The Secret Rapture Doctrine

Is it Biblical?


George Burnside








The Secret Rapture Delusion

Righteous and wicked rewarded at the End of The World










Harvest - The End of the world.

Everyone rewarded at once (Not in two separate phases).

All eyes see him in CLOUDS at the harvest of the righteous. Everyone rewarded at once. Wicked die immediately. Coming in the CLOUDS.







All eyes will see Him at the harvest. Coming in the CLOUDS.






Jesus rose with a real body - not spirit














Jesus rose and will return in a visible body.

Raised from the grave at the Last Day not 7 years before. Resurrection at the Last Day not 7 years before.

Last Day - day of judgment not 7 years before. Come in the CLOUDS.


1 Thessalonians 4:16,17 Meet in CLOUDS.


2 Thessalonians 1:7-10 Righteous and wicked rewarded at once.




Shall openly appear at the harvest of the righteous.









Comes in the CLOUDS - All EYES WILL SEE HIM Harvest In The CLOUDS - HARVEST OF THE RIGHTEOUS. Resurrection begins the 1,000 years.

Everyone is rewarded at once.


Barry Smith And The Invisible Rapture

Well known evangelist Barry Smith is very popular among Christians as an interpreter of Bible prophecy and the Book of Revelation. Unfortunately his claims are not Biblical or factual but rather the product of Roman Catholic Jesuit Futurism.


The Second Coming Of Christ

Barry Smith claims that there are Two Second Comings of Christ mentioned in the Bible ("Warning", Page 157). The First Coming is invisible and the second visible (Page 160). He states that this is "Shown clearly in the New Testament".




1. Saints go to heaven.

Saints come back from heaven.

2. Earth not Judged

Earth now Judged

3. Before Armageddon

After Armageddon

4. Not shown in O.T.

Shown clearly in N.T.

5. Believers only involved

Everybody involved

6. Before the day of Wrath

After the day of Wrath

("Warning", Page 160)





Is This Biblical?



26:19-21 Righteous and wicked rewarded at the End of The World

Both are rewarded at once, not in two separate phases.


13:36-42 Harvest - The End of the world.

Righteous are harvested at the end of the world, not 3.5 years before hand.

16:27 Everyone is rewarded at once (Not in two separate phases).

24:27-31 All eyes see him in CLOUDS at the harvest of the righteous.

25:31-46 Everyone rewarded at once.

Wicked die immediately righteous are gone to heaven.

26:64 Wicked see Him Coming in the CLOUDS.



13:26,27 All eyes will see Him at the harvest.

14:62 Coming in the CLOUDS.



24:37-43 Jesus rose with a real body - not spirit



2:19-22 Jesus rose and will return in a visible body.

6:39,40,44,54 The righteous are raised from the grave at the Last Day not 3.5 years before.

11:24 Resurrection at the Last Day not 7 years before.

12:48 Last Day - day of judgment not 7 years before.



1:9-11 Come in the CLOUDS with His body visible.


1 Thessalonians

4:16,17 Meet in CLOUDS.


2 Thessalonians

1:7-10 Righteous and wicked rewarded at once.



9:28 Shall openly appear at the harvest of the righteous.



1:7 Comes in the CLOUDS - All EYES WILL SEE HIM Harvest


20:5,6 Resurrection begins the 1,000 years.

22:12 Everyone is rewarded at once.









Is Christ's Return Invisible?



Psalm 104:3

Psalm 68:17

2 Kings 2:11

Isaiah 66:15-17


Clouds of heaven Angels - Mount Sinai Flaming Chariots

Flaming Sword (Revelation 19:11-16)


Exodus 16:10

Exodus 19:9-16

Exodus 20:18

Exodus 24:15,16


Visible to human eye

Thunder, lightning, fire, smoke, earthquake

Exceedingly loud. Devouring fire.


Psalm 144:6

Zechariah 9:14

Matthew 24:27

Matthew 28:3

Luke 17:24

Exodus 19:16-25

Psalm 77:18

Psalm 97:4


Destroys the wicked Destroys the wicked From the east to the west Blinding light

Lights up the whole sky

Exceedingly loud and bright

Light up the whole planet and shake it

Burns His enemies to death


Exodus 9:23,29

Revelation 16:18

Job 40:9

Exodus 20:18

Psalm 78:48


Plague of death Seventh plague The voice of God Exceedingly loud

Kills and destroys wicked


Zechariah 9:14

Exodus 19:13-19

Isaiah 27:1,13

Zephaniah 1:14-16


Powerful like lightning

Exceedingly loud

Heard in all the countries

Heard in all the cities



False And Misleading Information


The Little Horn Power Is The E.E.C.

On pages 26,27 Barry Smith states that the little horn power is the President of the European Economic Community.


1. The EEC fails the test of being the Little Horn as it is not a country and has no king.


2. The Bible states that the little horn would arise out of the fourth beast (Pagan Rome)- Daniel 7:8. The EEC came along 1500 years to late.


3. The EEC has not uprooted three ohter countries of Europe as did the Roman Catholic Church in the 6th century - Goths, Ostrogoths & the Heruli


4. The Bible states that the little horn power would sit in the temple of God showing himself to be God. The president of the E.E.C. is not worshipped by anyone as God nor is he a religious leader like the Pope of Rome who does claim to be God and who does sit in the temple of God (The Christian Church).



The E.E.C. President Is The Antichrist

On page 28 of his book, Barry Smith claims that the President of the E.E.C. is the antichrist. The word Antichrist in the Bible means in place of Christ. While this prophecy is aptly fulfilled in the Bishop of Rome who calls himself the Vicar of the Son of God, the E.E.C. President makes no such claims.



The E.E.C. President Worships At Israel

On page 30 Barry Smith claims that the EEC President will go to Jerusalem and erect a statue of himself in the rebuilt Temple at Jerusalem. Where is the fulfillment of this prophecy? This has not happened with any E.E.C. President.


Henry Kissinger Is The 666 Man in Revelation 13

On page 43 of his book Barry Smith claims that the 666 man of Revelation 13 is Henry Kissinger. Kissinger has never been the President of the E.E.C. He has never uprooted three countries. He has never set up any image in Jerusalem. The whole world has never wandered after him. On pages 69,70 of his book Barry Smith claims that the 666 man of Revelation 13 is the Pope of Rome. On page 71 of his book Barry Smith claims that the 666 man of Revelation 13 is the a computer in Brussels. (The Bible states that the 666 is a number of a MAN not an IBM Mainframe.) On pages 75 to 101 of his book Barry Smith claims that the Mystery of Iniquity is Communism.


Ancient History

On Page 10 of his book Barry Smith states that the dream of Nebuchednezzar (Daniel Chapter 2) took place in 586 B.C. The dream actually took place in 603 B.C.



70 Week Prophecy Of Daniel 9

On pages 127,130 of his book Barry Smith claims that the decree of King Cyrus The Great was given in

486 B.C. Cyrus The Great (Born 600 BC - Died 529 BC) did not become king till 550 B.C.  (King - 550 to

529 BC.) Cyrus the Younger ruled from 424 to 401 B.C. See: "Funk And Wagnalls Encyclopedia", Volume 7, 1975 Edition, Pages 241,242. "Through The Ages", Crescent Books, New York, 1983, 600 -

400 B.C. Section.


On page 130 of his book Barry Smith claims that the vision of Daniel chapter 9 took place in 487 B.C. The vision took place in the first year of the reign of Darius the 1st in 538 BC. 61 years earlier than Mr. Smith states. On page 130 of his book Barry Smith claims that the 483 years from decree of King Cyrus the Great to the Messiah the Prince go from 486 B.C. to 4 B.C. On page 122 of his book Barry Smith claims that the 490 years of this time period began in 19 BC and ended in 467 AD! He has the prophecy beginning and ending on two different dates.



American History

Barry Smith claims in his book "Warning" that American presidents elected in the years 1840, 1860, 1880, 1900, 1920, 1940, 1960, 1980 will die in office ("Warning", Page 169). The only American presidents to die if office up till January 1997 are:


Name                                               Duration

1. William H. Harrison                    1841-1841

2. Zachary Taylor                            1849-1850

3. Abraham Lincoln                         1861-1865 (Assassinated)

4. James Abram Garfield                 1881-1881 (Assassinated)

5. William McKinley                       1897-1901 (Assassinated)

6. Warren Gamaliel Harding           1921-1923

7. Franklin Delano Roosevelt          1933-1945

8. John F Kennedy                           1961-1963 (Assassinated)


("Funk And Wagnalls Encyclopedia", 1975 Edition, Volume 19, Pages 340,341)



The Vision Of Daniel Chapter 2

Barry Smith claims that there is a gap in the image of Daniel Chapter 2 between the Legs of Iron and the Feet on Iron and clay ("Warning", Pages 11,14). This is nowhere stated in the Bible.   The image was "excellent" (V 31) to look upon, not full of holes. How could the image have stood up with half his legs missing (V. 31). The legs are of iron, not iron and thin air.



The Antichrist Will Be Jewish

This is nowhere stated in the Bible as Pastor Smith admits. (Warning, Page 29)



The Antichrist Will Owl Like Eyes

On page 31 Barry states that the antichrist will have owl like eyes. The Bible states that he has the eyes of a man not an Owl or Ostrich - Daniel 7:8.



Henry Kissinger = 666

On page 43 Barry states that Henry Kissinger is the 666 power of Revelation 13. The numerics applied in this section are purely hypothetical. The numerical values assigned to English letters are arbitrary and unprovable.



Joshua's Long Day Turned The Sabbath Into Sunday

On page 50 Barry states that Joshua's long day turned the Sabbath into Sunday. Bible reckoning counts the days from sunset to sunset - Leviticus 23:32, Mark 1:32. The day is an Evening (Darkness) and then Morning (Daylight) Genesis 1:14-19. Joshua's long day was only one day in Bible reckoning not two. Jesus while on earth knew Saturday was still the Sabbath (Luke 4:16, Mark 2:27). The Bible calls Sunday the first day of the week over 1,000 years after the death of Joshua - Matthew 28:1, Mark 16:1, 2.  Isaiah states that we will keep the seventh day Sabbath in heaven - Isaiah 66:22, 24.