Towards the Dawn Of Better Times



“Shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” Daniel 12:4.

“Surely I come quickly, Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.” Revelation 22:20.

Warburton, Victoria, Australia













THE author belongs to the generation which, badly shaken and battered, came through that maelstrom of strife which men call the Great War. For sixteen years since then he has, in various countries, watched the writhing of men in their desperate and often despairing efforts to shape their destinies to more satisfying ends.

Through all the bloodshed, the despair, and the disillusionment of these amazing times, he sees the dawning of a golden day which will surpass all that mortals have ever desired.

Everything on this earth indicates that human affairs are converging into a great climax. That climax will produce the great Leader of men for whom all the nations are clamoring. That leader will be none other than the Christ, whose intervention in the universal confusion among men will, once for all, free the earth and men from all that is now so corrupt and offensive and unsatisfying.

Men, through wickedness, have produced this awful confusion and strife; God, through Christ, will shortly intervene to establish a new world fit for His saints to inherit. That is the whole teaching of Scripture, as well as the growing belief of multi1 tides of sincere men in all the world.

Meanwhile, we need to concentrate our thoughts upon God’s love in revealing Jesus; upon Christ’s grace, which sustains every weary toiler whose heart cries out for help to Him who loved us and gave Himself for us. We must think upon the glory that is to come, of the better times awaiting those whose lives will fit them for God’s better land. Ring out the darkness of the land, Ring in the Christ that is to be.

This booklet is but a fragmentary discourse, intended merely to create a desire for the deeper things of God’s Word, and in prayerful spirit we send it forth upon that errand. The publishers will gladly supply other literature on all phases of prophetic and Biblical subjects.

Harold W. Lowe


Changing the Face of The Earth

THE Son of an African chief had been taken by his white master to Europe for some months. Returning to his central African home, this son of the Dark Continent had, in true native fashion, to regale his fellows with detailed descriptions of all he had done, seen, and heard during his wonderful time in the white man’s land. To his tribesmen, the white man was something more wonderful than a man, and he came from a mysterious land beyond the sea.

To the rolling of drums, scores of natives wended their torch lit way to the chief’s village. Squatting in large semicircles before their chief, under the glory of a million sentinel stars, the chattering crowds were hushed to silence as Kugumba stood forth at his sire’s command.

In a torrent of native eloquence he launched upon a spellbinding oration. Features and limbs were brought into play during the graphic description of those details of civilized existence which most impressed the native mind.

An English missionary, one Mr. Macdonald, approaching slowly and noiselessly at this moment, took up a position in the shadows, unobserved by any except a few of these friendly tribesmen. It was worth going a long way for this white man to listen to that evening’s proceedings. For three hours the African lad described life in civilized Europe. Virtues, vices, the beautiful, the repulsive, the vastness of its cities, the immensity of its buildings, the comforts of its homes, the strangely inconsistent yet wonderful ways of its people, the might of its armies-with an unbiased mind and an unsparing judgment this heathen lad laid bare a picture of London through African eyes which was always illuminating and thought-provoking, though often sad, to the silent listener in the shadows.


As the boy told how the white man builds his houses “one 011 top of the other up into the sky,” how he just pressed a button and “the sun shone at night” in every room in the house, how he pressed another button and “the river ran out of the wall” the blank amazement on the faces of those benighted blacks was punctuated by groans and grunts of astonishment. When the proud youth portrayed the greatness of the white man’s cities, the wealth of his country, the power of his kings, hands were raised in incredulous horror.

But what most impressed these poor people was Kugurnha’s declaration that if the white man wanted to go down into the sea, he just got into a boat that sailed safely beneath the deep waters. If he wished to sail on the ocean he could put into another ship more people than there were in ten native villages, and they traveled on the water faster than anything he had ever seen. If the white man wished to travel inside the earth he got into large boxes like houses, with many other people, and they rushed down into holes in the earth faster than wild horses can run; if he desired to go above the clouds, he built a winged ship larger than the chief’s compound, and, with many men inside, it flew faster than the eagle up to the stars and back. If the Great White King wished to speak to all his people he stood before a magic black box, and, while he was speaking, his voice could be heard coming from mysterious boxes in the homes of white men all over the earth. “The voice Of the White King flies everywhere, and in a few seconds there flies back to him news from all over his kingdoms.”


“In fact,” said the perspiring Kugumba, “the white man cannot keep still. He works, and runs all over the earth. He knows everything and can do all things.”

That was the climax of this youth’s description of the white man and his ways. “He runs all over the earth. He knows everything and can do all things!“

The amused Mr. Macdonald was making a mental comparison between these backward people among whom he lived and the great civilization he had left behind. Why should one part of the human race forge ahead of the other and assume such a dominant part in human affairs, while the other languished in comparative impotence? And across some five hundred years of time there came Bacon’s answer to the missionary’s question, “The sovereignty of man lies in knowledge.” “For knowledge is power.”

Yes, there lay one essential difference between the lands he had left and the land where he now sought to bring enlightenment of mind and satisfaction of spirit. Knowledge! Power! As the lone onlooker turned and betook himself homeward he fell deeply to meditation. His body was marching slowly through the African bush, but his spirit was roaming through the wonders of the civilization which was changing the face of the earth. Ringing above it all were the poor African’s expressions of amazement at the white man’s mania for speed, his insatiable thirst for knowledge, and the astounding results of the acquisition thereof.


He had just read a book by a highly imaginative author, wherein was conceived the fantastic idea of a radio apparatus which allowed one to “tune back” through time. Bygone ages could even be miraculously televised, so that the scenes, sounds, and conditions of the past could be recaptured and past life lived over again.

In a moment the missionary was making his imaginary journey back through time; but his first attempt was startlingly disappointing. He had tuned back some five or six - hundred years. It was not a world he knew anything about. Men were uncouth and barbarous. The appearance of everything was haphazard and mean. Liberty was at a low ebb. Men who were ahead of their times in their poor learning were imprisoned, or burnt as devil-worshippers. A pitiful example was one Roger Bacon, a fearless and far-sighted truth-seeker, who predicted, among other things, that the most marvelous results would come from men’s experiments, “which will make all kinds of magic appear trivial and absurd.” But the more he suggested such scientific possibilities as the telescope, the diving-bell, the air Pump, the camera, gunpowder, the more he saw of the pestilential prisons of his times, till finally he paid the supreme price of life itself.

Superstition and ignorance were so universal that cholera and other plagues were stolidly endured as the judgments of the deity, and not the slightest effort would men make to adopt such rudimentary principles of sanitation and preventive medicine as were advocated by an enlightened few. The feudal system of vassalage and oppression then universal seemed to our meditative white man to be even worse than the African system of slavery which surrounded and appalled him.


With a shudder he turned his imaginary apparatus and jumped forward some five hundred years to the days when his centenarian father was born. Ah, things looked more familiar now, but what a dirty, dingy world it still was! And how bedraggled and often besotted the poorer people looked! Except in certain important places his beloved London, like other cities, was mainly unlit at night. Streets were in many places indescribably piled with filth and houses looked derelict to him. Her Majesty Queen Victoria called for a report of the living conditions of her people, and through her Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department, there came this unpleasant description of the homes of the working classes:-

“With broken panes in every window-frame, and filth and vermin in every nook. With the walls un white washed for years, black with the smoke of foul chimneys, without water, with corded bed-stocks for beds, and sacking for bed-clothing, with floors unwashed from year to year, without out-offices. While without, there are streets, elevated a foot, sometimes two, above the level of the causeway by the accumulation of years, and stagnant puddles here and there, with their fetid exhalations, causeways broken and dangerous, ash-places choked up with filth, and excrement deposits on all sides as a consequence, undrained, unpaved, unventilated. Uncared-for by any authority but the landlord, who weekly collects his miserable rents from his miserable tenants.” – “Report on Inquiry into the Sanitary Condition of the Laboring Population of Great Britain,” 1842.

And that was the land of Charles Dickens! The surprised missionary did not enjoy the sight, but it was a vast improvement on his first peep into the past. He found that as recently as the year 1850 this sort of condition prevailed among the working classes throughout the towns of Great Britain and Europe.

“In the lower lodging-houses, ten, twelve, and sometimes twenty persons, of both sexes, and of all ages, sleep promiscuously on the floor, in different degrees of nakedness. These places are generally, as regards dirt, damp, and such as no person of common humanity to animals would stable his horse in.” A Collective View of Practical Means of Improving the Condition of the Poor and Laboring Classes of Society,” 1884.

Prostitution, overcrowding, vice dens, disease, and despair reigned in all the cities of Europe. It was incredibly repulsive!

He moved on some fifty or sixty years, and came slowly into his own world.


Startling changes were taking place on every side. It seemed to our delighted missionary observer that he was rapidly moving into a new world. Buildings improved in quality and were multiplied in number. Towns were improved in appearance. Regulations for the betterment of public health were enforced by law. Men embarked on a battle against disease and squalor, against ignorance and vice. The voice of the British Health Minister was heard a little later in the House of Commons (June 20, 1934), declared that only one person dies today of disease which in 1900 killed four to twenty-four persons. That “40,000 children who would have been doomed to death within twelve months in 1900 are today surviving to lead their lives in conditions where disease has less and less terror for them.” At the same time, realizing that disease and vice are the consequences of overcrowded dwellings, the British Government had set itself a five year task which would mean the expenditure of £115,000,000 in a slum-clearance crusade, the demolition Of 270,000 Slum abodes, the re housing of more than 1,250,000 people in larger and better houses, which would provide work for 110,000 men.

Australia, a young country in the making, profited by the mistakes of the Old World, and her cities are among the cleanest of the world, offering to their inhabitants homes which are palatial compared with those of their fathers.

Discoveries in engineering, medicine, social hygiene, and the growth of general knowledge were so rapid and so far-reaching in results that the face of the earth and the lives of men went through a revolutionary change.


Whereas in 1871 the average annual death-rate was twenty two per thousand, in 1932 the death-rate had fallen to only twelve per thousand in the British Isles.

In the period 1871-1880, the number of children who died before reaching one year of age was 149; but in 1932 only 65 so died. (Annual Report, Chief Medical Officer of the Ministry of Health for the Year 1932)

It was marvelous to think that during the past forty years of the nineteenth century infant mortality in England and Wales was almost stationary, whilst in the present century it has been reduced by more than half.” (Idem, page 9.) This same improvement in public health was seen throughout the civilized world.

In the Administrative County of London alone in the year 1933 there were more than five hundred clinics assisted by the County Council, and scores of unassisted institutions, where the populace could seek

assistance on all matters of child welfare, prevention of disease, dental treatment, massage, electro-therapy, radiology, ophthalmy, surgery, etc.


It seemed that men in the twentieth century had lost the fatalistic outlook of their forebears, which compelled them to accept sickness and misery as the inevitable buffetings of a cruel fate. Civilized man became suddenly conscious of the determination to live and to enjoy.

“The object of the modern public campaign is then, health, not merely survival. Its ideal is set forth in that picture drawn by William James in his glorious phrase, ‘Simply to live and breathe should be a delight.’ Nor is physical life and physical soundness to be thought of by the man of this modern scientific age as separable from the life and the soundness of mind and spirit.”-E. A. Winslow, in “Whither Mankind,” page 187.

Civilized British and American communities have shown a remarkable record in their efforts to lengthen the life span of the average citizen. The expectation of life for the past century or so was revealed by the publication of these figures:


18th century 35-40 years

1838-1854 40

1871-188o 41

1881-189o 44

1891-1900 44

1901-1910 48

1911-1920 51

1920-1922 56

We may summarize then by saying that during the past half century a phenomenal thing happened-a fundamental and startling revolution in the conditions of human life. Over one-third of the total burden of disease and early death which weighed upon the human race fifty years ago has been lifted from its shoulders.’ Idem, page 190.


Up to the year 1800 it was observable that there had not been a very great outcry against the scourge of slavery in many parts of the world. But a staggering change had come! From America, from Africa, and other lands a great groaning for freedom from the tyrannies of oppression rose mightily to heaven, though it had seemed to be a long-unanswered prayer.

From the days when the Grecian civilization was built up on slavery, there had existed varying degrees of serfdom and personal right through the centuries and actually on into the nineteenth century. Then arose men like Abraham Lincoln and David Livingstone, Wilberforce, and ultimately William Gladstone, whose spirits seemed to be fired from heaven with a passion for the suppression of slavery. In 1833 the famous British Reform Parliament passed its most important measure, and, at a cost of twenty million pounds, slavery was abolished by law in all British colonies. In 1863 Abraham Lincoln took the courageous step of declaring the emancipation of the American negroes.


Yes, a new age was dawning for men. Unseen forces were at work. It seemed as though our missionary observer heard a prediction from twenty-five centuries ago and saw it suddenly fulfilled: “So you, Daniel, conceal the events, and seal the record, until the fixed period,. . . and knowledge will be increased.” Daniel 12: 4, Fenton’s translation.

The world, long somnolent in ignorance and sin, needed arousing from its stupor. God decreed that knowledge should multiply and become available to all men. The masses must be given new privileges, new responsibilities. The most stupendous days of history had arrived.

Great humanitarian movements for social uplift arose. Missionary and philanthropic organizations appeared with lightning rapidity from 1799 onward. Knowledge, it seemed, had come in an all-prevailing avalanche.

It was almost as though an awesome voice echoed again through the earth, “Let there be light.” And from the soul of the missionary there came, as he surveyed the stupendous progress that had come to men in one short century, this glad response, “And there was light.”

The World’s Wonder Age

MR. MACDONALD stopped suddenly on the tortuous bush path that led to his home. He had unconsciously trodden upon a ribbon of black ants running athwart his path. Looking down, he saw that these thousands of Africa’s most wonderful creature were scattering in every direction to find the cause of their disturbance. Their energy was boundless. What a figure, he thought, of the modern world of men!

The nations seemed suddenly to be stirred into excited and incessant activity. With the immense awakening which had come to the mind of man, there came also a mysterious power which seemed to electrify the masses of men into unprecedented physical energy.

Men a century ago stayed at home and lived their lives in one locality because they had no means of travel, except that they walked or rode on horseback. Others, when necessity arose, risked the costly discomforts of the stage coach, which became the prey of the numerous prowling Dick Turpins of road and forest.

Then men like George Stephenson produced queer engines which staggered people when, as in the case of the famous “Rocket,” they rattled and roared along at the incredible speed of eighteen miles per hour!

From that momentous beginning men proceeded to produce engines that within a comparatively few years could race across the earth with safety at speeds between sixty and one hundred and twenty miles per hour. Germany has a streamlined train running regularly at the latter speed, while Russia has a similar innovation capable of travelling at one hundred and fifty miles an hour.


But that was not enough! At the close of the nineteenth century men began to fly like the birds, and within fifty years they were soaring above the clouds and streaking through thee air at over four hundred miles an hour. Tokyo within five days of London, Capetown within three days, London less than three days from New York! Breakfast in London, morning coffee in Paris, lunch in Berlin, back to dinner and bed in London the same day! Two intrepid aviators actually brought Australia within two and a half days of England. Thus were men thinking, and doing, the hitherto incredible.

As though that were insufficient, men began to study methods of even more rapid travel above the atmosphere. They made weird contraptions which took them more than ten miles above the earth, up into the stratosphere. And there arose a new cry: “We will yet travel at one thousand miles an hour!”

By railway, steamship, airplane, and radio, the nations become interconnected and interdependent. Space was annihilated, isolation and ignorance were doomed. The news of one city was projected upon the air and upon the consciousness of the whole world in a few seconds.

Well had the prophecy of twenty-five hundred years ago been fulfilled: “Many shall travel, and knowledge shall be increased.” Daniel 12: 4, Fenton’s translation.

Marvelous! Incredible! It was, this missionary thought, a grand age in which to be living. The world’s wonder age!

Arriving at his humble abode, he lay down to rest, but it was not to sleep that night. His mind was afire with new and enthralling thoughts.

“Knowledge!” he mused, “The gift of God to man! Perhaps man’s most coveted possession.”

From the infancy of the race man had fought for and risked all for knowledge. It had always appeared to him as something “to be desired to make one wise.” Genesis 3: 5. It was like some intoxicating nectar, ever creating the unquenchable thirst for more.

But for all man’s struggles, how slowly through the ages had grown the aggregate of human knowledge! It was as though some superintending deity had consistently withheld all but the most meager measure of the priceless treasure. Then, in God’s good time, the sluice-gates of knowledge were suddenly opened, and, in about one short century, men found themselves deluged with more conveniences, more comforts, more power, more potentialities for everything than all previous generations combined.

If the assumption were correct that God had predetermined this time (“the fixed period” of Daniel 12: 4), what was His great purpose in this unparalleled multiplication of all forms of knowledge? And what was the meaning of the feverish activity and unrest among the nations?


That there must be an underlying purpose, the musing Mr. Macdonald was certain. Simply to think of endless generations of human beings, living, struggling, suffering, and dying, were to reduce the universe to unthinkable mechanistic cruelty.

Nothing was so logical, certainly nothing so reasonably and reassuringly beautiful, as that a beneficent Creator had since “the beginning” been seeking to lead man on an upward course toward a nobler and more satisfying existence, creating within him the desire to “seek for glory and honor and immortality.” Romans 2: 7.

Yes, this life was but a probationary period. The divine desire was, “That in the dispensation of the fullness of times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth.” Ephesians 1:10. And provided the short preparatory sojourn here were well spent in “patient continuance in well doing,” provided God’s great gifts to man were used for noble ends, then “eternal life” in the entrancing hereafter was man’s assured goal.

But the process of leading men upward to pure 100 noble living had been laborious, and the divine gift of free will had been sadly and rebelliously misused by men. The climax of man’s rebellion came in the cruel rejection and crucifixion of One who, alone among men, was able to point the way to victoriously noble living as the only certain road to an assured and happy future. Surely it were better to live contentedly and uprightly, And to pass on to the next world serenely confident of “eternal life,” than to rebel and suffer and come to an ignoble and inglorious end. “This is life eternal, that they might know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom Thou has sent.” John 17: 3.

And if men persistently chose the path to perdition, it seemed so clear that a loving God, who was “not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3: 9), should make supreme efforts to save, without compulsion, as many men as possible from the results of their rebellion. By making the world a composite whole, by pouring upon men vast stores of knowledge, by giving them means of travel, facilities to propagate vital information. In short, by making it possible for all the world to know that the kingdom of God was soon to be founded-thus would a gracious God cast the last life-line to the perishing. Thus, too, would the Great Life-saver be vindicated by that final court of the judgment bar of God.


To this “fixed period,” to this sublime hour, had the Savior of men looked, when this mystery message fell from His lips: “And the good news of the kingdom shall be proclaimed throughout the world as a witness to all nations: and then will come the end.” Matthew 24: 14, Twentieth Century New Testament.

Ah! thought the missionary, not until this twentieth century of progress had it been possible for all the world to know this urgent good news. Truly did the prophet Daniel speak of this as “the time of the end.” Daniel 12:4. Truly did the last of the disciples mention this same time and the same urgent appeal in this way: “I saw another angel, flying in mid-heaven. He had the good news, decreed from eternity, to announce to those who dwell on the earth-to men of every nation, and tribe, and language, and people, and he cried in a loud voice-Reverence God, and give praise (for the hour of His judgment has come) and worship Him who made the heaven and the earth and the sea.” Revelation 14: 6, 7, Twentieth Century New Testament.

While men might highly prize the quantity of knowledge at their disposal today, it seemed to our lone thinker in the solitude of an African night that there was one piece of knowledge of supreme quality to men. He thought of a certain woman, versed in the ways of the world, and doubtless of loose morality, who once came face to face with the Great Teacher. By a profound application of spiritual surgery He laid bare her soul as a poor thing devoid of strength. Whereupon her worldly wisdom forsook her, and there came to her the most precious piece of knowledge that can ever come to men, as she cried: “Now we believe and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Savior of the world.” John 4: 42.


There conjured up before the thinker’s mind thrillingly apocalyptic pictures of days just ahead. It was a glorious privilege, he felt, to be alive in a time when God’s plans were working to a glorious consummation. It was the age supreme. This must be the generation which was to see greater things than any other in human history. While he could not foresee the exact nature of the events which were bound to follow quickly on the developments of recent years, he was convinced they would be startling and tremendous. Men would need great care in using the vast resources of knowledge which had become theirs.

He thanked God that in Jesus Christ and His gospel life was given its fullest explanation. The increasingly complicated nature of modern life had made it imperative that men and women should find the consciousness of God’s presence, which alone could enable them to remain masters of, rather than be mastered by, the enormous powers now at their disposal in this new and wonderful age. Knowledge makes men wiser but not necessarily better, whereas the gospel of Christ, if truly embraced, always makes inen better than it finds them.

It certainly looked, to this preacher of the gospel, as though this age was to witness a great contest between the forces of good and evil. What cataclysmic events this wonder generation of men might yet see!

The Surprises Progress Has Brought

SIR JAMES JEANS, the president of the British Association for the Advancement of Science for 1934, summed up the thoughts of many advanced thinkers respecting the results of scientific progress in the world, when, at Aberdeen, he led his august assembly of world-renowned scientists to consider the question: “Is science the friend or foe of humanity?”

The clouds of economic depression, the multitudes of idle humanity in every civilized country, the cruelly competitive commercial rivalries within and between the nations, the commercialization of practically everything with which man has to do, the periodically devastating wars which now are so gigantic that the whole world is affected, the tremendous price man pays for his hectic progress as seen in loss of nervous resistance, restlessness of spirit, and the breakdown of the age-old bonds of moral restraints, etc-these and kindred problems have led many, even of the most modern minds, to question the value of much of our material progress. As Sir James jeans recently said of science:

“Even its most ardent advocates have to admit that its gifts are mixed, in the sense that they may be used for evil purposes as well as for good to destroy in war as well as to heal in peace, to displace labor as well as to provide employment-and we hear sincere doubts as to whether the very rapid progress of technical science in the last few years has on the whole been to the advantage or disadvantage of the community.

“Is science the friend or foe of humanity? Would it be to the public good if all scientists could be put to sleep and all scientific investigation suspended for a term of years?” - Discovery, September, 1934.


Sir James, it is fair to add, believes science will yet justify itself. But he nevertheless indicates the grave conditions confronting us despite our enormous progress, and he points us, perhaps more truly than he realized, to the basis of man’s real dilemma.

The precious gift of knowledge and its terrific resultant powers are capable of being used in two ways-they may bring us blessing, or they may cast upon us a curse!

“Your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.” Genesis 3: 5. That was a subtle statement, the truth of which was not understood in all its awful implications when men first coveted knowledge. The consciousness of evil was too overpowering. Man, whose straying “feet run to evil” all to quickly (Proverbs 1: 16), found himself possessed of some knowledge which brought sorrow upon him. He is powerless to control his knowledge, to direct it only to beneficent ends. He cannot dispossess himself of the faculty of misapplying the great gifts he has.

James Harvey Robinson, the American writer on historical tendencies among races, puts the case in this way: “The facilities of living have indeed increased so rapidly that we need more than ever before guidance in utilizing them and making the most of the comfort and leisure that they afford.”-”The Drift of Civilization,” page 41.


This splendid scientific age of ours has surely led us into some surprising situations.

One hundred years ago, our grandparents had, it is estimated, some seventy-two material wants, but only about sixteen of these were actual necessities of life. With the coming of the incomparable age of science, man’s wants began to multiply, until today they are said to number some five hundred. Of this number about one hundred are absolute necessities. A century back salesmen had two hundred articles to offer the public. Today thirty two thousand articles are urged on us from all sides. Our wants have been multiplied sevenfold, our necessities six fold, and our possible purchases one hundred and sixty-fold in one short century!

In itself, that is perhaps not very surprising. One would imagine, however, that with such astonishingly multiplied means of comfortable existence, the world of men would be immeasurably happier than in bygone days. That the world is not proportionately happier since the coming of the scientific age is easy of proof. Man has everything to live by, but what is he living for? Dr. H. E. Fosdick voices the matter in these words-

“One after another the forces of the universe, from steam to the impalpable vibrations of the ether, have been harnessed for our service, until we possess, as no previous age even in its dreams possessed, the means of living. But when we turn our thoughts from the means by which we live to the ends for which we live, are we so sure that we are on a correspondingly higher level than our fathers?

“One remembers a little group of disciples around a Teacher in Galilec. The means by which they lived were crude indeed. A donkey provided the swiftest method of travel that they ever tried. Their houses of one room with two small windows and probably no chimney, where the family slept on the upper platform and the beasts slept upon the floor, were roughed out of native stone or sundry brick hovels to live in, poverty-stricken conditions to live under. But when one thinks of the ends for which they lived, ah, my soul!” – “The Hope of the World,” pages 53, 54.

It were well for this distracted generation to heed that Voice from Galilee, like a breath from heaven: “Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man’s life consists not in the abundance of the things which he possesses.” Luke 12: 15. We have made the means of life our end! We have everything to live by, but little save self -gratification to live for!


The great Italian historian, Guglielmo Ferrero ‘ in a brilliant essay written for the Fiftieth Anniversary Number of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, makes this scathing indictment of the aimlessness of our present frenzied world:-

“Let us look about us; what is the condition of Europe and America, tirelessly at work, insatiable in the search for knowledge, in riches and power always greater? The majority, both in the upper classes and the lower, work to accumulate the wealth of the world without enjoying it, without-knowing the goal or the reason for their effort, for a shadow or a chimera. Neither any single individual nor any nation is able to imagine a degree of power or wealth which might bring satisfaction. All are eager to augment power and wealth indefinitely, by emulation, by desires always unsatisfied and become second nature by the very speed of the machine which human ingenuity has put into motion and which it is impossible to stop. Day and night, men work, scheme, plot new means to increase a wealth which, already enormous in comparison with preceding epochs, seems insufficient as soon as it is produced. The effort grows more intense each day. No one any longer can say at what point humanity will pronounce again the old word, so unfamiliar to modern lips, Enough!

“For what reason? Because the human soul makes its way through the infinite without a fixed goal.” Continuing, the same author says:-

“We are restless and discontented because we are marching into the infinite without knowing our destination.”



Another writer of international repute has commented in this way on man’s condition:-

“Man is not as happy socially as he believes he has a right to be; he does not yet gain in happiness all that his magnificent conquest of nature appears to make possible.”-Ernest R. Groves, professor of Sociology, in “The Drifting Home,” page 187.

Did our forefathers have something in their hearts which we do not have in ours, when they sang: “Who trusts in the Lord, happy is he”? Proverbs 16: 20. Once men realized that happiness was the reward of a good conscience and a free spirit. Now they imagine that plenty and peace are synonymous. But lo, when they get material means aplenty, the dove of peace has flown! Once men realized that the happy man was “he that hath the God of Jacob for his help.” Psalm 146:5. Now we imagine that science, progress, materialism are our storehouses of happiness. But when we have them, then behold, our souls are starved!

What strangely inconsistent things this civilization of ours has brought upon us!

Some thirty years ago, the first successful airplane flight took place. That was epochal. It opened up vast possibilities for rapid travel, peaceful intercommunication among nations, and enormous facilities for goodwill and understanding between men. But, behold, within less than a score ears, men are using their aerial argosies to rain blasting explosives, liquid fire, and asphyxiating gases upon each other. And now our scientists predict that unless men can control themselves properly, the next war will see bacterial death showered from the Skies upon the peaceful civilian population. Knowledge misapplied indeed!


Perhaps no greater potential educational factors, no more enlightening, ennobling possibilities were ever offered to man than with the coming of cinematography. Its scope was worldwide, its audience the human race, and its powers limitless. In less than a quarter of a century, however, what a sordid spectacle the “movie” industry has become! We will note a comment from the greatest film country in the world. Dr. Sheafe Chase, a responsible minister of Christ Church, Brooklyn, U.S.A., says: “The motion-picture industry is the greatest enemy of civilization, greater even than the liquor traffic.” That is a strong statement, possibly overdone, but the indictment against the motion-picture industries is nevertheless strong. The commercialization of the sex instinct, the degradation of womanhood (especially in the Orient, where films depicting the Western “vamp” have placed white women in contemptuous native disregard), the gambling craze, the criminal complex, the sordid and bestial side of life exhibited in frank brutality-these things have formed the grimy hunting-ground of the film industry, with lastingly deplorable results.

Sir Philip Gibbs wisely and guardedly concludes, of the screen: “It’s influence, on the whole, is probably demoralizing to weak minds. There is too much emphasis on sex and passion.” – “Since Then,” page 389.

The enormous potentialities for good or evil to the “worshippers of the silver screen” may be realized when we remember that the approximate weekly visits to the cinema in some of the principal parts of the world are as follows:-



British Isles


Latin America






Far East


Near East



Through the world there are probably not less than 70,000 cinema theatres, and some 200,000,000 visits per week are made to them. Not less than £500,000,000 is invested in this vast industry. Instead of becoming the most humanizing and healthily educational feature of modern life, the screen industry is in grave danger of becoming the purveyor of slimy sordidness, criminal baseness, neurotic excess, and moral laxity. Well might decent people in America and Europe cry out for a purity purge in the film studios of the land. Men can be pure-minded without being prudish. “The wisdom that comes from above is first pure. James 3: 17. If only we could understand that gem of truth and seek that wisdom which alone can give us power to save ourselves from prostituting our knowledge to base ends!

The Old Order Waning

THE tremendous speed at which modern life is lived is bringing about physical and mental factors that are leading to grave results. Where is all this high-pressure living driving us?

People who live by machines are coming more and more to live like machines. They live for records, they toil like automata, they are caught up in the madly whirling meshes of the machine age they have created. The result is not only loss of individuality, but depleted vitality and jaded nerves. To keep going men must whip up their tired nerves, hence the enormously increasing resort to drugs, stimulants, etc.

The United States of America lives faster than any race on earth, and is, said to be the largest drug-user among the nations. It is estimated that there are from one to four million addicts in that country. The annual per capita opium consumption in six large areas is given thus:-






















“It is stated that if the morphine which is derived from these thirty-six grains (U.S.A. figure in above table) of opium were dispensed in the usual medicinal doses of one-eighth of a grain each it would be sufficient to keep every person in the U.S.A. under the influence of an opiate for twenty-nine consecutive days.”--F. A. Wallis, “Danger Zones,” page 65.


The rapidly increasing use of narcotics and other stimulating drugs by the masses Who have not been included in the accepted category of drug addicts is symptomatic of causes which lead to suicidal tragedy in far too many cases. Suicide is a menace found almost entirely in civilized countries, and its causes are not, far to seek. Says that eminent authority, Sir George Newman, Chief Medical Officer to the British Ministry of Health:-

“It is a melancholy fact that death by suicide has greatly increased in the civilized world in recent times. The returns of England and Wales may compare not unfavorably with that of America, Germany, and other countries, but it is none the less true that it has increased from 2,896 in 1900 to 5,743 in 1932, due partly to the Pressure of the troubles of the times and partly to a changing psychology toward the act of suicide as a means of release.” - “Annual Report of Public Health,” 1932.

In New York suicide has shown an equally alarming increase, as indicated by figures compiled by the Registrar of Vital Statistics, Department of Health, New York City:-


























The plain facts are that the human mind and frame cannot stand the unnatural strain of present conditions indefinitely, and far too many are coming, in all lands, to take an easy way out.

“All these new inventions of science which are supposed to save time and labor, merely increase the nerve strain of life. Compared with the leisurely, quiet, slow-moving life of our forefathers, the post-war world is a wild rush of sensations putting a severe strain upon one’s mental balance. This repeated sequence of sensation to which the modern mind has to adapt itself is creating a nervous type of humanity, highly strung, delicately balanced, perhaps a little hysterical.”-Sir Philip Gibbs, “Since Then,” page 390.

If we were to add to these facts the increase in homicide and other crimes of violence, the growing breakdown of morality and the utter collapse of spiritual perception in this progressively material civilization, then the whole picture is so melancholy that we need to call a halt to evaluate the life we are living.



The plain facts are that man is powerless to find happiness in himself. He may sail the seas, and soar into the skies, and harness the bolts of Zeus; he may build big business, and smash a thousand records, and multiply his creature comforts, but when that is all done he cannot save his own soul, he cannot content his own troubled spirit.

“It is a truth forgotten today that most men and most women will attain the proper end of life-which is the saving of the soul-in the way their fathers attained it.... The effect of what is so loosely called progress is entirely material; not, on that account, evil but to be watched closely, and to be put firmly in its place.” John Bingham, in the Daily Express, January 4, 1928.

Happiness of spirit and salvation of soul come from spiritual forces outside ourselves. The source from which man came is the source from which will come this help. Days of difficulty have come before, and on one occasion brought this inspired suggestion as the way out: “At that day shall a man look to his Maker, and he shall not look to the work of his hands.” Isaiah 17: 7, 8.

Just so long as men trust solely in the material creations of their minds and hands, “the harvest shall be a heap in the day of grief and there shall be deadly sorrow.” Isaiah 17:11. This is just what acute observers are telling us:-

“Science is wonderful these days. It is discovering many new secrets. It is giving man almost divine powers. But if man does not get wiser than he is at present, and uses those powers for his own destruction, the beauty of life will be extinguished in smoke and ashes.” - Sir Philip Gibbs, “The Drift of Civilization,” page 185.


Some years ago a young man was lost in a dense fog on the Welsh mountains. For two whole nights and a day he wandered in desperation till his strength was spent. At last, utterly broken, he sat down forlorn and hopeless. Suddenly, from out the impenetrable gloom he heard a voice saying: “I wonder if he could have come this way.”

He followed the voice, and fell exhausted into the arms of unseen searchers. Searchers from the unseen!

The way out of the frightful fog with which our race has surrounded itself is simply to heed the Searcher’s voice: “Look unto Me, and be you saved, all the ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is none else.” Isaiah 45: 22.

It is just a matter of retracing our wandering steps and resigning our turbulent spirits to the unseen but ever-present God. “In returning and rest shall you be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength.” Isaiah 30: 15.

Times may change, methods of life may vary, men may progress beyond anything their fathers knew; but the soul of man always has needed, and always will need, the- calm assurance of eternal salvation through God. The permanent value of the Christian religion is its belief in a personal God. Regrettably, we modern men are sweeping away that basis. Professor Julian Huxley, in commenting on man’s changing conception of God, who has become a remote “shadowy Being,” says: “I maintain that the change is largely due to the advance of science, and that it is likely to continue further, and that it constitutes a fading of God.”-Discovery, September, 1934.

We must get back to the true worship of God as the spiritual, personal, loving, eternal Savior of His people. That is foundational in the Christian religion: “But the solid foundation laid by God remains, and this is its inscription: the Lord knows who are His.” 2 Timothy 2:19, Moffatt’s translation. If only the troubled soul of man could grasp this “solid foundation” of truth once more! A God who is intimately interested in the personal affairs of the individual life of man-that is basic to our belief today, if we would find our way out of this turbulent sea that threatens to engulf us.


For long enough, and desperately enough, men have tried their methods of creating a Utopian world. But one man’s Utopia is an other man’s Hades! Therefore man’s struggles to make a lastingly happy world are bound to be abortive. We need a common ideal and a universally accepted Savior. The present tendency is to seek salvation through a rabid and narrow nationalism. Stalin believes he is leading Soviet Russia to a materialist Utopia.

Thus, Germany looks to her Adolf Hitler, who through the virility of his people and by a return to the rugged ideals of the paganism of his Nordic forebears, promises to lead his people once more to world leadership among the races. But is paganism, however earnest, likely to save the world?

Italy, inspired by the exploits of her historic Caesars, follows the strong lead of Benito Mussolini, whose openly avowed intention is to militarize his fatherland in readiness for the day when astute diplomacy may fail. But have pacts and militarism ever done anything except plunge the world sooner or later into bloodshed? The new Germany looks to Hitler for salvation and happiness.

The United States, in many ways the greatest among the nations, tends, before all else, to seek her salvation through economic recovery. But competitive commerce with its tariff barriers has as yet done little beyond dividing the world into cruel national animosities.

The Orient, apt and patient pupil of a rapacious and commercialized Occident, is becoming so economically and militarily prepared, that one day she will march to conquest at fearful odds to her erstwhile instructors. History repeating itself at the expense of peace!

Soviet Russia, immense, remote, determined, pins her faith to a materialism which promises to become the most soullessly and grimly efficient that the world has yet seen. But does anyone imagine that lasting happiness lies that way?

The British Empire, far-flung and increasingly unwieldy, conservative among nations, still trusts to the parliamentarian system of government, which, based upon as much equity as is to be found in any worldly system, has nevertheless failed to give man what he has ardently hoped for.

Out of this welter of ideals, can we possibly expect any other results than that, sooner or later, our national ideals and our national saviors will come to deadly grips? Says Mr. George Lansbury, veteran British labor leader:-

“The world cannot go on as it is. I have no longer any faith that Parliament alone can set things right, whether under a dictator or as now.

“What has got to happen to mankind is a change of heart. The road to a solution of our troubles is through the personal experience of men and women. The spark of the divine is in us all-it wants to be set alight.” - Daily Mail, March 13, 1934.


We have spoken of turning to God, and of a change of heart. How can all men find God, and is there a common ideal that can unite the nations in readiness for a new world order?

“And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto Me.” John 12: 32.

In these sixteen words there is embodied a picture of a universal Savior and a unified race of men. What a picture! What a Savior! The hour is come again when “the Son of man should be glorified” in our hearts. That way alone can the change come.

You say that way has been tried before by the nations? Never! We agree with Dr. Alexander Irvine, who said, a few years ago, what many others have told us also:-

“The teachings of Christ have never been fully incorporated into the life of a nation. The world is almost as far removed from them as it was two thousand years ago. In religion as in other things we say one thing and do another.” - Daily Express, March 12, 1927.

Despite the hardness of human hearts, which has never allowed any nation fully to live out the Christian ideals, there is a surpassingly beautiful picture in the Scriptures of an entirely new world order, wherein all men’s minds are changed by the spiritual force of new ideals. If men, en masse have refused acceptance of the only Savior of the race, then God must choose those individuals who have given their hearts to Him, and from them build up an undying empire where love shall never be effaced by force, and where Christ shall reign over those who have rendered allegiance to Him.


Thus shall the world see better times. There shall “sorrow and crying” flee away. Not till then can men know the meaning of true equity among peoples. Never before will men have known such peace and contentment of soul.

“And I will give them an heart to know Me, that I am the Lord: and they shall be My people, and I will be their God: for they shall return unto Me with their whole heart.” Jeremiah 24: 27.

There is ample evidence that the dissolution of the old and the establishment of a new world order are imminent, and that preceding both is to come a revival of true religion and the death struggles of iniquity in the earth.

How much may we know of these stirring spectacles? When shall the kingdom come? What will those long-looked-for better times be like?

Good News for a Troubled People

“NONSENSE!” says the skeptic. “The world always was, and always will be!”

Never were men less inclined to consider the possibility of the passing of our world order by crisis than they are today. It is not surprising, because a selfish age naturally clings tenaciously to the comforts it covets. However, in searching the time map of Scripture, this skepticism over the passing of one age and the coming of a better, is one of the things that helps to locate the world’s most stirring age.

That age is spoken of in the Old Book as “the last times,” “the last days,” “the latter times,” etc. It is true the Christian dispensation is referred to occasionally as “the last time,” because, in God’s purpose, the last phase of His dealings with the salvation of men began with the life of Christ on earth. Yet there are many specific references to the last days of human history-the time immediately prior to the founding of a new order under the kingship of Christ.

“There shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts.” 2 Peter 3: 3. The scoffer may not today be blatant, but he is none the less effective-in the pulpit, in the professor’s chair, in the home, in the street, in our literature. The tragedy of rejecting God’s solution of present troubles is deplorable, but it is present with us. “Where is this promised advent? Since the day our fathers fell asleep, things remain exactly as they were from the beginning of creation.” 2 Peter 3: 4, Moffatt’s translation. Men fail to see that God fixes the future fulfillment of His promises, not to prolong suffering, but because “He does not wish any to perish, but all to betake them to repentance. ‘Verse 10.


Again: “In the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall he lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers,” etc. 2 Timothy 3:1,2. Are not these days of peril -physical, mental, spiritual?

At what tremendous physical cost, apart from the spiritual cost already discussed, we have built up this age of ours! On British roads alone a quarter of a million people are injured and almost eight thousand are killed every year. Those figures could perhaps be multiplied tenfold for the principal countries of the world. In New York City thirteen hundred people are slain by vehicular traffic every year. And surely there was never an age when accidents on land, on the sea, and in the air were so common -to say nothing of calamities by tempest, earthquake, and other upheavals of nature. The picture is a very complete one when we add to this list the other signs by which Jesus said the passing of the old order might be recognized: wars, actual and threatened, national uprisings. Famines, pestilences, earthquakes, abounding iniquity, distressful nations, men’s hearts full of fear, unusual signs in the sidereal heavens. Compare Matthew 24:1-12 and Luke 21:7-11, 25-36.


“Now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.” 1 Timothy 4:1. That there has been a startling declension from the faith as taught by Jesus and His disciples can scarcely be questioned in the light of post-war apostasy. May not the growth of multitudes of absurdly false and grotesque religious ideas in these days be the result of this departure from the faith? People who reject established truth accept deceptive lies, thus: “Because they received not the love of the truth God shall send [or permit] them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.” 2 Thessalonians 2:10,11. The best safeguard against deception is the truth, and truth on matters spiritual is to be found in the Book which claims to be the revelation of God’s will.


The struggles between the great class groups of society, which have already caused great concern in the world, and which are yet destined further to disrupt the peace of nations, are, curiously enough, the subject of a comment in one of these “last day” New Testament references. The accumulation of riches by a few on the one hand, and the endurance of poverty by the masses on the other is bound to lead to just such results as are foreshadowed in this way: “Go to now, you rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. You have heaped treasure together for the last days.” James 5:1-6. About two hundred men, a short time ago, owned one-quarter of the wealth of the United States. As in America, so in Britain and Europe, one-tenth of the people possess about nine-tenths of the wealth. The effect of riches on one-tenth of the people is the same, curiously enough, as poverty on nine-tenths of the people-barrenness of spirit. “Paradoxically, extreme wealth and extreme poverty both produce much the same spiritual evils,” says Hugh Martin, in “Christ and Money,” page 22. “They both lead to starvation of the soul.” When the souls of men are starving, then class struggles, revolutions, wars, moral and spiritual degeneracy, etc., are bound to follow.

Did not the old Book foretell our times with accuracy? If we could parade the ages before us could there be any mistake in identifying this present one as the last and most stirring of all?


What a good thing the Scriptural picture of “the last days” is not all gloomy! Associated with the end of time is a great revival of true spiritual religion which shall out-Pentecost Pentecost for splendor and power.

“And it shall come to pass in the last days, said God, I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh: and on My servants and on My handmaidens I will pour out in those days of My Spirit.” Acts 2: 17-20. When God pours His Spirit upon men in a faithless generation mighty deeds always follow. In this case God attests this new reformation by mighty signs from heaven: “And I will show wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath.” That this reappearance of Pentecostal power, that this return to a demonstration of -the miraculous is part of God’s great plan to seek to save men by a supreme final appeal is provable in several ways.

Firstly, it is to transpire “before that great and notable day of the Lord come.” Acts 2: 20. See also Joel. 2:31. As a further chronological link, some of these same physical wonders are mentioned in the Book of Revelation, followed immediately by the appearance of Christ, who intervenes to save the world from itself. Revelation 6: 12, 13.


Secondly, multitudes of men are to turn from the empty dissatisfactions of this world to call upon the living God: “And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Acts 2: 21. See also Joel 2: 32. Peter, it is true, applied this statement to what he saw in his day at Pentecost, but that was the notable beginning of the gospel dispensation, and this the dynamic ending. One was the “former rain” and the other “the latter rain.” Joel 2: 23. The first rain prepared the way for a grand beginning; the latter rain of God’s Spirit will ripen the earth for the final harvest of sincere souls which, Jesus said, is at “the end of the world.” Matthew 13: 37-39.

Perhaps the most wonderful picture of the world’s harvest is that in which the Great Harvester is seen coming to reap the harvest of the earth. Revelation 14: 14, 15. Immediately preceding that scene are statements indicating. (1) A world-wide proclamation of the old gospel which saves men’s souls; (2) a frank and universal warning, through this reformation preaching, that the end of the age is at hand. (3) Distinguishing signs by which men anxious to serve the living God may be recognized in a disobedient age, and (4) a short, tense, final struggle between the forces of righteousness and the hosts of iniquity.


“This gospel of the kingdom,” it was called by Jesus. Obviously, this refers to news of the coming kingdom, the new world order and its ruler. It is to “be preached in all the world for a witness, unto all nations.” Matthew 24: 14.

If we could list in full, the philanthropic, humanitarian, and evangelistic organizations that have arisen in the past century or so, we should have the strongest evidence of the suddenness and of the extent of these movements. Here is a partial list:-

1799 Religious Tract Society, London, organized.

1804 British and Foreign Bible Society organized.

1806 Dublin Bible Society began.

1808 First American Bible Society (Philadelphia).

1808 London Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews.

1809 Edinburgh Bible Society formed.

1813 Wesleyan Missionary Society formed.

1816 American Bible Society started.

1817 Baptist Missionary Society started.

1821 Gospel of Matthew first embossed for the blind by Sir Charles Lowther.

1824 Formation of Royal National Lifeboat Institution.

1825 National Bible Society of Scotland formed.

1825 Church of Scotland Mission Board instituted.

1831 Trinitarian Bible Society started.

1834 Braille type invented for the blind.

1836 First Training Institution for lady nurses opened.

1838 Abolition of slavery throughout the British Empire.

1840 Wesleyan Calvinistic Methodist Missionary Society formed.

1840 Elizabeth Fry’s Nurses’ Training Institution in England.

1840 First complete Bible for the blind.

1841 Edinburgh Medical Missionary Society formed.

1843 Primitive Methodist Mission started.

1847 Moon’s type for blind invented.

1847 Presbyterian Church of England Missions began.

1848 First Government Lifeboat Station in U.S.A.

1862 China Inland Mission formed.

1865 Friends’ Foreign Missions Association started.

1880 Church of England Zenana Missionary Society formed.

1880 Central African Mission of English Universities started.

Within a few years the two largest Bible societies, the British and Foreign, and the American, were annually distributing not less than ten million copies of the whole or part of the Scriptures. Just as the Reformation of the sixteenth century could never have done its work without the Bible in the hands of the people, so in these last times the greater reformation must come through the message of the Old Book.

No generation of men has fully understood the whole of the Bible. Truth is not static. It grows as God’s Spirit reveals more and more to successive generations of truth-seekers. Consequently the last generation of God’s saints on earth should possess a fuller measure of Biblical truth than any other.


We must be ready to accept new truth if God sends it to us, just as the people in the times of Luther and Calvin had to make decisions to accept new light or lose their souls in error.

In later years the descendants of the Reformers stopped in their tracks and made but little or no progress toward the new light God- was sending them. The Pilgrim Fathers bemoaned this fact in the seventeenth century as they sailed from Leyden, for in his farewell sermon, Pastor Robinson “took occasion miserably to bewail the state and condition of the Reformed churches, who were come to a period in religion, and would go no farther than the instruments of their Reformation.”

He then compares the Lutherans and Calvinists with their respective leaders: “They stick where he left them: a misery much to be lamented.”

Of Luther and Calvin he said: “And were they now living. They would be as ready and willing to embrace further light, as that they had received.”-Ed. Winslow’s account of Robinson’s last sermon, in “Hypocrisy Unmasked,” page 97.

The institutional religion of our time has, despite some noble exceptions, become so formal and conservative that its spiritual power is departed. The instruments of the new reformation could scarcely be any of the great world religions as we now know them. What the world now needs is a revitalizing spiritual revival in such heaven-sent power that it shall sweep through the earth-like


In the early part of the nineteenth century men in various countries arose and, on the strength of their studies of prophetic Scripture, began proclaiming the doctrine of the second advent of Jesus Christ with power. In old England we had our original and distinguished Edward Irving preaching powerfully the reformatory Scriptural doctrine of the pre-millennial second advent, as well as other stalwarts such as Henry Drummond, and Way. In Germany there arose men like Wolff and Kelber, in America Krupp, McGregor, Davis, and Miller. These men, and others like them quite unknown to each other, began the proclamation of the imminent return of Jesus and associated doctrines, with stirring results. Today there has arisen from this a world-encircling movement which promulgates in practically every known tongue the new message of the Old Book which is destined to go to “all the world for a witness to all nations,” before “the end” shall come.

Could a loving God do less than‘ warn a judgment-bound world of the imminence of such a catastrophic event as the second advent? “Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but He reveals His secret unto His servants the prophets.” Amos 3: 7.

The Most Glorious Pageant in History

MR. HUGH MARTIN, of the Student Christian Movement, has very vigorously defended the doctrine of the second advent of Jesus Christ as a final solution of world problems. He has, despite interpretative differences, a growing support for the main fact in all sections of the thinking public. He says:-

“The doctrine of the second coming is no mere outworn trapping of Jewish thought, to be discarded in our enlightened times, no unpractical and unworthy matter of speculation. It is of the essence of our faith. It expresses the Christian assurance of victory. It proclaims the ultimate triumph of good which is the justification of our trust in God.” The Necessity of the Second Coming,” Page 54.

The facts are that, by tacit admission as well as by public expression, great numbers of people are, in face of the fearful confusion among men, looking more and more to the coming of the Christ as the only permanent solution of the world’s ills.

If Mr. Martin belongs to a somewhat modern school of Christian thought, the well-known S. D. Gordon represents the deeply spiritual, and perhaps more fundamentalist, section of Christendom. He very beautifully and characteristically put his case for the pre-millennial advent in this way toward the close of the Great War:

“The Book says repeatedly that the return of Christ will be preceded by a crisis. The characteristics of the whole run of time from Christ’s utterance up to this terrific climax are clearly stated. Wars, rumors of wars, famines, pestilence, earthquakes, false religious teachers, defects in the church-these have been common to every generation. This war has witnessed the fiercest intensifying of some of these characteristics since Christ talked of them on Olivet. The very stupendous nature of it naturally suggests working up to a climax like a stiffened index finger pointing straight toward such a crisis as the Book says goes before the return of Christ and the consequent change in the order of things. And I want to say very thoughtfully, this, a venturesome thing to risk one’s judgment upon, this: it is a working possibility that this will occur in our generation. I might say a working probability. I do say that to myself.” – “Quiet Talks on the Meaning of the War,” pages 62, 66-69.


It is evident to the devout that Jesus desired to direct the minds of His troubled people, not so much to the distresses and disabilities of the times, as to the consumingly glorious hope He set before them in His emphatic advent utterances.

“Let not your heart be troubled: you believe in God, believe also in Me. I will come again.” John 14:1-3. This comfort to the faithful is in contrast to His statement in the twenty-first chapter of Luke, that the worldlings’ hearts will, in the last times, be “failing them for fear.” Calm, untroubled, restful souls in the tempest of life-what a beautiful picture of those who put their trust in the Lord Jesus! That is the assured result of heeding the Savior’s solemn warnings to His people: “Watch you therefore, and pray always, that you may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.” Luke 21:36. “Take you heed, watch and pray: for you know not when the time is.” Mark 13:33.

Another strong declaration, and one which has caused almost as much difficulty to the critics of the apocalyptic advent teaching as it caused consternation to Caiaphas, fell from the Savior’s lips in the presence of the rulers of the Jews. “Tell us whether Thou be the Christ, the Son of God,” cried Caiaphas. “Jesus said unto him, Thou has said: nevertheless I say unto you, Hereafter shall you see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven.” Matthew 26:63,64. He claimed to be the Christ, and He unequivocally proclaimed what we believe to he the only rational teaching of Scripture-the supernatural and visible advent in power and glory.


It is destructive of the whole plan of human redemption and cosmic renovation to make these and hundreds of other Biblical mentions of the second advent apply exclusively to the siege and fall of Jerusalem, or to the transfiguration, or to the destruction of successive civilizations, etc., as so many have tried to do. Those things, surely, were but smaller judgments and deliverance in anticipation of the greater deliverance at the last day. How can we harmonize such localized events as the destruction of Jerusalem with the universal nature of the great advent declarations of the Bible? For example, the coming of the Messiah will be:


Universally visible. Matthew 24: 27, 30; Revelation 1: 7.

Universally audible. 1 Thessalonians 4: 16.

Universally glorious. Titus 2: 13; Matthew 16: 27; Revelation 19:11-16.

Universally redemptive:

Of men (Hebrews 9: 28; Revelation 5:9-14); and

Of the physical world. Romans 8: 22; Isaiah 65: 17.

Universal Judgement: (a) To the just, and (b) to the unjust. Revelation 6: 15-17; 22: 12; Romans 2: 4-9.

Universally satisfactory and lasting in its results. Revelation 22: 3, 4; Isaiah 45: 23; 65: 17-24.

Just as the joy of salvation, through the grace of Jesus now operating in our hearts, is open to all men who will receive it, so the hope of final physical and spiritual regeneration through the personal appearance of Jesus belongs to all loyal souls, whatever their race or station. Jesus is the Savior of the world, and His advent is the coming of the world’s Redeemer and Renovator as the final fulfillment of all just men’s aspirations.


What language could describe the splendor of an event which even in the apocalyptic utterances of Scripture leaves more to imagination than to description? Certainly pen cannot adequately portray the picture.

Glory and power surround the event. “Then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.” Luke 21:27. “He shall come in His own glory, and in His Father’s, and of the holy angels.” Luke 9:26.

Can it be that, just as cohorts of shining angels received Him into heaven at His ascension (Acts 1: 9), so the whole angelic host escorts Him back in glory finally to receive His kingdom for ever? And may it not be that, due to this emptying of heaven to witness the last and most stupendous pageant in the history of man, there is to be “silence in heaven,” as recorded under the opening of the seventh seal? Revelation 8:1. Thus it would be that all heaven and earth witnesses this last and transcendental coming of the King of kings. “And every eye shall see Him.” Revelation 1:7.

Just as heaven and earth sees the magnificent sight, so all men and angels hear the triumphal cry of redeemed hosts and adoring angels; for “with a shout” that shall rend the heavens, and “with the voice of the Archangel that shall resurrect the dead, comes this welcome cavalcade from the skies. 1 Corinthians 15: 15, 16, 51, 52; Revelation 6: 14.


God’s program of restoration is complete in every detail. It includes the creation as well as the creature, the world as well as its inhabitants. There is no evidence that the tragedy of sin as we know it in this world has ever affected any other world.

The presence of sin, though that word is much out of favor in our arrogantly modern age, is as evident in the physical world as in the animal creation.

To speak of the material order first. Paul, who more than fifty times refers to the coming of Christ, speaks in this way on the effect of sin’s presence in the whole of creation: “To this day, we know, the entire creation sighs and throbs with pain the hope being that creation as well as man would one day he freed from its thraldom to decay and gain the glorious, freedom of the children of God.” Romans 8:21,22, Moffatt’s translation. So that this wonderful nature we love so well, and which, despite the ravages of decay, is still beautiful and soothing to man, is to be restored to Edenic perfection.

The first step in that process seems to be the complete elimination of every vestige of the ravages of deterioration. “But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.” 2 Peter 3: 7.


This evidently means that just as the baptism by water obliterated the iniquities of the antediluvian world (2 Peter 3: 7), this time there i5 to be a final purification by fire, so that all traces of sin shall be removed. Luke 17: 28-30.

While this thought is scorned by many people, we ought to remember that, after all, evolutionary science offers us no explanation of the distant future condition of the world beyond ( i ) extinction by extreme heat, or (2) extermination by extreme cold. The ultimate things of evolution are, to say the least, comfortless. On the other hand, Christian progress is toward perfection. We much prefer the Christian assurance of eternal life in a renovated and meaningful world.

There is a reference later in Scripture to the last cleansing by fire, which indicates that the finally and incorrigibly impenitent among men are also removed from the earth. Revelation 20: 9. Not even the Creator can compel goodness in men who do not choose it voluntarily.

Though sin is largely inexplicable to us, we may rest assured that a wise and loving God has done all things well, and in eternity the redeemed will understand what now is seen as “through a glass darkly.” Never again shall sin with its sorry trail of misery raise its baneful head.

The refining fires “that shall burn as an oven” (Malachi 4: 1) having done their work, it would appear that the physical world is as it was “in the beginning” – “without form, and void,” the Lord having caught up His saints in safety during this reconstruction period. 1 Thessalonians 4: 17. Jeremiah saw the earth evidently at this period: ‘I beheld the earth, and, lo, it was without form, and void; and the heavens ` and they had no light. I beheld the mountains, and, lo, they trembled, and all the hills moved lightly. I beheld, and, lo, the fruitful place was a wilderness, and all the cities thereof were broken down at the presence of the Lord.” Jeremiah 4: 23-26.

The apostles seemed to be quite clear about the end of the old order with the coming of the day of the Lord: “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night. In the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned Up.” 2 Peter 3:10.

A World of Satisfactions

GOD having purposed that the earth should be a happy home for man. “He created it not in vain, He formed it to be inhabited.” Isaiah 45:18), He thereupon pronounces the most momentous words since Calvary: “Behold, I create new heavens and a new earth.” And then, in infinitely tender regard for the inhabitants of the renewed earth, He adds: “And the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.” Isaiah 65: 17.

No more remembrance of sorrow! No piercing regrets and painful remorse! A new world for new men! Was not this the hope of the early church? “Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwells righteousness.” 2 Peter 3: 13.

This new earth, like the old, is created by divine fiat. It is natural that our pictorial glimpses thereof through the Bible penmen are but fragmentary. They are, however, sufficient to reveal surpassing beauty and satisfying perfection.

How pleasant that goodly land will be the present faculties of man cannot comprehend. We may gaze spellbound at the glory of an Alpine sunrise. We may be lost in soothing reveries as we watch the flaming sky bidding the sun adieu across the western ocean, we may revel in the charm of autumn tints, we may laugh and sing with the joys of spring, we may be emotionally transported by the rhapsodies of a Bach or a Beethoven, we may conjure up our best conceptions of happiness; but when all that has happened we must remember that, “Eye bath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him.” 1 Corinthians 2: 9.

What we do know of our future impressions of the new world order may perhaps best be summarized in the words of one of the greatest Biblical characters, who, in speaking of his hope of a future life in a new world, said: “As for me I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with Thy likeness.” Isaiah 17:4,5.

When we see the Son of man and all He has done to “prepare a place for us,” when, too, we are “like Him” (1 John 3:2), we shall without exception be abundantly satisfied. A world of satisfied souls! That, to men who live in a world of dissatisfied beings as we do at present, is enough.

0 Son of man! if Thou and not another
I here have known,
If I may see Thee then, our First-born Brother, Upon Thy throne,
How stern so ever, how terrible in brightness
That dawn shall break,
I shall be satisfied with Thy dear likeness, When I awake.
Dr. T. Hodgkin, in “Christianity.”


All the predictions of the Bible respecting the future indicate a complete absence of the toilsome labor and vain dissatisfaction of earthly pursuits.

As far back as the days of David came the statement, “In Thy presence is, fullness of joy; at Thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.” Psalm 0: 11.

By dint of much painstaking toil some men in this life realize all their ambitions. Multitudes, of course, never get the opportunity to enjoy such amenities as this life affords. But, assuming that some do accomplish all their plans and derive satisfaction from this fact, what is the end of it all? At the close of life’s allotted span it must be relinquished. There is no continuity of enjoyment, no permanence in the pleasures we derive from our labors. Of the future world, however, we have this promise, “Mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands.” Isaiah 65:22. The duration of that enjoyment is God’s gift of eternal life.

Again, the permanence of the joys of the new earth are stated in this way: “They shall not labor in vain, nor bring forth for trouble.” “They shall build houses, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them.” Isaiah 65:23,21. That occupation is not of the vain, temporary, irksome kind that we know here, but of the pleasurable kind that brings infinite and permanent joy to the redeemed.


According to our scientists and architects of today, the world they visualize for the twenty-first century would he marvelous indeed.

Double-deck streets, with beam-radio guidance above them for express traffic; houses made of glass which is transparent one way only, and so designed as to catch a maximum of sunlight. Winter’s gloom banished by artificial sunlight in every home, and fully luminous paint in color schemes to suit man’s varying moods. Radio appliances which will allow any two individuals in the world to televise and converse with each other within one twenty-fourth of a second; multitudes of ingenious gadgets that reduce household routine to something of a robot existence; a climate under perfect control; synthetic food for the people supplied in tabloid form; three hours’ work followed by half an hour’s rest for the supermen of that day, etc., etc. Such is the scientist’s dream of the future, with, of course, much more that is fantastic than feasible in the light of human limitations.

The picture of the future as the Hebrew and Christian prophets have described it seems to offer much more that is alluring and desirable than anything man has yet produced or is likely to produce for himself. Of the true sons of God, the men of faith, it is said: “God is not ashamed to be called their God: for He hath prepared for them a city.” Hebrews 11:16.

One of the last revelations of the New Testament concerned this city. “And I John saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.” Revelation 21:2. The best human language available to describe the glory of this city conveys the impression of aesthetic perfection. Its walls flashed with a jasper hue, and the whole city scintillated like transparent gold. Its twelve foundations glistened with the coloring of costly stones. Its entrances had the appearance of pearls. No artificial lighting, nor even sunlight was seen in it, for “the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is’ the light thereof.” Revelation 21:23,24. Compare Isaiah 54:11,12; 60:19,20; Revelation 22: 5.


Symmetrically and amply proportioned (Revelation 21:16), in delightful and historic situation (Zechariah 14:4; Psalm 48:2), this city is to stand as the metropolis of a permanently united world. Revelation 21:24; Isaiah 66:22.

The desolate and inhospitable places of our present earth, occupying vast stretches of land surface, will be unknown in the new age, for, “the wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose. It shall blossom abundantly.” Isaiah 35:1,2.

No more shall the pleasure of possessing the glories of the countryside be the perquisite of a favored few. The fair flowers and blossoms of the earth, the wonders of the woodlands, the majesty of mountains and hills, the inspiration of fountains and streams-these and a thousand other delights shall be the free possession of all God’s people of the new age. And beyond these, doubtless the marvels of God’s universe to explore and to revel in.

All nature will be so completely changed that the rapacity and ferocity of our animal world will be superseded by a new spirit that shall cause the kingly creatures of the forest to associate peacefully with the lamb and the ox. And the fear of human kind shall forsake the animal world, and in its place shall come mutual confidence and faithfulness. Isaiah 35:9; 65:25; 11:6-9.

Mr. Macdonald was thinking one tropical day about the beauties of the new earth as pictured by the prophets. Suddenly, he heard sounds which made him turn pale. He knew there had been a hunting expedition from the native village the night before, for the lions had been seriously depleting the native cattle herds. The hunters were returning now, but the peculiar droning of the drums and the wailing of the people told him a tale he had known so many times before.

He proceeded to the village and met the returning hunters. They bore in triumph a fine specimen of a lion. But also they carried four of the finest men of their tribe. There was wailing all night in that heathen hamlet. That was the price men pay for the fear, the dread, the rapacity that is in the world of men and of animals.

As the missionary spoke that night to the mourning natives of the day when they might meet their warriors again, he said:-

“No lion shall be there, nor any ravenous beast it shall not be found there; but the redeemed shall walk there. “And the ransomed of the Lord shall return with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.” Isaiah 35: 9,10.

The Call to Conquest

SOME years ago, Mr. Job Harriman, once one of America’s foremost exponents of practical socialism, devoted his fortune and the best of his years to further a scheme of communal life to convince men of the practicability of his doctrines. In the Mohave Desert, California, the city of Llano del Rio took shape; the desert began to blossom with roses, and everything looked like Utopia at last.

But a canker began to work. Women got tired of cooking, men refused to go on with their work, jealousy and ill-will appeared, until today the city lies in ruins and the scheme has been abandoned.

“The communist idea,” Mr. Harriman stated, “once seemed to me, theoretically, the solution of the world’s woes.

“I learned in practice, however, that social problems are not only economic, but largely biological. It is human nature that is at fault.”

He added that his ideals would never become possible, “until the selfish urge recedes and the unselfish love urge becomes dominant.”

Exactly! Human nature is at fault. Men need not undertake costly communal schemes to discover that fact. The Christian gospel begins to build up its whole plan of human redemption from that point.


Of man in his natural state it is written: “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” “I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walks to direct his steps.” Jeremiah 17:9; 10:23.

The whole history of man has been marked by striking proof that man left to himself is unequal to the task of satisfactorily working out his own destiny. The story is a cycle of temporary progress for ever marked by serious setbacks. Men have ever “walked in the counsels and in the imagination of their evil heart, and have gone backward and not forward.” Jeremiah 7:24.

And yet some people are still trying blindly to believe that man is improving in every way toward perfection. In spite of wars and atrocities and increasing chaos, men still hail a millennium of peace. Regardless of tragic selfishness which allows one part of the world to live in satiety, while another part lives on the poverty line, and still another part numbering possibly fifty millions in India and China goes to bed every night hungry and cold, men still fondly try to believe that all’s well with the world.

Here and there, of course, are some exceptionally discerning souls who see the fateful finger writing on the wall.


The London Morning Post carried an editorial in which was this trenchant comment on the assassinations of King Alexander of Yugoslavia, and of M. Barthou of France, in Marseilles:-

“Those who believe in the progress and the perfectibility of mankind must be somewhat shaken by recent events. The spear, which was to have been beaten into a plough share, has only been shortened to a dagger or forged into a revolver. Violence grows rather more than less common; it invades politics and enthrones itself in power. A world sadly inured to horrors is shaken day by day with the news of some terrible incident in a rising scale of atrocity. But if there were such a thing as human progress we should expect to see the political assassin at least growing a little scarce, whereas he seems to grow more bold and more common.” - October 1, 1934.

Only a few days earlier than this editorial appeared, Mr. Lloyd George, Great Britain’s veteran war premier, speaking in the City Temple, London, likened the present state of the nations to a jungle full of ravenous beasts, snarling and baring their teeth at each other, ready for inevitable conflict.

Even our ultra-modern scientists, who profess to believe that man is creating his own golden age on the earth, sometimes betray themselves by a confession of depravity that is less complimentary than the Biblical descriptions of fallen men. Thus, E. E. Fournier D’albe, D.Sc., has written:-

“The mental equipment of the representative man ... is in many ways inferior to that of the dog or the ant. He is full of greed and lusts and superstitions which place him on a level with the higher animal life, or even below it.” – “Quo Vadimus,” page 16.

The facts are that before better times come in a better land, we must have a better people. Men’s hearts, as well as the material world, desperately need purifying. To put our present man in an Edenic paradise would result precisely as did Mr. Harriman’s experiment at Llano del Rio.

Before schemes for social uplift and civic improvement, before political reforms and party shibboleths, before all else, the manhood and womanhood of the world should cry out in anguished desire: “Create in me a clean heart, 0 God; and renew a right spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10. The heart of man, if unchanged, will wreck any and every scheme for human betterment that may be devised.

Outside old Jerusalem is a hill called Neby Samwil, from whose summit can be seen two places that mean more to the human race than any others. They are only six miles apart, but they are the


The Judean hills embrace little Bethlehem, of peaceful memory, while at the foot of the hill stands Calvary, “where once three crosses stood.” These two historic spots are separated by the difference between earth and heaven. The greatest of men spent a lifetime between these two places.

Bethlehem, birthplace of the Prince of Peace, represents God’s supreme attempt to show man the only way back to possession of all sin had robbed him of. Calvary stands as the sinister climax to man’s hatred. Had man only loved the ways of peace, Calvary need never have been stained with blood. But because the heart of man is the hardest thing in the world, Calvary became a necessity.

Looking back to Calvary we see how much God values man -enough to give “His only begotten” to die for, him. John 3: 16. Therein is God’s love given its supreme commendation. Only by reciprocating that love, only by forsaking the sin that sent the Savior to the cross, only by accepting the free pardon that comes to us from Calvary can man ever hope for eternal peace.

God indicates His way out of the impasse man has brought himself to; man refuses rebelliously, and so the controversy continues. “A noise shall come even to the ends of the earth; for the Lord bath a controversy with the nations.” Jeremiah 25:31.

Ultimately, that controversy must be concluded. There must sooner or later come “the year of recompenses for the controversy of Zion.” Isaiah 34:8. Toward that end the world is rushing at express speed.


That does not mean that multitudes will not avoid such calamitous recompense for iniquity. Individually, we may end the controversy now. Those who, from all races, had settled accounts peacefully with God, were seen in vision by the Apostle John, who assessed their number thus: “I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kingdoms, and peoples, and tongues, stood before the throne and before the Lamb. And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sits upon the throne, and unto the Lamb. These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.” Revelation 7: 9-14.

How, then, did those happy souls, thus seen through the prophetic eye, attain the perfection of character which enables them to be spoken of as “without fault before the throne of God?” Revelation 14:5.


Paul prayed for blamelessness in his fellow-Christians. “I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Thessalonians 5: 23. “According as He bath chosen us in Him that we should be holy and without blemish before Him in love.” Ephesians 1: 4, RV. Jesus Himself enjoined exalted character in this way: “Be you therefore perfect [“complete in goodness”-Weymouth], even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” Matthew 5: 48. Christ had here, it should be noticed, been speaking of:-

  1. Humility of spirit. Matthew 5: 2, 5.
  2. Mercy. Verse 7.
  3. The desire for goodness. Verse 6.
  4. Purity. Verses 8, 28.
  5. Love. Verses 43-47.

Love is the link between the sinner and perfection.

“With untold love our God has loved us, and our love awakens toward Him as we comprehend something of the length and breadth and depth and height of this love that passes knowledge. By the revelation of the attractive loveliness of Christ, by the knowledge of His love expressed to us while we were yet sinners, the stubborn heart is melted and subdued, and the sinner is transformed and becomes a child of heaven. God does not employ compulsory measures; love is the agent which He uses to expel sin from the heart.” – “Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing,” by E. G. White, page 116.


The realization of God’s love toward us also brings upon us a consciousness of our own impure condition. At once we see a place of cleansing and, coming thereto, we cry: “Vile, I to this fountain fly.” There is no price we can pay, no work we can do, to merit this cleansing. But God, seeing our acceptance of Jesus, with all its grand inferences and mighty implications, takes us, pardons us, cleanses us, accepts us. Then we are no longer “a little below” the animal level, as the scientist has said, but God has forthwith begun the process of restoring man, His masterpiece of creation, to his original place. “Thou made him [man] a little lower than the angels; Thou crowned him with glory and honor, and did set him over the works of Thy hands. But now we see not yet all things put under him. But we see Jesus, crowned with glory and honor the captain of their salvation made perfect. For both He that sanctifies and they who are sanctified are all of one.” Hebrews 2:6-11.

God’s work now is “the perfecting of the saints,” till ultimately, we all come unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.” Ephesians 4: 12, 13. Upon this depends dominion with dignity in the new world of the future.


Love, then, begins the process of renewal within the heart of man. But that does not produce a kind of mandarin perfection overnight. It has long since been said: “It is a delusion to seek a sort of ready-made perfection which can be assumed like a garment.”

Setbacks may come in the conquest of sin, because we lose touch with our Guide, but the grace of God is “able to keep you from falling.” The act of accepting Jesus in true repentance for sin, the act of lifting the hand of faith to take His outstretched arm of grace and power, is the sign which God accepts as our justification.

Thence, step by step, God leads us on, perfecting in us, by means of the interaction of all life’s experiences, a process of sanctification, to be concluded only when this life shall end.

This sanctifying work of God’s Holy Spirit in our hearts builds and strengthens character-the only human possession transferable to the next world.

Therefore God’s race of the future are now people of sterling character, outstandingly loyal to God in a lawless age. Moreover, so far as their full surrender to the will of Christ is concerned, with consequent victory over sin, they are accounted perfect before heaven.

The Permanence of Conquest

JUST what does loyalty to God demand in the stern issues of this life?

We must not allow the smoke-screens of smaller questions to becloud our vision of the greatest of all issues. The national, racial, religious, and economic cleavages between the nations are not basic causes, they are merely logical effects. The chief contestants are not the dictators and rulers who proudly strut to and fro across our mortal vision.

. The choice today, as it ever was, is between God and the devil, righteousness and iniquity. All other issues are incidental to, and resulting from, this eternal struggle.

“And the dragon [the devil, Revelation 12:9] was wroth with the woman [the church of God, Revelation 12:1,2], and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.” Revelation 12: 17.

That is the fight. The devil and his hosts against the loyal church of Jesus. Notice, “the remnant of her seed.” Surely that indicates the church of “the last days,” which we have mentioned elsewhere. (See Chapter 5) That part of Christ’s church living at the end of this age-old conflict between light and darkness “keep the commandments.” We have already referred to Christ’s call: “If you love Me, keep My commandments,” and to John’s linking of love, victory over sin, and obedience to “His commandments.” What, exactly, can that mean?

Some friends tell us the commandments were all “nailed to the cross,” together with all the Jewish “handwriting of ordinances” (Colossians 2:14); so that it is no longer necessary to keep any commands. Others say the commandments are now “written in our hearts,” though how a commandment of God such as “Thou shall not covet” can be enshrined in our hearts without being observed in our lives is incomprehensible to us.

If the Ten Commandments’ were nailed to the cross, it is strange that nearly sixty years after Calvary John should have stated that commandment observers will be within, and commandment breakers will be outside, the city of God. “Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whore mongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loves and makes a lie.” Revelation 22:14,15; 21:27.


Briefly, we may say this of God’s law as distinct from Jewish ceremonies and temporary Ordinances:-

  1. It originated in Eden, and was reiterated at Sinai. Almost the first thing man knew was the Sabbath (Genesis 2:3), and for breaking the sixth commandment Cain became a fugitive among men. Genesis 4:9-13.
  2. We cannot keep the law and be saved without the Savior’s help. “For what the law could not do ‘ in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh. That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” Romans 8:3,4.

“Fulfilled” here surely means “obeyed,” or “observed,” and not “abolished” as our antinomian friends assert. When Christ “fulfilled all righteousness,” did He “abolish” righteousness?

Surely He established it for ever by His life of obedience.

3. It is eternal, as God is, and is His final standard of judgment for man. See Psalm 111:7,8; Ecclesiastes 12: 13, 14; James 2: 12.

4. Christ and all His disciples, as well as the non-Jewish converts to Christianity in the early church after Jesus, observed the Sabbath, which was at the center of God’s law of Ten Commandments.

“The Son of man is Lord even of the Sabbath day.” Matthew 12:8; Mark 2:28; Luke 4:16. “And they returned, and prepared spices and ointments; and rested the Sabbath day according to the commandment.” Luke 23: 56. This was after the cross. Christ also expected them to be keeping the Sabbath when Jerusalem fell in AD 70, some forty years after the cross: “But pray you that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the Sabbath day.” Matthew 24: 20. See also the same observance in later times still. Acts 13:14,42; 17:1,2; 18:4.

John was “in the Spirit on the Lord’s day” (Revelation 1:10), which was the day of which Christ was Lord (Mark 2: 28), that is, the Sabbath-not the “first day” as many now claim.

Around the holy commands of God are doubtless to be waged stern battles in days to come, but the loyal servants of God will prevail. Their triumph will be immediately followed by victory over the last of enemies in the last conflict this universe will ever see. The first sin came as the result of transgressing God’s laws. So, also, has every act of sin since Eden. Death has been the result; hence to ensure complete victory, “the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.”

“Death is swallowed up in victory. 0 death, where is thy sting? 0 grave, where is thy victory? “ 1 Corinthians 15:26,54,55.


With this defeat of death will come that continuity of existence which will serve to make happiness complete. Even if our philosophers and statesmen could put this poor old world right, the maximum hope before us would be some seventy to one hundred years of enjoyment terminated by death which, in most cases, is painful, and in all cases infinitely sad.

The Lord will therefore remove death, and confer upon regenerated mankind the priceless gift of immortality, for which the righteous of all ages have ever sought. Romans 2:7. Not before could God bestow this blessing, because of the possibility of there being immortal sinners in His universe. Such an inconceivable catastrophe would have produced spiritual and cosmic chaos.

That the resurrection hope includes immortality is clear from many utterances of Scripture which the well-meaning but misguided seem either to have overlooked or to have obscured beneath fantastic interpretations. Concerning this change of nature when the Life-giver calls the dead to life, there are numerous mentions of interest. Paul says: “Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.” 1 Corinthians 15: 51-53. See also Job 4: 17.

Job evidently died in the expectancy that at the appointed hour of the resurrection his “change” to immortal being would take place. Job 14:12-14, 21; 17:13.

The Scriptures certainly teach “that the very object of redemption is to change our nature, not only from sin to holiness, but from mortality to immortality, from a constitution whose present structure is perishable in all its parts, to one which is eternal, so that those who are partakers of the blessing ‘pass from death unto life, from a corruptible nature into one which is incorruptible in all its parts.” - Edmund White, in “Life in Christ,” page 117.

When the corruption and death that inevitably overtake us all in this life shall be changed to incorruption and immortality, what joy will fill God’s people at the thought of endless existence! No more can come the mortifying and jealously guarded conviction that we are growing old. Never shall we regretfully watch our silver-haired parents slipping slowly into the grave. Nor shall little children-perhaps the cruel of bereavement’s blows stand terrified at a darling mother’s death. Perennial youth at’ last! Praise God for such blessed assurance!

Would you share those better times? Since the path to better times is through a change in the human spirit, will you seek God for a perfect heart? Thus shall God bring us, perfect men, to His glorious New World.

Sheltered from Life’s Tempests

THE tropical sky, to the untrained observer, looked very much the same as on any other torrid day in that part of equatorial Africa where Mr. Macdonald and his wife had for years carried on their service for God. But, toward evening, as the missionary scanned the horizon, he remarked quietly, “I think the tornado will come tonight.”

His companion joined him, and together they watched a small cloud rise above the skyline, to be joined in a-few minutes by others.

Scarcely had night fallen with its accustomed rapidity, when a breeze sprang up. At this, the two missionaries went inside their house and began fastening doors and windows. Natives hurried to their huts in some degree of alarm. Animals which usually appear at nightfall remained under shelter.

In a few minutes the “artillery of heaven” began. From every quarter of heaven flashed lightning incessantly, and rain descended in a tropical deluge. It was an electrical storm of frightful severity.

Suddenly, a little later, Mrs. Macdonald exclaimed, as she looked out of the window, “Look! There is a light coming down the hill path.”

They knew it must be something unusual, for none ventured out without necessity in these awful tempests. They saw, to their further surprise, that the light was approaching their mission compound, and they then made out the figure of a man running wildly toward their house.


“It’s Jameson!” cried Mr. Macdonald.

Mrs. Macdonald rushed to the door and held it open, while her husband went out, bending low against the screaming fury of the tornado which swept across the veranda.

Mr. Jameson was a trader who lived in a fine bungalow at the top of a hill a few miles off. He was the Macdonalds’ only white neighbor in a hundred miles’ radius. They had found him a more gentlemanly type than many other traders, with more than a passing regard for the serious things of life. But he had one weakness. He knew that the Macdonalds knew all about that failing, but they never let that knowledge make the slightest difference in their friendly attitude to this somewhat lonely bachelor-a fact which drew him strangely to this happy couple.

Poor Jameson was a sorry spectacle as he stumbled up the steps and almost fell into the room. His hurricane lantern crashed to the floor, while he sank into a chair. He might have been dragged straight from the river. Stark terror was- stamped on his fine features.

“I--er-oh!” he gasped, and buried his head in his hands. Then, trying vainly to conceal his overwrought condition, he continued: “I’m so sorry. I simply couldn’t stand this storm -up there-all alone. My nerves are bad lately. You know, don’t you? I hope you don’t mind.”

“We’re ever so glad to see you. You must stay the night with us. It is unwise to be alone in such a storm when you are not well,” said Mr. Macdonald reassuringly.

His wife was by now graciously putting out some dry clothing and, with her boy, preparing a hot bath for their unexpected guest. She was not altogether surprised at events, for they had heard through native sources that Mr. Jameson had been giving way badly to drink-the white man’s curse-for some time. He looked tonight to be on the verge of a nervous collapse, though he was now perfectly sober. These storms could play havoc with weak nerves, but she felt extremely sorry to see such a fine specimen of manhood reduced to this pitiable state.


An hour later the three sat chatting together, Mr. Jameson having now somewhat regained his composure. He felt there was something contagious about the peaceful atmosphere of the mission house.

All at once the trader leaned forward in his chair, and quietly but seriously said:

“Macdonald, I’ve been a fool! I’ve tried to fight my weaknesses and failed. I tried to drown my unhappiness in drink. When the heavens began to crash about me tonight, I seemed to hear a voice bidding me come to your home. I would give all I possess in exchange for the happiness and peace of mind you people seem to enjoy. I find life empty and desperately lonely. This home is like a haven of refuge to me, and I wish I had in my life what you obviously have in yours.”

“Well,” said the missionary, in reply, “it is not possible to face life’s storms successfully alone. I find in Jesus Christ.”

Before he could finish his sentence there came to their ears the singing of several native Christian servants in Mrs. Macdonald’s kitchen. Ever ready to literalize Christian teaching, these simple natives were comforting their hearts by singing, amid the howling of the tempest:

“The Lord’s our Rock, in Him we hide: A shelter in the time of storm!
Secure whatever ill betide: A shelter in the time of storm!”

“The raging storms may round us beat: A shelter in the time of storm!
We’ll never leave our safe retreat, A shelter in the time of storm!”

What emotions stirred within the longing soul of the trader as he joined the missionaries in their worship that night, none can ever know. But as Mr. Macdonald read reverently from the Bible, and as they lifted up their hearts to God in calm and earnest prayer, while the fury of the tornado raged around them, Mr. Jameson knew that the shelter he needed was more for his soul than for his body. Already within his troubled mind, he heard a calm, authoritative voice stilling the violence of his stormy spirit.

This old world is full of aching souls and empty hearts who find the tempests of life too frightful to face alone. Yet in the promises of the Scriptures God holds out to every man the assurance of light and gladness and peace on this troubled path through life.

“Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart.” Psalm 97:11.

“But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shines more and more unto the perfect day.” Proverbs 4:18.

“Being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 5:1.

The peace which fills the life of the servant of God is twofold. There is, as seen in our last-quoted text (Romans 5: 1), peace with God, which comes about by our relinquishing sin through faith in Jesus Christ. Then there is God’s peace, or rest, or satisfaction in our hearts for ever: “And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds [“thoughts,” RV] through Jesus Christ.” Philippians 4:7. The human mind cannot explain or understand this peace in terms of logic. It can be understood only in terms of experience as the whole life and mind and heart are surrendered unconditionally to God.


Some weeks after the storm episode, Mr. Jameson found himself in the throes of a temptation that troubled him. He had so far resisted the temptation to drink, but he found that after a time the desire to indulge became strong within him. He prayed earnestly that God would show him the way to complete victory. The answer came suddenly but strangely.

He had heard one day that something unusual was on in the native village, and he passed that way home in curiosity.

In a clearing many natives stood about in groups conversing eagerly. Soon their attention was attracted by a man of somewhat commanding but almost sinister presence, who called the crowds to listen. He was a well-known “medicine-man2’ or witch-doctor, and one much feared by the natives. But of late a marvelous change had come over him. He had become a Christian convert under an unusual revival which was spreading through his tribe, and had called this assembly in order publicly to renounce his idol worship and his superstitions.

With great conviction he told them of the change that had come in his life through accepting a new Master, Jesus Christ, and that henceforth he had no further need nor desire to serve the idols which had never brought him peace-of mind. He thereupon placed wooden images, stone gods, trinkets, and charms in a large heap and, setting them on fire, he called upon others who wanted to serve the new King, Jesus, to do the same.

As the fire consumed its strange fuel, the native Christians were singing a simple hymn, the words of which much impressed the watching trader.

Mr. Jameson turned on his heel and proceeded slowly up the hill to his home. Arrived there, he went to a cupboard, took out several bottles of liquor and proceeded deliberately to hurl them one by one crashing along the boulders down the hillside.

Then, smiling, he said to himself, “I, too, have found a new Master.” And through his mind ran the words the natives had just sung:

“All to Jesus I surrender,
All to Him I freely give:
I will ever love and trust Him,
In His presence daily live.

All to Jesus I surrender,
Humbly at His feet I bow;
Worldly pleasures all forsaken,
Take me, Jesus, take me now.

All to Jesus I surrender,
Make me, Savior, wholly Yours;
Let the Holy Spirit witness,
I am Yours and Thou art mine.
J. W. Van de Venter

Thus were more names that day inscribed in the book of surrendered lives of which God’s kingdom will soon be constituted.