Animals Are "Souls" Nehphesh - Living Creature

By William Robert West

Animals ARE souls, not animals HAVE souls. In Genesis 1:20; 1:21; 1:24; 1:30, most translations try to hide this. WHY? Why is it "living creature" when used referring to animals and "soul" when used referring to a person? There is no excuse or defense for it. It is a deliberate attempt by the translators, who did not believe God's word as it is, to mislead; and all Bible teachers should point this out to all they teach [James 3:1]. If "the living soul" [nehphesh] is the immortal part of a person, then bugs, all sea creatures, all birds, and all animals have an immortal soul. "Living soul" is used more of these creatures than it is of man.

Passages in which soul [nehphesh] is speaking of animals being souls.

  1. Genesis 1:20 "Then God said, Let the waters swarm with swarms of living souls [soul - nehphesh, used referring to animals]."
  2. Genesis 1:21 "And God created the great sea-monsters, and every living soul [soul - nehphesh, used referring to animals] that moves wherewith the waters swarmed."
  3. Genesis 1:24 "And God said, Let the earth bring forth living souls [soul - nehphesh, used referring to animals] after their kind, cattle, and creeping things, and beasts of the earth after their kind."
  4. "And with ever living creature [soul - nehphesh, used referring to animals] that is with you, of the fowl, of the cattle, and of every beast of the earth with you" [Genesis 9:10]. Also Genesis 9:12, 9:15 and 9:16.
  5. "One soul [nehphesh life, used referring to man and animals] offive hundred, of the persons and of the beeves, and of the asses, and of the sheep" [Numbers 31:28].
  6. The "leviathan," [Job 41:1] used six times in the Bible, probably a crocodile, has a soul [soul - nehphesh, used referring to animals] [Job 41:21]. From over 870 times nehphesh is used, this is the only time it is translated breath in the Kings James Version. After all, they could not have a crocodile, a sea monster, or whatever it was having an "immortal soul" for then they would have to put it in Heaven or Hell for an immortal crocodile could never die and would have to be somewhere for all eternity.
  7. "SOUL" [nehphesh] OF MAN AND ANIMALS IS IN THE BLOOD "For the life [soul - nehphesh, used referring to man and to animals] of the flesh is in the blood" Leviticus 17:11. "For the life [soul - nehphesh, used referring to man and to animals] of every creature is the blood of it" Leviticus 17:14, Genesis 9:4.
  8. "In whose hand is the life [soul - nehphesh, used referring to man and to animals] of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind?" [Job 12:10].
  9. "A righteous man has regard for the life [soul - nehphesh, used referring to animals] of his beast" [Proverbs 12:10].
  10. Genesis 2:19, 9:15-16 and many more. "The living soul" in Genesis 2:7 is the one distinctive thing, for many that makes a person different from an animal. If a person has an immortal soul, there is no way around all living things having immortal souls.


Nothing is said in these passages about bugs, birds, fish or a person being anything more than "living beings."

1. Nehphesh (soul): When nehphesh is used referring only to animals is translated nine different ways in the King James Version.

  1. Creature [soul - nehphesh] Genesis 1:21; 1:24; 2:19; 9:10; 2:12; Leviticus 11:46
  2. Thing [soul - nehphesh] Leviticus 11:10. Ezekiel 47:9
  3. Life [soul - nehphesh] Genesis 1:20; 1:30; Leviticus 17:10-14 - 2 times
  4. The life [soul - nehphesh] Genesis 9:4; Deuteronomy 12:23; Proverbs 12:10
  1. Beast [soul - nehphesh] Leviticus 24:18
  2. The soul [soul - nehphesh] Job 12:10
  3. Breath [soul - nehphesh] Job 41:21
  4. Fish [soul - nehphesh] Isaiah 19:10
  5. Her [soul - nehphesh] Jeremiah 2:24

2. Nehphesh (soul): When it is used referring to BOTH Animals and Man is translated in three different ways.

  1. Creature [soul - nehphesh] Genesis 9:15; 9:16
  2. The life [soul - nehphesh] Leviticus 17:11; 17:14
  3. Soul [soul - nehphesh] Numbers 31:28

3. Nehphesh (soul): When it has the animal appetites and desires of Man is translated in five different ways. [1] Soul, [2] pleasure, [3] lust, [4] appetite, [5] and greedy.

1. Translated Soul (Nehphesh) 17 things the "soul" (person) does

  1. Translated pleasure [soul - nehphesh] Deuteronomy 23:24
  2. Translated lust [soul - nehphesh] Psalms 78:18
  3. Translated appetite [soul - nehphesh] Proverbs 23:2. Ecclesiastes 6:7
  4. Translated greedy [soul - nehphesh] Isaiah 56:11

The soul [person] can be hungry, have an appetite, be thirsty, eat meat