Bible Instructions







Introductory Subjects

The following outline Bible readings by Bible instructors of experience will be helpful to beginners. Mature and trained workers will appreciate observing techniques of their associates.

These Bible readings vary from the simplest type of outline to more detailed notes. just as there are various types and temperaments, so each worker may have her own ideas about outlines. Some prefer more brevity, and others an outline that conveys ideas quite fully. Some use fewer texts, whereas others appreciate having available the background of textual investigation. A number of the conversational type of studies -those suggesting a vocabulary of appeal-have been purposely included in this series.

Because these Bible readings represent a broad area of our world-wide work, an endeavor has been made to hold to the original plan of each. The question-form Bible study is still recognized as more practical than lecture method presentation. Bible instructors would do well to develop skill in transforming constructed textual outlines into question and-answer-type Bible readings. The desire for brevity will explain why the majority of studies in the manual appear in outline form.

These selected Bible readings are intended to preserve for our evangelism our methods for doctrinal argumentation and logical appeal. Techniques of directness and force in enlisting obedience to God's commandments should continue to characterize our present truth teaching. Seventh-day Adventists have a special message to present to the world, and our Bible readings should bring a real awareness of Christ's return. Their approaches, build-ups, and appeals should definitely emphasize preparation for this imminent and glorious event. Human nature is so diversified that it requires tact and skill to enlist interest and to develop it, and then to secure a full decision for the gospel. The introduction to a Bible study is one of the crisis points of the interest, and without a successful beginning there can be no developing.

Some people whom the Bible instructor meets, present no special difficulties, for just a little pleasant visiting soon results in at least a mutual acquaintance. Improving the opportunity to present some Bible proof to an inquiring mind may readily open the way for a series of Bible studies. But not all are Bible-minded, even though they may be sincere. Too often souls are burdened down with life's perplexities or sorrows, and comfort may need to be applied before doctrinal instruction can be affective. Some are inquisitive, but not deep. They need to be caught in the net of curiosity. Others are prejudiced, yet open-minded. These usually respond to the guile of the gospel worker. Many are uninterested until the study of the prophecies of the Bible awakens a spark of enthusiasm. A Bible instructor is challenged by these different types, but even at an early stage in the study she may use the Word effectively if she knows how.






God's Wonderful Book


God's Two Laws


God's Plan for Israel


History's Coming Climax (Daniel 12)


Does Grace Dispense With Law?


God's Promise to Israel Fulfilled


God's Eternal Purpose


Is the Moral Law Abolished?


Just a Faith, or the Faith of Jesus?


Signs of Our Times


Two Laws and Two Priesthoods


Examining Our Faith


Labor and Management in Conflict


Should Christians Keep the Law?


Importance of Present Truth


Why Do Christians Have Trouble?


God's Covenant With Israel


Our Responsibility to Bible Truth


God Leads Me


Memorial of Creation and Re-creation


Walking in the Light


Comfort for Burden Bearers


Old and New Testament Sabbath


Children of Obedience and Disobedience


Christ's Coming Kingdom


Sunday or Sabbath?


Deciding Now for Christ


The Return of Jesus


Will the Sabbath Be Reformed?


Importance of Obedience


Millennium-One Thousand Years


The Sabbath God's Sign Today


Is God Particular?


The Bible Millennium


The Seal of God and Mark of the Beast


Obedience or Disobedience and Death


The Home of the Saved


How to Observe the Sabbath


Loyalty and Obedience


Is Heaven a Real Place?


God's Health Message


God's Last Message to Remnant Church


The New Earth and Its Subjects


Health Reform Principles


Fleeing Out of Babylon


What Is Bible Conversion?


Health and Religion


Church Membership and Attendance


Steps to Conversion


Are Unclean Meats Prohibited Today?


Attitudes Toward Bible Truth


Evidences of Conversion


The Hope of the Resurrection


Day of Salvation Now


Conversion Essential to Salvation


What Happens to Man at Death?


Will Sinners Have a Second Chance?


Conversion and Predestination


The State of the Dead


The “Second Chance” Mirage


How May We Become Righteous?


“Spirit” and “Soul” Defined


Scripture or Tradition?


Confession and Forgiveness


Where Will the Wicked Spend Eternity?


The Reward of Forsaking All


Baptism and the New Life


What Happens to the Wicked?


Persecuted for the Truth's Sake


The Experience of Baptism


Where Does the Soul Go at Death?


Reformatory Dress Standards


Is Infant Baptism Scriptural?


Is Purgatory Scriptural?


Standards for Dress and Deportment


Lessons From the Sanctuary


The Work of Evil Angels


The Christian and His Dress


Meaning of Types and Antitypes


Is Spiritualism Scriptural?


Godliness and Sanctification


Sanctuary and the Atonement


Tithing-A Cycle of Love


Coming of Elijah the Prophet


The 2300-Day Prophecy


God's Ownership


Reforms Under the Elijah Message


You Have an Appointment With God!


Should Christians Pay Tithe?


Establishing a Happy Home


The Investigative judgment


The Great Day of the Lord


The Church Militant


Is the Law Still Binding?


God's Last Warning Messages


Prophetic Gift in the Church


Should Christians Keep the Law?


Earth's Seven Last Plagues


How God Communicates With Men


Under the Law, or Under Grace?


The True and the Apostate Church


The Spirit of Prophecy


The Two Laws and the Gospel


God's Remnant Church


What About the Gift of Tongues?




God's Wonderful Book

A. Introduction

Why is the Bible the most wonderful book ever written?

  1. Sixty-six distinct sections, yet combined, form complete book.
  2. Forty men had part in its writing over a period of 1,500 years, all unified as to its message.
  3. It reveals the only way of salvation.
  4. Teaches man how to please God.
  5. Converts head-hunters into civilized people.

B. The Bible God's Book for Man's Study.

1. What are its evidences of inspiration?

  1. 2 Peter 1:20. Not private interpretation.
  2. 2 Samuel 23:2. Holy Spirit spoke through men.
  3. Hebrews 1: 1. God spoke unto prophets.
  4. 2 Timothy 3:15, 16. All scripture God inspired.

2. Why is it so important to study the Scriptures?

  1. Psalm 119:105; 2 Peter 1:19. God's Word gives light; reveals future.
  2. Psalm 33:6-9; 1 Peter 1:23. Instrumental in producing new birth.
  3. 1 Peter 2:2. Produces spiritual growth.
  4. Psalm 119:9, 11. Hiding in heart, as safeguard against sin.

c. 2 Timothy 3:15. Makes men wise unto salvation.

3. What should be our attitude toward God's Word?

  1. Acts 17:11. Study diligently.
  2. 1 Corinthians 2:13; Isaiah 28:9, 10. Compare scripture with scripture.

C. Conclusion

  1. God speaks in the Bible. He helps and comforts us.
  2. It contains the way of salvation.
  3. Its teachings have power to recreate us in Christ.
  4. To neglect Bible study is perilous.

History's Coming Climax (Daniel 12)

How will God's kingdom be established? Who will belong to it?

A. Importance of Daniel's Prophecies (Introduction when first study of series.)

  1. Recommendation of Christ to understand Daniel's prophecies. Matthew 24:15.
  2. Prophecies for time of the end. Daniel 12:4, 9, 10; 2:28; 8: 17; 12:13.
  3. Important to know about events of the end. Luke 21:31, 36.
  4. Revelation of God's kingdom to the prophets. Amos 3:7; 2 Peter 1: 19, 2 1.
  5. In dreams and visions. Numbers 12:6; Daniel 1: 17.

B. Nebuchadnezzar's Dream Foretold Future. (Narrate verses 1-30; read verses 31-43.)

  1. King's dream left his memory. Daniel 2:1-5.
  2. Wise men were unable to reveal it. Verses 4-11.
  3. Decree to kill the wise men called attention to Daniel. Verses 12-16.
  4. God revealed dream to Daniel. Verses 17-23.
  5. Daniel revealed forgotten dream to king. Verses 24-35.

6. He interprets king's dream. Verses 36-43.

C. Establishing God's Kingdom.

  1. The stone that filled the whole earth. Daniel 2:35, 44, 45.
  2. Christ's kingdom represented by this stone. Isaiah 28:16; 1 Corinthians 10:4; Revelation 11:15.
  3. His kingdom established at His appearing. 2 Timothy 4:1.

D. Prophecy Fulfilled and in Fulfilment.

  1. Babylon, the golden kingdom, was to pass away. Daniel 2:37-39. The Medo-Persian kingdom followed the Babylonians in 538 BC.
  2. Medo-Persia, the silver kingdom, was to pass away. Daniel 2:39. The Grecian kingdom overthrew the Medo-Persian in. 331 BC at the decisive Battle of Arbela.
  3. Greece, the brass kingdom, was to be displaced by Rome. Daniel 2:40. The kingdom of Rome followed the kingdom of Greece. Battle of Pydna, 168 BC.
  4. Rome, the iron kingdom, was to be divided. Daniel 2:41. Rome ruled for about six hundred years. Then it began to disintegrate, and was finally torn apart by the invasion of barbarian tribes. The ten main ones, corresponding to the ten toes of the image, were Alamanni (Germans), Franks (French), Burgundians (Swiss), Suevi (Portuguese), Saxons (English), Visigoths (Spanish), Lombards (Italians), Heruli, Vandals, Ostrogoths. Rome's fall is generally dated AD 476.
  5. Rulers and nationals would intermarry. Daniel 2:43. At the outbreak of World War 1 many of the ruling heads of Europe were related by blood or ties of marriage. Intermarriage among the citizens is, of course, widely prevalent.
  6. Nations of Europe would never permanently unite. Daniel 2:43. Various forms of union and federation have been attempted. Charles the Great, Charles V, Louis XIV, Napoleon Bonaparte, Kaiser Wilhelm, and Adolph Hitler have tried it. The Holy Alliance and the League of Nations tried it. Also the United Nations. Men can never achieve permanent unity in this world.
  7. God's kingdom would follow the break-up of earthly governments. Daniel 2:44.
  1. This is God's literal kingdom of glory. It has a throne. Matthew 25:31.
  2. The King reigns forever. Revelation 11:15.
  3. It is future. Daniel 2:44, 45.

E. Preparing for Christ's Kingdom

  1. “Be you ready!” Matthew 24:42, 44.
  2. Our prayer: “Thy kingdom come!” Luke 11: 2.
  3. Consequences of non preparedness. Matthew 21:44.

F. Additional Points of Emphasis

  1. Daniel is granted time, but not the wise men. Daniel 2:16, 8.
  2. Prayer reveals God's secrets to His servants. Verses 17-23.
  3. The destiny of kings and kingdoms is in God's hands. Verse 21.
  4. Truth exposes error. Verse 27.
  5. The certainty of prophecy is emphasized. Verse 45.
  6. Dream has significance for time of the end. Verse 28.
  7. Prophecy reveals the true God. Verse 47.
  8. A heathen king was converted. Verses 46-49.

God's Eternal Purpose

A. God's Purpose.

  1. Does God have an end to which He is working? Ephesians 3:11.
  2. Has God declared to man His eternal purpose? Isaiah 46: 10.
  3. What does God say concerning His counsel? Verse 10.
  4. Where may we read God's declaration of His eternal purpose? a. “Remember the former things of old: for 1 am God. Verse 9. b. For the “former things of old” we turn to Genesis 1.

5. What is God's declaration of His eternal counsel? (See Isaiah 45: 18; 43:21.) A perfect people, in the image of God, having dominion over a perfect world-this is God's eternal purpose. It included the Eden home, with its spacious gardens providing nuts, fruits, grains, and vegetables, a perfect diet for a perfect people; the tree of life. The holy couple were privileged to talk with God. God's eternal purpose will be carried out in detail.

B. The Entrance of Sin.

  1. What delayed God's plan? Revelation 12:7-9; Romans 5:12.
  2. Whose servant did man then become? Romans 6:16.

When Adam and Eve became servants of the devil, he usurped their kingdom. He said in his rebellion, “I will exalt my throne above the stars of God.” Isaiah 14:13. Now he had territory, the lovely earth; and subjects, Adam and his wife. But God had a great surprise for Satan. God's eternal purpose included the plan of salvation. Satan was not permitted to bind the human race in hopeless, helpless slavery. God walked in the garden, and revealed His plan to redeem sinners and destroy Satan.

C. The Plan of Salvation.

1. What promise was made in the hearing of Adam and Eve on day of their sin? Genesis 3:15.

The plan of salvation went into immediate operation. All who wish may be enemies, and not friends and servants, of the devil. The blood of Jesus was paid for our redemption. Isaiah 52:3. What were some results of Adam's sin? Genesis 3:17,19,24. Man lost his image of God, his Eden home, tree of life, dominion of earth, and life itself. God's eternal purpose includes restoration of all things lost by sin.

D. The Seed Promised.

  1. How was the promise of complete restoration repeated to Abraham? Genesis 12:7.
  2. How much was included in the term “land”? Romans 4:13.
  3. Who is this “Seed” to whom the world was promised? Galatians 3:16. a. Christ is the seed of the woman. Galatians 4:4. b. He is also the seed of David, the seed of Abraham. Matthew 1:4. Promise also repeated to David. 2 Samuel 7:12, 16. c. Through Christ are all the precious promises of redemption and restoration. Colossians 1: 13-14.

E. The Second Adam Restores.

  1. Who is the first Adam? The second Adam? Read 1 Corinthians 15:45, 47.
  2. By sin of first Adam sin and death reigned in earth; by sinless life of second Adam, by His death and His intercession, He saves “to the uttermost” those “that come unto God by Him.”

How does God describe the renewed earth? Isaiah 51:3.

3. How can we share in the full inheritance of the second Adam? See Daniel 7:14.

  1. By belonging to Christ. John 1: 12; Galatians 3:29.
  2. By cooperating with Him in restoring the divine nature. 2 Peter 1:4.

When God created the world He said, “Let there be light,” etc. The mighty Christ is saying today:-Let this mind be in you. Philippians 2:5. When we forsake sin and yield the will to Christ, the nature and mind of Christ are restored in us. God's eternal purpose is moving on to glorious consummation. A perfect people, with Christ their King, will dwell in a perfect world. For appeal read assuring. Jude 24 and 25.

Signs of Our Times

Text: Matthew 24:1-12.

A. What Conditions Do We Find at the Close of World War II?

  1. The fall of dictators and war lords.
  2. Atomic bomb surprised nations.
  3. Sufferings of displaced civilians.
  4. Cold, hunger, and famine problems.
  5. Diseases and epidemics; many deaths.
  6. Punishment of war criminals; mysterious suicides.
  7. Lack of agreement among nations on war adjustments.
  1. Churches persecuted and reorganized.
  2. Industrial and economic problems in many lands.
  3. Juvenile delinquency; the liquor problem.

B. What Does the Bible Prophesy Regarding Wars?

  1. Growing warfare. Matthew 24:6, 7.
  2. Judgments on nations. Ezekiel 7:1-6.
  3. Vast and sudden desolation, Jeremiah 4:19, 20.
  4. Destruction of, cities. Zephaniah 1: 14-18.
  5. Loftiness of man brought low. Isaiah 2:2, 9-22; Jeremiah 9:21-24.

C. What Lessons May Be Learned From Recent Destruction?

  1. Sinners and hypocrites to receive surprise. Isaiah 33:14.
  2. God musters His hosts. Isaiah 13:3-9.
  3. Statesmen fearful. Luke 21:25-27.
  4. Bloody crimes increase. Ezekiel 7:15, 23-25.
  5. Omens of coming destruction. 2 Peter 3:7, 9-12; Jeremiah 4:23-29.

D. How Will These Modern Nations Seek Help? Results?

  1. Church and state seek each other's help. Micah 4:1-5.
  2. Leaders desperately confused. Isaiah 29:9-16.
  3. Nominal church to teach God's law to nations. Isaiah 2:2-5.
  4. Worldliness of the church. 2 Timothy 3:1-5.
  5. Fear of end produces revivals. Isaiah 26:5, 9.
  6. Lawlessness still continues. Isaiah 30:8-10.
  7. Followed by famine for Word. Amos 8:11, 12.

E. What Comforting Message Is for Us Today?

  1. “Take heed.” Watch and pray.” Luke 21:28-36.
  2. Kept in perfect peace. Isaiah 26:3, 4 (48:18, 22).

Labour and Management in Conflict

Text: Job 22:21.

A. How Does the Bible Picture Our Last-Day Unemployment Condition.

  1. Isaiah 8:21, 22. Confusion, darkness, and trouble on earth.
  2. 2 Timothy 3:2. Perils of the last days. Men lovers of self, proud, disobedient, unholy, etc.

B. What Does the Bible Teach About the Last-Day Economic Problems?

  1. Deuteronomy 8:18. God gives power to obtain wealth.
  2. James 5:1-8. Treasures heaped in last days. Corruption of riches, capitalists and laborers in conflict.
  3. Isaiah 8:9, 10. Men's plans all fail: unions, strikes, boycott.

C. What Is God's Counsel for These Distressing Times?

  1. Matthew 7:12. God's solution the golden rule.
  2. Matthew 22:39. Love neighbor as self.
  3. Philippians 2:4. Prefer fellow man.
  4. Luke 3:14. “Be content with your wages.”
  5. James 5:7,8. “Be patient establish your hearts.”

D. What Will Be the End of All This Confusion?

  1. Matthew 6:10; 2 Timothy 4: 1. Return of Jesus to this earth.
  2. Isaiah 32:1. His reign of righteousness.

Why Do Christians Have Trouble?

A. Our Relationship to God

  1. We are the sons of God. Galatians 4:5-7.
  2. The Lord invites us to call on Him. Matthew 7:7-11.
  3. God delivers from all trouble. Psalm 34:4, 6.

B. God's Purpose in Sending Trials

1. God directs in all things for our good.

  1. “All things work together” for our good. Romans 8:28.
  2. God directed Joseph in order to save life. Genesis 45:7, 8.
  3. We suffer so we may learn to comfort others. 2 Corinthians 1:3, 4.

2. God expresses His love by chastening.

  1. “Whom the Lord loves He chastens.” Hebrews 12:5-8.
  2. Despise not chastening. Proverbs 3:11, 12.

3. God tests and purifies us with trials.

  1. Physical affliction kept Paul humble. 2 Corinthians 12:7-10.
  2. Abraham tested and strengthened. Genesis 22:12.

4. God's assurance to the tempted.

  1. God furnishes strength proportionate to trial. 1 Corinthians 10: 13.
  2. Can do all things through Christ who strengthens. Philippians 4:13.

C. The Christian's Privilege

“Casting all your care upon Him.” 1 Peter 5:7.

God Leads Me

(Scriptural uplift for troubled and nervous. Select texts.)

A. Introduction

“Tossing” and fears man's lot. Isaiah 54:11,12; Psalm 55:3-6; Job 7:4; Ephesians 4:14.

B. Trusting in Divine Leadership.

  1. “He leads me.” Psalm 23:2.
  2. “1 am with you always.” Matthew 28:20.

C. Man's Helplessness Requires God's Guidance.

1. Guidance in daily problems.

  1. “Get thee out unto a land that 1 will show thee.” Genesis 12:1.
  2. “Return; 1 will be with thee.” Genesis 31:3.
  3. “The Lord went before them; to give them light.” Exodus 13:21.
  4. “Moses is dead; arise, go over this Jordan. Joshua 1:2.
  5. “I will doubtless deliver into your hand.” 2 Samuel 5:19. “I have commanded the ravens to feed thee.” 1 Kings 17:3, 4.

2. Guidance in judgment.

  1. “Thou shall guide me with Thy counsel.” Psalm 73:24.
  2. “Your ears shall hear a word.... This is the way.” Isaiah 30:21.

3. Guidance in religion.

  1.  “He will guide you into all truth.” John 16:13.
  2. “Lead me in Thy truth.” Psalm 25:5 (John 17:17).
  3. “Teach me Thy way, 0 Lord.” Psalm 27:11.
  4. “Teach me to do Thy will.” Psalm 143: 10.

D. Looking Back Upon God's Leadership.

  1. “Thou shall remember all the way which the Lord led thee.” Deuteronomy 8:2.
  2. “So the Lord alone did lead him.” Deuteronomy 32:12.
  3. “The Lord saved out of all troubles.” Psalm 34:6.
  4. “All things work together for good. Romans 8:28.
  5. “1 will lay me down in peace, and sleep.” Psalm 4:8.

Comfort for Burden Bearers

A The Outward Look.

“Bear you one another's burdens.” Galatians 6:2. 1. Burden of bereavement.

  1. God pities like a tender father. Psalm 103:13-18.
  2. Comfort in hope of resurrection. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.
  3. God Himself shall remove all traces of sorrow. Revelation 21:4. Burden of sickness or misfortune.
  4. Hope for blind, deaf, and maimed. Isaiah 35:5, 6.
  5. Creator of universe knows each detail of our lives. Isaiah 40:28-31.
  1. Even a sparrow noticed when it falls. Luke 12:6.
  2. Hairs of our head numbered. Verse 7.
  3. Environment in which we live known. Psalm 87:4-6.
  4. Even the street we live on known, and just what we are doing. Acts 9:11.

B The Inward Look.

Bear your own burdens. Galatians 6:5. Purpose and value of trials.

  1. Trials necessary to perfect us. job 23: 10; 1 Peter 5: 10.
  2. The Lord chastens those He loves. Hebrews 12:6.
  3. These trials yield precious aftermath. Verse 10; 2 Corinthians 4:17.
  4. Trials allowed that we may be able to comfort others. 2 Corinthians 1:
  5. God's grace sufficient for every trial. 2 Corinthians 12:9.

C The Upward Look.

“Cast thy burden upon the Lord.” Psalm 55:22.

1. Cast thy burden of anxiety on Him. Philippians 4:6, 7; Psalms 46.

2. Cast thy burden of sin on Him. Psalm 38:4, 15, 18.

3. The believer's relationship to God in trouble.

  1. We must love Him; then all things work together for good. Romans 8:28.
  2. We must submit humbly to His will. Luke 22:42.
  3. We must trust Him where we cannot define His leading. Job 13:15; Psalm 37:5.

4. The blessed provision of the divine Burden Bearer. 1 Peter 5:7.


Christ's Coming Kingdom

Heaven has been preparing the way for the gospel worker to present the theme of Christ's imminent return, and those related subjects which cluster around this glorious event. Conditions in our world have made many conscious of the signs of the times; there is a general awareness of the end of all things. But though this present spirit of inquiry concerning what the Bible teaches is most encouraging to the worker, too often the enemy of truth has preceded us by sowing the seeds of his fallacious doctrines, with their strange interpretations of prophecy. The Bible teacher must know what phases of the coming of Christ need special emphasis. General facts on the subject are not sufficient proof to meet the present barrage of error. A discerning mind is necessary on the part of the instructor. During the early stage of the interest Bible lessons must be speedily guided toward 'Our ultimate objective -preparing a people to meet the Lord!

The Return of Jesus

A. Does the Bible Reveal Jesus Will Come Again?

  1. Jesus' own promise to return. John 14:1-3.
  2. Angels testified of His return. Acts 1: 9-11.
  3. Apostle Paul taught Second Coming of Jesus. Hebrews 9:28.

B. What Will Be the Manner of Jesus' Second Coming?

  1. Jesus will not come secretly. Matthew 24:23-26.
  2. He will come in the sky. Verse 27.
  3. His coming will be visible. Revelation 1:7.
  4. It will be audible. 1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17.
  5. Jesus will return to earth as He left. Acts 1: 9-11. (He will come in the flesh. Luke 24:33-43)
  6. Jesus will come in the clouds. Revelation 14:14.
  7. He will come with the angels. Matthew 24:31.
  8. Jesus will come with power and glory. Matthew 24:30.

C. What Is the Purpose of Jesus' Return to Earth?

1. For the righteous.

  1. Raise the dead. 1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17.
  2. Change these vile bodies. Philippians 3:21.
  3. Give immortality. 1 Corinthians 15:51-53.
  4. Give reward to righteous. 2 Timothy 4:8.

2. For wicked.

  1. Character as deeds. Revelation 22:11, 12.
  2. God's indignation. Isaiah 26:20, 21.
  3. Wicked destroyed. 2 Thessalonians 2:8.

D. What Will Be the Attitude of People When He Comes Again?

  1. Fear and despair of wicked. Revelation 6:15-17.
  2. Rejoicing of righteous. Isaiah 25:9.

E. How Should We Be Preparing to Meet Jesus? (1 John 3:2.)

Millennium-One Thousand Years

A. Introduction.

  1. “Millennium” does not occur in Bible.
  2. Comes from two Latin words: mille, 1,000; annum, a year.
  3. Expression “a thousand years,” as found in Revelation 20, is equivalent to the word millennium.

B. What Events Mark the Beginning of the Millennium?

  1. Hebrews 9:28. Jesus comes without sin unto salvation.
  2. 1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17. Righteous dead are raised.
  3. 2 Thessalonians 2:8. Wicked destroyed with brightness of His coming. (Jeremiah 25:33. No burial.)
  4. 1 Thessalonians 4:17. Righteous translated. John 14:1-3 promise fulfilled.
  5. Revelation 20:1-3. Satan bound, no one to tempt or deceive.

C. Where Is Satan During the Millennium?

  1. Isaiah 24:1-6. Earth utterly empty. Why? Verse 5.
  2. Jeremiah 4:23-27. No man, no bird, no tree.
  3. Earth in chaotic condition Satan's abode.

D. Where Are the Saints During the Millennium?

  1. Revelation 20:4. They reign with Christ.
  2. Revelation 19:9. Attending marriage supper of Lamb.
  3. 1 Corinthians 6:2-4. Judging wicked and angels.

E. What Events Mark the Close of the Millennium?

  1. Jude 14. Christ and saints appear.
  2. Revelation 21:2. Holy city comes down from heaven.
  3. Zechariah 14:4. City rests on former site of Olivet.
  4. Revelation 20:5. Second resurrection that of the wicked.
  5. Revelation 20:3,7, last clause. Satan loosed.
  6. Revelation 20:9. Wicked destroyed by fire as Satan makes last great attack upon God's people.
  7. 2 Peter 3:10. Earth utterly burned. Same fire purifies earth.
  8. Revelation 21:1. New heaven and new earth appears.

F. Appeal.

  1. Where will you be at beginning of millennium?
  2. Where will you be at close of millennium?

The Bible Millennium

1. Introduction.

A. Millennium means 1,000 years. Derived from two Latin words.

  1. Mille meaning thousand.
  2. Annus meaning years.

2. Some beliefs regarding millennium. Which correct? (Use when confusions must be clarified.)

  1. Righteous go to heaven at Second Coming of Christ and remain there for 1,000 years; wicked are dead.
  2. Millennium preceded by seven-year reign of antichrist. Righteous caught up during this period.
  3. Millennium preceded by Christ's secret coming.
  4. Christ came in 1914. Wicked will be resurrected and given second chance.
  5. Jews given opportunity of repentance in millennial period.

B. Millennium Begins With Second Coming of Christ.

1. How many resurrections were taught by Jesus? John 5:28, 29.

  1. Righteous in first resurrection at Second Coming. Revelation 20:6. A first resurrection logically implies a second.
  2. Wicked in second resurrection at close of 1,000 years. Revelation 20:5. What about the righteous at His Second Coming?
  3. Dead raised. 1 Thessalonians 4:16.
  4. Living caught up with them. Verse 17.
  5. Taken to New Jerusalem for 1,000 years. John 14:1-3; Revelation 20:6.
  6. Judge wicked during millennium. Revelation 20:4; 1 Corinthians 6:1-3.

3. What about wicked at Second Coming?

a. Drop dead at brightness of His coming. 2 Thessalonians 1:6-9; 2:8; Revelation 6:15-17. Cannot stand brightness of Christ with millions of angels. Matthew 25:3 1; Revelation 5: 11.

  1. Righteous all in heaven and wicked all dead. Jeremiah 25:30-33.
  2. Remain dead for 1,000 years. Revelation 20:5, first part (last sentence belongs to verse 6).

4. What about the earth?

  1. Great earthquake. Revelation 6:14.
  2. Earth becomes desolate. Jeremiah 4:23-27.
  1. Notice no man on earth.
  2. Not a full end of the earth. Wiry?

5. What about Satan?

  1. Bound 1,000 years. Revelation 20:1, 2.
  2. Cast into bottomless pit. Verse 3. (Explain.)
  3. Bound with chain of circumstances.
  1. Satan's work for 6,000 years to deceive.
  2. None to deceive during 1,000 years.

C. Christ's Third Coming Closes Millennium.

  1. When will Christ return with New Jerusalem? Revelation 21:1,
  2. Holy City descends where old Jerusalem now stands. Zechariah 14:1, 4, 5.
  3. What about the resurrection of the wicked? Revelation 20:5, 7, 8.
  4. How will it affect Satan? Verse 7. Deceives wicked that the city can be taken.
  5. When will Satan and the wicked finally be destroyed? Verse 9.
  6. What about fire that burns wicked? 2 Peter 3:10; Malachi 4:1, 3.

D. Appeal: Will You Inherit Christ's Kingdom?

  1. Christ and saints possess earth. 2 Peter 3:13; Matthew 5:5.
  2. If Christ's, promise is yours. Galatians 3:29. Requires complete surrender to Christ, not mere profession.
  3. Illustration: Poor child in London looking into toy shop through glass window. Longed to grasp toy. Run over by auto. Toy soldier brought to him at hospital. He cried, “No glass between!” (1 Corinthians 13:12.) God's promises are real. Let us prepare to possess them.

The Home of the Saved

A. Introduction.

  1. There will be a new earth. Revelation 21:4, 5.
  2. Location: present earth. Matthew 5:5; Proverbs 11:31.
  3. To endure forever. Daniel 7:18, 27.

B. How Is the Capital of the New Earth Described? 1 Capital: New Jerusalem. Revelation 21:2.

  1. City of gold. Verse 18.
  2. Walls of jasper. Verse 18.
  3. Foundation of precious stones. Verses 19, 20.
  4. Gates of pearl. Verse 21.
  5. Street of gold. Verse 21.
  6. River of life. Revelation 22: 1.
  7. Tree of life. Verse 2.
  8. No night there-Lamb is the light. Revelation 21:23.

2. What is said of its beauties?

  1. Like Eden. Isaiah 51:3.
  2. Desert like rose. Isaiah 35:2.

c. Eye not seen, nor ear beard. 1 Corinthians 2:9.

3. Of its inhabitants?

  1. Meek people. Matthew 5:5.
  2. Pure people. Revelation 21:27.
  3. Forgiven people. Isaiah 33:24.
  4. Healthy people. Verse 24; Isaiah 35:5, 6.
  5. Happy people. Revelation 21:4; Isaiah 35: 10.
  6. Some will be children. Isaiah 11: 6, 8.
  7. Real people-like Him. 1 John 3:2.
  1. Will know each other. 1 Corinthians 13:12.
  2. Recognized by form and figure. John 20:27, 28.
  3. Recognized by voice. Verse 16.
  4. Recognized by peculiarities of manner. Luke 24:30, 31.

4. How will the saved occupy their time? Isaiah 65:21, 22.

5. Will animals be changed as well as man? Isaiah 11:6-8; 65:25.

6. What does the Bible teach about worship on the New Earth?

  1. Regular seasons. Isaiah 66:22, 23.
  2. “They shall see His face.” Revelation 22:4.

7. How enduring is its life? Daniel 7:18, 27.

8. Will sin ever re-enter the realms of the redeemed? Nahum 1:9.

C. Conclusion

How may we be assured of a home there?

Acts 4:12; Isaiah 1: 19, 20; Revelation 22:14; 2 Peter 3:14.

Is Heaven a Real Place?


(For one who doubts heaven will be real. Select texts.)

A. What Does the Bible Teach Concerning Our Reward?

  1. We may know, what our reward will be. Matthew 19:27, 28.
  2. The Holy Spirit has revealed it in God's Word. 1 Corinthians 2:9, 10.
  3. Signs now show the time of reward at hand. Revelation 11: 18.
  4. Jesus will soon bring our reward. Revelation 22:12.

B. What Will Eternal Life Embrace?

  1. A place of reward; Jesus preparing mansions. John 14:1-3.
  2. A heavenly country and a “city.” Hebrews 11: 10, 16.

C. How Does Our Present World Become the New Earth?

  1. Jesus promised this earth as reward. Matthew 5:5.
  2. Present earth cleansed by fire. 2 Peter 3:7, 12, 13.
  3. Sin and wickedness destroyed. Psalm 37:34, 9-11.
  4. Earth returns to Eden’s condition. Isaiah 51:3.
  5. Jesus restores Adam's lost kingdom. Micah 4:8; 1 Corinthians 15:22-24; Genesis 1: 26.

D. How Are the New Earth and Its Capital Described?

  1. Called a “new earth.” Revelation 21: 1; Isaiah 65:17.
  2. New Jerusalem center of joy. Revelation 21:2, 10; Isaiah 65:17-19; 35: 10.
  3. City has jeweled foundations, pearly gates, wall of jasper. Revelation 21:12-21.
  4. Natural beauty and fertility. Isaiah 35:1, 2, 7, 8.
  5. Animals tame and friendly. Isaiah 65:25; 35:9.
  6. Satisfying occupation and education. Isaiah 65:21-23; Psalm 16: 11.
  7. Communion with God. Revelation 21:3; 22:4.
  1. Sabbath joy and peace. Isaiah 66:22, 23.
  2. No curse, disappointment, pain, sorrow. Revelation 22:3; 21:27, 4.
  3. Family and friendship ties restored. Zechariah 8:5; Isaiah 65:23; Matthew 8:11.

E. What About Our Right to the New Earth?

  1. Tree of life. Eternal life. Revelation 22:14.
  2. Heavenly kingdom prepared at creation. Matthew 25:34.
  3. Lord's prayer then fulfilled. Matthew 6: 10.


F. Appeal

Heaven is a real place. Its joys are eternal. Jesus will soon bring our reward. Are you planning to be there?

The New Earth and Its Subjects

A. Prophetic Assurance of Fifth Universal Empire (Daniel 2:44.)

  1. Not a mere putting together again of parts of any former empire. Daniel 2:43.
  2. Present heavens and the earth to be burned up. 2 Peter 3:10-13
  3. The new will entirely eclipse the old. Isaiah 65:17.

B. Two Phases to Christ's Kingdom.

1. Kingdom of grace already in existence.

  1. Not of this world. John 18:36.
  2. Set up in our hearts. Luke 17:20, 21.

2. Kingdom of glory to be ushered in.

  1. Earthly kingdoms to pass into His control. Revelation 11:15.
  2. Christ as King of kings then occupies the throne. Matthew 25:31.

C. Nature of Christ's Kingdom of Glory

1. Government.

  1. He is King of kings. Revelation 17:14.
  2. Throne of Father will be with men. Revelation 21:3; 22: 3, 4.
  3. Victorious man to have active part.

2. Capital city.

  1. Location. Zechariah 14:4
  2. Made in heaven-comes to this earth. Revelation chapters 21 and 22.
  1. Size - 1,500 miles in circumference. 375 miles on each side.
  2. Walls-jasper-375 miles long.
  3. Gates-12-names of patriarchs.
  4. Foundations-12-names of apostles.
  5. Tree of life-12 manner of fruits.
  6. River of life flows out of God's throne.
  7. Mansions of the saints.

3. Citizens.

  1. Real beings-like Christ. 1 John 3:2,3; Luke 24:36-43.
  2. No sickness, pain, or death. Revelation 22:4; Isaiah 35:5, 6; 33:24.

4. Country.

  1. Eden restored. Isaiah 35:1, 2.

With our mental and physical powers restored to perfection, unbounded opportunities open before us to realize dreams unfulfilled on this earth, with ever fresh vistas ahead.

b. Privileged to build our homes and plant our gardens. Isaiah 65:21, 22.

5. Worship.

  1. Assemble at Jerusalem each Sabbath. Isaiah 66:22, 23.
  2. Assemble each new moon (perhaps to partake of the tree of life). Revelation 22:2.

D. Citizenship Requirements.

  1. Citizens of new earth are chosen. 2 Peter 1:10.
  2. What must I do? Matthew 19:16, 17; Ecclesiastes 12:13; Micah 6:8.
  3. Above all else, 1 must be “in Him” - Ephesians 1:3, 4.

Conversion Studies

Bible instructors become increasingly conscious that the reader's heart needs first attention, and often much more than his intellect. To plan a series of informative studies on our doctrines without first emphasizing the need of conversion and revival is useless effort. To take conversion for granted is another mistake. Neither does church membership in some group preclude the need of conversion. Our times are perilous because church members share in the sins of the worldly. Our only recourse must now be to help all with whom we study the Word to know its central Person. Christ-appeal and prayer must mark the very beginning of our instruction and personal work.

What Is Bible Conversion?

A. How Is Man's Lost Condition Described in the Bible?

  1. All have sinned. Romans 3:10, 12, 23.
  2. Under death sentence. Romans 5:12; 6:23.
  3. Righteousness as filthy rags. Isaiah 64:6.
  4. Helpless to change. Jeremiah 13:23.

B. How Is Sin Defined in God's Word?

  1. God's law His standard. Romans 7:12.
  2. Transgression of law sin. 1 John 3:4.
  3. All unrighteousness sin. 1 John 5:17.
  4. Disobedience. Romans 5:19.
  5. Sin is rebellion. Daniel 9:5.

C. How Must Man Cooperate With God for Salvation?

1. God's Part.

  1. Gave His Son. John 3:16.
  2. Died for our sins. 1 Corinthians 15:3.
  3. Wounded for our transgressions. Isaiah 53:5, 6.
  4. Bore our sins. 1 Peter 2:22, 24.
  5. Death paid penalty for sin and purchased life. Romans 5:17-21.

2. Man's Part.

  1. Conviction of sin. John 8:9.
  2. Contrition, sorrow for sin. Psalm 51:17.
  3. Repentance. Acts 5:31.
  4. Belief in Christ. Confess and receive forgiveness. 1 John 1:9.
  5. Forsaking sin. Isaiah 55:7.
  6. Being converted. Acts 3: 19.
  7. Accepting Christ as Savior and turning away from sin is new birth. John 3:3-7.
  8. Baptism outward sign of inward experience. 1 Peter 1:22, 23.

D. What Experience Follows the New Life in Christ?

  1. Past sins covered by Christ's righteousness. Romans 3:24, 25.
  2. Righteousness of law to be fulfilled in life. Romans 8:3, 4.
  3. Dead to sin, alive to righteousness. Romans 6:3-8, 12-18.
  4. Christ dwells in heart, living His life again in human flesh. Ephesians 3:17; Galatians 2:20.
  1. Can do all things through Christ. Philippians 4:13.
  2. Faith the victory that overcomes. 1 John 5:4.
  3. Christ our Advocate in sin's emergency. 1 John 2:1.

E. Conclusion and Appeal

Christ delivers from the penalty and from the power of sin. He is an all-sufficient Savior! Have you accepted Him and do you know that you are saved? Additional references:

Romans 7:18, 19, 24, 7; 2:4;

2 Corinthians 7:10, 11;

John 3:16; Hebrews 11:6;

Psalm 51:3, 4; 32:5;

Proverbs 28:13;

Ezekiel 18:31, 32;

Romans 6:3; 4:6-8;

Jeremiah 31:33;

Colossians 1:27.

Steps to Conversion

A. Introduction

Seven significant steps mark the experience of our conversion. The Christian should know these steps and how to take them.

B. Steps to Conversion.

1. What is the first step in the life of the sinner? Conviction.

  1. “He came to himself.” Luke 15:17.
  2. “They were pricked in their heart.” Acts 2:37.

2. What experience must follow conviction? Contrition.

  1. “What shall we do?” Acts 2:37.
  2. Peter wept bitterly. Matthew 26:75.

3. How and to whom must sin be confessed? Confession.

  1. David acknowledged his sin. Psalm 51:3-7.
  2. If we confess, He is faithful to forgive. 1 John 1:9.

4. How is man's complete surrender to God described?


  1. “Let us reason together.” Isaiah 1: 18.
  2. “Let him return unto the Lord.” Isaiah 55:7.

5. What is necessary for the sinner to find peace of mind? Restitution.

  1. Promise of forgiveness. Ezekiel 33:15.
  2. Zacchaeus. “Restore ... fourfold.” Luke 19:8.

6. How is the new life made a reality? Reformation.

  1. “Let everyone ... depart from iniquity.” 2 Timothy 2:19.
  2. “Bring forth ... fruits meet for repentance.” Matthew 3X What other experience reveals a complete separation from sin? Transformation.

“In Christ, he is a new creature.” 2 Corinthians 5:17.

C. How May We Summarize These Realities of Conversion?

1. Admit our lost, helpless condition. Luke 15:17.

  1. Submit our will to God's will. Verse 18.
  2. Commit our life into His hands. Verse 19.
  3. Permit Him to reveal His righteousness in us. Philippians 1:6; Jude 24.

Evidences of Conversion

A. Has God a Standard of Living for His Children?

  1. Man was made in the image of God. Genesis 1: 26, 27; Ecclesiastes 7:29.
  2. “Be you perfect. Matthew 5:48.
  3. Holy, without blemish, no spot or wrinkle. Ephesians 5:27.

B. Is It Natural for Man to Meet God's Holy Standard?

  1. By nature the children of wrath. Ephesians 2:3.
  2. All are sinners, condemned to die. Romans 3:23; 6:23; 1 John 3:4.
  3. Man's righteousness is as filthy rags. Isaiah 64:6.
  4. Aliens. Ephesians 2:12.
  5. Manifest works of flesh. Galatians 5:19-21.

C. Can Money or Works Help Us to Reach God's Standard?

  1. Cannot do good when accustomed to do evil. Jeremiah 13:23.
  2. Saved by grace, a gift of God; not by works. Ephesians 2:8, 9.
  3. Gift of God not purchased with money. Acts 8:9-24.

D. What Experience Is Necessary for the Natural Man to Be Saved?

  1. “Except you become as little children.” Matthew 18:3.
  2. “You must be born again.” John 3:3, 5, 7.
  3. Daily death to sin. Galatians 2:20; 1 Corinthians 15:31.
  4. Flesh must be crucified. Galatians 5:24.

E. How May We Know That We Are Truly Converted?

  1. Sorrow for sin. 2 Corinthians 7:9-11.
  2. Confession of sin. Psalm 51:3-7; 1 John 1:9.
  3. Forsaking sin. Ezekiel 18:30-32; Proverbs 28:13.
  4. Restitution. Luke 19:8; Ezekiel 33:15.
  5. Fruit of Spirit instead of flesh. Galatians 5:22, 23.
  6. New creature in Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:17; Romans 6:5, 6. (Appeal and prayer.)

Conversion Essential to Salvation

A. How Does the Bible Teach Man's Complete Ruin in Sin? (Romans 3:23.)

1. Man's condition by nature is carnal. Romans 7:14; 1 Corinthians 2:14.

2. Death passed upon all men. Romans 5:12.

3. Man doomed unless saved. Romans 6:23.

4. Conversion necessary for moral man as well as sinner.

  1. Paul needed it despite his zeal and religious education. Acts 9.
  2. Nicodemus was a noble man but needed new birth. John 3:3.
  3. Peter knew teachings of Jesus but needed conversion. Luke 22:32.

5. The human heart is morally bankrupt. Romans 8:7,8.

  1. If our righteousness is as filthy rags, what must our sins look like? Isaiah 1:5, 6.
  2. Paul cried out for deliverance from dead body of sin. Romans 7:24.

Illustration: In this age of miracles one of the most wonderful discoveries is penicillin, the miracle-healing drug developed from plain green mold. But a greater miracle takes place when God can make a new creation from sin-wrecked human lives. 2 Corinthians 5:17.

B. God's Perfect Remedy in Christ-How Is It Provided? (John 1:29; Isaiah 45:22.)

1. Our salvation lies in leaving one family and being born into the other.

  1. Those who are led by the Spirit become the sons of God Romans 8:14.
  2. Impossible to educate anyone into it. We must be born of God. 1 Peter, 1: 23.
  3. Not by works, but according to His mercy He saves. Titus 3:5. Necessary steps in conversion.
  4. Belief. John 1: 12.
  5. Repentance. Acts 3: 19.
  6. Confession. 1 John 1:9.
  7. Assurance. Galatians 3:26.
  8. Obedience. Hebrews 5:9.

3. Fruits of conversion. Matthew 3:8.

  1. Living the Christian life daily. 1 John 2:2-6; 5:2, 3.
  2. Dying with Christ daily. Galatians 2:20; 1 Corinthians 15:3 1.
  3. New heart given. Ezekiel 36:26, 27; 1 Samuel 10:6.

4. A complete salvation consists of:

  1. Justification-saved from sin's penalty at conversion. 1 John 4:10.
  2. Sanctification-saved from sin's power. 1 John 1:7.
  3. Glorification-saved from sin's presence at Second Advent. Hebrews 9:28.

Conversion and Predestination

(For Calvinists.)

A. Bible Predestination

1. What does the Bible teach regarding predestination?

  1. We are predestinated in Him. Ephesians 1: 11.
  2. “Predestinated us unto the adoption of children.” Verse 5.

2. How does God's plan help us to understand predestination?

  1. Earth created to be inhabited by obedient. Isaiah 45: 18; 1:19.
  2. Man to replenish the earth. Genesis 1:26-28.

3. How was God's purpose thwarted by sin?

  1. Entrance of sin brought confusion. Genesis 3:1-15.
  2. Result of sin is death. Romans 5:12.
  3. In Adam all have sinned. Romans 3:23.

4. How was man rescued from the fate of sin?

  1. Christ tasted death for every man. Hebrews 2:9.
  2. To everyone that believes. John 3:16; 1 Timothy 2:3-6.

B. Restoration in Christ

1. How was God's eternal purpose to be realized?

To gather together all things in Christ. Ephesians 1: 9, 10.

2. How many are predestinated to eternal life?

  1. “Unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ.” Verses 4, 5.
  2. “Made nigh- through the blood of Christ. Ephesians 2:11-13.
  3. Complete salvation provided for all who accept. Romans 8:29, 30.

3. How did God provide for sin's emergency?

  1. God is love. 1 John 4:8.
  2. Righteous and holy. Psalm 145:17.
  3. God is full of compassion. Psalm 86:15.
  4. In Christ love, justice, and power to save complete. 1sa. 33:22.

C. God Calls All Men to Be Saved.

1. Do all men accept God's offer of free salvation?

  1. Jesus teaches there are two classes. Matthew 25:32, 34, 41.
  2. The majority are heedless of God's call. Revelation 20:8, 9.
  3. God's plan still goes into effect. Isaiah 46: 10; Revelation 21:17.

 2. To how many is God's call of mercy now extended?

  1. Christ stands at the door of each heart. Revelation 3:20.
  2. Whosoever will may accept Christ. Revelation 22:17. NOTE-God calls man by His Spirit, by nature, and by the Bible. God wants our love, but it cannot be forced, just as the child cannot be forced to love its parents by whipping it.

How May We Become Righteous?

A. God's Standard of Righteousness.

  1. What standard of righteousness does Jesus set for us? Matthew 5:48.
  2. What word picture is given of the human heart? Romans 3:10-18.
  3. What the Bible teaches about man's righteousness. Isaiah 64:6.
  4. If we try hard to make ourselves righteous, will that make us perfect? Jeremiah 13:23.

B. Christ's Righteousness Imputed to Us for Past Sins.

  1. “Be perfect.” Since our efforts are of no avail, what then must we do? Isaiah 1: 18.
  2. What first step must we take? Then what does God do? Acts 2:37; 1 John 1:9.
  3. What change now takes place in the old heart of stone? Ezekiel 36:26.
  4. Forgiveness of sins and a new heart is a wonderful experience. But God does even more. What additional gift is provided? Romans 3:22-26. NOTE-His righteousness is available to us through faith. It is a gift just as forgiveness of sins is a gift. Note verse 25. He declares His righteousness for sins that are past. Our righteousness is as filthy rags, but His righteousness is perfect. When He declares His righteousness in place of our past sins, instead of a record of sins forgiven, we have a record of Christ's righteousness.
  5. When we have accepted Christ's righteousness do we stand condemned or accepted? Romans 8: 1, first part.
  6. If we are “in Christ” we are accepted, but what must we do to remain accepted? Verse 1, last part. God's part is to supply righteousness; our part is to walk after the Spirit.
  7. What besides the death of Jesus is necessary for our salvation? Romans 5:10. We have not lived a perfect life, but Jesus did; so the record of His perfect life goes down as our record. This is called imputed righteousness. The word impute means “counted as though it were so.

C. Christ's Righteousness Imparted for Daily Living.

  1. Now we stand perfect in His sight. We do not plan to sin, but if we do, what then? 1 John 2: 1.

Confess, be forgiven, accept His righteousness, and walk in the light. Each moment He supplies His righteousness. This is imparted righteousness. The imputed righteousness of Christ makes the past a perfect record. His imparted righteousness keeps present records perfect as we walk after the Spirit.

2. Although Paul counted himself not to have apprehended, what did he do? Philippians 3:13, 14.

3. Paul did not look perfect to himself, but as he pressed forward, how did God regard him? Philippians 3:14. Illustration: A small green apple may be perfect, but as it grows and develops, it will be more useful and more beautiful. So with the Christian.

4. Does acceptance of Christ's righteousness make any change in our lives? 2 Corinthians 3:18.

As we behold Jesus and realize He is the perfect One, a work of grace takes place in heart and life. We will put forth every effort to choose right and shun wrong-not to be saved, but because we are saved. Grace to live right is imparted as freely as grace was imputed to change the records of our sinful past.

D. God's Righteousness Is Ours by Faith.

May a Christian know he is accepted? 1 John 5:11-13.

Let us remember that this precious provision of Christ's righteousness is available to us only as we do our part. What is our part? 1 John 1:6,7. God helps us to walk in the light as He lets its shine upon our pathway, that we may be perfect in Him. Additional references: Zechariah 3:14; Genesis 7:1; 1 Kings 9:4; Job 1:1; compare 9:15, 20, 21; Luke 1: 5, 6.

Confession and Forgiveness

(For Catholics.)

Emphasis must be placed on godly sorrow for sin, not penance. There must be a thorough understanding of justification by faith, not works. Christ is our only Mediator. Intercession by Mary and the saints is not taught in the inspired canon. The Indulgence also belongs to Rome.

A. Man's Only Saviour Is Christ.

  1. Gulf of sin spanned by Christ's sacrifice. John 12:32.
  2. His righteousness alone atones for sin. Romans 3:25; Isaiah 64:6.
  3. Sinner may come to God direct. Isaiah 1: 18.
  4. No other mediator than Christ. 1 Timothy 2:5; 1 John 2: 1.

B. The Way to God.

1. Repentance, not penance. Acts 2:38.

  1. Repentance precedes forgiveness of sin. Acts 5:31.
  2. Must always be sincere. Luke 18:13.
  3. God's love leads to repentance. Romans 2:4.
  4. Necessary for removal of sin. Acts 3:19.

2. Confession to God.

  1. Confess to God direct. Psalm 32:5.
  2. Through Christ-not Mary, saints, or priests. Hebrews 4:15, 16.
  3. Faults to be confessed one to another. James 5:16.
  4. Forgiveness promised on confession. 1 John 1:9.

3. Justification necessary for forgiveness.

  1. Justification is God's gift. 1 Peter 1: 18, 19.
  2. By faith in Christ. Romans 5:1.
  3. Justification for sins that are past. Romans 3:23-26.
  4. Christ's atoning sacrifice offered once. Hebrews 9:28.

C. Conversion and Freedom From Sin.

  1. True conversion results in transformation of life. Psalm 32:1; 51:1-14.
  2. Works of Satan destroyed by Christ. 1 John 3:8.
  3. Walking after the Spirit. Romans 8:1, 2.
  4. Restored to God without works of penance. Psalm 51:16, 17.

D. Points of Truth Summarized

  1. Conviction comes through God's Spirit.
  2. Repentance is godly sorrow for sin, without penance.
  3. Intercession through Christ, not Mary or saints.
  4. Confession to God direct, not to priest.
  5. Forgiveness pronounced by Christ, not priest.
  6. Justification by God; no place for penance or indulgence.
  7. Continual daily confession of sin.

E. Appeal. (Hebrews 10:22,23.)

Additional references: Hebrews 10:19-22; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Romans 4:6-8; Galatians 2:16.


Baptism and the New Life

(For Protestants.)

A. Introduction

1. Greatest facts of gospel.

  1. Christ died for our sins.
  2. He was buried and rose again.

2. These facts represented in true form of baptism taught in the Bible.

B. Is Baptism Necessary to Salvation?

  1. “He that believes and is baptized shall be saved. Mark 16:16; 1 Peter 3:21.
  2. Part of Christ's commission. Matthew 28:19.
  3. He set the example for us. Mark 1:9.

C. What Are the Requisites for Baptism?

  1. Repentance. Acts 2:38.
  2. Belief based on instruction. Mark 16:15 16.
  3. “If thou believes with all your heart.” Acts 8:34-37.

(These requisites would exclude infant baptism and baptism for the dead or for any others who are not in a condition to under stand what is being done.)

D. What Is the Meaning of Baptism?

  1. Sins washed away. Acts 22:16.
  2. Buried with Christ into His death, raised with Him to walk in newness of life. Romans 6:3-5. (Baptism God's divinely appointed memorial of the resurrection of Christ.)
  3. Baptism a public profession of faith in the Savior. Galatians 3:27.
  4. United with the body of Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:12, 13.

E. The Bible Mode of Baptism?

1. One baptism. Ephesians 4:5.

2. Baptism meaning immersion. (See Source Book, pages 75-77.)

  1. Luther: “Baptism is a Greek word; in Latin it can be translated immersion, as when we plunge something into the water that it may be completely covered with water.”
  2. Calvin: “The very word 'baptize,' however, signifies to immerse; and it is certain that immersion was observed by the ancient church.-
  3. Neander: “In respect to the form of baptizing, it was in conformity with the original institution and the original import of the symbol, performed by immersion.”

3. After His baptism Christ came up out of the water. Mark 1: 9-11.

4. John baptized where there was much water. John 3:23.

5. Philip and eunuch both went down into water. Acts 8:38.

6. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost associate in converting sinner. Matthew 28:19.

F. What Experience Should Follow Baptism?

  1. “Walk in newness of life.” Romans 6:4, last part.
  2. No longer live to sin, but to the will of God. 1 Peter 4:2.
  3. Grow in grace. 2 Peter 1:5-11.

The Experience of Baptism

A. What Is Baptism?

  1. “Apart from Christ, baptism is a worthless form.” Desire Ages 181.
  2. Having read, heard, and believed God's Word to repentant sinners (Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:16), you now desire to witness publicly to your acceptance of the “everlasting gospel.” (Revelation 14:6), because it  is “the faith which was once delivered unto the saints” (Jude 3), and now held by the faithful remnant acclaimed by Christ at His second appearing (Revelation 14:12; 2 Thessalonians 1:10).
  1. In all things you covenant to walk as He walked! 1 John 2:6.
  2. Jesus was baptized (Matthew 3:13-16), though He “knew no sin' (2 Corinthians 5:21). Therefore He had no sins to “wash away.” Acts 22:16; John 15:10.
  3. Now we know that baptism is that outward symbol of the washing away of our sins in the blood of Jesus. Revelation 1:5; 1 John 5:6; Matthew 26:28; Mark 1:4.

B. What Are the Bible Examples of True Baptism?

  1. The full righteousness of God would not have been met had Jesus not suffered Himself to be baptized. Matthew 3:13-15; 1 Peter 2:21; 1 John 2:6.
  2. He was baptized in the river Jordan. Mark 1:9-11.
  3. The divine relationship existing between Father and Son, it will be noted, was not attested to until after the public baptism of Jesus. The Son of God must “fulfil all righteousness.” “Suffer it to be so now.” Matthew 3:15-17. “His time had come!” Desire Ages 109.
  4. John led the Savior down into the Jordan, and buried Him beneath the water. “And straightway coming up out of the water, Jesus saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon Him.” Desire Ages 111. Hundreds of years before (Isaiah 61:1), this very occasion had been foretold by the prophet. Later Jesus claims His authority in His personal fulfillment of and as the Word. Luke 4:14-21; John 1: 14.
  5. In our immersion we acknowledge Jesus' death and resurrection for us! Romans 6:3, 4.
  6. We have assurance that “if we have been planted together in the likeness of His death, we shall be also in the likeness of His resurrection.” Romans 6:5.
  7. Apostles also taught and administered rebaptism. Acts. 19:1-5.

C. Repentance Before Baptism-How Important?

  1. True sorrow for sin precedes conversion, baptism, and the reception of the Holy Ghost. Acts 3:19; 2:38.
  2. The Ethiopian eunuch was immersed in a pool “toward the south unto the way that goes down from Jerusalem unto Gaza, which is desert- (Acts 8:26), at his own request, and upon his full statement of belief in the Son of God. (Acts 8:36-39.)

D. Appeal

1. In compliance with the command of Jesus in Mark 16:15, you have had “the gospel” preached (or taught) to you. Do you now accept the challenge He gives you in verse 16? He that believes and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believes not shall be damned.” “And now why tarries thou? Arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord.” Acts 22:16.

Is Infant Baptism Scriptural?

(For Catholics.)

A. Christians Must Follow the Scriptures.

  1. “Believes as the scripture bath said.” John 7:38; 10:35.
  2. “In vain the teach the commandments of men.” Matthew 15:9, 3; 22:29.
  3. Significance of Scriptural baptism.
  1. Washing away of sin. Acts 22:16.
  2. Dying, being buried, resurrected in Christ. Romans 6:3-6.
  3. Witnessing for Christ publicly. 1 Peter 3:21.

B. Infant Baptism Unscriptural

1. Steps necessary for baptism.

  1. Instruction. Mark 16:15.
  2. Understanding leading to contrition. Acts 2:37, 38.
  3. Sorrow unto repentance. 2 Corinthians 7:9, 10.
  4. “Believes with all your heart.” Acts 8:37.
  5. Joining Christ's church on earth. 1 Corinthians 12:12, 13.

2. Why infant does not need baptism.

  1. Infant does not know right from wrong. Deuteronomy 1:39.
  2. God's law and sin unknown to child. Romans 7:7; 1 John 3:4.
  3. Sin not imputed where no law. Romans 5:13.
  4. Sinner must choose new master; child cannot choose. Romans 6:6-18.

3. Problem of Inherited sin.

  1. Master's teaching regarding children. Luke 18:15-17; Matthew 18:1-6.
  2. Consciousness of sin with child's growth. Romans 7: 9, 10.
  3. Parents must train child's conscience. Proverbs 22:6.
  4. With manhood, new responsibility to God. Luke 3:21,23; 1 Corinthians 13:11.
  5. Jesus paid for all sin (original sin included). Romans 5:8, 9.
  6. “Everyone according to his ways,” not Adam's sin. Ezekiel 18:20,30.

C. Scriptural Mode of Baptism

  1. “One Lord, one faith, one baptism.” Ephesians 4:5.
  2. Symbols: death, burial, resurrection. Colossians 2:12, 13; Romans 6:3-6.
  3. Candidate and administrator both enter and leave water. Acts 8:38, 39.
  4. Example of Jesus' baptism. 1 Peter 2:21; Matthew 3:13-17; John 3:23.

The Sanctuary and the Law

The problem of sin and atonement in Christ is best presented to the reader through a study of the sanctuary. Here the way to Christ may be beautifully taught by means of the Bible's illuminating types and shadows. God's plan and purpose is clearly revealed in these lessons to ancient Israel. The teacher has the opportunity to keep building truth on the atoning sacrifice of Christ. Sin is seen in its proper relationship to it, and conversion becomes a need. To “make an end of sin” (Daniel 9:24) is the objective. The foundation principles of the gospel-confession, atonement, consecration, sanctification, and glorification-here have their proper setting. The significance of the investigative judgment, a new truth, will be understood in the light of the typical Day of Atonement. It reveals God's immutable law even before the Sabbath message is studied. The sanctuary truth is basic in an understanding of the three messages. It is the very heart of our complete message and should not be left for a later presentation in the series.

Verbatim Study on the Sanctuary Service

The sanctuary service reveals to us the wonderful love of our Savior, the love of One who died that all may have salvation. Turning to Acts 4, verse 12, we read that “there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. In spite of this, many people, rich and poor, think they can buy salvation; but salvation is a gift. It is free. Peter says in his first epistle, the first chapter, verses 18 and 19, that we are not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold; but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot.

In the beginning God made a perfect world; He planned that it should continue as such, but sin came and marred that which God had made perfect. Now the great plan of salvation came into operation. John 3:16 tells us, “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” This plan of salvation introduced the great sacrificial service, for we are not redeemed with silver or gold, but by the precious blood of the Lamb.

Wherever the people of God built an altar and sacrificed a lamb thereon, God met with the sinner. As Moses led the children of God out of Egypt to the land of Canaan, God spoke to him about the matter of worship. In Exodus 25:8 we read that God told Moses to have the people make Him a sanctuary where He could meet with them and commune with them, and He told Moses to make it after the pattern shown him in the mount. (Verse 40) What kind of pattern was this? Hebrews 8:5 tells us that it was a shadow of the heavenly, a miniature of the heavenly sanctuary.

This sanctuary was divided into two apartments. (Exodus 26:33) [Draw a sketch.] It was a large room divided by a beautiful, hand-embroidered curtain, separating the holy from the most holy place.

What kind of furniture was placed in the sanctuary? First of all, we read in Exodus 26:34 that the ark of the testimony, with the two cherubim above the mercy scat, was placed in the most holy apartment. Hebrews 9:3-5 mentions that the ark of the covenant held the golden pot that contained manna, and Aaron's rod that budded, also the tables of the covenant. [Indicate on sketch.] The Lord met with His people between the two cherubim above the mercy seat. In the holy place we find several articles. (Note Exodus 40:22-33) Verse 22 says that the table of show bread was placed on the north side. [Indicate on sketch.] Jesus says, “I am the bread of life.” John 6:35.

Between the tent of the congregation and the altar the laver was placed, where the priests could wash daily before entering the tabernacle. Christ has promised to wash away our sins if we come in faith, and to present us before His Father in heaven. We now have before us a sketch of the sanctuary.

This sanctuary was made so that it could be taken down and folded up neatly, and easily carried when the children of God moved. The high priest went into the holy place every day to burn incense before the Lord while the offering was burning on the altar in the court where the morning and evening sacrifice was made. (Numbers 28:3, 4; Exodus 29:38-46) A double offering was made on the Sabbath. (Numbers 28:9)

Besides this the people daily brought sacrifices-sin offerings (Leviticus 4:27-30), peace offerings, thank offerings, et cetera. The sinner would lay his hand on the offering, transferring in type his sin to the lamb. Then he himself would slay it, and the priest would take the blood and sprinkle it, or take part of the flesh and cat it. Thus was the sin transferred in type to the priesthood and the sanctuary. (Leviticus 4; 6:2430; 1 Peter 2:24) Yes, it does make one shudder at the thought of slaying a lamb, but God wanted to impress upon the sinner the awfulness of sin, and how Christ, the true Lamb, would suffer for us.

The greatest day of all came once a year-the Day of Atonement. (Exodus 30:10.) This day ended the year's rites and sacrifices. Before this great Day of Atonement all were to prepare themselves spiritually. (Leviticus 16:29, 30) just picture this great day-all the congregation before the tabernacle in fear and trembling, pleading in their hearts that God would accept their sacrifice and cleanse them from all sin. The priest, after offering a sacrifice for the priesthood, would take two goats and cast lots at the gate of the tabernacle, one goat for the Lord and the other for Azazel, or the devil. The Lord's goat was offered as a sacrifice. (Leviticus 16:15,16) The blood was taken by the high priest into the most holy place and sprinkled before the mercy seat. [Indicate.]

As the high priest came out of the most holy place he would linger awhile in the first apartment, then proceed to the gate of the tabernacle, and place his hands on the head of the live goat (Azazel). This goat typified Satan, the instigator of all sin. just as Satan will perish for his sin at the end of the millennium, so the live goat in type was left to perish in the wilderness. (Leviticus 16:20-22) Notice that the goat representing Christ was slain as an offering for sin, but the live goat representing Satan was not sacrificed but perished. The final responsibility for all sin must eventually revert back to its originator, Satan. All unforgiven sinners will then perish with him. Only then are the works of Satan completely destroyed. (1 John 3:8) What a significant lesson!

The candlestick was placed on the south. [Indicate.] Jesus says, “I am the light of the world.” John 8:12. Right before the veil the golden altar of incense was placed [indicate], whereon sweet incense was burned and ascended up before God, just as the prayers of the saints ascend as sweet incense before the throne of God. The altar of burnt offering was placed by the door of the tabernacle of the congregation. On it the lamb was offered as a burnt offering unto the Lord. This reminded the people of the promise of a Savior, Jesus the true Lamb who would one day be slain for their salvation.

All this was a “figure for the time” (Hebrews 9:9, 10), and pointed forward to the sacrifice of Christ, the true Lamb. [Stand a book up on the table and draw attention to its shadow.] When the people offered the lamb, they lived in the shadow of the cross; then when type met anti type, it all came to an end. (Matthew 27:50, 51) Christ, the true Lamb was slain.

Now, this side of the cross, we partake of the communion service thus showing the Lord's death till He comes. (1 Corinthians 11:26) Baptism is evidence of believing in the cleansing and resurrecting power of Christ. We also have the privilege of evening and morning worship. We now have a High Priest, Jesus Christ the righteous; He is pleading for us before the throne of God in the heavenly sanctuary. (Hebrews 9:23-26) When He lays down His priestly robes and dons His kingly robes, probation will have closed; it will then be too late to be saved. Now is the day of our salvation.

Mrs. Brown, Christ is pleading for you before the heavenly Father. Will you respond to His pleading call? We know when Christ entered the most holy place, but we do not know when He will come out. Not even the angels in heaven know. (Matthew 24:36) But this we do know, that when probation closes, the plagues will fall; then it will be too late for salvation to be sought.

In the end sin and sinners will be destroyed, just as the live goat was taken into the wilderness to die. Let us live faithfully day by day so that when Christ comes to our names in the book of life, He will be able to confess us before the Father. Always remember that “in such an hour as you think not the Son of man comes.” Matthew 24:44.

Next week we shall find out when Christ entered the most holy place in the heavenly sanctuary.

Lessons From the Sanctuary

Text: Psalm 77:13. Where is God's plan of atonement revealed to us?

A. The Earthly Sanctuary.

1. Apartments and furniture.

  1. What did God command Israel to build? Exodus 25:8, 9.
  2. How many apartments did it have? Exodus 26:33.
  3. What furniture? Hebrews 9:1-5.

2. Daily service.

  1. What service in holy place in behalf of sinner? Leviticus 4:27-31. Why was this necessary?
  2. What is sin? 1 John 3:4.
  3. What is the penalty for sin? Romans 6:23.
  4. What is the only hope for the sinner? Hebrews 9:22.

3. The typical Day of Atonement.

  1. How often was atonement made in the most holy place? Hebrews 9:7.
  2. Purpose of service on Day of Atonement (At-one-ment). Leviticus 16:29, 30.
  3. Describe cleansing of sanctuary. Leviticus 16:5, 7-9, 15-21.
  4. What kind of day was this? (Day of judgment.) Leviticus 23:27-29.

4. Only a shadow of good things to come.

  1. Of what was work of Levitical priests an example and shadow? Hebrews 8: 4, 5.
  2. Did this service actually remove sin? Hebrews 10: 1-4.
  3. What, then, was its object? Hebrews 9:9-12.
  4. What sign showed that services in earthly sanctuary should end? Matthew 27:50, 51.

B. The Heavenly Sanctuary.

1. Atonement in first apartment.

  1. Of what was the earthly sanctuary a type? Hebrews 9:23, 24.
  2. How is the heavenly sanctuary described? Hebrews 8:2.
  3. When door of holy place opened, what was seen before throne in heaven? Revelation 4:1, 2, 5.
  4. How is the altar of incense described? Revelation 8:2, 3.
  5. What was seen in most holy place? Revelation 11:19.

2. Christ our high priest in heaven.

  1. Who is our high priest? Hebrews 4:14.
  2. Who ministers in heavenly sanctuary? Hebrews 8: 1-4.
  3. What is Christ doing in heaven? Hebrews 9:24.
  4. How do we receive forgiveness? Hebrews 9:12-14; 1 John 1:9.

3. Atonement in second apartment.

  1. How is record of sin blotted out? Hebrews 9:23-26; Acts 3:19, 20.
  2. When did this cleansing begin? Daniel 8:14.
  3. How was this event revealed to Daniel? Daniel 7:9, 10.

C. Significance of Judgment Hour

  1. Message to prepare men for event. Revelation 14:7.
  2. Will man have another chance after this cleansing is finished? Revelation 22:11, 12.
  3. What should we now do with our sins? 1 Timothy 5:24.
  4. For whom only does Christ's blood atone? Hebrews 7:25.

Meaning of Types and Antitypes

A. Introduction

Review and tie in with 2300 days of preceding study. Suggest we will learn today what the cleansing of the sanctuary involves.

  1. What was the purpose of tabernacle in the wilderness? Exodus 25:1,8.
  2. Who provided its pattern?
  1. Exodus 25:9,40. The pattern provided by God.
  2. Hebrews 9:2-5.The furnishings.
  3. Hebrews 9:6-10. Order of service.

B. What Was the Meaning of the Sin Offering?

  1. Leviticus 4:3,4,22-24,13-15,27-29. Brought a sin offering without blemish, confessed sin over it, killed it.
  2. Leviticus 4:5, 6, 16, 17; 10: 17, 18. Priest ministered for sinner. Figuratively carried sin into sanctuary.
  3. Leviticus 4:20, 26, 31. Sin forgiven; sinner reconciled to God.

C. What Disposal Was Made of Sin on Day of Atonement? Leviticus 16:5, 7-10, 15, 16, 20-22. Cleansing of the sanctuary.

D. How Did the Cross Affect This System of Offerings?

1. What happened when type met antitype?

  1. Daniel 9:27. “Cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease.”
  2. Matthew 27:50, 51. The veil of the temple rent.
  3. Colossians 2:17. “A shadow of things to come.”

2. What is meant by the new-covenant relationship?

  1. Hebrews 8:1, 2. Christ a minister of the true and heavenly sanctuary.
  2. Hebrews 9:20, 23, 24. The earthly sanctuary was a type, figure, pattern, or shadow of the heavenly, “now to appear in the presence of God for us.”

E. What Is the Anti-typical Day of Atonement? 1. Who is our great High Priest? Hebrews 8: 1, 2.

  1. Colossians 1: 12-14. “In whom we have redemption through His blood.”
  2. Acts 3:19, 20; Daniel 7:9, 10. Sin blotted out; investigative judgment.
  3. Hebrews 9:28. Christ shall appear second time without sin unto salvation.
  4. Daniel 8:14; Revelation 22:12. When will atonement for sin be completed?

F. Appeal

  1. 1 John 1:9. God's faithful promise is to forgive and cleanse.
  2. Zechariah 3. The Lord is our righteousness.
  3. 1 Timothy 5:24. Make sure our sins are now under the blood.

Sanctuary and the Atonement

A. Location

  1. Where is God's true sanctuary? Hebrews 8:2; Psalm 102:19.
  2. To whom was its pattern given? Hebrews 8:5; Exodus 25:8, 9.

B. How Is the Earthly Sanctuary Described? Hebrews 9:1-5.

C. What About Its Daily Service? Exodus 29:38-42; Numbers 28:1-10.

There were daily burnt offerings for the nation. Also burnt offerings for individuals. See Leviticus 1-4.

1. In type.

a. What took place in the court of the earthly sanctuary?

  1. Sacrifice slain by sinner at brazen altar.
  2. Sinner confessed his sin.
  3. Blood sprinkled “round about the altar.” Leviticus 1:4, 5; 4:25-30.

b. What was the significance of its service?

  1. Priest administered shed blood at brazen altar.
  2. Sinner forgiven.
  3. In type record of sin remained in holy place.
  4. Holy place entire sanctuary enclosure-court and tent.

 2. In antitype.

a. What lessons are taught by the court of the sanctuary?

  1. Christ slain here on earth. John 1:29.
  2. We must confess before His sacrifice can help us. 1 John 1:7-9.

D. What Lessons Are Taught by the Heavenly Holy Place?

  1. Christ is our high priest. Hebrews 3: 1; 8: 1, 2; 9:11.
  2. Glimpse of heavenly service. Revelation 8:3, 4.
  3. Forgiveness promised. Hebrews 8:12.

Christ began His heavenly ministry when He ascended into heaven. John saw Him in the first apartment of the heavenly sanctuary. (Revelation 1:13.) Even though Calvary was a finished “Christ ever lives to make intercession.” Hebrews 7:25, Until every blot and remembrance of sin is eradicated, He is our great high priest.

E. What Was the Meaning of the Yearly Service? (Leviticus 16; 23:26-32.)

 1. Its significance in the most holy place on earth (type).

  1. Service conducted before ark.
  2. High priest offered bullock for his sins first.
  3. He offered goat for cleansing of people.
  4. Both sanctuary and people cleansed.
  5. Sins thus removed placed on head of scapegoat to be separated forever from camp of Israel (Azazel).
  6. Leaving the most holy signal for great rejoicing of those whose sins were blotted out; mourning for those who had neglected opportunities to put away sin.
  7. Complete cleansing from sin typified.

2. What is Christ now doing in the most holy in heaven (antitype)?

  1. Service conducted before throne of God.
  2. Christ offers Himself as sin-bearer. Hebrews 7:26, 27.
  3. Christ presents Himself as sinless one. Hebrews 9:25, 26.
  4. Heavenly things must be purified. Hebrews 9:23.
  5. God's people made clean. Revelation 7:14; 1 Timothy 5:24.
  6. Sins forever removed; Satan bears his share. Revelation 20:2, 3.
  7. Christ returns for His people. Hebrews 9:28.
  8. Too late for repentance. Revelation 22:11, 12.

F. What Is the Lesson of the Most Holy Place?

Now, while our High Priest is officiating in the inner apartment, within the second veil, let us accept His invitation and enter in with Him to the victorious experience of having made an end of sinning. Hebrews 6:19, 20; 10: 19, 20.


The 2300-Day Prophecy

(To meet the BC to AD problem.)

A. Introduction

  1. Jews had fulfilled about 68 of their 70 allotted years of captivity.
  2. Eighth chapter of Daniel was written during the rule of Babylon.
  3. In the ninth chapter Medo-Persia is ruling, but Daniel is still in the employ of the government.
  4. Daniel, an old man, has his vision by the banks of the river Ulai.

B. Daniel Saw Four Symbols.

1. Ram: Medo-Persia. Dan. 8:3, 4, 20.

  1. “Two horns." (1) Media. (2) Persia.
  2. "Higher came up last." Persian side came into power last and was the stronger.
  3. "Became great." Became a world empire.

2. He goat: Greece. Daniel 8:5-8, 21.

  1. Feet "touched not the ground." Conquered so swiftly.
  2. "Notable horn between his eyes." Represented Alexander, the first king.
  3. "Waxed very great." Greece conquered Persia at the Battle of Arbela 331 BC, and became even stronger than Persia.
  4. "Horn was broken."
  5. Four horns came up. Twenty-two years after Alexander's death his four leading generals divided the empire into four parts-north, south, east, west.

3. Little horn: Rome. Daniel 8:9, 10, 22-25.

  1. “Waxed exceeding great.” Through Macedonia came Rome in 168 BC, in which empire the Papacy developed. Papal Rome became exceeding great.
  2. “Cause craft to prosper. Under papal Rome selling of indulgences, etc. introduced.

4. 2300 days to the cleansing of the sanctuary. Daniel 8:14, 26, 27.

  1. Daniel fainted before Gabriel could explain this symbol.
  2. Astonished at the terrible deeds of the little horn.

C. Daniel Prayed for Explanation of 2300 Days.

1. Seventy years' captivity was the result of Israel's sins.

  1. Daniel evidently thought sanctuary mentioned was one at Jerusalem, and that God would extend their captivity.
  2. He confesses his sins and the sins of his people. Daniel 9:3-5, 19,20.

2. Gabriel tells him to consider the vision where he had left off explaining. Daniel 9:21-23. (At the 2300 days.)

D. 2300 Days Explained.

1. A prophetic day is a literal year. Numbers 14:34; Ezekiel 4:6. 2300 days = 2300 years. (Cite authority. See Source Book, page 609.)

2. 70 weeks of 2300-day period allotted to the Jews. Daniel 9:24.

  1. Daniel's people the Jews.
  2. Determined means “cut off.” Source Book, page 554.
  3. Jews given 70 prophetic weeks.
  4. 70 weeks=490 years.

3. 69 weeks to the Messiah. Daniel 9:25.

  1. Messiah means “anointed.” John 1:41, margin.
  2. Christ anointed at His baptism. Acts 10: 38.
  3. Therefore this dates to His baptism, not His birth or crucifixion.
  4. 69 weeks=483 years.
  5. The first seven prophetic weeks of this time to rebuild Jerusalem after the captivity.

4. Messiah cut off. Daniel 9:26. Crucified after His baptism.

5. Crucified in the midst of the week. Daniel 9:27, first part.

a. The “sacrifices” typified the crucifixion of Christ.

  1. God showed these were to “cease” at the death of the true Lamb. Daniel 9:27; Matthew 27:51.
  2. 70 weeks cut off for the Jews; 69 weeks to reach the baptism of Christ.
  3. One week, seven literal years, between these events.
  4. “Confirm the covenant with many for one week.” Christ and apostles (Hebrews 2:3) directed their ministry to the Jews.
  5. Christ's crucifixion in the “midst of the week.” His ministry, 3 and 1/2 years.

6. 2300 years to cleansing of sanctuary.

  1. 490 years to cutting off of Jews.
  2. 1810 years from cutting off of Jews to cleansing of sanctuary.

7. Prophecy begins with decree to restore Jerusalem, 457 BC. Daniel 9:25; Ezra 7:12, 13.

  1. Decrees were made by three kings, but only the decree of Artaxerxes granted all called for in the prophecy and went into effect. Ezra 6:14. (Source Book, pages 554, 555.) (Begin here to fill in dates on diagram.)
  2. Work began about one-half year later. Ezra 7:9.
  3. It would be 456 and 1/2 BC. (Source Book, page 435.)
  4. Jewish year begins in the spring. (Exodus 12:2.) Brings prophecy to the fall of the year.

8. Christ baptized AD 27. Matthew 3:16, 17.

  1. 483 years to Messiah. 456 1/2 BC the decree went forth. AD 26 and 1/2, which is literally the fall Of AD 27.
  2. Proof: A child born in the fall of 3 BC would be 6 years of age in the fall Of AD 4, and not in AD 3, as one would think. (Each section represents a year.)'
  3. Another illustration:

If the decree had gone forth January 1, 457 BC, it would have ended December 21, AD 26. But it was in the fall of the year that the decree went forth. Therefore the 457 and 26 must each be pushed ahead three fourths of a year, making it run into the fall Of AD 27.

"In the Christian era the years are simply distinguished by the cardinal numbers; those before Christ being marked BC (Before Christ), and those after Christ AD (Anno Domini). Chronologers, in conformity with common notions, call the year preceding the [first of our] era 1 BC, the previous year 2 BC, and so on." - Encyclopedia Britannica (11th ed.), vol. 6, p. 313b, art. "Chronology."

9. Christ's ministry exactly 31/2 years.

  1. Four Passovers from baptism to crucifixion. John 2:13; 5: 1; 6:4; 13:1.
  2. Passover came in the spring.

First Passover spring AD 28-preached 1/2 year.
















3.5 years.

c. Baptized in the fall.

10. Jews "Cot off.” AD 34. Acts 8: 1-5; 13:46.

a. Christ baptized AD 27.

One week 7 years AD 34

b. Four events marked cutting off of Jews.

  1. Stoning of Stephen.
  2. Persecution of Christians.
  3. Conversion of eunuch.
  4. Apostles turned to Gentiles.

11. Sanctuary cleansed fall of 1844.

Jews cut Off AD 34.

E. 1844 Disappointment

  1. People mistakenly thought earth was sanctuary.
  2. Could be cleansed only with fire.
  3. Christ must come October 22, 1844, to take the righteous home.
  4. When Christ did not come, thousands ridiculed Advent hope.
  5. Some searched for the meaning of the "cleansing." Found consolation in Revelation 10.
  6. After bitter experience to "prophesy again." Revelation 10:11. (In our next lesson we will learn the great truth they discovered.)

You Have an Appointment With God!

A. Introduction

God has appointed a day to judge the world. Acts 17:31. Before an earthly court convenes, its session is announced. God made a similar Provision. Important that we understand its significance.

B. What Does the Bible Teach Regarding the Time of the Judgment?

  1. Time foretold about 600 years before Christ. Daniel 8:14. [Review briefly.]
  2. Judgment still future in Paul's day. Acts 24:25.
  3. Message announced judgment hour had come. Revelation 14:6, 7.
  4. It began at the house of God. 1 Peter 4:17.

C. How Is the Judgment Described?

  1. Daniel in vision foresaw the judgment. Daniel 7:9, 10.
  2. All must appear before the judgment scat of Christ. 2 Corinthians 5: 10.
  3. We are judged from the books. Daniel 7: 10.
  1. Book of remembrance. Malachi 3:16.
  2. Book of life. Revelation 20:12, 15; 3:5; Acts 3:19; Exodus 32:33.
  3. Book of death. Psalm 69:28.

D. How Is God's justice Then Revealed?

  1. His holy law the basis of the judgment. Ecclesiastes 12:13, 14.
  2. Jesus our substitute and mediator. Romans 5:8, 9; 1 John 2: 1.
  3. Each judged according to his opportunities. Luke 12:47, 48.
  4. God recognizes our environment. Psalm 87:4-6.
  5. More tolerable for Tyre than unfaithful believers. Luke 10: 13-15.
  6. He judges the very secrets of men's hearts. 1 Corinthians 4:5.

E. How May We Prepare for This Solemn Event?

  1. Accepting God's provision for sinners. 1 John 1:7, 9.
  2. Sending our sins beforehand into judgment. 1 Timothy 5:24.
  3. Placing our case in Jesus' hands. Luke 12:8, 9.

F. Appeal

  1. We individually have the most urgent appointment with God.
  2. None can dodge its responsibility.
  3. The hour of this appointment is, now!
  4. Are you making the proper provision for it? [Close with earnest prayer.]

The Investigative judgment

A. The Judgment in Session.

1. Is there a judgment day? Hebrews 9:27.

2. Who is to be judged? 2 Corinthians 5: 10; 1 Peter 4:17.

3. When will the judgment take place?

  1. God has made an appointment to judge this world. Acts 17:30,31.
  2. Judgment was still future in Paul's day. Acts 24:25.
  3. God announced its beginning with a message. Revelation 14:6, 7.
  4. At close of 2300 days. [Review using diagram.]

 4. Where will the judgment be held? Daniel 7:9, 10.

  1. In Father's presence. Psalm 50:6; Hebrews 12:23.
  2. At judgment seat of Christ. 2 Corinthians 5: 10.

5. Who will be man's mediator?

  1. Jesus saves, justifies, and mediates. Romans 3:23-26.
  2. He confesses our names before the Father. Matthew 10:32, 33.

B. The Judgment Determined.

 1. How will each case be decided? Daniel 7: 10; Revelation 20:10, 15.

  1. Book of remembrance-records man's good deeds. Malachi 3:16.
  2. Book of life-names of forgiven sinners. Luke 10:20.
  3. Sin or name of sinner blotted out. Acts 3:19; Revelation 3:5.
  4. Names of non forgiven sinners not in “book of living.” Psalm 69:28; Job 14:17. What standard is used in the judgment? Ecclesiastes 12:13, 14; James 2:8-12. Deeds compared with God's law. Romans 2:6. NOTE-God awaits the harvest of man's deeds. He judges every thought and motive. Jeremiah 17:10; 1 Corinthians 4:5.

C. Close of the Judgment

What takes place at the end of the investigative judgment? Revelation 19:11-16. NOTE-JESUS has then declared each case eternally scaled. Revelation 22:11,12.

D. Appeal

Psalm 32:1, 2, 5; 1 Timothy 5:24, 25. This is a most solemn study. Close with earnest prayer to prepare for the judgment, that our sins may then be covered with Christ's blood.

Is the Law Still Binding?

(Use suitable excerpts showing stand of Protestants and Catholics on God's law. See Source Book, pages 300-307)

A. Relation of Law to Salvation

  1. For what purpose did Jesus come into this world? Matthew 1:21.
  2. What is sin? 1 John 3:4.

B. The Law Given at Sinai Immutable.

  1. What great manifestation attended the giving of this law at Sinai? Exodus 20:18-22.
  2. Who spoke and wrote the law? Exodus 20: 1; Deuteronomy 4:12, 13.
  3. What did Moses say concerning God's speaking directly to Israel? Deuteronomy 4:32, 33.
  4. Did God add anything to the Ten Commandments? Deuteronomy 5:22.
  5. Can man now change the law of God? Deuteronomy 4:2.
  6. Would God Himself change it? Psalm 89:34.

C. The Perfect Law of God.

1. Law is spiritual.

a. What is the nature of God's law? Romans 7:12; Psalm 19:7. NOTE-The law converts the soul, or turns it right about face from the wrong direction to the right direction.

  1. To what is the law compared? James 1:23-25.
  2. What is its purpose? Romans 7:7; 3:20.
  3. How is it possible for an unconverted person to keep God's law? Romans 8:6, 7, 9. 2. Law is comprehensive.
  4. Can we disregard one of the commandments and still be guiltless? James 2: 10.
  5. How much of our duty is comprised in the law? Ecclesiastes 12:13, 14.
  6. Of what is the keeping of the law an expression? 1 John 5:2, 3.
  7. What will be the reward of true commandment keeping? Revelation 22:14.

D. Christ and the Law

1. Jesus kept the law.

  1. Why was the law a delight to Christ? Psalm 40:7, 8.
  2. What does He promise to do for those who desire to keep His law? Hebrews 8: 10.

To seek to keep the law in our own strength is merely bondage, for our nature is against His law. Only when the Lord changes our natures to conform to His nature do we find pleasure indeed in keeping His commandments.

2. Law kept by us through Christ.

  1. We are saved by faith in Christ. He justifies the sinner, imputing the merits if His own righteousness. Christ then provides grace to do God's will. His righteousness is now our title to heaven. Luke 18:13, 14; Isaiah 40:7-9; John 15:4, 5, 10.
  2. We are fitted for heaven by the writing of His commandments in the heart. In this way His righteousness is imparted to us. Hebrews 8: 10.
  3. Two sets of tables. God wrote His commandments on first tables of stone. Later these were broken by Moses to symbolize man's inability to keep law. On the second set of tables God again wrote His law, the same as at first. We must today bring our hearts to the Lord, if we would again have the law written therein. Exodus 34: 1.

ILLUSTRATION: A music-loving little boy desired to attend a musical to be held in his neighborhood. His mother, a widow, assured him it would be impossible, since the price of the ticket was far beyond their meager earnings. He went out to play, and soon was disheveled and dirty in appearance. A neighbor heard of his desire to attend the musical, and presented the mother with a ticket for him. She called him, and in his joy he seized the ticket and started to hurry to the concert hall, for the hour was late. His mother with difficulty impressed him that not only must he have a ticket to get into the hall, but he must also be made presentable. So she cleaned him up, and sent him on his way. However, in his pride of appearance he forgot his ticket, and at the door of the concert hall discovered that appearance alone would not admit him; he must be clean and have his ticket. So we must not only have God's law written in the heart as our preparation for heaven, but we must accept His perfect obedience to the law as our title to heaven. Righteousness imputed and imparted are both necessary.

Should Christians Keep the Law?

The gospel consists of two parts: faith and obedience. The law of God and the gospel should be studied together. Sin is the transgression of the law-made the gospel necessary. The gospel is the good news of salvation from sin through Jesus Christ.

A. How Is the Importance of God's Law Taught for All Times?

  1. Spoken by God and written by Him on two tables of stone. Exodus 20:1-17; Deuteronomy 4:12, 13.
  2. Jesus the author. Nehemiah 9:12-14; 1 Corinthians 10: 1-4.
  3. God does not change; His law is unchangeable. Malachi 3:6; Psalm 89:34.
  4. All God's commandments stand fast forever. Ecclesiastes 3:14; Psalm 111:7, 8.
  5. Keeping commandments sums up our duty to God. Ecclesiastes 12:13.

B. It Necessary Today to Keep the Law?

  1. Jesus did not change God's law. Matthew 5:17-19; Hebrews 13:8.
  2. Jesus Himself kept God's commandments. John 15: 10.
  1. He magnified the law and made it honorable. Isaiah 42:21.
  2. Obedience to the law marks our love for God. John 14:15; 1 John 5:3.
  3. Disobedience to God's law a denial of our faith. 1 John 2:1.
  4. Obedience an act of faith. “Faith without works is dead.” James 2:24-26.

C. What Is the Relationship of the Law and the Gospel?

  1. Jesus had to die to meet claims of law. John 3:16; Romans 6:23.
  2. “Sin is the transgression of the law.” 1 John 3:4.
  3. Jesus came to save us from sin, not in sin. Matthew 1:21.
  4. He had the law in His heart. Psalm 40:8.
  5. He writes the law in our hearts. Hebrews 8: 10.
  6. Entrance into Christ's kingdom requires obedience to God's laws. Isaiah 1: 19; Revelation 14:12; 22:14.

Under the Law, or Under Grace?

A. Introduction

  1. Some people believe that law and gospel are enemies, and that the two cannot work together. They quote Galatians 5:4. Now we want to find out just what relationship exists between the law and the gospel. Are they friends, or enemies, and can we have one without the other?
  2. In order to understand this let us define law and gospel. Law: a divine command or revelation. God's will. Gospel: “the power of God unto salvation.” Romans 1:16.
  3. Establish fact that we believe in grace for the sinner. Explain that grace is provided through Christ. The gospel reveals His grace. Ephesians 2:5,8.

B. Christ Came to Save From Sin.

  1. Saves “His people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21.
  2. What is sin? 1 John 3:4.

C. The Law and Grace

I. There can be no sin without a law to break. Romans 4:15; 7:7. No law, no sin. If no sin, no need of a Savior-no need of grace.

2. Law established by faith. Romans 3:31. God established the law in the universe. Faith in human heart is a law-abiding life.

3. Blending of law and grace in Old Testament, and grace and law in New Testament. Psalm 19:7; Genesis 6:8; Romans 6:14-18; Revelation 22:14,21.

4. Law and sin make grace a necessity. Romans 6:1,2; 3:20,21.

5. Christ came to take away sin, not law. John 1:29; Matthew 5:17.

6. Close relationship between sin and law. James 1:22-25. The lax is our mirror. 1 look into law, and it tells me 1 am a sinner, but it cannot save. It only points me to grace.

7. What does it mean not to be “under the law” but “under grace?” Read Romans 6:14, but we must also read verse 15. [Explain what it means to be under condemnation of the law. Illustration: Man who has broken law. After paying the penalty is free until he breaks the law another time.]

D. Conclusion

  1. People whom God calls saints will be keeping commandments and have faith of Jesus (the gospel). Revelation 14:12.
  2. Remnant church will keep commandments. Revelation 12:17.

The Two Laws and the Gospel

A. Introduction

1. Basis of government-law, a rule of action established by authority.

  1. Laws are established to ensure peace, harmony, order, liberty.
  2. Broken law brings a penalty: suffering, sorrow, bondage, death.

B. God's Basic Ten-Commandment Law

  1. Ecclesiastes 12:13, 14. Government of God founded upon law by which we shall be judged.
  2. James 2:12. Called “law of liberty”; also called “moral law.”
  3. Exodus 3 1: 18. Written by God Himself.
  4. Romans 7: 10; Proverbs 29: 18. Commandments ordained to life and for happiness.
  5. 1 John 3:4. Breaking or transgressing the law called sin.
  6. Romans 6:23, first part. Penalty of sin is death.
  7. Psalm 111: 7, 8. This law stands forever.

C. The Sinner's Hopeless Condition.

Romans 3:23. All have sinned, broken God's law, and are therefore worthy of death.

D. Christ the Atoning Gift of God

  1. Romans 6:23, last part. Eternal life through Jesus Christ.
  2. Genesis 3:15. After Adam and Eve sinned, first promise of plan of salvation.
  3. Luke 2: 10, 11. Jesus is our Savior.
  4. Matthew 1:21. Saves “His people from their sins.”
  5. Acts 4:12. Our only hope of salvation.
  6. Ephesians 1:7. “In whom we have redemption through His blood.”

E. Purpose of the Ceremonial Law

  1. Hebrews 10:4-10; Galatians 3:19. Ceremonial law added to teach atonement work of Christ.
  2. Hebrews 10: 1. Ceremonial law was “shadow of good things to come.
  3. Hebrews 9: 11, 12. Christ our true sacrifice.
  4. Ephesians 2:15; Colossians. 2:14 (Matthew 27:51). Ceremonial law done away with at Christ's death. He paid penalty required for man's breaking the law.

F. Conclusion

  1. John 3:16. Whosoever believes in Him has everlasting life.
  2. Ephesians 2:8. “By grace are you saved through faith.”
  3. Romans 5:1. “Being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

God's Two Laws

A. The Moral Law

  1. The royal law. James 2:8.
  2. Spoken by God to the people. Deuteronomy 4:12, 13.
  3. Written by God's finger on tables of stone. Exodus 24:12; 31:18.
  4. Placed in ark. Exodus 40:20; 1 Kings 8:9; Hebrews 9:4.
  5. Perfect. Psalm 19:7.
  6. Not destroyed but magnified by Christ. Matthew 5:17; Isaiah 42:21.
  7. Stands fast forever. Psalm 111: 7, 8.
  8. Gives knowledge of sin. Romans 3:20; 7:7; 1 John 3:4.
  9. Standard in the judgment. James 2:10-12.

B. The Ceremonial Law.

  1. Law contained in ordinances. Ephesians 2:15.
  2. Spoken by God to Moses, who gave it to the people. Leviticus 1: 1-3.
  3. Written by Moses in a book. Deuteronomy 31:24; 2 Chronicles 35:12.
  4. Placed in the side of the ark. Deuteronomy 31:26.
  1. Made nothing perfect. Hebrews 7:19.
  2. Abolished by Christ. Ephesians 2:15.
  3. Nailed to cross; taken out of way by Christ. Colossians 2:14.
  4. Was instituted in consequence of sin. Leviticus 3-7.
  5. Not the standard in the judgment. Colossians 2:16.

NOTE-By the moral law we know sin. By the ceremonial law we recognize Christ as the remedy for sin.

C. Man's Relation to Moral Law.

  1. Natural man cannot keep it. Romans 8:7.
  2. Man needs new birth to keep it. Ezekiel 36:26, 27.
  3. A Christian lives the law. Psalm 119:34.
  4. A Christian loves the law. 1 John 5:2, 3; Psalm 40:8.
  5. A Christian meditates upon it. Psalm 1:2.
  6. Obedience to it brings happiness. Proverbs 29:18.

D. Conclusion

Let us pray for better understanding of God's law. Psalm 119:18.

Does Grace Dispense With Law?

A. Salvation Is by Grace.

  1. Grace means mercy, pardon, love, kindness. Ephesians 2:4-8.
  2. God has always been gracious. Exodus 34:6; Titus 2: 11.
  3. Men before the cross received the grace of God. Genesis 6:8; Romans 4:14; Exodus 33:12, 16.
  4. All men before the cross would have been lost if that period had been a dispensation of law with no grace. Romans 3:23.
  5. No need of grace since the cross, if there is no law. 1 John 3:4; Romans 4:15.
  6. So from Adam until the present we have law, and sin, and grace. Romans 5:20.

B. What It Means to Be “Under Grace.”

  1. Wrath of God comes upon the disobedient. Ephesians 5:6.
  2. It is when a man is disobedient to the law that he is “under the law.” Romans 3:19.
  3. Grace (mercy) is promised only to those who turn from disobedience to obedience. Exodus 20:6; Romans 2:13; Psalm 103:17, 18; Revelation 22:14.
  4. Grace frees a man from the condemnation of the law but not from its jurisdiction. Romans 6:23; 8:1; 6:1,2.
  5. Read Romans 6:14-16. Reread, substituting the definition of sin (1 John 3:4) for the word sin.

C. Conclusion

  1. We should be thankful for the grace of God. Romans 6:17.
  2. Let us yield ourselves servants to obey. Romans 6:16.
  3. Then the grace of God will not be in vain for us personally. 2 Corinthians 6: 1.

Is the Moral Law Abolished?

(When specific texts need to be clarified.) Text: “Do we then make void the law through faith?” Romans 3:3 1.

A. How to Understand Difficult Texts.

  1. Peter recognized difficulty in understanding Paul's writing. 2 Peter 3:16.
  2. We may know meaning of any doctrine. John 7:17.
  1. Prayer first essential for spiritual understanding. Psalm 119: 18.
  2. Ascertain God's thoughts in texts. Matthew 22:29; Proverbs 14:12.
  3. Always compare scriptures. 1 Corinthians 2:13, 14.
  4. Separate man's opinions from God's. Matthew 15:9.

B. Puzzling Texts Examined.

1. Romans 6:11, 15. Are we now under law, or grace? Galatians 5:4.

  1. Mail's bondage state by nature. Romans 3:19; Galatians 3:22; 1 John 3:4.
  2. Law condemns man to death. Romans 6:23; Galatians 3: 10.
  3. Mail redeemed from curse of law. Galatians 3:13; Hebrews 2:14, 15.
  4. Saved man no longer condemned. Romans 6:11-14.
  5. Grace forgives past sins. Romans 3:25.
  6. Faith accepts forgiveness and justifies sinner. Galatians 3:23, 24.
  7. Justified man under grace obeys law. Romans 6:15, 17, 18; 8:4.
  8. Conclusion No. 1: The law and gospel agree. Galatians 3:21. Grace demands we observe law.

2. Colossians 2:14-17. What was “nailed to the cross”?

  1. The “handwriting of ordinances.” Colossians 2:14; Deuteronomy 31:26.
  2. To what did these ordinances refer? Colossians 2:16. (To “meats” and “drinks,” and ceremonial Sabbaths. See Leviticus 23:37, 38.)
  3. Why were these against us? Hebrews 10: 1; Colossians 2:17.
  4. How were these taken away? Hebrews 10:8, 9; Ephesians 2:15, 16; Matthew 27:51.
  5. Conclusion No. 2: Ceremonial law abolished at cross. Sabbath of moral law still binding.

3. Romans 10:4. Does text state Christ brought an end to obeying ten-commandment law?

  1. Ten Commandments endure forever. Psalm 119:44; Ecclesiastes 12: 13, 14.
  2. To lead to faith ill Christ. Galatians 3:24.
  3. Faith is the purpose of law. Galatians 3:25, 26.
  4. Conclusion No. 3: “Christ is the end [aim, objective, purpose, fulfillment of the law.] Faith leads to better observance of God's law.

C. Summary of Conclusions.

Romans 3:31; Revelation 14:12; 22:14; John 15:10.

  1. Law teaches need of gospel.
  2. Gospel brings obedience to Ten Commandments.
  3. Ten Commandments still binding.
  4. Jesus' followers keep Father's commandments.
  5. Redeemed will be commandment keepers.

Two Laws and Two Priesthoods

(Explaining what was changed at the cross.)

A. God's Two Laws.

1. Laws defined.

  1. God's Ten Commandments.
  2. Moses' precepts, statutes, and laws. 2 Kings 21:8; Deuteronomy 4:13, 14; Nehemiah 9: 13, 14.

2. The Law of God (also known as “Law of Moses”).

  1. Ten Commandments written by God on stone. Deuteronomy 4:12, 13.
  2. Kept in the ark. Deuteronomy 10:5.
  3. Perfect, holy, just, good. Psalm 19:7; Romans 7:12.
  4. To continue forever. Psalm 111:7, 8; Luke 16:17.

3. The Law of Moses (also called the “law of God”).

  1. Consisted of “carnal” ordinances.” Hebrews 9: 10.
  2. Written by Moses in a book. Deuteronomy 31:24.
  3. Kept “in the side of the ark.” Deuteronomy 31:26.
  4. Had its limitations. Ezekiel 20:24, 25.

e. To pass away at the cross. Hell. 9:9-11; Colossians 2:14, 15.

B. The Two Priesthoods. (Hebrews 7:11)

1. Priesthood of Aaron (“Levitical, Mosaic”).

  1. Regulated offerings and sacrifices for sin. Hebrews 5:1; 8:3,4.
  2. Could not bring perfection. Hebrews 7:11.
  3. Could not take away sin. Hebrews 10:1,4,11; 7:19; 1 John 3:4.
  4. Served as an object lesson. Hebrews 9:9, 10.
  5. Christ was its objective, aim, and “end.” Romans 10:4; 1 Peter 1:9. 2. Priesthood of Christ (Melchisedec).
  6. Change of the priesthood from Aaron to Christ. Hebrews 7:11-16.
  7. Christ understood His relationship to this change. Psalm 40:6.
  8. Christ the perfect sacrifice; “separate from sinners.” Hebrews 7:24-27.
  9. His priesthood triumphed over Aaron's. Colossians 2:14, 15.

C. Conclusion

  1. Christ's ministry ended sacrificial system. Hebrews 7:17-19.
  2. Ten Commandments still effective under Christ's priesthood. Matthew 5:17-19; Psalm 40:7,8; 111:7-9.
  3. Christians still obligated to keep the whole law. James 2:8-12. APPEAL: Revelation 22:12,14.

Should Christians Keep the Law?

A. What Is a Covenant?

An agreement between two or more people.

B. What Was the Old, or First, Covenant?

1. God's covenant with Israel.

  1. Basis of covenant the Ten Commandments. Deuteronomy 4:13.
  2. God's proposition with Israel is covenant or contract. “If you will obey you shall be an holy nation.” People responded, “All that the Lord hath spoken we will do.” Exodus 19:5-8.
  3. Moses prepared the people to hear God's voice. Exodus 19:9. God gave commandments one by one. People in great fear. Exodus 20:3-17, 20.
  4. Moses rehearsed commandments to the people. Exodus 24:3. God's proposition given: “If you will obey you shall be an holy nation.” Exodus 19:5, 6.
  5. People again responded, “All the words which the Lord hath said will we do.” Exodus 24:3.
  6. God also gave Moses judgments. Moses explained them. (Written in a book.) Exodus 24:3-8.
  7. Moses read proposition to people in detail from book. Again the people said, “All that the Lord hath said will we do.” Exodus 24:7.

2. How was the old covenant ratified?

  1. After Israel's repeated promise, ratification by sprinkling blood of animal upon people. (This covenant is built upon promises of the people.) Exodus 24:8.
  2. Moses in righteous anger broke the tables of stone when Israel broke the covenant by worshiping a calf. (First two commandments broken.) Exodus 32A, 7-9, 19.

C. What Is the New, or Second, Covenant?

  1. Covenant of grace with all God's children. God next made new covenant; wrote law in hearts. John 17:3. Forgave their iniquity and forgot their sins. Gives eternal life. Jeremiah 31:31-34. Law is no longer on tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of heart. Hebrews 8:6-13.
  2. How was the new covenant ratified?
  1. Ratified by the blood of Jesus Himself. Hebrews 9:14; Matthew 26:26-28.
  2. Law and will the same. Will is also a legal declaration concerning disposal of property after death. Psalm 40:8; Romans 2:18.
  3. “My covenant will 1 not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of My lips.” Psalm 89:34.

d. New covenant upon better promises; Jesus' promises. Hebrews 8:6-13; Jeremiah 13:23; John 15:5.

D. Summary

1. Made with the people of God. Concerning law of God in heart. Established on Jesus' promises. Ratified with His blood. Experiences of those in Christ.

2. Allegorical record explains difference between old and new covenant. Galatians 4:22-26:

  1. Abraham's two wives represent the two covenants. Hagar, bond woman and her son-child of the flesh. Sarah' free woman and her son-child of promise.
  2. Ishmael, Hagar's son of natural birth, represents old covenant; people who try to save themselves by works.
  3. Isaac, Sarah's son of miraculous birth represents new covenant; people who are converted.

3. We are saved by grace only, through faith, “born again.” Ephesians 2:8, 9; John 3:3-7.

E. Conditions of Inheritance Under New Covenant.

  1. “You must be born again.” John 3:7.
  2. To love God with the whole heart. Matthew 22:35-40.
  3. Keep His commandments. Matthew 19:17.

God's Covenant With Israel


Deuteronomy 6:20-25. The Lord brought Israel out of Egypt that they might keep His laws.

Deuteronomy 7:6-11. This fulfilled His promise to their fathers.

Deuteronomy 9:4, 5. The Lord drove the wicked nations out of the land.

Deuteronomy 10: 12-25. He asked only that they love Him and keep His laws.

Deuteronomy 28:1, 13. If they trusted and obeyed the Lord, they should be the head of the nations.

God permitted Israel to be brought into bondage that they might realize the difference between His service and laws and the service and laws of the heathen. Their awful experience as slaves for a century or more should have given them such an aversion to idolatry that they could never have been tempted even to think of a false god.

They were delivered from Egypt that they might trust God and keep His holy law. During their bondage the law which their fathers had known so well and obeyed grew dim in their minds. They mingled with it many false principles which they had learned from the heathen. So God in awful majesty came down on Mount Sinai and repeated His law in its purity and perfection. Then He wrote it on tables of stone that it might be preserved forever unchanged.

The government of Israel was a theocracy. A theocracy is a government in which God is the ruler. He made the laws, and the penalties for breaking the laws. Thus Israel was different from all other nations. God planned that Israel should demonstrate the principles of His kingdom-love, truth, justice, mercy, purity, righteousness, holiness. In these attributes they were to stand far above all other nations. They were to be a light in the world and give the knowledge of God to all people.


Exodus 19:4-6. Promises to Israel if they would keep the covenant.

Deuteronomy 4:12, 13. They were commanded to keep the Ten Commandments.

Exodus 24:3, 4, 7. Israel promised to keep the law.

Hebrews 9:16-19. Covenant to be ratified by blood.

Exodus 24:5-8. This covenant was ratified by the blood of animals.

After Israel heard the law, they made a covenant, or promise, to obey it. In chorus they said: “All

the words which the Lord bath said will we do.” This covenant, to be valid, must be ratified, or made sure,

by the shedding of blood. It was ratified by the blood of animals sprinkled on the people and on the book in

which the law and the covenant were written.


Exodus 32: 1-8. Israel made and worshiped a calf-god.

Exodus 32:30-34. Moses asked God to forgive Israel.

Exodus 33:1-3. The Lord withdrew His presence.

But, alas, in a very short time Israel broke this covenant. They made a golden calf and worshiped it. They said, “These be thy gods, 0 Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.” We wonder why they should fail so soon and so completely, until we remember how we too fail to keep our good resolutions, however sincerely made. It is by these experiences that we learn how weak we are and that we cannot keep God's law by our own strength. We need a Savior who gives power to overcome all evil. This is what Israel learned.

When Moses learned of Israel's sin, he threw down the tables of stone upon which the law was written, and they were broken to pieces. This was a symbol of how Israel had broken the law and the covenant they had made. Moses also removed their place of worship, the tent of the congregation, outside the camp of Israel.


Exodus 33:4-6. The people repented.

Exodus 33:7. Each one sought the Lord alone.

Exodus 33:8-14. He forgave and accepted Israel again as His people. Jeremiah 31:31-34. Under new covenant God writes law in the heart.

Hebrews 8:6-13. Jesus is the mediator of the new covenant.

Each individual repented of his sin. Then he was directed to go out to the tent of the tabernacle. He did not now make vain promises, but confessed his sin and offered a sacrifice that represented the Savior. He asked God to forgive and keep him from sin. Ancient Israel was saved under the covenant ratified by the blood of animals until the new covenant was ratified on the cross by the blood of Jesus.

In doing this, they became once more the children of God under the new, or everlasting, covenant-the covenant that was made with man in the Garden of Eden. This covenant does not depend upon the promises of man, which are like “ropes of sand.” It is “established upon better promises,” even the word of God, who by His Spirit writes the law upon the heart. This covenant was ratified by the blood of Christ.


Ezekiel 20:9-11

Hebrews 10: 15-17

Deuteronomy 27:26

Ephesians 2:11, 12

Jeremiah 32:40

Psalm 105:8-10

Deuteronomy 4:5-9; 15:6

Romans 9:4

Galatians 4:24-31

The Sabbath Reform

The Sabbath truth requires a build-up. It is important to teach God's law in contrast with tradition. The subject, being new to many, bears emphasis and repetition before its importance is well established. Queries will arise, and these will need to be met in a kindly, yet positive way. Christ is the central figure of the Sabbath. His obedience and example are our strongest argument. The everlasting gospel allows for no change in the day of which He is lord. Instruction from the Old Testament must reveal the Sabbath perpetuity of the New. The faith of Jesus includes the keeping of all His commandments. Indeed, it is more than the keeping of a day; the Sabbath is God's eternal plan for sanctifying His children. From Eden lost to Eden restored, the Sabbath must remain!

Memorial of Creation and Re-creation

A. How Does the Bible Record the Existence of All Things?

  1. In the beginning God created heaven and earth. Genesis 1: 1.
  2. Through faith we understand worlds framed by word of God. Hebrews 11:3.
  3. “He spoke, and it was done.” Psalm 33:6, 9.

B. Who Was Associated With God in the Work of Creation?

  1. God created all things by Jesus. Ephesians 3:9.
  2. “By Him [Son, verse 13] were all things created.” Colossians 1: 16.

C. How Is the True God Distinguished From Other Gods? His Memorial?

  1. “The gods that have not made the earth shall perish. He has made the earth.” Jeremiah 10: 11, 12.
  2. “Ask Me concerning the work of My hands.” “God Himself that formed the earth.” Isaiah 45:11, 12, 18.
  3. The Sabbath is God's memorial of creation. God rested, blessed, and sanctified the seventh day for man. Genesis 2:1-3; Psalm 111:4.

D. What Did Paul Teach About Creation?

  1. Men forgot, denied God's creative power. Romans 1:21, 22.
  2. God's creative glory debased by human reasoning. Romans 1:23.
  3. “Truth of God into a lie.” (Moderns taught evolution.) Romans 1:25.

E. What Conditions Exist Today Destroying Faith in Creation?

  1. Men deny creation was by God's word. 2 Peter 3:3-5.
  2. God's last-day call warns all to worship Him. Revelation 14:6, 7.
  3. The Sabbath is still God's memorial of creation. Psalm 111:7-9.
  4. Man to remember to keep it holy. Exodus 20:8-11.

F. When Will God Again Manifest His Creative Power?

  1. “1 create new heavens and a new earth.” Isaiah 65:17.
  2. Regenerated people will inhabit new earth. 2 Corinthians 5:17; Isaiah 35:10; Revelation 21:24.
  3. Sabbath to be kept on this earth. Isaiah 56:1, 2.
  4. Sabbath worship continues in new earth. Isaiah 66:23.

Old and New Testament Sabbath

A. When and by Whom Was the Sabbath Instituted?

  1. Instituted by God through Son. Genesis 2:3; John 1: 1-3, 14.
  2. A memorial of creation. Genesis 2:2, 3; Exodus 20:11.
  3. God blessed Sabbath. Genesis 2:3.
  4. God rested on Sabbath. Hebrews 4:4.
  5. God hallowed the Sabbath. Exodus 20: 11.
  6. Command to keep Sabbath part of God's law. Exodus 20:8-11.

B. What Does the Bible Teach About God's Sabbath?

  1. Abraham kept God's law. Genesis 26:5.
  2. Israel observed Sabbath. Exodus 16:16-26.
  3. Sabbath kept in Isaiah's time. Isaiah 56:1, 2.
  4. In Ezekiel's day. Ezekiel 20:12, 20.
  5. Jeremiah preached observance of Sabbath. Jeremiah 17:22, 27.
  6. Jesus kept Sabbath. Luke 4:16.
  7. Christ's followers kept Sabbath. Luke 23:55, 56.
  8. Paul kept Sabbath. Acts 17:1, 2; 18:1-4.

C. Did Jesus Here on Earth Keep the Sabbath?

  1. Christ is Lord of Sabbath. Mark 2:28.
  2. Jesus regularly kept Sabbath. Luke 4:16.
  3. He healed on Sabbath. John 5:5-9.
  4. Taught lawful to do good on Sabbath. Mark 3:1-5.

D. What Should Be Our Relationship to God's Sabbath?

  1. Sabbath made for man. Mark 2:27.
  2. Sign between God and His people. Exodus 31:17.
  3. Only commandment keepers will enter gates of heaven. Revelation 22:14.
  4. Sabbath throughout eternity. Isaiah 66:22, 23.

Sunday or Sabbath?

Text: Luke 6:46-49. (Building without a foundation.)

A. What Is the Sure Foundation of All Doctrinal Faith?

  1. Doctrine must be grounded on God's Word. Psalm 19:7 (margin); 2 Timothy 3:16.
  2. Not any foundation; Christ the foundation. 1 Corinthians 3:11.
  3. Christians must make certain of foundations. Psalm 11:3.
  4. Commandments of men no substitute for Sabbath. Matthew 15:3, 9, 13.

B. How Does Prophecy Reveal the Origin of Sunday Observance? [Review briefly.]

  1. Daniel 7:25. Rise of blasphemous, lawless, persecuting power.
  2. The little horn.
  3. “Think to change times and laws.”
  4. Obscured truth 1260 years.

[Read Catholic assertions to verify prophecy. See Bible Readings, pages 222, 223. Observe The Ministry for more recent authorities.]

C. What Prophecies Foretell a Last-Day Sabbath Reform?

1. Not a general reform.

  1. Priests to teach God's Sabbath. Compare Ezekiel 44:23, 24; 31:16, 17.
  2. Sabbath will be kept in new earth. Isaiah 66:22, 23.
  3. Sabbath reform before Christ returns. Isaiah 56:1, 2; 58:1-3, 12,13.

2. May we look to ministers to lead out in restoring God's true Sabbath?

  1. Shepherds spiritually confused. Isaiah 56:10-12.
  2. Priests hide eyes from Sabbath. Ezekiel 22:26.
  3. Leaders substitute spurious commands. Ezekiel 13:2, 3, 10, 14.
  4. Cause “many to stumble at the law.” Malachi 2:7-9.

3. Who will restore God's rest day?

  1. A commandment-keeping remnant. Revelation 12:17; 14:12.
  2. Reform associated with world-wide gospel. Revelation 14:6-11; Matthew 24:14.

D. Is the Keeping of the True Sabbath Important?

  1. “Blessed is the man that keeps the Sabbath.” Isaiah 56:2; James 2:10-12.
  2. Binding upon Jews and Gentiles. Isaiah 56:6-8; Mark 2:27.
  3. New Testament as well as Old Testament institution. Hebrews 4:4, 9, 10. Typical of soul rest, eternal rest.

E. Appeal.

Redeemed keep commandments. John 14:15; 15:10; Luke 4:16-18. Isaiah 58:13, 14; Revelation 22:14. Let us riot lose God's promised Sabbath blessing for this life and the life to come.

Will the Sabbath Be Reformed?

[The following study provides conversational argument helpful to the beginner in Bible work. Its direct, positive presentation should be guarded by less experienced workers. This study well meets the needs of the confused mind, for truth today requires action, and many need to be aroused on the Sunday issue. While being specific, the teacher should find a kindly approach.]

The Lord has given in His Word unmistakable evidence of His deep regard for the Sabbath-reform message that is to prepare the inhabitants of the earth for the Second Coming of Christ. Through metaphors and other figures He shows His disapproval of those who, while claiming to be expositors of His Word, teach and act contrary to its commands.

The seventh-day Sabbath will be the battleground of the last and final struggle between truth and error. The clergy of all denominations will be compelled by circumstances to take their stand for the Sabbath of the fourth commandment or the false Sabbath as commanded and taught by the Catholic Church.

The Lord devotes many portions of His Word to entreaties, warnings, and denunciations of those who are entrusted with souls. In the thirteenth chapter of Ezekiel we have a graphic picture of how the clergy of today regards the binding claims of the fourth commandment. Let us proceed to examine each text.

A. False Prophets Fail to Uphold God's Law.

  1. Ezekiel 13:1, 2. Preacher to “hear ... the word of the Lord.” When Bible is laid aside, a man preaches out of his own heart. Listeners not nourished with faith and good doctrine.
  2. Jeremiah 5:13. In absence of the “word,” “wind” (inflation) evident.
  3. Ephesians 4:14. Those deceived by the “wind of doctrine” not established. Prey to false shepherd's un-Scriptural teaching.
  4. Jeremiah 23:21, 22. Ministry a sacred calling. Some not called of God don clerical robes.
  5. Jeremiah 23:31-33. Teaching “lies” causes people to err. No “profit” from man-made doctrines. Isaiah 9:16; 29:13.
  6. Matthew 15:9. “Vain. . . worship.” A travesty upon would-be follower of truth!
  7. Malachi 2:1, 7-9. Priests and ministers “caused many to stumble at the law.” Taught a “partial” law instead of entire Ten Commandments.
  8. Compare Ezekiel 13:3 with Matthew 23. “Woe upon religious teachers of Ezekiel's day. Same condemnation today. Clergy refuse to teach a complete law.

B. Like “Foxes in the Deserts.” Ezekiel 13:4.

Why clergy like “foxes in the deserts “-subtle, crafty, sly. Characteristics of prairie fox: appears out of one of many holes, sits on hind legs and barks. When stone thrown at him, ducks down in hole and springs up from another and barks some more. Repeats procedure when more stones are thrown. Ministers confronted with Bible texts supporting seventh-day Sabbath, take refuge in many alibis Protestants have devised in defense of spurious, un-Scriptural Sunday observance:

  1. Christ rose on first day of week, and therefore we observe it in honor of His resurrection.” Scriptural truth used showing our Lord “rested” in grave on Sabbath, and holy women kept it according to the commandment. Luke 23:51-56. Fact He arose on first day did not make it holy. If Christ intended it be kept to commemorate His resurrection, He would have given command. Metaphorical fox now resorts to many subterfuges, such as “Christ always met with His disciples on the first day.” Emerges and appears until all alibis exhausted. Here are a few:
  2. “We cannot keep the seventh-day Sabbath on a round world.” “We are not under law but under grace.” “We are now under the new covenant.” “The Sabbath was nailed to the cross with the law.”
  3. All such holes of security of little worth in day of God's wrath. Isaiah 28:15, last part.

C. The Gap in the Hedge

1. Ezekiel 13:5. “Gaps” in the “hedge.” Hedge is God's law, an impregnable fortress. Protects the flock from wandering into forbidden paths, keeps the enemy from entering. The gap-one of Ten Commandments, the second, taken out, allowing flock to wander and devourer to invade. Result of tampering with the law and abridging the fourth commandment. People not prepared to “stand in the day of the Lord. When probation ends no protection from seven last plagues.

  1. Ezekiel 13:6. Ministers teaching falsehood not recognized by God. “Others” confirm their doctrine. Hosea 4:6-9.
  2. Ezekiel 13:7. “Foxes” misquote His Word. While tempting Christ, Satan misquoted Scripture. Omitting portion of text artfully conveyed wrong construction to lead Christ into sin. Matthew 4:5,6; Psalm 91:11,12.
  3. Ezekiel 13:8. Deceitfully using Holy Writ to support false doctrine displeases God.
  4. Ezekiel 13:9. What an indictment! Names not in writing of house of Israel. Ezekiel 34:1-10.
  5. Ezekiel 13:10. Text reveals shallowness of peace based upon false premise.

D. The Built-up Wall.

  1. The “wall” refers to man's efforts to fill in the gap made in hedge. Removing true Sabbath by papal church, substituting Sunday as day of worship, constitutes “wall” that was “built up.” “Others daubed it with bad mortar.” Protestant clergy defending Sunday, keeping and plastering it with Bible texts misapplied. Coating will not adhere. Lacks a “Thus said the Lord.” Bible says, “Seventh day is the Sabbath. Catholic Church says, “No.” Claims divine authority for making holy first day of the week. Does not support Sunday from Bible; admits that cannot be done. Protestantism does the daubing, with unsatisfactory mortar.
  2. Ezekiel 13:11. The wall-Sunday keeping-will fall when seventh plague hailstones fall upon inhabitants of earth. What a day of reckoning!
  3. Ezekiel 13:12. Unanswerable question from countless lips of long deceived people. Discover “foxes” have misled them by fraudulent means.
  4. Ezekiel 13:13-15. Lord has borne long with counterfeit Sabbath and false teachers. Forbearance comes to an end. The hand mighty to save then mighty to destroy.
  5. Ezekiel 22:25. “Conspiracy” of prophets (ministers) against the Sabbath. Secretly designing plan to overthrow law of God.
  6. Ezekiel 22:26. “Have hid their eyes from My Sabbaths,” reveals conspiracy by those who claimed to teach people.
  7. Ezekiel 22:27. Destroying souls for -dishonest gain.” Guilty of blood of souls.

E. Daubing the False Wall.

  1. Ezekiel 22:28. Subtlety of daubers: “Thus said the Lord God, when the Lord bath not spoken.”
  2. Ezekiel 22:30. Not finding a man to restore fourth commandment, the Lord raised up separate and distinct people to reveal God's Sabbath and build up the “gap” broken down by Catholic Church. God finds “repairers of the breach!”

F. Repairers of the Gap

  1. Isaiah 58:1. A message for both professing and non professing Christians. “My people” are guilty of “transgression.” Reveals one of God's commandments broken. People must be shown, regardless of church affiliation or piety. “Spare not”, is the command. “Show the house of Jacob their sins.” Jacob stands for unconverted. Genesis 32:28. Nonconformist guilty of breaking more than one. They must be shown their “sins” by calling attention to law of God. Points out sin and points to the Lamb of God.
  2. Isaiah 58:12. Those who give message called builders, “The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.” The “gap,” or breach, in the law of God now being repaired. Attention directed to the fourth commandment.
  3. Isaiah 58:13. Appeal to “take” our feet off Sabbath shows it has been trampled underfoot. Seventh day still holy. Moses asked by God to remove shoes. “Holy ground.” Exodus 3:5. We honor the Lord by taking our feet off His Sabbath and observing day as sacred. Tells us how to keep it-not following our own ways, finding our own pleasure, speaking our own words.

G. The Promised Blessing of Jacob

Isaiah 58:14. To meet God's standard in proper observance of His day, we must give the heart fully to Christ. Such surrender brings its reward. Jacob, homeless and penniless, fleeing as a refugee, made vow to God to ever be true to Him. The Lord provided for his needs and blessed his labors. He will sustain and bless us as we take our stand for His downtrodden Sabbath. Some may have to lose their position, but the promise is, “He will feed thee with the heritage of Jacob.” All heaven will work with us as we carry out His command.

H. Urgency to Return to True Sabbath

  1. Isaiah 56:1. “My salvation is near to come.” Refers to Christ's Second Coming. Hebrews 9:28. “Righteousness to be revealed”-revelation of God's commandments. Psalm 119:172.

“Revealed” indicates commandments kept in obscurity brought to light. Teaching of return of Christ and revelation of God's law closely related.

Not prepared to meet our Lord unless our lives conform to Ten Commandments.

2. Isaiah 56:2. A blessing upon the doer and keeper of the Sabbath!

3. Isaiah 56:3-7. Note promises to all who receive light on the Sabbath.

I. Warning Against Unfaithful Shepherds.

  1. Isaiah 56:10. “Watchmen [clergy] are blind. “Hid their eyes” from God's Sabbath. Ezekiel 22:26. Refuse to teach binding claims of fourth commandment, guilty of supporting the day instituted by Rome. Not alarmed over prevailing iniquity ripening the world for destruction. “Sleeping” and slumbering in carnal security. Parishioners lulled into stupor of death.
  2. Isaiah 56:11. Position, social standing, and salary prevent leaders from understanding. John 10:12,13.
  3. Isaiah 56:12. The “wine” of these false shepherds taken from intoxicating cup of Catholic doctrines. World sipping beverage which benumbs and beclouds sensibilities. God calls us to fountain of life and truth, the Holy Bible. Taking stand for revealed truth clears mind. Discern divine character of His holy law. Prepared for Second Coming of Christ.

J. Appeal.

Ask pupil to surrender his will to God's divine will by taking his feet off the Sabbath. Much is now accomplished by prayer. On bent knees, by faith place his trembling hand in the hand of God. He will lead, strengthen, and uphold those who seek His help.

The Sabbath God's Sign Today

(Origin of Sabbath and New Testament Sabbath combined.)

A. What Day of the Week Did Christ Recognize as His Holy Day?

  1. There is one certain day in the week which Jesus Christ claims as His day. Revelation 1: 10.
  2. What day has Christ especially claimed as His holy day? Mark 2:28.

B. In What Way Is the Sabbath a Sign of God's Creator ship. Exodus 31:14, 17.

  1. The complete Godhead worked together in creation. Genesis 1: 1, 26; Ephesians 3:9; Genesis 1: 2.
  2. Creation distinguishes the true God from false gods. Jeremiah 10:10-12, 16.
  3. Creator ship gives God the right to rule. Psalm 95:6; Revelation 4:11.

C. How Does God's Rest Day Meet Man's Need in All Ages? Genesis 2:1-3; Exodus 20: 10.

  1. The Sabbath was made for man. Mark 2:27.
  2. It was made for Adam as the first man. Genesis 2:1-3.
  3. For Abraham who knew and obeyed God's laws. Genesis 26:5.
  4. For men in Moses' time. Exodus 5:4, 5; Psalm 105:43-45; Deuteronomy 5:7-22.
  5. For men in Isaiah's time. Isaiah 56:1-7; 58:12-14.
  6. For men in Jeremiah’s time. Jeremiah 17:21-25.
  7. For Jesus, the Son of man, and men in His time. Luke 4:16; John 15: 10; Luke 23:52-54.
  8. For Paul and men in his time. Acts 13:14, 42-44; 15:19-21; 16:12,13; 17:1,2; 18:1-4, 11; 24:14; 25:8.

D. What Proves That the Seventh-Day Sabbath Was to Continue?

  1. Jesus recognized seventh day would continue to be the Sabbath after His resurrection and in the new earth. Matthew 24:20; Isaiah 66:22, 23; Revelation 22:14.
  2. Christ gave no permission to substitute a rest day in place of seventh day which He had blessed and sanctified. Matthew 5:17, 18; Deuteronomy 4:2.


E. Why Is the Sabbath a Twofold Sign for the Christian?

  1. Sabbath commemorates redemption as well as creation. Ezekiel 20:12.
  2. Seventh-day Sabbath restored under special last-day message. Revelation 14:6-14,
  3. What day would Jesus keep if living on earth today? He kept the seventh when He was here. Luke 4:16; John 15:10. He has not changed. Hebrews 13:8.

The Seal of God and the Mark of the Beast

A. Introduction

This study reveals the great apostate power of God's government in the final conflict of the church. just before the return of Jesus to this world the preaching of the gospel will emphasize the judgment hour, the worship of the Creator, and the fall of spiritual Babylon. Associated with these events is the most solemn message in the entire Bible-the warning against worshiping the beast and his image, and receiving his mark in the forehead or hand. It is most important that we understand what these warning messages mean.

  1. Warning against mark of beast. Revelation 14:9-11.
  2. Scaling message simultaneous with receiving mark of beast. Revelation 7:1-4.
  3. Meaning of “seal” and “mark.” (Seal, sign, and mark used inter-changeably.) Romans 4: 11; Ezekiel 9:4; Revelation 7:2, 3.

B. What Is the Seal of God? Significance of the Sealing Work?

1. How God seals His servants.

  1. Scaled with the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 1: 13.
  2. Sealed unto the day of redemption.” Ephesians 4:30.

2. Seal is connected with God's law. “Seal the law among My disciples.” Isaiah 8: 16.

3. God's seal is in the fourth commandment-the Sabbath. NOTE-The three essentials of a seal must include name of person issuing seal, official title of person, jurisdiction or dominion over which official rules.

  1. Name- “The Lord thy God.” Title-Maker or Creator. Dominion-heaven and earth. Exodus 20:8-11.
  2. Sabbath a perpetual sign of His lordship. Exodus 31:17, 13; Ezekiel 20:20.

C. What Does the Bible Teach Concerning the Mark of the Beast?

  1. “Mark or sign of opposition to God's “seal.” Revelation 13:16, 17; 14:9, 10.
  2. Roman Catholic Church claims having changed the Sabbath to Sunday as the sign of her power. (Furnish proofs of Catholic Church's claims.)
  3. “Number” of beast. “It is the number of a man;” his number 666. Revelation 13:18. Explain “Vicarius Filii Dei.”
  4. All the world to worship beast. Revelation 13:7, 8.
  5. Fate of those who worship beast.
  1. Receive the seven last plagues. Revelation 16:1, 2, 10, 11.
  2. Destroyed by God's wrath. Revelation 14:9-11.

D. Conclusion

  1. Those who refuse homage to the beast will be victors on the sea of glass. Revelation 15:1-4.
  2. They keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. Revelation 14:12.
  3. God is now calling His people out of Babylon; not to partake of her sins. Revelation 18:4, 5.

How to Observe the Sabbath

A. Why Is the Keeping of God's Sabbath a Test of Our Loyalty to God?

Since creation observance of the Sabbath a great test of loyalty to the Creator. Great Controversy 605. 1. “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.” Exodus 20:8.

  1.  “All through the week we are to have the Sabbath in mind, and be making preparation to keep it according to the commandment. All who regard the Sabbath as a sign between them and God, showing that He is the God who sanctifies them, will represent principles of His government. They will bring into daily practice the laws of His kingdom.” 6T 353.
  2. The Sabbath to be kept from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday. Leviticus 23:32; Mark 1:32. “We should jealously guard the edges of the Sabbath. Remember that every moment is consecrated, holy time.” 6T 356. Begin and close the Sabbath with prayer and praise.
  3. A day of fellowship and worship. Luke 4:16; Hebrews 10:25.
  4. No secular work to be done on Sabbath. Exodus 20:8-11; Leviticus 23:1
  5. Even in harvest time we should rest. Exodus 34:21.
  6. Not to buy or sell on the Sabbath. Nehemiah 13:15-19.
  7. The preparation day. Also for spiritual preparation. Mark 15:42; Luke 23:55, 56; Matthew 11:28.
  8. A threefold miracle marked the Sabbath for forty years. We should prepare our food on sixth day, Friday. Exodus 16:22-30.
  9. Not even to plan our work on Sabbath. Amos 8:5.
  10. Not to do our own pleasure or talk business on Sabbath. To guard our thoughts, reading, music. Isaiah 58:13, 14.
  11. Those within our gates should rest. No duty pertaining to the six working days is to be left for Sabbath. Exodus 20:10.

B. How May the Sabbath Become a Day of Holy Joy to Us?

  1. He who made the Sabbath said, “It is lawful to do well on the Sabbath days.” Jesus healed the sick, went about doing good, and made Sabbath a day of joy and happiness. Matthew 12:10-12.
  2. Sabbath to be a delight to us and to our children. To view beauties of nature. For meditation and prayer. For our spiritual and physical well being. Isaiah 58:13, 14; Isaiah 16: 11.

C. Appeal

Let us show our loyalty to God by observing His true Sabbath as a delight and blessing to our family. Isaiah 58:13, 14.

Healthful Living

Seventh day Adventists are not unique in stressing healthful living. But with all the many and various helps to health and longevity, our instruction must not be of a general nature; we owe the world God's health message. Health teaching is a part of the everlasting gospel and must be included in the gospel worker's program.

Whether the subject of health is presented as the entering wedge to a series of Bible studies, or imbedded in its progressive instruction, no feature of present truth is more important than health. This subject should always be presented tactfully and at the proper time. Where our health work is well known, we may lead out with health instruction, but where it is just beginning we should first build up confidence. We should also guard against a negative approach by presenting health in an appealing, buoyant way.

God's Health Message

1. What Does God's Word Reveal About a Health Message for Our Day?

  1. God has health message for today. Psalm 67:2.
  2. This message found in His Word. Psalm 107:20.
  3. Warned not to be indifferent. Deuteronomy 12:8, 28.

B. What Should Be Our Attitude Toward This Message?

  1. Good food should be enjoyed. Ecclesiastes 3:13.
  2. Purpose to follow God's ways of health. Daniel 1:8; Deuteronomy 30:19, 20.

C. What General Health Principles Are Taught in the Bible?

1. God's requirements based on reason. Romans 12:1; Isaiah 1:18.

  1. Good health is to His glory. 1 Corinthians 6:19,20.
  2. Eating and drinking a part of our religion. 3 John 2; 1 Corinthians 10:31; Matthew 15: 11.
  3. Moderation today important. Philippians 4:5.
  4. The Christian avoids fanaticism. Romans 14:17.

2. Diet for man.

  1. God's original diet fruits, grains, nuts, vegetables. Genesis 1:29; 2:16; 3:18, 19.
  2. Man's diet changed after Flood. Genesis 9:4, 5; 7:1-3.
  3. Israel's diet. Psalm 78:24, 25.
  1. Manna supplied daily. Exodus 16:15, 16; Deuteronomy 2:7.
  2. Restrictions on flesh foods. Leviticus 11; Deuteronomy 14.
  3. Lusted for flesh food. Numbers 11: 4-7; Psalm 106:14, 15.
  4. Israel warned against other heathen practices. Deuteronomy 29: 17-20.
  5. Priests not to use strong drink. Leviticus 10: 9, 10.
  6. Diet as related to holiness. Leviticus 11:43-47.

D. How Is Modern Israel Challenged on Living Healthfully?

  1. We must not fail today. 1 Corinthians 10:5-7; Hebrews 4:1, 2.
  2. Modern Israel called unto soberness. 1 Thessalonians 5:6, 7.
  3. Surfeiting and drunkenness of last days. Luke 21:34, 35.
  4. Moderation now to be made known. Philippians 4:5; 1 Corinthians 9:25.

E. Why Should We Be Concerned About This Health Message?

1. God's children called unto sanctification. 1 Peter 2:9; 1 Thessalonians 5:23.

2. Sanctification of flesh as well as spirit. 2 Corinthians 6:17, 18; 7:1; Leviticus 11:43-47.

3. God's messengers must lead out in holiness. Isaiah 52:11.

4. Mastery over intemperance. 1 Corinthians 9:25.

  1. Swine's flesh. Isaiah 66:15-18; 65:4-6.
  2. Intoxicating drinks. Proverbs 20: 1; 23:29-35.
  3. Stimulants and narcotics. Deuteronomy 29:17-20. (See margin, verse 18)
  4. Overeating. Psalm 78:27-31; CDF 47, 244, 101-103, 131-142.

5. What victory is assured all who accept God's health message?

  1. A people sanctified in body, soul, spirit. Revelation 14:12, 1-5.
  2. Cleansed by the Word. Ephesians 5:25-27.

F. Appeal

Present to God a living sacrifice. Romans 12:1.

Health Reform Principles

(For S.D.A. indoctrination class.)
Text: 3 John 2.

A. Has God an Interest in Our Personal Health?

  1. God desires physical as well as spiritual prosperity. 3 John 2. In the beginning God created man in His own image. Genesis 1:26-28. He was given good health and had access to the tree of life, which was essential to never-ending life. Sin brought the curse of sickness, disease, suffering, and death. Even though these conditions prevail, much can be done to prevent sickness and suffering, and so prolong life.
  2. Christ did much to relieve suffering. Matthew 4:23, 24.
  3. Christian's duty to observe health.

B. What Inspired Principles of Health Are for Our Instruction Today?

  1. Our bodies are “the temple of the Holy Ghost.” 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20; 3:16,17.
  2. Do all things “to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31.
  1. Be “temperate in all things.” 1 Corinthians 9:24-27.
  2. “Let it ever be kept before the mind that the great object of hygienic reform is to secure the highest possible development of mind and soul and body.” CH 386.
  3. “Pure air, sunlight, abstemiousness, rest, exercise, proper diet, the use of water, trust in divine power, these are the true remedies.” - Ministry Of Healing 127.

C. What Further Instruction on Healthful Diet Is Important to the Christian?

  1. God's original diet for man is the best. Genesis 1:29; 3:18.
  2. After Flood, Noah was permitted to cat flesh. Genesis 9:3-5.
  3. Noah distinguished clean from unclean animals. Genesis 7:2.
  4. In Moses' day this distinction was put in writing. Leviticus 11.
  5. Flesh not the best food. Numbers 11:4, 18-20, 31-33.
  6. God will soon destroy caters of swine's flesh. Isaiah 66:15-18. Soul destroying habits will affect man's whole being before end. His thoughts and aspirations entirely unholy. Man has disobeyed God physically and morally. Revelation 18:1-5.
  7. Strong drink a deceiver. Proverbs 20: 1; 23:29-32.
  8. Christians should discard all filthy habits. 2 Corinthians 7: 1.
  9. Eat for strength and not for drunkenness. Ecclesiastes 10: 17.
  10. “Fruits, grains, and vegetables, prepared in a simple way, free from spice and grease of all kinds, make, with milk or cream, the most healthful diet. They impart nourishment to the body, and give a power of endurance and a vigor of intellect that are not produced by a stimulating diet.” CH 115.

McCollum, of Johns Hopkins University, says, “I have not the slightest hesitation in saying that a vegetarian diet, supplemented with fairly liberal amounts of milk, is the most satisfactory diet that man can take.” (See Essentials of Nutrition, Sherman and Lanford, the Macmillan Company.)

D. Conclusion

  1. Why were these warnings given? 1 Corinthians 10: 6, 10, 11.
  2. Warning to the people in the last days. Luke 21:34.
  3. Being fully prepared for the coming of the Lord. 1 Thessalonians 5:23.

Health and Religion

(Bible and Spirit of Prophecy Approach.)

A. God the Creator and Upholder of Man

1. His interest in our physical being.

  1. God great caretaker of human machinery. CH 586, 587.
  2. “All life-giving power is from Him. When one recovers from disease, it is God who restores him.” Ministry Of Healing 113.
  3. His desire for us. 3 John 2.
  4. His purpose for our health. Psalm 67:2.
  5. His written Word and book of nature reveal laws of life.
  6. God's Word teaches the way to health. Proverbs 16:24; 4:20, 22; Jeremiah 30:17; Psalm 103:3-5.
  7. God's constant interest in man. Psalm 139:13-18.

2. Instruction to Israel regarding health habits.

  1. Distinction between clean and unclean. Leviticus 15:4-12.
  2. Thorough instruction. Leviticus 13:46-52.
  3. Cleanliness. Ministry Of Healing 279.
  4. Diet. Leviticus 20:23-25; Ministry Of Healing 280.

3. Jesus, the Great Physician.

  1. The Savior in His miracles revealed the power that is continually at work in man's behalf, to sustain and to heal him.” Ministry Of Healing 112.
  2. Teaching, preaching, healing. Matthew 9:35, 36.
  3. Christ the burden bearer. Matthew 11:28.
  4. Sun of Righteousness with healing in wings. Malachi 4:2.

e. Savior of the world: Jesus the Majesty of heaven. 4T 225.

B. Health Results When God's Conditions Are Met.

“The laws of nature are the laws of God,-as truly divine as are the precepts of the Ten Commandments. The laws that govern our physical organism, God has written upon every nerve, muscle, and fiber of the body. Every careless or willful violation of these laws is a sin against our Creator.” Education 196, 197.

1. Relation of health to obedience.

  1. Health the reward of obedience. Deuteronomy 7:12, 15; Exodus 15:26; Deuteronomy 32:46, 47.
  2. Health based on definite conditions according to Jesus. John 5:14; Luke 8:48; Matthew 9:2.
  3. Jesus brings spiritual healing. Isaiah 53:5.
  4. Promise to each individual – “not one feeble person.” Psalm 105:37; PP 429; Ministry Of Healing 283.

2. Results of disobedience. Psalm 106:15.

  1. Leanness. Isaiah 10:6.
  2. Slew fattest; smote chosen. Psalm 78:24-31.
  3. Disobedient fell in wilderness. Hebrews 3:17.
  4. Fate of those who indulged themselves in Noah's day. Matthew 24:37-39.
  5. For our examples. 1 Corinthians 10: 6, 11.
  6. Glorify Him not-heart darkened. Romans 1:21.

3. God's promises and His desire for us.

  1. His promises are to us individually. Received, they give strength and health-vital energy. He gives grace and power.
  2. His commands for our good. Deuteronomy 6:24, 25.
  3. Sickness taken away. Exodus 23:25.
  4. “Heals all thy diseases.” Psalm 103:33.
  5. God gives grace and glory. No good thing withheld. Psalm 84:11.
  6. “You shall eat the good of the land.” Isaiah 1: 19.
  7. “Your health shall spring forth speedily.” Isaiah 58:8.

Are Unclean Meats Prohibited Today?

(A follow-up lesson explaining difficult texts.)

A. “Clean” Dietary Taught in New Testament.

  1. God's instruction: “Touch not the unclean thing.” 2 Corinthians 6:16-18.
  2. Separation from unclean practices a New Testament doctrine. 2 Corinthians 6:17.
  3. Holiness includes cleansing from “all filthiness.” 2 Corinthians 7: 1.
  4. Flesh cleansed as well as spirit. 2 Corinthians 7:1.

B. Unclean Meats of Old Testament Still Unclean

  1. All God's prohibitions based on reason. Romans 12:1-3; Isaiah 1: 18, 19.
  2. Eating affects thinking and actions. Proverbs 23:6-8.
  3. God's people a holy people in every age. Leviticus 11:43-47; Revelation 22:11.
  4. Disregard for unclean things results in general carelessness. Ezekiel 22:26. (Observe that Sabbath breaking is mentioned with unclean practices.)
  5. Swine's flesh still unclean when the Lord returns. Isaiah 66:15-18.
  6. Last generation's unclean thoughts and deeds. Isaiah 66:18.
  7. In last days some who claim holiness cat swine's flesh. Isaiah 65:1-5.
  8. Heaven's record of these unclean practices. Isaiah 65:6.
  9. What God calls unclean man cannot call clean. Job 14:4.

C. A Holy People Enter a Holy City.

  1. “Abomination” and “curse” cannot enter New Jerusalem. Revelation 21:27; 22:1
  2. Unclean not found on the way of holiness. Isaiah 35:8.
  3. Swine's flesh remains an “abomination.” Leviticus 11:42, 43, 46, 47.
  4. Overcoming on all points necessary. Revelation 21:7, 8; 14:1-5.
  5. True church must restore a clean dietary. Matthew 28:20; Acts 3:19-21.

D. Explaining Difficult Texts

  1. Acts 10:9-16. Peter's vision had a deeper significance than the eating of food. Peter, a Jew, regarded all Gentiles as “unclean.” It required a special command from God for Peter to enter the home of Cornelius, a Gentile. But Peter's vision clearly revealed to him God's plan to save even the Gentiles. “God hath showed me that 1 should not call any man [not “any animal”] common or unclean.” Acts 10:28. Issue involved was salvation of a Gentile, and not eating of unclean animals. Every conscientious Jew was careful of his dietary.
  2. Colossians 2:14-17. The cross brought no change to meats God had stated were unclean. Christ's blood was shed for sinners, not for animals that never sinned. 1 John 1:9. The tendency of some was to overemphasize asceticism. Study Romans 14 and 1 Corinthians 8:4-13. 1 Timothy 4:1-5. “Meat” here means food generally. God expected man to “refuse” unclean animals for food. “Meats” to be “received with thanksgiving” are those which God provided for man's diet. Genesis 1:29; 2:16; 3:18. Flesh foods of any kind were only a temporary provision after the Flood. At that time Noah's family already knew which animals were clean or unclean. Genesis 8:20. Some who now argue the text's true meaning might be brought into a real predicament should they not refuse any creature as food. This is evident from the Scriptures that list 11 abominable” creatures, including rodents and vultures. Leviticus 11; Deuteronomy 14; Isaiah 66:17. The setting of 1 Timothy 4:1-5 proves that there is here no allusion to Seventh-day Adventist dietary practices. (Appeal: Revelation 21:7, 8.)

Life in Christ (State of Dead)

No subject can become more negative in its teaching than the state of the dead, but this is not at all necessary. Though the non immortality subject requires caution and build-up equally as much as the Sabbath truth (Evangelism. pages 246-249), it is not here suggested that it should always follow the presentation of the Sabbath. Where the Bible teacher detects no special conflict on the part of the reader, and because of providing background for other doctrines, the state of the dead may be presented rather early in the series. But where there is confusion or prejudice, it is important that solid foundation teaching on God's purpose in Christ should precede this study. More is gained by a cheerful, friendly approach to the subject than by a combative spirit. Reinforcing our points on the state of the dead in its relationship to other doctrines, is more effective than an intensive, exhaustive, and dogmatic study of the subject.


The Hope of the Resurrection

(Introduce after death in family.)

God in His wisdom terminates life with its problems and sorrows by permitting the enemy, death, to enter our homes.

A. Introduction

It pays us in the hour of sorrow to seek to understand its mysteries, and to learn what the Bible teaches.

  1. The living know that they must die. Ecclesiastes 9:5; Hebrews 9:27.
  2. The Spirit goes back to God. Ecclesiastes 12:7.
  3. Death is the result of sin. Genesis 2:17; 3:22, 24.

NOTE-After the wonderful work of creation, God saw that everything He had made was good. Man also had been created a perfect being, but subjected to the law of obedience from the very beginning, for God had made one request of man: not to cat of the tree in the midst of the garden lest he die. Genesis 3:3. When man did cat of that tree, the result was death. The spirit of life (breath) by which man lives and which is only lent to man by God, at death goes back to the Author of life.

B. What Change Takes Place at Death?

  1. Life's functions then cease. Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6.
  2. Thoughts perish that very day. Psalm 146:4.
  3. The living can praise the Lord. Psalm 146:2.
  4. The dead cannot praise the Lord. Psalm 115:17.
  5. “Death can not celebrate Thee.” Isaiah 38:18, 19.

C. Why Is Death Called a Sleep?

  1. The psalmist calls death a sleep. Psalm 13:1
  2. Jesus calls death a sleep. John 11: 11, 14.
  3. They sleep in their graves. Matthew 27:52.
  4. Paul said the dead are asleep. 1 Thessalonians 4:15.
  5. The righteous dead sleep in Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 4:14.

NOTE-More than twenty-five times the expression, “slept with his fathers,” is used when recording the death of the kings of the Old Testament.

C. Will the Dead Be Raised Again?

  1. The dead in Christ shall rise first. 1 Thessalonians 4:14, 16, 17.
  2. Christ will call forth the dead. Isaiah 26:19; John 5:28, 29.
  3. He will call, and the saints will answer. Job 14:14, 15.
  4. The dead will come from their graves. 1 Corinthians 15:35-38.
  5. Christ was the “first fruits” of the dead. 1 Corinthians 15:20.
  6. At the call of Christ man will again live. John 5:25.
  7. He will ransom man from death. Ezekiel 37:13, 14; Hosea 13:14.


When training a little canary to sing, the bird fancier places its cage near a canary that is already a good singer. The cage is then covered so that the bird in training will learn to concentrate on the song of his little fellow singer. He is now learning in the darkness the mastery of notes he could never have achieved in the sunshine. So God is helping us in these sorrowful experiences to learn the sweeter notes of our song to be sung at the sea of glass. Shall we submit to His kind wisdom and allow Him to teach us in the gloom some of the most precious lessons of His love? Someday, and soon, we shall see God's wisdom in permitting this sorrow in our lives.

What Happens to Man at Death?

A. The Origin of Man.

1. How did man come into being? Genesis 5:1, 2.

2. What three parts make up the entire man? 1 Thessalonians 5:23.

3. Of what is the material body composed? What was breathed into his nostrils at creation? Genesis 2:7.

4. When God added the breath to the body, what did the man instantly become? Genesis 2:7. Body plus breath equals living soul.

5. Then what is the living soul? Answer: Living, intelligent being.

6. What activities are attributed to human souls? a. Thirst. Proverbs 25:25.

  1. Hunger. Proverbs 27:7.
  2. Eat, drink, make merry. Luke 12:19.
  3. Souls smitten with sword cease to breathe. Joshua 11: 11.

7. Can the soul die? Ezekiel 18:4.

B. The Breath.

  1. Are the breath and the spirit the same thing? Job 27:3; James 2:26, margin.
  2. Is man's breath the same as that of the beast's? Genesis 6:17; 7:15, 21, 22, margin.
  3. Does mankind die differently from the beast? Ecclesiastes 3:19.
  1. In death what becomes of the physical body? Genesis 3: 19.
  2. What becomes of the breath of life? Isaiah 146:4.
  3. What becomes of the intelligence produced by brain activity? Psalm 146:4.
  4. Do the dead know anything? Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6.
  5. Are they engaged in praising the Lord? Psalm 115:17.
  6. Can they know more about truth than the living? Isaiah 38: 18.
  7. Can they come back and visit their earthly homes? Job 7:9, 10.

C. State of the Dead

  1. What did Jesus say of Lazarus when he was dead? John 11: 11-14.
  2. Where is the waiting place for those sleeping in death? Job 17:13-16.
  3. Till what time will the dead sleep? Job 14:10-12; John 5:28, 29.

D. The Resurrection Time.

  1. When will the resurrection of the righteous take place? 1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17.
  2. The resurrection of the wicked? Revelation 20:5, first part.
  3. What awaits the raised wicked? Revelation 20:14, 15.
  4. How does this second death differ from the first death?

Answer: The first is followed by a resurrection. The second death is everlasting-the punishment which is eternal.

E. Appeal.

How comforting for the Christian to know that the sleep of death is not eternal, that there will be a resurrection and a translation. Even now he may live in the hope of dying in Jesus and “sleeping” in His loving arms. Christianity sees through the portals of the tomb. We may commit our deceased loved ones to Him who said, “I am the resurrection, and the life.”

The State of the Dead

A. Introduction

What actually becomes of us when we die? There are many theories concerning death, but there can be but one fact. No human being knows what is beyond death; only God knows. If we wish to know the truth about where people go after death, we must turn to God's Word. God knows where the dead are and what their state is, and He tells us plainly. Some say that people go to heaven at death; others say to purgatory, to the grave, to a great career, or into some animal. It is not what people say but what God says. To arrive at truth, we must consider the questions:

  1. What is death?
  2. Are we mortal or immortal now?
  3. What is the soul?
  4. What is the spirit?

B. Death the Result of Sin

What declaration is made in Hebrews 9:27. Because of sin the human family must die.

C. Death a Sleep in the Grave

  1. By what figure is death represented? 1 Thessalonians 4:13; John 11: 11-14.
  2. Why the figure “sleep”? John 5:28, 29. Because all that are in the grave shall awake again.
  3. Where do the dead sleep? Daniel 12:2. “In the dust of the earth” -grave. Ecclesiastes 3:20 says all, both righteous and wicked, go to the same place.
  4. How long do they sleep there? 1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17. Till Jesus comes in the clouds of heaven. Both the righteous living and the righteous dead go together.
  5. What did job say he would do? Job 14:14, 15. Wait. Where? Job 17:13.

D. Man Unconscious in Death

I. How much does one know about his family when he is dead? Job 14:2 1; Ecclesiastes 9: 10.

  1. What becomes of the thoughts? Psalm 146:4. He is unconscious.
  2. How much does one know when he is dead? Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6. Man knows he shall die. God says that when he is dead he knows nothing.
  3. Does not engage in worship. Psalm 115:17. Why? Psalm 6:5.

E. Awaiting the Heavenly Reward.

  1. Why are not the righteous dead in heaven? Hebrews 11: 39, 40.
  2. When did David say he would be satisfied? Psalm 17:15.
  3. When only do we receive that likeness? 1 Corinthians 15:51-55; Philippians 3:20, 21. We are mortal till the trumpet sounds and the dead come forth from the graves.
  4. Death is the last enemy to be destroyed. 1 Corinthians 15:26. Death does not transport us into heaven. To be dead does not mean we keep right on living.

F. The Reward of Immortality

  1. Soon we shall see God in body, soul, and spirit. Job 19:25-27; 1 Thessalonians 5:23.
  2. When do we receive our reward? Revelation 22:12; 2 Timothy 4:7, 8.

G. Appeal

“Blessed are the dead which (lie in the Lord.” Revelation 14:13. We cannot afford not to BE ready. We must be prepared continually, for life is very uncertain. We need not fear death. To the righteous it will be as a sweet night's Sleep. In our next study we will discuss, What is the soul? What is the Spirit? (With some both lessons can be given as one study.)

“Spirit” and “Soul” Defined

A. Introduction

Spirit -and soul are not the same thing, nor can the terms be used interchangeably. The Bible says when man is dead he knows “not any thing.” Ecclesiastes 9:5. This is a clear and positive statement. God also says, through the same writer, that when man dies “the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.” Ecclesiastes 12:7. These statements are in perfect accord when we understand the text. Notice, not the soul, but the spirit returns to God when our body returns to earth.

B. Man Created as a Living Soul.

  1. What made man a living soul? Genesis 2:7.

Man was made of the dust of the ground. A perfect, complete, inanimate human body was formed; all the vital organs were in their place. The brain, the scat of intelligence, was in place but (lid not function. The ears were there, but gave no heed. The tongue was there, but uttered no sound. The lungs were in place, but made no response. He was perfectly formed but lifeless. One thing was still lacking-only one thing-the breath. Then God breathed into man's nostrils the breath of life. Man was no longer a lifeless form, but a living soul. We exclaim with the psalmist, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are Thy works.” Psalm 139:14.

2. Man consists of three parts: body, soul, spirit. 1 Thessalonians 5:23. (Greek, Pneuma.) Body, thoughts, breath. Psalm 146:4. (Hebrew, ruach.)

C. The Spirit.

Psalm 104:29; Job 27:3 (margin, “breath”). Spirit and breath are here used interchangeably. (Also James 2:26, margin, says “breath.”) The Greek word for spirit is pneuma. The same identical word is used for both breath and spirit. It was breath, or spirit, which God breathed into man's nostrils that made him a living soul. When man dies, it is his breath, or spirit, only that goes out of him. God says the spirit is the breath of life. The Hebrew for spirit is ruah.

D. The Soul.

  1. Body, breath, and thoughts, or intelligence, make a living soul. Each is dependent on the other in order to function. Without the breath man is but a lifeless form, as we find him in death. The soul cannot function without a living body, for it is part of the body; the body is useless without life and intelligence. Does the breath have eyes to see, or ears to hear, or a tongue with which to speak, or nerves with which to feel, or legs with which to move? No, the body contains these. What good is the breath apart from the body? It takes the body, breath, and spirit to make the living soul, the man who was made in the image of God.
  2. “In my flesh shall 1 see God.” job 19:26. If we stand before God blameless at His coming, it will be in the whole, complete person as God made us. 1 Thessalonians 5:23. Not in soul alone, not in spirit alone, but the whole man, complete as God made him.
  3. What returns to God at death-the spirit or breath of life? Ecclesiastes 12:7. It is God who gives life. No one can take it from us except He permits it.
  4. When breath goes forth, man is just a lifeless form. The soul remains in that lifeless body. Isaiah 38:17, 18; Psalm 30:1 It is dead, and remains so until God puts breath back into the body on the resurrection morning. Psalm 104:29, 30; Ezekiel 37:5, 6, 12-14. When man dies, he sleeps until he is called, a period of time which to him is only a night's rest. No one knows what death is like any more than he knows when he goes to sleep. God is merciful!

Where Will the Wicked Spend Eternity?

A. Introduction

  1. What will eventually happen to the wicked?

This is not the most appealing Bible topic, but it must be well understood by all Christians. Punishment seems contrary to God's nature, and yet it is definitely a part of His love and justice. Sin has involved more than the individual who sinned. All who are influenced by his sins must be considered in God's dealing with the sinner. The Bible clearly teaches that unrepentant sinners will be destroyed. How literal is this destruction? Is there a hell-fire? Will hell burn forever? These important questions should be answered by the Bible. Let us carefully investigate its instruction.

2. Popular teaching concerning hell-fire substantiates Satan's doctrine to Eve: "You shall not surely die." Genesis 3:4.

B. Are the Wicked Now in Punishment?

1. Wicked are reserved unto the day of punishment. 2 Peter 2:9.

  1. Wicked are to be resurrected for their destruction. John 5: 28, 29. Sinners awake to everlasting contempt. Daniel 12:2.
  2. Resurrection necessary; the sinner must suffer punishment. Matthew 5:29, 30.
  3. This punishment set for the end of the world. Matthew 13:40-42.

2. Will the sinner burn throughout eternity?

  1. Fire that destroys wicked unquenchable. Matthew 3:12. Jerusalem destroyed with this type of fire. Jeremiah 17:27.
  2. Torment of the wicked described as lasting forever. Revelation 14:10,11. Bible examples of "for ever." 1 Samuel 1:22, 28; Jonah 2:6; Exodus 21:6.
  3. Wages of sinner must be death. Romans 6:23.
  4. Wicked must die a second time. Revelation 21:8.

3. Will the lake of fire accomplish utter destruction?

a. Not only wicked but earth also reserved unto fire. 2 Peter 3:7,10.

  1. This earth to be a lake of fire. 2 Peter 3: 10.
  2. All things present are to be dissolved by fire. 2 Peter 3: 11,12.

b. God's example of the destruction of wicked. Jude 7.

  1. This type of destruction reduced Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes. 2 Peter 2:6.
  2. Likewise the wicked will be ashes under righteous' feet. Malachi 4:1, 3.

C. Has God Provided an Escape From This Destruction?

  1. Destruction is prepared for devil and his angels. Matthew 25:41.
  2. Heavenly mansions are prepared for righteous. John 14:2, 3.
  3. God reasons with sinner. Offers life for obedience. Isaiah 1:18, 19; John 3:16.

D. Appeal

Since God has instructed man regarding the final consequences of sin, and has given us the choice of eternal life or eternal death, let us choose wisely. Close with reading Ezekiel 18:30-32. Have earnest prayer for help to respond to God's offer of eternal life. John 3:16.

What Happens to the Wicked?

(A follow-up study to clarify doubt.)

A. God's Dealing With Unrepentant Sinners.

  1. Wages of sin is death. Romans 6:23.

“The day thou eats thereof thou shall die.” Genesis 2:17. “The soul that sins, it shall die.” - Ezekiel 18:4. Deuteronomy 30:15, 19; Romans 5:12; 6:21; 8:13; James 1:15; Revelation 20:15; 21:8; 2 Chronicles 25:4; Proverbs 8:36.

2. Wicked to be destroyed.

“All the wicked will He destroy.” - Psalm 145:20. “Shall be punished with everlasting destruction.”

2 Thessalonians 1:9. Psalm 37:28; 92:7; Proverbs 13:13; Isaiah 1:28; Matthew 7:13; Romans 9:22; Philippians 3:19; 1 Corinthians 3:17.

3. The wicked shall perish.

“Into smoke shall they consume away.” Psalm 37:20; job 20:5-9. “Yet he shall perish for ever.” Job 20:5-9.

“With all deceiving of unrighteousness in them that perish.” 2 Thessalonians 2: 10. “Shall utterly perish in

their own corruption.” 2 Peter 2:12.

“So let the wicked perish at the presence of God.” Psalm 68:2.

“He that speaks lies shall perish.” Proverbs 19:9.

“They that strive with Thee shall perish.” - Isaiah 41:11.

4. Wicked to go to perdition.

Reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. 2 Peter 3:7. “None of them is lost, but the son of perdition.” John 17:12. “That man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.” 2 Thessalonians 2:3. “Drown men in destruction and perdition.” 1 Timothy 6:9. Not of them who draw back unto perdition.” Hebrews 10:39.

5. The Lord will slay wicked.

Surely Thou wilt slay the wicked, 0 God slay them before Me. Psalm 139:19. Luke 19:27. You shall be slain all of you. Psalm 62:3. “With the breath of His lips shall He slay the wicked.” Isaiah 11:4.

6. Sinners will be cut off.

“They that war against Thee shall be as nothing.” Isaiah 41:12. “Seed of the wicked shall be cut off.” Psalm 37:28. “Transgressors shall be rooted out of it. Proverbs 2:22. “Chased out of the world.” Job 18:18. “Shall cut them off in their own wickedness. Psalm 94:23.

7. Burning, fate of the wicked.

“Day comes, that shall burn as an oven.” - Malachi 4:1. "Utterly burned with fire.” Revelation 18:8.

"Will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire." Matthew 3:12. “Shall cast them into a furnace of fire.” Matthew 13:41,42.

  1. Man May Choose to Live Forever.

"Man may cat thereof [heavenly bread], and not die." John 6:50. "He shall never see death.” John 8:51.

"Whosoever lives and believes in Me shall never die." John 11:26.

C. Appeal

"Believe thou this?” John 11:26.

Where Does the Soul Go at Death?

(For Catholics.)

It is assumed that the reader has been receiving studies and is ready for doctrine based only on Scripture. Doctrines of the Catholic Church are compared with God's Word.

A. Teachings of Catholic Church

(Quoted from Christian Doctrine, by Rev. Jos. Deharbe, published by Fr. Pustet and Co., N.Y., 1901, pp. 18, 19)

“107. What happens in man at the moment of his death? At the moment of death, man's soul separates itself from his body, and the body is returned to the earth.

"108 How long shall the body remain in the earth? The body shall remain in the earth till the day of the last judgment, when God will raise it again to life and reunite it to the soul forever.

"109 Shall all men rise again? All men, whether good or wicked, shall rise again.

"110 Will the risen bodies be all alike? The bodies of the wicked shall be wretched and hideous, while the bodies of the good shall he glorious.

"111 What happens to the soul, when it has separated from the body? It appears at once before the judgment-seat of God.

"112 What do we call this judgment? We call it the Particular judgment.

"113 What are the things of which the soul shall be judged? The soul shall be judged of all its thoughts, words, actions, and omissions.

"114 Whither does the soul go immediately after the Particular Judgment? The soul goes either to Heaven, to Hell, or to Purgatory.

“115 What souls go to Purgatory? The souls of the just, who have departed this life in the state of venial sin or have yet to expiate the temporal punishment due to their sins.

“116 Will Purgatory remain in existence after the General judgment? No; after the General judgment only Heaven and Hell shall remain.

“117 What souls shall be cast into Hell? The souls of those who die in the state of mortal sin.

“118 What souls will go to Heaven? The souls of those who die in the friendship of God and are free from all sins and all punishment due to sin.

“119 Which are the four last ends of man? The four last ends of man are: Death, judgment, Heaven and Hell.”

B. Teachings of Scripture

1. Mortal man is subject to death. 1 Corinthians 15:53.

  1. God only has immortality. 1 Timothy 6:15, 16.
  2. We are admonished to seek immortality. Romans 2:6, 7. (If we possessed it we would not have to seek for it.)

2. Man composed of body, soul, spirit.

  1. Soul and spirit distinct parts. Hebrews 4:12.
  2. Spirit is the breath. job 27:3; James 2:26, margin.

3. What happens to man at death? a. To the body.

  1. Returns to dust. Ecclesiastes 3:20; Genesis 3:19.
  2. Sleeps in the grave. Matthew 27:52; 1 Thessalonians 4:15.

b. To the soul or person.

  1. Dies. Ezekiel 18:4; Psalm 78:50.
  2. Goes into the grave. Psalm 89:48; 30:3.
  3. Loses memory, emotions, knowledge. Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6, 10; Psalm 146:4.
  4. Cannot return to earthly home. Job 7:9, 10.

c. To the spirit, breath.

  1. Breath goes forth. Psalm 146:4.
  2. Spirit goes back to God. Ecclesiastes 12:7.
  3. Beasts have same breath. Ecclesiastes 3:19..

4. Scriptural examples.

  1. David is buried; not in heaven. Acts 2:29, 34.
  2. Lazarus came forth, not down from heaven. John 11:39-44.
  3. Jesus did not go to heaven while in the grave. John 20:17.

5. No hope of salvation after death.

  1. Dead know nothing. How can they be saved? Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6.
  2. Dead cannot hope for truth. Isaiah 38:18.
  3. (Purgatory is not mentioned in the Bible. Not introduced until close of sixth century. Not made article of Catholic faith until 1439. Comforting to know our dead loved ones are not burning in purgatory but are peacefully sleeping in grave. If fire could purge sin, Christ would not have had to die for our sins. John 3:16. The blood of God's Son, not the fires of purgatory, cleanses us from sin. 1 John 1:7. We must come to Him, confess our sins (1 John 1:9), and be free of sin (Isaiah 1: 18).

6. The Christian's hope for life.

  1. Shall he raised at Second Coming. 1 Thessalonians 4:16,17.
  2. Righteous dead raised immortal. 1 Corinthians 15:51-54.
  3. Eternal life then given man by Christ. 1 John 5:11, 12.
  4. Righteous will live with Christ. John 14:1
  5. Now is the time to accept Christ. 2 Corinthians 6:2.

C. Scripture, or Tradition? John 7:38; Matt. 15:3, 9.

Is Purgatory Scriptural?

(For Catholics.)

A. Introduction

  1. Proverbs 18:13. A doctrine or practice must not be condemned without fair investigation.
  2. John 17:17. True Christians earnestly seek truth and accept it.
  3. Isaiah 8:20. Only one safe course: Compare teaching with Bible.

B. Purgatory Doctrine According to Its Teachers

Charles A. Martin, Catholic Religion, p. 288: "Christian revelation teaches us that besides heaven into which no imperfection can enter, and hell from which there is no redemption, there is a state in which the souls of the just who in this life were not perfectly cleansed, shall undergo purifying suffering before being admitted into heaven. This state of purgation is properly called purgatory. The defined teaching of the church is expressed in the words of the Council of Trent: That there is a purgatory and that the souls detained there are receiving the benefits by the prayers of the faithful and especially by the acceptable sacrifice of the altar.

The Jesuit Seminary News, volume 3, number 9. (Nov. 15, 1928), p. 70: "BY prayer we temper the agonies of the souls in purgatory. We hasten their liberation by sacrifice,"

C. Purgatory Doctrine in the Light of Scripture

1. Do souls burn in purgatory after death?

  1. Teaching of church: Cardinal Robert Bellarmine, prominent Catholic theologian, quoted by Abbe Cloquet, The Mouth of the Dead, page 64: “There are souls condemned to burn in Purgatory till the day of Judgment.”

The Jesuit Seminary News, volume 3, no. 9 (Nov. 15, 1928), page 70: “Could we see these dear souls in purgatory we would not forget them. They cry out in thirst while we sit and drink. They are weary with restlessness while we are sleeping. They are sore with grievous pain while we are playing. They are eaten up with burning fire while we are feasting. They cry out for help from those who once held them dear. They plead that you have the pity, the prayers, the sacrifices that you promised.”

b. Teaching of Bible:

  1. 1 Kings 2:10; 22:40. Death is a sleep for good and bad alike.
  2. Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6, 10. The dead know nothing, are silent and inactive, all peacefully resting (sleeping) in graves.

2. Do prayers of faithful and the mass liberate from purgatory? (Ezekiel 14:14; Revelation 22:12; 2 Corinthians 5: 10.)

3. Prayers and masses are performed on payment of money.

  1. A well-known fact.
  2. Teaching of Bible:
  1. Matthew 19:23, 24. Riches do not give anyone a premium on heaven, or eternal life.
  2. Romans 6:23. Eternal life is a gift of God.
  3. Acts 8:20, 23. It is dangerous to try to purchase God's favor. It was not allowed in the Apostolic church.

4. Are souls purged by fire in preparation for heaven?

  1. Teaching of church: W. E. Addis and Thomas Arnold, A Catholic Dictionary, page 766, art. “Purgatory”: “All the souls in Purgatory have died in the love of God, and are certain to enter heaven. But as yet they are not pure and holy enough to see God, and God's mercy allots them a place and a time for cleansing and preparation.”

Cardinal Robert Bellarmine, quoted by Abbe Cloquet, The Mouth of the Dead, page 64: “There are souls condemned to burn in Purgatory till the day of Judgment.”

Charles A. Martin, Catholic Religion, pages 228-290: “In purgatory the souls can themselves wipe out their debt by suffering.”

b. Teaching of Bible: Jeremiah 2:22; 1 John 1: 9, 7.

5. Uncertainty of masses and prayers for dead

  1. Teaching of Church: Bertrand L. Conway, The Question Box (old ed.), page 325: “All Masses and prayers for the dead are applied 'by way of suffrage' that is, are dependent on God's secret mercy and will, who in His infinite justice may apply to another soul altogether the Masses said for a certain individual. Non-Catholics generally think that five hundred Masses have five hundred times the efficacy of one. This is not the case. The value of each Mass is infinite, but we never know with perfect certainty whether or not God has applied it to the individual soul for whom it has been offered, although we do know He answers all our prayers.”

Cardinal Robert Bellarmine, De Justificatione, book 3, chapter 8: In his Disputations de Controversiis Christiane Fidei adversus Heyies Temporis Haereticos, volume 4, page 442, col. 2. “No one can be certain, with the certainty of faith, that he receives a true sacrament, because the sacrament cannot be valid without the intention of the minister, and no man can see another's intention.”

b. The Bible teaches a sure way of salvation. John 6:37; Hebrews 7:25.

  1. Time for Salvation Now, Not After Death. Ecclesiastes 11: 9; Isaiah 38:18; 2 Corinthians 6:2.
  2. Conclusion.

1. Roman Catholics themselves declare purgatory is not in the Bible.

  1. W. E . Addis and Thomas Arnold, A Catholic Dictionary, page 767, art. “Purgatory”: “We would appeal to those general principles of Scripture rather than to particular texts often alleged in proof of Purgatory. We doubt if they contain an explicit and direct reference to it.”
  2. Cardinal Nicholas Wiseman, Lectures on the Principal Doctrines and Practices of the Catholic Church, Introduction page 16, admits that a Roman Catholic “could not discover in it [the Bible] one word of purgatory.” Thus, purgatory is not Scriptural.
  1. Matthew 15:9; Revelation 22:14. It is dangerous to accept the commandments of men.
  2. Isaiah 1:18; Titus 2:11-13. Come to Jesus now; live righteously “in this present world.”

The Work of Evil Angels


John 8:44. Satan is a liar, a deceiver, a murderer. Revelation 12:9, 10. He is an accuser of the brethren.

1 Peter 5:8. He seeks to tempt and destroy.

2 Corinthians 4:4. He blinds the minds of unbelievers.

Revelation 12:12. He is very angry, for his time to work is short.

Satan is the originator of all the evil in our world, but he is so clever in his deceptions that few believe that he exists. He puts his spirit, his thoughts, into the minds of those who yield to his temptations. All the selfishness, greed, unhappiness, discouragement, doubts, fears, discord, quarrels, hatreds, and war-yea, every base and evil thing-are the result of his influence.

He stirs up man to rebel against God, to refuse to obey His law, or to do His will in any way. He tries to obliterate every trace of the image of God from the face, form, mind, and heart of man.

He especially delights to tempt the children of God to sin, for then he can accuse them to God and the holy angels as unworthy of mercy and salvation. In this work he never wearies, for he accuses “them before our God day and night.”

He knows the human heart, because he has studied it now for nearly six thousand years, and he is adept at suiting his temptations to our desires, our weaknesses, our inherited tendencies. He is working with increased energy now because he knows that his time is short.


Psalm 78:49. Evil angels can trouble man only when God permits.

Job 1:12. The experience ofjob is an example.

1 Samuel 16:14, 15. Evil angels conic when the Spirit of the Lord is grieved away.

1 Corinthians 10:19, 20. The worship of idols is the worship of devils.

Mark 5:1-20. Evil angels have complete possession of those who yield to their temptations.

1 Timothy 4:4. They work with special power in the last days.

Revelation 16:13, 14. They will gather rulers and people to the battle of Armageddon.

“We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness [“wicked spirits,” margin] in heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12.

All who are tempted have this comfort, that “God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able, but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that you may be able to bear it.” 1 Corinthians 10:13. Only when we willfully sin against God, and thus grieve the Spirit of God and the good angels away from us, can Satan and his angels come near to trouble us.

Romans 1:20-32 tells how men became idolaters, of all the wicked things this causes them to do, and the degradation it has brought to the human race. We understand why this is so when we read that he who worships a false god is really worshiping a devil. The heathen fear their gods, and well they may, for these gods are demons in disguise. Because the devil and his angels are invisible to human eyes, they are no less real and to be feared by those who come under their power.

In the Old Testament there are many evidences of the work of evil angels; but when Jesus came to this earth, Satan increased his efforts to overcome the human race. He even tempted Jesus and tried to overcome Him, but Jesus never yielded in any way to his influence. Satan literally took possession of the minds and bodies of men and women, and controlled their words and actions. But Jesus overcame Satan and delivered them from his power.

In these last days many are “giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines [teachings] of devils.” 1 Timothy 4:4. The world is full of false teachings, or principles, which the devil has put into the minds of men. As a result, the earth is full of suffering, bloodshed, and every evil thing. All this is the work of evil men who are possessed and inspired by evil angels.


Genesis 3:1. Satan uses mediums to communicate with man.

2 Corinthians 11:14, 15. He and his angels transform themselves into angels of light.

1 Samuel 28:11-16. They can simulate the form of the dead.

1 Chronicles 10: 13, 14. Saul inquired of an evil spirit, not of the Lord.

Acts 13:6-10. Sorcerers are children of the devil, mediums of evil angels.

Deuteronomy 18:10-12. God condemns all wizards, familiar spirits, necromancers, and sorcerers.

Revelation 21:9 They will suffer the second death.

Satan is a deceiver, first, last, and always. Jesus said, “He is a liar, and the father of it.” John 8:44. He wishes us to believe that he does not exist, for then he could the easier deceive. For this reason he never appears as he really is, but seeks for agents, or mediums, through whom to communicate his plans and principles. He spoke to Eve through a serpent, that she might not suspect who was really talking to her.

Since then he has used as mediums men and women-anyone who will give up his mind and will, and yield himself to the guidance and control of Satan. In the Old Testament these persons were called wizards, witches, necromancers, sorcerers, and those who had familiar spirits. God said back there that no such agent of Satan should live within the land of Israel.

For purposes of deception Satan can transform himself not only into an angel of light but into the forms of our dead friends. This he did in the days of Saul through a medium, the witch of Endor. It was not Samuel who came up out of the earth but a devil who impersonated Samuel. We are told positively that Saul inquired of a “familiar spirit; and inquired not of the Lord.” 1 Chronicles 10:13,14. The godly Samuel, had he been alive, would not have responded to the call of a witch-an agent of Satan. The message given was true, because Satan can foretell any event over which he has control. Saul sinned against God when lie went to inquire of a witch, and he was then in Satan's power.


Isaiah 8:19, 20. All mediums seek communication with the dead.

Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6, 10. But the dead know not anything.

All these mediums pretend to communicate with the dead, but the messages they receive are from the devil and his angels. Satan told Eve she would not die, that even the Creator could not take away the life He had given her. He has caused most of the human race to believe that they are immortal, that the dead are really more alive and have greater powers than when they lived on the earth. He teaches men that they will live forever, no matter how much they disobey God.


Ephesians 6:11, 12. We need the whole armor of God.

Job 1:9,10. God puts a hedge around those who love Him.

Psalm 34:7. This hedge is the good angels.

James 4:7. Submit to God. “Resist the devil.”

Jesus overcame Satan with the Word of God. This same weapon will protect anyone from Satan's

deceptions and power if he will but use it. If we know what the Bible teaches, and obey it, Satan cannot

deceive us. God puts a hedge of holy angels around those who love and trust Him. Satan's power to deceive

is great, but God's power to protect is much greater.


Leviticus 17:7

2 Chronicles 11: 14, 15

Matthew 13:37-43 Mark 7:26-30

Matthew 12:22-30 Deuteronomy 32:17 Zechariah 13:1-3 Matthew 13:18, 19

Matthew 25:41

Mark 9: 17-27

Luke 4:33-36

Luke 11: 14-26

John 10:27-29

Jude 6

Psalm 106:28, 37, 38

2 Thessalonians 2:7-12

Leviticus 20:6, 27

Revelation 9:20, 21

Revelation 20: 1 -10

1 John 3:8

Revelation 3: 10

Is Spiritualism Scriptural?

It is not always necessary to teach spiritualism in detail, but its main deceptions should be understood by all. Where there appears to be no particular confusion, it is better not to raise issues concerning this last day deception. The Bible teacher should be prepared, however, to meet various problems which often do arise.

  1. What statement was made by Satan to Eve in the first doctrine given to the family of earth? “You shall not surely die.” Genesis 3:4.
  2. What statement had God made? “Dying thou shall die.” Genesis 2:17, margin.
  3. How does God describe death? Dissolution of man back to dust. Psalm 146:4.
  4. How did Satan insinuate doubt on this point? Genesis 3:4, 5.
  5. What does the Bible teach is fallen man's state? 1 Corinthians 15:53.
  6. What is the meaning of the word mortal? Subject to death.
  7. In what state would a person be if he could not die? If he just entered another sphere of existence? This would be an immortal state.
  8. Who only is immortal? God only. 1 Timothy 6:15, 16.
  9. How was Adam's life to be perpetuated before sin? Genesis 2:9.
  10. What was removed from Adam as soon as he sinned? Genesis 3:22-24.

NOTE-One member of the heavenly family in his effort to exalt himself-to be like God-had become acquainted with good and evil. He had led other angels to join him. Adam also had joined this fallen family. He was then excluded from the tree of life.

11. When Satan said that man would not surely die at death but would be changed to another form of existence, what was be? A liar, telling something that is not a fact. John 8:44.

12. By what means did the devil work to make it appear that his word was truth? By familiar spirits known under such names as sorcerers, necromancers, witches, wizards, magicians, enchanters, soothsayers. 1 Samuel 28:845.

13. With what form of worship were these always associated? 2 Kings 21:5, 6; Psalm 106:28.

14. When Pharaoh resisted the message of Moses, for whom did he call? Exodus 7:11. Sorcery is witchcraft.

15. Whom did Nebuchadnezzar call on in his perplexity? Daniel 2:2.

16. What did God say about these mediums? Deuteronomy 18:9-14.

17. What is meant by-

  1. Passing through the fire? Fire is a symbol of the sun. Psalm 106:37, 38; Leviticus 18:21.
  2. Divination? Telling the future. Ezekiel 21:21.
  3. Enchantment? Incantation, sorcery, witchcraft, spell. Exodus 7:11.
  4. Witch? A Woman medium.
  5. Charmer? One who casts a spell over another.
  6. Consultant of familiar spirits? Spirits claim to be from the dead. Note the various forms in which this is done today; by trance medium; the seance or circle touching hands; or planchette; the writing mediums; transparent visions, etc.
  7. Wizard? A man medium.

h. Necromancer? One holding communion with supposed spirits of dead.

  1. How did God regard these practices? Deuteronomy 18:12.
  2. What was one of the civil laws of Israel? Exodus 22:18; Leviticus 20:27.
  3. What would happen to the individual that sought communion with these spirit beings? Leviticus 20:6.
  4. What did Isaiah say about seeking the dead? Isaiah 8:19.
  5. Can the dead communicate with the living? Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6.
  6. Can they return to their homes as ghosts? Job. 7:9, 10; 2 Samuel 12:23.

APPEAL: This study should not be left in a negative mood. God warns of deceptions so we may not be led astray by its errors. The light of God's Word dispels all doubt, error, and fear. Let us walk in it. Isaiah 8:19, 20.

Christian Stewardship

Stewardship embraces man's time, talents, means everything God has given him. Tithing may be the main point in our study, but principles stressing the more abundant life must not be eclipsed. This subject is now widely discussed in various sectors of the Christian church.

The question of stewardship need not be reserved until the last of the series; because of the reader's personal interest in the subject, it may be touched on previously. But after God's claims on the Sabbath have been stressed, the question of stewardship will be seen in a new light. Not merely the paying of a tenth of our means is required by God, nor sacrificing for His needy cause. Tithing should become a responsibility involving a great privilege. We share in the blessing of cooperating with God for the hastening of His kingdom upon earth. We are debtors to those who do not know Christ. Such an approach appeals to thoughtful, earnest, zealous, and unselfish Christians.

Tithing-A Cycle of Love

1. Who is the rightful owner of the universe?

Creator of heaven, earth, and man. Genesis 1:1,27; Exodus 20: 11.

Earth is the Lord's and they that dwell therein. Psalm 24: 1.

Gold and silver also. Haggai 2:8.

“Cattle upon a thousand hills.” Psalm 50: 10.

All power belongs unto God. Psalm 62: 11.

2. What is man's relationship to God's family? Christ God's Son by nature. John 3:16. Man His son by adoption. Galatians 4:5. Adopted through Christ. Ephesians 1:5. Children of God. Romans 8:16.

Now called sons. 1 John 3:1, 2.

3. How is the Father's love bestowed on us?

  1. Gives us gifts.

Gives us all things to enjoy. 1 Timothy 6:17. Gives us strength and power. Psalm 68:35.

Gives us power to get wealth. Deuteronomy 8:18.

b. Makes us heirs.

Rightful heir. Hebrews 1: 2.

“Heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ.” Romans 8:16,

4. How does God ask recognition of His ownership?

  1. In love and obedience. “If you love Me, keep My commandments.” John 14:15. Honor God with first fruits. Proverbs 3:9.
  2. In tithes and offerings. One tenth is the Lord's. It is holy. Leviticus 27:30, 32. God challenges us to prove Him. Malachi 3: 10.
  1. How is the tithe to be used?

For priests (ministry). Numbers 18:20-24.

Ordained by God to support gospel. 1 Corinthians 9:13. 14. To carry gospel message to others. 2 Corinthians 11:7-9.

6. What examples of faithful tithing does the Bible teach?

Abraham. Hebrews 7:2; Genesis 14:18-23.

Jacob. Genesis 28:20-22.

Jesus exhorted tithing even from small produce. Matthew 23:23.

7. What are the special blessings of faithful tithing?

The nine-tenths multiplied beyond need. Malachi 3:10-12.

Plenty to spare. Proverbs 3:9, 10.

Everlasting riches. Luke 16:10-12.

(Stress importance of God's blessing on His gifts, proper disposition

of God's favors, cooperating with God in His work of salvation.)

APPEAL: Psalm 116:12-14.

God's Ownership

A. God 1he Original Owner of the Earth

For nearly 6,000 years man has been hoarding, but still he does not own a thing. Only way he will ever have anything is through Christ. Man “sold out” to Satan. Psalm 24:1; 50:10, 11; Haggai 2:8.

B. We Are God's Stewards.

  1. Parable representing our stewardship. Luke 19:12-27.
  2. God gave Adam use and care of Garden of Eden, with understanding that man would reserve to Him one tree, acknowledging God's ownership and rights. Genesis 2:15-17.
  3. Tree was a test of man's character in the matter of His possessions.
  4. Sabbath a test of man's character in matter of time.
  5. In all ages God has maintained these two tests. Our possessions, time, life, health-all belong to God, and should be used in a way to honor Him.

C. The Principle of Tithing

  1. Abraham paid tithes, acknowledging Possessor of heaven and earth. Genesis 14:18-20.
  2. Jacob understood this principle. Genesis 28:20-22.
  3. Tithing antedates Mosaic law and is not abolished. Hebrews 7:5, 9.
  4. In days of Nehemiah all Israel paid tithe. Nehemiah 12:44, 47.
  5. Jesus taught this principle. Matthew 23:23; 22:21.

D. Use of the Tithe

  1. All tithe holy; to be used for sacred purposes. Leviticus 27:30, 32.
  2. Old Testament church financed by tithe. Numbers 18:21.
  3. Same plan for support of ministry today. 1 Corinthians 9: 13, 14.

E. Failure to Pay Tithe Brings Curse.

  1. Withholding tithe is robbing God. Malachi 3:8, 9.
  2. God removes physical blessings when unfaithful. Deuteronomy 28:15-17, 21-24.
  3. Gives power to get wealth; can also remove power. Deuteronomy 8:17, 18.
  4. Non tithe payers' wages put “into a bag with holes.” Haggai 1:5, 6, 9.
  5. Riches will not profit in day of wrath. Proverbs 11:4.
  6. What profit to gain world but lose soul? Mark 8:36.

F. Proving God's Promises.

  1. Some think they cannot afford to tithe. Nine tenths with God's blessing will go farther than ten tenths without. Psalm 37:16.
  2. Not room to receive the blessings. Malachi 3:10-12.
  3. Barns filled with plenty. Proverbs 3:9, 10.
  4. Seek first the kingdom of God, and “all these things shall be added.” Matthew 6:31-33.
  5. David never saw “righteous forsaken.” Psalm 37:25.
  6. “My God shall supply all your need.” Philippians 4: 19.

Should Christians Pay Tithe?

  1. How are godliness and covetousness in contrast?

God's people should be content; foster peace. 1 Timothy 6:6. A greedy Christian is spiritually sick. 1 Timothy 6:9-11. Covetousness is evil of last days. 2 Timothy 3:1, 2.

Our loving Savior warns us. Luke 12:15; Mark 10: 17, 22-25,

2. Godliness-What does it mean to us?

Bible says it is complete surrender. Romans 12:1.

How much did God give to save us? John 3:16; Phil 2:6-8; 2 Corinthians 8:9.

Same spirit should be in us. Philippians 2:5; 1 Timothy 6:17-19; Matthew 6:19, 20.

Benevolence in early church. Gifts: Acts. 4:33-37.

Tithe: 1 Corinthians 9: 14.

Gospel work our responsibility. Mark 16:15; John 17:18, 24.

3. What does God's Word teach regarding liberal, systematic giving?

Abraham and Jacob gave tithes. Genesis 14:18-20; 28:22.

The tithe is holy. Leviticus 27:30.

New Testament advice. Matthew 23:23; 1 Corinthians 9:13, 14.

God's plan does not include church fairs, suppers, lotteries, etc.

1 Corinthians 11:22; John 2:16.

The Lord's rebuke to the unfaithful. Malachi 3:7-9.

The blessing of tithe paying. Malachi 3: 10; Luke 6:38.

We cannot afford not to pay tithes. Haggai 1:5-7.


God's principles are always sound. Proverbs 8:8, 9. His blessing is on condition. Malachi 3: 10. The Lord longs to bless man. Deuteronomy 11:27. Heed what God says. Isaiah 48:17, 18.

Prophetic Topics

It is our prophetic teachings that give life and setting to our message. The prophecies provide an element of certainty and assurance. This helps our readers to sense quickly the point that our truth is more than just another idea of a Christian church. Presenting the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation provides the proper urgency for the acceptance of a whole chain of truth for this hour of history. The Bible instructor must know and feel in his own soul that prophecy is but history in advance. There is power in our instruction when these great themes of present truth will march forth in battle array. Let us become masterful teachers of the prophetic Word.


The Great Day of the Lord

A. Earth's Last Days.

1. Terrible day of the Lord.

  1. In what words have prophets described this day of the Lord? Joel 1: 15; 2: 11; Zephaniah 1: 14.
  2. What brings this terrible day? Isaiah 13:6, 9, 11.
  3. What two classes will be on earth during this time of visitation? Malachi 3:18.

2. When does the day of Lord begin?

a. What marks hour when God changes from mercy to justice? Revelation 22:11. b . Will either wicked or righteous on earth know decree has been uttered?

  1. Wicked know not. Matthew 24:38, 39.
  2. Believers know not. Matthew 24:42. c. After this decree is uttered, what happens? Daniel 12: 1.

3. During seven last plagues.

What is included in this time of trouble?

  1. God's wrath visited on human family. Revelation 15: 1.
  2. Armageddon. Revelation 16:16.
  3. Greatest earthquake of all ages. Revelation 16:18.

B. End of the World, Coming of Jesus.

  1. What event immediately follows earthquake? Revelation 19:11, 16.
  2. What do the wicked do when they see Jesus coming? Revelation 6:14-16.
  3. What will His glory do to the wicked? 2 Thessalonians 2:8.
  4. What becomes of their bodies? Jeremiah 25:33.
  5. How long will the wicked remain dead? Revelation 20:5, first part.

C. After the Millennium.

1. Close of 1000 years.

  1. What raises the wicked at close of 1,000 years? John 5:28, 29.
  2. What will Satan do to this vast host of wicked? Revelation 20:7, 8.
  3. How does the beloved city come to be on earth? Where located? Revelation 21:2, 10; Zechariah 14:3-5 d. When the wicked surround the Holy City, what will God show them? Revelation 15:4.

2. Anguish of lost.

  1. What is revealed to each when God's judgments are made manifest? 1 Corinthians 4:5; Jude 15.
  2. When each sees himself as God sees, what will wicked do? Isaiah 45:23; Philippians 2: 10, 11.
  3. When wicked see what they have lost, what will happen to them? Revelation 20:9.
  4. Who enters this fire with all the unsaved? Revelation 20: 10.
  5. What is consumed by this fire? Malachi 4: 1; Matthew 10:28; Ezekiel 18: 4.
  6. End of all the wicked. Obadiah 1: 15, 16; Psalm 37: 10; Ezekiel 28: 10.

D. End of God's Wrath.

  1. What marks finish of great and terrible day of Lord? Isaiah 65:17.
  2. What invitation shows all can escape destruction? Revelation 22:17. (Appeal.)

God's Last Warning Messages

(Condense by selecting texts or give in two studies.)

Text: Revelation 14:6-12.

A. First Angel's Message

  1. First angel with everlasting gospel. Revelation 14:6.
  2. Burden of message: “Judgment flour is come.- Revelation 14:7.
  3. Judgment still future in Paul's day. Acts 24:25.
  4. Judgment connected with coming of Christ. 2 Timothy 4: 1.
  5. Righteous -accounted worthy” before Christ comes. Luke 21:36.
  6. Christ brings His reward with Him. Revelation 22:12.
  7. “This message,” based upon “little book,” announces that time should be no longer. Revelation 10: 10.
  8. Followed by a world-wide message, it must deal with prophetic time. Revelation 10: 11.
  9. Daniel, the 1ittle book.” Gives longest prophetic period in the Bible. It ended in 1844. Daniel 8:14.
  10. Proclamation of this message compared to a lion's roar. Revelation 10:1-3.
  11. Parallel before earthly sanctuary cleansed, a warning was sounded throughout all Israel. Leviticus 23:24.
  12. Disappointment of 1844 and parallel. Revelation 10:8-10; Luke 19:35-40; 24:20, 21.
  13. Lesson applying to 1844 disappointment. Hebrews 10:32-34.

B. Second Angel's Message.

  1. Many rejected first message; persecuted those who accepted.
  2. Second angel followed announcing fall of Babylon. Revelation 14:8.
  3. Babylon an apostate church. Revelation 17:5, 18.
  4. “Babylon is fallen,” repeated; urgency of message. Revelation 14:8.

C. Significance of Babylon, Beast, Image.

  1. The beast power persecuted saints 1260 years. Revelation 13:5-7.
  2. Claims to have changed God's law. Daniel 7:25. (Catholic assertions.)
  3. God's law commands to keep holy the seventh day, Saturday, sunset to sunset. Ex. 20:8-11; Lev. 23:32.
  4. Obedience is the highest type of worship. 1 Samuel 15:22.
  5. As in Elijah's day, all now asked whom they will serve. 1 Kings 18:22.
  6. Only those who refuse to worship beast have their names in book of life. Revelation 13:8.

D. Third Angel's Message.

  1. Most solemn message in the Bible. Revelation 14:9-12.
  2. Last message before Christ comes. Revelation 14:14.
  3. Follows first and second messages and is world-wide. To “any man,” none excluded. Warning against the worship of beast and his image.
  4. Babylon's fall complete. Revelation 18:1-5. The apostate church eventually becomes Babylon. She has confused her children. Revelation 17:5. While confusion of worship increases and Rome attempts to change the very law of God, God's solemn warning messages to the world become more alarming.
  5. Great power attends message. Revelation 18: 1.
  6. Unlawful connection with nations crowning sin. Revelation 18:1
  7. Christ is the head of this church. (Ephesians 5:23.) Churches appeal to earthly governments to make religious laws; unfaithful to Christ. (2 Corinthians 11: 2.)
  8. The church guiding the state; drunk with blood of martyrs. Revelation 17:3, 6.
  9. Church and state union world-wide. Revelation 18:3.
  10. God now calls His people out of Babylon; all who refuse receive of her plagues. Revelation 18:4.

E. Significance of Seven Plagues.

  1. Those who obey beast receive his mark, drink of unmixed wrath of God. Revelation 14: 10.
  2. The unmixed wrath of God in seven last plagues. Revelation 15:1, 7.
  3. The seven last plagues on those who worship the beast and his image and receive his mark. Revelation 14:9, 10.
  1. The righteous are shielded. Psalm 91: 1-10.
  2. Kept word of God's patience. Revelation 3: 10.

F. Message Produces Two Classes.

  1. Two classes-commandment keepers and commandment breakers. Revelation 14:12; 22: 11.
  2. When message completed, Christ gathers earth's soul harvest. Revelation 14:14-16.
  3. Only commandment keepers have right to tree of life. Revelation 22:14.
  4. “Choose you this day.” Joshua 24:15.

G. Appeal.

“Do you recognize, Mrs. X, that the truths we have been studying together are important messages from God? Are you preparing to obey these solemn messages by taking your stand with God's faithful children, who are warning the world of the soon coming of Jesus? Obedience to God's last warning messages brings great joy and blessing; disobedience brings sorrow and destruction. Surely, we want to be found on God's side; do we not? Let us now pray that He will help us to make the right decision.” (Close with prayer.)

Earth's Seven Last Plagues

Text: Proverbs 26:2. “The curse causeless shall not come.”

A. God's Love Requires Justice.

God is loving, merciful, long-suffering, forgiving, just. God's chastening are to lead to repentance. He does not afflict willingly. Mercy has always been mingled with His wrath. But eventually God must “bare His arm.” He then opens the armory of heaven to destroy Babylon. This “act,” foreign to God's nature, is necessary. Texts for teacher's background: Exodus 34:6, 7; Revelation 3:19; Lam, 3:33; Habakkuk 3:2; Isaiah 52: 10; 28:2 1; Jeremiah 50:23-26; 25:30-33.

B. Warning Against Earth's Last Plagues.

1. Babylon's sins to reach a climax.

  1. In them is filled up the wrath of God. Revelation 15:1; 14:10; 18:4, 5.
  2. Her deceptions and persecutions then punished. Revelation 18: 6-8.
  3. No one still unsaved can be saved during these plagues. Revelation 15:8; 10:7; 16:17.

2. Warning messages precede plagues. Amos 3:7.

  1. World-wide message first. Revelation 14:6, 7; Matthew 24:14.
  2. Next, a message to the churches concerning Babylon's fall. Revelation 14:8.
  3. Then all must decide on worshiping God or the beast. Revelation 14:9, 10.
  4. Another world-wide loud cry, second message to come out of Babylon. Revelation 18:1-4.

C. Unparalleled Time of Trouble (Daniel 12:1)

1. Destruction from the Almighty. Joel 1: 14, 15.

  1. All nature affected. Joel 1: 17-20.
  2. Desolation of the earth. Zephaniah 1: 14-18; Jeremiah 4:16, 20; Isaiah 26:21.
  3. Mighty men helpless.
  4. Wrath, trouble, physical distress.
  5. Darkness and gloominess. (Atmospheric and mental.)
  6. Wars affecting great cities.
  7. Blood poured out as dust.
  8. Whole land speedily devoured.
  9. Spiritual famine, mental distress. Amos 8:11, 12.

2. Last plagues like Egypt's plagues. Revelation 16:1,21; Job 38:22, 23; Isaiah 30:25-30; Ezekiel 13:11; Exodus 7-11.

  1. Grievous sore upon all beast worshipers.
  2. Sea becomes as blood of dead man.
  3. Rivers turned to blood.
  1. Sun scorches men with fire.
  2. Darkness over scat of beast.
  3. Drying up of river Euphrates.
  4. Unprecedented earthquake, hail.

D. Protection Promised Righteous

  1. No plague to fall on righteous. Psalm 91:9, 10; Revelation 3:10; Exodus 8:22, 23.
  2. Other promises of protection. Isaiah 28:17; 32:18, 19; 4:5, 6.
  3. God appeals to His people today to seek protection. Zephaniah 2:1-3.

E. Appeal.

These seven last plagues are not of ordinary severity; nor are they just local. The whole world is involved in the final issue between worshiping God or the beast power. Repeated messages have foretold this destruction. Many signs have warned men not to ignore God's pleadings for salvation. Every individual will then understand the issues of the conflict between God and Satan and will have taken a positive stand for or against God. God's “strange act” of destruction will then be recognized as an act of love to redeem His obedient children from Satan's tyranny.

On whose side will you be found when these last plagues begin to fall? (On God's side, of course!) This solemnizes us, does it not? Let us bow before God, asking Him to impress us with the importance of this warning message and to help us to stand before Him at that time.

The True and the Apostate Church

(Advanced instruction for Catholics.)

A. Church Compared to Woman-Pure or Fallen

Jeremiah 6:2; 2 Corinthians 11:2; Revelation 12:1-3; 17:1-6.

B. The Church Pillar and Ground of Truth. (1 Timothy 3:15; John 17:17)

1. Gospel church supports truth.

  1. Christ and church must agree on doctrine. Amos 3:3; John 15:10.
  2. Christ's Word, like Himself, is truth. John 14:6; 1:14.
  3. God's law is truth. Psalm 119:142.

2. Apostate church departed from truth.

  1. “Cast down the truth to the ground.” Daniel 8: 12.
  2. Deceives; does not love or practice the truth. 2 Thessalonians 2:10, 12.

C. Knowing True Church From False.

1. Pure church.

  1. Pure, loved of Christ. Revelation 12:1-3; Ephesians 5:25.
  2. Love, fellowship, and obedience. 1 John 5:3; 1:7.
  3. Children taught of God. Isaiah 54:13.
  4. Keep commandments; Spirit of prophecy. Revelation 12:17; 19: 10.
  5. Dressed in Christ's righteousness. Revelation 19:8; Isaiah 61: 10.
  6. Crown of 12 stars-apostolic church. Revelation 12:2.
  7. Maintains high standard.

2. Apostate church.

  1. Dressed in purple and scarlet. Revelation 17:4. Lacking Christ's righteousness Babylon wears her own dress of worldly pride and ambition. Isaiah 59:6.
  2. Pride and violence. Revelation 17:6.
  3. Babylon and her children confused. Revelation 17:5.
  4. Unfaithful; adulterates truth, confuses Christians. Revelation 17:4; Matthew 15:9.

D. Judgment of Fallen Church

  1. “Come out”; her plagues in one day. Revelation 18:4-8.
  2. Her pride revealed. Revelation 18:16.
  3. Arts and pleasures fade. Revelation 18:22; 2 Timothy 3:4, 5.
  4. Babylon's light becomes darkness. Revelation 18:23.

E. Invitation to join True Church.

  1. An eternal, universal, commandment keeping church. Hebrews 12:22, 23; Revelation 22:14; 14:12.
  2. True church invites all to prepare to meet Jesus. Revelation 22:14, 20.

F. Appeal.

To which church will you belong? Revelation 22:17.

God's Remnant Church

A. God Has Always Had His Church. (Acts 7:38; Ephesians 5:23)

B. A Remnant Church in Every Crisis. 1. Examples:

  1. Noah. Genesis 7:1. Abraham. Genesis 12:1. Lot. Genesis 18:17-33.
  2. Israel. Romans 9:27.
  3. New Testament remnant. Romans 11:5.

C. Characteristics of Remnant.

 1. Remnant means last part.

  1. Noah last of his generation. Genesis 7: 1.
  2. Israel a peculiar treasure. Exodus 19:5.
  3. Remnant called out of Babylon. Revelation 18: 1-4.

 2. Remnant means small part.

  1. Lot's family. Genesis 19:15-17.
  2. Israel fewest of all people. Deuteronomy 7:7.
  3. Noah and his family saved. 1 Peter 3:20.
  4. Few find true way. 1 John 4:4; Revelation 14: 1; Matthew 7:14.

 3. Tests of God's remnant church.

  1. Agree with law and testimony. Isaiah 8:16,20.
  2. Keep commandments and have testimony of Jesus. Revelation 12:17; 19:10.

 4. God's last-day remnant. Isaiah 11:10-12.

  1. No iniquity, lies, deceit. Zephaniah 3:13.
  2. “Live soberly, righteously, and godly.” Titus 2:12-14.
  3. Holy and without blemish, a glorious church. Ephesians 5:27.
  4. Chosen generation, royal priesthood, holy nation, peculiar people. 1 Peter 2:9.
  5. No guile, without fault. Revelation 14:5.

5. Message of last-day remnant. Revelation 14:6-11.

6. Result of message. Revelation 14:12.

D. Remnant Church the 144,000.

Remnant sing a new song of redemption. Revelation 14:1-4.

E. Appeal.

Having discovered God's faithful remnant church, are you now ready, Miss-, to join His true church in giving His messages of truth to the world before Jesus returns? We welcome you into our church and know that you will be very happy in our fellowship, etc. (Prayer.)

God's Plan for Israel

(For Anglo- Israelites, Dispensationalists, Zionists, etc.)


Israel means “a prince” of God, one who prevails with God. Genesis 32:27, 28.

The Lord said Israel should be the name of His people. 1 Kings 18:31.

The Lord commanded Israel to keep His law. 2 Kings 17:34.

The Lord said, “Israelis My son, My firstborn.” Exodus 4:22.

Israel “shall dwell alone.” Numbers 23:9.

“The Lord hath spoken concerning Israel.” Numbers 10:29.

A true Israelite has no guile. John 1:47.

The Israel of God are those who have been born of God and thus become new creatures. Galatians 6:15, 16. They are the church of God in all ages-His true children. God has only one way of saving sinners, and only one people-Israel. One becomes an Israelite by being an overcomer, by prevailing with God to forgive his sins and accept him as His child.

Jacob is an example. Naturally, Jacob was full of guile, a deceiver; hence, his name, which means “a deceiver.” He was shrewd and cunning in getting what he wanted. For many years this disposition caused himself and others much trouble, and sorrow, but in that night by Jabbok, as he struggled for his life with One who he thought was an enemy, Jacob realized his sin and gave it up forever.

Then the Lord said: Now you are Israel, a prince, a soldier of God; you must never be Jacob again. As Jesus said of Nathanael, “Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile,” so it is said of the redeemed, the true Israel of God: “In their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God.” Revelation 14:5. The character of the true Israelite is open, frank, truthful, sincere. He is truly transparent.


Israel is to be God's people forever. 2 Samuel 7:23, 24.

Earth was divided according to the number of Israel. Deuteronomy 32:8.

To Israel were committed the oracles of God. Romans 3:1, 2.

Israel receives the revelations of God in their fullness. Romans 9:1-5.

A true teacher in Israel knows the mysteries of God. John 3:10.

The nation descended from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob was called Israel. It was the church of God, and He intended, and desired that everyone in the nation should be an Israelite indeed; but many failed to perfect character. At times it seemed that they were not Israel but Jacob; but in the days of the worst apostasy there were always some who were true to God. At one time Elijah thought he was the only one, but God said He had still seven thousand. “The Lord knowS them that are His.”

Though true Israel is always a peculiar people and dwells alone, yet God meant Israel to be a light, a leader to all the heathen nations to occupy among them the place of a first-born son in a family. They were to be a loving elder brother to all mankind, one who would invite them to share the blessings promised to Israel.

To Israel were revealed all the principles of the plan of salvation; therefore, its teachers should have been able to explain to the nations the plans and purposes of God. This the prophets and others did, and we have their teachings in the Old Testament.


Not all are Israel that are called Israel. Romans 9:6.

Only children of the promise are Israel. Verses 7, 8.

Israel is likened to an olive tree. Romans 11:16, 17.

Some of the branches (Jews) were broken off. Verses 17-20.

A wild olive tree (Gentiles) was grafted into the root. Verse 17.

Gentiles should not boast. Verses 18-20.

Gentiles remain only if they continue faithful. Verses 21, 22.

Literal Israel (Jews) may be grafted in again. Verses 23-25.

“All Israel shall be saved.” Verse 26.

Gentiles must become Israel to be saved. Ephesians 2:11, 12.

At length Israel so far departed from God that He rejected them as a nation and accepted the Gentiles in their place; but the character of true Israel remained the same. The Lord has called Israel “a green olive tree, fair, and of goodly fruit.” Jeremiah 11:16.

Paul uses this figure of speech to explain how a Gentile may become a part of Israel. Because of unbelief some of the original branches, the Jews, were broken off, and a wild olive branch, Gentiles, was grafted in to take their place. The root or trunk of the tree remains the same, so the new grafts partake of “the root and fatness of the olive tree.” Thus the Gentiles receive a wonderful legacy of blessing, for to the Jews were given the law, the covenants, and the promises, especially of a Savior from sin. Therefore, Gentiles who become Israelites should not boast or feel superior to the Jews, who were once Israelites. We should also be glad that the branches broken off, the Jews, may be grafted in again and become once more a part of true spiritual Israel. Thus “all Israel shall be saved”-those who comply with the plan of salvation, Jew or Gentile.


Romans 10: 1-3 Acts 28:17-29

Romans 10:11-13 Acts 13:44-48

Romans 11:1-5 Genesis 13:16

Romans 11:6-16 Genesis 26:4

Isaiah 41:8-14 Genesis 28:14

Galatians 6:16 Jeremiah 11:16

God's Promise to Israel Fulfilled

(For Anglo-Israelites, Dispensationalists, Zionists, etc.)

A. Introduction.

Genesis 12:1-3. Call to Abram.

Genesis 32:28. Name of Israel first given to Jacob. Exodus 1: 1-5. Later applied to his descendants.

B. What Original Promises Were Made to Israel?

1. On obedience and commandment keeping.

  1. Deuteronomy 11: 26, 27; 28:9, 12, 13. Temporal blessing.
  2. Jeremiah 17:24, 25. Jerusalem would stand forever.

2. Disobedience and commandment breaking. Deuteronomy 11:28; 28:14, 15. Jerusalem must be destroyed. Jeremiah 17:27.

C. What Resulted From Israel's Failure to Obey God?

1. Prophecy of dispersion for disobedience.

  1. Ezekiel 23:28; 21:25-27.
  2. Jeremiah 25:8-11; 34:17; Deuteronomy 28:58, 64-68.

2. Prophecy of separation of tribes and fulfillment.

  1. 1 Kings 11:29-33. (ca. 980 BC)
  2. 1 Kings 12:1-17. Israel (10 tribes) separated from Judah (2 tribes) ca. 975 BC Tribes continued until ca. 721 BC.

3. Prophecy of fulfillment of captivity of tribes.

  1. 2 Kings 17:13-18, 23. Israel (10 tribes) taken captive by Assyria, ca. 721 BC.
  2. Jeremiah 25:14, 8-11; 2 Chronicles 36:5, 6, 14-21. Judah (2 tribes) taken captive to Babylon ca. 606 BC.

All 12 tribes in Babylon-70 years captivity, about 606-536 BC. NOTE-It is accepted that the official “first year” of Nebuchadnezzar's reign began in 604 BC, but archaeological finds show that he was reigning, in the latter part of the year preceding. A Babylonian king's “first year” was the calendar year beginning on the new year's day (in the spring) following the accession (see Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1945 ed., volume 5, page 655). So 605 BC was the accession year of Nebuchadnezzar. This fits Daniel 1:1 and Jeremiah 25:1, and makes unnecessary the assumption of a two-year coregency of Nebuchadnezzar with his father, on which the 606 BC of older commentaries is based. 605-536 equals seventy years inclusive, as the Jews and other ancient peoples counted. (See editor's footnote in Daniel and Revelation, new edition, page 19; for a fuller explanation see the Appendix A, part 1 in L. E. Froom's Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, volume I.)

Promise to all 12 tribes in first year of captivity of return; its fulfillment. Jeremiah 30:1 (ca. 606 BC.) Jeremiah 50:33-35.

  1. Ezra 1: 1-3. (536 BC.)
  2. Ezra 6:16, 17. (515 BC.) (3) Ezra 8:35. (457 BC.) .

Prophecy of 70-week probation period for Jews and fulfillment.

Daniel 9:24-27; Matthew 27:21-26, 50, 51; Acts 7:51-54, 57-59; 8:14; 13:46.

5. Final dispersion of the Jews was under Titus AD. 70. Jeremiah 17:21-27; Deuteronomy 28:64-68.

D. What Is Included in God's Repeated Call to Israel?

  1. Isaiah 55:3-7; Romans 10:21. Israel failed. They were disobedient and avaricious.
  2. Israel-Jew and Gentile called through Christ.
  1. 1 Corinthians 1: 23, 24; Romans 10: 12. No difference-Jews and Greeks called.
  2. Romans 11:11, 17-21, 23, 24. Salvation to Gentiles after Jews' fall.
  3. Galatians 3:6-9, 26-29; Genesis 26:4, 5. Children of faith now counted. Obedience required.
  4. Galatians 6:14-16; Romans 2:28, 29. Not circumcision, but new creature.

E. How Will the True Israel Be Gathered?

  1. Isaiah 11:11, 12; 43:5, 9. A remnant gathered from four corners of earth.
  2. Isaiah 27:12, 13; Jeremiah 3:14. Gathered one by one.
  3. Romans 9:24-28; Revelation 12:17. Remnant fulfills prophecy.

F. What Promises Are Then Fulfilled to the True Israel?

  1. Genesis 32:28. True Israel an overcomer of all sin.
  2. Romans 11:26, 27. In Christ all Israel saved.
  3. Revelation 21:7; 22:14. Overcomers are commandment keepers.

Decision Lessons

There is great demand for various types of decision lessons which can be used by Bible instructors. Here are some very simple lessons, usable for the beginner in the Bible work. Not only the Sabbath truth but every progressive step in the Christian life presents tests and crises which call for forthright decision on the part of those who walk in advancing light. In an appealing way the apt Bible instructor learns to establish each point of truth as it is discussed with her reader. She helps the student of the Word to mark these personal decisions as milestones on the way to the full acceptance of God's revealed truth.


Just a Faith, or the Faith of Jesus?

The purpose of this study is to emphasize the need of the right kind of faith. Faith is more than a platitude; it is a saving transaction and involves our destiny. It must be the faith of Jesus!

Text: Revelation 14:12.

A. Faith a Present Need.

  1. “Shall He find faith on the earth?” Luke 18:8.
  2. Our faith now tested. 1 Peter 1:7; 4:12.

B. What Is Faith? How Received?

  1. Faith is believing. Hebrews 11: 1, 6.
  2. “Faith comes by hearing.” Romans 10: 17. “Hearing by the word of God.”
  3. “To every man the measure of faith.” Romans 12:3.
  4. Faith “works by love.” Galatians 5:6.

C. Faith Accompanied by Works.

  1. “Faith without works is dead.” James 2:14-17, 26.
  2. “The devils also believe, and tremble.” James 2:18, 19.
  3. “Be you doers, and not hearers only.” James 1:22-24; Matthew 7:24-27.

D. Demonstration of True Faith.

  1. Faith chapter. Examples of hearers and doers. Hebrews 11.
  2. Abraham showed his faith by obeying. James 2:21; Genesis 22:1-18.
  3. Rewarded according to our works. Revelation 22:12; Matthew 16:27.
  4. By works faith made perfect. James 2:22.
  5. Faith of Jesus requires obedience to commandments. Revelation 14:12.

E. The Triumph of Faith.

  1. “I have kept the faith.” 2 Timothy 4:7; Revelation 14:12.
  2. Faith and salvation. 1 Peter 1: 9.
  3. Our prayer: “Lord, Increase our faith. Luke 17:5.

Examining Our Faith

(Review of doctrinal points of our faith. Timely just before baptism.)
Text: 2 Corinthians 13:5.

A. Examining Ourselves in Light of Bible.

  1. What description does God give of His people in the last days? Revelation 14:12, last part.
  2. To whom was this true faith given? Jude 3.
  3. Was this faith held by the church in Paul's day? Romans 1: 11, 12; Ephesians 4:5.
  4. For what did Jesus commend His people when apostasy began to affect the church? Revelation 2:13.
  5. How were the deceptions of Satan to be resisted? 1 Peter 5:8, 9.

B. Examining Our Christian Doctrines.

Let us now examine ourselves to see whether we really have the faith of Jesus. Do we hold the points of faith as taught by Jesus? 2 Timothy 1: 12.

  1. Justification by faith. Galatians 2:16.
  2. New birth in Christ. John 3:3-8.
  3. Baptism by immersion. Matthew 3:13-17.
  4. Imminent and visible coming of Jesus. Matthew 24:32, 33, 30.
  5. Prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. Matthew 24:15; Revelation 22:7.
  6. State of the dead and destruction of the wicked. John 11: 11-14, 25; Matthew 10:28.
  1. Perpetuity of the law. Matthew 5:17-19.
  2. The true Sabbath. Luke 4:16; Mark 2:27, 28.
  3. Health and dress reform. 3 John 2; 2 Corinthians 6:16-18; 1 Timothy 2:9,10.
  4. Christian standards in reading and recreation. Romans 12:2; 1 John 2:15-17.
  5. Ordinance of humility and the Lord's supper. John 13:4-17; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26.
  6. World-wide missions and gospel support. Matthew 24:14; Malachi 3:10; Matthew 23:23.
  7. Spiritual gifts. Ephesians 4:11-15.

C. Surrender to Jesus Means Obedience.

  1. What was the secret of Paul's life? Galatians 2:20.
  2. What could lie say at the close of his life? 2 Timothy 4:6-8.

D. Appeal.

Let us accept the truth, the faith of Jesus. Will you determine today to be among those mentioned in Revelation 14:12?

Importance of Present Truth

Text: 2 Peter 1: 12.

A. Introduction.

Our Bible study develops assurance that this wonderful Advent message is God's truth for this time. We want to believe the truth, but we often wonder just what is truth. This is the same question Pilate asked in John 18:38. It is the all-important question for each of us to settle. So we too ask, “What is truth?” Let us find the answer in God's Word. What is truth? The answer is, “Thy word is truth.” John 17:17.

B. Sanctification Through the Truth.

  1. God desires all to come to knowledge of truth. 1 Timothy 2:4.
  2. Salvation and sanctification through belief of the truth. 2 Thessalonians 2:13; John 17:17.
  3. Sanctification of the spirit embraces obedience. 1 Peter 1:22.
  4. Obeying Bible truth indicates we are converted. 1 Peter 1:22, 23.

C. What Is Present Truth?

1. Urgency of truth.

  1. Peter admonishes to be established in present truth. 2 Peter 1:12.
  2. Abiding truth for every age:
  1. God's love reaches all men.
  2. God's grace saves all men.
  3. Through Jesus all men may receive salvation.

2. Present truth has a time limit.

  1. Pertinence of Noah's teaching of the coming flood now past; was extremely important in Noah's time.
  2. Once timely, destruction of Nineveh preached by Jonah; now past truth.
  3. John's message fulfilled in Christ's day.
  1. John bore witness of Christ. John 1: 4, 6, 7.
  2. Voice in the wilderness: “As said the prophet Esaias John 1:23.

(3)John knew the prophecies concerning his time. Today we must understand present truth. 2 Peter 1: 12.

God's special message is present truth for our time.

  1. A threefold message of present truth today. Revelation 14:6-12.
  2. Points of message:
  1. Jesus' Second Coming.
  2. World to keep God's broken law.
  3. Judgment-hour alarm.
  4. Babylon's lawbreaking is idolatry.

D. Accepting Present Truth Message.

  1. “Thy word have 1 hid in mine heart.” Psalm 119:11.
  2. “I have chosen the way of truth.” Psalm 119:30.
  3. “Obeying the truth.” 1 Peter 1:22.
  4. “Truth endures for ever. Psalm 117:2.
  5. “His truth shall be thy shield.” Psalm 91:4.

E. Appeal.

Present truth must not be ignored; it awaits our acceptance. Its urgency becomes a life-or-death message deciding our eternal destiny. (Close with earnest prayer.)

Our Responsibility to Bible Truth

A. To the Law and Testimony. What is the test of truth? Isaiah 8:20.

B. New Light and Its Responsibility.

  1. What must be our relation to new light? John 12:36; James 4:17.
  2. For what are we held accountable? John 9:41; 15:22.
  3. Why will some people neglect studying the Bible? John 3:20, 21.
  4. How is new light revealed? Proverbs 4:18, 19; John 16:12, 13.
  5. Where will this light be found? Psalm 119:105.

C. True and False Teachers.

  1. How does God teach us His way? Isaiah 28:930, 13.
  2. What description of the prophet fits into our day? Jeremiah 5:30, 31.
  3. How should we regard these false teachers? Jeremiah 23:16, 17, 20-32; Isaiah 48:17, 18.

D. The Reward of Truth.

  1. What is promised to those who obey? John 14:15, 16; Acts 5:32.
  2. What is the Christian's greatest joy? 1 John 1:4-7.
  3. What may follow our acceptance of new light? Hebrews 10:32, 33.
  4. What is the final reward of a sound faith? Hebrews 10:38, 39.

Walking in the Light

A. The Privilege of Seeing New Light.

  1. “In Thy light shall we see light.” Psalm 36:9.
  2. “Light is sown for the righteous.” Psalm 97:11.

B. Light Brings Personal Responsibility.

 1. Action for God.

  1. Light brings salvation or condemnation. John 3:19, 21.
  2. Light must be accepted. John 9:41; 15:22; Acts 26:18.
  3. Light may be for a limited period of time. John 12:35, 36.

 2. Following the light.

  1. The children of truth hear His voice. John 18:37; 15: 10.
  2. They follow in the path of light. Proverbs 4:18.
  3. Failing to walk in light brings spiritual darkness. Ephesians 5:8; John 12:35.

3. Why light is rejected.

  1. Men believe not God. John 6:64, 66.
  2. Not willing to do God's will. Matthew 7:21.
  1. Look to their leaders and teachers. John 7:26, 48.
  2. Follow traditions instead of God's Word. Matthew 15:9, 13.
  3. Will not submit to God's way of life. Matthew 23:37, 38; 7:14.

C. Appeal.

Let us believe in the light while it shines on our pathway. Delay is too serious. Each day must find us walking in all God's revealed light. Will you, Mr. and Mrs. X, walk in the new light He has given you? (Prayer for heavenly guidance.)

Children of Obedience and Disobedience

INTRODUCTION: Stress conflict between truth and error. Present issue of obedience is the Sabbath. No neutral ground.

Text: Matthew 13:38.

A. Two Distinct Classes.

  1. Since days of creation two families. Genesis 6A, 2.
  2. Rebellious tendencies of man. Isaiah 1:2.
  3. Satan the arch rebel. John 8:44.
  4. Rebellion of wicked spirits. Ephesians 6:12.
  5. God of this world blinds minds. 2 Corinthians 4:4.
  6. Satan works through children of disobedience. Ephesians 2:2, 3.
  7. “Will not hear.” Isaiah 30:1, 9.
  8. Are in bondage. Galatians 4:3.
  9. Are children of death. Psalm 102:19, 20.

B. How Men Become Sons of God.

  1. By receiving Him. John 1: 12.
  2. By joining Jesus' family. Ephesians 3:14, 15.

C. Characteristics of Obedient Children.

  1. If sheep, hear His voice. John 10:27, 28.
  2. Follow God as dear children. Ephesians 5: 1.
  3. Walk in truth. 3 John 4.
  4. Jesus is the truth. John 14:6.
  5. His law is truth. Psalm 119:142.
  6. Love Him, keep commandments. John 14:15.

D. Reward of Obedient Children.

  1. “Eye hath not seen.” 1 Corinthians 2:9.
  2. See Jesus and be like Him. 1 John 3:1, 2.
  3. Reign with Christ eternally. Daniel 7:27.

Deciding Now for Christ

INTRODUCTION: Emphasize that Satan's tools against truth's acceptance are indifference and
procrastination. God's Word warns us to act in favor of truth.

Text: 1 Kings 18:21. “How long halt you?”

A. The Problem of a Conflict.

  1. “Double minded man is unstable.” James 1:8.
  2. “No man can serve two masters.” Matthew 6:24.

B. Responsibility of Light.

  1. Path of just is a shining light. Proverbs 4:18.
  2. Light rejected becomes darkness. John 12:35, 36.
  3. By waiting we walk in darkness. Isaiah 59:9; John 3:19-21.
  4. Light rejected invites deception. 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12.

C. Importance of Prompt Obedience.

  1. If we sin willfully, no more sacrifice. Hebrews 10: 26, 27.
  2. Prayer then an abomination. Proverbs 28:9.

D. Responding to Present Truth.

  1. “Consecrate yourselves to day to the Lord.” Exodus 32:29.
  2. “Turn you now.” Jeremiah 25:5.
  3. “Return you now.” Jeremiah 35:15.
  4. “Today hear His voice.” Hebrews 3:7, 8, 13.

E. Uncertainty of the Future.

  1. “You know not what shall be on the morrow.” James 4:13-17.
  2. Dead cannot hope for truth. Isaiah 38:18.
  3. “Seek you the Lord while He maybe found.” Isaiah 55:6.

F. Appeal.

“Choose you this day.” Joshua 24:15.

Importance of Obedience

A. The Two Contending Powers.

1. How do we show whose servants we are? Romans 6:16.

2. What is real proof of love to God? John 14:15; 1 John 2:3-6.

3. Bible examples-why written? 1 Corinthians 10: 11.

  1. Saul. 1 Samuel 15:1-23.
  2. Religious leaders. Ezekiel 22:26, 28.

4. How had the scribes and Pharisees reasoned? Matthew 15:3-9. (Attempted to change the fifth commandment by their traditions.)

5. What did Christ say to them? Mark 7:9, 13. (Christ would surely say this today to those who are substituting a traditional Sabbath in place of the Sabbath of the fourth commandment.)

6. What prevented some of the leaders in Christ's day from accepting Him as the Messiah? John 12:42, 43. (This same reason prevents some today from fully obeying God.)

B. Test of Obedience.

  1. Should popular practice decide our relationship to the truths of God's Word? 1 Corinthians 1:26-29; Matthew 7:13, 14.
  2. Should we allow anyone or anything to stand in the way of our obeying God? Matthew 10:37, 38; Acts 5:29.
  3. How does Christ compare those who obey Him with those who do not? Luke 6:46-49; Matthew 7:21.
  4. What promise does Jesus make to those who truly serve Him? Matthew 6:31-33. (Faith in God is needed. God never asks the impossible. “Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.” Ephesians 3:20. He said to Israel at the Red Sea, “Go forward!”)

C. Danger of Delay.

1. We cannot say no to God with safety.

  1. Awaiting a convenient season. Acts 24:25.
  2. Herod did “many things,” but not all were what God wanted.
  3. “What shall it profit?” Mark 8:36. (What does a man gain in the end if he allows his business or church friends to stand between him and God? There is a time coming when he would gladly give every dollar he had ever earned if he could just have one more chance to obey God. Isaiah 2:19-2l.)

2. What does God say of the one Who knows and does not do His will? James 4:17; John 15:22; Hebrews 10: 26, 27.

3. Why is it always dangerous to delay?

  1. The uncertainty of life.
  2. Danger of grieving away the Holy Spirit. (“Walk while you have the light, lest darkness come upon you: for he that walks in darkness knows not whither lie goes.” John 12:35. After a light has been in a room and their extinguished, the darkness is greater than before. See 2 Thessalonians 2:9-1l.)

4. What will some be saying when it is too late? Jeremiah 8:20.

  1. Blessing of Obedience.

Upon whom is God's blessing pronounced? Luke 11:28; Revelation 22:14.

E. Appeal.

What excuse can we offer to God in that day? Excuses that seem plausible now will be flimsy then. Whenever we face a decision between truth and error we are at the crossroads of life, and our eternal destiny depends upon the path we choose. Let us surrender all to God and obey Him implicitly.

Is God Particular?

Text: Isaiah 28:17.

A. Introduction.

  1. Governments are particular. Income tax paid to the dollar. Rationing boards particular about orders to the public. Banks particular about checks we write. Highway patrol particular about our speed limit.
  2. God particular about His commandments. 1 John 3:4.
  3. Gave Son to die because He could not condone sin. John 3:16; 1 John 2:2.
  4. Present tendency to be indifferent to our own destruction.

B. Examples Proving God Too Is Particular.

  1. Eden lost because of disobedience. Genesis 2:16-19, 24.
  2. Cain's indifference caused his rejection. Genesis 4; Hebrews 11:4
  3. Mighty men of renown rejected in Noah's day. Genesis 6:4; 2 Peter 2:5; Luke 17:26, 27.
  4. Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed because of disobedience. 2 Peter 2:6; Luke 17:28, 29.
  5. Nadab and Abihu perished because of strange fire. Leviticus 10: 1, 2. “What difference does it make?”
  6. Saul sadly learned God was very particular. 1 Samuel 15:22; 31:4.
  7. Lessons from Uzzah and the ark. 2 Samuel 6:6, 7; Numbers 4:15-20; 7:9. Even an emergency does not excuse disobedience.
  8. Naaman to dip seven times in river. 2 Kings 5:13-15.
  9. Judas disobeyed to gain 30 pieces of silver. Acts 1:25; Matthew 27:3-10.
  10. Ananias and Sapphira disobeyed and perished. Acts 5.

C. Acceptance of New Light Always Important.

  1. Even good men like Cornelius needed added light. Acts 10.
  2. Light for limited period only. John 12:35, 36.
  3. Sabbath God's special light in last days. Revelation 14:12; 12:17; Exodus 20:8-11.
  4. Following majority is unsafe reasoning. Exodus 23:2; Matthew 7:13, 14.
  5. Even leaders not always safe guides. John 12:42, 43; Matthew 15:3-9.
  6. Must look to God, not man. Ezekiel 14:14; John 21:21, 22.
  7. Danger of procrastination. Acts 24:25.

D. Blessing of Obeying God's Word.

“Blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it.” Luke 11:28. (Earnestly appeal to walk in all revealed truth. Close with prayer.)

Obedience or Disobedience and Death

APPROACH: Weak faith, and lack of the right faith, a present-day danger. Unbelief another of Satan's strong tools to discourage Christian in stepping out on God's promises. Satan pictures problems and disasters that might result from stepping out on Bible faith. He worries us with doubt and fear. How can we meet our greatest enemy?

A. Warnings Against Unbelief.

  1. Israel's sin of unbelief. Hebrews 3:17-19.
  2. Similar danger today. Hebrews 4: 1, 11.
  3. Unbelief separates from God. Hebrews 3:12.
  4. Jews rejected because of unbelief. Romans 11: 19, 20.

B. Victory Through Faith.

  1. Our only hope. Hebrews 3:14; Romans 11: 20, last part.
  2. “Believe in the Lord so shall you be established.” 2 Chronicles 20:20, last part.

“Unbelief whispers, 'Let us wait till the obstructions are removed, and we can see our way clearly;' but faith courageously urges an advance, hoping all things, believing all things.” - E. G. WHITE, PP 290.

C. Believe, Obey, Rest.

1. Rest and peace promised. Belief brings rest to the heart, and peace of mind. Hebrews 4:3; Isaiah 48:18. “Confidence hath great rejoicing of reward.” Hebrews 10:35-37.

3. Perfect peace result of trusting God. Isaiah 26:3.

4. just shall live by faith. Hebrews 10: 38.

D. Two Ways of Decision.

  1. Life or death. Jeremiah 21:8; Deuteronomy 30:15; Romans 6:23.
  2. Obedience or disobedience. Hebrews 10:38, 39.
  3. God's Word must influence our choice. Proverbs 14:12.

E. Appeal.

What a privilege to truly believe God! Hebrews 10:35-39 is God's message to us today. Let us believe that God is able to give us a conquering faith. Then let us sweetly rest in Him knowing that “the just shall live by faith.”

Loyalty and Obedience

A. Serving God by Choice.

  1. Man placed on probation. Genesis 2:16, 17.

The tree of knowledge had been made a test of Adam. and Eve's obedience and their love for God. Without some test there would have been no development of character. God desired obedience prompted by their love to Him. He did not force the will but had created them capable of appreciating His wisdom and love.

2. God has given all men the freedom of choice. Joshua 24:14.

3. “Choose life.” - Deuteronomy 30:19; 11:26-28.

B. God Warns Against Disobedience.

1. Israel failed because of unbelief. (Hebrews 4:11. “Unbelief is disobedience.”) Hebrews 3:17-19.

  1. Disobedience prevented Israelites' entering Canaan. Joshua 5:6.
  2. God's Word not-mixed with faith.” Hebrews 4:2.
  3. We are warned not to fail as did Israel. Hebrews 4: 1.

C. Obedience Determines Loyally to God.

  1. “To whom you yield yourselves.” Romans 6:16.
  2. Conquering all obstacles by obedient faith. 1 John 5:3, 4.
  3. Faith more than mere belief, requires works. James 2:14-24.
  4. “Faith which works by love.” Galatians 5:6.
  5. Saul's partial obedience not genuine faith. 1 Samuel 15:10-24.
  6. Disobedient prophets unsafe guides. Deuteronomy 13:1-4.
  7. Uzzah perished beside the ark because of disobedience. 2 Samuel 6:6, 7; Numbers 4:15.
  8. Disobedience instigated by Satan. Ephesians 2:1, 2.

D. Truth, Like Faith, Requires Obedience.

  1. Living faith is known by its works. James 4:17.
  2. Truth knows no compromise or disguise. Must be obeyed. John 15:22; 9:40, 41.
  3. Light spurned becomes darkness. John 12:36-46.
  4. Rejection of light opens way for great delusions. 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12.
  5. Consequences of disobedience must be met in the judgment. Hebrews 10:26,27; Romans 14:10.

E. Love Prompts Obedience, and Conquers.

  1. Love and obedience inseparable. John 14:15, 21.
  2. Must love God above all else. Luke 14:26, 27, 33.
  3. God will sustain His faithful children. Matthew 6:24-34; Isaiah 41: 10.
  4. Joyous reward of obedient. Revelation 22:14. (Appeal and prayer.)

God's Last Message and the Remnant Church

(This study, used by an evangelist in a community Bible school, has real point when truth needs to be reviewed.)

A. A Special Preparatory Message Sounded in All the World Before Christ Comes.

  1. The everlasting gospel in setting of judgment-hour message. Matthew 24:14; Revelation 14:6, 7; Daniel 8: 13, 14.
  2. Warning against beast worship. Invitation to accept God’s seal. Revelation 14:9-12; 13:15-18; 7:4; 14: 1.
  3. It will call for obedience to God's commandments. Revelation 12:17; 3:14-18; James 2: 10.

B. Sabbath of God Rallying Truth for Remnant Church.

  1. It will be an Elijah message. Malachi 4:5, 6; Matthew 17:10-13; Luke 1:17.
  2. Elijah's message emphasized obedience. 1 Kings 18:17, 18, 20, 21.
  3. Remnant church will keep all God's commandments including Sabbath. Isaiah 56:1,2; 58:12-14; Hebrews 9:28.
  4. Keeping of commandments passport to city of God. Revelation 14:12; 22:14.
  5. Three angels' messages of Revelation 14 strikingly bring to view God's last efforts to save the world from complete rebellion and ruin. The first is announcement of beginning of investigative judgment, due in 1844. The second follows quickly. Confusion and “Babel” will fill the church and the world. Then follows terrible warning against the beast, his mark, and his image. We can only resist this mark by accepting God's seal, the Sabbath.

Fleeing Out of Babylon

(Parallels between ancient and modern Babylon. Both incurable. This lesson should bring conviction to
come out of Babylon without delay.)

A. God's People Had to Flee Ancient Babylon.

1. Fled Babylon to worship God.

  1. Fleeing meant deliverance from Babylon's cup of iniquity. Jeremiah 51:6, 7.
  2. Babylon's sins had become incurable. Jeremiah 51:53, 56, 57, 62.
  3. She had “striven against the Lord.” Jeremiah 50:24.
  4. Sun worship caused her to forget God. Ezekiel 8:16.
  5. A standard had been set up against Baal. Jeremiah 50:2.
  6. God's people left Babylon to build Zion. Jeremiah 51:8, 10.
  7. Came out willingly. Jeremiah 50:4-6.
  8. Entered into “a perpetual covenant” with God. Jeremiah 50:5.
  9. Could not remain on neutral ground. Jeremiah 51:50. 2.

2. Called out by a message.

  1. The trumpet call had rallied Israel to God's standard. Jeremiah 51:27, 12.
  2. God appointed the time and His “shepherd.” Jeremiah 50:44.
  3. Babylon's “walls” offered no protection to God's people. Jeremiah 51:44, 58.
  4. They fled to escape punishment. Jeremiah 51:44, 45.
  5. A remnant responded to the message. Jeremiah 50:20.

B. We Must Today Flee From Modern Babylon.

1. The last-day apostasy.

  1. Modern Babylon has confused world with false doctrines. Revelation 14:8; 18:14; 17:4, 5.
  2. She has wealth, display, and influence. Revelation 18:12, 13, 22, 23.
  3. Supported by many nations. Revelation 17:1-5; 18:23.
  4. Persecutes God's children who turn from her. Revelation 17:6; 18:20, 24.

2. Heeding God's last message against Babylon.

  1. Message to flee Babylon follows judgment-hour message. Revelation 14:6-8.
  2. The fall comes to His faithful children. Isaiah 58:1-3.
  3. Sabbath truth is associated with call to flee Babylon. Revelation 14:8-11.
  4. The message brings a true Sabbath reform. Isaiah 58:12, 13.
  5. It precedes the seven last plagues. Revelation 18:4, 8.
  6. A remnant will heed the warning message. Revelation 12:17; 14:12.
  7. Babylon to be utterly destroyed. Revelation 16:19; 18:21.

C. Appeal to Leave Babylon Immediately.

Let us not “stand still,” but flee in haste to obey all God's commandments and to escape modern Babylon's wrath. Jeremiah 51:6, 50; Revelation 18:4; Psalm 119:59, 60.

Church Membership and Attendance

A. A Reformatory Message.

  1. Call out of Babylon. Revelation 18:14; 14:8.
  2. To unite with remnant church. Deuteronomy 6:23; Revelation 12:17; 14:12.
  3. Entrance into church by baptism. 1 Corinthians 12:13; Romans 6:4.

B. Church Membership Important.

  1. Christ is head of His church. Revelation 1: 13, 20; Colossians 1: 18; Ephesians 5:23.
  2. Joining His spiritual body. 1 Corinthians 12:14, 18-20; John 15:1, 2.
  3. Church has last message for world. Matthew 24:14; Revelation 14:6-12.
  4. Church members to give message. Psalm 68:11.
  5. Accepting Christ includes joining His church. Acts 5:14; 2:41, 47.
  6. Growth only when connected with His body. John 15:5.

C. Fellowship With the Children of Light.

  1. Walking in the light provides fellowship. 1 John 1:7; 1 Peter 1:22,23.
  2. Symbol of fellowship-right hand of welcome. Galatians 2:9.
  3. God recognizes fellowship of commandment keepers. Revelation 14:12.
  4. Admonition to attend church regularly. Hebrews 10:25.

D. Blessings of Church Membership.

  1. God loves gates of Zion. Psalm 87:1-3.
  2. Members built into His spiritual house. Ephesians 2:19-22.
  3. Church provides cleansing and protection from error. Ephesians 5:27; 4:11-16; Acts 27:31.

E. Appeal.

Christ has told us in His Word where His true church may be found. Revelation 14:12; 12:17. He regularly meets with His commandment-keeping children. Luke 4:16. He is pleased when we honor His holy day. Mark 2:28. How soon are you planning to be baptized and become a member of Christ's remnant church? Since this is a most serious question, it never pays to delay our membership. Will you now declare your intentions to do so by signing this beautiful covenant? (Have Baptismal Covenant on hand.)

F. Additional Proofs.

  1. Christ recognized church of His day. John 2:16; Matthew 18:15-18.
  2. New Testament believers had church organization.
  1. Met in houses. 1 Corinthians 16:19; Colossians 4:15.
  2. Called flock of God. Acts 20:27, 28; Luke 12:32.
  3. Churches organized in Judaea. 1 Thessalonians 2:13, 14.
  4. Large church council at Jerusalem. Acts 14:27.


Attitudes Toward Bible Truth

Text: Matthew 13:16.

A. Purpose of Christ's Parables.

  1. To impart heavenly truths. Matthew 13:35-43.
  2. Obviates tendency to be indifferent to truth. Matthew 13:13-15.

B. Lessons From the Gospel Sower.

1. Seed by wayside. Matthew 13:4, 19, 24, 25.

  1. Seed is Word. 1 Peter 1:23.
  2. God desires to plant truth in heart. Psalm 51:6; Proverbs 23:26.
  3. Satan snatches away good seed. Matthew 13:24, 25.
  4. Satan's tools:
  1. Unbelief. Matthew 13:58.
  2. Obscuring light. 2 Corinthians 4:4.
  3. Persecution. Matthew 24:9, 10.

2. Seed on stony ground. Matthew 13:5, 20, 21

  1. Hardness of heart. John 6:60, 61.
  2. No depth of growth.
  3. Tribulation discourages many. Matthew 5:10-12.

3. Seed among thorns. Matthew 13:7, 22.

  1. Cares choke gospel seed. Luke 21: 34; Matthew 6:25-34.
  2. Worldly riches. Matthew 19:21-24.

4. Seed on good ground. Matthew 13:8, 23.

  1. As one who hears Word. Revelation 1:1
  2. “Understands it.” Luke 24:44, 45.
  3. “Bring forth fruit.” John 15:16.

C. Lessons From Wheat and Tares. (Matthew 13:24-30)

  1. Wheat and tares grow together.
  2. Good seed sown by Christ. Matthew 13:37.
  3. Unbelief and traditions sown by Satan. Matthew 15:9, 13.
  4. Harvest will reveal true nature of seed. Matthew 13:37-43; 7:21-24.

D. Lessons From Mustard Seed, Leaven.

  1. Faith as mustard seed, may be small at beginning. Matthew 13:31, 32.
  2. Faith as leaven, works inconspicuously. Matthew 13:33.
  3. It comes by hearing Word. Romans 10: 17.
  4. Why some doubted in Christ's day. John 5:39, 40; 7:48.
  5. Faith is most necessary in our day. Luke 18:8.

E. Lessons From Pearl of Great Price. (Matthew 13:44-46)

  1. Diligent searching secures God's treasure.
  2. Requires all to gain eternal life.

Day of Salvation Now

(To Meet second-chance confusion.)

Text: 2 Corinthians 6:1, 2.

A. What Is Man's Condition in This Life?

  1. He is born in sin. Psalm 51:5.
  2. Comes short of glory of God. Romans 3:23.
  3. Must die for his sins. Romans 6:23; Ezekiel 18:4.

B. What Is God's Plan for the Sinner?

  1. God has no pleasure in death of wicked. Ezekiel 18:23.
  2. God wills to save him. Isaiah 43:25; 44:22.
  3. God saves through Jesus Christ. Luke 19: 10.
  4. Saves freely by His grace. Romans 3:24.

C. When Will the Sinner Be Saved?

  1. When he recognizes his condition as sinner. Luke 18:13.
  2. When he confesses his guilt. 1 John 1:7-9. Proverbs 28:13.
  3. When he believes in the Savior. Romans 3:22.
  4. Before he dies. Ezekiel 18:23.

D. Will There Be Another Chance to Be Saved?

  1. This life only chance for salvation. 2 Corinthians 6:1, 2.
  2. After death no more saving. Ecclesiastes 9:5; Isaiah 38:17, 18.
  3. Neither after the resurrection. John 5:28, 29.
  4. No more chance during millennium. Revelation 20:4.
  5. After millennium, resurrection of wicked and second death. Revelation 20:4,11-15.
  6. Only those who are saved now live eternally. Revelation 22:14, 15; Daniel 7:27.

E. Appeal.

Come to Jesus today; let Him save you now. John 3:16.

Will Sinners Have a Second Chance?

A. All Men Given Opportunity for Salvation.

  1. Through Adam's transgression death passed upon all. Romans 5:12.
  2. Death is an enemy all want to escape. 1 Corinthians 15:26.
  3. In Christ all made alive. 1 Corinthians 15:22; 1 John 5:11, 12.
  4. He lights every man. John 1:9.
  5. His salvation appears to all. Titus 2:11-13.
  6. No other way to be saved. Acts 4:12.

B. The Judgment Follows This Life.

  1. Judgment is as certain as death. Hebrews 9:27.
  2. All appear before the judgment scat. 2 Corinthians 5:10; Ecclesiastes 11:9.
  3. Investigative judgment in heaven before Christ appears. Revelation 22:11,12.

C. God Desires Eternal Life for All.

  1. No pleasure in death of wicked. Ezekiel 33:8, 9, 11, 15-19; 18:31,33: 33:11.
  2. Turning from sin to righteousness means life. 1 Peter 3:10-12.
  3. Continuing in iniquity results in death. Ezekiel 33:8, 9; Romans 2:5, 6; Proverbs 6:12, 15.
  4. God pays fair wages for the way man lives. Romans 6:23.

D. Our Opportunity for Salvation Only in This Life.

  1. No other opportunity after life. Ecclesiastes 9:4-6, 10.
  2. “Seek you the Lord while He maybe found.” Isaiah 55:6, 7.
  3. Today and now the accepted time. Hebrews 4:7; 2 Corinthians 6:2.
  4. “Before the decree bring forth.” Zephaniah 2:1-3.
  1. Divine decree settles each one's destiny. Revelation 22:11, 12.
  2. “The harvest is passed, the summer is ended. Jeremiah 8:20; Revelation 14:15-19; Matthew 13:37-43.

E. What About the Heathen? (Use only if necessary.)

  1. “The Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, . . . are a law unto themselves.” Romans 2:14.
  2. God considers where a man is born. Psalm 87:4-6.
  3. Even the heathen without excuse. See creative works. Romans 1:20.
  4. There are righteous heathen (obedient as far as they know). Jesus will tell them their first gospel story. Zechariah 13:6. (See The Desire of Ages, page 638.)
  5. The wicked discerned by their disobedience. Leviticus 5:17; 4:27, 28; Luke 12:47, 48. (Disobedient to principles of God's law in relation to fellow men.)

F. Gracious Invitation to All.

  1. The Lord not willing any perish. 2 Peter 3:9.
  2. “Whosoever will, let him take of the water of life.” Revelation 22:17.

The “Second Chance” Mirage

A. Introduction.

1. Illustration: Traveler in desert. Thirsty and tired, sees lake on horizon. Turns from his course toward lake. Expends all energy to get there. Finds it only a mirage. Had been traveling in right direction, but turned off because mirage seemed shorter and easier way to quench thirst; realizes he has been deceived by not following his compass.

2. Last-day prophecy. 2 Timothy 4:3, 4.

  1. Some will not endure sound doctrine.
  2. They will seek smooth, pleasing doctrines. c. Finally turn away from truth to fables.

3. The religious world today is filled with contradictory doctrines, each claiming to be the true way of salvation. Fables, like mirages, are pleasant, but very deceiving and dangerous.

4. Of all doctrines preached today, doctrine of “second chance” most popular. Accepted by many sincere people. Does Bible teach a second chance for salvation?

  1. Second chance in some future time? During the millennium for world conversion?
  2. Second chance after death?

B. Is There a Second Chance During the Millennium?

  1. Millennium (1,000-year period) begins with resurrection of righteous. Revelation 20:4-6.
  2. Resurrection of righteous at Second Coming of Christ. 1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17.
  3. Jesus does not usher in a millennium of second chance so all will be saved. Rewards every man according to his works. Revelation 22:12.

All chances of salvation forever past just before Jesus comes. Revelation 22: 11.

No second chance during millennium.

C. Is There Hope of Second Chance After Death?

1. Isaiah 38:18, 19.

  1. Dead cannot hope to learn God's truths. Too late.
  2. Life only presents opportunity to be saved.

2. John 5:28, 29.

  1. Evil nature not changed during death.
  2. Jesus says evildoers come forth at resurrection of damnation.

3. Ecclesiastes 11:9.

  1. Many now live in pleasure, depending on a second chance after death.
  2. God says, “For all these things God will bring thee into judgment.”
  3. The judgment decides our eternal destiny.

D. Can Last Opportunity of Salvation Now Be Lost?

  1. By resisting the Holy Spirit we commit the unpardonable sin. Matthew 12:31, 32.
  2. Hebrews 10:26,27.
  1. No hope for one who knows truth and willfully continues in sin.
  2. No second chance. Only judgment and punishment.

E. What Is the Future of the wicked After This Life?

1. Wicked will be destroyed. Psalm 145:20.

2. Wages of sin is the second death, not second chance. Romans 6:23.

3. 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12.

  1. Those who fail to receive truth in this life consumed by brightness of His coming.
  2. The “second chance” a deceptive mirage that will fade away when Jesus comes.

4. Ezekiel 18:23, 30-32.

  1. Lord has no pleasure in death of wicked.
  2. Wicked not to wait for second chance but turn from sin today.
  3. Iniquity of wicked will be their ruin.

5. Mark 16:15, 16.

  1. If second chance in the future, why preach the gospel today?
  2. He that believes not “shall be dimmed.” Does that sound like a second chance?

F. Appeal.

1. 1 Peter 1:22, 23.

  1. Purified only by obeying truth of His Word.
  2. Important to study His Word.

2. Must live righteously in this world if we expect to live with Jesus hereafter. Titus 2:11-13.

3. There is no escape if we now neglect salvation. Hebrews 2:1

4. Now is the day of salvation! 2 Corinthians 6:2.

Scripture or Tradition?

(For Catholics)

Text: Psalm 119:30-38.

A. God's Way-Scriptural Truth.

  1. Faith. Hebrews 11:6.
  2. New birth. John 3:5.
  3. Confession to God. Acts 2:38.
  4. Baptism. Mark 16:15,16.
  5. God's Word-the Bible. Psalm 119:105.
  6. God's law. Romans 3:31.
  7. Love. 1 John 4:8, 16.
  8. Tithing. Matthew 23:23,
  1. Sabbath. Mark 2:27.
  2. Spirit of prophecy. Revelation 12:17; 19:10.
  3. Sanctuary. Exodus 25.
  4. Health reform. 1 Corinthians 10: 3 1.
  5. Reward at resurrection. John 6:39.
  6. Life in Christ. 1 John 5:12.
  7. Feet washing. John 13.
  8. Lord's supper. 1 Corinthians 11:23-26.
  9. Annihilation. Romans 6:23.
  10. New earth. 2 Peter 3:13.

B. Rome's Way-Tradition, Apostasy.

  1. Human works; penances.
  2. Infant baptism.
  3. Auricular confession.
  4. Sprinkling.
  5. Tradition.
  6. Tradition, dogma.
  7. Intolerance; persecution.
  8. State offices; bazaars, etc.
  9. Sunday; holidays of church.
  10. Church officials speak.
  11. Rome, St. Peters, the church.
  12. No restrictions in diet.
  13. Reward at death.
  14. Natural immortality.
  15. Holy water.
  16. Forgiveness through mass.
  17. Purgatory; everlasting punishment.
  18. Heaven or hell.

C. Choosing to Follow Truth.

  1. Proverbs 7:24-27. “Go not astray in her paths.”
  2. John 17:17. Being sanctified by truth of Scripture.
  3. 2 Thessalonians 2:3-13. Guard against deceptions of apostate church.
  4. Revelation 21:27; 22:12-15. Deceptions lead to destruction, not life.
  5. Revelation 14:12. God's saints are commandment keepers.
  6. Revelation 22:14. Only obedient enter Holy City.

The Reward of Forsaking All

A. Accepting Christ's Invitation.

  1. Parable of great supper. Luke 14:16-27.
  2. Christ's warning. Luke 14:33.

B. Gospel Invitation Requires Self-denial.

  1. Jesus was willing to leave heaven for us. John 3:16; Matthew 26:38-44; 27:46.
  2. Abraham left his kindred. Genesis 12:1, 4.
  3. Moses chose to suffer affliction with people of God. Hebrews 11:24, 25.
  4. Paul's testimony: 'I count all things but loss.” Philippians 3:4-8.

C. No Sacrifice Too Great.

  1. “Let him deny himself.” Luke 9:23-26.
  2. Loves father or mother more than Christ. Matthew 10:34-38.
  1. “What is a man profited?” Matthew 16:24-26.
  2. “Left all ... and followed Him.” Luke 5:11, 27, 28.

D. Counting the Cost.

  1. Through much tribulation enter kingdom. Acts 14:22.
  2. Those who have sacrificed. Psalm 50:5.
  3. Sufferings at present; glory hereafter. Romans 8: 17, 18.
  4. Suffer with Christ; reign with Him. 2 Timothy 2:12; 1 Peter 4:12, 13.

E. Reward Now and Eternally.

  1. Peace results from doing right. Isaiah 48:18, 22.
  2. “Peace which passes understanding.” Philippians 4:7.
  3. Peacefully welcoming Christ's return. 2 Peter 3:14.
  4. Receive manifold now, and hereafter life everlasting. Matthew 19:27-29; Luke 18:28-30.
  5. Fullness of joy. Psalm 16: 11.

Persecuted for the Truth's Sake

INTRODUCTION: Persecution has been the common lot of God's faithful all down the ages. 2 Timothy 3:10-12; 1 Peter 4:12,13; Revelation 17:4. The eleventh chapter of Hebrews lists a “cloud of witnesses” (Hebrews 12:1, 2)-those who suffered and died for their loyalty to God.

A. Example in Bible History.

  1. Abel died a martyr to his faith. Genesis 4:1-8.
  2. Joseph chose confinement in a dungeon rather than break seventh commandment. Genesis 39.
  3. Daniel faced lions' den in honor of first commandment. Daniel 6:1-24.
  4. His three friends stood undaunted before infuriated king of Babylon and burning fiery furnace, in obedience to God of second commandment. Daniel 3.

B. Sabbath a Last-Day Test of Loyalty.

“The Sabbath will be the great test of loyalty; for it is the point of truth especially controversial. When the final test shall be brought to bear upon men, then the line of distinction will be drawn between those who serve God and those who serve Him not. While one class, by accepting the sign of submission to earthly powers, receive the mark of the beast, the other, choosing the token of allegiance to divine authority, receive the seal of God.” Great Controversy 605.

  1. Dragon wroth with God's commandment-keeping people. Revelation 12:17.
  2. Boycotting and threatened death await those who maintain their allegiance to God of holy Sabbath. Revelation 13:2, 3, 6-8, 15-17.
  3. God warns His people to come out of Babylon, not to receive her plagues. Revelation 14:9-11; 18:1-4.
  4. God's faithful children will keep commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus. Revelation 14:12.
  5. They will keep holy the Sabbath-sign of His authority as Creator. Revelation 7:1-3; Exodus 20:8-11; Ezekiel 20:12, 20.

C. Promises of ultimate glorious victory to faithful, even unto death.

Revelation 3:10-12; 7:9-13; 2:10. “Those who are earnestly seeking a knowledge of the truth, and are striving to purify their souls through obedience, thus doing what they can to prepare for the conflict, will find, in the God of truth, a sure defense. 'Because thou has kept the word of My patience, I will also keep thee,' is the Savior's promise. He would sooner send every angel out of heaven to protect His people, than leave one soul that trusts Him to be overcome by Satan.” - Great Controversy page 560.

D. Appeal.

What precious, comforting promises are found in the Bible! No matter how hard our lot, we can be assured that God will not for sake those who trustingly and courageously step out to keep His commandments. Our present conflicts will make our future bliss seem all the sweeter. Let us now claim His promise to those who have kept His commandments. Revelation 22:14. We want to be with them as they are welcomed by God to the Holy City; do we not? Mr. and Mrs. Brown, let us now commit your problem to our heavenly Father. He knows how to solve every perplexity. (Prayer.)

Christian Standards

Our message must raise up the falling standards of the church at large. To us the principles of dress reform must be more than denominational teachings, and this is also true of amusements, reading, and so forth. Worldliness and pride are so prevalent today that the Bible instructor must be prepared to meet arguments outside and inside of the church. We should be able to present clear-cut, logical reasons why we have found it necessary to build certain reforms into our message. Dealing with the problem of dress reform in the light of a warning against the “idolatry of dress,” makes this matter one of real importance and urgency. As health reform is a message for this hour, so dress reform too must be considered on this basis.

We have here included help in meeting some particular queries hardly discussed elsewhere in our literature. Bible instructors must meet these very problems more than other workers, and we should become well informed on our true principles.

Dress Standards

INTRODUCTION: Message of preparation for Christ's coming includes separation from world. 1 John 2:15-17. Message produces clean and holy people ready for heaven. Hope of Jesus' return incentive for reform. 1 John 3:1-3. Reformatory message helps us to find His true church. What are its standards?

Text: Isaiah 62:10-12.

A. Standards of Christian Church.

  1. Purity and holiness characterize Christ's church. 1 Peter 2:9.
  2. Members separated from world. 2 Corinthians 6:15-18.
  3. Hold a high standard on all points. Philippians 4:8.
  4. Pride and lust overcome by gospel. 1 John 2:15-18.
  5. Church presented faultless at Christ's Second Coming. Ephesians 5:25-27.

B. Lowered Standards of Last Days.

  1. Last days will be like Noah's time. Luke 17:26-28; Genesis 6:5, 12.
  2. Worldliness of church makes last day “perilous.” 2 Timothy 3:1-5.
  3. Many refuse God's reformatory message. 2 Timothy 4:1-5.
  4. Prayerlessness, wrath, doubt; vanity of women pronounced. 1 Timothy 2:8, 9.
  5. Vanity of last-day church members. Isaiah 3:19-26; 4: 1.

C. Need of Revival and Reformation.

1. True revival produces reformation. Hosea 14:1, 2, 4.

2. Examples of genuine revivals.

a. Bethel's reformation.

  1. Change of dress; ornaments given up. Genesis 35:1-5.
  2. Adornment and make-up heathen customs. Judges 8:24; Hosea 2:13; Jeremiah 4:30; 2 Kings 9:30.

b. In Moses' day.

  1. Worship of golden calf; licentiousness. Exodus 32:1-6.
  2. Israel laid off ornaments. Exodus 33:1-6.
  3. Gold and jewels were used for the sanctuary. Exodus 35:21, 22,29.

3. Reforms of remnant church.

  1. Reformation prophesied. Revelation 12:17; Isaiah 62:10-12.
  2. Law of God and faith of Jesus basic in reforms. Revelation 14:12.
  1. Remnant a type of ancient Israel. 1 Corinthians 10: 1-11.
  2. Ancient Israel lusted after the world. (Compare 1 Corinthians 10:6 with 1 John 2:16)
  3. Modern Israel warned against idolatry. 1 Corinthians 10:7. (See section on idolatry of dress in last days. Evangelism, pp. 268,269)
  4. Remnant a special people; “royal priesthood.” 1 Peter 2:9.
  5. Living in antitypical day of atonement. Revelation 14:7.
  6. Priest's garment changed on that day. Leviticus 16:4, 23; Ezekiel 44:17-19.
  7. Modern Israel's effective reforms. Titus 2:11-13.

D. Appeal for Holiness and Simplicity.

“Be not conformed to this world, but be you transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Romans 12:1, 2.

Standards for Dress and Deportment

Text: Isaiah 62:10-12.-Liftup a standard for the people.”

A. Introduction.

Though the church does not set up a censorship, it must exert influence to help men and women to live Christian lives.

  1. Our own judgment on Christian standards not safe. Proverbs 16:25.
  2. God's Word our guidebook. 2 Timothy 3:16,17.
  3. Christ our example. 1 Peter 2:21; 1 John 2:6.
  4. By our standards of dress and deportment we either confess or deny Christ. Luke 12:8, 9.

B. Bible Principles on Christian Standards.

Standards of dress, amusement, and so forth may be different today from those of Bible times, but Bible principles still our guide. Let us test our standards by the Bible.

1. Dress principles.

a . Should we dress as we please, or conform to God's standards? Romans 12:1, 2; 1 Corinthians 10:31.

  1. Paul's advice to Christian women. 1 Timothy 2:9.
  2. God provided adequate clothing. Genesis 3:7, 21.
  3. Modesty and simplicity. 1 Peter 3:3-5.
  4. God's children are reformers. Exodus 33:5, 6.
  5. Jewelry and heathenism. Judges 8:24.

2. Cosmetics and apostasy.

  1. Appearing as heathen. 2 Kings 9:30; Jeremiah 4:30.
  2. Heathen practices associated with immorality. Ezekiel 23:40, 43.

3. Amusements.

a. Books.

  1. Fleshly lusts. 1 Peter 2: 11.
  2. Greeks at Ephesus burned evil books. Acts 19:18, 19.
  3. Religious experience determined by books. 7T 204.

b. Music.

  1. Christian type of music. James 5:13.
  2. Good music is a blessing. Colossians 3:16. See IT 506.

c. Dances; movies.

  1. From Catholic priest's confessional; nineteen out of twenty fallen people admit occasioned at dance. (Provide facts on the dance evil.) 1 John 2:14-16.
  2. Illustration: Titles such as “Heaven Can Wait,” “A Shot in the Dark,” “Our Wife,” laugh at sin-a Christian cannot partake; he must overcome questionable amusements.
  3. God is not pleased with our foolish ways. Ecclesiastes 5:4.

4. Applying the test.

  1. Test for all our actions. Philippians 4:7-9.
  2. Bible teaches separation from world. No neutral ground. 2 Corinthians 6:17; James 4:4.

c. Christian does not conform to the world. Romans 12:2.

C. Conclusion.

  1. Diligence in holy living and godliness. 2 Peter 3:11-14.
  2. Jesus' coming near. Holy standards should be set. Isaiah 62:10-12.
  3. Willingness to give up all. Luke 14:33.
  4. True joy and lasting happiness. Psalm 16: 11.
  5. Bring peace of Jesus. John 14:27.

The Christian and His Dress

A. Warfare of the Christian.

  1. A great warfare in progress. Ephesians 6:10-17.
  2. Christ Captain of our salvation. Hebrews 2: 10.
  3. Satan a mighty foe. 1 Peter 5: 8.
  4. Our part in the conflict. 2 Timothy 2:3, 4.

In times of war armies of contending forces identified by their uniforms. We recognize postman and fireman by attire. As representatives of heaven, Christians should be known by their attire.

B. From Glory to Apostasy.

  1. Man in Eden clothed with glory and honor. Genesis 2:25; Psalm 8:5.
  2. Sin forfeited robe of glory; man substitutes. Genesis 3:7; Ecclesiastes 7:29.
  3. After man's fall God provided adequate clothing. Genesis 3:21.
  4. Israel's dress symbolic of commandments. Numbers 15:38, 39.
  5. Enemy also recognized by attire. Proverbs 7: 10; 2 Kings 9:30.
  6. Dress apostasy of last days foretold. Isaiah 3:16-23; 2:2.

C. Instruction for Overcoming Worldliness.

  1. Christian distinctive from worldlings. 2 Corinthians 6:14-18.
  2. Gold, pearls, costly array prohibited. 1 Timothy 2:9, 10.
  3. Paul's appeal to Christian wives. 1 Peter 3:13.
  4. Standards for Christ's true church. Ephesians 5:26, 27.

D. Victory for Overcomers.

(Dress of righteousness typical of Christian's attire.)

  1. Saints clothed in righteousness. Revelation 19:7-9.
  2. Tribute to conquering grace. Isaiah 61: 10. (Provide General Conference leaflet on “Standards.”)


Godliness and Sanctification

(Select texts or present in two studies.)

A. Christian Temperance, Conduct, and Dress.

  1. What does God desire of those who are waiting for the return of Jesus? 1 Thessalonians 5:23.
  2. How much of our lives will be affected by Bible religion? 1 Corinthians 10:31; 6:19, 20.
  3. With what is true temperance classified? Galatians 5:22, 23.

True temperance is the total abstinence from all that is harmful, and the moderate use only of that which is good.

4. Where in Christian growth and experience is temperance placed? 2 Peter 1:5-7; 1 Corinthians 9:25, 27. Temperance is rightly placed here as to order. Knowledge is a prerequisite to temperance and temperance to patience. It is almost impossible for an intemperate person to be patient.

5. In what way does the Lord express His will for us? 3 John 2.

B. The Relation of Diet to Health.

  1. What is essential to good health? Proverbs 4:20-22.
  2. What food was originally given to man? Genesis 1: 29.

Fruits, grains, and nuts comprised the original diet of man, and it was not until after the Flood that man was permitted to eat flesh. Genesis 9:2-4. God “intended that the race should subsist wholly upon the productions of the earth; but now that every green thing had been destroyed, He allowed them to cat the flesh of the clean beasts that had been preserved in the ark. PP 107.

3. How are clean and unclean meats distinguished? Deuteronomy 14:2-20; Leviticus 11:2-22.

What shows that the use of flesh had become a habit with Israel? Exodus 16:4. The Israelites in Egypt had adopted many of the ways of the heathen. Appetite, too, had been perverted. A fleshless diet soon became a problem to them. Numbers 21:5; 11:4, 13, 31-33. What was God's reason for giving Israel restrictions in diet? Exodus 23:25; 15:26.

  1. Did this lapse affect their spiritual life? 1 Corinthians 10: 5-11.

“That which corrupts the body tends to corrupt the soul. It unfits the user for communion with God, unfits him for high and holy service.”-Ministry Of Healing 280.

7. What will be our fate if we defile the temple of God? 1 Corinthians 3:16, 17.

Daniel's noble example of true godliness (Daniel 1:8-20) is a lesson for this age. Daniel was blessed because lie was steadfast in doing what he knew to be right, and we shall be blessed if we seek to honor God with full purpose of heart.” - CH 156.

8. Against what evil does Christ especially warn us? Luke 21:34, 35; Matthew 24:45-51.

9. How will God deal with those who refuse to heed His call to complete sanctification? Isaiah 65:24; 66:15-17.

C. Reform in Habits, Amusements, and Dress.

  1. What else does God forbid beside unclean foods? Leviticus 10:9, 10; Deuteronomy 29:18 (margin), 19, 20; Proverbs 23:31, 32; 20:1.

Every soul-defiling habit must and can be overcome by the grace of God. The use of drugs such as alcohol, tobacco, tea, and coffee unfit us to walk with God.

2. How will the true Christian relate himself to the things of this world? 1 John 2:15; Romans 12:2.

One who is walking with God will not be found patronizing theaters, dance and billiard halls, or other places of worldly amusement. Such things as gambling, card playing, etc., deaden the spiritual senses.

3. What counsel is given concerning our attire? 1 Peter 3:3, 4; 1 Timothy 2:9, 10; Isaiah 3:16-23.

Our attire “should have the grace, the beauty, the appropriateness of natural simplicity. Christ has warned us against the pride of life, but not against its grace and natural beauty. The most beautiful dress He bids us wear upon the soul. No outward adorning can compare in value or loveliness with that 'meek and quiet spirit' which in His sight is 'of great price.' - Ministry Of Healing 288, 289.

4. To the overcomer what beautiful promise is given? 2 Corinthians 6:17, 18; Revelation 21:7, 27.


Coming of Elijah the Prophet

Christian education should be included in our instruction to new Sabbath keepers. It fits into Elijah's message. Presenting a study on the work of Elijah provides a proper approach. Text: Malachi 4:5,


A. “Spirit and Power of Elias.”

  1. God's commandments had been forsaken. 1 Kings 18:18.
  2. Sun worship introduced. Ezekiel 8:15-18.
  3. Prophets of Baal tested. 1 Kings 18:22-28.
  4. Elijah proved his faith in God's Word. 1 Kings 18:30-39.
  5. Baal's prophets defeated. 1 Kings 18:40.

B. John, the Elijah of First Advent.

  1. John called men to forsake sin. Matthew 3:2, 8; 1sa. 40:3-8; 1 John 3:4.
  2. Jesus declared John to be the Elijah. Matthew 11: 7-15; 17:10-12.
  3. Disciples understood this prophetic application. Matthew 17:13.
  4. John's testimony, “I am the voice.” John 1:21-23.
  5. Leaders were blind to John's message. John 9:41.
  6. People followed their blind leaders. John 7:26, 48.
  7. Traditions in place of God's commandments. Matthew 15:9, 13.
  8. Rejection of John's message meant destruction. Matthew 3:12.
  9. John's mission fulfilled prophecy. Luke 1: 13-17.

C. Elijah Message at Second Advent.

  1. Elijah prophecy also applies to time of end. Malachi 4:5; Zephaniah 1:14-18; Joel 1:14, 15.
  2. Isaiah foretold this work of reform. Isaiah 62:10-12.
  3. Message includes call out of Babylon. Revelation 18:1-4.
  4. “The voice of the day of the Lord.” Zephaniah 1:14-18.
  5. Obedience to this message means salvation. Hebrews 5:9.
  6. Rejection leads to error. 2 Timothy 4:14; Psalm 119:142.
  7. Fulfillment of Elijah message, message of Second Advent. Revelation 14:6-12.

D. Appeal.

Texts: Matthew 7:20-23; 1 Kings 18:21; Joshua 24:14, 15; Revelation 22:14.

Reforms Under the Elijah Message

A. Introduction.

Definite reforms will today take place under present-day Elijah message. These will especially affect parents in training their children. John the Baptist a true type of such reform. It influenced his diet, dress, education. Malachi 4:5, 6; Matthew 3:1-6; Luke 1: 15-17.

B. Last-Day Conditions Affect Behaviour.

  1. A reprobate mind produces disobedience. Romans 1: 21-23, 28, 30.
  2. Disobedience of children in last days. 2 Timothy 3:1, 2.
  3. Teachers turn from truth to fables. 2 Timothy 4:3, 4.
  4. Develops scoffers and evolutionists. 2 Peter 3:3-6.
  5. Heathen influences rule precious heritage (youth). Joel 2: 1, 15-17.

C. Raising Standard for Advent Youth.

1. Obedience must now counteract disobedience. Revelation 14:12.

  1. Church must raise standard against enemy. Isaiah 59:19.
  2. True education upholds God's commandments. Ecclesiastes 12:12-14; Isaiah 54:13.
  3. Children to be taught God's commandments. Deuteronomy 6:4-9.
  4. Parents responsible for proper training of youth. judges 13:12; Ephesians 6:4; Proverbs 22:6.

D. Need for Christian Schools.

1. Advent youth today called to God's work. Joel 2:28-32.

2. “Seed” of church to teach Gentiles. Isaiah 61:4-9.

3. Influence of godly training.

  1. Early education influenced Moses and Daniel. Hebrews 11:23-26; Deuteronomy 34: 10; Daniel 1: 8, 17, 20.
  2. Schools of prophets influenced Solomon. 1 Kings 4:29-34.
  3. Mary's teachings influenced Jesus' life. Luke 2:46-52.
  4. Timothy's early training built character. 2 Timothy 1:5; 3:14, 15.

4. Under scaling message parents must train their children. Isaiah 8:15-20.

5. Our task: finishing the gospel work. Matthew 24:14.

E. Appeal to Parents.

To consider seriously a Christian education for their children. S.D.A. youth called to herald Advent message to ends of earth. This requires a special training, and the Christian school is in God's order. Parents must decide this matter on faith, dedicating their children to the closing work of the gospel. God is counting on all Seventh-day Adventist parents to do this. Jeremiah 13:20; Isaiah 8:18.

Establishing a Happy Home

A. Introduction.

  1. God's first gift to man. “God celebrated the first marriage. Thus the institution has for its originator the Creator of the universe. ... It was one of the first gifts of God to man, and it is one of the two institutions that, after the fall, Adam brought with him beyond the gates of Paradise.” PP 46.
  2. The Sabbath a twin institution. “Then marriage and the Sabbath had their origin, twin institutions for the glory of God in the benefit of humanity.... He enunciated the law of marriage for all the children of Adam to the close of time. That which the eternal Father Himself had pronounced good, was the law of highest blessing and development for man.-Mount Of Blessings 99, 100.

B. Marriage-Part of God's Plan.

  1. What was God's plan in providing the institution of marriage? Genesis 2:18.
  2. As the Creator joined the hands of the holy pair in wedlock, what was His pronouncement? Genesis 2:22-24.
  3. In God's plan, how many wives were provided for a man? Genesis 2:24,22; Ephesians 5:31; Malachi 2:14.
  4. How should the marriage relationship be entered into? Malachi 2:14-16.

“The family tie is the closest, the most tender and sacred, of any on earth. It was designed to be a blessing to mankind. And it is a blessing whenever the marriage covenant is entered into intelligently, in the fear of God, and with due consideration for its responsibilities. Those who are contemplating marriage should consider what will be the character and influence of the home they are founding. A relation so important as marriage and so far-reaching in its results should not be entered upon hastily.” Ministry Of Healing 356358.

C. Law of Love in Home.

  1. How binding is the bond of mutual relationship in marriage? 1 Corinthians 7:3, 39; Ecclesiastes 9:9. “Let the husband and wife study each other's happiness, never failing in the small courtesies and little kindly acts that cheer and brighten the life.” Ministry Of Healing 393.
  2. Does the happiness of a home depend upon luxury or possessions? Luke 12:15; Proverbs 15:17.
  1. Should adversity affect the love of husband and wife? Ecclesiastes 8:6, 7. “A house with love in it, where love is expressed in words and looks and deeds, is a place where angels love to manifest their presence.... There the humble household duties have a charm.” 2T 417.
  2. What is God's plan for the husband? 1 Timothy 5:8,
  3. What are the God-given duties of the wife? Proverbs 31:10-31.
  4. What further counsel to both is given by Peter? 1 Peter 3:1-12. “Mutual kindness and forbearance will make home a paradise, and attract holy angels into the family circle.” IT 386, 387.

“Angels delight in a home where God reigns supreme, and the children are taught to reverence religion, the Bible, and their Creator. Such families can claim the promise, 'Them that honor Me, 1 will honor.” 5T 424.

D. Place of Family Altar.

1. What was Abraham's daily practice for his whole household? Genesis 18:19. What was Timothy's early training? 2 Timothy 1:5; 3:15.

  1. How are parents admonished to care for the 9ittle church” in their home? 1 Timothy 3:4, 5.
  2. Why is this counsel so important today? 2 Timothy 3:1-3.
  3. What is the promise to Christian parents in these last days? Malachi 4:4-6.

In too many households, prayer is neglected. Parents feel that they have no time for morning and evening worship. From every Christian home a holy light should shine forth. Love should be revealed in action. It should flow out in all home intercourse, showing itself in thoughtful kindness, in gentle, unselfish courtesy. There are homes where this principle is carried out,-homes where God is worshiped, and truest love reigns. From these homes, morning and evening prayer ascends to God as sweet incense, and His mercies and blessings descend upon the suppliants like the morning dew. A well-ordered Christian household is a powerful argument in favor of the reality of the Christian religion,-an argument that the infidel cannot gainsay.” PP 143, 144.

Additional References: Desire Ages 150, 151, 144; 4T 503-508, 515; TM 180, 181; Ministry Of Healing 356-359, 374, 376, 377; Wearner, Fundamentals of Bible Doctrine (Review and Herald), chap., “The Christian Home.”

Presenting the Spirit of Prophecy

Teaching those who are unacquainted with spiritual gifts, or who may be greatly confused with spurious demonstrations, requires special skill to make the instruction effective as well as informative. For this reason a number of experienced Bible instructors have been selected to give their presentations in more detail. All workers will appreciate capturing their special techniques of argument, and will also be benefited by their more unique methods of appeal. The field is still wide open to the aggressive Bible teacher whose more than average background of the Spirit of prophecy will present a new appeal to the uninformed or skeptical. We would advise a wise selection of textual points, and a restraining of such as may not be necessary with some readers. Since the Spirit of prophecy is for the church, our teaching in this respect should reveal our continuous research in helping new believers, as well as our weathered saints, to a fuller appreciation of the gift in our midst.

The Church Militant

  1. Introduction.

From the time sin first entered our world God's children have been in conflict with Satan. Genesis 3:15; Ephesians 6:11-13. A line of demarcation was early drawn between the two classes of worshipers. Genesis 4:26; 6:1, 2; Hebrews 11:4. As sin increased, God often called His faithful children to separate from the worldliness around them. Genesis 12:2; 13:12. His church was well organized in Old Testament times. Acts 7:38. It centered in the tabernacle. Jesus was prefigured in every sacrifice that was offered. Hebrews 9:9-11. The Ten Commandments made ancient Israel a distinctive people. Exodus 19:5.

B. The Apostolic Church.

  1. Organization. Mark 3:13,14.
  2. Figure of building. Ephesians 2:19-22.
  1. Membership taught. Acts 2:47.
  2. Founded on law. Matthew 5:17, 18; 1 John 2:3-5.
  3. Church represented by symbol of woman. Jeremiah 6:2; 2 Corinthians 11:2.
  4. John's view. Revelation 12:1, 2, 5.
  5. Church fled into wilderness. Revelation 12:6; 2 Thessalonians 2:14.

C. The Remnant Church. Revelation 12:17. 1. Distinguishing features.

  1. Keep commandments. Revelation 12:17.
  2. Have Spirit of prophecy. Revelation 12:17; 19: 10.
  3. To rise after 1798. Revelation 12:6.
  4. To give messages of Revelation 14:6-11; 14:12.

D. Satan's bitter warfare. Revelation 12:17.

  1. Also represented by a woman. Revelation 17:3, 4.
  2. Called “Babylon.” Revelation 17:5.
  3. God's people called out. Revelation 18:2, 4; John 10:27.
  4. Offers no salvation. Matthew 15:9; Revelation 18:21.

E. Which Church?

  1. Choice must be made. Matthew 7:13, 14; 12:30.
  2. Choose God's commandment-keeping church. Revelation 14:12.

Prophetic Gift in the Church

It is helpful to present the Spirit of prophecy in connection with a series of studies on the church. Roman Catholics stress too strongly the importance of the church, but we often overlook its true prominence.

  1. What constitutes the church?
  2. Its organization. (From local church to General Conference.)
  3. Its ordinances. (Baptism, feet washing, Lord's supper.)
  4. Its support. (Tithes and offerings.)
  5. Its equipment. (The gifts.)

(I usually give two studies on the gifts, dealing with the various gifts and their benefit to the church, and then a study on the gift of prophecy.)

6. Its mission. 60:1-5; 9T 21.)

(The witness of a godly life. 1 Peter 2:9-12; Isaiah

A. Spiritual Gifts Given to Church by Christ at His Ascension. (Ephesians 4:4-8.)

  1. These gifts under the control of Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 12:8, 11.
  2. Benefit each member in church. 1 Corinthians 12:7.
  3. Gifts bring unity to church as a whole. Ephesians 4:12, 13; 1 Corinthians 12:25.
  4. Gifts remain in church until it reaches perfection and is ready for translation. Ephesians 4:12, 13.
  5. Gift of prophecy in remnant church. Revelation 12:17; 19: 10.
  6. Gift of prophet second in order. 1 Corinthians 12:28.

B. God's Use of Prophets.

  1. He speaks through them. Hebrews 1: 1.
  2. Revelations through dreams and visions. Numbers 12:6,
  3. Prophet God's mouthpiece to deliver His message to church. Deuteronomy 18:15-22.
  4. Reception of prophet's message means life. Ezekiel 3:17-19.

C. Work of a True Prophet.

  1. To guide. 1 Samuel 9:6, 19, 20; Acts 13:14.
  2. To instruct in things of God. 2 Kings 22:8-17.
  3. To reprove for sin and wrongdoing. 2 Samuel 24:11-15; Matthew 14:1-10.
  4. To give warning. Jeremiah 26:1-15; Acts 21:10-14.

D. Tests of a True Prophet.

  1. Known by fruits. A godly life. Matthew 7:15-20.
  2. Conscious of a divine call. Isaiah 6: 1-10; Jeremiah 1:5-10; Amos 7:14, 15.
  3. Messages in harmony with the Word. Isaiah 8:19, 20.
  4. Predictions will come true. Deuteronomy 18:20-22.

E. Life and Work of Ellen G. White Prove Her a True Prophet.

1. Her life testifies to claim as witnessed by the following:

  1. As witnessed by a friend. Abiding Gift of Prophecy, by A. G. Daniells, pages 363-368.
  2. As witnessed by an enemy. The Spirit of Prophecy in the Advent Movement, by W. A. Spicer, page 127.
  3. As witnessed by a world observer. Ibid., page 126.

2. Conscious of fact she was called of God. IT 62; 5T 667.

3. Her writings are in harmony with Word of God. Great Controversy 595, 598, 599; 5T 663-665.

4. Many of her predictions have come true.

  1. Publishing work. Divine Predictions Fulfilled, by F. C. Gilbert, pp- 110, 114, 119, 120.
  2. Sevenfold prophecy. Ibid., pages 377, 378.
  3. Looking ahead. Ibid., pages 251-255.
  4. For many other predictions fulfilled see The Abiding Gift of Prophecy, chaps. 28-32.

F. Blessings Attending Church.

As the church has given heed to messages from God through His prophets in all ages, blessings have attended it. 2 Chronicles 20:20.

I do not touch on physical manifestations in the tests of a true prophet. The other evidences are more important and far safer. When a person gives himself over to evil influences, there is no end to the physical manifestations which Satan can produce. These other proofs must carry over a period of years, and are not so easily imitated.

Seventh-day Adventists believe that God called Ellen G. Harmon (later Mrs. James White) to be His messenger, and that He bestowed upon her the prophetic gift at the time He revealed to the church the last message of mercy to a dying world, as found in Revelation 14:6-12. This message is world-wide in its extent, and the gift of prophecy was necessary for divine guidance of the church in the accomplishment of its stupendous task.

How God Communicates With Men

A. Introduction.

Before sin entered, God spoke directly with Adam and Eve. Genesis 3:9.

B. Prophets God's Special Medium of Communication Since the Fall.

  1. I have “spoken by the prophets” and “multiplied visions.” Hosea 12: 10; Numbers 12:6.
  2. Communications sent at different times and in various manners. Hebrews 1: 1, 2.
  3. All were spoken under direct influence of Holy Spirit. 2 Peter 1:21; 2 Samuel 23:2.

C. Prophets in Christian Church.

  1. Visions foretold by Joel. Joel 2:28; Acts 2:16, 17.
  2. Prophets a gift of Jesus to His church. Ephesians 4:8, 11.
  3. Will be manifest in remnant church. Revelation 12:17; 19:10.

D. Purpose of Prophecy.

  1. For preservation and prosperity of His people. Hosea 12:13; Proverbs 29:18; 2 Kings 6:1-17.
  2. To acquaint them with His secret purposes. Amos 3:7.
  3. To build up His church. Ephesians 4:12, 13.
  4. Gift corresponds to eyes in human body. 1 Corinthians 12:27, 28. (Explain context, verses 1-3 1.)
  5. Ancient prophets were called “seers.” 1 Samuel 9:9.

E. Church's Attitude Toward the Gift.

  1. Not to despise, but to prove prophesying. 1 Thessalonians 5:20, 21.
  2. “Beware of false prophets.” Matthew 7:15; 24: 11.
  3. False prophets more numerous than genuine. 1 Kings 18:19; 19:10.

F. Rules for Proving the Gift.

  1. Predictions must come to pass. Deuteronomy 18:22.
  2. Will teach obedience to the true God. Deuteronomy 13:14.
  3. Their teachings will produce good fruit. Matthew 7:20.
  4. Will speak according to the law and the testimony. Isaiah 8:20.
  5. Prophets call for a return to commandment keeping. 2 Kings 17:13.
  6. Will hold to the incarnation of Christ. 1 John 4:1-3.
  7. Will exalt words and works of Christ, and show church her duty in relation to future events. John 16:13-15; 1 Peter 1: 10, 11; 2 Peter 1:21.

G. Line of Communication.

1. Jesus sends His angel with messages to the prophets which are to be given to His church for the world. Revelation 1:1.

  1. God the Father.
  2. Christ the Son.
  3. The angel Gabriel. d. The prophet.
  4. The church.
  5. The world.

2. Angel's name is Gabriel. Daniel 9:21, 22; 10:21; Luke 1: 19.

H. Conclusion.

  1. Amid the perils of last days, God has not forgotten His church, communicated with her through Heaven-appointed agencies.
  2. Illustration: Captain of vessel does not undervalue chart of rules of instruction when he invites pilot aboard. All along journey wireless tuned for special information. As he nears dangerous 'reefs and shifting sand bars, welcomes pilot.

The Spirit of Prophecy

INTRODUCTION: Christ's greatest gift to the church was the Holy Spirit. Our study will be on the divine organization of the plan of salvation-the means through which He accomplishes, or works, the plan.

Holy Spirit is Christ's vicegerent, or personal representative, on earth. While Jesus is doing His mediatorial work in heaven, the judgment work, the Holy Spirit is preparing His people here for that examination. After the examination, translation for those found worthy. Great plan of salvation accomplished by Christ and Holy Spirit.

These gifts Jesus gave to church are channels through which Holy Spirit does His work of calling out and preparing church for translation.

A. Christ's Gifts to His Church.

  1. 1 Corinthians 12:4. Important for us to know these gifts. Called “spiritual gifts” or gifts of the Spirit. Holy Spirit is in charge of gifts. Bestows them on whomever He chooses. Person upon whom He bestows special gift becomes channel through which Holy Spirit will accomplish that phase of His work.
  2. Ephesians 4:8. When Jesus ascended on high, gave gifts to church.

B. Classification of Gifts. (Ephesians 4:11.)

Holy Spirit first organized the church. Gave some apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers.

  1. Apostle is one sent, a leader. Implies knowledge of message of salvation, with official authority in church organization.
  2. Prophets called “seers”-eyes of church. God chosen to bear special messages to church.
  3. Evangelists-carriers of gospel.
  4. Pastors-shepherds, overseers to care for believers.
  5. Teachers-special instructors of believers and enquirers.
  6. All except prophets appointed by church. Holy Spirit directs

church through leaders. Preaches gospel through evangelists; cares for believers through pastors; establishes enquirers and newly converted through special teachers. Our leaders, evangelists, pastors, and teachers are God's gifts to church.

7. Ephesians 4:12-15. Purpose of gifts. Through these chosen vessels

Holy Spirit perfects saints and edifies body of Christ-the church. Holy Spirit unifies their faith or beliefs, brings knowledge of Son of God. Not tossed about and deceived by every wind of doctrine. Through them we learn the truth of plan of salvation and “grow up into Him in all things, which is the head, even Christ.”

C. Special Gifts. (1 Corinthians 12:4-6)

Another list of gifts placed in church. These bestowed as Holy Spirit wills on believers of organized body. Preserves unity, because He bestows gifts as He wills. These become channels for His ministry to church. Notice in verse 7 He does not give gifts to everybody, but every man profits by manifestations of these gifts.

1. What are these special gifts given to organized body? Verses 8-10.

  1. To one He gives “the word of wisdom.” Some men are good counselors, level-headed; speak with decision, manifest good sense and sound judgment. Does church profit by such men? Holy Spirit is counseling through these men.
  2. “To another the word of knowledge.-Some men have good minds for learning, delve into sciences-college teachers. Does church profit by such men? Holy Spirit teaches church true sciences through these men.
  3. “To another faith.” Men who will step out by faith and do aggressive work. Holy Spirit advances work through men of faith. Faith a gift.
  4. “To another the gifts of healing.” Doctors and nurses must be endued with gift to be successful ministers of sick. Have gift of healing. All profit by gift. Holy Spirit ministers to suffering through these men and women.
  5. “To another the working of miracles.” Greatest miracle a changed life. Miracle of grace to change heathen into child of God. Spirit brings light to benighted through missionaries. Works miracle through them. Does church profit by gift?
  6. “To another prophecy.” Not in sense of “seer,” but as mouthpiece, preacher. Gift to be able to stand before great multitudes and preach gospel with power. Holy Spirit speaks to multitudes through these men.
  7. “To another discerning of spirits.” Some have keen discernment as to what is sound doctrine, whether of Lord or devil. Holy Spirit guards church through this gift to individuals.
  8. “To another divers kinds of tongues.” Gift to be able to learn different languages. Through bestowal of
    this gift Spirit gives gospel to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people in languages in which men are born. Also ancient languages acquired. Spirit gives gospel in original setting and purity. Church profits by this gift.

2. Holy Spirit works through these gifts, divides them severally as He wills. Verse 11.

3. Purpose to prepare church to stand united in Christ. Verses 12-21. All needed to preserve church and guide in its activity. Verses 25-27. Church one great family. Verses 28-31. Gifts are not just passed around promiscuously, neither are they all vested in one person. We should prepare ourselves by study and education and “covet,” or desire, a gift whereby we can serve in some capacity to help finish work of God in earth and hasten coming of Jesus. Verse 31. How to do it: love eclipses all-love for God, love for lost humanity. Only God can put love in human heart. Of no profit without love. Love more excellent way. If you have this surrendered, teachable nature, be sure Holy Spirit will have need of you somewhere in His vineyard. Church a living concern-”a light set on a hill.-Holy Spirit working through all its avenues causes it to shine.

D. Prophetic Gift in Gospel Church.

  1. 1 Corinthians 12:28. Order in which gifts were placed in church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, and after that other gifts. First leaders and organized body; then prophet, or “eye,” in body to give it intelligence.
  2. What is a prophet said to be? Hosea 12:10. God's mouthpiece.
  3. To whom does God reveal His secrets? Amos 3:7.
  4. Why does God reveal Himself through prophets? Numbers 12:6; 2 Peter 1:21. In beginning, before man Sinned, God spoke face to face, as father with son. Sin severed this direct line of communication. When man sinned he was no longer able to talk with God face to face. Made necessary ministry of prophets for revelation of God's will. His love did not utterly forsake man!
  5. How should word of any prophet be tested? Isaiah 8:20. No true prophet will speak contrary to those gone before.
  6. What admonition is given concerning this gift? 1 Thessalonians 5:20, 21. Hold fast what you have. God may give more light.
  7. Will remnant church have this gift and all the gifts? 1 Corinthians 1:5-8. Presence of all gifts is evidence of remnant church.
  8. Promise of prophet restored to early church. Acts 2:16, 17. Pentecost, Agabus (Acts 11:28); Barnabas and others (Acts 13:1); Philip's four daughters (Acts 1:8, 9).

E. Law and Prophets Inseparable.

  1. Revelation 14:6, 7, 12. John saw gospel go to world; resulted in a people gathered out to keep commandments of God and faith of Jesus. Faith of Jesus, teachings of Jesus through prophets.
  2. What characterizes remnant church? Revelation 12:17. “Keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.”
  3. What is “testimony of Jesus-? Revelation 19:10. Holy Spirit had endued John with gift of prophet. Chose him to be God's mouthpiece. God sent His messenger, Gabriel, angel of prophecy, with message to John. John fell at his feet to worship him. Angel said, “Do it not; 1 am only thy fellow servant, as 1 have served thy brother prophets. 1 have brought you another testimony from Jesus .....Testimony- is message or verbal report from throne of God to church through prophet. God clothes His thoughts in human language.
  4. What results when gift is absent? Proverbs 29:18. Church perishes.
  5. Through ages God used women as well as men to bear His message. Galatians 3:28. Neither male nor female when filling His needs for service. Anna a prophetess; Philip's daughters, Miriam, Deborah, and Hulda, all prophetesses.

F. The True Church.

1. 1 Corinthians 1:5-8. Church waiting for Christ's coming behind in no gift. Does the Adventist church have all the gifts? Trace its history.

  1. It arose at the right time. God sent great international message of Revelation 14:6, 7 to world, announcing the message in fulfillment of Daniel's 2300 days, which ended in 1844.
  2. When judgment set in heaven, God raised up messengers that simultaneously carried it to all the world: Edward Irving in England; Joseph Wolff in the East, with others; William Miller in America, from which grew this denomination.
  3. Message of Revelation 14 calls for people to arise and adhere to fundamentals of gospel, keeping all commandments and preaching judgment message, taking to world message of coming kingdom, a people who refuse to adhere to mark of apostasy in its worship. No other church in world that fills all these requirements.

G. Prophetic Gift-Ellen G. White.

  1. Order in which God sets gifts in church. First apostles. Who were they? William Miller, J. V. Himes, Joseph Bates, J. N. Loughborough, James White, and others were the leaders in its rise. Second, prophets. Did God provide this gift when He raised up this church? He did. First called a man, Hazen Foss by name. He did not fully understand message which he felt would be too unpopular. Refused to relate message God gave him. Given him second time. Again refused to tell it. Refused third time. God told him he was excused; would lay burden on “weakest of weak.” (Foss revealed this when he later related his experience.) Foss startled by God's last statement, and determined to relate message previously given. Now gone from him, and he exclaimed, “1 am as one dead!” Lived fifty years after that without an atom of desire for religion.
  2. God now called young woman seventeen years of age, Ellen G. Harmon. Was converted through preaching of William Miller. Very frail and delicate in health. While a child met with serious accident, handicap to her in gaining education she longed for. Was -weakest of the weak!”
  3. The call. At a prayer meeting God gave her first message. Had her tell what had been shown to her. Related it when Hazen Foss present. Next morning he went to her and told her, “That message is of God. It was given to me.” Told how he had been bidden thrice to relate it, but had refused; how God told him he was excused, would lay gift on “weakest of weak.” Foss said, “Ellen, be faithful, it is of God.-
  4. God's messenger. Ellen Harmon later married James White. She bore no title. Was not ordained by laying on of hands. Held no official office in church. Known to us simply as Mrs. E. G. White or Sister White. Only “messenger,” or God's mouthpiece. Not vessel, but gift so marvelous! God again condescends to speak to His church. When church had begun to keep all commandments, fourth included, He again bestowed the gift of prophecy. Her message put to strictest test by Bible. No prophet of God speaks contrary to what other prophets have spoken.
  5. Tests applied; Mrs. White's work.
  1. Numbers 24:14. Balaam in vision had his eyes open. So did Mrs. White. Daniel did not breathe; neither did she while in vision. She met every physical test of a prophet.
  2. Was a true mother in Israel. Served church for seventy years. Wrote sixty-nine volumes, many large. Nearly 1,000 handwritten documents penned in her earlier years of the work. Collection of 6,000 typewritten documents comprise Ellen G. White manuscript file. We do not hold writings above Bible, nor as addition to Bible; divine explanation of Bible. Language of writings beautiful. The Desire of Ages, masterpiece in literature. See Testimony of University English teacher in Boston, Mass.

Hosea 12:13. “By a prophet the Lord brought Israel out of Egypt, and by a prophet was he preserved.” So this people safely led through times of crisis by His prophet. God placed in His church that wonderful gift whereby He is preparing a people for His coming. Is it strange that He would again speak to His people? It would be strange if He did not.

H. Healing Gifts.

Preparation to meet God depends on knowledge of His Word. First apostles; second, prophets; then gifts of healing, knowledge, etc. Seventh-day Adventists have many sanitariums and hospitals, training centers, a medical college of A rating by Medical Association. Missionaries trained in these institutions sent out to uttermost parts of world with His last message.

I. Remnant Church Discovered.

God's church comes behind in no gift. Answers to God's requirements. He raised it up. Must be the remnant church.


When nursing in Melrose, after we were married, 1 took some university extension class work conducted in the Chauncey Freemont high school, Melrose. One day in the literature class, the teacher, who had just returned from an extended trip and study of literature in Europe, asked us to come next day prepared to give three quotations from our favorite author, and let the rest of the class members have a test in telling the author by discerning the style of language used by the author.

“As it so occurred, 1 was the first one called upon, and although there were about forty-eight in the class, not another one was called upon, and the whole time was taken up in the discussion of the author 1 quoted.

“After I had quoted a passage from Desire of Ages, the entire class failed to name the author, and to my happy surprise the instructor said:

“Well, class, these are words from the pen of Mrs. E. G. White.' She then made a long speech, saying she knew nothing of religion. She stated that she was able unblushingly to declare herself an authority on literature, and that it was a pity that Mrs. White's writings were not better known in the literary world. She then stated that she was going to make a bold and strong statement, but that she meant every word of it, and that was that of all writings-ancient, medieval, or modern-there are no writings so full of beauty, so perfect in every way, so pure, and yet so simple, outside the Bible, as the writings of Mrs. E. G. White.

“Needless to say, 1 was proud to be a Seventh-day Adventist.” (Signed) Harold N. Williams. Operator Radio Station 8BSL, St. John's, Newfoundland

What About the Gift of Tongues?

A. Spiritual Gifts Include Gift of Tongues. 1 Corinthians 12:8-10.

  1. Spirituality not determined by gift of tongues or any other gift. 1 Corinthians 12:11, 29, 30.
  2. Tongues placed last in the list of gifts. 1 Corinthians 12:10, 28.
  3. The Bible does not teach us to seek the gift of tongues, or that baptism of the Holy Spirit must be accompanied by tongues.

B. Purpose of Gift of Tongues Manifested in Early Christian Church.

1. Jews from all countries at Jerusalem to carry the gospel quickly to their own lands. Acts 2: 1 -11.

2. It was for a sign. 1 Corinthians 14:22.

3. “The Jews require a sign.” 1 Corinthians 1:22; Acts 10:44-47. (The Jewish brethren who went with Peter no doubt would have refused baptism to these new Gentile converts if it had not been for this manifestation.)

4. The true gift of tongues for “confirming the word.” Mark 16:15-20. Such a confirmation by divine manifestations was a necessary adjunct to their preaching, since at that time the apostles had no other confirmation to their message.

5. True gift of tongues under the speaker's control. Not to be exercised in public except someone with the gift of interpretation is present. 1 Corinthians 14:6-9, 26-28.

6. Reception of gift of tongues was no indication of spirituality. 1 Corinthians 3:1-5; 5: 1.

  1. Corinth was a Grecian city. Tongues were included in Greek philosophy.
  2. Corinthians stresses gift of tongues more than any other Bible book. Evidently had both false and true manifestations.

7. Some instances where the Holy Ghost was given, but tongues not mentioned. Acts 10:38-Jesus; Acts 6:58-Stephen; Acts 13:9, 10-Saul.

8. Baptism of the Holy Spirit given for the purpose of witnessing. Acts 4:31-33.

C. Paul Compares Gift of Tongues With Gift of Prophecy.

  1. Love must accompany spiritual gifts. 1 Corinthians 13:1, 2.
  2. Reverence, decency, and order greatly stressed. 1 Corinthians 14:33, 40.
  3. Women especially cautioned on church conduct. Verses 34, 35.
  4. Confusion of the gift of tongues invites reproach. Verse 23.
  5. Knowledge with humility to mark this gift. Verses 36-38, 20. 6. Christians to seek the gifts that edify the church. Verses 5, 12. 7. Gift of tongues edifies self. Verse 4.

8. Gift of prophecy edifies the church. Verses 22, 24, 25.

9. Gift of prophecy greater than that of tongues. Verse 5.

10. Gift of prophecy in true church at end of time. Revelation 12:17; 14:12; 19:10.


D. Spirituality Recognizes God's Commandments.

  1. Paul's instruction about interpretation of tongues. 1 Corinthians 14:37.
  2. Obedience is a requirement of the Holy Spirit. Acts 5:32; 2:38, 39; Ezekiel 36:26, 27.

Nature of Testimonies; Reasons for Studying

“Little heed is given to the Bible, and the Lord has given a lesser light to lead men and women to the greater light.”-Colporteur Evangelist, page 37. 5T 654-660, 667, 668; IT 5867, 630, 631; 2T 447, 687, 688.

E. G. White's first vision: topics covered; its fitness for the time.

Second vision: commission and instruction; misgivings, how met.

Difficulties and responsibilities of God's messenger. Reasons for publishing personal testimonies.

5T 66-73; 3T 256-259, 361.

Purpose of reproof. Comparative guilt of SDA's and other professed Christians. Reasons for Testimony study (number and list).

5T 663-668, 686; IT 234; 6T 393; 8T 298.

Various attitudes toward the writings of the Spirit of prophecy. Conditions that hinder a clear understanding of the Bible. The Testimonies as a help in Bible study. Relation between the Bible and the Testimonies; illustration of. Comparison between the Testimonies and ceremonial ordinances. “An audience with the Infinite One.”

5T 668-670; 6T 122, 123; IT 247, 327, 328, 330.

The Testimonies-for whom given. Attitude toward, honest doubters; secret opposers in the church. Use of, with unbelievers. How doubts are created. Doubters, special agents of Satan.

5T 671, 672, 685, 687.

The true standard for judging the Testimonies. The supernatural element.

5T 672-683, 689, 690, 217; 1T 610; 4T 211.

Steps in apostasy. Essential experience for appreciation of Testimonies. Sowing the seeds of doubt. Reproof: rejection of, and result; necessity for; God's mercy in. The weight of evidence. Comparative evils of neglect and of rejection.

5T 683-691, 67; IT 234; 3T 314, 315; 9T 154.

Value of Testimonies when called forth by human information. Effect of E. G. White's special experience on relative value of her judgment.

Number of' and wide field covered in, her revelations. Relation of this fact to value of Testimonies for present needs. Attempt to dissect Testimonies. Lesson from Pharisees.

Nature of articles in papers, and of letters based on revelation.

5T 677, 678; 3T 257, 314.

A distinctive work given to E. G. White, not to others. For further study, see Index, under headings “Testimonies,” “Reproof,” “Visions,” “Doubt.”