, or that which is offered in sacrifice to idols is any thing? But I

say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that you should have fellowship with devils. You cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: you cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils.


1 John 5:21

Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen.


Revelation 9:20

And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands,

that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk.


Observed In Heaven


Revelation 21:8

But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whore mongers, and sorcerers,

and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.


Revelation 21:22

And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it.


Revelation 22:15

For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whore mongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever

loves and makes a lie.



3. You shall not take the name of God in vain.

You shall not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that

takes his name in vain. Exodus 20:7.





In the Four Gospels


Matthew 6:9

After this manner therefore pray you: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.


Matthew 27:29

And when they had platted a crown of thorns, they put [it] upon his head, and a reed in his right hand: and

they bowed the knee before him, and mocked him, saying, Hail, King of the Jews!


Matthew 12:31-32

Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. And whosoever speaks a word against the Son of

man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaks against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.


Luke 12:10

And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that

blasphemes against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven.


John 19:3

And said, Hail, King of the Jews! and they smote him with their hands.



After The Resurrection of Christ


Acts 5:3

But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep back part of

the price of the land?


Romans 2:24

For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you, as it is written.


1 Timothy 1:20

Of whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander; whom I have delivered unto Satan, that they may learn not to



2 Timothy 3:2

For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents,

unthankful, unholy.


Titus 2:5

To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not



Revelation 17:3

So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet colored beast,

full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.



Observed In Heaven


Matthew 12:31-32

Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy

against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. And whosoever speaks a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaks against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.


Revelation 22:4

And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads.




4. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.

Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shall thou labor, and do all thy work: But the seventh

day is the Sabbath of the LORD thy God. In it you shall not do any work, you, nor your son, nor your daughter, your manservant, nor your maidservant, nor your cattle, nor the stranger that is within your gates. For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it. Exodus 20:8-11


In the Four Gospels


Matthew 12:8

For the Son of man is Lord even of the Sabbath day.


Luke 23:54-56

And that day was the preparation, and the Sabbath drew on. And the women also, which came with him

from Galilee, followed after, and beheld the sepulchre, and how his body was laid. And they returned, and prepared spices and ointments; and rested the Sabbath day according to the commandment.


Luke 24:1

Now upon the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulchre, bringing the

spices which they had prepared, and certain others with them.


Mark 2:27-28

And he said unto them, The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. Therefore the Son of

man is Lord also of the Sabbath.


After The Resurrection of Christ


Acts 13:42-44

And when the Jews were gone out of the synagogue, the Gentiles besought that these words might be preached to them the next Sabbath. Now when the congregation was broken up, many of the Jews and

religious proselytes followed Paul and Barnabas: who, speaking to them, persuaded them to continue in the grace of God. And the next Sabbath day came almost the whole city together to hear the word of God.


Acts 16:13

And on the Sabbath we went out of the city by a river side, where prayer was wont to be made; and we sat down, and spoke unto the women which resorted [thither].


Acts 17:2

And Paul, as his manner was, went in unto them, and three Sabbath days reasoned with them out of the



Acts 18:4-11

And he reasoned in the synagogue every Sabbath, and persuaded the Jews and the Greeks. And he

continued there a year and six months, [78 Sabbaths] teaching the word of God among them.


Hebrews 4:4-9

For he spoke in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all

his works. There remains therefore a rest [Sabbath, Greek word for Saturday] to the people of God.


Revelation 12:17

And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which

keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.


Revelation 14:12

Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.


Revelation 22:14

Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.



Observed In Heaven


Isaiah 66:22

For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, said the LORD, so

shall your seed and your name remain. And it shall come to pass, [that] from one new moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, said the LORD.




5. Honor your Father and Mother

Honor your father and thy mother: that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God gives you. Exodus 20:12.


In the Four Gospels


Matthew 15:4

For God commanded, saying, Honor thy father and mother: and, He that curses father or mother, let him die

the death.


Matthew 19:19

Honor thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself.


Mark 10:19

You know the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honor thy father and mother.


After The Resurrection of Christ


Romans 1:30

Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,



Ephesians 6:2

Honor thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise;


Colossians 3:20

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord.


1 Peter 1:14

As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance:


Observed In Heaven


Revelation 22:14

Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in

through the gates into the city.



6. You shall not kill

You shall not kill. Exodus 20:13.


In the Four Gospels


Matthew 19:18

He said unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shall do no murder, Thou shall not commit adultery, Thou shall

not steal, Thou shall not bear false witness,


Mark 10:19

You know the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false

witness, Defraud not, Honor thy father and mother.


John 7:19

Did not Moses give you the law, and [yet] none of you keeps the law? Why go you about to kill me?



After The Resurrection of Christ


Romans 13:9

For this, Thou shall not commit adultery, Thou shall not kill, Thou shall not steal, Thou shall not bear false

witness, Thou shall not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself.


James 2:10-11

For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one [point], he is guilty of all. For he that said,

Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law.


1 John 3:15

Whosoever hates his brother is a murderer: and you know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.


John 8:44

You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the

beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.



Observed In Heaven


1 John 3:15

Whosoever hates his brother is a murderer: and you know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.



7. You shall not commit adultery

You shall not commit adultery. Exodus 20:14.


In the Four Gospels


Matthew 19:9

And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry

another, commits adultery: and who so marries her which is put away does commit adultery.


Matthew 19:18

He said unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shall do no murder, Thou shall not commit adultery, Thou shall

not steal, Thou shall not bear false witness.


Mark 7:21

For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornication, and murders.



After The Resurrection of Christ


James 2:11

For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law.


Hebrews 13:4

Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whore mongers and adulterers God will judge.


Revelation 2:20-22

Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou suffers that woman Jezebel, which calls

herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not. Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.



Observed In Heaven


Revelation 21:8

But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whore mongers, and sorcerers,

and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.


Revelation 22:15

For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whore mongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever

loves and makes a lie.



8. You shall not steal

You shall not steal. Exodus 20:15.



In the Four Gospels


Matthew 19:18

He said unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shall do no murder, Thou shall not commit adultery, Thou shall

not steal, Thou shall not bear false witness.


Luke 3:13

And he said unto them, Exact no more than that which is appointed you.


Luke 19:8

And Zacchaeus stood, and said unto the Lord; Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if

I have taken any thing from any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold.



After The Resurrection of Christ


Romans 13:9

For this, Thou shall not commit adultery, Thou shall not kill, Thou shall not steal, Thou shall not bear false

witness, Thou shall not covet; and if [there be] any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself.


Romans 2:21

Thou therefore which teaches another, teaches thou not thyself? Thou that preaches a man should not steal,

does thou steal?


James 5:4

Behold, the hire of the laborers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud,

cries: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of sabaoth.


Ephesians 4:28

Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labor, working with [his] hands the thing which is good,

that he may have to give to him that needs.



Observed In Heaven


Matthew 6:19-20

Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust does corrupt, and where thieves break

through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust does corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal.



9. You shall not bear false witness

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. Exodus 20:16.



In the Four Gospels


Matthew 19:18

He said unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shall do no murder, Thou shall not commit adultery, Thou shall

not steal, Thou shall not bear false witness.


Matthew 15:19

For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornication, thefts, false witness, blasphemies.


Mark 11:17

And he taught, saying unto them, Is it not written, My house shall be called of all nations the house of

prayer? But you have made it a den of thieves.


John 8:44

You are of [your] father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of

his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.


After The Resurrection of Christ


Romans 13:9

For this, Thou shall not commit adultery, Thou shall not kill, Thou shall not steal, Thou shall not bear false

witness, Thou shall not covet; and if [there be] any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself.


Titus 1:2

In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began;


1 John 1:6

If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth:



2 John 1:7

For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This

is a deceiver and an antichrist.


Observed In Heaven


Revelation 21:8

But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whore mongers, and sorcerers,

and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.


Revelation 22:15

For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whore mongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loves and makes a lie.



10. You shall not covet

You shall not covet your neighbor’s house, you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant,

nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is your neighbor’s. Exodus 20:17


In the Four Gospels


Matthew 19:21-22

Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou has, and give to the poor, and thou shall

have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me. But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions.


Matthew 5:28

But I say unto you, That whosoever looks on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.


Mark 7:22

Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness.


Luke 12:15

And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consists not in the

abundance of the things which he possesses.



After The Resurrection of Christ


Romans 13:9

For this, Thou shall not commit adultery, Thou shall not kill, Thou shall not steal, Thou shall not bear false

witness, Thou shall not covet; and if [there be] any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself.



Romans 7:7

What shall we say then? [is] the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had

not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shall not covet.



1 Timothy 3:3

Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous.


Ephesians 5:3

But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becomes




Observed In Heaven


Revelation 7:15-17

Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sits on

the throne shall dwell among them. They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.



References To The Ten Commandments In Paul’s Epistles





































1 Corinthians












2 Corinthians




























































1 Thessalonians












2 Thessalonians












1 Timothy












2 Timothy


















































One Hundred Questions About God’s Law




Many sincere People are being taught today that the Ten Commandment Law of God has been abolished; that God and His Son Jesus are responsible for its being “Nailed” to the Cross when Jesus died. Others say that the Commandments of God are still in force with the exception of one. Here are one hundred questions to ask yourself and to think care-fully about-one hundred questions about God and His Law.

If the Commandments have been abolished, how many verses in your Bible are meaningless and should be left out? As you ask yourself the following questions, please remember that your Bible says that God is Holy, Righteous, Perfect, Unchangeable, Just, Kind, and Good.



1. How could a perfect God (Matthew 5:48) do away with a perfect Law? Psalm 19:7.


2. How could a Holy God (Isaiah 6:3) do away with a Holy Law. Romans 7:12.


3. How could a Righteous God (Psalm 145:17) do away with a Righteous Law? Psalm 119:172.


4. How could God who is unchangeable (Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8) change or do away with a Law that is unchangeable? Matthew 5:17-19; Psalm 111:7-8.


5. How could a God of Truth (John 14:6) abolish a Law that is the Truth? Psalm 119:142, 151.


6. How could a God who is Just (Acts 3:14; Deuteronomy 32:4) abolish a just Law? Romans 7:12.


7. How could a God who is Good (Psalm 34:8) abolish a Law that is good? Romans 7:12.


8. How could a Spiritual God (John 4:24) do away with a spiritual Law? Romans 7:14.


9. How could God do away with the Law that tells what sin is? 1 John 3:4; Romans 4:15; Romans 7:7.


10. How could God do away with the very Law that Christ came to magnify and make honourable? Isaiah 42:21.


11. How could God abolish a Law which He wrote on stone? Exodus 31:18. The fact that He wrote it on stone indicates that it was to last forever.


12. How could God do away with the Law which tells what His will is? Romans 2:18; Matthew 7:21; Psalm 40:8.


13. How could God do away with the very Law that He commanded to be scaled among His disciples? Isaiah 8:16.


14. How could God abolish the Law that is not made void, but by the Christian’s Faith? Romans 3:31.


15. How could God do away with a Law that is “pure” and that “enlightens the eyes?” Psalm 19:8.


16. How could God abolish the Law that He told His people to remember and teach to their children and children’s children? Psalm 78:1-7.


17. How could God do away with the Law that the Christian should “meditate in day and night.” Psalm 1:1-3.


18. How could God abolish His holy Law that the wicked have turned away from and made void? Psalm 119:126, 150.


19. How could God do away with His Law which must be fulfilled in the life of the Christian who is led by the Spirit of God? Romans 8:3, 4.


20. How could God do away with His Law after promising a “woe” upon them that “cast away the Law of the Lord” and “call evil good, and good evil?” Isaiah 6:20-24.


21. How could God abolish a Law that enters into the very heart of an individual and condemns the secret sins of his life which he must in the judgement? Ecclesiastes 12:13, 14.


22. How could God do away with His Law that makes people happy when they keep it? Proverbs 29:18.


23. How could a God of Peace destroy a Law that brings peace to troubled hearts? Psalm 119:165.


24. How could God abolish the very Law that Jesus has in His heart? Psalm 40:8.


25. How could God abolish His Law which is to be the standard by which men and women will be judged? Ecclesiastes 12:13. 14.


26. How could God do away with His Law which is to “stand fast forever?” Psalm 111:7, 8.


27. How could God do away with His Law after He said His people have forgotten His Law and are destroyed for lack of knowledge? Hosea 4:6, 7.


28. How could God abolish His Law after accusing the religious leaders of hardening their hearts against His Law, and deceiving the people? Malachi 2:7-9.


29. How could God abolish His Commandments when Jesus promised the Holy Spirit to those who would keep them? John 14:16-17, 26; Acts 5:32.


30. How could God have done away with His Law at Christ’s death, and then later be with Stephen as he was stoned for having told his murderers that they had not kept God’s Law? Acts 7:53-56.


31. How could God abolish the same Law that is to be the standard by which we measure the teachings of every teacher, and every preacher, and every church? Isaiah 8:20, Compare 1 Peter 4:11 and Acts 7:38.


32. How could God abolish the Law when Jesus suffered and died to redeem us from the curse of the

Law? Galatians 3:13. Jesus came to redeem them that were under the Law. Galatians 4:4, 5.


33. How could God abolish His Law when the Bible says “Where no Law in, there is no transgression?” Romans 4:15. Romans 5:13.


34. How could God do away with His Law when His followers delight in it? Psalm 1:1-3. Psalm 119:70, 77, 92, 174.


35. How could God have the commandments abolished at the cross when Jesus told His disciples to pray that they might be able to keep the Sabbath command forty years after the crucifixion? Matthew 24:20.


36. How could God abolish the commandment that says, “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy,” when Jesus said that He Himself was Lord of the Sabbath, and that it was made for man? Mark 2:27, 28.


37. How could God do away with the very Law that helps in converting the soul? Psalm 19:7.


38. How could God abolish the Law that helps a sinner to realise his need? When a sinner realises that death is the penalty for transgression, and in sorrow he comes to God for forgiveness, he receives a pardon through Jesus. That pardon is Grace. Would God abolish the very Law that Christ died for to make it possible to give grace to the sinner? If God abolished His Law there would be no transgression and therefore no need of forgiveness or grace. Grace is not something apart from the Law; it is necessary. Paul said to the Christians: “you are not under the law but under grace.” Romans 6:14. Then he said, “shall we sin because we are not under the law but under grace? God forbid.” Verse 15. In Galatians 3:21 Paul says “the law is not against the promises of God.” How could God abolish His Law and thus do away with Grace too?


39. How could God abolish the Sabbath command when Jesus said He Himself was Lord of the Sabbath? Mark 2:27, 28. And Jesus Himself made the Sabbath. John 1:1-3; Mark 2:27. And it was Christ’s custom to keep it. Luke 4.16.


40. How could Christ abolish His Law and the Sabbath that He made and not say a single word about it to His closest followers? At the same time of His death they kept the Sabbath according to the Commandment. Luke 23:55, 56. Compare Matthew 24:20.


41. How could God abolish the Sabbath when Jesus said: Mt is easier for Heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the Law to fail?” Luke 16:17.


42. How could God abolish His Commandments when Jesus said that those who worship in vain have the commandments of men? Mark 7:7, 9. The worship which is accepted of God must be where the Commandments of God are taught and obeyed. John 14:21.


43. How could God forsake His Law when that is the very thing that the Bible says the wicked have done? Psalm 119:53.


44. How could God do away with His Law when the Bible says, “The way of transgressors is hard?” Proverbs 13:15. Where there is no law there is no transgression. Romans 4:15.


45. How could God do away with His Law when the Bible says, “He that turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be an abomination?” Proverbs 28:9.


46. How could God do away with His Commandments when the Bible says, “The whole duty of man is to fear God and keep His Commandments.” Ecclesiastes. 12:13, 14.


47. How could God do away with His Commandments after He promised to show mercy to all who would keep them? Psalm 103:18.


48. How could God abolish the Commandments that the angels keep? Psalm 103:20.


49. How could God do away with His Law which is so perfect and high that it points the believer to Christ as the end for righteousness-the very highest standard of a perfect sinless life? Romans 10:4. Compare Isaiah 51:7 and James 5:11.


50. How could God abolish His Law which gives comfort in affliction and trial? Psalm 119:92,


51. How could God do away with His Law which gives wisdom and understanding? Psalm 119:98, 100.


52. How could God do away with the very Law that the Righteous, who inherit the New Earth, will have in their hearts? Psalm 37:29-31.


53. How could God do away with the Law that Jesus said was more enduring than the earth itself? Matthew 6:17-19.


54. How could God do away with the Law that forbids murder and adultery? James 2:11, 12.


55. How could God abolish the Commandment that Jesus kept? John 15:10.


56. How could God abolish a Law which is so perfect and wonderful that even if you break any part of it, you are guilty of all? James 2:10-12.


57. How could God abolish the Law that Jesus referred to when He said: “Whosoever shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom?” Matthew



58. How could God abolish His Commandment in order to make room for Tradition-the commandments of men? Matthew 15:3, 6, 9.


59. How could God abolish His Law which gives His people liberty when they obey it? James 2:10-12. It is the lawbreaker who Is put in Jail and who is in bondage.


60. How could God do away with the Law that helps a poor sinner to realise his condition? Romans 3:20. Romans 3:9, 23.


61. How could God do away with the Law that 411stops every mouth” and makes “all the world guilty before God?” Romans 3:19. Compare Romans 3:9, 23.


62. How could God do away with the Law that tells what sin is when the Bible says: “If any man sin we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the Righteous?” I John 3:4 and I John 2:1. Why have an advocate if the law is gone?


63. How could God abolish the Ten Commandments, or Moral Law, at the same time that He abolished the ceremonial law which had to do with the offerings and sacrifices? Ephesians 2:16; Colossians 2:14-17. The Hand writing of Ordinances are not the Ten Commandments. The ceremonial law was instituted to show the people what to do when they broke the Moral Law. By their sacrifices they could show their faith in the great sacrifice which was to be offered on Calvary. All the Sacrifices and offerings pointed forward to Christ. When Jesus died the veil in the temple was rent signifying that the sacrificial or Ceremonial law had ended. Many people confuse the Ceremonial and Moral laws.


64. How could God abolish the Law that has the Sabbath command in it when God Himself ceased from labour and rested on the seventh day, and your Bible says that all who have entered into rest (spiritual rest too) with Him, have ceased from their own works as God did from His? Hebrews 4:4, 10. Read and re-read those two verses.


65. How could God do away with the very Law that His people are to keep in order to have works to show their faith? James 2:18. Read carefully James 2:10-12. The “works” here referred to are works of obedience as the verses plainly indicate. Paul says: “Do we make void the Law through faith? God forbid, we establish the Law.” Romans 3:31.


66. How could God do away with the Commandments that Jesus referred to when He said “whosoever shall do and teach them shall be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven?” Matthew 5:19.


67. How could God abolish the same Law that He promised to write in the heart of every Christian who is really under the New Covenant? Jeremiah 31:31; Hebrews 8:10.


68. How could God abolish His Law when only those who keep it can have justification? Romans 2:13;


69. How could God abolish the Law that the carnal of sinful mind refuses to obey? Romans 8:7.


70. How could God destroy the very same Law that Jesus said He came not to destroy? Matthew 5:17-19


71. How could God do away with the commandments, the same commandments that Jesus said hung on the two Great Commandments of Love to God and Love to Man? Matthew 22:36-40. The first four commandments show our relation to God; the last six show our relation to Man. Thus they all hang on the two principles of love to God and to man.


72. How could God do away with the same commandments that Jesus told the young ruler to keep if he wanted to enter into life and be saved? Matthew 19:17. Compare Revelation 22:14.


73. How could God abolish His commandments when they give a good understanding to all who keep them? Psalm 111:10.


74. How could God do away with His commandments which are the foundation of sound doctrine? Proverbs 4:2.


75. How could God make void His Law when Jesus condemned the Scribes and Pharisees for making void the Law of God by their tradition? Matthew 15:3, 6.


76. How could God do away with His Commandments when Jesus told His disciples to keep them if they loved Him? John 14:15. How much do we love Him?


77. How could God have abolished His Law when the curse of God rests upon the world because the inhabitants have transgressed His Law? Isaiah 24:3-6.


78. How could God abolish the Sabbath commandment when He pronounced a blessing upon the man who would keep the Sabbath? Isaiah 56:2, 6.


79. How could God abolish the Sabbath commandment when He said that all who would take their foot off of the Sabbath, would be blessed in many ways, and would help to raise the foundations of generations, and be called to repairer of the breach? Isaiah 58:12-14.


80. How could God abolish the Sabbath Commandment when Jesus said that He Himself was LORD of the Sabbath? Matthew 12:8.


81. How could God abolish the Sabbath commandment when He said the Sabbath was a sign of sanctification? Ezekiel 20:12. Should not a sanctified Sabbath and a sanctified person he in harmony?


82. How could God turn away from His Law and abolish it when He has always been hurt when His people turned away from it? Jeremiah 16:10, 11, 16. Isaiah 58:1, 12-14.


83. How could God reject His Law and abolish it when He said He would bring evil upon those who rejected it? Jeremiah 6:19. Compare Jeremiah 6:4, 5.


84. How could God abolish the very Law that He says He has implanted in the hearts of those who “know Righteousness?” Isaiah 51:7.


85. How could God abolish His Law that some people “will not hear” and even tell their ministers not to preach? Isaiah 30:8-10. God calls them rebellious children.



86. How could God do away with His Commandments after promising peace and righteousness in abundance to those who “listened to His Commandments?” Isaiah 48:18.


87. How could God abolish the Sabbath Commandment when He gave the Sabbath to be a sign that He is our God? Ezekiel 20:20.


88. How could God abolish His Commandments which are called righteousness, Psalm 119:172 and also, “My Righteousness shall not be abolished?” Isaiah 51:6. He also said, “Listen unto me you that know righteousness, the people in whose heart is My Law.” Isaiah 51:7.


89. How could God abolish His Law after making the statement that some of the people would stop their cars and make their hearts like stone so they would not hear His Law? Zechariah 7:11, 12.


90. How could God do away with His Law after making the statement that the people have trespassed against His Law, and have “sown the wind and shall reap the whirlwind?” Hosea 8:1-7.


91. How could God abolish the Commandments which is the test by which we know that we know God? I John 2:3.


92. How could God abolish His Commandments and then later have John write that the man who claims to know God and does not keep God’s Commandments, is a liar? I John 2:4.


93. How could God abolish His Commandments, when Jesus kept them and we are told “to walk even as He walked?” I John 2:6.


94. How could God abolish His Commandments and also promise to hear the prayers of those who keep His Commandments? 1 John 3:22.


95. How could God abolish His Commandments and later have John write that those who love God and keep His Commandments will love the children of God? I John 5:2.


96. How could God have His Commandments abolished when it “is the love of God that we keep, His Commandments?” 1 John 5:3. Compare 2 John 1:6, and John 14:15.


97. How could God abolish His Law and the Sabbath after He says the “Priests have violated His Law and have hid their eyes from His Sabbath, and have showed no difference between the holy and the profane?” Ezekiel 22:26.


98. How could anyone accuse God of changing or abolishing His own perfect Law when the Prophet saw an ENEMY POWER that would think to change it? Daniel 7:25. Read about the four beasts and the little “horn.” Daniel 7:1-8. Read verse 23-fourth kingdom (Rome). Little horn represents a power in Rome. Now read verse 25 again.


99. How could God have abolished His Commandments when it says that the last or remnant people of God will be keeping the Commandments just before Jesus comes to gather the harvest of the earth? Read carefully Revelation 12:17 and Revelation 14:12-16.


100. How could God abolish His Commandments and also promise that in the New Earth His People will be keeping the Sabbath? Isaiah 66:22, 23. The Sabbath Command is in the centre of His Law. The Sabbath is God’s mark or Sign of His Power and authority as the Creator. Exodus 20:8-11. The Sabbath has always been God’s test of obedience. Exodus 16:4, 23, 26-28. God’s Law is in His Heart. May we never wound His heart of love and insult His Grace. If God has abolished His Law then hundreds of texts in your Bible become meaningless and should be left out, for example:


1. All the texts that mention or refer to the Law.

2. All the texts that mention the Commandments of God.

3. All the texts that speak of SIN. (Sin is the transgression of the Law. I John 3:4).

4. All the texts that speak of obedience.

5. All the texts that speak of transgression.

6. All the texts that speak of repentance.

7. All the texts that speak of Jesus as the Saviour from sin.

8. Etc., etc., etc.


If God has abolished any part of His Law then texts that speak of The Law as Perfect, Holy, Unchangeable, etc., become meaningless. “Not one tittle of the Law shall fall.” If we offend in one point we are guilty of all. See James 2:10-12 and Matthew 5:17-19.




The Ten Commandments Are God’s Character


1. God is JUST - Romans 3:26. His law is JUST - Romans 7:12.

2. God is TRUE - John 3:33. His law is TRUE - Nehemiah 9:13.

3. God is PURE - 1 John 3:3. His law is PURE - Psalm 19:7,8.

4. God is LIGHT - 1 John 1:5. His law is LIGHT - Proverbs 6:23.

5. God is FAITHFUL - 1 Corinthians 1:9. His law is FAITHFUL - Psalms 119:86.

6. God is GOOD - Nahum 1:7. His law is GOOD - Romans 7:12,16.

7. God is SPIRITUAL - John 4:24. His law is SPIRITUAL - Romans 7:14.

8. God is HOLY - Isaiah 6:3, 1 Peter 1:15. His law is HOLY - Exodus 20:8, Romans 7:12.

9. God is TRUTH - John 14:6. His law is TRUTH - Psalms 119:142,151.

10. God is LIFE - John 14:6. His law is LIFE - Matthew 19:17.

11. God is RIGHTEOUSNESS - Jeremiah 23:6. His law is RIGHTEOUSNESS - Psalm 119:172.

12. God is PERFECT - Matthew 5:48. His law is PERFECT - James 1:25.

13. God is ETERNAL - John 8:35. His law is ETERNAL - Psalms 111:7,8.

14. God is PEACE - Isaiah 9:6. His law is PEACE - Psalm 119:165.

15. God is THE WAY - John 14:6 His law is THE WAY - Psalm 119:30-32

16. God is SURE - 2 Timothy 2:19 His law is SURE - Psalm 19:7, 111:7,8

17. God is UNCHANGING - Malachi 3:6 His law is UNCHANGING - Psalm 111:7,8

18. God is SWEET - Psalm 34:8 His law is SWEET - Psalm 19:10, 119:103

19. God is WISE - Psalm 111:10 His law is WISE - Psalm 19:7

20. God is OUR MEDITATION - Psalm 63:6 His law is OUR MEDITATION - Psalm 1:2

21. God is JUDGE - Psalm 50:6 His law is JUDGE - James 2:12

22. God is ENLIGHTENMENT - Psalm 18:27 His law is ENLIGHTENMENT - Psalm 19:8

23. God is LOVE - 1 John 4:7,8 His law is LOVE - Romans 13:8-10

24. God is CLEAN - Psalm 19:9 His law is CLEAN - Ezekiel 22:26

25. God is BLESSED - Psalm 28:6 His law is BLESSED - Exodus 20:11

26. God is DELIGHT - Psalm 37:4 His law is DELIGHT - Psalm 1:2

27. God is WONDERFUL - Isaiah 9:6 His law is WONDERFUL - Psalm 119:18

28. God is LIBERTY - Isaiah 61:1 His law is LIBERTY - James 1:25, Psalm 119:45

29. God is COMFORT - Psalm 23:4 His law is COMFORT - Psalm 119:50

30. God is OUR SONG - Revelation 15:3 His law is OUR SONG - Psalm 119:54

31. God is MERCIFUL - Exodus 34:5 His law is MERCIFUL - Psalm 119:58

32. God is KNOWLEDGE- Isaiah 11:2 His law is KNOWLEDGE - Psalm 119:66

33. God is HOPE - Psalm 130:7 His law is HOPE - Psalm 119:74

34. God is LIFE - Psalm 36:9 His law is LIFE - Proverbs 3:1,2

35. God is SOUND - Proverbs 8:13,14 His law is SOUND - Psalm 119:80

36. God is UNDERSTANDING - Psalm 147:5 His law is UNDERSTANDING - Psalm 119:99

37. God is HAPPINESS - Psalm 146:5 His law is HAPPINESS - Proverbs 29:18

38. God is JOY - Psalm 16:11 His law is JOY - Psalm 119:162



References to the Ten Commandments in the New Testament





















































































1 Corinthians












2 Corinthians




























































1 Thessalonians












2 Thessalonians












1 Timothy












2 Timothy
















































1 Peter












2 Peter












1 John












2 John



















































God’s Law is Eternal


Old Testament References


1. Our meditation all the day long.

Blessed [is] the man that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful. But his delight [is] in the law of the LORD; and in his law does he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he does shall prosper. Psalm 1:1-3.


2. The law of God is perfect converting the soul.

The law of the LORD [is] perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD [is] sure, making wise the simple. The statutes of the LORD [are] right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the LORD [is] pure, enlightening the eyes. Psalm 19:7-8.


3. God’s law is a delight within our heart.

I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart. Psalm 40:8.


4. The Ten Commandments are for His people.

For he established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers, that they should make them known to their children. That the generation to come might know them, even the children which should be born. Who should arise and declare [them] to their children. That they might set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments. Psalm 78:1-7.


5. The eternal law of God

The works of his hands are verity and judgment; all his commandments are sure. They stand fast for ever and ever, and are done in truth and uprightness. Psalm 111:7, 8.


6. The angels keep the commandments of God.

To such as keep his covenant, and to those that remember his commandments to do them. The LORD hath prepared his throne in the heavens; and his kingdom rules over all. Bless the LORD, you his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word. Psalm 103:18-20.


7. The Ten Commandments are binding for 20,000 years.

He hath remembered his covenant for ever, the word which he commanded to a thousand generations. Which covenant he made with Abraham, and his oath unto Isaac. And confirmed the same unto Jacob for a law, and to Israel for an everlasting covenant. Psalm 105:8-10.


8. God will destroy the lawless ones.

It is time for thee, LORD, to work: for they have made void thy law. They draw nigh that follow after mischief: they are far from thy law. Psalm 119:126,150.


9. The law is our guide and lamp.

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105.


10. Depart from evil and obey the Commandments

Depart from me, you evildoers: for I will keep the commandments of my God. Psalm 119:115.


11. It is our peace and delight.

Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them. I have longed for thy salvation, O LORD; and thy law is my delight. Psalm 119:165, 174.


12. Our whole duty before God.

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil. Ecclesiastes 12:13, 14.


13. God will seal the law among His disciples.

Bind up the testimony, seal the law among my disciples. Isaiah 8:16.


14. The commandments are a test of truth and error.

To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, [it is] because [there is] no light in them. Isaiah 8:20.


15. The Sabbath will be kept in heaven.

For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, said the LORD, so shall your seed and your name remain. And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, said the LORD. Isaiah 66:22-24.




New Testament References

1. Jesus came to uphold the Ten Commandments.

Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach [them], the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:17-19.


2. Keep the Ten Commandments to enter heaven Jesus said.

And he said unto him, Why do you call me good? There is none good but one, [that is], God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. He said unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shall do no murder, Thou shall not commit adultery, Thou shall not steal, Thou shall not bear false witness. Honor thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself. Matthew 19:17-19.


3. If you love Jesus keep the Commandments.

If you love me, keep my commandments. John 14:15.


3. Jesus is our example and He kept the law of God.

If you keep my commandments, you shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love. John 15:10.


4. The Sabbath still existed after Jesus died on the cross.

And that day was the preparation, and the Sabbath drew on. And the women also, which came with him from Galilee, followed after, and beheld the sepulchre, and how his body was laid. And they returned, and prepared spices and ointments; and rested the Sabbath day according to the commandment. Luke 23:54-56.


5. The doers of the law are justified.

For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. Romans 2:13.


6. Breaking the Commandments is Blasphemy

You therefore which teaches another, teaches you not thyself? You that preaches a man should not steal, do you steal? Thou that say a man should not commit adultery, do you commit adultery? You that abhors idols, do you commit sacrilege? You that make your boast of the law, through breaking the law dishonors God? For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you, as it is written.  Romans 2:21-24


7. The law gives a knowledge of right and wrong.

Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin. Romans 3:20.


8. We establish the law.

Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law. Romans 3:31


9. Sin is the breaking of the law.

Because the law works wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression. Romans 4:15.


10. Sin is the breaking of the law and existed since Adam and Eve.

Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned. For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law. Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come. Romans 5:13-15.


11. Sin is the breaking of the law.

What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shall not covet. Romans 7:7.


12. The law is holy, just and good.

Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good. Romans 7:12.


13. The true Christian serves the law of God.

I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin. Romans 7:25.


14. The true Christian obeys the righteous law of God.

There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh. That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. Romans 8:1-4.


15. The evil mind rejects keeping the commandments of God.

Because the carnal mind is enmity against God. For it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. Romans 8:7.


16. True love is obeying the law of God.

Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loves another hath fulfilled the law. For this, Thou shall not commit adultery, Thou shall not kill, Thou shall not steal, Thou shall not bear false witness, Thou shall not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself. Love works no ill to his neighbor: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law. And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. Romans 13:8-10.


17. Keeping the Commandments is what really matters.

Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but the keeping of the commandments of God. 1 Corinthians 7:19.


18. Jesus gave the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai.

Moreover, brethren, I would not that you should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea. And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea. And did all eat the same spiritual meat. And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ. 1 Corinthians 10:1-4


19. The Ten Commandment Law is good in Paul’s day.

But we know that the law is good, if a man use it lawfully. 1 Timothy 1:8


20. The Sabbath rest remains on the seventh day.

For he spoke in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works. There remains therefore a rest [Greek - Sabbath] to the people of God. Hebrews 4:4, 9.


21. The Ten Commandment Law is part of the New Covenant.

For finding fault with them, he said, Behold, the days come, said the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they continued not in my covenant, and I regarded them not, said the Lord. For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, said the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people. Hebrews 8:8-10.


22. The who keep the law are blessed by God in what they do.

But they who look into the perfect law of liberty, and continue therein, they being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed. James 1:25.


23. We will be judged by the Ten Commandments.

If you fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself, you do well. But if you have respect to persons, you commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors. For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law. So speak you, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty. James 2:8-12.


24. We must keep the Commandments to know Jesus.

And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments. He that said, I know him, and keeps not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But who so keeps his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him. 1 John 2:3, 4.


25. We must keep the Commandments to abide in Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

And this is his commandment, That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment. And he that keeps his commandments dwells in him, and he in him. And hereby we know that he abides in us, by the Spirit which he hath given us. 1 John 3:22, 24.


26. Sin is transgression of the law.

Whosoever commits sin transgresses also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law. 1 John 3:4.


27. The love of God is to keep His Commandments.

By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep his commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous. 1 John 5:2, 3.


28. The Ark of the Ten Commandment Covenant still in heaven.

And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament. And there were lightning, and voices, and thundering, and an earthquake, and great hail. Revelation 11:19.


29. The Ark of the Ten Commandment Covenant still in heaven.

And after that I looked, and, behold, the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony in heaven was opened: Revelation 15:5.


30. God’s saints keep the commandments.

And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. Revelation 12:17.


31. God’s saints keep the commandments.

Here is the patience of the saints: here [are] they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. Revelation 14:12.


32. Commandment breakers cast into the Lake of Fire.

But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whore mongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. Revelation 21:8.


33. God’s saints keep the commandments.

Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. Revelation 22:14.


34. Lawless people are excluded from the Paradise of God.

For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whore mongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loves and makes a lie. Revelation 22:15.



Old Testament Commandment Keepers






Exodus 16:4-35, 20:1-17


Joshua Joshua 24:26 1406

Othniel Judges 3:11 1367

Ehud Judges 3:30 1309

Barak & Deborah Judges 5:31 1209

Gideon Judges 8:28 1209

Tola Judges 10:2 1166c

Jair Judges 10:3-8 1143

Jepthah Judges 12:9 1103

Ibzan Judges 12:9 1097

Elon Judges 12:11 1090

Abdon Judges 12:14 1080

Eli 1 Samuel 1:1 1072

Kohathites 1 Chronicles 9:32, Numb 3:30 1446 - 980

David Psalm 119 1011-971

Solomon Prov 28:7,Eccl 12:13,14 971-931

Asa 2 Chronicles 14:1-4 911-870

Jehosophat 2 Chronicles 17:1-9 870-848

Jehoida 2 Chronicles 23:18,2 Kings 11:5-9   835

Elijah & 7,000 1 Kings 18:18,19:18 874-852

Amos Amos 2:4 781-740

Hosea Hosea 4:6 781-716

Prophets 2 Kings 17:13 732

Hezekiah 2 Chronicles 30:1,16, 31:21 716-687

Isaiah Isaiah 8:16, 20, 58:12-14 781-716

Josiah 2 Kings 22:8-11, 23:24 640-609

Zephaniah Zephaniah 3:4 640

Ezekiel Ezekiel 20:12, 20, 44:24 595

Jeremiah Jeremiah 6:19, 17:27 627

Daniel Daniel 9:14 607 - 538

Haggai Haggai 2:11 521

Zechariah Zechariah 7:12 521

Ezra Ezra 7:10-12 457

Nehemiah Nehemiah 13:15-22 445

Malachi Malachi 2:9 397

Angels Psalm 103:20 Eternally








The Ten Commandments In The Gospels



1. You shall have no other gods before me.

Then said Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shall worship the Lord thy God, and him only shall thou serve. Matthew 4:10.


Matthew 6:24

Matthew 22:37

Matthew 19:17

Matthew 4:10

Matthew 14:33

Matthew 10:37,38

Matthew 10:32,33

Matthew 6:33

Mark 12:24-32

Mark 8:33

Luke 2:14

Luke 4:8

Luke 12:8,9

Luke 1:16

Luke 11:2

Luke 12:31

John 19:15

John 17:3

John 11:25

John 4:24



2. You shall not make any graven images

God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship [him] in spirit and in truth.

John 4:24


3. You shall not take the name of the LORD in vain

Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. And whosoever speaks a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaks against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come. Matthew 12:31, 32


Matthew 27:29

Matthew 6:9,10

Matthew 15:19

Matthew 12:31,32

Matthew 27:39-43

Mark 15:18,19

Mark 14:65

Mark 7:22

Mark 3:28,29

Luke 11:2

Luke 22:64,65

Luke 23:36,37

Luke 12:10

Luke 23:39

John 19:3



4. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy

And he said unto them, The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the Sabbath. Mark 2:27-28.


Matthew 12:2

Matthew 12:5

Matthew 12:8

Matthew 12:10

Matthew 12:11

Matthew 12:12

Matthew 24:20

Matthew 28:1

Matthew 12:1

Mark 3:4

Mark 16:9

Mark 16:2

Mark 16:1

Mark 6:2

Mark 1:21

Mark 2:28

Mark 2:27

Mark 2:24

Mark 2:23

Mark 3:2

Mark 15:42

Luke 4:31

Luke 13:10

Luke 6:9

Luke 6:7

Luke 6:6

Luke 6:5

Luke 6:1

Luke 4:16

Luke 13:15

Luke 13:16

Luke 6:2

Luke 14:1

Luke 14:3

Luke 14:5

Luke 18:12

Luke 23:54

Luke 23:56

Luke 24:1

Luke 13:14

John 19:31

John 20:1

John 9:16

John 9:14

John 7:22

John 5:18

John 5:10

John 5:9

John 7:23

John 20:19




5. Honor your father and mother

Honor thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself.

Matthew 19:19


Matthew 19:18,19 Matthew 15:3,4 Matthew 12:31 Mark 10:19


6. You shall not kill

He said unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shall do no murder, Thou shall not commit adultery, Thou shall not steal, Thou shall not bear false witness. Matthew 19:18.


Matthew 21:38

Matthew 27:22,23

Matthew 27:20

Matthew 27:3-5

Matthew 27:1

Matthew 26:59

Matthew 5:21

Matthew 26:14-16

Matthew 26:4

Matthew 24:9

Matthew 27:35

Matthew 23:31

Matthew 26:66

Matthew 20:18,19

Matthew 17:23

Matthew 14:8,10

Matthew 11:12

Matthew 10:28

Matthew 10:21

Matthew 22:6

Matthew 19:18

Matthew 15:19

Matthew 23:34,35

Matthew 26:52

Mark 12:5

Mark 7:21

Mark 10:19

Mark 3:6

Mark 6:16

Mark 6:19

Mark 10:33,34

Mark 12:7,8

Mark 13:12

Mark 15:20

Mark 9:31

Mark 15:24

Mark 14:1

Mark 15:13-15

Mark 14:64

Mark 14:55

Mark 14:21

Mark 14:10,11

Mark 6:24-27

Luke 22:2

Luke 10:30

Luke 18:20

Luke 9:9

Luke 24:7

Luke 23:33

Luke 23:23

Luke 22:5,6

Luke 20:19

Luke 20:14

Luke 19:47

Luke 18:33

Luke 13:31

Luke 11:47-51

Luke 9:22

Luke 4:29

Luke 12:4,5

John 19:6,7

John 16:2

John 8:44

John 13:2

John 7:19,20

John 19:15

John 7:1

John 8:37

John 12:10

John 11:50




7. You shall not commit adultery

He said unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shall do no murder, Thou shall not commit adultery, Thou shall not steal, Thou shall not bear false witness. Matthew 19:18.


Matthew 12:39

Matthew 19:9,18

Matthew 15:19

Matthew 5:27-32

Matthew 14:4

Matthew 5:8

Matthew 16:4

Mark 6:18

Mark 8:38

Mark 10:2-12

Mark 7:21

Mark 10:19

Luke 16:18

Luke 7:37

Luke 15:30

John 8:3,4


8. You shall not steal

He said unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shall do no murder, Thou shall not commit adultery, Thou shall not steal, Thou shall not bear false witness. Matthew 19:18.


Matthew 19:18

Matthew 23:14

Matthew 21:38

Matthew 21:12,13

Matthew 6:19,20

Matthew 15:19

Mark 7:22

Mark 10:19

Mark 12:40

Mark 11:17

Luke 18:20

Luke 19:46

Luke 3:13

Luke 19:8

Luke 10:30

Luke 20:14

John 2:16





9. You shall not bear false witness

He said unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shall do no murder, Thou shall not commit adultery, Thou shall not steal, Thou shall not bear false witness. Matthew 19:18.


Matthew 7:15

Matthew 27:63

Matthew 26:69-75

Matthew 26:34,35

Matthew 26:24,25

Matthew 26:14,16

Matthew 24:23,24

Matthew 28:13

Matthew 11:18,19

Matthew 27:12,13

Matthew 24:10,11

Matthew 26:59,60

Matthew 19:18

Matthew 5:11

Matthew 5:33

Matthew 15:19

Matthew 24:4

Matthew 26:48

Mark 13:21,22

Mark 10:19

Mark 13:22

Mark 3:22

Mark 7:22

Mark 13:12

Mark 14:1

Mark 14:10,11

Mark 14:21

Mark 14:30,31

Mark 14:41

Mark 14:66-72

Mark 15:3,4

Mark 14:56,57

Mark 13:5,6

Luke 22:5,6

Luke 22:54-62

Luke 19:8

Luke 20:20

Luke 6:22

Luke 22:21

Luke 21:16

Luke 6:16

Luke 7:33,34

Luke 11:15-20

Luke 21:8

Luke 22:34

Luke 23:2

John 3:19-21

John 13:2

John 8:44,55

John 10:20

John 18:25-27

John 6:71

John 18:17

John 13:38





10. You shall not covet

Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness.

Mark 7:22


Matthew 26:14-16

Matthew 19:22

Matthew 21:38

Matthew 5:28

Mark 4:19

Mark 7:22

Mark 12:7,8

Mark 14:10,11

Mark 10:22

Luke 11:39

Luke 12:16-21

Luke 12:15

Luke 16:14

Luke 16:19-22

Luke 18:23

Luke 19:8

Luke 20:14

Luke 22:5,6

John 8:44

John 2:16




The Two Laws Compared



1. Spoken By

The Ten Commandments


Deuteronomy 4:12

The Ceremonial Law


Leviticus 1:1-3


2. Written By



Exodus 31:18



Deuteronomy 31:9

Deuteronomy 10:3,4


3. Written On



Exodus 31:18



Deuteronomy 31:24

Deuteronomy 10:3,4


4. Inside Ark



Deuteronomy 10:1-5



Deuteronomy 31:26


5. Complete?



Deuteronomy 5:22



Leviticus 1:1-3, 4:1-3


6. Eternal?



Psalm 111:7,8



Hebrews 7:12


7. Good?



Romans 7:12



Colossians 2:14


8. Points Out?



1 John 3:4



Leviticus 4:27-31

John 1:29


9. Obey?



Matthew 5:19



Acts 15:24


10. Spiritual?



Romans 7:14



Hebrews 7:16


11. Perfect



Psalm 19:7



Hebrews 7:19


12. Liberty



James 2:11,12



Galatians 5:1



13. Delight


Psalm 119:17,77


Acts 15:10


14. Christ Upheld



Isaiah 42:21



Ephesians 2:15


15. Till Eternity



Matthew 5:18



Galatians 3:19


16. Our Standard?



James 2:8-12



Colossians 2:16,17


17. Sabbath Began



Exodus 20:8-11



Leviticus 23:24


18. Sabbath Began


Before Sin

Genesis 2:1-3


After Sin

Leviticus 23:24





God’s 10 Commandment Law Is Not Moses’ Ceremonial Law


The Law of God

1 Chronicles 16:40


2 Chronicles 12:1




Ezra 7:10,12


Nehemiah 8:18


Psalm 1:2









The Law of Moses

Joshua 8:31, 34



1 Kings 2:3

2 Kings 14:6



2 Chronicles 23:18



Ezra 3:2


Nehemiah 8:8





Paul Kept The Ten Commandments After Calvary


1. You shall have no other gods before me.

One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.

Ephesians 4:6


Acts 24:14

Acts 27:23

Romans 1:21-32

Romans 1:9

Romans 3:30

Romans 3:18

1 Corinthians 14:25

1 Corinthians 8:4,6

1 Corinthians 10:20,21

2 Corinthians 6:15

Ephesians 4:6

Philippians 3:19

Philippians 3:3

Colossians 2:18

1 Thessalonians 1:9

2 Thessalonians 2:4

1 Timothy 1:17

1 Timothy 2:5

1 Timothy 1:3

2 Timothy 3:4

Hebrews 12:28

Hebrews 9:14

Hebrews 3:12




2. You shall not make any graven images

Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device. Acts 17:29


Acts 15:20,29

Acts 19:35

Acts 17:16,29

Acts 21:25

Romans 2:22

Romans 11:4

Romans 1:23

Romans 11:4

1 Corinthians 10:7,14

1 Corinthians 6:9

1 Corinthians 10:20,21

1 Corinthians 10:19

1 Corinthians 5:10,11

2 Corinthians 6:16

Galatians 5:20

Ephesians 5:5

Colossians 3:5

Colossians 5:21

1 Thessalonians 1:9




3. You shall not take the name of the LORD in vain

To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. Titus 2:5


Acts 18:6

Acts 26:11

Romans 2:24

Colossians 3:8

1 Timothy 1:13

1 Timothy 6:1

1 Timothy 1:20

2 Timothy 3:2

Titus 2:5






4. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy

For he spoke in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works. There remains therefore a rest [Greek - Sabbath] to the people of God. Hebrews 4:4, 9.


Acts 13:42

Acts 18:4-11

Acts 17:2

Acts 16:13

Acts 13:44

Acts 13:27

Acts 13:14

Acts 15:21

Hebrews 4:4, 9






5. Honor your father and mother

Honor thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise.

Ephesians 6:2


Romans 1:30

Ephesians 6:2

Colossians 3:20

1 Timothy 5:4

1 Timothy 3:12

1 Timothy 3:4

2 Timothy 3:2




6. You shall not kill

For this, You shall not commit adultery, You shall not kill, You shall not steal, Thou shall not bear false witness, You shall not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, You shall love thy neighbor as thyself. Romans 13:9.


Romans 3:15

Romans 11:3

Romans 1:29

Romans 13:9

Galatians 5:21

1 Thessalonians 2:15

1 Timothy 1:9




7. You shall not commit adultery

For this, You shall not commit adultery, You shall not kill, You shall not steal, Thou shall not bear false witness, You shall not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, You shall love thy neighbor as thyself. Romans 13:9.


Acts 15:20

Acts 15:29

Romans 1:29

Romans 2:22

Romans 7:2,3

1 Corinthians 5:11

1 Corinthians 6:13

1 Corinthians 6:18

1 Corinthians 7:2

1 Corinthians 10:8,10

1 Corinthians 5:9

1 Corinthians 5:1

1 Corinthians 5:10 1 Corinthians 6:15 1 Corinthians 10:34,36,39 1 Corinthians 6:9

1 Corinthians 10:11,13

2 Corinthians 11:2

Galatians 5:19

Ephesians 5:3,5

Ephesians 5:23,33

Colossians 3:18,19

Colossians 3:5

1 Thessalonians 4:3

1 Timothy 3:2

1 Timothy 1:10

1 Timothy 3:12

2 Timothy 3:6

Titus 2:4,5

Titus 1:6

Hebrews 13:4

Hebrews 12:16



8. You shall not steal

For this, You shall not commit adultery, You shall not kill, You shall not steal, Thou shall not bear false witness, You shall not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, You shall love thy neighbor as thyself. Romans 13:9.


Romans 13:9

Romans 2:21

Romans 2:22

1 Corinthians 6:8

1 Corinthians 7:5

1 Corinthians 6:10

2 Corinthians 11:8

Ephesians 4:28

1 Thessalonians 4:6

1 Timothy 1:10





9. You shall not bear false witness

For this, You shall not commit adultery, You shall not kill, You shall not steal, Thou shall not bear false witness, You shall not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, You shall love thy neighbor as thyself. Romans 13:9.


Acts 13:6

Romans 3:4

Romans 3:13

Romans 13:9

Romans 1:25

1 Corinthians 6:8

2 Corinthians 11:13

2 Corinthians 11:31

2 Corinthians 11:3

Galatians 1:20

Galatians 1:6-8

Ephesians 5:6

Ephesians 4:25

Ephesians 4:14

Colossians 3:9

1 Thessalonians 2:3

1 Thessalonians 4:6

2 Thessalonians 2:11

1 Timothy 2:7

1 Timothy 4:2

1 Timothy 6:10,21

1 Timothy 1:10

2 Timothy 2:18

2 Timothy 4:4

2 Timothy 3:13

2 Timothy 3:3

Titus 1:2

Titus 2:3

Hebrews 6:18







10. You shall not covet

For this, You shall not commit adultery, You shall not kill, You shall not steal, Thou shall not bear false witness, You shall not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, You shall love thy neighbor as thyself. Romans 13:9.


Romans 13:14

Romans 7:7

Romans 13:9

Romans 1:24

Romans 6:12

1 Corinthians 10:6

Galatians 5:16,24

Ephesians 2:3

Ephesians 4:19,22

Colossians 3:5

1 Thessalonians 2:5

1Timothyothy 3:3,8

1 Timothy 6:10

1 Timothy 6:9

2 Timothy 4:3

2 Timothy 3:6

2 Timothy 2:22

2 Timothy 3:2

Titus 2:12

Titus 3:3

Hebrews 13:5





The Law In Galatians Is The Ceremonial Law



None of the 10 Commandments are mentioned in Galatians. The Sabbath is not mentioned once. The issue in the book of Galatians is not Sabbath keeping but that of circumcision.





The gospel was planted in Galatia

Men arose preaching circumcision for salvation


Galatians Galatians Galatians






Circumcision is the issue, not the Sabbath Day!






The book of the law






The law of Moses


Deuteronomy Deuteronomy Deuteronomy Deuteronomy







God’s law written on stone not in paper book

Written on stone

Ceremonial law written on paper

God’s law and Moses’ law


1 Corinthians




Circumcision abolished but the 10 Commandments are binding






Faith and love








Keep the commandments with love






Judged by the Law






The New Covenant



The Ten Commandments Before and After Calvary


Commandment 1 Before Calvary

Matthew 6:24

Matthew 22:37

Matthew 19:17

Matthew 4:10

Matthew 14:33

Matthew 10:37,38

Matthew 10:32,33

Matthew 6:33

Mark 12:24-32

Mark 8:33

Luke 2:14

Luke 4:8

Luke 12:8,9

Luke 1:16

Luke 11:2

Luke 12:31

John 19:15

John 17:3

John 11:25

John 4:24


Commandment 1 After Calvary

Acts 24:14

Acts 7:7

Acts 27:23

Acts 7:42,43

Acts 5:29

Romans 3:30

Romans 1:9

Romans 3:18

Romans 1:21-32

1 Corinthians 8:4,6

1 Corinthians 14:25

1 Corinthians 10:20,21

2 Corinthians 6:15

Ephesians 4:6

Philippians 3:3

Philippians 3:19

Colossians 2:18

1 Thessalonians 1:9

2 Thessalonians 2:4

1 Timothy 1:3

1 Timothy 1:17

1 Timothy 2:5

2 Timothy 3:4

Hebrews 12:28

Hebrews 9:14

Hebrews 3:12

James 4:7

James 2:19

1 John 5:20,21

Revelation 21:3

Revelation 22:9

Revelation 21:22

Revelation 13:4

Revelation 19:4,10

Revelation 4:8-11

Revelation 5:14

Revelation 7:13-17

Revelation 11:16

Revelation 22:3



Commandment 2 Before Calvary

John 4:24


Commandment 2 After Calvary

Acts 15:20,29

Acts 19:35

Acts 7:43

Acts 17:16,29

Acts 21:25

Romans 2:22

Romans 11:4

Romans 1:23

Romans 11:4

1 Corinthians 10:7,14

1 Corinthians 6:9

1 Corinthians 10:20,21

1 Corinthians 10:19

1 Corinthians 5:10,11

2 Corinthians 6:16

Galatians 5:20

Ephesians 5:5

Colossians 3:5

Colossians 5:21

1 Thessalonians 1:9

1 Peter 4:3

1 John 5:21

Revelation 22:15

Revelation 9:20

Revelation 13:14,15

Revelation 14:9,11

Revelation 15:2

Revelation 16:2

Revelation 21:22

Revelation 21:8

Revelation 2:20

Revelation 19:20

Revelation 2:14

Revelation 20:4




Commandment 3 Before Calvary

Matthew 27:29

Matthew 6:9,10

Matthew 15:19

Matthew 12:31,32

Matthew 27:39-43

Mark 15:18,19

Mark 14:65

Mark 7:22

Mark 3:28,29

Luke 11:2

Luke 22:64,65

Luke 23:36,37

Luke 12:10

Luke 23:39

John 19:3



Commandment 3 After Calvary

Acts 26:11

Acts 18:6

Romans 2:24

Colossians 3:8

1 Timothy 6:1

1 Timothy 1:20

1 Timothy 1:13

2 Timothy 3:2

Titus 2:5

James 2:7

Jude 1:15

Revelation 2:9

Revelation 13:1,5,6

Revelation 17:1-5

Revelation 16:9,11,21



Commandment 4 Before Calvary

Matthew 12:2

Matthew 12:5

Matthew 12:8

Matthew 12:10

Matthew 12:11

Matthew 12:12

Matthew 24:20

Matthew 28:1

Matthew 12:1

Mark 3:4

Mark 16:9

Mark 16:2

Mark 16:1

Mark 6:2

Mark 1:21

Mark 2:28

Mark 2:27

Mark 2:24

Mark 2:23

Mark 3:2

Mark 15:42

Luke 4:31

Luke 13:10

Luke 6:9

Luke 6:7

Luke 6:6

Luke 6:5

Luke 6:1

Luke 4:16

Luke 13:15

Luke 13:16

Luke 6:2

Luke 14:1

Luke 14:3

Luke 14:5

Luke 18:12

Luke 23:54

Luke 23:56

Luke 24:1

Luke 13:14

John 19:31

John 20:1

John 9:16

John 9:14

John 7:22

John 5:18

John 5:10

John 5:9

John 7:23 John 20:19


Commandment 4 After Calvary

Acts 13:42

Acts 20:7

Acts 18:4-11

Acts 17:2

Acts 16:13

Acts 13:44

Acts 13:27

Acts 13:14

Acts 1:12

Acts 15:21

Hebrews 4:4

Hebrews 4:9

Revelation 14:7





Commandment 5 Before Calvary

Matthew 19:18,19 Matthew 15:3,4 Matthew 12:31 Mark 10:19


Commandment 5 After Calvary

Romans 1:30

Ephesians 6:2

Colossians 3:20

1 Timothy 5:4

1 Timothy 3:12

1 Timothy 3:4

2 Timothy 3:2

1 Peter 1:14


Commandment 6 Before Calvary

Matthew 21:38

Matthew 27:22,23

Matthew 27:20

Matthew 27:3-5

Matthew 27:1

Matthew 26:59

Matthew 5:21

Matthew 26:14-16

Matthew 26:4

Matthew 24:9

Matthew 27:35

Matthew 23:31

Matthew 26:66

Matthew 20:18,19

Matthew 17:23

Matthew 14:8,10

Matthew 11:12

Matthew 10:28

Matthew 10:21

Matthew 22:6

Matthew 19:18

Matthew 15:19

Matthew 23:34,35

Matthew 26:52

Mark 12:5

Mark 7:21

Mark 10:19

Mark 3:6

Mark 6:16

Mark 6:19

Mark 10:33,34

Mark 12:7,8

Mark 13:12

Mark 15:20

Mark 9:31

Mark 15:24

Mark 14:1

Mark 15:13-15

Mark 14:64

Mark 14:55

Mark 14:21

Mark 14:10,11

Mark 6:24-27

Luke 22:2

Luke 10:30

Luke 18:20

Luke 9:9

Luke 24:7

Luke 23:33

Luke 23:23

Luke 22:5,6

Luke 20:19

Luke 20:14

Luke 19:47

Luke 18:33

Luke 13:31

Luke 11:47-51

Luke 9:22

Luke 4:29

Luke 12:4,5

John 19:6,7

John 16:2

John 8:44

John 13:2

John 7:19,20

John 19:15

John 7:1

John 8:37

John 12:10

John 11:50




Commandment 6 After Calvary

Romans 3:15

Romans 13:9

Romans 1:29

Romans 11:3

Galatians 5:21

1 Thessalonians 2:15

1 Timothy 1:9

James 5:6

James 2:11

James 4:2

1 Peter 4:15

1 John 3:15

1 John 4:20

1 John 2:9

1 John 3:12

Revelation 21:8

Revelation 22:15

Revelation 2:13

Revelation 6:8-10

Revelation 11:7

Revelation 12:4

Revelation 13:15

Revelation 18:24

Revelation 17:6

Revelation 19:2

Revelation 9:21




Commandment 7 Before Calvary

Matthew 12:39

Matthew 19:9,18

Matthew 15:19

Matthew 5:27-32

Matthew 14:4

Matthew 5:8

Matthew 16:4

Mark 6:18

Mark 8:38

Mark 10:2-12

Mark 7:21

Mark 10:19

Luke 16:18

Luke 7:37

Luke 15:30

John 8:3,4


Commandment 7 After Calvary

Acts 15:29

Acts 15:20

Romans 2:22 Romans 1:29

Romans 7:2,3

1 Corinthians 5:9

1 Corinthians 10:34,36,39 1 Corinthians 5:10

1 Corinthians 10:8,10

1 Corinthians 7:2

1 Corinthians 6:18 1 Corinthians 6:13

1 Corinthians 5:1

1 Corinthians 6:9

1 Corinthians 5:11

1 Corinthians 6:15

1 Corinthians 10:11,13

2 Corinthians 11:2

Galatians 5:19

Ephesians 5:23,33

Ephesians 5:3,5

Colossians 3:18,19

Colossians 3:5

1 Thessalonians 4:3

1 Timothy 3:12

1 Timothy 1:10

1 Timothy 3:2

2 Timothy 3:6

Titus 2:4,5

Titus 1:6

Hebrews 12:16

Hebrews 13:4

James 2:11

James 3:15

James 4:4

1 Peter 3:1,5,7

1 Peter 4:3

2 Peter 2:14

Jude 1:19

Jude 1:4

Jude 1:7

Revelation 2:14

Revelation 2:20-22

Revelation 9:21

Revelation 14:8

Revelation 17:15,16

Revelation 18:3,9

Revelation 19:2

Revelation 22:15

Revelation 21:2

Revelation 17:1-5

Revelation 21:9

Revelation 21:8





Commandment 8 Before Calvary

Matthew 19:18

Matthew 23:14

Matthew 21:38

Matthew 21:12,13

Matthew 6:19,20

Matthew 15:19

Mark 7:22

Mark 10:19

Mark 12:40

Mark 11:17

Luke 18:20

Luke 19:46

Luke 3:13

Luke 19:8

Luke 10:30

Luke 20:14

John 2:16





Commandment 8 After Calvary

Acts 5:1-5

Romans 13:9

Romans 2:22

Romans 2:21

1 Corinthians 6:10

1 Corinthians 7:5

1 Corinthians 6:8

2 Corinthians 11:8

Ephesians 4:28

1 Thessalonians 4:6

1 Timothy 1:10

James 5:4

1 Peter 4:15

Revelation 9:21




Commandment 9 Before Calvary

Matthew 7:15

Matthew 27:63

Matthew 26:69-75

Matthew 26:34,35

Matthew 26:24,25

Matthew 26:14,16

Matthew 24:23,24

Matthew 28:13

Matthew 11:18,19

Matthew 27:12,13

Matthew 24:10,11

Matthew 26:59,60

Matthew 19:18

Matthew 5:11

Matthew 5:33

Matthew 15:19

Matthew 24:4

Matthew 26:48

Mark 13:21,22

Mark 10:19

Mark 13:22

Mark 3:22

Mark 7:22

Mark 13:12

Mark 14:1

Mark 14:10,11

Mark 14:21

Mark 14:30,31

Mark 14:41

Mark 14:66-72

Mark 15:3,4

Mark 14:56,57

Mark 13:5,6

Luke 22:5,6

Luke 22:54-62

Luke 19:8

Luke 20:20

Luke 6:22

Luke 22:21

Luke 21:16

Luke 6:16

Luke 7:33,34

Luke 11:15-20

Luke 21:8

Luke 22:34

Luke 23:2

John 3:19-21

John 13:2

John 8:44,55

John 10:20

John 18:25-27

John 6:71

John 18:17

John 13:38




Commandment 9 After Calvary

Acts 6:13

Acts 5:3,4

Acts 13:6

Romans 13:9

Romans 3:13

Romans 3:4

Romans 1:25

1 Corinthians 6:8

2 Corinthians 11:13

2 Corinthians 11:31

2 Corinthians 11:3

Galatians 1:20

Galatians 1:6-8

Ephesians 4:14

Ephesians 5:6

Ephesians 4:25

Colossians 3:9

1 Thessalonians 2:3

1 Thessalonians 4:6

2 Thessalonians 2:11

1 Timothy 4:2

1 Timothy 1:10

1 Timothy 2:7

1 Timothy 6:10,21

2 Timothy 2:18

2 Timothy 3:13

2 Timothy 4:4

2 Timothy 3:3

Titus 1:2

Titus 2:3

Hebrews 6:18

James 3:14

1 Peter 3:16

2 Peter 2:18,19

2 Peter 2:13

2 Peter 2:1

2 Peter 3:17

1 John 4:20

1 John 5:10

1 John 4:1

1 John 1:10

1 John 2:4

1 John 2:27

1 John 2:21,22

1 John 1:6

1 John 4:6

2 John 1:7

Jude 1:16

Jude 1:10

Revelation 18:23

Revelation 13:14

Revelation 12:9

Revelation 21:8

Revelation 2:2

Revelation 20:3,8

Revelation 22:15

Revelation 3:9

Revelation 21:27

Revelation 20:10



Commandment 10 Before Calvary

Matthew 26:14-16

Matthew 19:22

Matthew 21:38

Matthew 5:28

Mark 4:19

Mark 7:22

Mark 12:7,8

Mark 14:10,11

Mark 10:22

Luke 11:39

Luke 12:16-21

Luke 12:15

Luke 16:14

Luke 16:19-22

Luke 18:23

Luke 19:8

Luke 20:14

Luke 22:5,6

John 8:44

John 2:16


Commandment 10 After Calvary

Romans 1:24

Romans 6:12

Romans 13:14

Romans 13:9

Romans 7:7

1 Corinthians 10:6

Galatians 5:16,24

Ephesians 4:19,22

Ephesians 2:3

Colossians 3:5

1 Thessalonians 2:5

1 Timothy 6:10

1 Timothy 3:3,8

1 Timothy 6:9

2 Timothy 4:3

2 Timothy 3:6

2 Timothy 3:2

2 Timothy 2:22

Titus 3:3

Titus 2:12

Hebrews 13:5

James 1:14,15

James 5:1-5

James 4:1,3

James 3:16

1 Peter 1:14

1 Peter 2:11

1 Peter 4:2,3

2 Peter 2:18

2 Peter 3:3

1 John 2:16,17

Jude 1:11

Jude 1:16,18

Revelation 7:13-17

Revelation 18:9-19

Revelation 9:21



80 Facts About the Sabbath and Sunday


Forty Seven Bible Facts About Saturday


1. After working six days to create this earth, God rested on the seventh day of the week (Saturday): Genesis 2:1, 2.


2. When God rested upon the seventh day, Saturday became His “rest day.” That is why the Bible calls Saturday “The Sabbath Day.” The word “Sabbath” means “cessation” or “rest.”


3. God blessed the seventh day of the week and made it holy: Genesis 2:3; Exodus 20:11.


4. Just as no one can change your birthday, so Saturday will always be God’s Sabbath day. No human can change the day God has blessed and made holy: Numbers 23:19, 20.


5. God created the Sabbath day before Adam and Eve sinned. Therefore, the Sabbath is not a “type,” or “shadow” since God introduced “types” and “shadows” after sin.


6. Jesus said that the Sabbath was made for man: Mark 2:27.


7. Since the Greek word translated “man” means “human beings,” the Sabbath is meant for every person regardless of his nationality.


8. Jesus said that He is Lord of the Sabbath day: Mark 2:28. Therefore the seventh day is called “The Sabbath Day,” and also “The Lord’s Day.”


9. The Sabbath day is a memorial of creation: Exodus 20:11. Every time we rest from our work on Saturday we are honoring God as our Creator and rejecting the theory of evolution.


10. The Sabbath day is also a memorial of God’s redemptive power: Deuteronomy 5:12-15. God redeems us from our slavery to sin, just as He freed the Israelites from Egyptian slavery.


11. The Bible Sabbath is the seventh day of the week: Genesis 2:3. The calendar shows us that the seventh day of the week is Saturday. The dictionary tells us that Saturday is the seventh day of the week. Astronomers and chronologers agree that ever since creation, the seventh day of the week has never been changed! The seventh day of the week today (Saturday) is the same seventh day of the week that God blessed six thousand years ago!


12. The Sabbath was not invented by the Jews, for it was created by God 2,300 years before there ever was a Jew.


13. The Bible never calls the seventh day of the week “the Jewish Sabbath.”


14. The Sabbath was part of God’s Law before the Ten Commandments were given on Mount Sinai: Exodus 16:4, 27-30.


15. In the Ten Commandments God reminded His people to keep the seventh day holy by resting from their daily work: Exodus 20:8-11. Didn’t God mean what He said about the Sabbath? Or are the Ten Commandments just God’s “Ten Suggestions”? If God meant what He said about lying, stealing, and murder, didn’t He also mean what He said about the Sabbath? Which of us has the authority to contradict God?


16. God not only spoke the Ten Commandments-He also wrote them on two stone tablets with His own finger: Deuteronomy 4:13, 14. This plainly indicates that His law is everlasting.


17. God’s Law, including the Sabbath commandment, was preserved in the most holy place of the temple. This indicates that God’s Ten Commandments are sacred Deuteronomy 10:1-5.


18. Keeping God’s Sabbath day holy is a sign that we accept Him as the true God: Ezekiel 20:20.


19. God has pronounced a special blessing on all Gentiles who keep His Sabbath day holy: Isaiah 56:6, 7. The blessing is part of a prophecy which refers entirely to the “Christian dispensation.” Therefore God intended for all Christians to keep the Sabbath day holy: Hebrews 4:9, 10.


20. God promises to bless everyone who keeps the Sabbath day holy: Isaiah 56:2.


21. God will bless us if we enjoy the Sabbath and call it “honorable”: Isaiah 58:13, 14. Therefore we would not be blessed by God if we said that “the Sabbath is a yoke of bondage,” or “an attempt to earn one’s salvation.” Would we say the same thing about the other nine of God’s Ten Commandments? Why do some Christians only disagree with obeying the Sabbath Commandment?


22. The Bible prophesied that in these last days God’s people will rediscover and restore His Sabbath to its rightful place: Isaiah 58:12-14.


23. All God’s prophets in the entire Bible kept Saturday as the holy Sabbath day.


24. When Jesus, the Son of God, was on earth He kept the Sabbath day holy: Luke 4:16.


25. Jesus lovingly obeyed His Heavenly Father’s commandments: John 15:10. Won’t we also be blessed by following the example that both God the Father and God the Son set for us?


26. Instead of abolishing it, Jesus carefully taught us how to keep the Sabbath: Matthew 12:9-13.


27. Jesus elevated the Sabbath as a day created to bring blessing to all mankind: Mark 3:1-6.


28. Jesus instructed His followers to pray that they would be able to keep the Sabbath day holy even in war time: Matthew 24:20. The war Jesus spoke about came forty years after His death and resurrection. This indicates that He expected Christians to continue resting on the Sabbath even after His resurrection.


29. The day after Jesus’ crucifixion His followers rested on the Sabbath: Luke 23:56. This indicates there was no change in the day of worship as far as they were concerned.


30. In the New Testament the Apostle Paul refers to the seventh day as “The Sabbath” more than ten years after Jesus was raised from the dead: Acts 13:27. Who are we to believe: Paul who said the Sabbath was still honored ten years after Jesus’ resurrection-or modern teachers who claim the Sabbath ended at Jesus’ death?


31. Luke called Saturday “The Sabbath” nearly thirty years after Jesus’ resurrection: Acts 13:44.


32. All the Christian churches and Gentile converts were regularly worshipping on Sabbath at least thirty years after Christ’s death and resurrection: Acts 15:19-21. In fact, if the Sabbath had been abolished or changed, certainly this first General Council of the Christian Church would have decreed Sunday as the new day of worship! Instead, this Church Council upheld Saturday as God’s holy Sabbath Day!


33. The first Christians referred to the seventh day as “The Sabbath” as they assembled to pray and preach the Gospel on Saturday: Acts 16:13.


34. Like Jesus, it was also Paul’s custom to go to church on the Sabbath day, and to preach the Gospel: Act

17:2, 3.


35. The book of Acts alone lists some 84 religious meetings that were held by Christians on the Sabbath: Acts 13:14, 44; 16:13; 17:2; 18:4, 11.


36. Never does the Bible record any argument between Christians and Jews as to which day is the Sabbath. All agree that the seventh day of the week, Saturday, is the Bible Sabbath.


37. In all the charges that the Jews brought against Paul, never once did they accuse him of failing to keep the Sabbath day holy: Acts 25:7, 8. So why do people today claim Paul was against keeping the Sabbath when his personal example proved the opposite?


38. The Sabbath is mentioned in 56 verses of the New Testament.


39. Never once in the Bible does the word “Sabbath” refer to the first day of the week (Sunday).


40. Not once does God’s Word even hint that the Sabbath was abolished, changed, or ignored by Christ, His

disciples, or any other New Testament Christian.


41. The weekly Sabbath is mentioned with respect every time it appears in the New Testament.


42. Nowhere in the New Testament does God ever give permission for anyone to desecrate the Sabbath by working on that day. Therefore, what authority do modern Christians have for desecrating God’s holy Sabbath day (Saturday)?


43. There is not a single example of any Christian in the New Testament who ever performed his daily work on the Sabbath day.


44. There is no statement in the entire Bible that God has ever removed His blessing from the Sabbath day. Therefore the Bible is clear that Saturday continues to be the holy day of rest and worship created by God for all Christians.


45. Jesus specifically stated: “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them” (Matthew 5:17). Why then do modern Christians claim Jesus came to abolish God’s Sabbath commandment when He says He did not? Since Jesus exactly fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies we can be certain that He is God’s Son and our Savior. As our Savior, Jesus also perfectly obeyed God’s Law. As our Lord, Jesus instructs us: “If you want to enter life, obey the commandments” (Matthew 19:17). Didn’t Jesus mean all ten of God’s Ten Commandments?


46. Jesus also specifically stated: “I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law” (Matthew 5:18)! The fact that both heaven and earth still exist is proof that God’s Law, and His Sabbath still stand!


47. The Sabbath day will be kept holy by all the saved for all eternity: Isaiah 66:22, 23. Then shouldn’t each Christian, choose to follow Jesus’ example and keep the Sabbath day holy now?


That is what God’s Word says about Saturday, the Bible Sabbath. How could so many modern Christians forget about the day God said was the day for rest and worship? No wonder when God wrote out the Ten Commandments He began the fourth commandment by saying: “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy!” This week will you remember?



Thirty Bible Facts About Sunday


Now let’s consider what the Bible has to say about Sunday. And as you read these thirty Bible facts about Sunday ask yourself: Is Sunday the Bible Sabbath? Did Jesus set an example for us by worshipping on the first day of the week? Was the Bible Sabbath changed from Saturday to Sunday? What Bible authority do modern Christians have for keeping Sunday holy? Thirty Bible facts about Sunday


1. According to the Bible, the very first thing God did was to work on Sunday: Genesis 1:1-5. Since God worked on Sunday, can it be wrong for us to follow His example?


2. In the Ten Commandments God stated that the first six days of the week (Sunday through Friday) are work days. But He specifically told us to “Remember the seventh day is a Sabbath. These Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy”: Exodus 20:8-11. Modern dictionaries, calendars, and astronomers all agree that the seventh day of the week (Saturday) is the same day of the week that God made holy as the Sabbath. Is it right to disobey God by forgetting what He specifically told us to remember?


3. God never rested upon the first day of the week (Sunday).


4. God never blessed Sunday, but He did bless the seventh day (Saturday): Genesis 2:2, 3.


5. God calls the first six days of the week “working days”: Ezekiel 46:1.


6. God’s people have used the first day of the week as a common work day for at least 6,000 years.


7. None of the Old Testament patriarchs kept Sunday holy.


8. None of God’s Bible prophets ever kept Sunday holy.


9. None of the New Testament Apostles or Christians ever kept Sunday holy.


10. Jesus never observed Sunday as a holy day of rest and worship. Instead, the example He set for us was to obey God by worshipping Him on the Sabbath (Saturday): Luke 4:16.


11. As a carpenter, Jesus worked six days a week (including Sunday): Mark 6:3.


12. Nowhere in the Bible did Jesus ever bless the first day of the week (Sunday).


13. The Bible contains no command of God making Sunday holy.


14. No Bible prophet ever said one word in favor of Sunday as the holy day of worship.


15. The is no law in the Bible requiring us to observe Sunday as a day of rest and worship, or penalizing anyone who works on the first day of the week. Romans 4:15 tells us that where there is no law there can be no transgression (sin). Therefore, according to God’s Word, it cannot be a sin to work on Sunday.


16. Since 1 John 3:4 defines sin as breaking God’s Law, it is not a sin to follow God’s example by working on Sunday. But it is a sin to break God’s Law by working on Saturday.


17. Never does the New Testament forbid anyone to work on Sunday.


18. Never does the Bible promise a blessing for anyone who worships on Sunday. But the Bible does promise a blessing to those who remember to keep Saturday holy: Isaiah 56:6, 7.


19. While God has regulations as to how the seventh day Sabbath is to be observed, never once does the Bible provide any regulation concerning how people should worship on the first day of the week. If worshipping on Sunday was God’s plan for Christians, wouldn’t He have made that crystal clear in the Bible?


20. The Bible never calls Sunday the “Christian Sabbath.”


21. The Bible never calls Sunday “The Sabbath.”


22. The Bible never calls Sunday “The Lord’s Day.”


23. The Bible never refers to Sunday as the holy day of rest and worship.


24. The Bible never even mentions the word “Sunday.”


25. The Bible simply refers to Sunday as the “first day of the week.”


26. As far as the Bible record is concerned, Jesus never even uttered the words “Sunday,” or “first day of the week!”


27. The first day of the week is mentioned only eight times in all the New Testament.


28. Six of those eight texts refer to the same Resurrection Sunday. Let’s examine each of those eight references to see if even one contains any command to worship on Sunday, or contains any blessing for worshipping on Sunday:


Matthew 28:1

States that the two Marys came to Christ’s tomb “after the Sabbath at dawn on the first day of the week (Sunday).” This text is clear that the Bible Sabbath is not the first day of the week. Nothing is said here about changing the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday.


Mark 16:2

Agrees that the two Marys went to Jesus’ tomb early on the first day of the week. Comparing with verse 1, again we see that the Bible Sabbath is not the first day of the week. Jesus had been raised from the dead before the women arrived, but there is no command here for us to keep Sunday holy. Instead, even after His resurrection, Saturday is still recognized as the Bible Sabbath.


Mark 16:9

States that Jesus rose from the dead early on the first day of the week. But there is not even a hint He changed the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday.


Luke 24:1

Repeats the fact that the women went to Jesus’ tomb early on Sunday morning. But again there is no command making Sunday holy or changing the day of worship. There is simply no Bible evidence for Sunday to replace Saturday as the Sabbath.


John 20:1

States that Mary came to Jesus’ tomb before dawn on the first day of the week. A visit to a graveyard on Sunday does not command Christians to go to church and worship on Sunday!


John 20:19

Records the fact that Jesus appeared to His disciples in the upper room on Sunday evening. This text states the disciples had gathered behind locked doors because of they feared persecution from the Jews. This was not a worship service commemorating Christ’s resurrection - the disciples did not even know He was alive! It was a perfect opportunity for Jesus to tell His disciples He had changed the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday. But Jesus said nothing! Why? Because He had not changed the day of worship! These Bible records no change of the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday. It never calls Sunday a holy day. It never abolishes Saturday as the Bible Sabbath. There is no Bible precedent for worshipping on Sunday. In the Greek, John 20:26 says Jesus met them there again “after eight days.” Eight days after Sunday evening is Monday evening. Does this mean we should worship on Monday? Of course not, God’s holy day is Saturday!


Acts 20:7

Records the second and last time in the New Testament that Christians specifically gathered together on a Sunday. Notice that they met for two reasons: (1) to eat together (“break bread”), and (2) to bid Paul farewell. They did not celebrate the Lord’s Supper (which requires bread and wine). They did not meet to worship God. They did not meet to read the Bible. They did not meet in a church. They did meet in a private home on Sunday evening, indicating that these Christians had spent the day working at their daily occupations before gathering for this special farewell supper. There is no Bible record that Jesus’ disciples or the first Christians ever met to worship on Sunday! But the New Testament does list 84 meetings where Christians gathered for worship on Saturday.


1 Corinthians 16:2

Tells of a special offering Paul requested from Gentile Christians to help Jewish Christians in a time of need. Notice the following:


a. Sunday was the day for examining personal finances and setting aside money for the poor.

b. This was not an offering collected in church; each person was to individually “set aside” what he could afford.

c. Each person was to “save up” his contribution until Paul arrived.

d. Paul specifically stated that he wanted “NO collections” to be made. If these contributions were to be received at church, there certainly would have been a collection made!

e. Not a word is said here about meeting in church to worship God on Sunday.


These facts are clear that not even once in any of these eight texts is there any Bible evidence to support the modern habit of worshipping in church on the first day of the week (Sunday)!


29.  Nowhere  does  the  Bible  say  that  we  are  to  worship  on  Sunday even  as  a  memorial of  Jesus’ resurrection. Instead, God’s Word states that baptism by immersion commemorates the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus: Romans 6:3-5.


30. The Bible evidence is clear: Sunday, the first day of the week, is a normal work day. According to the Bible, Sunday is not a holy day. Sunday is not the Bible Sabbath. Sunday is not a special day blessed by God. Instead, God created the seventh day (Saturday) as the Bible Sabbath. God never changed the day of rest and worship, and He promises to bless you if you lovingly obey Him: Exodus 20:8-11; Isaiah 56:1-7.



Jesus Christ And The Old Testament



While on earth ten percent of the daily conversations of Jesus consisted of Old Testament words quoted literally.


Matthew - 83

Mark - 34

Luke - 42

John - 20




1:27 Matthew 19:4; Mark 10:6

2:24 Matthew 19:5; Mark 10:7

4:3-8 Matthew 23:35; Luke 11:51

5:2 Matthew 19:4; Mark 10:6

6:5 Matthew 24:38; Luke 17:26, 27

6:9 Matthew 26:52

14:19 Matthew 11:25

17:1 Matthew 5:48

17:10-14 John 7:22

18:14 Matthew 19:26; Mark 10:27

19:23-26 Luke 17:29, 32

28:12 John 1:51



3:1-6 Matthew 22:32; Mark 12:26; Luke 20:37

12:1-28 Matthew. 26:18; Mark 14:13-15

16:4 John. 6:31, 32

16:13-15 John. 6:31, 49, 58

16:35 John. 6:49

21:12-16 Matthew 5:21-27; 15:4; 19:18; Mark 7:10; Luke. 18:20

21:17 Matthew. 15:4; Mark 7:10

21:24 Matthew. 5:38

24:3-8 Matthew. 26:28

29:31-34 Matthew. 12:4



2:13 Mark 9:48

12:3 John 7:22, 23

14:2-32 Matthew 8:4; Mark 1:44; Luke 5:14, 17

18:5 Luke 10:28

19:2,12,13,18 Matthew 5:33, 43, 48; 22:39;

20:9 Matthew 15:4

Mark 10:19; 12:31

22:32 Matthew 6:9; Luke 11:2

24:5-9, 20 Matthew 12:4; Luke 6:4; Mark 2:26



21:8, 9 John 3:14, 15

28:9, 10 Matthew 12:5

30:2 Matthew 5:33

31:16 Revelation 2:14



5:16-20 Matthew 5:21; 15:4; Luke 18:20;

6:4, 5, 13, 16 Matthew 4:7; 22:37; Luke 4:12;

Mark 7:10; 10:19

Mark 12:29, 30

8:3 Matthew 4:4; Luke 4:4

10:12, 20 Matthew 4:10; 22:37; Luke 4:8

17:6 Matthew 18:16; John 8:17

19:15, 21 Matthew 5:38; 18:16; John 8:17

23:21 Matthew 5:33

24:1 Matthew 5:31


1 Samuel

21:1-6 Matthew 12:3, 4; Mark 2:26; Luke 6:3, 4


1 Kings

10:1-10 Matthew 12:42; Luke 11:31

17:1-24 Luke 4:25, 26

18:1, 2 Luke 4:25


2 Kings

5:1-14 Luke. 4:27


2 Chronicles

9:1-12 Matthew 12:42; Luke 11:31

24:19, 21 Matthew 23:35; Luke 11:51

36:16 Matthew 5:12



2:9 Revelation 2:27

6:8 Matthew 7:23

7:9 Revelation 2:23

8:2 Matthew 21:16

22:1 Matthew 27:46; Mark 15:34

35:19 John 15:25

37:11 Matthew 5:5

41:9 John 13:18

48:2 Matthew 5:35

69:4 John 15:35

82:6 John 10:34

110:1 Matthew 22:44; Mark 12:36; Luke 20:42

118:22, 23, 26 Matthew 21:42; Mark 12:10; Luke 13:35



20:20 Matthew 15:4

25:6, 7 Luke 9:10; 14:8



6:9, 10 Matthew 13:14; Mark 4:12; Luke 8:10

9:14, 15 Matthew 21:44; Luke 20:18

13:9, 10 Matthew 24:29; Mark 13:24; Luke 21:25

22:22 Revelation 3:7

29:13 Matthew 15:8, 9; Mark 7:6, 7

36:5, 6 Matthew 11:5; 9:27

39:8 Mark 13:31

42:7 Luke 4:18

53:12 Luke 22:37

54:13 John 6:45

56:7 Matthew 21:13; Mark 11:17; Luke 19:46

61:1 Luke 4:18

66:1; 66:24 Matthew 5:34, 35; Mark 9:44, 46, 48



6:21 Mark 8:18

7:11 Matthew 21:13; Mark 11:17; Luke 10:46

17:10 Revelation 2:23

32:17 Matthew 19:26

12:2 Mark 8:18



7:13 Matthew 24:30; 26:64

9:27 Matthew 24:15; Mark 13:14

11:31 Matthew 24:15



12:1, 2 Matthew 24:21; 25:46; Mark 13:14



10:8 Luke 23:30




2:10 Matthew 24:29

3:15 Matthew 24:29



1:17 Matthew 12:40; 16:4; Luke 11:30

3:1-10 Matthew 12:41; Luke 11:32



6:6-8 Matthew 9:13

7:6 Matthew 10:35, 36; Luke 12:53



13:7 Matthew 26:31; Mark 14:27



3:1 Matthew 11:10; Luke 7:27

4:5 Matthew 11:24



The Ten Commandments In Revelation



Revelation 21:3

Revelation 22:9

Revelation 21:22

Revelation 13:4

Revelation 19:4,10

Revelation 4:8-11

Revelation 5:14

Revelation 7:13-17

Revelation 11:16

Revelation 22:3





Revelation 22:15 Revelation 9:20 Revelation 13:14,15 Revelation 14:9,11

Revelation 15:2 Revelation 16:2 Revelation 21:22 Revelation 21:8



Revelation 2:20 Revelation 19:20 Revelation 2:14 Revelation 20:4



Revelation 2:9 Revelation 13:1,5,6 Revelation 17:1-5 Revelation 16:9

Revelation 16:11,21



Revelation 14:7



Revelation 12:17 Revelation 14:12 Revelation 22:14 (Matthew 17:17-22)



Revelation 21:8 Revelation 22:15 Revelation 2:13 Revelation 6:8-10

Revelation 11:7 Revelation 12:4 Revelation 13:15 Revelation 18:24

Revelation 17:6 Revelation 19:2 Revelation 9:21



Revelation 2:14 Revelation 2:20-22 Revelation 9:21 Revelation 14:8

Revelation 17:15,16 Revelation 18:3,9 Revelation 19:2 Revelation 22:15

Revelation 21:2 Revelation 17:1-5 Revelation 21:9 Revelation 21:8



Revelation 3:11 Revelation 9:21



Revelation 18:23               Revelation 13:14               Revelation 12:9                 Revelation 21:8

Revelation 2:2                   Revelation 20:3,8              Revelation 22:15               Revelation 3:9

Revelation 21:27               Revelation 20:10



Revelation 7:13-17            Revelation 18:9-19            Revelation 9:21



Fifteen Texts Used Against the Sabbath Answered


1. Didn’t Paul condemn the Galatians for “observing special days and months and seasons and years?” Doesn’t this mean Paul was teaching that the Sabbath had been abolished? (Galatians 4:10)


The answer to your question is found by understanding who Paul was writing to and what circumstances he was addressing. By reading Galatians 4:8-11 and analyzing the verses surrounding the text you quoted, we discover Paul was not even speaking about the Sabbath. Let’s carefully examine what he wrote:


Verse 8 “Formerly, when you did not know God.” Here Paul tells us he was not writing to Jews because, as God’s chosen nation, the Jews already knew God. Instead Paul was writing to people who were once pagans and who had recently converted to Christianity. Before converting to Christianity these pagans did not know God and they “were slaves to those who by nature are not gods.” They were worshipping heathen idols and pagan deities which do not have the divine nature of the true God. Paganism was common in Paul’s day, and in 1 Corinthians 10:20 he also had to warn the Corinthian Christians against participating in pagan sacrifices and celebrations.


Verse 9 “But now that you know God.” After Paul preached the Gospel to these pagans and they learned about the true God, they converted to Christianity. Now as Christians they know God. But they are beginning to slip back into their old pagan habits: “you are turning back to those weak and miserable principles.” These were heathen principles taught by the pagans. What were the “weak and miserable principles” of paganism that these new Christian converts found so appealing that they risked being “enslaved by them all over again?” Paul answers that question in the next verse.


Verse 10  “You are  observing special days and  months and  seasons and  years!” Paul  wrote this to Christians who were falling back into their old pagan customs. Those “special days” were not the special days that Christians or Jews observe, they were the special days that pagans observed. For instance, pagans celebrated the solstices: June 22 (the beginning of the summer season) and December 22 (the beginning of the winter season). Pagans also celebrated the first day of each week, Sunday, in memory of their Sun god. They had many fast days and feast days which were part of their pagan religion.


Verse 11 “I fear for you, that somehow I have wasted my efforts on you.” Paul had worked hard to present the Gospel to these people. He warned them his efforts would be wasted if they left Christianity by turning back to their old pagan customs and revelry.


Conclusion: There is nothing here about obeying God’s Ten Commandments, or worshipping on the seventh day of the week, or abolishing God’s holy Sabbath day. Instead, Paul is warning his new Christian friends against turning back to the old pagan celebrations they had once observed.


2. Paul tells us in Romans 14:5 no day is more sacred than another, therefore we can worship any day we please.


No, what Paul said is: “one man considers one day more sacred than another; another man considers every day alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind.” When we look at the context we learn Paul was addressing personal preferences, not direct commands from God. Let’s look carefully at Paul’s words:


In verse 1 Paul tells us he is speaking about “disputable matters.” These are the gray areas of Christian life where personal preferences are exercised, because they do not deal with clearly defined commands of God.


Verses 2-4 tell us these “disputable matters” concern things such as whether or not a person prefers to be a vegetarian. In the absence of a direct command from God to “eat only vegetables,” each person is free to exercise his own personal preference. Paul writes that God accepts our personal preferences in these gray areas.


Verses 5-9 tell us that there are also gray areas when it comes to “days.” Notice the word “sacred” has been added by the translators for the original Greek reads: “One man judges a day above a day, another judges every day.” The King James version reads: “One man esteems one day above another; another esteems every day alike.” In other words a fisherman might think the fish bite better on Tuesday than they do on Friday. Or a farmer may prefer to plant his crops on Monday instead of Thursday. Whatever we think about one day being better than another is our personal business.


But in verses 10-12 Paul warns Christians that every one of us will “give an account of himself to God.” While God accepts our personal preferences in the gray areas, He does not permit us to choose which of His commands we will obey. Disobedience is sin and we will be condemned for disobedience: Romans



Conclusion: Paul did not say that God’s holy Sabbath day had been abolished. Instead Paul said as long as we obey what God has specifically commanded, we are free to exercise our personal preferences in the gray areas of Christian life. But since God specifically made Saturday holy and clearly designated it as the day for rest and worship, we are sinning if we disobey God’s command.


3. Doesn’t Ephesians 2:15 say the Ten Commandments were abolished by Christ’s death on the cross?


No, Ephesians 2:15 does not even mention the Ten Commandments. Instead it says: “by abolishing in his flesh the law with its commandments and regulations.” The law that Paul was speaking about has both commandments and regulations. That law was the “barrier, the dividing wall of hostility” he referred to in verse 14. It was the ceremonial law with its commandments and regulations about sacrifices and unclean foods that created a wall between Jews and Gentiles. Christ fulfilled the ceremonial law and abolished its regulations and sacrifices through His death. But the moral law in Ten Commandments was not abolished nor was it even relaxed by Christ. Instead, Jesus made the Ten Commandments broader and more far- reaching (Matthew 5:21-48). The Ten Commandments continue to define sin and point sinners to Christ as their  Savior  (Galatians  3:24).  Paul  tells  us  that  our  faith  in  Christ  never  abolishes  God’s  Ten Commandment law (Romans 3:31).


Conclusion: The ceremonial law which contained commandments and regulations regarding foods and sacrifices was abolished when Christ died on the cross. But the Ten Commandments continue to be in effect as the definition of sin. We Christians must always obey what God specifically requires in His moral law.


4. Paul tells us in Colossians 2:14, 16 that the Ten Commandments were nailed to the cross. Therefore aren’t Christians free to worship on Sunday instead of Saturday since the Sabbath commandment no longer is in effect?


Again, the Ten Commandments are not even mentioned here. Instead, Colossians 2:14 says: “having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross.” Notice that the Bible makes a distinction between the “written code” which was canceled at the cross and God’s Ten Commandments. God’s Ten Commandments are eternal and were placed inside the Ark of the Covenant. The ceremonial laws ended at the cross and were kept in a pocket outside of the Ark (Deuteronomy 10:4, 5; 31:24-26). The ceremonial laws are the “written code” which regulated “what you eat or drink” as well as “religious festivals, New Moon celebrations, (and) Sabbaths” (Colossians 2:16). Jesus fulfilled and established the Ten Commandments by living a sinless life; but He fulfilled and abolished the “written code” of ceremonial celebrations and worship services which pointed forward to His first coming as the Messiah (sacrificial lambs, offerings, Annual Holy Days, et cetera). Jesus specifically stated He did not come to abolish God’s Ten Commandment Law, but rather to fulfill it by living a sinless life (Matthew 5:17-19).


In the original Greek the words “written code” are literally “the handwritten certificate of indebtedness.” The words “code, with its” are supplied by the translators and do not appear in the original Greek. Thus Christ took away the “handwritten certificate of our indebtedness,” and nailed it to the cross when He forgave all our sins (Colossians 2:13).


In its simplest terms, this written certificate of indebtedness states: “The wages of sin is death” (Romans

6:23). By sinning we are indebted to pay for our sins with our life. But Jesus paid our death penalty on the cross with His life, thus blotting out our death certificate. In addition, He fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies and the religious regulations and ceremonies which pointed forward to His first coming and death on the cross. Thus we can be forgiven for our past sins, but the Ten Commandments were not abolished by Jesus’ death on the cross. Therefore we are not free to sin and we must be conformed to the requirements of God’s Law through the power of the Holy Spirit working in our lives (Romans 7:7, 12, 13,

22, 25; 8:1-8, 12-14).


Now let’s read Colossians 2:16 and study each of the key phrases: “Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day.” The word “therefore” refers back to the previous verses where we are told that Christ “forgave us all our sins” (Colossians 2:13); “canceled the written code with its regulations, that was against us” (Colossians 2:14); and by His death on the cross disarmed and triumphed over the “powers and authorities” (Colossians 2:15).


The key point Paul is making here is: “therefore” since Christ has done all this for you, “do not let anyone judge you.” Why? Because Christ “forgave us all our sins;” “canceled the written code;” and “triumphed over the powers and authorities” who had the right to condemn us to death for our sins. “Therefore” we are not to judge or be judged by others on the basis of the externals of Judaisms ceremonial laws (“what you eat, drink, religious festivals, New Moon celebrations, or Sabbaths”). What other human beings think in these matters is not important (Romans 14:16-18). But we Christians must always remember God is the final judge of both our actions and our characters (Romans 2:11-16). Since we are all accountable only to Him we must each make certain that we do not deliberately disobey what He has clearly commanded.


Now, let’s look specifically at what Paul meant when he said we are not to let people judge us by what we “eat, drink, religious festivals, New Moon celebrations, or Sabbaths.” First, remember the Ten Commandments do not regulate “eating or drinking.” Those dietary laws are found in the ceremonial regulations God established for the Jews (see Exodus 12:9, 18; Leviticus 3:17; 10:9; chapter 11, et cetera).


Also, the Ten Commandments do not regulate “religious festivals.” The laws concerning Jewish religious festivals are in the ceremonial regulations God established for the Jews (see Exodus 23:14-16; Leviticus

23:41; Numbers 29:12, et cetera). Paul is clear that we are not to judge people by what they eat or drink, or by the religious festivals they keep. But abstaining from judging does not remove our personal responsibility to God, nor does it change the fact that God will judge each of us if we deliberately disobey Him. Read Colossians 3:5, 6 and notice that Paul lists at least three of the Ten Commandments there. Paul is clear that God will judge us by the Ten Commandments.


The Ten Commandments also do not regulate “New Moon celebrations.” New Moon celebrations were regulated by the ceremonial laws God established for the Jews (see Numbers 28:14; Ezra 3:5; Psalm 81:3, et cetera).


But, what about the phrase “a Sabbath day?” The original Greek reads “in respect of a feast or of a new moon or of sabbaths.” The words “a Sabbath day” are supplied by the translators! The Hebrew word “Sabbath” means “rest.” All Jewish religious feasts and festivals were called “Sabbaths” because they were times of rest from daily work. The Jews celebrate six annual Holy Days which they call “Annual Sabbaths” (Passover, Day of Atonement, Feast of Tabernacles, Pentecost, Feast of Trumpets and First Fruits). The Ten Commandments do not regulate these annual “Sabbaths.” It is the ceremonial law God established for the Jews that regulates all those annual Sabbath Festivals (Leviticus 16:1-34; 23:5-25, 34-36).


These Annual Sabbath Festivals began with Moses in 1450 BC, pointed forward to Christ and ended at the Cross. But the weekly Sabbath Day began on the seventh day of creation week, 2,500 years before there ever was a Jew, and continues for all eternity (Isaiah 66:22, 23). The Sabbath is part of God’s eternal Ten Commandment Law which will be used to judge every person (Ecclesiastes 12:13, 14; 1 John 3:4; James 2:10-12; Matthew 15:3-9).


5. In Galatians 2:19 Paul says that he died to the law. Doesn’t that mean he didn’t bother to keep God’s Ten Commandments once he became a Christian?


No. Before Paul became a Christian he tried to earn his salvation by keeping God’s Law. Now, as a Christian, Paul has come to the realization that God’s Ten Commandments are not a method for earning salvation - rather the Ten Commandments are designed to define sin, restrain evil, and turn us to Jesus for cleansing, forgiveness and salvation (Romans 3:20-24). Thus Paul “died to the law” as a method for earning salvation and he now relies fully on Jesus Christ for his salvation (Galatians 2:17-21). There’s nothing here about doing away with God’s Ten Commandments or doing away with the weekly Sabbath day.


6. Doesn’t Paul tell us in Romans 3:28 that we are justified by faith, therefore we don’t have to observe the Ten Commandments?


It is absolutely true that only Jesus justifies (“saves”) us, and that we must have a growing faith in Him. God’s Ten Commandments can never save us. But let’s read on to see what Paul said in verse 31: “Do we then nullify the law by this faith? Not at all! Rather, we uphold the law.” A saved Christian chooses to obey God’s Law, not because he’s trying to earn salvation, but because it is natural to obey the God we love and worship (Matthew 22:35-40; 1 John 5:2, 3).


7. Since Galatians 2:16 tells us that we are not saved by keeping the Law, shouldn’t we forget God’s Ten Commandments and just love Jesus?


No, Jesus said if we love Him we will obey what He commands (John 14:15). Love can never be separated from  obedience.  Many people  think  that  since  Paul  condemns law-keeping as  a  method  of  earning salvation, that he is against God’s Ten Commandments. However in the next two verses (Galatians 2:17, 18) Paul makes it clear that it is not his intention to teach Christians to sin by breaking God’s law! Notice positively Paul speaks about God’s Law:


Paul’s View of God’s Law


A. Christians do not nullify (“make of no value”) God’s Law by their faith in Jesus. Instead, our faith upholds God’s Law: Romans 3:31.

B. Keeping God’s Commandments is what counts in a positive, loving, Christian life: 1 Corinthians 7:19. C. God’s Law is good if it is used properly: 1 Timothy 1:8.

D. If God’s Law did not exist, there would be no sin (and therefore there would be no need for grace and no need for our Savior Jesus Christ): Romans 5:13.

E. We are to put away our sinful natures: Romans 13:12-14.

F. Being under grace does not give us a license to sin: Romans 6:15. G. God’s Law is holy, righteous and good: Romans 7:12.


The Bible is clear that we are not loyal to God if we deliberately choose to disobey Him: 1 John 2:3-6; 3:3-6.


8. In Matthew 5:17 Jesus said He came to fulfill the Law. Doesn’t this mean that He abolished God’s Ten Commandments?


When we read this text very carefully we discover that Jesus specifically stated He did not come to abolish the Law. Instead, Jesus promises us in verse 18 that as long as heaven and earth exist not a single stroke of a pen will disappear from God’s Law! The Holy Spirit informs us in 1 John 3:5 that Jesus came to “take away our sins,” not to take away God’s Law! Remember, simply because I “fulfill” the speed limit by driving 55 miles an hour on Monday does not mean I have abolished the speed limit law and now can drive 75 on Tuesday! Any policeman will tell us “fulfilling” the law does not abolish the law.


9. Doesn’t Paul say that we are not under the Law, but under Grace? (See Romans 6:14).


Yes. But he also says being under grace doesn’t give us an excuse to sin by breaking God’s Ten Commandment Law because “sin shall not be your master” (see verses 14 and 15). Paul is not against God’s Ten Commandments, he is against anyone trying to earn eternal life by keeping them. The Ten Commandments are not designed to save us and cannot save us. They define sin and point us to Jesus for our salvation. Through His grace we receive forgiveness for our sins and Divine power to overcome them: 1 John 1:9. The more Christ-like we become, the more offensive sin will be to us, and the greater our appreciation will be that Jesus died to pay the penalty for our sins! Remember, Jesus died to pay the penalty for sin (law-breaking), He did not die to take away the Ten Commandments so we could live in sin.


10. Weren’t the Ten Commandments given to the Jews and not to Christians?


We have just demonstrated that the Ten Commandments are repeated in the New Testament and that everyone, including Christians, will be judged by God’s eternal Ten Commandment Law. So we Christians cannot really believe that God would permit us to lie, steal, murder and commit adultery, while He prohibited the Jews from committing those same sins!


God does not have one law for Christians and another law for Jews. Neither does God have separate laws for Pagans, Atheists, Hindus and Moslems. Both the Old and New Testaments are clear that every person will be judged according to God’s Ten Commandments. Paul tells us that we “are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:26-29). As far as God is concerned, there is no Jew or Gentile – He treats us all as one in Christ. God’s Ten Commandments define sin for every person on earth and point every one of us to Jesus Christ for salvation (Romans 3:29-31). Paul is clear that if God’s Ten Commandments had been abolished there would be no sin and thus we would not need Jesus Christ as our Savior (Romans 5:13). All of God’s people are to live within the bounds He set for us in His Ten Commandments.


11. Doesn’t God expect us to do more than just keep the Ten Commandments? That’s too simple!


The Bible tells us in Deuteronomy 5:22 that after giving His people the Ten Commandments, God “added nothing more.” Solomon, the world’s wisest man, wrote: “Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man” (Ecclesiastes 12:13). Jesus said: “If you want to enter life, obey the commandments” (Matthew 19:17). If we are keeping God’s Ten Commandments through God’s indwelling power because we love Him, they are sufficient. But if we are keeping God’s Ten Commandments on our own merits because we are trying to earn our salvation, then they are not enough. Jesus’ most scathing rebukes were directed to religious people who added to God’s commandments hoping to earn a place in heaven by keeping many rules (Luke 11:46, 52; Mark 7:6-9). Our salvation depends upon our relationship with Jesus, while our Christian duty to God and to man is defined by God’s Ten Commandments.


12. Isn’t it all right to choose our own day of worship as long as we keep one day out of seven?


Not if we are going to follow the Bible. Sunday-observing Christians will quickly agree the Bible specifies that Jesus is the only name that can save us (Acts 4:12). They do not say it is all right to “choose one name out of seven.” They also agree the Bible states there is only one Lord, one faith, one baptism and one God - not one out of many to choose from (Ephesians 4:5, 6). So why do many Sunday-observing Christians stumble over the Bible fact that Saturday is the only day of the week that God made holy and commanded us to use for rest and worship (Genesis 2:2, 3; Exodus 20:8-11)? God made one day holy, and He commanded us to keep it holy! His commands are not multiple choice.


13. Does it really matter whether or not we keep the Sabbath? Aren’t there bigger issues to focus on such as loving Jesus?


Should we tell a murderer he can murder as long as he “loves Jesus?” Can a thief go on stealing as long as he “loves Jesus?” No! God takes sin so seriously that He destroyed all unrepentant sinners in the Flood (Genesis chapters 6-8). Sin is so serious that it cost the life of God’s Son, Jesus Christ (John 3:16). And, at the end, God will destroy all unrepented sinners when He cleanses this earth of all sin. The Ten Commandments define sin (1 John 3:4). No Christian is safe to continue breaking God’s Ten Commandments while professing to love Jesus Christ (1 John 2:4). God’s Ten Commandments are not His Ten Suggestions!


14. How can we be certain that the seventh day of the week God blessed 6,000 years ago is the day we now call Saturday?


It is very simple to prove that the weekly cycle has never been broken throughout the history of this earth. Consider the following:


God blessed the seventh day and made it holy during Creation Week (Genesis 2:2, 3). This was the beginning  of  the  weekly  cycle.  Four  thousand  years  later  the  New  Testament  clearly  states  Jesus worshipped  on  Saturday.  He  was  crucified  on  Friday  (the  Jews  called  the  sixth  day  of  the  week “Preparation Day”), rested in the grave during the Sabbath (the seventh day of the week we call Saturday), and rose early on the first day of the week (Sunday morning) (see Luke 23:52-24:1).


For two thousand years Christians have memorialized Easter Sunday, the first day of the week, as the day Christ rose from the dead. For two thousand years the Jews have carefully kept track of Saturday, the seventh day of the week, as the day God made holy. There simply is no debate that Saturday is the seventh day of the week and Sunday is the first day of the week. The Dictionary clearly states Saturday is the seventh day of the week. Even astronomers are certain that the weekly cycle has never been broken from creation to the present day.



The Ten Commandments In The Entire Bible


Commandment 1


Old Testament

Genesis 17:1,9 Genesis 35:2-4 Genesis 14:19,20 Exodus 34:6

Exodus 32:31 Exodus 32:8 Exodus 32:4 Exodus 32:1

Exodus 23:33 Exodus 23:32 Exodus 23:25 Exodus 23:24

Exodus 22:20 Exodus 5:17 Exodus 1:21 Exodus 3:6

Exodus 3:12 Exodus 23:13 Exodus 5:2 Exodus 6:3

Exodus 8:19 Exodus 8:27 Exodus 9:30 Exodus 15:1

Exodus 18:11 Exodus 3:15,16 Exodus 20:3 Exodus 39:30

Leviticus 19:31 Leviticus 20:4 Leviticus 20:27 Leviticus 20:6

Leviticus 20:5 Leviticus 18:21 Leviticus 20:2 Leviticus 20:3

Leviticus 19:14 Leviticus 19:4 Numbers 25:4 Numbers 25:2

Numbers 22:34 Numbers 20:24 Numbers 20:12 Deuteronomy 13

Deuteronomy 12:3 Deuteronomy 11:1 Deuteronomy 11:16 Deuteronomy 11:22

Deuteronomy 11:27 Deuteronomy 10:17 Deuteronomy 11:28 Deuteronomy 12:2

Deuteronomy 10:20 Deuteronomy 12:30 Deuteronomy 12:31 Deuteronomy 13:3

Deuteronomy 13:4 Deuteronomy 13:7 Deuteronomy 10:12 Deuteronomy 17:3

Deuteronomy 18:20 Deuteronomy 20:18 Deuteronomy 7:4 Deuteronomy 13:6

Deuteronomy 6:4 Deuteronomy 7:21 Deuteronomy 10:4 Deuteronomy 4:2

Deuteronomy 4:13 Deuteronomy 4:29 Deuteronomy 4:35 Deuteronomy 5:7

Deuteronomy 5:32 Deuteronomy 6:5 Deuteronomy 7:25 Deuteronomy 8:19

Deuteronomy 8:14 Deuteronomy 5:27 Deuteronomy 8:3 Deuteronomy 6:12

Deuteronomy 3:24 Deuteronomy 7:9 Deuteronomy 6:13 Deuteronomy 8:11

Joshua 24:14 Joshua 24:23 Joshua 24:21 Joshua 24:20

Joshua 24:18 Joshua 7:25 Joshua 24:15 Joshua 23:16

Joshua 22:22 Joshua 5:15 Joshua 5:14 Joshua 2:11

Joshua 24:2 Joshua 23:7 Judges 18:24 Judges 10:10

Judges 10:13 Judges 10:14 Judges 10:16 Judges 11:24

Judges 13:20 Judges 16:23 Judges 16:24 Judges 18:20

Judges 18:27 Judges 10:6 Judges 2:13 Judges 18:14

Judges 2:17 Judges 2:19 Judges 9:46 Judges 2:2

Judges 3:6 Judges 3:7 Judges 5:8 Judges 9:27

Judges 6:32 Judges 7:15 Judges 8:27 Judges 2:3

Judges 8:33 Judges 6:10 Ruth 1:16 1 Samuel 12:10

1 Samuel 8:7 1 Samuel 15:23 1 Samuel 15:11 1 Samuel 12:20

1 Samuel 12:15 1 Samuel 12:14 1 Samuel 12:12 1 Samuel 28:7

1 Samuel 1:19 1 Samuel 8:8 1 Samuel 10:19 1 Samuel 7:3

1 Samuel 5:2 1 Samuel 2:12 1 Samuel 2:2 1 Samuel 12:9

2 Samuel 7:22 2 Samuel 7:23 2 Samuel 22:32 1 Kings 18:26

1 Kings 19:18 1 Kings 19:14 1 Kings 18:40 1 Kings 18:25

1 Kings 18:37 1 Kings 22:53 1 Kings 18:39 1 Kings 18:18

1 Kings 14:9 1 Kings 12:28 1 Kings 11:33 1 Kings 11:2

1 Kings 10:9 1 Kings 8:23 1 Kings 18:21 2 Kings 17:41

2 Kings 18:4 2 Kings 18:12 2 Kings 21:2 2 Kings 21:3

2 Kings 17:40 2 Kings 21:5 2 Kings 17:31 2 Kings 21:4

2 Kings 17:38 2 Kings 17:37 2 Kings 21:6 2 Kings 17:34

2 Kings 21:22 2 Kings 17:29 2 Kings 17:22 2 Kings 17:21

2 Kings 17:19 2 Kings 17:17 2 Kings 17:36 2 Kings 23:8

2 Kings 17:33 2 Kings 17:16 2 Kings 24:19 2 Kings 24:9


2 Kings 24:3

2 Kings 23:32

2 Kings 23:24

2 Kings 21:15

2 Kings 23:10

2 Kings 21:7

2 Kings 23:7

2 Kings 23:6

2 Kings 23:5

2 Kings 23:4

2 Kings 22:17

2 Kings 21:21

2 Kings 21:11

2 Kings 21:9

2 Kings 23:19

2 Kings 10:19

2 Kings 11:18

2 Kings 10:28

2 Kings 10:27

2 Kings 10:26

2 Kings 10:25

2 Kings 10:24

2 Kings 10:23

2 Kings 10:22

2 Kings 12:3

2 Kings 10:20

2 Kings 1:16

2 Kings 10:18

2 Kings 9:22

2 Kings 8:27

2 Kings 8:18

2 Kings 5:17

2 Kings 5:15

2 Kings 1:6

2 Kings 17:15

2 Kings 10:21

2 Kings 17:35

2 Kings 14:4

2 Kings 1:3

2 Kings 17:14

2 Kings 17:12

2 Kings 17:11

2 Kings 17:10

2 Kings 17:9

2 Kings 17:8

2 Kings 17:7

2 Kings 17:13

2 Kings 17:2

2 Kings 16:4

2 Kings 16:3

2 Kings 15:35

2 Kings 15:28

2 Kings 15:24

2 Kings 15:18

2 Kings 15:9

2 Kings 15:4

2 Kings 1:2

1 Chronicles 16:36

1 Chronicles 29:20

1 Chronicles 10:13

1 Chronicles 5:25 1

Chronicles 16:14 2

Chronicles 33:3

2 Chronicles 25:14

2 Chronicles 25:15

2 Chronicles 25:27

2 Chronicles 28:6 2

Chronicles 28:23

2 Chronicles 29:6

2 Chronicles 34:25

2 Chronicles 7:22

2 Chronicles 33:5

2 Chronicles 33:6 2

Chronicles 33:7

2 Chronicles 24:26

2 Chronicles 33:2

2 Chronicles 11:15

2 Chronicles 2:5

2 Chronicles 12:5 2

Chronicles 7:19

2 Chronicles 24:7

2 Chronicles 14:3 2

Chronicles 14:5

2 Chronicles 14:11

2 Chronicles 15:3 2

Chronicles 15:13

2 Chronicles 16:7

2 Chronicles 16:12

2 Chronicles 17:3

2 Chronicles 6:14

Ezra 10:10

Ezra 10:2

Ezra 10:44

Ezra 10:18

Ezra 10:17

Ezra 10:14

Ezra 10:11

Ezra 9:14

Ezra 9:11

Ezra 9:1

Ezra 7:26

Ezra 1:7

Nehemiah 9:18

Nehemiah 13:27

Nehemiah 13:26

Nehemiah 9:32

Nehemiah 9:6

Nehemiah 9:3

Nehemiah 1:5

Nehemiah 10:29

Job 18:21

Job 27:10

Job 42:2

Job 40:2

Job 36:12

Job 31:27

Job 19:25

Job 8:13

Job 6:14

Job 1:8

Job 1:1

Job 21:14

Psalm 52:7

Psalm 43:2

Psalm 44:4

Psalm 53:3

Psalm 46:1

Psalm 46:10

Psalm 47:2

Psalm 48:1

Psalm 50:7

Psalm 42:2

Psalm 52:9

Psalm 53:1

Psalm 47:14

Psalm 42:1

Psalm 41:13

Psalm 40:8

Psalm 40:4

Psalm 40:1

Psalm 38:21

Psalm 38:15

Psalm 37:5

Psalm 37:3

Psalm 36:7

Psalm 54:3

Psalm 34:9

Psalm 70:4

Psalm 34:8

Psalm 36:1

Psalm 71:1

Psalm 34:4

Psalm 84:3

Psalm 83:18

Psalm 81:13

Psalm 84:12

Psalm 81:9

Psalm 80:19

Psalm 78:22

Psalm 78:7

Psalm 77:13

Psalm 75:9

Psalm 68:20

Psalm 72:11

Psalm 55:16

Psalm 2:11

Psalm 68:35

Psalm 68:1

Psalm 67:3

Psalm 66:16

Psalm 66:1

Psalm 64:10

Psalm 63:1

Psalm 62:7

Psalm 57:11

Psalm 56:11

Psalm 56:4

Psalm 73:25

Psalm 10:16

Psalm 4:1

Psalm 19:9

Psalm 18:46

Psalm 18:44

Psalm 18:21

Psalm 18:6

Psalm 18:2

Psalm 18:1

Psalm 16:8

Psalm 15:4

Psalm 14:3

Psalm 14:1

Psalm 22:1

Psalm 11:1

Psalm 22:10

Psalm 10:4

Psalm 9:17

Psalm 9:2

Psalm 8:1

Psalm 7:1

Psalm 5:7

Psalm 5:2

Psalm 3:3

Psalm 1:2

Psalm 1:1

Psalm 86:9

Psalm 86:10

Psalm 13:5

Psalm 27:1

Psalm 33:12

Psalm 33:1

Psalm 32:10

Psalm 31:14

Psalm 31:1

Psalm 30:12

Psalm 30:1

Psalm 29:1

Psalm 28:7

Psalm 28:5

Psalm 28:1

Psalm 27:11

Psalm 21:7

Psalm 27:6

Psalm 34:1

Psalm 26:1

Psalm 25:15

Psalm 25:14

Psalm 25:5

Psalm 25:4

Psalm 25:1

Psalm 24:5

Psalm 23:6

Psalm 23:1

Psalm 22:26

Psalm 22:23

Psalm 22:19

Psalm 27:8

Psalm 134:2

Psalm 106:39

Psalm 150:6

Psalm 108:1

Psalm 111:10

Psalm 113:4

Psalm 116:1

Psalm 106:38

Psalm 128:1

Psalm 106:48

Psalm 135:5

Psalm 140:6

Psalm 145:20

Psalm 147:5

Psalm 148:2

Psalm 149:6

Psalm 86:8

Psalm 119:1-176

Psalm 95:6

Psalm 89:7

Psalm 90:1

Psalm 91:2

Psalm 91:16

Psalm 108:5

Psalm 95:3

Psalm 106:37

Psalm 95:7

Psalm 106:21

Psalm 93:2

Psalm 106:28

Psalm 96:4

Psalm 105:7

Psalm 100:3

Psalm 97:9

Psalm 97:7

Psalm 96:9

Proverbs 8:17

Proverbs 30:5

Proverbs 22:19

Proverbs 18:10

Proverbs 14:27

Proverbs 8:36

Proverbs 30:9

Proverbs 3:7

Proverbs 3:5

Proverbs 2:5

Proverbs 1:29

Proverbs 1:7

Proverbs 1:28

Proverbs 3:26

Ecclesiastes 12:1

Ecclesiastes 3:14

Ecclesiastes 5:7

Isaiah 44:6

Isaiah 43:10

Isaiah 42:24

Isaiah 40:31

Isaiah 38:3

Isaiah 44:8

Isaiah 37:16

Isaiah 47:13

Isaiah 36:15

Isaiah 37:20

Isaiah 45:5

Isaiah 45:6

Isaiah 45:20

Isaiah 47:12

Isaiah 54:5

Isaiah 57:15

Isaiah 59:13

Isaiah 29:13

Isaiah 35:4

Isaiah 46:9

Isaiah 2:20

Isaiah 30:1

Isaiah 31:1

Isaiah 1:2

Isaiah 1:4

Isaiah 1:20

Isaiah 1:28

Isaiah 2:11

Isaiah 5:12

Isaiah 5:24

Isaiah 6:3

Isaiah 29:4

Isaiah 8:19

Isaiah 12:2

Isaiah 14:13

Isaiah 14:14

Isaiah 17:7

Isaiah 19:21

Isaiah 25:9

Isaiah 8:13

Isaiah 2:3

Jeremiah 18:15

Jeremiah 25:6

Jeremiah 19:4

Jeremiah 24:7

Jeremiah 19:5

Jeremiah 19:13

Jeremiah 19:15

Jeremiah 22:9

Jeremiah 23:27

Jeremiah 17:7

Jeremiah 13:25

Jeremiah 23:13

Jeremiah 17:5

Jeremiah 17:2

Jeremiah 16:20

Jeremiah 16:18

Jeremiah 16:13

Jeremiah 16:12

Jeremiah 16:11

Jeremiah 15:6

Jeremiah 31:1

Jeremiah 13:27

Jeremiah 44:8

Jeremiah 13:10

Jeremiah 12:16

Jeremiah 14:22

Jeremiah 44:19

Jeremiah 11:17

Jeremiah 3:21

Jeremiah 51:44

Jeremiah 51:17

Jeremiah 50:36

Jeremiah 50:4

Jeremiah 50:2

Jeremiah 48:42

Jeremiah 48:35

Jeremiah 46:25

Jeremiah 44:3

Jeremiah 44:23

Jeremiah 31:33

Jeremiah 44:17

Jeremiah 44:15

Jeremiah 44:5

Jeremiah 42:6

Jeremiah 35:15

Jeremiah 32:38

Jeremiah 32:25

Jeremiah 32:29

Jeremiah 32:27

Jeremiah 32:23

Jeremiah 32:18

Jeremiah 44:25

Jeremiah 4:17

Jeremiah 5:24

Jeremiah 5:22

Jeremiah 5:19

Jeremiah 5:7

Jeremiah 5:5

Jeremiah 3:25

Jeremiah 3:20

Jeremiah 3:17

Jeremiah 3:13

Jeremiah 3:9

Jeremiah 6:16

Jeremiah 3:6

Jeremiah 3:8

Jeremiah 2:32

Jeremiah 2:28

Jeremiah 2:23

Jeremiah 2:20

Jeremiah 2:19

Jeremiah 2:17

Jeremiah 2:13

Jeremiah 2:11

Jeremiah 2:8

Jeremiah 1:16

Jeremiah 1:7

Jeremiah 11:15

Jeremiah 10:10

Jeremiah 11:13

Jeremiah 3:1

Jeremiah 6:19

Jeremiah 11:12

Jeremiah 11:10

Jeremiah 11:7

Jeremiah 11:4

Jeremiah 10:21

Jeremiah 10:11

Jeremiah 10:2

Jeremiah 9:14

Jeremiah 9:13

Jeremiah 9:6

Jeremiah 7:13

Jeremiah 6:30

Jeremiah 7:6

Jeremiah 10:12

Jeremiah 7:9

Jeremiah 9:3

Jeremiah 7:18

Jeremiah 7:23

Jeremiah 8:2

Jeremiah 7:24

Jeremiah 7:28

Jeremiah 7:31

Ezekiel 20:8

Ezekiel 20:31

Ezekiel 20:28

Ezekiel 20:27

Ezekiel 20:26

Ezekiel 20:24

Ezekiel 20:7

Ezekiel 20:18

Ezekiel 18:15

Ezekiel 34:30

Ezekiel 20:32

Ezekiel 18:12

Ezekiel 20:19

Ezekiel 20:39

Ezekiel 22:3

Ezekiel 23:37

Ezekiel 28:6

Ezekiel 18:11

Ezekiel 3:23

Ezekiel 6:6

Ezekiel 8:12

Ezekiel 16:31

Ezekiel 16:36

Ezekiel 14:7

Ezekiel 14:3

Daniel 6:26

Daniel 6:16

Daniel 9:4

Daniel 4:37

Daniel 5:23

Daniel 3:7

Daniel 3:14

Daniel 3:28

Daniel 1:2

Hosea 8:1

Hosea 10:3

Hosea 13:16

Hosea 11:2

Hosea 2:8

Hosea 3:5

Hosea 5:7

Joel 2:27

Joel 2:1

Amos 2:8

Amos 5:26

Micah 1:7

Micah 1:5

Zephaniah 2:11

Haggai 1:7

Zechariah 13:3

Malachi 3:16

Ezekiel 22:4

Ezekiel 23:38

Ezekiel 28:9

Ezekiel 28:17

Ezekiel 5:6

Ezekiel 6:13

Ezekiel 8:14

Ezekiel 6:5

Ezekiel 16:52

Ezekiel 14:6

Ezekiel 16:39

Daniel 6:7

Daniel 6:20

Daniel 9:10

Daniel 5:21

Daniel 4:34

Daniel 3:10

Daniel 3:17

Daniel 3:29

Hosea 13:2

Hosea 8:14

Hosea 14:1

Hosea 7:14

Hosea 3:1

Hosea 4:13

Hosea 4:12

Hosea 6:7

Joel 3:16

Joel 3:17

Amos 3:13

Amos 8:12

Micah 3:7

Nahum 1:14

Zephaniah 1:4

Zechariah 3:7

Zechariah 13:9

Malachi 2:11

Ezekiel 23:7

Ezekiel 23:49

Ezekiel 34:11

Ezekiel 6:9

Ezekiel 5:11

Ezekiel 7:20

Ezekiel 8:16

Ezekiel 11:12

Ezekiel 16:25

Ezekiel 14:5

Daniel 5:4

Daniel 6:10

Daniel 7:14

Daniel 11:36

Daniel 11:37

Daniel 2:44

Daniel 3:11

Daniel 3:18

Daniel 3:15

Hosea 7:15

Hosea 9:1

Hosea 11:10

Hosea 4:6

Hosea 1:9

Hosea 2:23

Hosea 5:4

Hosea 7:10

Joel 2:32

Joel 2:26

Amos 5:4

Jonah 1:9

Micah 3:11

Habakkuk 1:11

Zephaniah 1:5

Zechariah 10:2

Zechariah 14:16

Malachi 3:18

Ezekiel 23:35

Ezekiel 28:2

Ezekiel 9:9

Ezekiel 18:6

Ezekiel 6:4

Ezekiel 8:3

Ezekiel 11:15

Ezekiel 16:41

Ezekiel 14:11

Ezekiel 14:4

Daniel 5:22

Daniel 6:12

Daniel 7:27

Daniel 11:39

Daniel 3:5

Daniel 3:6

Daniel 3:12

Daniel 3:26

Daniel 4:30

Hosea 7:16

Hosea 9:17

Hosea 13:4

Hosea 14:2

Hosea 1:10

Hosea 7:13

Hosea 5:6

Hosea 2:13

Joel 2:13

Amos 2:4

Amos 5:6

Jonah 1:10

Micah 4:5

Habakkuk 2:18

Zephaniah 1:6

Zechariah 13:2

Malachi 2:10

Malachi 3:5


In the Gospels

Matthew 22:37



Matthew 10:37,38



Matthew 14:33



Matthew 10:32,33

Matthew 19:17

Mark 12:24-32

Luke 11:2

John 4:24

Matthew 6:33

Mark 8:33

Luke 2:14

John 11:25

Matthew 4:10

Luke 1:16

Luke 12:8,9

John 17:3

Matthew 6:24

Luke 12:31

Luke 4:8

John 19:15



After Christ’s Resurrection

Acts 27:23

Acts 5:29

Acts 7:42,43

Acts 24:14

Acts 7:7

Romans 3:18

Romans 3:30

Romans 1:21-32

Romans 1:9

1 Corinthians 8:4,6

1 Corinthians 14:25

1 Corinthians 10:20,21

2 Corinthians 6:15

Ephesians 4:6

Philippians 3:19

Philippians 3:3

Colossians 2:18

1 Thessalonians 1:9

2 Thessalonians 2:4

1 Timothy 2:5

1 Timothy 1:3

1 Timothy 1:17

2 Timothy 3:4

Hebrews 3:12

Hebrews 9:14

Hebrews 12:28

James 2:19

James 4:7

1 John 5:20,21

Revelation 22:9

Revelation 14:7

Revelation 5:13,14

Revelation 13:12

Revelation 14:11

Revelation 9:20

Revelation 21:3

Revelation 22:3

Revelation 21:22

Revelation 19:4,10

Revelation 13:4

Revelation 7:13-17 Revelation 4:8-11 Revelation 16:2 Revelation 11:16


Commandment 2


In the Old Testament

Genesis 35:2,4 Genesis 31:19,30-36 Exodus 32:4 Exodus 32:31

Exodus 32:24 Exodus 32:23 Exodus 32:20 Exodus 32:8

Exodus 32:1 Exodus 23:24 Exodus 20:23 Exodus 20:4

Exodus 8:26 Exodus 32:19 Leviticus 20:4 Leviticus 26:1

Leviticus 20:5 Leviticus 20:2 Leviticus 19:26 Leviticus 19:4

Leviticus 20:3 Numbers 25:2 Deuteronomy 18:9 Deuteronomy 12:4

Deuteronomy 12:30 Deuteronomy 12:31 Deuteronomy 13:2 Deuteronomy 13:6

Deuteronomy 13:7 Deuteronomy 13:13 Deuteronomy 16:21 Deuteronomy 16:22

Deuteronomy 17:3 Deuteronomy 17:5 Deuteronomy 18:10 Deuteronomy 18:11

Deuteronomy 18:12 Deuteronomy 18:14 Deuteronomy 18:20 Deuteronomy 20:18

Deuteronomy 12:3 Deuteronomy 6:14 Deuteronomy 17:4 Deuteronomy 5:8

Deuteronomy 4:3 Deuteronomy 4:13 Deuteronomy 4:16 Deuteronomy 4:17

Deuteronomy 4:18 Deuteronomy 4:19 Deuteronomy 4:23 Deuteronomy 4:25

Deuteronomy 7:5 Deuteronomy 4:28 Deuteronomy 12:2 Deuteronomy 7:4

Deuteronomy 7:16 Deuteronomy 7:25 Deuteronomy 8:19 Deuteronomy 9:12

Deuteronomy 9:16 Deuteronomy 9:21 Deuteronomy 10:4 Deuteronomy 11:16

Joshua 24:15 Joshua 24:20 Joshua 24:16 Joshua 24:2

Joshua 23:7 Joshua 23:16 Joshua 24:23 Joshua 24:14

Judges 18:18 Judges 10:6 Judges 10:10 Judges 10:13

Judges 10:14 Judges 10:16 Judges 11:24 Judges 16:23

Judges 16:24 Judges 9:46 Judges 18:17 Judges 18:27

Judges 18:20 Judges 18:24 Judges 18:30 Judges 18:14

Judges 3:7 Judges 9:27 Judges 18:31 Judges 2:2

Judges 2:3 Judges 2:13 Judges 2:17 Judges 3:6

Judges 3:19 Judges 3:26 Judges 6:25 Judges 6:26

Judges 6:28 Judges 6:30 Judges 6:31 Judges 6:32

Judges 8:33 Judges 2:19 1 Samuel 12:14 1 Samuel 12:10

1 Samuel 31:10 1 Samuel 31:9 1 Samuel 12:15 1 Samuel 7:3

1 Samuel 5:5 1 Samuel 5:4 1 Samuel 5:3 1 Samuel 5:2

1 Samuel 15:23 1 Samuel 8:8 2 Samuel 7:23 2 Samuel 5:21

1 Kings 16:30 1 Kings 16:26 1 Kings 16:25 1 Kings 16:13

1 Kings 16:2 1 Kings 16:31 1 Kings 15:30 1 Kings 21:25

1 Kings 15:26 1 Kings 15:34 1 Kings 16:32 1 Kings 16:33

1 Kings 18:18 1 Kings 21:22 1 Kings 21:26 1 Kings 22:43

1 Kings 22:52 1 Kings 22:53 1 Kings 14:9 1 Kings 15:14

1 Kings 19:18 1 Kings 11:4 1 Kings 14:23 1 Kings 15:13

1 Kings 11:5 1 Kings 11:6 1 Kings 11:7 1 Kings 11:8

1 Kings 11:9 1 Kings 11:10 1 Kings 11:11 1 Kings 11:33

1 Kings 15:3 1 Kings 12:30 1 Kings 12:31 1 Kings 12:32

1 Kings 12:33 1 Kings 14:22 1 Kings 11:2 1 Kings 15:12

1 Kings 12:28 2 Kings 17:41 2 Kings 18:4 2 Kings 18:12

2 Kings 19:18 2 Kings 21:2 2 Kings 17:40 2 Kings 21:4

2 Kings 17:31 2 Kings 21:5 2 Kings 21:3 2 Kings 17:38

2 Kings 17:37 2 Kings 17:35 2 Kings 17:21 2 Kings 17:33

2 Kings 17:29 2 Kings 21:6 2 Kings 23:8 2 Kings 17:17

2 Kings 17:34 2 Kings 17:19 2 Kings 24:19 2 Kings 24:9

2 Kings 24:3 2 Kings 23:32 2 Kings 23:24 2 Kings 23:19

2 Kings 23:15 2 Kings 23:14 2 Kings 23:13 2 Kings 23:6

2 Kings 23:10 2 Kings 21:7 2 Kings 23:7 2 Kings 17:16

2 Kings 23:5 2 Kings 23:4 2 Kings 22:17 2 Kings 21:21

2 Kings 21:15 2 Kings 21:11 2 Kings 21:9 2 Kings 23:12

2 Kings 17:15

2 Kings 12:3

2 Kings 11:18

2 Kings 10:28

2 Kings 10:27

2 Kings 10:26

2 Kings 10:25

2 Kings 10:24

2 Kings 10:23

2 Kings 13:2

2 Kings 10:21

2 Kings 10:20

2 Kings 10:19

2 Kings 17:22

2 Kings 9:22

2 Kings 8:27

2 Kings 8:18

2 Kings 1:16

2 Kings 1:6

2 Kings 1:3

2 Kings 1:2

2 Kings 10:22

2 Kings 16:4

2 Kings 13:6

2 Kings 17:14

2 Kings 17:13

2 Kings 17:12

2 Kings 17:11

2 Kings 17:10

2 Kings 17:9

2 Kings 17:8

2 Kings 10:18

2 Kings 17:2

2 Kings 16:3

2 Kings 15:35

2 Kings 15:28

2 Kings 15:24

2 Kings 15:18

2 Kings 15:9

2 Kings 15:4

2 Kings 14:24

2 Kings 14:4

2 Kings 13:11

2 Kings 17:7

1 Chronicles 5:25

1 Chronicles 14:12

1 Chronicles 10:9

1 Chronicles 10:10

2 Chronicles 15:17

2 Chronicles 24:18

2 Chronicles 23:17

2 Chronicles 22:5

2 Chronicles 22:3

2 Chronicles 21:13

2 Chronicles 21:11

2 Chronicles 21:6

2 Chronicles 20:33

2 Chronicles 19:3

2 Chronicles 17:3

2 Chronicles 15:16

2 Chronicles 15:8

2 Chronicles 14:5

2 Chronicles 14:3

2 Chronicles 11:15

2 Chronicles 7:22

2 Chronicles 7:19

2 Chronicles 2:5

2 Chronicles 25:14

2 Chronicles 17:6

2 Chronicles 34:7

2 Chronicles 24:7

2 Chronicles 34:21

2 Chronicles 34:4

2 Chronicles 34:3

2 Chronicles 33:19

2 Chronicles 33:15

2 Chronicles 33:9

2 Chronicles 33:7

2 Chronicles 33:5

2 Chronicles 33:3

2 Chronicles 33:2

2 Chronicles 32:21

2 Chronicles 28:23

2 Chronicles 28:4

2 Chronicles 25:15

2 Chronicles 28:2

2 Chronicles 34:25

2 Chronicles 33:6

Ezra 9:11

Ezra 9:14

Ezra 9:1

Nehemiah 9:18

Job 31:27

Psalm 115:4

Psalm 106:19

Psalm 135:18

Psalm 135:17

Psalm 135:16

Psalm 135:15

Psalm 115:8

Psalm 115:7

Psalm 115:6

Psalm 115:5

Psalm 81:9

Psalm 106:28

Psalm 106:38

Psalm 78:58

Psalm 96:5

Psalm 97:7

Psalm 106:20

Psalm 106:35

Psalm 106:37

Psalm 44:20

Isaiah 44:15

Isaiah 65:3

Isaiah 44:10

Isaiah 46:6

Isaiah 44:17

Isaiah 45:16

Isaiah 45:20

Isaiah 46:1

Isaiah 46:7

Isaiah 47:9

Isaiah 47:12

Isaiah 47:13

Isaiah 57:5

Isaiah 66:3

Isaiah 21:9

Isaiah 42:17

Isaiah 48:5

Isaiah 17:8

Isaiah 2:6

Isaiah 30:22

Isaiah 2:18

Isaiah 2:20

Isaiah 42:8

Isaiah 10:11

Isaiah 2:8

Isaiah 19:1

Isaiah 19:3

Isaiah 27:9

Isaiah 31:7

Isaiah 40:19

Isaiah 40:20

Isaiah 41:29

Isaiah 10:10

Jeremiah 32:29

Jeremiah 32:34

Jeremiah 25:6

Jeremiah 23:27

Jeremiah 23:13

Jeremiah 22:9

Jeremiah 19:13

Jeremiah 19:5

Jeremiah 19:4

Jeremiah 18:15

Jeremiah 32:35

Jeremiah 17:2

Jeremiah 44:23

Jeremiah 16:20

Jeremiah 16:18

Jeremiah 17:3

Jeremiah 44:25

Jeremiah 16:13

Jeremiah 46:25

Jeremiah 51:52

Jeremiah 51:47

Jeremiah 51:17

Jeremiah 44:17

Jeremiah 48:35

Jeremiah 35:15

Jeremiah 44:19

Jeremiah 44:15

Jeremiah 44:8

Jeremiah 44:5

Jeremiah 44:3

Jeremiah 43:12

Jeremiah 50:38

Jeremiah 3:9

Jeremiah 8:2

Jeremiah 7:31

Jeremiah 7:30

Jeremiah 7:18

Jeremiah 7:9

Jeremiah 8:19

Jeremiah 3:13

Jeremiah 2:28

Jeremiah 3:6

Jeremiah 2:23

Jeremiah 2:5

Jeremiah 1:16

Jeremiah 50:2

Jeremiah 16:11

Jeremiah 7:6

Jeremiah 11:17

Jeremiah 2:8

Jeremiah 9:14

Jeremiah 14:22

Jeremiah 13:27

Jeremiah 13:10

Jeremiah 12:16

Jeremiah 11:13

Jeremiah 11:12

Jeremiah 10:5

Jeremiah 10:3

Jeremiah 10:4

Jeremiah 11:10

Jeremiah 10:8

Jeremiah 10:9

Jeremiah 10:11

Jeremiah 10:14

Ezekiel 20:26

Ezekiel 23:38

Ezekiel 16:39

Ezekiel 18:6

Ezekiel 18:12

Ezekiel 16:36

Ezekiel 18:15

Ezekiel 20:7

Ezekiel 20:8

Ezekiel 20:18

Ezekiel 20:24

Ezekiel 18:11

Ezekiel 20:28

Ezekiel 20:31

Ezekiel 22:4

Ezekiel 16:31

Ezekiel 5:11

Ezekiel 6:5

Ezekiel 7:20

Ezekiel 8:10

Ezekiel 16:25

Ezekiel 14:6

Ezekiel 11:21

Daniel 3:12

Daniel 3:15

Daniel 3:7

Daniel 3:1

Hosea 13:2

Hosea 10:1

Hosea 4:17

Micah 5:13

Nahum 1:14

Zephaniah 1:5

Zechariah 13:3

Ezekiel 20:32

Ezekiel 23:7

Ezekiel 23:39

Ezekiel 16:26

Ezekiel 6:6

Ezekiel 8:3

Ezekiel 8:12

Ezekiel 16:24

Ezekiel 14:5

Ezekiel 11:18

Daniel 5:4

Daniel 3:14

Daniel 3:5

Daniel 3:11

Hosea 11:2

Hosea 8:4

Amos 5:26

Micah 5:14

Habakkuk 1:11

Zephaniah 2:11

Zechariah 10:2

Ezekiel 20:39

Ezekiel 23:37

Ezekiel 36:18

Ezekiel 30:13

Ezekiel 6:9

Ezekiel 8:5

Ezekiel 14:11

Ezekiel 16:3

Ezekiel 14:4

Ezekiel 8:16

Daniel 5:4

Daniel 5:23

Daniel 3:3

Daniel 3:10

Hosea 10:8

Hosea 4:13

Micah 1:5

Micah 6:16

Habakkuk 2:18

Zephaniah 1:4

Malachi 3:16

Ezekiel 22:3

Ezekiel 23:49

Ezekiel 23:14

Ezekiel 6:4

Ezekiel 6:13

Ezekiel 8:6

Ezekiel 8:14

Ezekiel 14:7

Ezekiel 14:3

Daniel 3:6

Daniel 3:18

Daniel 1:2

Daniel 3:2

Hosea 2:13

Hosea 10:2

Hosea 14:8

Micah 1:7

Nahum 1:14

Habakkuk 2:19

Zechariah 31:2


In the Gospels

John 4:24





After Christ’s Resurrection

Acts 15:20,29

Acts 17:16,29

Acts 21:25

Acts 7:43

Acts 19:35

Romans 11:4

Romans 11:4

Romans 2:22

Romans 1:23

1 Corinthians 5:10,11

1 Corinthians 6:9

1 Corinthians 10:7,14

1 Corinthians 10:19

1 Corinthians 10:20,21

2 Corinthians 6:16

Galatians 5:20

Ephesians 5:5

Colossians 5:21

Colossians 3:5

1 Thessalonians 1:9

1 Peter 4:3

1 John 5:21

Revelation 19:20

Revelation 2:20

Revelation 9:20

Revelation 13:14,15

Revelation 14:9,11

Revelation 15:2

Revelation 16:2

Revelation 20:4

Revelation 21:8

Revelation 22:15

Revelation 21:22

Revelation 2:14





Commandment 3


In the Old Testament


Exodus 17:2

Exodus 20:7

Exodus 23:13

Exodus 32:8

Exodus 8:15

Leviticus 19:12

Leviticus 24:16

Leviticus 21:12

Leviticus 18:21

Leviticus 10:1

Leviticus 24:11

Numbers 21:7

Numbers 23:8

Numbers 27:14

Numbers 26:61

Numbers 25:3

Numbers 16:41

Numbers 16:3

Numbers 14:22

Numbers 12:2

Numbers 22:6

Numbers 22:12

Deuteronomy 20:18

Deuteronomy 9:24

Deuteronomy 10:4

Deuteronomy 11:6

Deuteronomy 12:31

Deuteronomy 13:5

Deuteronomy 17:3

Deuteronomy 18:20

Deuteronomy 4:13

Deuteronomy 9:23

Deuteronomy 17:12

Deuteronomy 9:8

Deuteronomy 7:10

Deuteronomy 1:26

Deuteronomy 5:11

Deuteronomy 2:30

Deuteronomy 1:43

Deuteronomy 1:32

Deuteronomy 1:27

Deuteronomy 9:13

Deuteronomy 6:16

Joshua 5:6

Joshua 24:9

Joshua 23:16

Joshua 23:7

Joshua 22:22

Joshua 7:20

Joshua 1:18

Joshua 24:27

Joshua 22:16

Judges 8:33

Judges 17:3

Judges 16:24

Judges 16:23

Judges 10:6

Judges 3:7

Judges 3:6

Judges 2:20

Judges 2:19

Judges 8:27

1 Samuel 2:25

1 Samuel 17:36



1 Samuel 17:26

1 Samuel 15:23

1 Samuel 15:13

1 Samuel 13:13

1 Samuel 6:19

1 Samuel 2:29

1 Samuel 28:7

1 Samuel 2:17

1 Samuel 2:15

1 Samuel 3:13

2 Samuel 6:7

2 Samuel 12:14

1 Kings 12:28

1 Kings 21:26

1 Kings 22:53

2 Kings 17:38

2 Kings 21:5

2 Kings 19:10

2 Kings 19:22

2 Kings 19:4

2 Kings 19:3

2 Kings 18:30

2 Kings 17:41

2 Kings 17:40

2 Kings 24:19

2 Kings 21:6

2 Kings 18:22

2 Kings 21:7

2 Kings 21:9

2 Kings 21:11

2 Kings 21:15

2 Kings 21:21

2 Kings 22:17

2 Kings 23:7

2 Kings 23:10

2 Kings 23:19

2 Kings 23:24

2 Kings 24:9

2 Kings 17:37

2 Kings 24:3

2 Kings 16:4

2 Kings 17:35

2 Kings 1:3

2 Kings 1:6

2 Kings 1:16

2 Kings 2:23

2 Kings 16:3

2 Kings 17:8

2 Kings 17:9

2 Kings 17:10

2 Kings 17:11

2 Kings 17:12

2 Kings 17:13

2 Kings 17:33

2 Kings 17:15

2 Kings 17:16

2 Kings 17:17

2 Kings 19:23

2 Kings 17:19

2 Kings 17:34

2 Kings 17:21

2 Kings 9:22

2 Kings 17:22

2 Kings 17:29

2 Kings 17:31

2 Kings 17:14

1 Chronicles 10:13

1 Chronicles 13:10

2 Chronicles 32:11

2 Chronicles 11:15

2 Chronicles 34:25

2 Chronicles 33:7

2 Chronicles 33:6

2 Chronicles 33:5

2 Chronicles 33:4

2 Chronicles 33:3

2 Chronicles 32:19

2 Chronicles 32:17

2 Chronicles 32:16

2 Chronicles 32:15

2 Chronicles 13:12

2 Chronicles 13:6

2 Chronicles 12:14

2 Chronicles 28:23

2 Chronicles 19:2

2 Chronicles 24:7

2 Chronicles 24:19

2 Chronicles 26:16

2 Chronicles 26:18

2 Chronicles 26:19

2 Chronicles 28:3

Ezra 9:1

Ezra 9:11

Ezra 9:14

Nehemiah 9:30

Nehemiah 9:29

Nehemiah 9:26

Nehemiah 9:18

Nehemiah 9:16

Nehemiah 4:5

Nehemiah 1:7

Nehemiah 9:17

Nehemiah 13:2

Job 15:13

Job 31:28

Job 21:15

Job 15:25

Job 13:9

Job 13:7

Job 8:22

Job 8:4

Job 2:9

Job 1:11

Job 12:6

Job 15:26

Job 1:5

Psalm 78:10

Psalm 78:41

Psalm 78:8

Psalm 78:32

Psalm 78:20

Psalm 78:19

Psalm 78:17

Psalm 78:56

Psalm 86:12

Psalm 78:18

Psalm 79:1

Psalm 79:9

Psalm 79:10

Psalm 81:11

Psalm 81:15

Psalm 83:2

Psalm 83:5

Psalm 76:1

Psalm 86:11

Psalm 68:4

Psalm 89:16

Psalm 89:39

Psalm 83:18

Psalm 44:16

Psalm 95:10

Psalm 2:1

Psalm 5:10

Psalm 8:9

Psalm 10:11

Psalm 10:13

Psalm 20:5

Psalm 20:7

Psalm 22:8

Psalm 71:23

Psalm 42:10

Psalm 74:21

Psalm 50:17

Psalm 66:4

Psalm 69:30

Psalm 72:19

Psalm 73:9

Psalm 73:11

Psalm 74:7

Psalm 74:8

Psalm 74:10

Psalm 74:18

Psalm 33:21

Psalm 106:38

Psalm 94:7

Psalm 145:1

Psalm 139:20

Psalm 135:13

Psalm 135:1

Psalm 115:2

Psalm 113:3

Psalm 107:11

Psalm 106:37

Psalm 106:33

Psalm 103:1

Psalm 92:1

Psalm 107:11

Psalm 102:15

Psalm 106:32

Psalm 105:3

Psalm 106:7

Psalm 106:17

Psalm 106:24

Psalm 106:25

Psalm 96:8

Proverbs 30:9

Proverbs 1:30

Proverbs 28:9

Isaiah 37:23

Isaiah 65:2

Isaiah 63:10

Isaiah 47:9

Isaiah 30:1

Isaiah 14:13

Isaiah 36:15

Isaiah 14:14

Jeremiah 25:6

Jeremiah 36:23

Jeremiah 35:15

Jeremiah 33:8

Jeremiah 32:35

Jeremiah 32:33

Jeremiah 32:32

Jeremiah 32:29

Jeremiah 29:32

Jeremiah 27:15

Jeremiah 23:36

Jeremiah 23:34

Jeremiah 23:32

Jeremiah 23:27

Jeremiah 23:25

Jeremiah 48:42

Jeremiah 36:25

Jeremiah 28:16

Jeremiah 44:8

Jeremiah 22:9

Jeremiah 48:35

Jeremiah 23:17

Jeremiah 44:23

Jeremiah 44:19

Jeremiah 44:17

Jeremiah 44:16

Jeremiah 44:25

Jeremiah 44:10



Jeremiah 36:27

Jeremiah 43:2

Jeremiah 44:15

Jeremiah 8:9

Jeremiah 7:9

Jeremiah 5:23

Jeremiah 4:17

Jeremiah 19:15

Jeremiah 19:13

Jeremiah 16:18

Jeremiah 14:15

Jeremiah 12:16

Ezekiel 20:39

Ezekiel 18:12

Ezekiel 23:38

Ezekiel 25:3

Ezekiel 28:6

Ezekiel 36:21

Ezekiel 28:9

Ezekiel 2:3

Ezekiel 5:6

Ezekiel 8:12

Ezekiel 9:9

Ezekiel 13:15

Ezekiel 13:6

Daniel 8:25

Daniel 5:2

Micah 3:11

Zephaniah 1:6

Zechariah 7:12

Malachi 2:8

Malachi 1:7

Jeremiah 44:5

Jeremiah 42:18

Jeremiah 6:16

Jeremiah 8:2

Jeremiah 11:17

Jeremiah 23:15

Jeremiah 3:17

Jeremiah 5:3

Jeremiah 18:15

Jeremiah 13:10

Jeremiah 14:14

Ezekiel 22:28

Ezekiel 20:38

Ezekiel 20:22

Ezekiel 35:13

Ezekiel 25:6

Ezekiel 15:8

Ezekiel 36:22

Ezekiel 2:5

Ezekiel 2:7

Ezekiel 5:11

Ezekiel 8:14

Ezekiel 14:4

Ezekiel 13:9

Ezekiel 13:3

Daniel 8:11

Daniel 11:37

Nahum 1:11

Zephaniah 1:5

Zechariah 13:3

Malachi 3:13

Malachi 1:12

Jeremiah 44:3

Jeremiah 40:3

Jeremiah 11:13

Jeremiah 7:31

Jeremiah 6:19

Jeremiah 5:11

Jeremiah 2:28

Jeremiah 11:19

Jeremiah 17:23

Jeremiah 16:12

Jeremiah 13:27

Ezekiel 22:26

Ezekiel 20:28

Ezekiel 20:14

Ezekiel 20:24

Ezekiel 28:2

Ezekiel 28:16

Ezekiel 36:23

Ezekiel 7:20

Ezekiel 2:8

Ezekiel 6:13

Ezekiel 8:16

Ezekiel 13:19

Ezekiel 13:8

Ezekiel 13:2

Daniel 11:36

Daniel 7:25

Zephaniah 1:12

Zephaniah 3:2

Malachi 3:15

Malachi 1:8

Malachi 2:2

Jeremiah 43:3

Jeremiah 36:32

Jeremiah 9:14

Jeremiah 7:18

Jeremiah 5:19

Jeremiah 23:13

Jeremiah 6:28

Jeremiah 23:11

Jeremiah 17:3

Jeremiah 16:11

Jeremiah 16:13

Ezekiel 22:8

Ezekiel 20:27

Ezekiel 20:9

Ezekiel 23:39

Ezekiel 39:7

Ezekiel 36:20

Ezekiel 6:9

Ezekiel 14:13

Ezekiel 3:7

Ezekiel 8:3

Ezekiel 13:10

Ezekiel 14:11

Ezekiel 13:7

Ezekiel 13:16

Daniel 5:23

Amos 2:7

Zephaniah 3:1

Zechariah 1:4

Malachi 3:14

Malachi 1:11


In the Four Gospels

Matthew 6:9,10



Matthew 12:31,32



Matthew 15:19



Matthew 27:39-43

Matthew 27:29

Mark 15:18,19

Luke 23:36,37

Mark 7:22

Luke 12:10

Luke 23:39

Mark 14:65

Luke 11:2

John 19:3

Mark 3:28,29

Luke 22:64,65


After Christ’s Resurrection

Acts 26:11

Acts 18:6


Romans 2:24

Colossians 3:8

1 Timothy 1:20

1 Timothy 6:1

1 Timothy 1:13

2 Timothy 3:2

Titus 2:5

Hebrews 10:29

James 2:7

1 Peter 2:6-8

2 John 1:14,15

Judges 1:15

Revelation 22:15

Revelation 14:5

Revelation 16:11

Revelation 13:6

Revelation 13:5

Revelation 2:20-22

Revelation 17:1-5

Revelation 16:9

Revelation 2:9

Revelation 16:21

Revelation 13:1




Commandment 4


In the Old Testament


Genesis 2:1-3

Exodus 20:8-11

Exodus 35:2

Exodus 31:17

Exodus 31:16

Exodus 31:15

Exodus 23:12

Exodus 35:3

Exodus 16:30

Exodus 16:29

Exodus 16:26

Exodus 16:25

Exodus 16:23

Exodus 5:5

Exodus 31:14

Leviticus 26:2



Leviticus 23:3

Deuteronomy 4:13

Deuteronomy 10:4

2 Kings 11:7

2 Chronicles 23:8

Nehemiah 13:16

Nehemiah 9:14

Isaiah 56:4

Jeremiah 17:24

Ezekiel 20:12

Ezekiel 20:21

Ezekiel 23:38

Leviticus 19:3

Deuteronomy 5:12

Judges 17:4

2 Kings 16:18

Nehemiah 13:19

Nehemiah 13:15

Nehemiah 13:22

Isaiah 56:6

Jeremiah 17:21

Ezekiel 20:13

Ezekiel 20:24

Amos 8:5

Leviticus 19:30

Deuteronomy 5:14

2 Kings 4:23

2 Chronicles 2:4

Nehemiah 13:21

Nehemiah 10:33

Isaiah 66:23

Isaiah 58:13

Jeremiah 17:22

Ezekiel 20:16

Ezekiel 22:8

Numbers 15:32

Deuteronomy 5:1

2 Kings 11:5

2 Chronicles 23:4

Nehemiah 13:17

Nehemiah 10:31

Isaiah 56:2

Jeremiah 17:27

Lamentations 2:6

Ezekiel 20:20

Ezekiel 22:26


In the Four Gospels

Matthew 12:2



Matthew 12:5



Matthew 12:8

Matthew 24:20

Mark 16:9

Mark 3:4

Mark 2:23

Luke 13:14

Luke 18:12

Luke 6:9

Luke 6:2

Luke 14:1

John 19:31

John 5:10

Matthew 12:10

Matthew 28:1

Mark 16:2

Mark 2:28

Mark 1:21

Luke 24:1

Luke 14:5

Luke 6:7

Luke 6:1

Luke 13:10

John 9:14

John 5:9

Matthew 12:11

Matthew 12:1

Mark 16:1

Mark 2:27

Mark 6:2

Luke 23:56

Luke 14:3

Luke 6:6

Luke 4:31

John 9:16

John 7:22

John 7:23

Matthew 12:12

Mark 3:2

Mark 15:42

Mark 2:24

Luke 13:15

Luke 23:54

Luke 13:16

Luke 6:5

Luke 4:16

John 20:19

John 5:18

John 20:1


After Christ’s Resurrection

Acts 13:42

Acts 18:4-11

Acts 17:2

Acts 16:13

Acts 13:44

Acts 13:27

Acts 13:14

Acts 1:12

Acts 15:21

Hebrews 4:4

Hebrews 4:9

Revelation 14:7



Commandment 5


In the Old Testament

Genesis 22:7,8


Genesis 9:22


Exodus 20:12


Exodus 21:17

Leviticus 19:3

Deuteronomy 21:20

Deuteronomy 21:19

1 Chronicles 17:13

Proverbs 23:13

Proverbs 13:24

Proverbs 4:4

Proverbs 3:11

Proverbs 30:11

Proverbs 29:17

Proverbs 28:7

Jeremiah 2:27

Jeremiah 35:18

Ezekiel 16:45

Malachi 4:6

Leviticus 20:9

Deuteronomy 21:18

Joshua 2:13

Job 5:17

Proverbs 22:6

Proverbs 13:1

Proverbs 4:3

Proverbs 3:1

Proverbs 23:22

Proverbs 29:15

Proverbs 23:26

Jeremiah 3:4

Ezekiel 5:10

Micah 7:6

Deuteronomy 10:4

Deuteronomy 5:16

Judges 17:5

Psalm 89:26

Proverbs 20:20

Proverbs 1:8

Proverbs 4:1

Proverbs 23:24

Proverbs 23:19

Proverbs 29:3

Proverbs 31:28

Jeremiah 35:14

Ezekiel 22:10

Malachi 1:6

Deuteronomy 21:21

Deuteronomy 4:13

1 Samuel 2:25

Proverbs 6:20

Proverbs 15:5

Proverbs 7:1

Proverbs 3:12

Proverbs 10:1

Proverbs 30:17

Proverbs 28:24

Isaiah 45:10

Jeremiah 35:16

Ezekiel 22:7

Malachi 3:17


In the Four Gospels

Matthew 19:18,19



Matthew 12:31



Matthew 15:3,4



Mark 10:19




After Christ’s Resurrection

Romans 1:30

Ephesians 6:2

Colossians 3:20

1 Timothy 3:4

1 Timothy 3:12

1 Timothy 5:4

2 Timothy 3:2

1 Peter 1:14



Commandment 6


In the Old Testament


Genesis 37:21

Genesis 4:8-12

Genesis 4:23,24

Genesis 6:11

Genesis 27:42

Exodus 21:12

Exodus 21:20

Exodus 21:14

Exodus 20:13

Exodus 17:4

Exodus 15:9

Exodus 2:15

Exodus 2:14

Exodus 1:16

Exodus 2:12

Exodus 1:22

Exodus 14:30

Exodus 21:15

Leviticus 19:17

Numbers 35:17

Numbers 35:31

Numbers 35:30

Numbers 35:21

Numbers 35:20

Numbers 35:18

Numbers 35:16

Numbers 35:19

Deuteronomy 19:12

Deuteronomy 19:11

Deuteronomy 24:7

Deuteronomy 21:1

Deuteronomy 4:13

Deuteronomy 13:31

Deuteronomy 10:4

Deuteronomy 5:17

Deuteronomy 19:13

Deuteronomy 19:10

Judges 15:6

Judges 20:39

Judges 20:5

Judges 14:15

Judges 11:4

Judges 10:9

Judges 9:56

Judges 9:45

Judges 9:24

Judges 9:18

Judges 9:5

Judges 6:31

Judges 6:30

Judges 9:54

Judges 20:6

1 Samuel 31:4

1 Samuel 20:31

1 Samuel 20:32

1 Samuel 20:33

1 Samuel 22:23

1 Samuel 23:9

1 Samuel 23:14

1 Samuel 23:15

1 Samuel 26:9

1 Samuel 26:11

1 Samuel 31:3

1 Samuel 31:5

1 Samuel 19:5

1 Samuel 20:13

1 Samuel 31:2

1 Samuel 16:2

1 Samuel 20:1

1 Samuel 19:11

1 Samuel 4:10

1 Samuel 15:33

1 Samuel 17:9

1 Samuel 17:10

1 Samuel 18:11

1 Samuel 19:15

1 Samuel 19:2

1 Samuel 19:10

1 Samuel 4:2

1 Samuel 19:1

1 Samuel 19:17

1 Samuel 15:2

2 Samuel 12:9

2 Samuel 14:16

2 Samuel 15:14

2 Samuel 18:11

2 Samuel 20:19

2 Samuel 11:24

2 Samuel 17:23

2 Samuel 21:15

2 Samuel 18:15

2 Samuel 1:22

2 Samuel 18:14

2 Samuel 11:17

2 Samuel 1:16

2 Samuel 1:25

2 Samuel 1:27

2 Samuel 3:27

2 Samuel 3:30

2 Samuel 4:7

2 Samuel 11:15

2 Samuel 1:14

1 Kings 15:16

1 Kings 21:19

1 Kings 21:13

1 Kings 21:10

1 Kings 19:14

1 Kings 16:10

1 Kings 12:24

1 Kings 2:33

1 Kings 2:32

1 Kings 2:31

1 Kings 1:12

1 Kings 14:30

1 Kings 19:10

2 Kings 24:3

2 Kings 15:16

2 Kings 15:25

2 Kings 15:30

2 Kings 16:3

2 Kings 19:37

2 Kings 15:14

2 Kings 21:16

2 Kings 23:29

2 Kings 24:4

2 Kings 7:4

2 Kings 23:10

2 Kings 6:8

2 Kings 15:10

2 Kings 3:27

2 Kings 6:32

2 Kings 9:7

2 Kings 8:12

2 Kings 9:26

2 Kings 11:1

2 Kings 12:21

2 Kings 14:5

2 Kings 14:19

1 Chronicles 10:4

1 Chronicles 10:5

1 Chronicles 16:22

1 Chronicles 10:3

2 Chronicles 19:10

2 Chronicles 22:11

2 Chronicles 35:23

2 Chronicles 33:9

2 Chronicles 33:6

2 Chronicles 28:3

2 Chronicles 21:13

2 Chronicles 20:23

2 Chronicles 13:17

2 Chronicles 11:4

2 Chronicles 21:4

Nehemiah 4:8

Nehemiah 4:11

Nehemiah 9:26

Ester 7:8

Ester 7:9

Ester 9:24

Ester 9:5

Ester 9:2

Ester 9:1

Ester 8:3

Ester 8:11

Ester 6:2

Ester 7:4

Ester 5:14

Ester 4:7

Ester 3:13

Ester 3:9

Ester 3:6

Job 24:4

Job 33:18

Job 24:14

Job 20:19

Job 1:17

Job 1:15

Job 24:2

Job 31:39

Psalm 72:14

Psalm 86:14

Psalm 83:4

Psalm 79:3

Psalm 79:2

Psalm 63:9

Psalm 68:30

Psalm 70:2

Psalm 69:4




Psalm 94:5

Psalm 73:6

Psalm 94:6

Psalm 105:15

Psalm 106:37

Psalm 106:38

Psalm 109:16

Psalm 139:19

Psalm 140:1

Psalm 140:2

Psalm 140:4

Psalm 140:11

Psalm 59:2

Psalm 10:9

Psalm 143:3

Psalm 17:9

Psalm 3:6

Psalm 5:6

Psalm 10:8

Psalm 11:2

Psalm 11:5

Psalm 58:2

Psalm 22:16

Psalm 22:20

Psalm 25:19

Psalm 26:9

Psalm 27:2

Psalm 55:9

Psalm 10:10

Psalm 31:15

Psalm 55:23

Psalm 51:14

Psalm 44:22

Psalm 40:14

Psalm 37:32

Psalm 37:14

Psalm 35:3

Psalm 35:1

Psalm 56:2

Proverbs 30:14

Proverbs 10:6

Proverbs 16:29

Proverbs 13:2

Proverbs 12:6

Proverbs 10:11

Proverbs 6:17

Proverbs 4:17

Proverbs 1:19

Proverbs 1:18

Proverbs 1:11

Proverbs 1:16

Proverbs 28:17

Isaiah 59:7

Isaiah 1:21

Isaiah 60:18

Isaiah 59:6

Isaiah 59:3

Isaiah 53:7

Isaiah 50:6

Isaiah 37:38

Isaiah 37:24

Isaiah 7:1

Isaiah 66:3

Jeremiah 51:46

Jeremiah 40:15

Jeremiah 26:11

Jeremiah 26:21

Jeremiah 26:23

Jeremiah 26:24

Jeremiah 32:35

Jeremiah 38:4

Jeremiah 41:2

Jeremiah 41:3

Jeremiah 41:4

Jeremiah 41:7

Jeremiah 26:8

Jeremiah 41:18

Jeremiah 38:2

Jeremiah 41:8

Jeremiah 6:5

Jeremiah 2:34

Jeremiah 39:6

Jeremiah 22:17

Jeremiah 4:20

Jeremiah 5:17

Jeremiah 6:7

Jeremiah 6:23

Jeremiah 6:25

Jeremiah 7:6

Jeremiah 20:8

Jeremiah 7:9

Jeremiah 22:3

Jeremiah 7:31

Jeremiah 21:7

Jeremiah 19:5

Jeremiah 4:31

Jeremiah 19:9

Lamentations 4:14

Lamentations 4:13

Ezekiel 22:13

Ezekiel 28:7

Ezekiel 23:37

Ezekiel 35:11

Ezekiel 23:39

Ezekiel 23:45

Ezekiel 25:15

Ezekiel 26:8

Ezekiel 22:12

Ezekiel 26:11

Ezekiel 22:27

Ezekiel 28:16

Ezekiel 28:23

Ezekiel 30:5

Ezekiel 30:11

Ezekiel 31:17

Ezekiel 31:18

Ezekiel 32:11

Ezekiel 33:3

Ezekiel 35:5

Ezekiel 36:13

Ezekiel 22:9

Ezekiel 16:36

Ezekiel 33:6

Ezekiel 13:19

Ezekiel 18:10

Ezekiel 22:6

Ezekiel 5:10

Ezekiel 6:3

Ezekiel 7:11

Ezekiel 7:23

Ezekiel 8:17

Ezekiel 9:9

Ezekiel 11:6

Ezekiel 12:19

Ezekiel 16:20

Ezekiel 18:18

Ezekiel 22:4

Ezekiel 21:31

Ezekiel 21:14

Ezekiel 11:7

Ezekiel 20:26

Ezekiel 16:21

Ezekiel 18:16

Ezekiel 18:12

Ezekiel 18:7

Ezekiel 20:31

Daniel 6:12

Daniel 8:24

Daniel 8:25

Daniel 7:25

Daniel 3:11

Daniel 7:21

Daniel 3:21

Daniel 3:15

Daniel 3:6

Daniel 6:7

Daniel 3:20

Hosea 4:2

Hosea 6:8

Hosea 6:9

Hosea 9:13

Joel 3:19

Amos 3:10

Amos 1:11

Amos 1:13

Obadiah 1:1

Obadiah 1:9

Obadiah 1:10

Jonah 1:14

Jonah 3:8

Micah 2:2

Micah 7:2

Micah 6:12

Micah 3:10

Micah 3:3

Nahum 3:1

Nahum 3:3

Habakkuk 1:2

Habakkuk 1:3

Habakkuk 1:9

Habakkuk 2:8

Habakkuk 2:12

Habakkuk 2:17

Zephaniah 1:9

Zechariah 12:3

Zechariah 13:7

Malachi 2:16



In the Four Gospels

Matthew 23:34,35



Matthew 26:66



Matthew 27:35



Matthew 27:22,23

Matthew 27:20

Matthew 27:1

Matthew 26:59

Matthew 26:52

Matthew 26:14-16

Matthew 26:4

Matthew 24:9

Matthew 22:6

Matthew 27:3-5

Matthew 23:31

Matthew 19:18

Matthew 10:21

Matthew 5:21

Matthew 11:12

Matthew 14:8,10

Matthew 21:38

Matthew 17:23

Matthew 20:18,19

Matthew 10:28

Matthew 15:19

Mark 15:24

Mark 14:10,11

Mark 14:21

Mark 14:55




Mark 14:64

Mark 15:20

Mark 14:1

Mark 10:33,34

Mark 6:24-27

Mark 15:13-15

Mark 12:5

Mark 9:31

Mark 6:19

Mark 6:16

Mark 3:6

Mark 10:19

Mark 7:21

Mark 13:12

Mark 12:7,8

Luke 19:47

Luke 20:14

Luke 20:19

Luke 22:2

Luke 22:5,6

Luke 24:7

Luke 23:23

Luke 23:33

Luke 4:29

Luke 13:31

Luke 12:4,5

Luke 11:47-51

Luke 10:30

Luke 9:9

Luke 18:20

Luke 9:22

Luke 18:33

John 7:19,20

John 19:15

John 19:6,7

John 16:2

John 13:2

John 12:10

John 8:37

John 7:1

John 8:44

John 11:50




After Christ’s Resurrection

Romans 1:29

Romans 13:9

Romans 3:15

Romans 11:3

Galatians 5:21

1 Thessalonians 2:15

1 Timothy 1:9

Hebrews 6:6

Hebrews 11:37

James 2:11

James 4:2

James 5:6

1 Peter 4:15

1 John 2:9

1 John 3:12

1 John 3:15

1 John 4:20

Revelation 21:8

Revelation 18:24

Revelation 12:7

Revelation 6:4

Revelation 13:7

Revelation 19:2

Revelation 17:6

Revelation 13:15

Revelation 12:4

Revelation 11:7

Revelation 6:8-10

Revelation 22:15

Revelation 9:21

Revelation 16:6

Revelation 2:13



Commandment 7


In the Old Testament


Genesis 16:4,5

Genesis 19:32-38

Genesis 20:1-8

Genesis 26:10,11

Genesis 34:2-7

Genesis 39:9

Genesis 2:21-25

Exodus 22:19

Exodus 20:14

Leviticus 20:20

Leviticus 20:14

Leviticus 19:20

Leviticus 19:29

Leviticus 20:5

Leviticus 20:10

Leviticus 20:11

Leviticus 20:12

Leviticus 20:13

Leviticus 18:30

Leviticus 20:15

Leviticus 20:16

Leviticus 20:17

Leviticus 18:29

Leviticus 20:19

Leviticus 21:14

Leviticus 20:21

Leviticus 20:22

Leviticus 20:23

Leviticus 24:17

Leviticus 20:18

Leviticus 18:11

Leviticus 18:7

Leviticus 18:6

Leviticus 18:8

Leviticus 18:28

Leviticus 18:10

Leviticus 18:12

Leviticus 18:13

Leviticus 18:14

Leviticus 18:15

Leviticus 18:16

Leviticus 18:27

Leviticus 18:18

Leviticus 18:19

Leviticus 18:20

Leviticus 18:22

Leviticus 18:23

Leviticus 18:24

Leviticus 18:25

Leviticus 18:26

Leviticus 18:17

Leviticus 18:9

Numbers 25:1

Numbers 31:17

Numbers 25:6

Deuteronomy 24:1

Deuteronomy 23:18

Deuteronomy 23:17

Deuteronomy 22:29

Deuteronomy 22:27

Deuteronomy 22:25

Deuteronomy 22:22

Deuteronomy 22:23

Deuteronomy 25:12

Deuteronomy 4:3

Deuteronomy 22:14

Deuteronomy 22:5

Deuteronomy 21:13

Deuteronomy 20:8

Deuteronomy 17:17

Deuteronomy 10:4

Deuteronomy 5:18

Deuteronomy 4:13

Deuteronomy 22:21

Deuteronomy 22:24

Joshua 22:17

Joshua 6:22

Judges 20:12

Judges 20:6

Judges 20:5

Judges 19:25

Judges 19:24

Judges 16:4

Judges 19:23

Judges 20:13

Judges 16:1

Judges 8:33

Judges 8:31

Judges 8:27

Judges 2:17

Judges 19:22

Judges 19:2

Ruth 4:13

1 Samuel 2:22

1 Samuel 3:13

2 Samuel 13:11

2 Samuel 13:22

2 Samuel 13:16

2 Samuel 13:14

2 Samuel 11:2

2 Samuel 13:13

2 Samuel 13:12

2 Samuel 12:9

2 Samuel 11:27

2 Samuel 11:4

2 Samuel 11:5

2 Samuel 3:7

2 Samuel 12:10

1 Kings 11:1

1 Kings 14:24

1 Kings 15:12

1 Kings 22:46

2 Kings 9:22

2 Kings 23:7

1 Chronicles 5:25

2 Chronicles 28:19

2 Chronicles 21:11

2 Chronicles 21:13

Ezra 9:11

Ezra 9:14




Job 24:15

Psalm 73:27

Psalm 51:9

Psalm 51:1

Proverbs 9:18

Proverbs 23:28

Proverbs 18:22

Proverbs 29:3

Proverbs 31:12

Proverbs 5:4

Proverbs 5:5

Proverbs 5:19

Proverbs 2:16

Proverbs 7:5

Proverbs 6:26

Isaiah 23:16

Isaiah 23:15

Jeremiah 3:14

Jeremiah 3:2

Jeremiah 3:10

Jeremiah 23:10

Jeremiah 31:32

Jeremiah 4:30

Jeremiah 13:27

Ezekiel 23:8

Ezekiel 23:13

Ezekiel 23:18

Ezekiel 22:11

Ezekiel 23:35

Ezekiel 23:48

Ezekiel 23:37

Ezekiel 23:27

Ezekiel 22:9

Ezekiel 16:30

Ezekiel 16:33

Ezekiel 16:20

Ezekiel 6:9

Ezekiel 16:27

Ezekiel 18:11

Ezekiel 16:43

Ezekiel 16:36

Hosea 4:14

Hosea 5:4

Hosea 8:9

Hosea 4:11

Hosea 2:13

Hosea 2:5

Hosea 4:10

Micah 1:7

Malachi 2:16

Job 31:1

Psalm 128:3

Psalm 51:4

Psalm 106:29

Proverbs 7:27

Proverbs 7:22

Proverbs 23:27

Proverbs 30:20

Proverbs 31:28

Proverbs 6:32

Proverbs 5:6

Proverbs 5:20

Proverbs 6:25

Proverbs 6:33

Proverbs 7:13

Isaiah 62:5

Isaiah 1:21

Jeremiah 2:20

Jeremiah 3:6

Jeremiah 30:14

Jeremiah 22:22

Jeremiah 7:9

Jeremiah 4:17

Lamentations 5:11

Ezekiel 23:17

Ezekiel 23:12

Ezekiel 23:7

Ezekiel 22:10

Ezekiel 33:26

Ezekiel 16:56

Ezekiel 23:19

Ezekiel 23:22

Ezekiel 16:22

Ezekiel 20:30

Ezekiel 16:25

Ezekiel 16:17

Ezekiel 16:26

Ezekiel 16:34

Ezekiel 16:52

Ezekiel 16:41

Ezekiel 16:35

Hosea 4:15

Hosea 6:9

Hosea 4:12

Hosea 4:2

Hosea 2:12

Hosea 2:4

Joel 3:3

Nahum 3:4

Malachi 3:5

Job 31:9

Psalm 106:39

Psalm 51:3

Proverbs 7:23

Proverbs 31:30

Proverbs 7:21

Proverbs 6:28

Proverbs 31:10

Proverbs 7:18

Proverbs 5:3

Proverbs 5:8

Proverbs 6:24

Proverbs 7:12

Proverbs 6:29

Ecclesiastes 9:9

Isaiah 57:3

Isaiah 1:9

Jeremiah 2:33

Jeremiah 3:8

Jeremiah 29:23

Jeremiah 22:20

Jeremiah 5:8

Jeremiah 3:20

Lamentations 1:2

Ezekiel 23:16

Ezekiel 23:11

Ezekiel 23:5

Ezekiel 23:45

Ezekiel 24:13

Ezekiel 23:44

Ezekiel 23:30

Ezekiel 23:21

Ezekiel 16:32

Ezekiel 16:28

Ezekiel 16:29

Ezekiel 16:16

Ezekiel 16:53

Ezekiel 16:58

Ezekiel 16:50

Ezekiel 16:38

Hosea 5:3

Hosea 4:18

Hosea 6:10

Hosea 3:3

Hosea 3:1

Hosea 2:10

Hosea 2:2

Amos 7:17

Zechariah 14:2

Psalm 106:28

Psalm 106:30

Psalm 51:2

Proverbs 12:4

Proverbs 7:25

Proverbs 7:26

Proverbs 23:33

Proverbs 31:11

Proverbs 22:14

Proverbs 7:15

Proverbs 5:18

Proverbs 7:11

Proverbs 7:10

Proverbs 6:27

Isaiah 1:10

Isaiah 23:17

Isaiah 3:9

Jeremiah 3:1

Jeremiah 9:2

Jeremiah 23:14

Jeremiah 11:15

Jeremiah 5:7

Jeremiah 3:9

Lamentations 1:19

Ezekiel 23:14

Ezekiel 23:9

Ezekiel 23:3

Ezekiel 23:10

Ezekiel 23:49

Ezekiel 23:43

Ezekiel 23:29

Ezekiel 23:20

Ezekiel 16:31

Ezekiel 18:6

Ezekiel 16:21

Ezekiel 16:15

Ezekiel 18:15

Ezekiel 16:55

Ezekiel 16:48

Ezekiel 16:37

Hosea 4:13

Hosea 9:10

Hosea 7:4

Hosea 9:1

Hosea 2:19

Hosea 2:7

Hosea 1:2

Amos 4:11

Malachi 2:14


In the Four Gospels

Matthew 15:19



Matthew 16:4



Matthew 14:4



Matthew 12:39

Matthew 5:8

Mark 7:21

Luke 15:30

Matthew 5:27-32

Mark 6:18

Luke 16:18

Matthew 19:9,18

Mark 8:38

Luke 7:37

Mark 10:2-12

Mark 10:19

John 8:3,4





After The Resurrection of Christ

Acts 15:29

Acts 15:20

Romans 1:29

Romans 7:2,3

Romans 2:22

1 Corinthians 5:11

1 Corinthians 6:9

1 Corinthians 10:34,36

1 Corinthians 10:11,13

1 Corinthians 6:15

1 Corinthians 10:8,10

1 Corinthians 6:13

1 Corinthians 5:10

1 Corinthians 5:9

1 Corinthians 5:1

1 Corinthians 6:18

1 Corinthians 7:2

2 Corinthians 11:2

Galatians 5:19

Ephesians 5:3,5

Ephesians 5:23,33

Colossians 3:5

Colossians 3:18,19

1 Thessalonians 4:3

1 Timothy 1:10

1 Timothy 3:2

1 Timothy 3:12

2 Timothy 3:6

Titus 1:6

Titus 2:4,5

Hebrews 12:16

Hebrews 13:4

James 3:15

James 4:4

James 2:11

1 Peter 3:1,5,7

1 Peter 4:3

2 Peter 2:14

2 John 1:7

2 John 1:7

Judges 1:4

Judges 1:19

Judges 1:7

Revelation 9:21

Revelation 22:15

Revelation 21:9

Revelation 17:4

Revelation 17:1

Revelation 21:2

Revelation 17:2

Revelation 21:8

Revelation 19:2

Revelation 18:3,9

Revelation 14:8

Revelation 2:14

Revelation 17:5

Revelation 17:15,16






Commandment 8


In the Old Testament

Genesis 21:25


Exodus 20:15


Exodus 22:1


Exodus 22:2

Exodus 22:3

Leviticus 19:11

Deuteronomy 10:4

Deuteronomy 24:7

Joshua 7:21

1 Samuel 15:19

1 Samuel 2:16

2 Samuel 12:4

1 Kings 21:18

2 Kings 14:14

2 Chronicles 21:17

Nehemiah 5:11

Ester 3:13

Job 24:10

Job 24:4

Psalm 26:10

Proverbs 28:24

Proverbs 1:13

Isaiah 3:14

Isaiah 1:23

Jeremiah 23:30

Jeremiah 7:9

Jeremiah 4:30

Ezekiel 7:22

Ezekiel 22:27

Ezekiel 18:12

Hosea 6:9

Amos 4:11

Habakkuk 1:3

Zechariah 2:8

Exodus 22:4

Leviticus 19:13

Deuteronomy 15:9

Deuteronomy 4:13

Judges 2:14

1 Samuel 23:1

1 Samuel 2:15

2 Samuel 12:9

1 Kings 3:20

2 Kings 5:22

Nehemiah 5:7

Nehemiah 5:8

Ester 8:11

Job 30:5

Job 24:9

Psalm 37:21

Proverbs 25:20

Proverbs 21:7

Isaiah 10:2

Jeremiah 9:19

Jeremiah 22:13

Jeremiah 6:26

Jeremiah 4:20

Ezekiel 22:12

Ezekiel 22:13

Ezekiel 18:7

Hosea 7:1

Obadiah 1:5

Habakkuk 2:8

Malachi 3:5

Exodus 22:7

Deuteronomy 5:19

Deuteronomy 19:14

Joshua 22:20

Judges 9:25

1 Samuel 15:20

1 Samuel 15:21

2 Samuel 15:6

1 Kings 14:26

1 Chronicles 7:21

Nehemiah 5:13

Nehemiah 5:5

Job 24:2

Job 20:19

Psalm 15:5

Proverbs 6:30

Proverbs 22:22

Ecclesiastes 5:4

Isaiah 42:22

Jeremiah 50:37

Jeremiah 10:20

Jeremiah 6:7

Jeremiah 2:26

Ezekiel 38:12

Ezekiel 18:18

Ezekiel 18:10

Amos 3:10

Obadiah 1:13

Zechariah 5:3

Malachi 3:8

Exodus 22:26

Deuteronomy 7:25

Deuteronomy 23:21

Joshua 7:11

Judges 20:5

1 Samuel 8:3

2 Samuel 1:10

1 Kings 21:19

1 Kings 21:15

2 Chronicles 12:9

Nehemiah 5:12

Nehemiah 5:10

Job 24:14

Job 12:8

Psalm 22:18

Proverbs 29:24

Proverbs 6:31

Ecclesiastes 5:5

Isaiah 61:8

Jeremiah 49:10

Jeremiah 7:11

Jeremiah 5:17

Jeremiah 20:8

Ezekiel 26:12

Ezekiel 18:16

Hosea 4:2

Amos 4:1

Micah 2:2

Zechariah 5:4

Malachi 3:9


In the Four Gospels

Matthew 15:19



Matthew 23:14



Matthew 21:12,13



Matthew 19:18




Matthew 6:19,20

Matthew 21:38

Mark 7:22

Mark 10:19

Mark 11:17

Mark 12:40

Luke 19:46

Luke 19:8

Luke 20:14

Luke 18:20

Luke 10:30

Luke 3:13

John 2:16





After the Resurrection of Christ

Acts 5:1-5

Romans 2:21

Romans 13:9

Romans 2:22

1 Corinthians 6:10

1 Corinthians 6:8

1 Corinthians 7:5

2 Corinthians 11:8

Ephesians 4:28

1 Thessalonians 4:6

1 Timothy 1:10

James 5:4

1 Peter 4:15

Revelation 3:11

Revelation 9:21




Commandment 9


In the Old Testament


Genesis 12:18,19

Genesis 27:24

Genesis 34:13

Genesis 37:30-33

Genesis 3:4,5

Genesis 21:23

Genesis 20:1-8

Exodus 20:16

Exodus 23:1

Exodus 23:7

Exodus 23:8

Leviticus 19:11

Leviticus 19:12

Leviticus 19:16

Numbers 16:41

Numbers 30:2

Deuteronomy 19:18

Deuteronomy 4:13

Deuteronomy 25:16

Deuteronomy 25:15

Deuteronomy 25:14

Deuteronomy 25:13

Deuteronomy 23:21

Deuteronomy 19:19

Deuteronomy 19:16

Deuteronomy 19:14

Deuteronomy 18:20

Deuteronomy 16:19

Deuteronomy 13:3

Deuteronomy 13:2

Deuteronomy 5:20

Deuteronomy 10:4

Joshua 9:13

Joshua 9:9

Joshua 24:9

Joshua 9:4

Joshua 9:6

Joshua 9:22

Judges 16:24

Judges 9:23

Judges 16:7

Judges 16:11

Judges 16:23

1 Samuel 23:21

1 Samuel 17:43

1 Samuel 15:13

1 Samuel 1:6

1 Samuel 8:3

2 Samuel 16:5

2 Samuel 16:7

2 Samuel 19:27

2 Samuel 13:6

2 Samuel 13:5

2 Samuel 14:19

1 Kings 2:44

1 Kings 3:22

1 Kings 21:10

1 Kings 21:11

1 Kings 21:13

1 Kings 22:23

2 Kings 5:22

2 Kings 5:25

2 Kings 19:10

2 Chronicles 18:22

2 Chronicles 19:7

Ezra 4:5

Ezra 4:12

Nehemiah 6:12

Nehemiah 6:8

Nehemiah 6:13

Nehemiah 6:10

Nehemiah 4:3

Nehemiah 2:19

Nehemiah 4:1

Nehemiah 6:6

Job 31:5

Job 21:16

Job 21:34

Job 22:5

Job 22:6

Job 22:7

Job 22:9

Job 22:15

Job 24:2

Job 20:12

Job 30:9

Job 34:12

Job 32:3

Job 33:3

Job 33:27

Job 36:4

Job 6:15

Job 27:4

Job 12:4

Job 42:7

Job 6:28

Job 6:30

Job 19:18

Job 11:11

Job 12:16

Job 13:7

Job 15:5

Job 19:2

Job 15:34

Job 15:35

Job 16:10

Job 17:1

Job 17:5

Job 15:13

Job 19:3

Job 8:3

Psalm 78:36

Psalm 79:4

Psalm 82:2

Psalm 83:3

Psalm 89:34

Psalm 35:16

Psalm 59:12

Psalm 89:35

Psalm 73:8

Psalm 72:14

Psalm 71:11

Psalm 71:10

Psalm 64:5

Psalm 64:3

Psalm 89:51

Psalm 62:4

Psalm 109:18

Psalm 63:11

Psalm 109:17

Psalm 58:3

Psalm 144:11

Psalm 144:8

Psalm 140:11

Psalm 140:3

Psalm 120:3

Psalm 120:2

Psalm 109:11

Psalm 109:20

Psalm 94:4

Psalm 109:5

Psalm 109:3

Psalm 109:2

Psalm 102:8

Psalm 101:7

Psalm 101:5

Psalm 94:21

Psalm 112:10

Psalm 15:2

Psalm 34:13

Psalm 31:18

Psalm 31:6

Psalm 28:3

Psalm 27:12

Psalm 24:4

Psalm 22:13

Psalm 35:11

Psalm 17:10

Psalm 15:3

Psalm 12:3

Psalm 12:2

Psalm 10:7

Psalm 5:9

Psalm 5:6




Psalm 56:5

Psalm 35:20

Psalm 21:11

Psalm 50:19

Psalm 12:4

Psalm 55:11

Psalm 52:4

Psalm 52:3

Psalm 50:20

Psalm 55:23

Psalm 43:1

Psalm 41:7

Psalm 36:3

Psalm 35:19

Psalm 52:2

Psalm 35:21

Psalm 41:6

Psalm 37:12

Psalm 38:12

Psalm 39:1

Psalm 41:5

Proverbs 25:14

Proverbs 29:27

Proverbs 19:28

Proverbs 19:5

Proverbs 20:10

Proverbs 20:23

Proverbs 21:6

Proverbs 24:24

Proverbs 24:28

Proverbs 19:9

Proverbs 25:18

Proverbs 26:22

Proverbs 26:24

Proverbs 26:26

Proverbs 26:28

Proverbs 27:6

Proverbs 28:10

Proverbs 29:13

Proverbs 30:20

Proverbs 30:8

Proverbs 19:1

Proverbs 17:20

Proverbs 29:12

Proverbs 6:12

Proverbs 18:6

Proverbs 18:8

Proverbs 1:22

Proverbs 2:15

Proverbs 6:17

Proverbs 6:19

Proverbs 8:13

Proverbs 11:1

Proverbs 11:18

Proverbs 12:5

Proverbs 17:23

Proverbs 12:22

Proverbs 13:5

Proverbs 14:25

Proverbs 15:2

Proverbs 15:4

Proverbs 18:7

Proverbs 15:26

Proverbs 2:12

Proverbs 17:15

Proverbs 12:13

Ecclesiastes 5:5

Ecclesiastes 5:4

Ecclesiastes 10:20

Ecclesiastes 5:6

Isaiah 66:4

Isaiah 32:6

Isaiah 59:15

Isaiah 59:14

Isaiah 59:4

Isaiah 59:3

Isaiah 57:4

Isaiah 54:17

Isaiah 51:7

Isaiah 44:25

Isaiah 32:7

Isaiah 16:6

Isaiah 5:20

Isaiah 5:23

Isaiah 9:17

Isaiah 30:12

Isaiah 19:14

Isaiah 26:10

Isaiah 28:7

Isaiah 28:17

Isaiah 30:9

Isaiah 30:10

Isaiah 8:20

Jeremiah 5:27

Jeremiah 2:35

Jeremiah 3:5

Jeremiah 5:2

Jeremiah 29:9

Jeremiah 23:25

Jeremiah 23:26

Jeremiah 23:31

Jeremiah 23:32

Jeremiah 23:34

Jeremiah 23:36

Jeremiah 27:9

Jeremiah 27:10

Jeremiah 27:14

Jeremiah 27:15

Jeremiah 27:16

Jeremiah 28:2

Jeremiah 28:3

Jeremiah 23:14

Jeremiah 42:21

Jeremiah 5:14

Jeremiah 51:18

Jeremiah 51:17

Jeremiah 48:30

Jeremiah 48:10

Jeremiah 28:4

Jeremiah 43:2

Jeremiah 29:8

Jeremiah 42:20

Jeremiah 37:19

Jeremiah 37:9

Jeremiah 29:31

Jeremiah 29:23

Jeremiah 20:10

Jeremiah 43:3

Jeremiah 7:5

Jeremiah 23:21

Jeremiah 8:10

Jeremiah 8:8

Jeremiah 8:6

Jeremiah 8:5

Jeremiah 9:2

Jeremiah 7:8

Jeremiah 9:3

Jeremiah 7:4

Jeremiah 6:28

Jeremiah 6:14

Jeremiah 6:13

Jeremiah 5:31

Jeremiah 5:12

Jeremiah 7:9

Jeremiah 14:15

Jeremiah 20:7

Jeremiah 20:6

Jeremiah 18:22

Jeremiah 18:20

Jeremiah 8:11

Jeremiah 16:19

Jeremiah 14:14

Jeremiah 12:6

Jeremiah 12:1

Jeremiah 9:8

Jeremiah 9:6

Jeremiah 9:5

Jeremiah 9:4

Jeremiah 18:18

Lamentations 2:14

Lamentations 3:14

Lamentations 3:63

Lamentations 1:19

Lamentations 1:2

Lamentations 3:62

Ezekiel 22:9

Ezekiel 18:7

Ezekiel 18:8

Ezekiel 18:12

Ezekiel 18:16

Ezekiel 18:25

Ezekiel 18:29

Ezekiel 17:21

Ezekiel 21:29

Ezekiel 22:28

Ezekiel 22:13

Ezekiel 22:27

Ezekiel 22:29

Ezekiel 33:17

Ezekiel 21:23

Ezekiel 13:2

Ezekiel 24:12

Ezekiel 17:19

Ezekiel 8:12

Ezekiel 9:9

Ezekiel 11:2

Ezekiel 13:3

Ezekiel 13:6

Ezekiel 13:7

Ezekiel 13:19

Ezekiel 13:9

Ezekiel 13:10

Ezekiel 17:18

Ezekiel 13:15

Ezekiel 17:16

Ezekiel 13:16

Ezekiel 13:8

Daniel 8:12

Daniel 6:13

Daniel 6:5

Daniel 3:8

Daniel 6:4

Hosea 12:1

Hosea 10:13

Hosea 11:12

Hosea 4:2

Hosea 7:1

Hosea 7:3

Hosea 10:4

Amos 2:4

Amos 2:12

Amos 5:10

Obadiah 1:7

Micah 3:9

Micah 7:3

Micah 6:12

Micah 3:11

Micah 3:2

Micah 2:11

Micah 6:11

Nahum 3:1

Habakkuk 1:4

Habakkuk 1:13

Habakkuk 2:9




Habakkuk 2:18

Zephaniah 1:12

Zechariah 7:9

Zechariah 13:3

Malachi 2:17

Zephaniah 2:8

Zephaniah 3:13

Zechariah 8:16

Zechariah 13:4

Malachi 2:10

Zephaniah 2:10

Zechariah 5:3

Zechariah 8:17

Malachi 1:6

Malachi 1:14

Zephaniah 1:9

Zechariah 5:4

Zechariah 10:2

Malachi 3:5

Malachi 2:11


In the Four Gospels

Matthew 24:23,24



Matthew 27:63



Matthew 28:13



Matthew 27:12,13

Matthew 26:69-75

Matthew 26:14,16

Matthew 24:10,11

Matthew 15:19

Mark 14:56,57

Mark 15:3,4

Mark 3:22

Mark 14:66-72

Luke 22:54-62

Luke 21:8

Luke 19:8

John 13:38

John 8:44

Matthew 26:48

Matthew 7:15

Matthew 26:59,60

Matthew 11:18,19

Mark 14:41

Mark 13:12

Mark 13:22

Luke 11:15-20

Luke 22:5,6

Luke 7:33,34

Luke 21:16

John 18:25-27

John 10:20

Matthew 26:34,35

Matthew 24:4

Matthew 5:11

Mark 14:30,31

Mark 14:21

Mark 13:5,6

Mark 10:19

Luke 20:20

Luke 22:34

Luke 6:22

John 3:19-21

John 13:2

John 6:71

Matthew 26:24,25

Matthew 19:18

Matthew 5:33

Mark 14:1

Mark 14:10,11

Mark 7:22

Mark 13:21,22

Luke 23:2

Luke 22:21

Luke 6:16

John 18:17

John 8:44,55


After the Resurrection of Christ

Acts 5:3,4

Acts 6:13

Acts 13:6

Romans 1:25

Romans 3:13

Romans 13:9

Romans 3:4

1 Corinthians 6:8

2 Corinthians 11:31

2 Corinthians 11:3

2 Corinthians 11:13

Galatians 1:20

Galatians 1:6-8

Ephesians 4:25

Ephesians 5:6

Ephesians 4:14

Colossians 3:9

1 Thessalonians 4:6

1 Thessalonians 2:3

2 Thessalonians 2:11

1 Timothy 1:10

1 Timothy 4:2

1 Timothy 6:10,21

1 Timothy 2:7

2 Timothy 4:4

2 Timothy 2:18

2 Timothy 3:3

2 Timothy 3:13

Titus 1:2

Titus 2:3

Hebrews 6:18

James 3:14

1 Peter 3:16

2 Peter 2:1

2 Peter 3:17

2 Peter 2:13

2 Peter 2:18,19

1 John 1:10

1 John 4:20

1 John 2:27

1 John 2:21,22

1 John 4:6

1 John 4:1

1 John 2:4

1 John 1:6

1 John 5:10

2 John 1:7

Judges 1:10

Judges 1:16

Revelation 2:2

Revelation 14:5

Revelation 20:10

Revelation 21:27

Revelation 3:9

Revelation 20:3,8

Revelation 18:23

Revelation 13:14

Revelation 21:8

Revelation 16:14

Revelation 12:9



Commandment 10


In the Old Testament


Genesis 30:1

Exodus 18:21

Exodus 20:17

Exodus 22:25

Numbers 22:18

Numbers 22:40

Deuteronomy 4:13

Deuteronomy 5:21

Deuteronomy 7:25

Deuteronomy 10:4

Deuteronomy 16:19

Deuteronomy 19:14

Joshua 7:11

Joshua 7:21

Judges 14:3

1 Samuel 8:3

2 Samuel 11:4

2 Samuel 11:5

2 Samuel 12:4

2 Samuel 12:9

2 Samuel 11:2

1 Kings 21:15

1 Kings 21:18

2 Kings 5:20

2 Kings 5:22

2 Kings 5:26

2 Chronicles 1:11

Nehemiah 5:11

Nehemiah 5:13

Nehemiah 5:12

Nehemiah 5:7

Nehemiah 5:8

Nehemiah 5:10

Job 24:2

Psalm 78:30

Psalm 81:12

Psalm 106:14

Psalm 106:16

Proverbs 27:20

Proverbs 28:8

Proverbs 27:4

Proverbs 23:5

Proverbs 1:19

Ecclesiastes 4:4

Isaiah 57:17

Isaiah 58:7

Jeremiah 6:13

Jeremiah 8:10

Jeremiah 22:17

Jeremiah 51:13

Ezekiel 18:12

Ezekiel 22:12




Amos 2:6


In the Four Gospels

Micah 2:2

Habakkuk 2:9


Matthew 5:28

Matthew 21:38

Matthew 26:14-16

Matthew 19:22

Mark 7:22

Mark 4:19

Mark 10:22

Mark 12:7,8

Mark 14:10,11

Luke 16:19-22

Luke 22:5,6

Luke 20:14

Luke 18:23

Luke 16:14

Luke 12:16-21

Luke 11:39

Luke 12:15

Luke 19:8

John 8:44

John 2:16


After the Resurrection of Christ

Romans 7:7

Romans 13:9

Romans 1:24

Romans 6:12

Romans 13:14

1 Corinthians 10:6

Galatians 5:16,24

Ephesians 4:19,22

Ephesians 2:3

Colossians 3:5

1 Thessalonians 2:5

1 Timothy 3:3,8

1 Timothy 6:9

1 Timothy 6:10

2 Timothy 3:2

2 Timothy 2:22

2 Timothy 3:6

2 Timothy 4:3

Titus 2:12

Titus 3:3

Hebrews 13:5

James 1:14,15

James 5:1-5

James 4:1,3

James 3:16

1 Peter 1:14

1 Peter 2:11

1 Peter 4:2,3

2 Peter 2:18

2 Peter 3:3

1 John 2:16,17

Judges 1:11

Judges 1:16,18

Revelation 18:9-19

Revelation 7:13-17

Revelation 9:21



